rules dar land acquisition.doc


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  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    Atty. Alvin ClaridadesPUP College of Law


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    About Atty. Alvin T. Claridades

    DAR Administrative Order No. 2,

    Series of 2009 RULES ANDREGULA!ONS ON "E

    A#$U!S!!ON AND D!SR!%U!ON

    O& AGR!#ULURAL LANDS under

    RA ''() as amended *+ RA 9)00Posted onJune 22, 201by albinoski200!

    "ate T#is

    $A" Administrative %rder &o. 2, Series o' 200( ) "*+S A&$ "-*+AT%&S %& TH

    AC/*ST%& A&$ $ST"*T%& % A-"C*+T*"A+ +A&$S under "A !3 as amended

    by "A (300

    $A" A$4&ST"AT5 %"$" &%. 0260(

    %ctober 1!, 200(

    $A" A$4&ST"AT5 %"$" &%. 0260(
  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    S*JCT 7 Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Distribution of

    Agricultural Lands Under Republic Act (R.A.) No. !"# as A$ended b% R.A. No. &"''

    . Prefator% tate$ent"epublic Act 8".A.9 &o. (300, :#ic# amends ".A. &o. !3, provides 'or, amon; ot#ers,

    t#e continuin; acust distribution o' all a;ricultural lands,

    sub>ect to t#e priorities and retention limits set 'ort# under ".A. &o. !3, as amended,

    takin; into account ecolo;ical, developmental, and eect to

    t#e payment o' >ust compensation. %:ners o' a;ricultural land #ave t#e obli;ation to

    cultivate directly or t#rou;# labor administration t#e lands t#ey o:n and t#ereby make

    t#e land productive.

    T#e principles o' a;rarian re'orm or ste:ards#ip s#all be in accordance :it# la: in t#edisposition or utiliation o' ot#er natural resources, includin; lands o' t#e public domain,

    under lease or concession, suitable to a;riculture, sub>ect to prior ri;#ts, #omestead

    ri;#ts o' small settlers and t#e ri;#ts o' indi;enous communities to t#eir ancestral


    To ensure t#e completion o' land ac

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    2. hare +enantre'ers to a person :#o #imsel' and :it# t#e aid available 'rom

    :it#in #is immediate 'arm #ouse#old, cultivates t#e land belon;in; to or possessed by

    anot#er :it# t#e latters consent, 'or purposes o' production, s#arin; t#e produce :it#

    t#e land#older under t#e s#are tenancy system, or payin; t#e land#older a price certain

    or ascertainable in produce or in money or bot#, under t#e lease#old tenancy system.T#is arran;ement #as been abolis#ed by".A. &o. ?D, as amended, :#ic#

    automatically converted t#e relations under lease#old.

    ?. Agricultural lesseere'ers to a person :#o, by #imsel' and :it# t#e aid available

    'rom :it#in #is immediate 'arm #ouse#old, cultivates t#e land, belon;in; to or la:'ully

    possessed by anot#er, :it# t#e latters consent 'or purposes o' a;ricultural production,

    'or a price certain in money or in produce or bot#. t is distin;uis#ed 'rom civil lessee as

    understood in t#e Civil Code o' t#e P#ilippines.

    . -ar$or/erre'ers to a natural person :#o renders service 'or value as an

    employee or laborer in an a;ricultural enterprise or 'arm re;ardless o' :#et#er #isB#ercompensation is paid on a daily, :eekly, mont#ly or 0pa/%a1 basis. T#e term includes

    an individual :#ose :ork #as ceased as a conseuridical person may be a member o' a cooperative, :it# t#e same ri;#ts and duties as

    a natural person.

    (. ubstantiall% 3quivalent and Regular 3$plo%$entmeans any employment or

    pro'ession 'rom :#ic# t#e applicant 'armer derives income e

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    o' persons in ne;otiatin;, =Ein;, maintainin;, c#an;in; or seekin; to arran;e terms and

    conditions o' suc# tenurial arran;ements.

    t includes any controversy relatin; to compensation o' lands ac

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    2.2 All private a;ricultural lands voluntarily o@ered be'ore July 1, 200( by t#e

    lando:ner 'or a;rarian re'orm s#all be sub>ect to immediate acect to immediate acect o' immediate ac

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    ?. or provinces declared by t#e Presidential A;rarian "e'orm Council 8PA"C9 as

    priority land re'orm areas, t#e acect o' eEpropriation or acect to CA"P covera;e i' one or more o' t#e 'ollo:in;

    conditions apply7

    3.1 T#ere is a;ricultural activityF

    3.2 T#e land is suitable 'or a;ricultureF or

    3.? T#e land is presently occupied and tilled by 'armerBs.

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    D. Ecluded 'rom covera;e are lands actually, directly and eEclusively used and

    'ound to be necessary 'or t#e 'ollo:in; purposes7

    D.1 ParksF

    D.2 ildli'eF

    D.? orest reservesF AH$aT

    D. "e'orestationF

    D.! is# sanctuaries and breedin; ;roundsF

    D. aters#edsF

    D.3 4an;rovesF

    D.D &ational de'enseF

    D.( Sc#ool sites and campuses includin; eEperimental 'arm stations operated by

    public or private sc#ools 'or educational purposesF

    D.10 Seeds and seedlin;s researc# and pilot production centersF

    D.11 C#urc# sites and slamic centers appurtenant t#eretoF

    D.12 Communal burial ;rounds and cemeteriesF

    D.1? Penal colonies and penal 'arms actually :orked by t#e inmatesF

    D.1 -overnment and private researc# and

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    D.13. is# ponds and pra:n 'armsF

    D.1D. All lands actually, directly and eEclusively used 'or livestock raisin;F

    D.1(. Ancestral lands and domainF and

    D.20. "etention areas ;ranted to lando:ners.

    T#e 4A"%, to;et#er :it# a representative o' t#e $A"P%, s#all conduct an

    inventory and ocular inspection o' all a;ricultural lands :it#in t#eir area :#ic# are used

    'or t#e above purposes. A report on t#e inventoried and inspected lands s#all be

    submitted by t#e 4A"% and t#e $A"P% representative to t#e Provincial A;rarian "e'orm

    %Gcer 8PA"%9 indicatin; t#e 'ollo:in;7

    &ame o' lando:nerF

    +ocation o' property and areaF

    %CTBTCT or TaE $eclaration &umberF

    Actual land useF TaCHA

    Eistence o' a;ricultural activityF

    +and Classi=cation documents availableF and

    %t#er in'ormation vital to t#e determination o' covera;e o' t#e land or portions

    t#ereo' under CA"P.

    (. Any act o' t#e lando:ner to c#an;e or convert #isB#er a;ricultural land to non6

    a;ricultural uses s#all not a@ect t#e covera;e o' t#e land#oldin;. Any diversi=cation or

    c#an;e in t#e a;ricultural use o' t#e land#oldin;, or s#i't 'rom crop production to non6

    a;ricultural uses and purposes s#all be sub>ect to t#e ;uidelines on land use conversion.

    10. +and sub>ect to a conversion order but not developed :it#in t#e =ve6year period

    startin; 'rom t#e issuance o' t#e conversion order or t#e speci=c time 'rame stipulated

    t#erein, or i' t#ere is a violation o' ot#er conditions so provided, s#all be reverted to

    a;ricultural use and &otice o' Covera;e t#ereon s#all be issued by t#e PA"%. An ocular

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    inspection s#all be conducted by t#e PA"% on all lands covered by conversion orders

    and s#all submit a 'actual =ndin; on land development or violations o' conditions on t#e

    conversion orders i' any, to t#e "e;ional $irector, copy 'urnis#ed t#e Center 'or +and

    *se Policy, Plannin; and mplementation 8C+*PP9, 'or appropriate action pursuant to

    t#e eEistin; implementin; rules and re;ulations 8""9 on land use conversion. CcATa

    11. As a ;eneral rule, t#e &otice o' Covera;e 8&%C9 s#all be addressed to and

    received by t#e +% t#rou;# t#e 'ollo:in; modes o' service7

    11.1 Personal Service K T#is is made by #andin; a copy o' t#e &%C to t#e +% in

    person and #avin; #im receive it by aGEin; #is si;nature or t#umbmark :it# a :itness

    to t#e t#umbmark :#o :ill set #is si;nature in t#e receivin; copy.

    11.2 Substituted Service K ' personal service o' t#e &%C cannot be served directly tot#e +% :it#in a reasonable time, service may be made by leavin; copies o' t#e &%C and

    #avin; t#is duly received at t#e +%s7

    a. residence :it# some person o' suitable a;e and discretion residin; t#ereinF or

    b. oGce or re;ular place o' business :it# some competent person in c#ar;e


    11.? Service by "e;istered 4ail K ' personal or substituted service is not practicable,t#e &otice o' Covera;e s#all be sent by re;istered mail to t#e last kno:n address o' t#e

    +%. T#e re;istered mail envelope s#all be marked 0Deliver to Addressee

    2nl%1 and 0Return to ender1 based on t#e possibilities t#at t#e +% #as moved out,

    address is erroneous or insuGcient, or t#e +% re'uses to accept or receive t#e mailed


    11. Service by Publication K T#e mode o' service by publication s#all apply i' t#e +%

    is outside t#e P#ilippines, or :#ereabouts is unkno:n, or +% re'used to receive t#e &%C.

    ' any o' t#e t#ree 8?9 modes o' service Ltems 5 8A9 811.1 to 11.?9 o' t#is %rderM 'ails,

    t#e &%C :ill be publis#ed in a ne:spaper o' ;eneral circulation in suc# places. Service

    by publication s#all be evidenced by t#e aGdavit o' t#e editor6in6c#ie', or

    circulationBadvertisin; mana;er attestin; to t#e 'act o' said publication and a copy o'

    t#e said publication. A 0Return to ender1 stamped on t#e mailin; envelope 'or

    re;istered mail :ill serve as proo' t#at t#e &%C :as not received by t#e +%. T#e

    publication need not state t#e entire contents o' t#e &%C but only t#e 'ollo:in;

    essential particulars7

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    11..1 Covera;e o' t#e sub>ect land#oldin; under CA"P on t#e speci=c land acuridical personality are issued a &%C

    under t#e name by :#ic# t#ey are ;enerally or commonly kno:n, service may be

    e@ected upon all t#e +%s by servin; upon any one o' t#em, or upon t#e person in

    c#ar;e o' t#e oGce or place o' business maintained in suc# name. Suc# service s#all

    not individually bind any person :#ose connection :it# t#e entity #as, upon due notice,

    been severed be'ore t#e proceedin; :as brou;#t.

    12. ervice upon do$estic private 6uridical entit% K #en t#e +% is a corporation,

    partners#ip or association or;anied under t#e la:s o' t#e P#ilippines :it# a >uridical

    personality, service may be made on t#e president, mana;in; partner, ;eneral

    mana;er, corporate secretary, treasurer, in6#ouse counsel or administrator.

