Rojbash. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Hiwa Banna(Histologist) Head of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology...


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Prepared by:Prof . Dr. Hiwa Banna(Histologist)

Head of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology Department.College of Medicine, H M U.

The Ideal Lecture

What is College ..University??Define them?

Requirements of a good teacher: In order to become a good teacher you need to master the Communication

Modes which are?? :1…-2…-3,,,-

Schedule ( CONTENTS):1-Welcome greeting then introduce yourself

2 -Objectives of todays lecture

3-Tell them what R U going to tell them(beginning)

4-Then Tell them (body of the lecture)

5-At the end tell them what U have told them(closing remarks+ Hints from next lecture)

6-Evaluations & feedback

During presentation1.Arrive early2.Keep to time3.Don’t fidget be confident4.Maintain eye contact5.Avoid information overload? explain?6.Be responsive to your students


1 -YOUR VOICE( audibility, pitch, pronunciation, pause, tone ?)

2 -BODY LANGUAGE (Gestures & Movement pacing but no unpleasant movements)

3 APPEARANCE & Stance(posture , ….freezing in one


Effective lecturing requires: 1-Organization :( Brief , Clear in the form of points)

2-Preperation.The three most important ingredients in any

presentation are: preparation.… & …,Why??

Because your attitude improves, and your confidence grows,it can also compensate forlack of talent.

Preparation parameters :

1- Knowledge of the audience meaning.? 2 -Knowledge of subject.( Never read or

memorize , your subject ) why.? 3 -Use of time and rehearsal.

4 -Proper use of visual aids is an important element of any effective presentation. How?

5 -Improper use of visual aids such as ….can be totally useless???..…


The DOs and DON'Ts of Oral PresentationsThe following are some "DOs" and "DON'Ts" for good oral presentations :

"DOs"Prepare an audience analysis .Organized the presentation to flow from one section to another .Prepare and rehearse the presentation .Visit the room where the presentation will be given ahead of time .

Tell the audience in the introduction your subject, who you are, and your qualifications to speak about the subject .State your main ideas at the beginning .Provide adequate support for your ideas .Integrate relevant, supportive, and attractive audio-visual aids into your presentation .Use words that express your ideas clearly .Use acceptable language, pronunciation, and enunciation .Dress appropriately .Avoid distracting body movements .Maintain eye contact with the audience .Display enthusiasm and genuine concern for your subject .Use appropriate tone .Use transitional devices, words, and phrases coherently .Allow time for a question/answer period .Answer questions credibly. If you don't know, say so .Start and stop your presentation on time .

Would you like your classroom to look like this ?

Anxiety !

Remedy and solutions ?……

1 -Repetition

Repeat main ideas. Readers can turn back a few pages to double check

a key paragraph.Listeners cannot.2 -Changing:

Changing of what ,How and why??

Questions and Answers

1-Are you generator of questions or purveyor?

2-Effective questioning strategies, lead to interactions??.

3-Although asking good questions is an art, but

you can learn through careful preparation and practice.

4- Factor of time in questioning.

Types of Questions

1 -Close end questions… like… 2 -Open end questions : Explain??

3-Socratic questions?? 4 -Dead questions : mean .……

5-Not asking questions by the students reflects what.???

1- Questions and answers continue…

How could you improve learning by asking open end questions

1 -Clarify vague comment , 2 -Illustrate a concept with examples

3 -To see a concept from another perspective…

How could you encourage the students to become self motivated independent learners?

By making them as an active part in the learning process How?

Tell me I forget

Show me I …. Remember

Involve me I understand

SummaryWith good preparation , planning and effective techniques the lecture could be highly effective and interactive method of transferring knowledge to the students.

ConclusionThe success of a technical presentation is not determined by

how much information is presented. Rather , what counts is how much essential information is understood and retained by the ……of students.

The End
