ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL · Captain Maurice Holdsworth...


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War Office, November 18, 1915.

HIS MAJESTY THE KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officer, in recognition of his most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty in the field :-Temporary Lieutenant George AIIan Maling, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps.

For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty during the heavy fighting near Fauquissart on September 25, 1915.

Lieutenant MaIing worked incessantly with untiring energy from 6.15 a.m. on the 25th till 8 a.m. on the 26th, coIIecting and treating in the open under heavy shell fire more than 300 men. At about 11 a.m. on the 25th he was fiung down and temporarily stunned by the bursting of a large high-explosive shell, which wounded his only assistant and killed several of his patients. A second shell soon after covered him and his instruments with debris, but his high courage and zeal never failed him and he continued his gallant work single-handed.

His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:-

Captain Maurice Holdsworth Barton, Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Force, attached 5th Battalion, The Leicestershire Regiment.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Hohenzollern Redoubt on October 13, 1915, in tending and bringing in wounded under fire. He also rallied and sent forward men who had become scattered. This is not the first time that Captain Barton's bravery and good work have been brought to notice.

Captain Samuel RusseII Foster, M.B., 2nd North Midland Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Force.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Hohenzollern Redoubt on October 16, 1915. He went to the relief of an officer and some wounded men who

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were lying in a trench between the firing lines, passing over a considerable space of open ground in broad daylight under heavy shell, machine-gun and rifle fire. He spent eight hours in this trench tending severely wounded men.

War Office, November 16, 1915.

His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Non·commissioned Officers and Men for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty whilst serving with the Expedi­tionary Forces in France and Flanders and at the Dardanelles :-

1000 Acting Lance-Corporal B. S. Franklin, 2nd Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry from September 29 to October I, 1915, near Loos. While in charge of advanced bearer post he displayed the greatest bravery and devotion to duty. By his initiative he rescued many wounded from the village of Loos and from the surrounding trenches, and his fine example was instrumental in keeping up the moral of the men under him. The post was under heavy and continuous shell fire.

12519 Quartermaster·Serjeant R. E. Halford, 21st Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty from September 25 to 28.1915, near Hulluch. Quartermaster-Serjeant Halford for four consecutive days and nights, without rest, and under very heavy shell fire, attended to and brought in the wounded, and, although wounded on the evening of September 26, he continued with great coolness and bravery to collect and bring in wounded for several hours under heavy shell fire. On the evening of September 27 he again voluntarily went out to collect the wounded on the Hulluch Road, which was under heavy shell fire at the time.

1105 Serjeant J. W. Hancock, 4th London Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Force.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty from September 25 to 28, 1915, at Loos and Maroc, when he repeatedly went out with the stretcher-bearer sub·division a.nd rendered the most valuable service in directing and assisting in the work of the removal of the wounded from the field under heavy fire. By his bravery and coolness he set an example which went far to contribute to the success of the work of the other bearers.

1815 Quartermaster-Serjeant G. P. Pursey, 2nd Field Ambulancil, Royal Army Medical Corps.

For conspicuous bravery, notably from September 28 to October I, 1915, as senior non· commissioned officer of a bearer division, when he showed the greatest courage and total disregard of personal danger in collecting and evacuating wounded from the village of Loos lInd the neighbouring trenches, which were under a heavy and continuous fire.

32674 Lance-Corporal J. Sweeney, 42nd Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. For conspicuous gallantry on September 25, 26 and 27, 1915, at Hooge, when he

stayed in an open trench under very heavy shell fire, directing the stretcher-bearers and dressing many wounded. Lance-Corporal Sweeney continued this duty for twenty­seven hours, and then led stretcher-bearer parties up and down the trenches to the advance trenches, working incessantly for forty-eight hours. His devotion to duty was most marked .

.39419 Private G. T. Veitch, 39th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps. For conspicuous bravery on August 22, 1915, during operations near Gaba Tepe

(Dardanelles). An advance was being made by rushes over a space swept by shrapnel fire. As each rush passed over, numerous dead and wounded were left lying within the danger zone. Private Veitch voluntarily went out and remained attending to the wounded and bringing as many as possible into safety, in spite of the fact that it was only at the greatest personal risk that the ground could be passed over. He remained under the hail of bullets for nearly half an hour. His bravery and devotion to duty -were beyond praise.

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Colonel Willi~m W. Pike, D.S.O., F.R.C.S.I., to be temporary Surgeon.General whilst holding the appointment of Director of Medical Services of an Army, dated November 1, 1915.

Colonel William W. Pike, D.S.O., on completion of four years' service in his rank, is retained on the Active List, under the provisions of Article 120, Royal Warrant for pay and promotion, and to be supernumerary to Establishment, dated November 9, 1915.

Colonel Edwin Lee, from the Territorial Force Reserve, to be Assistant Director of Medical Services, 3rd Army, Central Force, dated November 10, 1915.