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    1?. it#in t#irty 8?09 calendar days 'rom receipt o' &%C or 'rom its date o'

    publication, t#e +% #as7

    1?.1 T#e ri;#t to c#oose a retention area not eEceedin; =ve 8!9 #ectares pursuant to

    Section o' ".A. &o. !3, as amendedF and

    1?.2 T#e privile;e to nominate c#ildBren :#o may ect to CA"P

    covera;e eEcept 'or land#oldin;s submitted 'or voluntary o@er to sell 85%S9 be'ore July

    1, 200( :#erein t#e retention ri;#t #as been :aived. T#e PA"%s s#all issue Certi=cation

    o' "etention to lando:ners :#o #ave already availed o' t#e same and cover all areas in

    eEcess t#ereo'.

    2. or 5%S lands submitted prior to July 1, 200( :#ere t#e master list o' A"s #as

    been =nalied, t#e retention areas o' lando:ners covered under said 5%S s#all be

    processed under t#e eEistin; ;uidelines o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended, be'ore July 1,


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    ?. +ando:ners :#o o:n lands =ve 8!9 #ectares or less may =le a reudicial separation o' property, spouses :#ose a;ricultural land properties are all

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    con>u;al may retain a total o' not more t#an =ve 8!9 #ectares o' suc# properties.

    Ho:ever, i' eit#er or bot# o' t#em are lando:ners in t#eir respective ri;#ts 8capital

    andBor parap#ernal9, t#ey may eac# retain not more t#an =ve 8!9 #ectares o' t#eir

    respective land#oldin;s. n no case s#all t#e total retention o' suc# couple eEceed ten

    8109 #ectares.

    (. or marria;es covered by t#e amily Code, :#ic# took e@ect on Au;ust 0?,

    1(DD, a #usband o:nin; capital property andBor a :i'e o:nin; parap#ernal property

    may retain not more t#an =ve 8!9 #ectares eac#, provided t#ey eEecuted a >udicial

    separation o' properties prior to enterin; into suc# marria;e. n t#e absence o' suc# an

    a;reement, all properties 8capital, parap#ernal and con>u;al9 s#all be considered to be

    #eld in absolute community, i.e.#t#e o:ners#ip relations#ip is one, and, t#ere'ore, only

    a total o' =ve 8!9 #ectares may be retained by eac# couple.

    10. T#e $A" s#all noti'y t#e +%, t#rou;# personal service :it# proo' o' receipt or byre;istered mail :it# return card, t#e portion selected as #isB#er retention area i' t#e +%

    'ails to eEercise suc# ri;#t :it#in t#e prescribed period.

    11. n case a tenant c#ooses to remain in t#e +%s retained area, #eBs#e s#all be a

    lease#older in t#e said land and s#all not udice to t#e 'armers :#o are already

    in place and sub>ect to t#e priorities under Section 22 o' ".A. &o. !3, as

    amended. cS$A

    1?. n all cases, t#e security o' tenure o' t#e 'armers or 'arm:orkers on t#e +%s

    retained land prior to t#e approval o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended, s#all be respected.

    urt#er, actual tenant6'armers in t#e land#oldin;s s#all not be e>ected or removed


    1. +and transactions eEecuted prior to ".A. &o. !3, as amended, s#all be valid

    only :#en re;istered :it# t#e "e;istry o' $eeds :it#in a period o' t#ree 8?9 mont#s

    a'ter June 1!, 1(DD in accordance :it# Section o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended.

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    #ere t#e trans'erBsale o' a land#oldin; involves a total o' =ve 8!9 #ectares and

    belo: and suc# land#oldin; is t#e retention area o' t#e trans'eror or sub>ect o' retention

    by t#e trans'eror, and t#e trans'eree :ill not o:n an a;;re;ate o' more t#an =ve 8!9

    #ectares as a result o' t#e sale, t#e trans'er is le;al and proper. Ho:ever, a $A"

    clearance is needed 'or t#e purpose o' monitorin; and as reust

    compensation to a;rarian re'orm bene=ciaries 8A"s9 on t#ese lands, pursuant to t#e

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    provisions o' t#e Constitution and pertinent la:s. T#e po:er o' eminent domain may not

    be eEercised unless a valid and de=nite o@er #as been previously made to t#e A"s,

    and suc# o@er :as not accepted. n cases :#ere t#e land sou;#t to be acudicial court. A"s are t#ose :#o #ave

    been certi=ed by t#e aran;ay A;rarian "e'orm Council 8A"C9 and $A" asbene=ciaries o' t#e sub>ect land#oldin;s.

    1D. T#e eEpropriationBconversion o' a;ricultural lands s#all be sub>ect to t#e eEistin;

    ;uidelines o' $A" on land conversion. rri;able and irri;ated lands :#ere 819 t#ere is

    a;ricultural activity, 829 land is suitable 'or a;riculture, or 8?9 t#e land is presently

    occupied and tilled by 'armers s#all not be sub>ect o' eEpropriation by t#e +-*s.

    C. Land Acquisition

    1. Pursuant to Section ? o' ".A. &o. (300, t#e land#oldin;s o' +%s o:nin; a total o'=ve 8!9 #ectares or less s#all not be sub>ect o' ac

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    T#e acceptance letter 'or 5%S s#all stipulate t#at upon o@er under 5%S, t#e

    sc#edule o' covera;e under ".A. &o. (300 is deemed :aived.

    +ando:ners :#o received &%Cs 'or t#eir land#oldin;s under Compulsory


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    d. T#ere are no adverse claims on t#e land.

    n cases :#ere t#e $A" and $&" #ave >ointly identi=ed speci=c untitled

    properties t#at may be covered under t#e +A$ component o' CA"P, t#e $&"6

    Community nvironment and &atural "esources %Gce 8C&"%9BProvincial nvironmentand &atural "esources %Gce 8P&"%9 or "e;ional Tec#nical $irector 8"T$9 K +and

    4ana;ement Service 8+4S9 s#all issue t#e certi=cation t#at t#e sub>ect tract o' land is

    :it#in an area classi=ed as alienable and disposable.

    3. T#e current list o' all lands covered by &%Cs and all remainin; unac

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    12. All pro>ections undertaken by t#e $A"P% on land titles, :#et#er administratively

    or >udicially 8survey :as based on t#e cadastral map o' t#e $epartment o' nvironment

    and &atural "esources L$&"M9 issued, s#all be con=rmed or validated by t#e $&"6

    Community nvironment and &atural "esources %Gce 8C&"%9 or Provincial

    nvironment and &atural "esources %Gce 8P&"%9 as to t#e land classi=cation status o'said lands.

    All pro>ections undertaken by t#e $A"P% on lands covered by >udicially issued

    titles and :#ose survey :as based on t#e Private Survey 8Psu9 Plan o' t#e +and

    "e;istration Aut#ority 8+"A9 s#all be con=rmed or validated by t#e +"A on :#et#er

    t#ese lands do not overlap :it# ot#er titled or decreed property.

    1?. Titles >udicially issued prior to 1(21 based on Act &o. 2D3 need not be validated

    or con=rmed by t#e $&"6C&"%BP&"% as to t#eir land classi=cation status as suc#lands are classi=ed as alienable and disposable. Ho:ever, t#e $A"P% s#all7

    1?.1 *ndertake t#e pro>ection as to land classi=cation statusF and

    1?.2 %btain a certi=cation 'rom t#e +and "e;istration Aut#ority 8+"A9 t#at t#e

    property does not overlap :it# a titled or decreed property. Suc# certi=cation s#all

    include, amon; ot#ers, t#e Judicial $ecree number, date o' issuance o' $ecree, name o'

    ad>udicatee, location and area.

    Suc# properties t#at partially overlap :it# ot#er titled or decreed properties

    s#all be se;re;ated accordin;ly durin; t#e conduct o' survey by t#e land#oldin;s

    sub>ect o' ac

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    or upon t#e =naliation o' t#e master list o' A"s so as not to delay t#e land acudication oard 8$A"A9 or t#e re;ular court, :#ic# #as become =nal and eEecutory.

    T#e basic 'ormula 'or t#e valuation o' lands covered by 5%S or CA s#all be7

    +5 Q 8C& E 0.09 R 8CS E 0.?09 R 845 E 0.109

    #ere7 +5 Q +and 5alue

    C& Q Capitalied &et ncome 8based on land use and productivity9

    CS Q Comparable Sales 8based on 'air market value e

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    +5 Q 8C& E 0.09 R 8CS E 0.?09 R 845 E 0.109

    1.2 ' t:o 'actors are present

    1.2.1 #en t#e CS 'actor is not present and C& and 45 are applicable, t#e 'ormulas#all be7

    +5 Q 8C& E 0.(09 R 845 E 0.109

    1.2.2 #en t#e C& 'actor is not present, and CS and 45 are applicable, t#e 'ormula

    s#all be7

    +5 Q 8CS E 0.(09 R 845 E 0.109

    1.? ' only one 'actor is present

    #en bot# t#e CS and C& are not present and only 45 is applicable, t#e

    'ormula s#all be7

    +5 Q 45 E 2

    n no case s#all t#e value o' idle land usin; t#e 'ormula 845 E 29 eEceed t#e

    lo:est value o' land :it#in t#e same estate under consideration or :it#in t#e samebaran;ay, municipality or province 8in t#at order9 approved by +P :it#in one 819 year

    'rom receipt o' Claim older 8C.9

    T#e speci=c ;uidelines ;overnin; t#e valuation o' lands under voluntary o@er to

    sell 85%S9 or compulsory ac

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    +and#oldin;s covered by P.$. &o. 23 and 'allin; under P#ase o' ".A. &o. (300

    s#all be valued under ".A. &o. (300.

    ?. n cases o' re>ection, lando:ners may :it#dra: t#e ori;inal value o' t#e

    land#oldin; as determined by t#e $epartment o' A;rarian "e'orm 8$A"9 and +and anko' t#e P#ilippines 8+P9 per 4emorandum o' 5aluation 84%59 and subseect to t#eir submission o' t#e reoint mani'estation by t#e +% and t#e +P on t#e

    recomputed value :it# t#e $A" Ad>udication oard 8$A"A9 s#all automatically

    terminate t#e >ust compensation case pendin; t#ereat.

    . +ando:ners, ot#er t#an banks and =nancial institutions, :#o voluntarily o@er

    t#eir lands 'or sale, s#all be entitled to an additional =ve percent 8!I9 cas# payment.

    !. or land#oldin;s :#ic# :ere conveyed a'ter t#e e@ectivity o' ".A. &o. !3, t#e

    +P s#all consider t#e trans'eror as t#e payee.

    Ho:ever, payment must be released to t#e +%6trans'eree i' t#e +%6trans'eror

    issues a Special Po:er o' Attorney 8SPA9 or $eed o' Assi;nment in 'avor o' t#e 'ormer.

