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Round 1UltimateQuestion

Luthers NewtonsLockes

Round 2

Category #1 Category #2 Category #4 Category #5 Category #6Famous Quotes

Important Treaties

Sculpture Russian Tsars

Philosophy Religion

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200$200










$300 $300 $300


$500 $500 $500



He said, “It is better to be feared than to

be loved, if you cannot be both.”


Niccoló Machiavelli

[Unit 1.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This economist wrote, “[he is] led by an invisible hand to

promote an end that was no part of his intention.”


Adam Smith[Unit 4.1]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

He said, “Whatever you do, crush the infamous thing, and love those

who love you.”


Voltaire[Unit 4.1]

Round 1

Place a bet between $100 to $1000 (or higher if you have more money)



Scoreboard Answer

He said, “God is dead. God remains dead. And

we have killed him.”


Friedrich Nietzsche

[Unit 9.3]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

He said, “Man is born free, but he is

everywhere in chains.”


Jean-Jacques Rousseau

[Unit 4.1]

Round 1



This treaty ended World War I and placed sole blame for the war on



Versailles Treaty[Unit 3.1]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This 1814-15 conference ended the

Napoleonic Wars through the creation the 1815 Treaty of



Congress of Vienna

[Unit 5.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This treaty ended the Thirty Years’



Treaty of Westphalia

(1648)[Unit 2.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This treaty ended the Seven Years War in 1763, giving Britain

control of the eastern half of North America.


Treaty of Paris[Unit 4.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This treaty ended the War of Spanish

Succession, thus putting an end to the

wars of Louis XIV.


Treaty of Utrecht

[Unit 3.1]

Round 1



This Florentine sculptor created in the 15th century the first bronze statue

since antiquity.


Donatello[Unit 1.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This sculptor carved the famous gold doors

for the Florentine baptistery.


Lorenzo Ghiberti

[Unit 1.2]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This artist created the huge canopy

over St. Peter’s tomb

inside St. Peter’s Basilica.


Gianlorenzo Bernini

[Unit 2.1]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

Man Pointing,

was created by this artist.


Alberto Giacometti

[Unit 9.3]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This 20th-century artist featured a urinal in

“The Fountain” (1917).


Round 1

Marcel Duchamp

[Unit 9.3]



This tsar gained Russian access to the

Baltic Sea with his victory in the Great

Northern War.


Round 1

Peter the Great[Unit 3.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This “enlightened despot” instituted numerous reforms after surviving the

Pugachev Rebellion.


Catherine the Great[Unit 4.1]

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This ruler was the first to take the title of “tsar,” married a

Romanov, and began westernizing Muscovy.


Round 1

Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible)

[Unit 3.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This tsar freed the serfs with the

Emancipation Edict in 1861.


Round 1

Alexander II[Unit 9.2]


Scoreboard Answer

This Romanov was the last to rule Russia

before he abdicated during World War I.


Round 1

Nicholas II[Unit 9.2]



This philosopher declared all people

were born with “natural rights” but

were also born with a tabula rasa.


Round 1

John Locke[Unit 4.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This Renaissance philosophy involved the study of ideas from the

classical past.


Round 1

Humanism[Unit 1.2]


Scoreboard Answer

This philosophical movement was a

reaction against the Enlightenment as it

glorified human emotion and the awesome power

of nature.


Round 1

Romanticism[Unit 7.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This religious arm of the Enlightenment put

forth a naturalistic view of God who was the

“great clock maker.”


Round 1

Deism[Unit 4.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This atheistic philosophy during the “age of

anxiety” had Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus as its major proponents.


Round 1

Existentialism[Unit 9.2]



Martin Luther challenged the Church

practice of indulgences with this

1517 document.


Round 1

95 Theses[Unit 2.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This Frenchman was the founder of a sect

based on “predestination” and the “Protestant work



Round 1

John Calvin[Unit 2.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This series of meetings in the mid-16th century was the

foundation of the Catholic Reformation.


Round 1

Council of Trent[Unit 2.1]


Scoreboard Answer

Pope Pius IX issued this proclamation in

the 19th century severely criticizing the growth of liberalism in European politics and



Round 1

Syllabus of Errors

[Unit 8.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This 18th-century English cleric founded Methodism, a strongly evangelical movement.


Round 2

John Wesley[Unit 4.2]

Category #1 Category #2 Category #3 Category #4 Category #5 Category #6French


PhilosophyNotable Women

Science Imperialism Art Styles

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400$400










$600 $600 $600


$1000 $1000 $1000



Written by the National Assembly,

this classically liberal document was the blueprint for the

Constitution of 1791.