Archibald Edward Garrod, M.D., F.R.C.P., to be temporary Colonel, dated November 15, 1915.

Temporary Colonel Frederick F. Burghard, M.D., F.R.C.S., relinquishes his commission, dated October 25, 1915.


Lieutena.nt-Colonel Charles Averill, M.D., from Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services to be Assistant Director of Medical Services, Welsh Division (temporary), dated October 3, 1915.

Major John G. Bell, M.B., to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel whilst an Assistant Director of Medical Services, dated June 4, 1915.

Richard John Morris, M.D., late Surgeon-Major, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment), Territorial Force, to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, dated October 18, 1915.

Captain Alexander S. M. Macgregor, M.D., from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, Lowland Division (temporary), dated July 11, 1915.

Captain (temporary Major) Henry J. Dunbar, M.B., from 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance, to be Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, Welsh Division (temporary), dated October 3, 1915.

The undermentioned to be temporary Majors :-Dated August 5, 1915.-Surgeon-Major A. C. Stamberg, M.D., Medical Corps, The

Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey. Dated October 30, 1915.-Henry Edward Leigh Canney, M.D. Dated November 5, 1915.-Lieutenant·Colonel Charles Edward Ligertwood, M.D.,

late 5th Mounted Rifles, Imperial Light Horse. Dated November 16, 1915.-Alexander Charles O'Sullivan, M.B. Dated November 20, 1915.-Temporary Captain Alfred H. Carter, M.D. Dated November 25, 1915.-Temporary Captain Flrnest H. Starling, M.D. Dated November 27, 1915.-Temporary Captain Arthur Martin Leake, V.C., F.R.C.S. Dated November 30, 1915.-Hugh Lett, M.B., F.R.C.S.

The undermentioned to be temporary Majors whilst employed with the Huddersfield War Hospital :-

Dated October 4, 1915.-Peter MacGregor, F.R.C.S.Edin. ; John George Rowell. The undermentioned temporary Lieutenants to be temporary Captains :-Dated September 15, 1915.-John J. A. Sherry. Dated September 19, 1915.-James R. Gyllencreutz ; Edward Hamilton. Dated September 21, 1915.-Lewis H. F. Thatcher, M.D. ; Isaao B. D'Olier, M.D. ;

Leslie H. Skene, M.B. Dated October 2, 1915.-Wallace McC. Conley, M.B. Dated October 5, 1915.-Daniel McVicker, M.B. ; John S. Stewart, M.B. Dated October 10, 1915.-Guy A. C. Mitchell, M.B.; Victor D. O. Logan, M.B. ;

Charles M. Forster. Dated October 19, 1915.-Cecil H. Treadgold, M.D. Dated October 21, 1915.-James G. Higgins; Albert J. MoC. C. Morrison, M.B. Dated October 24, 1915.-Arthur S. Blackwell, M.D., F.R.C.S. Dated October 25, 1915.-Robert W. Michell, M.D., F.R.C.S.; Charles McM.

Wilson, M.D.

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Dated October 28, 1915.-Louis Cassidy, M.B., F.R.C.S.I. Dated October 29, 1915.-David W. Woodruff. Dated November I, 1915.-Leslie Raden Guest; Claude G. Colyer; Rorace C.

Colyer, Stanley A. Riddett; Charles Weller; Frederick W. Broderick; George G. Timpson; Rorace A. Cutler, M.B. ; Richard P. Rosser, M.B.; Charles E. R. Smith; Reginald J. Rogers, F.R.C.S.Edin.; Herbert L. Hatch, M.B.; JamesK. Clarke, M.B. ; Peter Drummond, M.B.; David J. Evans, M.B.; William A. L. Dunlop; Daniel McKelvey, M.B. .

Dated November 2, 1915.-Charles L. Graham, M.B.; Charles D. Pye-Smith, M.B., F.R.C.S. ; William A. Rislop, M.B. ; John Alexander, M.B. ; Thomas B. Johnstone; Charles M. Bernays; Ralph S. Renton, M.D.; Richard B. Llewellyn, M.B. ; Robert Crothers, F.R.C.S.Edin.; Peter R. Robertson, M.B.; Laurence W. Pole, M.B.; William Tregenza; Robert Thomson, M.B.; HarryV. White, M.D.; Sydney Jacob.

Dated November 3, 1915.-0ctavius S. Maunsell. Dated November 4, 1915.-William F. Neil, M.B., F.R.C.S.; Arthur R. Muir;

William B. Clark, M.B.; Thomas S. G. Martin; Alexander Hunter, M.B.; Cecil Powell, M.B.

Dated November 5, 1915.-Samuel McM. McLay, M.B. Dated November 6, 1915.-Sydney A. Tucker, M.B. ; Julius M. Bernstein, M.B. ;

Millias Culpin, M.B., F.R.C.S. ; Charles F. Constant. Dated November 7, 1915.-Renry M. Moir, M.B.; Courtenay Yorke, M.D.,

F.R.C.S.; John Stevenson, M.B. Dated November 9, 1915.-Reginald J. Hearn; Alexander K. Forbes, M.B.;

Albert L. Walker, M.B., F.R.C.S.; George F. Petrie, M.D.; Herbert G. M. Henry, M.D.; Ernest F. W. Buckell.