    . n t#e determination o' t#e Annual -ross Production 8A-P9, Sellin; Price 8SP9 and

    Cost o' %peration 8C%9 to be used in t#e land valuation, t#e audited =nancial statement

    =led :it# t#e ureau o' nternal "evenue 8"9 s#all be obtained by t#e $A"4% 'rom t#e

    +% ='teen 81!9 days prior to t#e date o' =eld investi;ation. ' t#e lando:ner 'ails to

    submit t#e same, t#e $A" and +P may adopt applicable industry data or, in t#e

    absence t#ereo', conduct an industry study on t#e speci=c crop.

    3. Small portions or patc#es :it#in t#e covered land#oldin;s :#ic# are determined

    to be less productive t#an t#e bi;;er portion durin; t#e conduct o' >oint =eld

    investi;ation s#all be valued based on t#e current use o' t#e ad>acent portions, provided

    t#at said small portions or patc#es s#all not eEceed 10I o' t#e productive area.

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    +ike:ise, small portions or patc#es o' land#oldin;s above 1D percent slope,

    undeveloped and o' no use to t#e lando:ner s#all be valued as idle provided it s#all not

    eEceed 10I o' t#e covered land#oldin;.

    . -ar$er ,ene*ciar% 8denti*cation# creening and election1. armersBTillers and 'arm:orkers :#o meet t#e 'ollo:in;

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    2. actual tillers or occupants o' public landsF

    2.! collectives or cooperatives o' t#e above bene=ciariesF and

    2. ot#ers directly :orkin; on t#e land.

    ?. T#e 'ollo:in; are ;rounds 'or dis

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    ?.D 4isuse or diversion o' =nancial support services eEtended by ;overnment

    8Section ?3 o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended9F

    ?.(. &e;li;ence or misuse o' t#e land or any support eEtended by ;overnment

    8Section 22 o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended9F

    ?.10 4aterial misrepresentation o' t#e A"s basic

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    Ho:ever, only untenanted portions o' t#e land#oldin; may be sub>ect to a:ard

    to ect to tem 5 89 81.29 o' t#is %rder.

    3. All potential A"s o' a land#oldin; :#o #ave been included in t#e preliminary

    list, includin; t#ose :#o #ave si;ni=ed t#eir intent or interest :it# t#e $A"4% to be

    included in t#e preliminary list o' potential A"s t#ereo', must submit t#e essential

    documents to prove t#eir

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    T#e SC may invite t#e lando:nerBs andBor civil society or;aniation 8CS%9

    representatives in t#e area to serve as resource persons in t#e A" selection and

    screenin; process, as may be necessary.

    T#e SC s#all eEercise eEclusive >urisdiction in t#e screenin; and selection o'A"s in commercial 'arms, plantations and ot#er land#oldin;s 'or collective distribution

    to A"s.

    (. /uali=ed bene=ciaries in a particular land#oldin; s#all include t#ose

    determinedBidenti=ed by t#e $A" durin; t#e actual investi;ation and documentation

    process. T#e master list o' A"s selected by t#e 4A"%s or t#e ene=ciaries Screenin;

    Committee 8SC9 in t#e case o' commercial 'arms or plantations, s#all be certi=ed under

    oat# by t#e A"C and 'urt#er attested to under oat# by t#e +% in so 'ar as #is tenants,

    lessees and re;ular 'arm:orkers in t#e land#oldin; are concerned, pursuant to tem 589 8109 o' t#is %rder. TacA$

    10. T#e ri;#t o' t#e +% to attest to t#e master list o' A"s in so 'ar as t#e tenants,

    lessees and re;ular 'arm:orkers in #isB#er land#oldin;s are concerned, is deemed

    :aived a'ter t#e lapse o' ='teen 81!9 days 'rom #isB#er receipt o' t#e said master list o'

    A"s, i' #e 'ails to act on it :it#in t#e said period. T#erea'ter, t#e master list o' A"s

    s#all become =nal and eEecutory. +ando:ners :#o 'ail, re'use or delay t#e issuance o'

    t#e attestation despite proo' o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    11.1 Speci=c A"s in t#e master list o' A"s 8partial attestation9F

    11.2 Speci=c A"s in t#e master list o' A"s 8partial attestation9 and identi=es ot#er

    A"s eit#er by substitution or addition :#om t#e +% claims are #is tenants, lessees or

    re;ular 'arm:orkersF or

    11.? All A"s in t#e master list o' A"s 8'ull non6attestation9 and identi=es ot#er A"s

    eit#er by substitution or addition :#om t#e +% claims are #is tenants, lessees or re;ular


    S#ould t#e PA"% =nd t#at t#ere is possible merit to t#e +%s partial or 'ull non6

    attestation o' t#e master list o' A"s, #e s#all order t#e A"C to conduct compulsory

    arbitration :it#in t#irty 8?09 days to pass upon t#e issue.

    T#e A"C s#all submit a report o' its =ndin;s :it#in =ve 8!9 days a'ter

    arbitration to t#e PA"% :#o s#all t#en evaluate and =nally determine t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    procedures provided under t#e eEistin; a;rarian la: implementation 8A+9 rules s#all be


    1. T#e A"s :#o ud;e o' t#e city or municipal court t#at #eBs#e is :illin; to :ork on t#e land tomake it productive and to assume t#e obli;ation o' payin; t#e amortiation 'or t#e

    compensation o' t#e land and t#e land taEes t#ereon as stipulated in t#e Application to

    Purc#ase and armers *ndertakin; 8AP*9.

    A"s in t#e master list :#o 'ail or re'use to eEecute and si;n t#e AP* s#all be

    ;iven t#irty 8?09 days 'rom t#e date o' receipt o' t#e AP* to si;n it. ailure to si;n t#e

    AP* :it#in t#e re;lementary period o' t#irty 8?09 days s#all be considered as a :aiver

    o' ri;#t to become an A". $ue notice s#all be ;iven to t#e concerned parties statin;

    t#e conse

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    n cases :#ere t#e land area is not enou;# to meet t#e t#ree6#ectare a:ard

    ceilin; 'or eac# a;ricultural lessee and tenant in a particular land#oldin;, t#e area to be

    distributed to t#em s#all be based on t#e actual sie o' tilla;e by eac# tenantBlessee.


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    2. n ;eneral, t#e land a:arded to an A" s#ould be under an individual C+%A6title

    coverin; one 819 conti;uous tract or several parcels o' land cumulated up to a maEimum

    o' t#ree 8?9 #ectares.

    ?. /uali=ed bene=ciaries may opt 'or collective o:ners#ip, t#rou;# a co6:orkers or'armers cooperativeBassociation or some ot#er 'orm o' collective or;aniation and 'or

    t#e issuance o' collective o:ners#ip titles7 Provided#T#at t#e total area to be a:arded

    s#all not eEceed t#e total number o' co6o:ners or members o' t#e cooperative or

    collective or;aniation multiplied by t#e a:ard limit o' t#ree 8?9 #ectares, eEcept in

    meritorious cases as may be determined by t#e Presidential A;rarian "e'orm Council

    8PA"C9 and t#at t#e conditions 'or t#e ;rant o' collective C+%As under tem 5 89 8.1 to

    .9 o' t#is %rder are met.

    *nder collective o:ners#ip, a collective C+%A to t#e property s#all be issued in

    t#e name o' t#e co6o:ners or t#e 'armers cooperativeBassociation or collectiveor;aniation, as t#e case may be. ' t#e C+%As are issued to co6o:ners or to a 'armers

    cooperativesBassociation, t#e names o' t#e bene=ciaries must be listed in t#e C+%A.

    . Collective C+%As may be issued to 'armers cooperativesBassociations under t#e

    'ollo:in; instances7

    .1 T#e current 'arm mana;ement system o' t#e land covered by CA"P is not

    appropriate 'or eit#er individual 'armin; or division o' t#e land#oldin; into 'arm parcelsF

    .2 T#e 'arm labor system is specialied, :#ere t#e 'arm:orkers are or;anied by

    'unctions suc# as sprayin;, :eedin;, packin; and ot#er similar activities and not by

    speci=c parcelsF

    .? T#e potential bene=ciaries are currently not 'armin; individual parcels but

    collectively :orkin; on lar;e conti;uous areasF and

    . T#e 'arm consists o' multiple crops bein; 'armed in an inte;rated manner or

    includes non6crop production areas t#at are necessary 'or t#e viability o' 'arm

    operations, suc# as packin; plants, stora;e areas, dikes, and ot#er similar 'acilities t#at

    cannot be subdivided or assi;ned to individual 'armers.

    !. ' t#e conditions 'or t#e issuance o' collective C+%As no lon;er eEist, t#e

    land#oldin; s#all be parceliedBsubdivided and t#e A"s subse

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    . or idle and abandoned lands or undeveloped a;ricultural lands to be covered

    by CA"P, collective o:ners#ip s#all be allo:ed only i' t#e bene=ciaries opt 'or it and

    t#ere is a clear development plan t#at :ould re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    10.2 +ands a:arded to A"s under t#is Act may not be sold, trans'erred or conveyed

    eEcept t#rou;# #ereditary succession or to t#e -overnment, or to t#e +P, or to ot#er

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    individual A"s, t#eir names s#all be re;istered :it#out t#e ot#er. T#e same provisions

    s#all apply in cases :#ere t#e married A"s or A"s in a common6la: relations#ip are

    covered by a collectiveBco6o:ners#ip C+%A and t#eir names annotated at t#e back o'

    t#e said C+%A.

    or purposes o' A" inventory and reportin;, spouses or parties :#ose names

    appear in a sin;le C+%A s#all be counted as one A".

    1!. t is t#e ministerial duty o' t#e "%$ to7

    1!.1 ssue t#e title o' t#e land in t#e name o' t#e "epublic o' t#e P#ilippines, a'ter t#e

    +P #as certi=ed t#at t#e claim proceeds #ave been deposited in t#e name o' t#e

    lando:ner constitutin; 'ull payment in cas# and bonds, :it# due notice to t#e


    1!.2 "e;ister t#e C+%A ;enerated by $A"F

    1!.? Cancel previous titles pertainin; t#eretoF and

    1!. ssue title to t#e +%s retained area.

    1. All re;istered C+%As s#all be released by t#e "e;istry o' $eeds 8"%$9 to +P as

    t#e mort;a;ee =nancin; institution. T#e +P s#all be t#e responsible repository o' t#eencumbered C+%As until t#e time o' t#eir release to t#e concerned A"s upon 'ull

    payment o' t#e land amortiation, and t#e cancellation o' t#e encumbrance.

    -. 8nstallation of Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries on Aarded Lands

    1. As o:ners o' a:arded lands under CA"P, t#e A"Bs s#all take possession o' t#e

    land covered by #isB#erBt#eir titles 'rom t#e time t#e same is a:arded to t#em t#rou;#

    a re;istered C+%A.

    n case takin; possession o' t#e a:arded land by t#e A"s :ould imperil or

    endan;er t#eir lives, t#e $A" s#all assume responsibility 'or t#e installation o' t#e A"Bs

    on t#e sub>ect land :it# t#e assistance o' t#e police or military until t#ey are settled

    and in constructive and p#ysical control o' t#e property.