Round 2

Declaration of the Rights of

Man and Citizen

[Unit 5.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This radical political club dominated the

Legislative Assembly and the National



Round 2

Jacobins[Unit 5.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This “incorruptible” leader oversaw the Reign of Terror in



Round 2

Robespierre[Unit 5.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This author of the Declaration of the Rights

of Women and Female Citizen was later beheaded for her political views.


Round 2

Olympe de Gouges

[Unit 5.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This British conservative criticized

the excesses of the French Revolution in his

Reflections on the Revolution in France.


Round 2

Edmund Burke[Unit 5.1]



This co-author of the Communist

Manifesto was the father of “scientific



Round 2

Karl Marx[Unit 7.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This author of Leviathan believed humans in a state of nature were “nasty, brutish, and

short” and advocated absolutism to maintain

order in society.


Round 2

Thomas Hobbes

[Unit 3.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This leader of socialist revisionism advocated socialist gains through the

political process, not a violent revolution.


Round 2

Eduard Bernstein

[Unit 8.2]

Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This Frenchman advocated the “divine right” of kings during the age of Louis XIV.


Round 2

Bishop Bossuet

[Unit 3.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This Englishman wrote the definitive work on liberalism in the 19th century:

On Liberty.


Round 2

John Stuart Mill[Unit 7.1]



This early feminist’s City of Ladies in the 15th-century touched off the debate on the status of women in



Round 2

Christine de Pisan

[Unit 1.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This French noblewoman was a leader of the salon movement and the

“godmother” of Diderot’s



Round 2

Madame de Geoffrin

[Unit 4.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This English super-nurse distinguished

herself on the battlefields of the

Crimean War.


Round 2

Florence Nightingale

[Unit 8.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This English feminist supported the views of

de Gouges in her Vindication of the Rights of Women.


Round 2

Mary Wollestonecra

ft[Unit 4.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This English leader of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies took a more mainstream political approach in the early 20th

century than her more famous militant peers.


Round 2

Millicent Garrett Fawcett

[Unit 8.2]



This author of Principia created a model of how

the universe worked through his theory of universal gravitation.


Round 2

Isaac Newton[Unit 7.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This Frenchman developed the

“germ theory” of disease.


Round 2

Louis Pasteur[Unit 7.2]


Scoreboard Answer

Nicolaus Copernicus famously developed this theory in his On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres.


Round 2

Heliocentric Theory

[Unit 3.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This Englishman developed an effective vaccine for small pox.


Round 2

Edward Jenner[Unit 4.2]

Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This German scientist pioneered quantum

theory in physics in the late 19th and early 20th



Round 2

Max Planck[Unit 9.3]



This country was the first to introduce the

slave trade in the Americas during the

16th century.


Round 2

Portugal[Unit 1.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This 1885 meeting resulted in the

European “scramble for Africa” during the age of High Imperialism.


Round 2

Berlin Conference

[Unit 8.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This 1900 event in China resulted in a multi-national army invading China to suppress Chinese

rebel forces.


Round 2

Boxer Rebellion[Unit 8.3]


Scoreboard Answer

The Spanish conquistadores Hernán Cortés and Francisco

Pizarro defeated these two major American

civilizations in the 16th century.


Round 2

Aztecs and Incas[Unit 1.3]


Scoreboard Answer

This Spanish 16th-century priest criticized the

horrible treatment and decimation of Native Americans in the New



Round 2

Bartolomé de las Casas

[Unit 1.3]



Eugène Delacroix and Théodore Géricault

were French leaders of this 19th-century artistic



Round 2

Romanticism[Unit 7.1]


Scoreboard Answer

This 16th-century artistic movement was a reaction against the Renaissance style and featured El Greco as one of its greatest



Round 2

Mannerism[Unit 1.2]


Scoreboard Answer

Monet, Renoir, and Pissarro were among

the leaders of this 19th-century artistic



Round 2

Impressionism[Unit 7.2]


Scoreboard Answer

Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque

were the founders of this artistic



Round 2

Cubism[Unit 7.2]


Scoreboard Answer

Courbet, Millet, and Degas were among the leaders of this post-1850 artistic



Round 2

Realism[Unit 7.2]

Category: European

StatesmenScoreboard Make your wager!! Go to Ultimate Question


Ultimate Question


This European statesman brought

France into the Thirty Years’ War and also

established the foundation of

absolutism with the intendant system.


Ultimate Question

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Cardinal Richelieu

[Unit 2.2]