Dated November 10, 1915.-Godfrey W. Mitchell; Thomas M. Newton, M.B.; Lawrence Crombie, l\LB.; Sidney J. Cullum, M.D.; John H. Dancy; Albert E. Cotterill; Charles W. Smith, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. ; Robert Craig, M.B.

The undermentioned to be temporary Captains ;-Dated October 10, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Charles H. Robson, M.B. Dated October 18, 1915.-William Henry Payne, M.D. Dated October 20, 1915.-Francis Peake Maitland. Dated October 21, 1915.-Robert Oecil Turle Evans, M.B., late Oaptain, 1st London

Royal Engineers (Volunteers). Dated October 22, 1915.-Aubrey Dean Vernon-Tay1or. Dated October 25, 1915.-Walter Theodore Ohlmus. Dated October 27, 1915.-George Gunnis Ferguson, M.B., late Surgeon·Captain,

London Scottish Rifle Volunteers. Dated October 28, 1915.-Surgeon-Captain Charles Noble le Brocq, M.D., Medical

Corps, The Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey. Dated November 1, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant George E. Vilvandre. Dated November 3, 1915.-John Rupert Collins, M.D.; James Christopher

Reginald Braime-Hartnell, F. R. C. S.Edin. Dated November 4, 1915.-Thomas Walcot, M.D. Dated November 12, 1915.-Major Edward Wrigley Braithwaite, from The Prince

of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment), Territorial Force. Dated November 13, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Richard Le G. Worsley. Dated November 15, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Philip N. Vellacott, M.B.,

F.R. C. S., late Captain, South African Constabulary. Dated December 4, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant John Lunn, M.B.; Temporary

Lieutenant Arthur G. Mossop.

The undermentioned to be temporary Lieutenants :-Dated September 27, 1915.-Francis Christopher Plummer, M.B. Dated October 12, 1915.-Lieutenant Gordon Blanchard Wiswell, M.D., Canadian

Army Medical Corps. Dated October 14, 1915. -Alexander Gold Waddell, M.B. Dated October 15, 1915.-Lieutenant Hamnett Townley Douglas, M.D., Canadian

Army Medical Corps. Dated October 18, 1915.-Seymour Cochrane Shanks, M.B. ; Graham Morris, M.D. ;

Edwin Charles Girling, M.B.; Thomas William Sweetnam, M.B.; John Davy Evans, M.B.; John James McMillan, M.D.; George Francis Hegarty; Frederick Morres; Frank Shirley Adams, M.B.; Andrew Neilson, M.B.; Richard Denton

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Attwood; Robert Lewis Thornley, M.D.; Frederick Whitaker; Alexander Wilson Frew; Frank Hodson Bromhead, M.B.; Edwin Boyers, M.B.; Herbert Arthur Luke Banbam; Alan William Holthuson, M.B.

Dated October 19, 1915.-William Noel Hazerigg Bell; William Hornsby, l\LB. ; David Sims.

Dated October 20, 1915.-·John Gordon Sharp, M.D.; George Clark Stewart. M.B.; Maurice Davies, M.B.; Arthur Norman Haig. M.B.; John Stevenson Mitchell, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. ; William Halliday Welsh, M.D.; Alexander Gibson Henderson, M.D. ; David Gair McRae; Halford Thomas Wilkins.

Dated October 21, 1915. - James Bradley-Hughes; WaIter Mercer, M.B.; Eugene Aaron Bernard; Ralph Campbell Lindsay Batchelor, M.B.; Frederick John Cleminson, F.R.C.S.; Bryen McDermott.

Dated October 22, 1915.·-William Ohristopher MacFetridge, M.D. ; Oharles Hunter Graham, M.D., F.R.O.S.Edin. ; John James MacRitchie, M.D.

Dated October 23, 1915.-Alfred Bealy Blomfield; James Broomhead, M.B.; Edward Maynard Ashcroft, M.B.; Eric Bellingham Smith, M.D.; William Benjamin Walker, M.B.; Thomas Mulcahy; Thomas Fletcher Lumb; Edw&rd James Primrose, M.D.; Stephen Francis Smith; Frank Vause, M.B.; Robert Moir Lechmere Anderson, M.B. ; Thomas Dick McLaren, M.B.; Arthur Herbert Spicer, M.B.