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    2. As a ;eneral rule, t#ere s#all only be a one time installation o' A"s on t#eir

    speci=c area o' tilla;e as indicated in t#eir C+%As, renderin; t#em in constructive and

    p#ysical possession o' t#e same.

    T#e $A" s#all assist t#e A"s in reportin; cases o' t#reatB#arassment ore>ection attempts by t#e 'ormer lando:ner or ot#er parties to t#e police or military, and

    t#e =lin; o' appropriate le;al action a;ainst t#ose responsible, i' :arranted.

    ?. n case t#e installation activities :ould necessitate t#e provision o' police andBor

    military 'orces to assist t#e $A"4% personnel, t#e Provincial A;rarian "e'orm %Gcer

    8PA"%9 s#all coordinate t#e said activities :it# t#e $epartment o' &ational $e'ense6

    Armed orces o' t#e P#ilippines 8$&$6AP9 and t#e $epartment o' nterior and +ocal

    -overnment6P#ilippine &ational Police 8$+-6P&P9, pursuant to t#e eEistin; ;uidelines

    per 4emorandum o' A;reement eEecuted by t#e $A", $epartment o' nterior and +ocal-overnment 8$+-9, and $epartment o' &ational $e'ense 8$&$9.

    . n t#e event t#at t#e 'ormer lando:ner #arasses or t#reatens t#e A"Bs installed

    by t#e $A", t#e a@ected A"Bs s#all immediately report t#e matter to t#e concerned

    P&P and t#e $A". T#e A"s s#ould be assisted by t#e $A" "e;ionalBProvincial +e;al

    $ivision, Public Attorneys %Gce 8PA%9 and t#e %Gce o' t#e CityBProvincial Prosecutors.

    !. ' upon t#e e@ectivity o' t#is %rder, t#e 'ormer lando:ner deliberately acts to

    delay, stall or obstruct t#e installation o' t#e A"s, a criminal case s#all be =led a;ainst#imB#er 'or violation o' Sec. 3? 8d9 o' ".A. &o. !3, as amended. 4oreover, t#e $A"

    s#all ask t#at t#e lando:ner be #eld liable by t#e Court 'or actual, compensatory and

    moral dama;es su@ered by t#e A"Bs.

    5. 2perating Procedures for the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process

    teps DAR 2:ce; Activit% -or$s;Docu$ents

    Agenc%; Required



    A. P"PA"AT%&, SS*A&C A&$ P*+CAT%& % TH

    &%TC % C%5"A-

    8See CA"P6+A$ AnneE NO 'or t#e Process lo:9

    A.1 Pro6ection of Lands for overage

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    A.1.a $A"P% Pro>ect land#oldin;s 'or covera;e

    under CA"P in t#e $epartment

    o' nvironment and &atural

    "esources 8$&"9 +and

    Classi=cation 4aps to determine :#et#er or not t#e areas are

    alienable and disposable, and do

    not overlap :it# any decreed

    property. CSaAc

    ' t#e land is 'ound to be

    ad>acent to 'orest or timber

    land, determine t#e date o'

    issuance o' t#e title. n case t#e title :as issued prior to

    1(21 based on Act &o. 2D3,

    t#e sub>ect land is de=nitively

    considered as alienable and

    disposable, and t#e procedure

    in tem 58A9829 o' t#is %rder

    s#all be undertaken.

    ' t#e title :as issued on or a'ter 1(21 based on Act &o.

    2D3, determine :#et#er

    t#ese :ere issued

    administratively or >udicially.

    or land#oldin;s covered by

    >udicial titles and t#e

    survey :as based on t#e

    +and "e;istration Aut#ority

    8+"A96Private Survey 8PSu9

    Plan, t#e procedure outlined

    in tem 58A98?.19 o' t#is

    %rder s#all be 'ollo:ed.

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    or land#oldin;s covered by

    administrative titles or

    >udicial titles and t#e survey

    :as based on t#e $&"

    Cadastral Plan, t#e procedure outlined in tem 58A98?.29

    o' t#is %rder s#all apply.

    A.1.b $A"P% n t#e case o' untitled properties,

    a certi=cation 'rom t#e +"A

    and $&" re;ardin; t#e status

    o' t#e land#oldin; s#all be

    obtained observin; t#e

    'ollo:in; procedures7 cTa$HS

    Submit t#e list o' untitled

    properties to t#e $&"6

    C&"%BP&"% 'or

    validation on :#et#er

    or not t#e said land#oldin;s

    are alienable and disposable,

    and 'or subse

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    property, continue :it#

    t#e ac

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    $A"P% and sub>ect o' >oint Pro>ected and

    =eld investi;ation usin; Sub>ect o' Joint

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1. ield nvesti;ation9

    A.2 7alidation of Landholdings for overageA.2.a $A"P% Submit to t#e +$ list o'

    land#oldin;s :it# titles or

    decrees issued prior to 1(21

    based on Act &o. 2D3.

    A.2.b +$ %btain a certi=cation 'rom

    t#e +"A t#at t#e sub>ect

    land#oldin;s do not overlap

    :it# a titled or decreed property.

    A.2.c +"A 5alidate i' t#e sub>ect

    land#oldin; overlaps :it#

    a titled or decreed property

    based on records and


    Prepare and transmit to t#e +$ a certi=cation

    re;ardin; t#e status o' t#e

    sub>ect land#oldin; :#ic#

    s#ould include t#e 'ollo:in;

    in'ormation7 AaHcT

    ) Judicial $ecree &o.F

    ) $ate o' issuance o'


    ) &ame o' Ad>udicateeF

    ) +ocationF and

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ) Area.

    A.2.d +$ *pon receipt o' t#e +"As

    certi=cation, record and

    'or:ard t#e same to t#e $A"P%.

    A.2.e $A"P% ' t#e sub>ect land#oldin;

    partially overlaps :it# a

    titled or decreed property,

    ensure t#at t#e overlappin;

    portions t#ereo' are

    se;re;ated durin; t#e

    conduct o' survey. +ike:ise, continue :it# t#e acect land#oldin; totally overlaps :it# a

    decreed property, continue

    :it# t#e acect o' >oint Pro>ected and

    =eld investi;ation usin; Sub>ect o' Joint

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1. ield nvesti;ation9

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    A.? Landholdings Ad6acent to -orest or +i$ber Land and the Decree as

    8ssued on or After "?

    A.?.1 Landholdings overed b% @udicial +itles and the urve% as ,ased

    on the LRA5Pu Plan

    A.?.1.a $A"P% Send to +$ t#e list o' land#oldin;s ad>acent to

    'orest or timber land 'or

    revalidation to ensure t#at

    t#ese are alienable and


    A.?.1.b +$ "evalidate t#e said

    land#oldin;s :#ic# are

    ad>acent to 'orest or timber land vis5a5vist#e $&" +and

    Classi=cation 4ap =led at


    ' t#e sub>ect

    land#oldin;Bs isBare 'ound

    to be alienable and

    disposable, issue a

    certi=cation as to its

    =ndin;s and transmit t#is back to t#e $A"P%.

    n case t#e sub>ect

    land#oldin;Bs isBare 'ound

    to be totally or partially

    not alienable and

    disposable, transmit t#ese

    to +"A :it# a re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    alienable and disposable

    or not based on records

    and pro>ections. SHc$T

    Prepare a certi=cation re;ardin; t#e status o'

    t#e land#oldin;Bs 8i.e.#

    alienable and disposable,

    partially or 'ully not

    alienable and disposable9.

    ' a land#oldin; is 'ound

    to be partially alienable

    and disposable, prepare

    a sketc# map indicatin; t#e approEimate sie,

    contour and portion o'

    t#e said land#oldin; t#at

    is considered alienable

    and disposable.

    Transmit to +$ t#e

    certi=cation re;ardin; t#e

    status o' t#e land#oldin;,

    includin; t#e sketc# map, i' applicable.

    A.?.1.d +$ *pon receipt o' t#e

    certi=cation and sketc# map,

    i' any, send t#ese to $A"P%

    'or appropriate action.

    A.?.1.e $A"P% ' t#e land is partially

    alienable and disposable,

    ensure t#at portions

    t#ereo' :#ic# are 'ound to

    be not alienable and

    disposable are se;re;ated

    durin; t#e conduct o' t#e


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    n case t#e entire area is

    totally not alienable and

    disposable, discontinue

    :it# t#e covera;e o' t#e

    sub>ect land.

    A.?.1.' $A"P% Prepare, in coordination :it# CA"P6+A$ orm

    t#e $A"4%, t#e preliminary &o. 1 8Preliminary

    in'ormation on all n'ormation on

    land#oldin;s :#ic# :ere +and#oldin;s

    validated and pro>ected by t#e 5alidated and

    $A"P% and sub>ect o' >oint Pro>ected and

    =eld investi;ation usin; Sub>ect o' Joint

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1. ield nvesti;ation9

    A.?.2 Landholdings overed b% @udicial or Ad$inistrative +itles and the

    urve% as ,ased on the D3NR adastral Plan

    A.?.2.a $A"P% or:ard to $&"6

    C&"%BP&"% t#e list

    o' land#oldin;s ad>acent to

    'orest or timber land 'or

    validation to ensure t#at

    t#ese are alienable and disposable.

    A.?.2.b $&"6 5alidate t#e land#oldin;s

    C&"%B ad>acent to 'orest or timber

    P&"% land based on its records

    and pro>ections.

    Prepare a certi=cation

    re;ardin; t#e status o' t#e

    land#oldin;s 8i.e.# alienable

    and disposable, partially or

    'ully not alienable and

    disposable9. ' a land#oldin;

    is 'ound to be partially

    alienable and disposable,

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    prepare a sketc# map

    indicatin; t#e approEimate

    sie, contour and portion

    'ound to be alienable and

    disposable. SaTHC Transmit to $A"P% t#e

    certi=cation re;ardin; t#e

    =ndin;s on t#e land#oldin;,

    includin; a sketc# map, i'


    A.?.2.c $A"P% ' t#e land is partially

    alienable and disposable,

    ensure t#at said portions 'ound to be not alienable

    and disposable are

    se;re;ated durin; t#e

    conduct o' t#e survey.

    n case t#e land is totally

    not alienable and disposable,

    discontinue :it# t#e

    covera;e o' t#e sub>ect land.

    A.?.2.d $A"P% Prepare, in coordination :it# CA"P6+A$ orm

    t#e $A"4%, t#e preliminary &o. 1 8Preliminary

    in'ormation on all n'ormation on

    land#oldin;s :#ic# :ere +and#oldin;s

    validated and pro>ected by t#e 5alidated and

    $A"P% and sub>ect o' >oint Pro>ected and

    =eld investi;ation usin; Sub>ect o' Joint

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1. ield nvesti;ation9

    A. Preparation and 8ssuance of Notices of overage (N2s)

    A..a $A"P% Transmit to t#e $A"4%

    t#e validated and pro>ected

    list o' land#oldin;s in t#e

    CSB1 and ot#er

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    land#oldin;s still unacected and

    :#ic# s#all 'orm part Sub>ect o' Joint

    o' t#e claim

    'older. H$TCS ield nvesti;ation9

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    A..b $A"4% "eceive t#e &otices o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    Covera;e 'or land#oldin;s &o. ? 8&otice o'

    still unac

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    obtain 'rom t#e proper

    baran;ay or municipal

    oGcer a Certi=cation o'

    Postin; Compliance.

