Russian Petroleum Safety Regulations Irina Fodchenko vit. ass., NIFS Startseminar...


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Russian Petroleum Safety Regulations

Irina Fodchenkovit. ass., NIFS

Startseminar NIFS-sjøsikkerhetsprosjektLysebu, 28.-29. januar 2008


Historical Development Failures and Accidents Focus on Safety

The Responsible AuthoritiesHealth Ministry of Public Health and Social Development Federal Service of Labour and Employment Federal Social Insurance Fund

Industrial Safety Rostehnadzor Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and

Natural Disasters

The Responsible Authorities

Environment Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and

Natural Disasters Ministry of Transport Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport Rostehnadzor Rosprirodnadzor

The Regulation

Health Regulations

Environment Protection Regulations

Safety Regulations

Health Regulations Federal Laws:

“Labour Code of the Russian Federation” – December 30, 2001

“ On the Fundamentals of Labour Protection in the Russian Federation”- July 17, 1999

“ On Compulsory Social Insurance for Industrial Accidents and Professional

Diseases”- July 24, 1998

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation

Resolutions of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation

Environment Protection Regulations Federal Laws:

“On Environmental Protection” - January 10, 2002 “Land Code of the Russian Federation”- October 25, 2001 “Code of Administrative Offences”- December 30, 2001 “On Sanitary Welfare of the Population”- March 30, 1999 “On Industrial and Consumer Waste” -June 24, 1998 “On Specially Protected Territories” -March 14, 1995 “Water Code of the Russian Federation” - November 16, 1995 “On Ecological Expert Review”- November 23, 1995

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation

Executive Orders

Safety Regulations Federal Laws:

“Technical Regulations”- December 27, 2002 ”Licensing of Certain Activities”- August 8, 2001 “ On Industrial Safety of Dangerous Industrial Facilities”- July 21, 1997 “ On Fire Safety”- December 21, 1994

Resolutions of the Government

Resolutions of the State Mining and Industrial Supervision Agency

Executive Orders of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Safety RegulationsBackground

Outdated regulations No real change since

the dissolution of the USSR

Well adapted to plan economy Minor land based

projects Simple technology

In need of change

Federal Law “On Technical Regulations” The road ahead…

The technical committee # 23 New approach when it comes to considering

regulation and standards Established 2OO7 GAZPROM

The Interindustry Council on Standardization in Oil and Gas Complex

The Interindustry Council on Standardization in Oil and Gas Complex

A voluntary association of legal entities and persons based on common professional interests

Established to coordinate the activity of organizations and businesses involved in standardization in oil and gas industries

The Main Objectives : Development of partnership between the state and privately owned businesses Support the state and corporate sectors of the oil and gas industries in implementing the

Federal Law “Technical Regulation” Ensure the coordination of activities of organizations involved in the development of national

standards, including:• development of national standards, harmonized with international ones, aiming for future

participation in the development of international and regional standards and their adoption as national ones;

• review of drafted national standards including the submission of comments on draft standards;• ensure proactive participation of experts in technical committees of international and regional

organizations on standardization

Cooperation between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea

The BORIS Project

Bilateral Co-operation on Development of Russian Regulations Concerning Industrial Safety

Cooperation between GTN & NPD ( PSA)

1994 – 1997, 1999- ?


Barents HSE Harmonization

secure a level of safety on both sides of the Norwegian-Russian border that are at least as stringent as those in the North Sea

integrate special considerations for operating in the more demanding conditions found in the High North

3 phases through 2010: survey existing industry standards determine most critical problems propose specific recommendations for standards

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