Dated October 24, 1915.-Harry Spong. Dated October 25, 1915.-Michael McNiff, M.B.; Francis Seward Beachcroft;

Oampbell Kay Stevenson, M.B.; Sydney John Darke, M.B.; Vincent Middleton Coates; Oharles Alexander Robertson Gatley; Robert Bain Lothian, M.B.; George Stewart Murray, M.D.; Kenneth Norman MacLean, M.B.; Frank William Martyn, M.B. ; Alexander Charles Edward Gray, M.D.; James McDonald, M.B.; Reginald Peter Nutcombe Brickland Bluett; Frederick Buick McOarter, M.B.; Sidney Trevor Davies; Ernest Osmond Gilkes; Oharles Digby Halcomb, M.B.; Alexander Brnce Simpson, M.B. ; Andrew Paton Gray, M.B.; Alexander Fitzgerald Grattan Guinness; George Reid, M.B.; Thomas William Newton Dunn, M.B.; Bertram Marriott Bennett, M.B.; Alfred William Popert; Harry Angell Lane; James Raffan, M.D., F.R.O.S.Edin.; William MacDermott, M.B.; Wilfred Guy Stuart Neeley.

Dated October 26, 1915.-James Grant Morrin; William James Olivey; Rainald Heaton ; Roderick Mac Gill.

Dated October 27, 1915.-Sidney Langford Hinde; Richard Burges; Herbert Newsome, M.B.; Dyfrig Huws Pennant; Reginald Robert EIsworthy, M.D.

Dated October 28, 1915.-Richard Fen ton Theodore Newbery, M.B.; Alexander Mills Kennedy, M.D.; William Allan Higgins, M.B. ; George Turnbull Walker, M.B.; J oseph Pat rick McGreehin, l\I.B.; Donald John MacDougall, M.B. ; John Hughes Murray, M.B. ; Robert Kinnear Hay Gillespie, M.B. ; Alexander Dick, M.B. ; Hugh Laurence McCormick, M.B. ; Norman William Gilchrist, M.B.; Charles Reginald Edwards; Johu Rigby, M.B.; Edward Henry Wheeler; Kenneth MCAlpin ROBS, M.B.

Dated October 29, 1915.-John Kerr Muir. Dated October 30, 1915.-Gerald Straun Marshall; Eric Llewellyn Ivens; John

McMillan, M.B.

The undermentioned are granted temporarily the honorary rank of Lieutenant whilst serving with No. 2 British Red Cross Hospital:-

Dated Jl!Ily 7, 1915.-Ernest Oharles Arnold, M.B .• F.R.O.S. Dated August 11, 1915.-James Lindsay, M.D.; Ernest Milne Eaton, M.B.;

Frederick Wood Hamilton, M.B.; LorimerJohn Austin, M.B., F.R.C.S. Dated September 29, 1915.-Patrick Henry Lang, M.B. Dated October 7, 1915.-David Phillips Williams. Dated October 18, 1915.-John Mathieson Macmillan. Dated October 22, 1915.-Walter Alexander Orane. Dated October 25, 1915.-Richard Austin Cooper; Herbert Vincent MorIey ; John

Alphonsus Joseph Tighe; Temporary Second Lieutenant Stanley Lawson, from The Leicestershire Regiment; Lieutenant Fred Halsall, from The Prince of Wales's {South Lancashire Regiment}.

Dated October 26, 1915.-Caswell Glynne Bowen; Arthur Bramston Austin. Dated October 28, 1915.-Robert Reid; Percy Ravenscroft. Dated October 30, 1915.-Stephen Wilson Oharles. Dated November 1, 1915.-William Arthur Rees, M.D., F.R.O.S.; Oswald Harry

Anderson; Audrew Kelt; Bertie Mendleson; Henry Vincent Gibbons; Francis Robert l\1:cOambley; John Clark Yoeman; Andrew George Wilson; Olaud Wyatt.

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Dated November 2, 1915.-Patrick Kinmont, M.D., F.R.O.S.Edin.; Robert Thomas Forster, M.B. ; Ronald Stevenson Dickie, M.B. ; Francis Wardlaw Milne, M.D. . Dated November 3, 1915.-Norman Frederick Hallows, M.B.; Edward Segs

Massiah, M.B.; Robert Forbes, M.B. ; David Saunders Jones; Henry Edgar Barnes, M.D.; Hector Kenneth Macdonald, M.B. ; Eric Bernard Armitage.

Dated November 4, 1915.-0yril Oourtenay Lord; Ohambre Oorker Vigurs, lVLD. ; Francis de Oourcy Keogh, M.B.; Wilfred Jameson; Oharles Bannigan, M.B.; Joseph Allan MacLean, M.B.; Frederick William Hobbs; Francis BruneI Hawes; Henry Stagg Byers, M.D.; William Alexander Ferguson; Wharram Henry Lamplough, M.D.

Dated November 5, 1915.-Edgar Douglas Batty; Robert Andrew George Elliott; M.B. ; William Land Dibb, M.B.; JameR ]VIacRae; Thomas Hugh Edey; William Douglas Newland; Edward Hesketh Roberts, M.B.