    Commence :it# t#e

    preparation o' claim 'older. TcC$S

    A..e +ando:ner it#in t#irty 8?09 calendar CA"P6+A$ orm

    days upon receipt o' t#e &%C &o. D 8+ando:ners

    or date o' &%C publication, +etter o'

    submit to t#e $A"4% t#e Submission o'

    'ollo:in;7 Sketc# 4ap o'

    Selected "etained 1. Sketc# map o' t#e entire Area and +ist o'

    property :it# delineation or &ominated

    s#adin; or any ;eneral Pre'erred

    indication o' t#e area ene=ciaries9

    #eBs#e intends to retain. n CA"P6+A$ orm

    case t#e +% 'ails to &o. ( 8Sketc# 4ap

    identi'y #isB#er retained o' t#e Selected

    area and submit t#e said "etained Area9

    sketc# map, t#e $A" s#all Certi=ed copies o' identi'y and c#oose t#e &S% birt#

    +%s retention areaF certi=cateBs o'


    2. +ist o' nameBs o' bene=ciaryBies

    nominated c#ildBren as nominated by +%

    pre'erred bene=ciaryBies T:o 829 ot#er

    :it# addressBes, documents

    birt#dateBs, certi=ed true indicatin; parental

    copies o' c#ildBrens birt# relations#ip o' +%

    certi=cateBs and t:o 829 to eac# nominated

    ot#er documents :it# pre'erred

    probative value s#o:in; bene=ciaryBies

    t#e parental relations#ip o'

    t#e +% to #isB#er

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    nominated pre'erred


    n cases :#ere t#e +%

    contests t#e covera;e o' #isB#er land under CA"P, t#e

    +% #as t#irty 8?09 calendar

    days 'rom receipt o' t#e &%C,

    or i' t#e &%C :as served

    t#rou;# ne:spaper publication,

    :it#in t#irty 8?09 days 'rom

    date o' publication to =le

    #isB#er protestBapplication

    'or eEemption or eEclusion :it# t#e $A"P%.

    A..' $A"4% "eceive 'rom t#e +% t#e letter CA"P6+A$ orm

    o' submission o' sketc# map &o. D 8+ando:ners

    o' #isB#er retention area and +etter o'

    t#e list o' nominated c#ildBren Submission o'

    as pre'erred bene=ciaryBies Sketc# 4ap o'

    and supportin; documents Selected "etained

    indicatin; parental Area and +ist o' relations#ip to pre'erred &ominated

    bene=ciaryBies. Pre'erred


    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ( 8Sketc# 4ap

    o' Selected "etained


    Certi=ed copies o'

    &S% birt# certi=cateBs

    o' pre'erred


    nominated by +%

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    T:o 829 ot#er

    documents indicatin;

    parental relations#ip

    o' +% to nominated

    pre'erred bene=ciaryBies

    . P"%CSS&- % +A&$%&"S "T&T%& A"AS

    8See CA"P6+A$ AnneE NO 'or t#e Process lo:9

    .1 Landholdings Above -ive (!) ectares

    .1.a $A"4% Conduct an %cular nspection CA"P6+A$ orm

    8%C9 'or reconnaissance &o. 10 8%C

    purposes and to validate t#e "eport9 'ollo:in;7 ASca

    a. T#e status o' t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    land#oldin;Bs sub>ect o' &o. ( 8Sketc# 4ap

    covera;e and t#e retention o' Selected

    area c#osen by t#e +% as "etained Area9

    identi=ed in t#e sketc#

    mapF and

    b. &ames and

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    4A"% identi=es t#e location "etention Area9

    and area o' t#e +%s retention

    area based on tem 589839

    o' t#is %rder. T#e 4A"%

    s#all noti'y t#e concerned +% t#rou;# personal service :it#

    proo' o' receipt or by

    re;istered mail :it# return

    card on t#e portion selected

    as #isB#er retention area.

    .1.b $A"4% Prepare t#e "etention older "etention older

    :#ic# s#ould include t#e %C ) Copy o' CA"P6

    "eport, t#e sketc# map or +A$ orm &o. D plan o' t#e retained area 8+ando:ners

    identi=ed eit#er by t#e +% or +etter o'

    t#e 4A"%, and copy o' Submission o'

    &otice to +ando:ner on t#e Sketc# 4ap o'

    Portion Selected as "etention Selected

    Area and proo' o' service o' "etained Area

    said notice, :#en applicable. and +ist o'


    Pre'erred ene=ciaries9

    ) CA"P6+A$

    orm &o. (

    8Sketc# 4ap o'

    t#e Selected

    "etained Area9

    ) CA"P6+A$

    orm &o. 10

    8%C "eport9

    ) Copy o' CA"P6

    +A$ orm &o.

    11 8&otice to

    +ando:ner on

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    t#e Portion

    Selected as

    "etention Area,

    i' applicable9

    ) Proo' o' Service

    o' t#e &otice to

    +% on t#e Portion

    Selected as

    "etention Area

    .1.c $A"4% Submit "etention older to "etention older

    $A"P% 'or revie: and


    .1.d $A"P% "eceive, record, revie:, and "etention older

    evaluate t#e "etention older CA"P6+A$ orm

    submitted by $A"4%. ' t#e &o. 12

    "etention older is in order, 8Certi=cation o'

    prepare t#e Certi=cation o' "etention9

    "etention si;ned by t#e PA"%

    and issue t#e same to

    t#e lando:ner t#rou;# personal service :it# proo'

    o' receipt or by re;istered

    mail :it# return card. n

    case o' incomplete data or

    in'ormation, noti'y t#e

    $A"4% 'or appropriate


    .1.e +ando:ner n case t#e +% opts 'or t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    immediate issuance o' a title &o. 12

    'or #isB#er retention area a'ter 8Certi=cation o'

    t#e issuance o' Certi=cation o' "etention9

    "etention by t#e PA"%, #e

    can re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    o' $eeds 8"%$9 to issue a

    title in t#e +%s name on t#e

    portion o' #isB#er retained

    area based on t#e %:ners

    $uplicate Copy o' title 'rom t#e +%, Approved

    Se;re;ation Plan, and

    tec#nical description, and

    Certi=cate o' "etention.

    All 'ees 'or t#e immediate

    se;re;ation survey o' t#e

    +%s retention area and t#e

    issuance o' title on t#e same by t#e "%$ s#all be c#ar;eable

    to t#e account o' t#e +%.

    .2 Landholdings -ive (!) ectares and ,elo

    .2.a +ando:ner +%s :#o o:n lands =ve 8!9 CA"P6+A$ orm

    #ectares or less may =le a &o. 1? 8"e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    to t#e $A"P%. a;ricultural land


    .2.c $A"P% valuate t#e +%s re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    o' "etention 8'or land#oldin;s

    =ve 8!9 #ectares and belo:9,

    copy 'urnis#ed t#e $A""%.

    T#is must be updated every

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc



    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 1 8+ando:ner

    n'ormation S#eet

    L+%SM duly accomplis#ed and

    si;ned by t#e +%9

    %" *&TT+$



    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 1! 8+ando:ners


    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 1!A 8C#ecklist

    o' "e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ".A. &o. (13

    Certi=ed Approved

    Survey Plan or

    cadastral map and

    ;eo;rap#ical position and plane

    coordination o' t#e

    points duly certi=ed

    by t#e C#ie',

    Survey $ivision

    o' $&"

    Certi=ed copy o'

    t#e latest TaE

    $eclaration 'rom t#e Assessors =le

    in t#e name o' t#e

    claimant :it#

    veri=ed and correct

    lot numbers and

    area per approved

    survey plan

    nstruments o'

    acect property,

    suc# as deeds o'

    sale, donation,

    trans'er, etc. in

    'avor o' claimant

    and t#ose o' #is



    Certi=cation o'

    t#e Assessor

    concerned s#o:in;

    t#e TaE $eclaration

    issued, t#e

    declarantBs, t#e

    area covered, and

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    t#e basis 'or t#e

    issuances and


    t#ereo' up to t#e

    TaE $eclaration issued in t#e name

    o' t#e claimant, as

    :ell as any eEistin;

    liens on t#e current

    and previous TaE

    $eclaration, :#ere


    Certi=cation 'rom

    t#e Clerk o' Court concerned :#et#er

    or not t#e

    propertyBies identi=ed

    in t#e approved

    survey plan isBare

    covered by land


    proceedin;s or any

    civil case, and i' t#e same #as been

    used as a bond in

    ot#er court actions

    Certi=cation 'rom

    t#e Assessors

    %Gce concerned

    t#at per t#eir

    records, t#e

    propertyBies as

    appearin; in t#e

    Approved Survey

    Plan isBare 'ree

    'rom all liens

    and encumbrances

    +"A certi=cation

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    t#at t#e property

    is not :it#in any

    decreed or titled


    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1 8+ando:ner

    n'ormation S#eet

    L+%SM duly

    accomplis#ed and

    si;ned by t#e +%9

    C.1.b $A"4%B "eceive and revie: t#e basic CA"P6+A$ orm

    $A"P%B documents enumerated under &o. 1!

    $A""%B tem 58C.1.a9 o' t#is %rder 'or 8+ando:ners $A"C%6 completeness and re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    C.1.d $A"P% *pon receipt and CA"P6+A$ AnneE

    recordin; o' t#e NO 8+ist o'

    documents 'or:arded by $ocuments

    t#e $A"4%B$A""%B "e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    inancial Statement

    supported by accountin;

    records :#ic# s#all be

    submitted by t#e +%

    ='teen 81!9 days prior to t#e date o' =eld

    investi;ation 89. $CcAS

    C.1.e $A"4% Comply :it# t#e

    reoint n'ormation on

    =eld investi;ation usin; +and#oldin;s

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1. 5alidated and

    Pro>ected and

    Sub>ect o' Joint

    ield nvesti;ation9

    C.2 Lands overed under o$pulsor% Acquisition (A)C.2.a $A"4% ased on t#e 4emorandum Same documents

    to t#e 4A"% on t#e covera;e reect o' Joint

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    &%C under t#is %rder9, t#e ield nvesti;ation9

    $A"4% s#all7 CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 3 8Certi=cation

    1. conduct preliminary =eld o' Postin;

    veri=cation on t#e Compliance9 land#oldin; sub>ect o'

    >oint investi;ation usin;

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1F


    2. ;at#er basic o:ners#ip

    documents per

    land#oldin; as listed in

    CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1.

