S3 Useful Expressions. Starting a discussion The four-step approach Greet others and start the...


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S3 Useful Expressions

Starting a discussion

• The four-step approach• Greet others and start the discussion• Define the topic• State your first point• Ask for opinions

Expressing an opinion/a point of view

• I think …• My opinion is that …• I’m of the opinion that …(formal!)• I feel that …• I believe that …• In my view/opinion, …(formal!)• To my mind, …(formal!)• It’s my view that …• From my point of view …(formal!)• Personally speaking, …(formal!)• I have a point to make.

Asking for someone’s opinion

• What do you think about …?• Do you think that …• What’s your opinion of/about …?• What’s your idea/ opinion?• How do you feel about …?• Do you have any views on/about …• What’s your viewpoint about …• What’s your point of view?• In your opinion, …?

Inviting Suggestions

• Do you think that’s a good idea?• Are there any (other) suggestions?• What else should we do?• What would you suggest/recommend?• What’s your suggestion/opinion?

Making Suggestions

• How/ What about (verb + ing) …?• I have a suggestion: shall/can we …?• I suggest/recommend/think (that) …• If I were you/in that situation, I would …• Let’s (see/buy/go) …• Perhaps we should/ought to …• Why don’t we …?

Giving reasons

• I say this/that … because of/due to/owing to (reason)• I have reasons for saying that: First, …• My reason(s) is/are …

Giving examples and details

• for example/for instance/such as/like …• An example (of what I’ve said) is …• Here’s an example.• Let me explain/elaborate/clarify (my point/what I’ve


Agreeing with someoneMild

• I suppose so/you’re right.• In a way, you’re right.• That’s a fair point (to make).• To a certain extent, I agree (with you).• You could say so.

Agreeing with someoneNormal

• I agree (with you).• I think so too.• I feel the same too.• I support your view.• That’s a good suggestion.• Yes, you’re right.

Agreeing with someoneStrong

• Absolutely!/Exactly!/Indeed!• I agree with you entirely.• I couldn’t agree (with you) more.• I see eye to eye with you (on this point).• I’m strongly in favour of this.• That’s just/exactly the point.

Disagreeing with someoneMild

Disagreement with uncertainty and doubt• I don’t know about that. Won’t that cause problems when

…• I’m not so sure about that. I think …• You may be right, but I still feel that …•  

Disagreeing with someoneNormal

Disagreement with a reason• I don’t think so/agree. I think …• I’m sorry/ I’m afraid I disagree (with you), because …• I’m afraid that idea is not correct/suitable/relevant.•  

Disagreeing with someoneStrong

Disagreement with specific opposition• I totally disagree with this (idea/suggestion).• That argument doesn’t hold good in this case.• This won’t work because/unless …•  

Offering an alternative

• Another approach to that is …• Have you also considered that …?• I think otherwise/quite the opposite.• Instead of …, I would (try) …• On the other hand/On the contrary, I believe that …• Will/Wouldn’t it be better to (look at it from another

angle) …?

Weighing Pros and Cons

• I think we must weigh the advantages against the disadvantages.

• In spite of/ Despite (this) …, there are some drawbacks/disadvantages.

• Let’s look at the other side of the coin/not forget the disadvantages.

• Let’s consider the pros and cons of …• What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages

of …

Emphasising a point

• After weighing the pros and cons, I suppose/think …• Although … has an advantage, it does not meet our

requirements/criteria.• Comparing the two, I like this idea better.• Considering all the advantages/points/factors/suggestions, I

support/believe …• I’d prefer/ I would rather/ I’m in favour of/I’d choose …• It’s not an easy choice. But I’d prefer …• If you ask me to choose, I would …

Say you don’t understand !

You’ve got the right to do so!

Asking for repetition

• Excuse me, but did you just say that …?• I don’t quite understand. Could you repeat (that/what

you’ve just said), please?• I’m afraid I didn’t catch your point. Can you say that

again?• I’m not sure what you mean. Can you say that again?• Pardon/I beg your pardon? What did you say?

Asking for explanation and clarification

• Can you elaborate (on) that?• Can you give an example?/Such as/For instance?• What do you mean by …?• Why do you think so/that?

Clarifying an idea

• I just said (that)/ What I just said was …• I was saying …• Let me repeat/Let me say that again.• Let me put it in another way.• What I mean is …

Correcting yourself• I’m afraid I have to take back what I just said• Sorry, let me correct myself. I mean …• Sorry, I didn’t mean that. Actually, I meant …• What I actually want to say is …

Finding the missing words

• Asking others for a missing word• … I’m not sure how to say it in English. Do you know

what it is called?• Do you know the word for …?• You know (explanation) … What is it called• Using words with similar meanings as substitutes• (explanation) … you know what I mean?• I’m not sure how to say it in English … I mean …• I forgot its name in English. What I mean is …

Expressing doubts/hesitation

Hesitating effectively• Actually …• How should I put it?• It seems to me that …• I haven’t thought of that before.• I mean …• Let me think …• Right …• That’s an interesting question.• This is a difficult question.• You see …

Encouraging someone to speak

• Asking for ideas• (Are there) any other suggestions?• Can you think of (anything else) …?• How does that sound to you?• You have been a bit quiet. What are your views (on that)?• What do you think (of that)?• Asking for agreement or preference with hints• Do you agree?• How/What about …?• Which one do you think is better? …or …?• Giving encouragement• I like your idea.• That’s a good idea.• You’re right/That’s true.


Polite interruption and keeping the discussion on track

• I’m sorry,• Excuse me, • Sorry to interrupt,• but can we get back to our topic?• I think we’re getting off track. Let’s return to our topic.• I’m afraid this is irrelevant to our topic/out of focus.• but let’s not get too far off the topic …• but we should be talking about …•  

Moving on to the next point

•  • Well,• Okay,• I don’t think there’s anything more to say on this point.• I think we’ve covered that point. Let’s move on.• I think there’s nothing more for this point. The next point

is …• let’s move on to …• shall we move on to the next point/subtopic?

Summarising and reaching an agreement

Technique 1 Seeking agreement

• If no one wants to add anything, let’s sum up our discussion/decisions.

• Let’s conclude what we have discussed so far.• Shall I sum up?• We may say that …• We all agree that …• We have decided to …• We have mentioned that …

Technique 2 Directly going into the summary• In short,• we may say that … we all agree that …

we have decided to … we have mentioned that …• To sum (everything) up,• The conclusion/In conclusion, …•  

Technique 3 Offering a partial agreement or concession • Both of you are quite right.• I admit/suppose you are right …• What you said could be true/possible.• Let’s combine the two suggestions. • How about …?• I think we can (improve the plan by) …

Technique 4 Postponing making a decision

• Both are good suggestions.

• I think both arguments are sound.

• It’s a difficult problem. I don’t think we should make a hasty decision.

 • Time is running short.• Why don’t we think about it and decide it later?• Let’s keep this in mind and we’ll decide it later.• Let’s take some time to think about it/consider the alternatives (and we can discuss it later).• Shall we discuss it further later? Let’s move on to …

Ending a discussion

 • So,• Well,• Okay,• I don’t think there’s anything more to say. Let’s finish the

meeting.• I think we’ve covered all the items on the agenda/everything.• is there any other business? …If not, let’s call it a day.• let’s call it a day.• that’s the end of our discussion.