Dated Ncvember 6, 1915.-Frederick Bennett Julian, M.B.; James Alexander Richard Thompsou, Jl.LB.; William George Frederick Johnson; Alfred Oresswell Taylor; Robert Evans Thomas, IVLD.; Armitage Edward Frederick Litton Forbes.

Dat@d November 7, 1915.-Arthur Gerald Forrest; Ernest Patrick Titterton; Thomas Davidson, M.B.; George Arthur Gordon, M.D.; Percival Oeeil Hardinge Ryan, M.D.; Maynard Lambert Loveless.

Dated November 8, 1915.-Rupert William Percival Jackson; Robert Taylor Todd, M.B.; William Robert Percival McNeight, M.D.; James Ogilvie; Arthur Edward Schokman; Ernest William Nowell Wooler, M.B. ; Alexander George Hains Moore; James Largue Murray Smith, M.B.; William Barbour, M.B.; Samuel McNair; Albert Sophron Sieger; Richard Kenyon, M.B.: James Mofiat, M.B.; John Orawford; William Butement, M.B.; William Frederick Walker; Frederick William Lee; Robert William Macpberson, M.D. ; John 11:ilo Ryan, M.B. ; Laurence Sebastian OeciI Roche; Andrew Rutherford, M.B.; Oharles Wilmot Wanklyn James.

Dated November 12, 1915.--Archibald James Gwatkin; George Kennaway Mallory; Frank Allday; Alan Douglas Edward Shefford; Percy George Hastings Cox-Moore.

The undermentioned Lieutenants of the Canadian Army Medical Corps to be temporary Lieutenants:-

Dated October 27, 1915.-George William Racey, M.B. ; Leonard Hugh Douglass, M.D.; Thomas Alexander Brandon, M.B.; Oharles R. Totton, M.B.; David Oaw Wilson, M.D. ; James Davis Curtis, M.B.

The undermentioned to be temporary Lieutenants :­Dated June 6, 1915.-William Bunting Wamsley, M.B. Dated July 5, 1915.-Donald Meek, M.B. Dated November 1, 1915.--Alexander Dick, M.B.; Alfred Joseph Dunlop, M. B. ;

John Wesley Bennett, M.B. ; Oharles Witts, M.B.; Oharles George Lambie, M.B. ; Alan Richmond Snowdon; Evan Olarence Ellis Van-Eyck; Ion Keith·Falconer MacLeod, M.B.; Rugh Campbell Righet, M.D. ; Robert George Allen; Arthur Denys Rope, M.B., William Percival Ker; Bernard Watson Jones, M.B.; Thomas Rarold Gibbs, M.B. ; James Fenwick Robertson; Thomas Fryer O'Kell; John Noonan Meade; David Peter Gaussen, M.D.; John Webster Bride, M.D.; Ernest William Shaw Hughes; William Square Edmond, F.R.C.S.; Bryan Joseph Nolan; Daniel Viliesid; Eldon Munro Litcbfield; William Moir Shepherd, M.B.; Philip Melancthon Ragg, M.B. ; Harvie Anderson Forrester, M.B.; David Mann, M.B.; F.R.C.S.Edin.; Arthur Forbes Elliott, M.B. ; Alfred Edmund Francis Fonnereau Huntsman; Frederick John Ayre; George Henry Vane Appleby, M.D.; Thomas George Wakeling; Douglas Reginald Pike, M.B. ; Alexander Burns, M.B.; Rerbert WiIliam Black Ruxton, M.B. ; Edwin Augustus Hutton-A~tenborough; David Macnish, M.B.; Frank Edgar Marshall, M.B. ; James McAlpine Scott, M.D. ; David Anderson, M.B. ; Robert Godwin Ohase, M.B.; Thomas Joseph Taunton; Oharles William Ensor; Hugh Robinson Irvine; James Logan; Ernest Lawton Matthew.

The undermentioned temporary honorary Lieutenants to be temporary Lieutenants :-

Dated October 18, 1915.-Joseph Russell Tibbles. Dated October 19, 1915.-0harles Sherbourne Dodson. Dated October 23, 1915.-Septimus Alexander Forbes; Rarry Arnold Ash. Dated Octobor 24, 1915.-Eric Arnold Scott. Dated October 26, 1915.-Audrew Royston Elliott, M.B. Dated October 27, 1915.-Reginald Hugh Simpson, M.B. ; Oharles Cyril Okell.