    C.?. Lands overed under 7oluntar% 2Ber to ell (72) or o$pulsor%

    Acquisition (A)

    C.?.a $A"4% n t#e case o' lands 'or +-*64A%

    collective distribution, certi=cation on

    determine, in coordination :#et#er or not


    :it# t#e +ocal -overnment is economically

    *nit 8+-*9 K 4unicipal 'easible and sound A;riculture %Gce 84A%9 and to divide

    ot#er concerned a;encies,

    :#et#er or not it is

    economically 'easible and

    sound to divide t#e land

    based on t#e conditions

    'or t#e issuance o' collective

    C+%A6titles as provided

    under tem 5898.1 to

    .9 o' t#is %rder. A

    correspondin; certi=cation

    o' t#e +-*64A% or

    ot#er concerned a;encies

    s#all be obtained.

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ' t#e conditions 'or

    collective o:ners#ip so

    :arrant, in'orm t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    $A"4% 'or appropriate


    ' t#e documents, data or

    in'ormation are complete and in order, approve t#e reect


    C.?.' $A"P% nsure t#at t#e +and *se Se;re;ation and

    4ap, and Survey "eturns Subdivision Survey

    8se;re;ation and "eturns

    subdivision9 are in order Copy o' +and *se

    and complete. 4ap

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    Submit t#e Survey "eturns

    8se;re;ation and survey9

    to t#e $A""%.

    C.?.; $A""% "eceive, revie: and evaluate t#e Survey "eturns and

    submit t#e same to $&"6

    +4S 'or approval.

    C.?.# $A"P% or:ard to $A"4% t#e Sc#edule o' ield

    'ollo:in;7 nvesti;ation 89

    1. sc#edule o' =eld

    investi;ation 89 o' land#oldin;s 'or

    baran;ays in proEimity

    o' eac# ot#er 'or

    purposes o' optimiin;

    time and resourcesF

    2. +and *se 4apF and

    ?. copy o' se;re;ation and subdivision plans

    pendin; approval at

    t#e $&"6+4S.

    Coordinate :it# t#e +P

    re;ardin; t#e conduct o'

    , particularly as re;ards

    'ailure o' +%, i' applicable,

    to submit "6=led Audited

    inancial Statement. T#is

    is 'or purposes o'

    ;at#erin; applicable

    industry data by t#e +P

    sta@ 'or use durin; t#e .

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    C.?.i $A"4% *pon receipt o' t#e

    documents enumerated in

    tem 58C.?.#9 o' t#is %rder,

    t#e 'ollo:in; s#all be


    a. Secure 'rom t#e +% t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    latest "6=led Audited &o. 1(

    inancial Statement 8Certi=cation on

    supported by accountin; +ando:ners

    records ='teen 81!9 days ailure to Submit

    prior to t#e date o' . n "6=led Audited

    case t#e +% 'ails to submit inancial

    t#e said document, issue a Statement9 or +%s certi=cation re;ardin; t#is. "6=led Audited



    supported by

    accountin; records

    b. Prepare and submit to CA"P6+A$ orm

    $A"P% t#e correspondin; &o. 20 8C

    C containin; t#e Transmittal 'ollo:in;7 4emorandum9

    ) asic documents

    enumerated in tem

    58C.1.a9 o' t#is %rderF

    ) "6=led Audited

    inancial Statement or

    in t#e absence t#ereo',

    certi=cation on +%s

    'ailure to submit t#e

    said documentF

    ) CA"P6+A$ orm &o. 1


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    n'ormation on

    +and#oldin; 5alidated

    and Pro>ected and

    Sub>ect o' Joint ield


    ) +and *se 4ap,

    Se;re;ation and

    Subdivision Plans still

    pendin; approvalF and

    ) %t#er pertinent


    c. Send notice to aran;ay CA"P6+A$ orm

    A;rarian "e'orm Council &o. 21 8&otice to

    8A"C9 and potential Conduct ield

    A"s and invite t#e +%, nvesti;ation9

    $&", +-*64A% 8i' CA"P6+A$ orm

    necessary9 to t#e &o. 22 8nvitation

    sc#eduled =eld +etter to t#e +% on

    investi;ation 89 at least t#e conduct o' 9

    ='teen 81!9 days prior to t#e date o' t#e .

    C.?.> $A"P% "eceive and revie: t#e C

    'or completeness o' initial

    documentation. ' t#e

    documents, data or

    in'ormation are complete,

    provide a copy o' documents

    attac#ed in t#e C to +P 'or

    use in t#e . n case o'

    incomplete documents, data

    or in'ormation, in'orm t#e

    $A"4% 'or appropriate

    action. STaAcC

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    C.?.k $A"4%, Conduct o' t#e property on CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"C, +P, t#e sc#eduled date to;et#er &o. 2? 8ield

    +%, Potential :it# representatives o' +P, nvesti;ation

    A"s A"C, +% and potential "eport9

    A"s, and i' necessary, t#e +-*64A% $&" andBor +-*64A%. Certi=cation on t#e

    T#erea'ter, prepare t#e ield suitability o' land to

    nvesti;ation "eport 8"9 and a;riculture, i'

    submit t#e same to t#e necessary

    $A"P%. $&" Certi=cation

    on t#e slope o' t#e

    land covered under

    CA"P, i' necessary

    C.?.l $A"P% ' t#ere are discrepancies

    bet:een t#e ield

    nvesti;ation "eport 8"9

    submitted by t#e $A"4% and

    t#e Se;re;ation and

    Subdivision Plans t#at are

    pendin; approval at t#e

    $&"6+4S, coordinate :it#

    t#e -eodetic n;ineer o' $A"Bsurveyor6contractor to

    resolve t#e discrepancies and

    submit t#e corrected

    Se;re;ation and Subdivision

    Plan to t#e $A""%.

    C.?.m $A""% Submit t#e corrected

    Se;re;ation and Subdivision

    Plan to t#e $&"6+and

    4ana;ement Service 8+4S9.

    C.?.n $&"6+4S ssue to t#e $A""% t#e

    approved se;re;ation and

    subdivision plan :it#

    tec#nical description.

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    C.?.o $A""% *pon return by t#e $&"6

    +4S o' t#e Approved

    Se;re;ation Plan and

    Approved Subdivision Plan

    8ASP9, :it# tec#nicaldescription, 'or:ard t#e same

    to t#e $A"P%.

    C.?.p $A"P% *pon receipt o' t#e $&"6 Approved

    +4S Approved Se;re;ation Se;re;ation Plan

    Plan and Approved and Approved

    Subdivision Plan 8ASP9 :it# Subdivision Plan

    tec#nical description o' t#e :it# Tec#nical

    sub>ect property 'rom t#e $escription $A""%, record and 'urnis#

    t#e $A"4% and Assessors

    %Gce a copy o' t#e same

    'or re'erence.

    $. $&TCAT%&, SC"&&- A&$ S+CT%& %

    A-"A"A& "%"4 &CA"S 8A"s9

    8See CA"P6+A$ AnneE NHO 'or t#e Process lo:9

    $.1 8denti*cation and Preparation of Preli$inar% List of Potential

    Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s)

    $.1.a $A"4% it# t#e assistance o' t#e

    $A"P%, and in coordination

    :it# t#e A"C, or in t#e

    absence t#ereo', t#e

    aran;ay Council and

    concerned non6;overnment


    or;aniations 8&-%sBP%s9,

    undertake in'ormation

    dissemination on t#e activities

    'or t#e identi=cation,

    screenin; and selection o'

    A"s t#rou;# NbandilloO

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    mobile system, distribution o'

    yers, 'armers assembly or

    meetin;s and ot#er means

    suc# as t#e use o' t#e tri6

    media 8e.g.# radio, local ne:spapers, local television


    $.1.b $A"4% -at#er in'ormation on t#e

    potential bene=ciaries o' t#e

    sub>ect land#oldin; :it# t#e

    assistance o' t#e A"C, or in

    t#e absence t#ereo', t#e

    aran;ay Council and all

    ot#er reliable sources o' in'ormation in t#e community,

    to include pertinent

    in'ormation dra:n 'rom t#e

    initial %CBreconnaissance

    activity under tem 58.1.a9

    o' t#is %rder, employment

    records or payrolls in t#e case

    o' commercial 'arms or


    $.1.c $A"4% Prepare t#e preliminary list o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    potential A"s, includin; t#e &o. 2 8Preliminary

    names o' +%s pre'erred +ist o' Potential

    bene=ciaries, i' any. A;rarian "e'orm

    ene=ciaries o'


    $.1.d $A"4% Cause t#e postin; o' t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    preliminary list o' potential &o. 2 8Preliminary

    bene=ciaries in t#e speci=c +ist o' Potential

    land#oldin; 'or a period o' A;rarian "e'orm

    ='teen 81!9 days in at least ene=ciaries o'

    t#ree 8?9 conspicuous places7 CA"P9

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    1. in t#e respective baran;ay

    #alls o' t#e baran;ays

    :#ere t#e land#oldin; is


    2. in t#e municipal #alls o'

    t#e municipalities :#ere

    t#e land#oldin; is locatedF


    ?. in ot#er conspicuous

    places in t#e community,

    commercial 'arm or

    plantation, as t#e case may be.

    T#e preliminary list s#all be

    posted in a bulletin board

    s#ielded 'rom t#e elements

    and :it# ample space to

    accommodate all t#e names

    o' t#e potential A"s.

    T#e preliminary list o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    potential bene=ciaries in t#e &o. 2!, 8"eoinin; ot#er parties :#o

    are not in t#e preliminary list,

    i' any, to si;ni'y t#eir intent or

    interest to t#e $A"4% to be

    included as potential A"s in

    t#e speci=c land#oldin; i'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    '. +ease#old contract andBor

    proo' o' tenancy papers, i'


    ;. mployment certi=cate indicatin; len;t# o' service

    andBor periods o'

    employment in t#e

    commercial 'arm or

    plantation, i' applicableF

    #. Payslips or payroll i'


    i. %ri;inal or certi=ed copy

    o' notice o' dismissal or

    retrenc#ment 'or

    'arm:orker bene=ciariesF

    >. %ri;inal or certi=ed copy o'

    decision, order or rulin; by

    a court, udicial body

    or administrative a;ency in t#e event t#at t#ere :as

    a case related to t#e

    dismissal, retrenc#ment,

    etc., o' t#e potential A"F

    k. %ri;inal or certi=ed copy o'

    letter o' resi;nation 'or

    'arm:orker bene=ciariesF


    l. %t#er documents :#ic#

    can establis# t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    land#oldin;, commercial

    'arm, or plantation.

    $.1.e $A"4% A'ter t#e reect

    land#oldin;, commercial

    'arm or plantation, :#ic#

    s#all be #eld not later t#an t#irty 8?09 days 'rom t#e

    last day o' postin; o' t#e

    Preliminary +ist o' A"s.

    n t#e case o' commercial

    'arms, plantations and

    ot#er land#oldin;s

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    durin; t#e meetin; :it#

    t#e potential bene=ciaries

    as provided under tem 5

    8$.2.a9 o' t#is %rder.

    $.1.; $A"4% Send nvitation +etters by 8CA"P6+A$ orm

    personal service or by &o. 23 8nvitation

    re;istered mail :it# return +etter9

    card to potential

    bene=ciaries in t#e 8CA"P6+A$ orm

    preliminary list and all &o. 2D 8-eneral

    t#ose :#o may #ave &otice to All

    si;ni=ed t#eir

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    or invitation letters 8CA"P6+A$ orm

    re;ardin; t#e sc#edule o' &o. 2( 8Proo' o'

    meetin; served by mail or Service o'


    personal service and +etter9 positively ackno:led;ed

    or received by t#e

    potential A" and ot#er

    concerned parties, t#e

    $A"4% s#all accomplis#

    tem o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 2( 8Proo' o' Service o'

    nvitation +etter9, as proo'

    o' personal service to be placed on =le. n case t#e

    potential A" re'uses to

    receiveBaccept t#e

    invitation letter on notice o'

    meetin;, t#e $A"4% s#all

    =ll6upBaccomplis# tem o'

    t#e same 'orm.

    $.2 creening and Preparation of Updated Preli$inar% List of AgrarianRefor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s)

    $.2.a $A"4% it# t#e assistance o' t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"C, conduct a meetin; &o. ?0 8A;rarian

    on t#e sc#eduled date :it# "e'orm ene=ciary

    t#e potential bene=ciaries Application orm9

    in t#e preliminary list and

    ot#er concerned parties, i'

    any, and undertake t#e


    a. Eplain in t#e local

    dialect, t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    screenin; process 'or


    b. ndividually intervie: all

    potential A"s in t#e preliminary list and

    concerned parties 'or t#e

    determination o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    enumerated under tem 5

    8$.2.a98a6d9 o' t#is %rder.

    $.2.b $A"4% n close coordination :it# t#e

    A"C, revie: and evaluatet#e potential bene=ciaries

    application 'orms vis5a5vis


    submitted and ensure t#at

    based on t#e in'ormation 'rom

    t#e applicant #imsel' or ot#er

    persons and t#e available

    documents, t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    t#e preparation o' t#e master

    list o' A"s.

    $.2.e $A"4% or commercial 'arms,

    plantations and ot#er land#oldin;s :#ic#

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    t#e last day o' postin;, :#ic#

    s#ould be stipulated t#erein.

    $.2.1.; $A"4% %btain certi=cation o' postin; CA"P6+A$ orm

    compliance 'rom t#e proper &o. 2 municipal and baran;ay 8Certi=cation o'

    oGcials a'ter t#e ='teen 81!9 Postin;

    day postin; period, indicatin; Compliance 'or


    t#erein t#e inclusive dates o' o' A"s9

    postin;. aS$HC

    $.? election and Preparation of the 4aster List of Agrarian Refor$

    ,ene*ciaries (AR,s)$.?.1 Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s) in Landholdings ub6ect to

    8ndividual Distribution

    $.?.1.a $A"4% A'ter t#e lapse o' t#e ='teen

    81!9 day postin; period,

    conduct a =eld validation in

    t#e sub>ect land#oldin; on t#e

    updated preliminary list o'

    A"s to 'urt#er veri'y t#e

    identity and

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    eEclude dis

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    Post t#e master list o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"s 'or ='teen 81!9 days &o. ?? 84aster +ist

    in desi;nated areas as o' A;rarian "e'orm

    provided in tem 58$.1.d9 ene=ciaries9

    o' t#is %rder. T#e master CA"P6+A$ orm list o' A"s s#all be &o. ? 8&otice K

    accompanied by a notice 4aster +ist o'

    containin; a statement A;rarian "e'orm

    t#at concerned parties ene=ciaries9

    may =le protest on t#e

    said master list o' A"s

    :it#in ='teen 81!9 days

    'rom t#e last day o'


    $.?.1.e. $A"4% %btain a certi=cation o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    postin; compliance 'rom t#e &o. 2

    proper municipal and 8Certi=cation o'

    baran;ay oGcials a'ter t#e Postin;

    ='teen 81!9 day postin; Compliance 'or +ist

    period, indicatin; t#erein t#e o' A"s9

    inclusive dates o' postin;.

    $.?.1.' $A"4% ' no protest is =led :it#in CA"P6+A$ orm

    ='teen 81!9 days 'rom t#e last &o. ??6A 84aster

    day o' postin; o' t#e master +ist o' A;rarian

    list, submit t#e master list o' "e'orm

    A"s to t#e A"C 'or ene=ciaries :it#

    certi=cation and +% Provision on A"C

    attestation. Certi=cation and +%


    $.?.2 Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s) in o$$ercial -ar$s#

    Plantations and 2ther Landholdings 9uali*ed for ollective Distribution

    $.?.2.a SC "evie:, veri'y and validate CA"P6+A$ orm

    t#e updated preliminary list o' &o. ?2 8*pdated

    potential A"s submitted by Preliminary +ist o'

    t#e $A"4% t#rou;# t#e A" Potential A"s o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    application 'orms and ot#er CA"P9

    supportin; documents, and

    =nalie t#e same based on its

    evaluation, ='teen 81!9 days

    'rom receipt o' t#e updated preliminary list o' potential

    A"s 'rom t#e $A"4%. TcHCS

    $.?.2.b SC Cause t#e postin; o' t#e

    updated preliminary list o'

    potential A"s 'or ='teen 81!9

    days in at least t#ree 8?9

    conspicuous places as

    enumerated under item 58$.1.d9 o' t#is %rder7

    T#e updated preliminary list

    o' potential A"s s#all

    contain a statement :ritten in

    bot# n;lis# and in t#e local

    dialect t#at concerned parties

    may submit to t#e SC

    t#rou;# t#e PA"%, a petition 'or inclusion or eEclusion 'rom

    t#e said list :it#in ='teen 81!9

    days 'rom t#e last day o'

    postin;, :#ic# s#ould be

    stipulated t#erein.

    $.?.2.c SC %btain Certi=cation o' Postin; CA"P6+A$ orm

    Compliance 'rom t#e proper &o. 2

    municipal and baran;ay 8Certi=cation o'

    oGcials a'ter t#e ='teen 81!9 Postin;

    day postin; period, indicatin; Compliance 'or


    t#erein t#e inclusive dates o' o' A"s9


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    $.?.2.d SC Sc#edule t#e conduct o' a

    public #earin; 'or petitions 'or

    inclusion and eEclusion 'rom

    t#e updated preliminary list o'

    potential A"s, i' any. Said public #earin;Bs s#ould

    commence no later t#an t#irty

    8?09 days 'rom t#e last day o'

    postin; o' t#e updated

    preliminary list o' potential


    $.?.2.e SC Send by re;istered mail :it# CA"P6+A$ orm

    return card, &otice o' Public &o. ?! 8&otice o' Hearin; to all potential A"s, Public Hearin;9

    :#ic# s#ould also be posted CA"P6+A$ orm

    in at least t#ree 8?9 &o. ?!6A 8-eneral

    conspicuous places in t#e &otice o' Public

    commercial 'arm, plantation Hearin;9

    or land#oldin;

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    provided under tem 5898?9

    o' t#is %rder is present,

    eEclude dis

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    $.?.2.i SC Post t#e master list in t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    same manner and 'or t#e &o. ?? 84aster +ist

    same purpose as provided o' A;rarian "e'orm

    under tem 5.$.1.d o' t#is ene=ciaries9

    %rder. T#e 4aster +ist o' CA"P6+A$ orm A"s s#ould be &o. ? 8&otice K

    accompanied by a notice 4aster +ist o'

    containin; a statement t#at A"s9

    concerned parties may =le

    protest on t#e said 4aster

    +ist o' A"s :it#in ='teen

    81!9 days 'rom t#e last day

    o' postin;. HTAC

    $.?.2.> SC %btain a Certi=cation o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    Postin; Compliance 'rom t#e &o. 2

    proper municipal and 8Certi=cation o'

    baran;ay oGcials a'ter t#e Postin;

    ='teen 81!9 day postin; Compliance 'or +ist

    period, indicatin; t#erein t#e o' A"s9

    inclusive dates o' postin;.

    $.?.2.k SC n case no protest is =led CA"P6+A$ orm :it#in ='teen 81!9 days 'rom &o. ??6A 84aster

    t#e last day o' postin; o' t#e +ist o' A;rarian

    master list, transmit t#e "e'orm

    master list to t#e $A"4% 'or ene=ciaries :it#

    A"C certi=cation and +% Provision on A"C

    attestation. Certi=cation and

    +% Attestation9

    $.?.2.l $A"4% n case ma>ority o' t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    provided under tem 589

    8.1 to .9 o' t#is %rder, t#e

    'ollo:in; s#all be undertaken7

    1. acilitate t#e or;aniation and

    re;istration o' t#e

    association or cooperative

    in coordination :it# t#e

    appropriate ;overnment

    a;encies, i.e.# Cooperative

    $evelopment Aut#ority

    8C$A9, Securities and

    Ec#an;e Commission8SC9 or appropriate

    non6;overnment a;encies,

    :#ere applicable.

    2. "e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ?. n t#e event t#at t#ere are

    t:o 829 or more

    cooperatives or

    associations in t#e

    land#oldin;, determine t#especi=c area to be allotted

    to eac# cooperative or

    association by t#e dra:in;

    o' lots in t#e presence o'

    all parties concerned.