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The undermentioned to be temporary honorary Lieutenants :-Dated October 10, 1915.-Rufus Clifford Thomas (substituted for the notification

which appeared in the Gazette of November 5, 1915). Dated November, 3, 19I5.-Philip Hudson. Dated November 9, I915.-Tertius Thomas Boswall Watson; Ralph Godfrey

Michelmore; Wilfrid Davison Newcomb. Dated November 10, 1915.-Humphrey Nockolds, M.B., whilst serving with No. 3

British Red Cross Hospital. Dated November 13, 1915.-Gordon Cranstoun; Harold Gardiner-Hill. Dated November 15, 1915.-Geoffrey Oliver Hempson. Dated November 16, 1915.-Edgar Broughton Barnes. The notification regarding temporary Lieutenant David E. Fenwick, M.B., which

appeared in the Gazette of October 23, 1915, is cancelled. The undermentioned relinquish their commissions ;-Dated October 30, 1915.-Temporary Captain Arthur Mll.tthey. Dated November 4, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Warren Meade. Dated November 10, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Harold C. Bloxsome. Dated November IS,1915.-Temporary Honorary Captain J. L. Dickie, M.B. The date on which temporary Lieutenant James L. Whatley relinquished his

commission is October 23, 1915, and not as stated in the Gazette of November 11, 1915.

The undermentioned relinquish their commissions on account of ill-health :­Dated November 5, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Harold Kempsey, M.B. Dated November 14, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Joseph Brewer. Dated November 15, 1915.-Temporary Captain Robert Lloyd Roe, M.B. Dated November 25, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant Henry James Thomson, M.B. Dated December 1, 1915.-Temporary Lieutenant George Cooper, M.D. The undermentioned to be temporary Quartermasters, with the honorary rank of

Lieutenant ;-Dated August 11, 1915.--Herbert John Middleweek. Dated October 29, 19I5.-James Alexander Jardine Currie. Dated November 1, 1915.-Ernest Bantock Ringrose, Harold Lawson Jackson. Dated November 2, 1915.-James Bruce Mackay, George Grossmith, Frederick

Henry Gooderham. Dated November 3, 1915.-Arthur Harwood Addey-Jibb. Dated November 4, 19l5.-John Tonkinson. Dated November 8, 1915.-Hubert Frank Simnett. Dated November 11, 1915.-Valentine Augustus Bell. Dated November 14, 1915.-Peter Cunningham.


The undermentioned Staff Nurses to be Sisters;-Dated November 27, 19l5.-E. A. Harvey; M. E. Smith.


3rd Scottish General Hospital.-Captain Alexander J. Archibald, lILB., is seconded for duty with an Ambulance, dated November 6, 1915.

Highland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant David D. Mackay M.B., to be Captain, dated September 22, 1915.

1st Highland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Henry Begg, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 29, 1915. .

2nd Highland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant John Moir, M.B., to be Captain> dated October 29, 1915.

1st Lowland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Alexander G. Buchanan, M.B., to be Captain, dated November 5, 1915.

3rd Lowland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant George J. Linklater, M.B., to be Captain, dated September 18, 1915.

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2nd Northumbrian Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Henry Stonehouse to be Captain, dated October 17, 1915; Lieutenant Wilson H. Morrison, M.B., from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Lieutenant dated November 25, 1915.

2nd West Riding Field Ambulance.-Clement Hoyle Heppenstall, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated November 2, 1915.

1st West Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Leonard B. Stott, M.B., to be Captain, dated September 16, 1915.

2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Graham Stevenson, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 1, 1915; Benjamin Robertshaw to be Lieutenant, dated October 12, 1915.

3rd West Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Major Thomas Holt, M.D., from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Major, dated December 3, 1915.

East Lancashire Casualty Clearing Station.-Walter Briggs, 1'LB., to be Lieu· tenant, dated October 11, 1915; Jeffrey Ramsay, M.D., to be Lieutenant, dated October 12, 1915.

1st North Midland Field Ambulance.-Frederick Charles Pridham, F.R.C.S., to be Lieutenant, dated November, 15 1915.

3rd North Midland Field Ambulance.-Captain William McC. Wanklyn, from Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services, North Midland Division, to be Captain, dated November 9, 1915.

North Midland Cas~talty Clearing Station.-James Anderson Young, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated November 2, 1915.

1st South Midland Field Ambulance.-Surgeon Captain George Mackie, from 2nd South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, to be Captain, dated November 16, 1915; Captain George Mackie to be temporary Major, dated November 16, 1915; Captain Ernest E. B. Landon, from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Captain, dated November 27, 1915.

2nd South Midland Field Ambulance.-Captain Reginald D. Moore, from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Captain, dated November 18,1915.

3rd South Midland Field Ambulance.-Cyril Claude Lavington, M.B. (late Captain in this Unit), to be Captain, dated November 18, 1915.

South Midland Casualty Clearing Station.-Lieutenant Astley B. Prosser, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 27, 1915.

1st Wessex Field Ambulance.-John Booth Kelly, to be Lieutenant, dated November 20, 1915.

Wessex Divisional Sanitary Section.-William Harry Biggs, to be Lieutenant, dated November 20, 1915.

Wessex Casualty Clearing Station.-Major Robert A. Draper, from Yorkshire Mounted Brigade, Field Ambulance, to be Major, dated November 17, 1915.

2nd Welsh Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Thomas P. Edwards, M.D., to be Captain, dated July 11, 1915.

3rd Welsh Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur L. Jones, from the Territorial Force Reserve, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, dated January 1, 1915; Lieutenant­Colonel Arthur L. Jones to be seconded for duty as Senior Medical Officer, Swansea Coast Defences, dated January 1, 1915; Lieutenant John W. Dale, M.B., to be Captain, dated September 3, 1915.

Welsh Border Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Frank L. Newton, M.B., to be Captain, dated September 26, 1915.

Welsh Casualty Clearing Station. -Lieutenant John Anderson, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 29, 1915.

2nd Northern General Hospital.-Captain Joseph le F. C. Burrow, M.B., is seconded for duty with North Midland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, dated October 1, 1915 ; Captain John B. Hall is seconded for duty with East Anglian Casualty Clearing Station, dated September 30, 1915; Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Faulkner Dobson, M.B., F.R.C.S., is placed on temporary Half-pay List on account of ill-health, dated December 3, 1915.

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4th Northern General Hospital.-Captain William R. Higgins, U.B., is seconded for duty on a Hospital Ship, dated October 21, 1915. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: Henry J. Smith, M.B., dated November 17, 1915; Christopher W. Sharpley, dated December 2, 1915.

1st Western General Hospital.-Captain Robert E. Kelly, M.D., F.R.C.S., is seconded, dated October 29, 1915.

3rd Western General Hospital.-Evan Davies to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated September 20, 1915.

1st Eastern General Hospital.-Victor Thomas Ellwood, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated November 16, 1915.

2nd Eastern General Hospital.-Lieutenant-Colonel Edward F. Maynard, M.D., is seconded for duty at Ravenscroft Military Hospital, dated November 23, 1915.

Eastern Mo!tnted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Transport Officer and Honorary Lieutenant John Ashurst resigns his commission, dated December 2, 1915.

South-Eastern Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Captain Alexander G. S. Logie, M.B., is seconded for duty with Highland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance, dated December 3, 1915.

1st Southern General Hospital.-Lieutenant Alfred P. Phillips to be Captain, dated May 24, 1915; Lieutenant Arthur C. Tibbits, to be Captain, dated October 6, 1915. ,

2nd Southern General Hospital.-Lieutenant-Colonel Edmund C. Board resigns his commission on account of ill-health, dated Nqvember 30, 1915.

3rd Southern General Hospital.-John Gardiner to be Captain, whose services will be available on mobilization, dated November 9, 1915; Edwin Morton, M.D. (late Surgeon.Lieutenant, 3rd Volunteer Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment), to be Captain, whose services will be available on mobilization, dated November 18, 1915.

4th Southern General Hospital.-Major JobnMortimer, M.B., resigns his commision on account of ill-health, dated December 2, 1915.

1st East Anglian Field Ambulance.-Eric John Staddon, to be Lieutenant, dated November 20, 1915_

2nd East Anglian Field Ambulance.-Captain Archibald B. Pettigrew is seconded for duty with the East Anglian Divisional Ammunition Column, dated November 12, 1915; William John Dearden, to be Lieutenant, dated July 21, 1915.

East Anglian Oas2talty Olearing Station.-Lieutenant Robert C. S. Smith, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 9, 1915.

1st Home Oounties Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Francis S. Jackson, to be Captain, dated September 16, 1915; Major Arthur T. Falwasser, to be temporary Lieutenant·Colonel, dated November 27, 1915.

31'd Home Oounties Field Ambulance.-Francis Poole, to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated November 16, 1915. The date of promotion of Major Hector G. G. Mackenzie, M.D., to temporary Lieutenant-Colonel is May 21, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of September 10, 1915.

Home Oounties Oasualty Clearing Station.-Thomas Watson Hancock, to be Lieutenant, dated November 9, 1915; Wilfred Lawrence Hibbert, to be Lieutenant, dated November 9, 1915; Arthur Griffith Williams, to be Lieutenant, dated November 9, 1915; Henry Ray Parsloe, to be Lieutenant, dated November 25, 1915; Captain William M. Parham, M.D., to be temporary Major, dated December 2, 1915; Captain Gerald W. C. HoIlist, from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Captain, dated December 3, 1915.

1st London (Oity of London) Sanitary Oompany.-The following announcement is· substituted for that which appeared in the London Gazette of May 29. 1915: Lieutenant John H. Baldwin to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915, with seniority next below Captain Arthur T. Pitts; Lieutenant John Golding to be Captain, dated October 8, 1915; WaIter Buddin to be Lieutenant, dated October 11, 1915; Edward William Gregory to be Lieutenant, dated October 11, 1915; Lieutenant Gilbert N. Anderson, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 15, 1915; Robert John Stewart McDowall, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated November 1, 1915; James Philip Elias, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated November 28, 1915.

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2nd London (City of London) Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant William T. Homan to be Captain, dated October 7, 1915; Captain Louis Courtauld, M.B., is seoonded for duty at Netley, dated November 11,1915.