    $. Resolution of Protest in the election of

    Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s)

    $..a Potential ile a :ritten protest 'or t#e A"Bs or inclusion in or eEclusion 'rom

    Concerned t#e master list o' A"s :it#

    Parties t#e $A"P%, not later t#an

    ='teen 81!9 days 'rom t#e last

    day o' postin; o' t#e master


    $..b PA"% n t#e case o' commercial

    'arms, plantations, and land#oldin;s

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    SC, as t#e case may be, to

    include in t#e master list t#e

    names o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A 84aster

    +ist o' A;rarian

    "e'orm ene=ciaries

    :it# Provision on A"C Certi=cation

    and +% Attestation9

    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A.1 8A"C

    Certi=cation o'

    4aster +ist o'


    $.!.b A"C *pon receipt o' t#e master CA"P6+A$ orm list o' A"s and A"C &o. ??6A 84aster

    Certi=cation 'orm 'rom t#e +ist o' A;rarian

    $A"4%, t#e A"C "e'orm

    C#airman or #is ene=ciaries :it#

    aut#oried representative, Provision on A"C

    s#all revie: t#e master list Certi=cation and +%

    o' A"s and certi'y t#e Attestation9

    same under oat# be'ore CA"P6+A$ orm

    an aut#oried &o. ??6A.1 8A"C administerin; oGcer, Certi=cation o'

    aGEin; #isB#er si;nature 4aster +ist o'

    on t#e said master list o' A"s9

    A"s and t#e A"C

    Certi=cation 'orm, :it# one

    819 :itness si;nin; t#e


    "eturn t#e certi=ed master CA"P6+A$ orm

    list o' A"s and notaried &o. ??6A 84aster

    A"C Certi=cation to t#e +ist o' A;rarian

    $A"4% :it#in ='teen 81!9 "e'orm

    days 'rom receipt o' t#e ene=ciaries :it#

    master list. Provision on A"C

    Certi=cation and +%

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc



    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A.1 8A"C

    Certi=cation o'

    4aster +ist o' A"s9

    $.!.c $A"4% "eceive and record t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"C6certi=ed master list &o. ??6A 84aster

    o' A"s and A"C +ist o' A;rarian

    Certi=cation. "e'orm

    ene=ciaries :it#

    Provision on A"C

    Certi=cation and +% Attestation9

    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A.1 8A"C

    Certi=cation o'

    4aster +ist o'


    Send to t#e lando:ner t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"C6certi=ed master list &o. ?3 8+etter to o' A"s includin; t#e +%, "e7 Attestation

    concomitant +ando:ner o' 4aster +ist o'

    Attestation 'orm 8CA"P6 A"s9

    +A$ orm &o. ??.A.29 CA"P6+A$ orm

    t#rou;# personal service &o. ??6A 84aster

    or re;istered mail :it# +ist o' A;rarian

    return card 'or attestation "e'orm

    o' t#e +% o' #isB#erBt#eir ene=ciaries :it#

    tenantsBlesseesBre;ular Provision on A"C

    'arm:orkers. Certi=cation and

    +% Attestation9

    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A.2


    Attestation o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    4aster +ist o'


    $.!.d +ando:ner *pon receipt o' t#e A"C6 CA"P6+A$ orm

    certi=ed master list o' &o. ??6A 84aster A"s and +ando:ner +ist o' A;rarian

    Attestation 'orm 'rom t#e "e'orm

    $A"4%, attest under oat# ene=ciaries :it#

    to t#e master list o' A"s Provision on A"C

    inso'ar as #isB#erBt#eir Certi=cation and +%

    s#are tenants, lessees Attestation9

    andBor re;ular

    'arm:orkers in t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    land#oldin; are concerned &o. ??6A.2 by indicatin; #is tenant, 8+ando:ner

    lessee and re;ular Attestation o'

    'arm:orker amon; t#ose 4aster +ist o'

    listed in t#e master list o' A"s9

    A"s, aGEin; #is

    si;nature on t#e same and

    on t#e +ando:ner

    Attestation 'orm, :it# one

    819 :itness si;nin; t#e same. CHTAc

    "eturn t#e attested master CA"P6+A$ orm

    list and notaried &o. ??6A 84aster

    +ando:ner Attestation +ist o' A;rarian

    'orm to t#e $A"4% :it#in "e'orm

    ='teen 81!9 days 'rom ene=ciaries :it#

    receipt o' t#e same. Provision on A"C

    Certi=cation and

    +% Attestation9

    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. ??6A.2


    Attestation o'

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    4aster +ist o'


    $.!.e $A"4% *pon receipt o' t#e +% CA"P6+A$ orm

    attested master list o' &o. ??6A 84aster A"s and +ando:ner +ist o' A;rarian

    Attestation on t#e master "e'orm

    list o' A"s, proceed :it# ene=ciaries :it#

    t#e preparation o' t#e Provision on A"C

    Application to Purc#ase Certi=cation and +%

    and armers *ndertakin; Attestation9

    8AP*9 in accordance CA"P6+A$ orm

    :it# tem 58$.39 o' t#is &o. ??6A.2

    %rder, i' t#e +% attested 8+ando:ner to all t#e A"s in t#e Attestation o'

    master list. 4aster +ist o'


    n cases :#ere t#e +%

    does not to attest to

    speci=c A"s or to all

    A"s in t#e master list

    o' A"s and identi=es ot#er A"s by substitution

    or addition :#om t#e +%

    claims are #is tenants,

    lessees or re;ular

    'arm:orkers, t#e 4A"%

    s#all re

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    or to all A"s in t#e by t#e +% o' t#e

    master list to :#ic# #e 4aster +ist o'

    s#all attac# t#e A;rarian "e'orm

    documents and ot#er ene=ciaries9

    evidence supportin; t#e A"Bs

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    A"s :it#in ='teen 81!9 days

    'rom receipt t#ereo', and t#e

    master list o' A"S becomes

    =nal and eEecutory pursuant

    to tem 5898109 o' t#is %rder. HCTAc

    $. Resolution of Landoner (L2) Partial or -ull Non5Attestation of

    +enants# Agricultural Lessees or Regular -ar$or/ers

    in the 4aster List of Agrarian Refor$ ,ene*ciaries (AR,s)

    $..a PA"% it#in ='teen 81!9 days 'rom

    receipt o' t#e report 'rom t#e

    $A"4% o' t#e partial or 'ull

    non6attestation o' t#e +% to t#e master list o' A"s and

    #is substitution or addition o'

    ot#er A"s :#om t#e +%

    claims to be #is tenants,

    lessees or re;ular

    'arm:orkers, conduct a

    revalidation on t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ' based on t#e PA"%s CA"P6+A$ orm

    revalidation, t#ere is possible &o. ?( 8+etter to

    merit to t#e +%s partial or 'ull A"C 'or t#e

    non6attestation o' t#e master Conduct o'

    list, and to t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    'arm:orkers or t#ose :#o

    :ere simply repudiated by

    t#e +% as #is


    'arm:orkers. Submit a report o' its CA"P6+A$ orm

    =ndin;s and include &o. 0 8A"C

    t#erein all t#e pertinent "eport o' indin;s

    documents to t#e PA"% on t#e Compulsory

    :it#in =ve 8!9 days a'ter Arbitration9

    t#e completion o' t#e Pertinent

    compulsory arbitration. $ocuments

    $..c PA"% it#in ='teen 81!9 days CA"P6+A$ orm 'rom receipt o' t#e report &o. 0 8A"C

    and =ndin;s o' t#e A"C "eport o' indin;s

    on t#e compulsory on t#e Compulsory

    arbitration, t#e PA"% s#all Arbitration9

    undertake an evaluation o'

    t#e A"C report and

    render #is decision.

    S#ould t#e PA"%s CA"P6+A$ orm decision aGrm t#e A"s in &o. ??6A 84aster

    t#e A"C certi=ed master +ist o' A;rarian

    list, return t#e same to t#e "e'orm

    $A"4% :it# an instruction ene=ciaries :it#

    to proceed :it# t#e Provision on A"C

    preparation o' t#e AP* in Certi=cation and +%

    accordance :it# tem Attestation9

    58$.39 o' t#is %rder.

    ' t#e PA"%s decision CA"P6+A$ orm

    'ully or partially sustains &o. 1 84aster +ist

    t#e +%s partial or 'ull non6 o' A;rarian "e'orm

    attestation o' t#e master ene=ciaries as

    list o' A"s and #is inalied by t#e

    substitution or addition o' PA"% per

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    ot#er potential A"s, #e "esolution on +%

    s#all =nalie t#e master &on6Attestation9

    list o' A"s and

    t#erea'ter, 'or:ard t#e

    same to $A"4% :it# t#e instruction to proceed :it#

    t#e preparation o' t#e

    AP* in accordance :it#

    tem 58$.39 o' t#is %rder.

    $..d $A"4% ased on t#e master list o' CA"P6+A$ orm

    A"s =nalied by t#e PA"%, &o. 1 84aster +ist

    prepare t#e AP* 'or si;nin; o' A;rarian "e'orm

    o' t#e A"s in accordance ene=ciaries as :it# tem 58$.39 o' t#is %rder. inalied by t#e

    PA"% per

    "esolution on +%


    CA"P6+A$ orm

    &o. 2 8Application

    to Purc#ase and

    armers *ndertakin; LAP*M9

    $.3 Preparation of the Application to Purchase and

    -ar$erCs Underta/ing (AP-U)

    $.3.a $A"4% *pon receipt o' t#e A"C CA"P6+A$ orm

    certi=ed and +%6attested &o. 2 8Application

    master list o' A"s or t#e to Purc#ase and

    master list o' A"s =nalied armers

    by t#e PA"%, undertake t#e *ndertakin;

    'ollo:in;7 LAP*M9

    CA"P6+A$ orm

    1. Prepare t#e AP*F &o. ? 8+etter to

    A"s "e;ardin;

    2. Coordinate :it# a cityB t#e Sc#edule o' t#e

    municipal >ud;e on t#e AP* Si;nin;9

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    sc#edule 'or t#e s:earin;

    under oat# o' t#e AP*

    by t#e A"sF and

    ?. &oti'y t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    amortiation and land

    taEes t#ereonF and

    1.? "eud;e to Purc#ase and

    durin; t#e desi;nated armers

    sc#edule per tem *ndertakin;9 58$.3.b9 o' t#is %rder.

    $.3.d $A"4% n case t#e concerned CA"P6+A$ orm

    A" 'ails to attend t#e &o. 8&otice to

    sc#eduled meetin; or Absent A" "e7

    re'uses to si;n t#e AP* aiver o' "i;#ts as

    durin; t#e meetin;, issue an A" 'or ailure

    a letter to be duly received to Si;n t#e AP*9

    by t#e A", or send a CA"P6+A$ orm

    notice to t#e absent A" &o. ! 8+etter to

    in'ormin; t#at t#ey #ave Present A" "e7

    t#irty 8?09 days 'rom aiver o' "i;#ts as

    receipt o' t#e letter or an A" 'or ailure

    notice, as t#e case may to Si;n t#e AP*9

    be, to report to t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    $A"4% and to si;n t#e

    AP*. T#e said letter or

    notice s#all state t#at

    A"s 'ailure to eEecute

    and si;n t#e AP* :it#in t#e prescribed period s#all

    constitute a :aiver o' ri;#t

    to become an A". AH$cC

    $.3.e $A"4% A'ter t#e AP*s #ave been

    si;ned and s:orn to under

    oat# by t#e A"Bs, record and

    transmit t#e same to t#e

    $A"P% 'or inclusion in t#eclaim 'older. Simultaneously,

    t#e 4A"%, :it# t#e

    assistance o' t#e A"C s#all

    undertake t#e activities

    necessary 'or t#e A"

    cardin; and identi=cation

    system pursuant to $A" A.%.

    &o. 0?, Series o' 200D.

    $.3.' 4A"% n case t#e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    desistin; A"s immediate

    'arm #ouse#old memberBs,


  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    .2 $A"6+P6 5eri'y and evaluate t#e CA"P6+A$ orm

    PP* C. ' 'ound suGcient and &o. D 8C#ecklist o'

    complete, prepare "e

  • 7/24/2019 rules dar land acquisition.doc


    determined land value o'

    t#e sub>ect land#oldin;, to

    +P6Head %Gce 8H%9 'or

    'urt#er evaluation and


    urnis# t#e $A"P% a Co