2nd London Casualty CleMing Station.-Captain Glaude H. S. Frankau, M.B., F.R.C.S., to be temporary Major, dated Ootober 20, 1915.

2nd London SanitMY Company.-Lieutenant Owen H. Peters, M.B., to be Captain, dated Ootober 15, 1915; Lieutenant Edwin J. Messent to be Captain, dated November 17, 1915; Herbert John Leslie Barefoot to be Lieutenant, dated November 15, 1915 i Bernard Robinson Hebblethwaite to be Lieutenant, dated November 16, 1915; Serjeant Harold Stanton Tebbitt from 1st London Sanitary Company, to be Lieutenant, dated November 19, 1915; Second Lieutenant Kenneth Bertram Williamson, from the Unattached List for the Territorial Force, to be Lieutenant, dated November 27,1915.

3rd London General Hospital.-Lieutenant William F. B. Bensted·Smith to be Captain, dated October 10, 1915.

4th London Field Ambulance.-Quartermaster and Honorary Captain James P. Ekins is seconded, dated November 11, 1915; Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Reginald R. Whitty, from 6th London Field Ambulance, to be Quartermaster with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated November 2, 1915.

5th London General Hospital.-The undermentioned to be Captains, whose servioes will be available on mobilization: Harold Low, M.B., dated August 16, 1915; Charles Richard Box, M.D., F.R.C.S., dated August 16,1915; John Shields Fairbairn, M.B., F.R.O.S., dated August 16,1915; James Montagu Wyatt, dated August 16, 1915; John Herbert Fisher, M.B., F.R.O.S., dated August 16, 1915; Alfred Ernest Russell, M.D., dated September 20, 1915. William Joseph Teil Kimber to be Lieutenant, dated August 16, 1915.

London Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Frederiok Porter Smith to be Lieutenant, dated November 20, 1915; Henry Fulton (Honorary Major, retired, Special Reserve, late Captain, London Signal Companies (Army Troops). Royal Engineers), to be Major. dated November 27,1915. The undermentioned Lieutenants (on probation) are confirmed in their rank: William Hunt, M.B.; Oecil McL. West, M.B. Lieutenant (on probation) William W. Blair, M.B., is confirmed in his rank.


Robert John Fleming, M.B., to be Oaptain, whose services will be available on mobilization, dated November 17, 1915.


Lieutenant Thomas A. Fisher, to be Oaptain, dated April 1, 1915. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Oaptains:-Robert McAdoo, M.B., dated April 1, 1915. Thomas W. H. Downes, dated April 1. 1915. Lieutenant George H. H. WayJen to be Oaptain, dated April 1, 1915. John E. Pearce, dated April 8, 1915. Lieutenants Henry W. Lance, M.B., to be Oaptain, dated April 17, 1915. Lieutenant Robert U. Mofiat, O.M.G., M.D., to be Oaptain, dated May 4, 1915. Lieutenant Arohibald Oliver M.D., to beOaptain dated May 4, 1915. Lieutenant Philip H. G. Gosse to be Oaptain, May 16, 1915. Henry W. Oase, M.B., dated June 10, 1915. Frederick W. A. Stott, M.B., dated July 16, 1915. The date of promotion of Oaptain James N. Macmullan to Major is August 5, 1914,

and not as stated in the London Gazette of June 26, 1915. Thomas Porter, M.B., dated September 23, 1915. Captain Oharles C. Grummitt, from 3rd North Midland Field Ambulance, to'be

Oaptain, dated October 3, 1915. Major Paul McK. Terry, from Wessex Casualty Clearing Station, to be Major,

da ted October 6, 1915. Lieutenant William H. Oalvert, M.D., to be Oaptain, dated October 19, 1915. George Richard Wilson, M.B. (late Oaptain, 4th Battalion, The East LanCILshire

Regiment), to be Oaptain, dated October 19, 1915.

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Lieutenant Thomas S. Allan to be Captain, dated October 21, 1915. Lieutenant Richard P. Pollard, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 22, 1915. Lieutenant WaIter Mundy Cox to be Captain, dated October 29, 1915. William Young Martin, M.B. (late Captain, 5th Battalion, The Manchester

Regiment), to be Captain, dated November 4, 1915. James J. Marsh, dated November 7,1915. Henry Guy Ludolf (late Lieutenant, West Riding Divisional Train, Army Service

Oorps) to be Lieutenant, dated November 20, 1915. Arthur Butler-Rarris, M.B. (late Major, 4th Battalion, The Essex Regiment), to

be Major, dated November 23, 1915. Captain John Cook, from 1st Welsh Field Ambulance, to be Captain, dated

November 27, 1915. William Allan Smith, M.B. (late Major, 4th Battalion, The East Lancashire

Regiment), to be Major, dated November 4, 1915.

BIRTH. FOSTER.-On November 19, 1915, at Woodgate Rouse, Wimbledon, the wife of

Captain A. L. Foster, R.A.M.C., of a daughter.

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