RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World


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8/3/2021 ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World

Welcome to Early Muslim World & the RLST/ARAB 2320 Canvas page!

Focusing on the history of the Muslim World in the age of the caliphates, this course takes an interdisciplinary, comparative approach to the development of Islamicate society, focusing on social structure,politics, economics, and religion. Students will use primary and secondary sources to write a research paper, and make in-class presentations, to cultivate critical thinking, research, and writing skills.

COVID Factor

We have the good fortune of retuning to in-person teaching. However, due to the unpredictability of the virus and public health situation, we may need to return to on-line learning on short notice. The coursehas been planned with that in mind, and to mitigate any disruptions that may result. In order to reduce the risk of contagion office hours will be held via Zoom. Occasional classes may be held synchronouslyvia zoom or asynchronously via Canvas.

Your instructor is Prof. Brian Catlos. He is a medieval historian who has taught this course originally at the University of California Santa Cruz before launching it here. Formore information see his webpage (http://www.brianacatlos.com/) . His Zoom office hours are W 4–5pm, or by appointment. You should email(mailto:brian.catlos@colorado.edu) in advance if you plan on attending.

This canvas page will be used to post important course information, including: • the syllabus • course overview (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989804) • readings and requirements (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989805) • schedule of classes (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989806) • important information (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989807) • the source assignment instructions • supplementary readings • online lectures (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989806) • announcements • research guide (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989812) • a note on Arabic names (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359042/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359042/download?download_frd=1) • the final examination prompt

Please be aware it is your responsibility to check this page regularly for announcements, changes to the syllabus, and other information.

Note, we will not use the Canvas syllabus or grade book function, so please do not reference these.

When in doubt, check the course calendar on Canvas.

Important Notice By accessing this page and the other materials on Canvas for this course, you: • agree to read the syllabus and agree to abide by the conditions of this course • acknowledge the syllabus may change and that course announcements will be made via Canvas and CU Boulder email and that it is you responsibility to check regularly for announcements and courserelated email. • understand the Canvas site may contain copyrighted materials and agree not to copy, distribute, or disseminate them electronically or otherwise, in whole or in part. • agree not to make audio or video recordings of the lectures or sections without the express written permission of the Instructor. • understand that use of laptops/cellphones and other comparable electronic devices in lecture is not allowed except at the professor’s discretion.

In order to receive credit in this course, please fill in the course enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) after your first lecture.

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Course Overview: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Course OverviewALC/ RLST 2320 – Fall 2021 - Course Overview

* This syllabus is provisional, course details may change at the discretion of the instructor.

NOTE: Important announcements, instructions and updates will be communicated via colorado.edu email and Canvas. It is your responsibility to check your messages and keep current.

Modality: Remote hybrid asynchronous/synchronous: most lectures will be viewed online. Synchronous sessions will be held on Thursdays and some Tuesdays.

Time: T/Th 11:10am --12:25pm • Hellems (HLMS) 267 (https://www.colorado.edu/map/?id=336#!m/193881)

Instructor: Prof. Brian A. Catlos (303) 492-1634 brian.catlos@colorado.edu (mailto:brian.catlos@colorado.edu) (you must put ARAB2320 or RLST 2320 in the subject line; your mail MUST come from a colorado.edu address) Office hours: W 4–5pm, and by appointment (in any event, even during scheduled office hours you must email (mailto:brian.catlos@colorado.edu) ahead to reserve/confirm your meeting). Until furthernotice, and except by request, office hours will be held via Zoom (https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97134949350) (passcode 927200).

Overview: Focusing on the history of the Muslim World in the age of the caliphates, this course takes an interdisciplinary, comparative approach to the development of Islamicate society, focusing on social structure,politics, economics, and religion. Students will use primary and secondary sources, write several short papers, and take part in in-class discussions, to cultivate critical thinking, research, and writing skills.

You should expect to spend between 10 and 12 hours per week on this course including classroom and outside activities.

It is the students’ responsibility to keep up-to-date with any syllabus changes or other announcements made in class. Be sure to fill in an enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) after thefirst lecture you attend.

Format We will meet twice weekly in person. After the first two lectures, students will review the lectures online and complete a response form prior to class (by 5pm on the proceeding day). Occasional classes maybe held via Zoom. Please see the schedule of classes (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989806) for details.

Attendance Attendance is mandatory at scheduled sessions, punctuality is required, and attendance/participation is graded. Two unexcused absences are permitted; each subsequent absence will reduce the final gradeby 10 points (no maximum).

Go to readings and requirements. (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/67966/pages/rlst-3000-syllabus-reading-and-requirements)

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Readings and Requirements: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Readings and RequirementsReading list • Donner, Fred McGraw. Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam (https://www.cubookstore.com/p-70918-muhammad-and-the-believers.aspx) . Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press ofHarvard University Press, 2010. • Ruthven, Malise. Islam: A Very Short Introduction (https://www.cubookstore.com/p-8823-islam-a-very-short-introduction.aspx) . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Optional • Hodgson, Marshall G. S. The Venture of Islam (https://www.cubookstore.com/p-86368-venture-of-islam-volume-1.aspx) . Conscience and History in a World Civilization. Vols 1 & 2. Chicago: University ofChicago Press, 1974.

Additional textbooks may be added at the discretion of the professor. Supplementary readings will be distributed normally as pdfs via Canvas (https://canvas.colorado.edu/) .

Assignments & Assessments

Mid-term tests: 25%Participation/Quizzes/Responses 20%Book review 5%Source review 5%Source Analysis 20%Final 25%

You must score better than 60% on the final and more than 50% on all written assignments to pass the course.

Lectures Lectures 1 and 2 will be delivered in synchronous lectures (and posted on Canvas); thereafter they will be viewed online. Please pay attention while watching and take notes as you will be expected to beable to discuss the material. After each lecture you will be required to complete a Response Form by 6pm of the day prior to class. Attendance at Zoom lectures is mandatory - lateness and absence withoutlegitimate excuse may be penalized up to a failing grade. Please arrange to have your camera on and to be in an appropriate space for Zoom meetings. If this is difficult to arrange, please contact theprofessor to discuss. If you are impacted in any way, whether directly or indirectly, by the pandemic in such a way that your ability to attend synchronous sessions is impacted, contact the instructor withoutdelay and we will make appropriate arrangements to accommodate this.

Mid-Term Tests There will be three mid-term tests. Each test will be based on the material covered up to that point (from the time of the previous mid-term). Lecture material and readings will be covered. Question formatsmay include: short-answer/ identification, and essay-type questions. Mid-terms are “open book.”

Participation/Quizzes/Responses Your participation mark is based on your performance in in-class discussions, your attendance and your completion of the lecture response forms. Lecture response forms are to be filled in after viewing eachlecture and before 6pm on the date indicated in the “Prepare” column of the Schedule of Classes. Forms are not individually graded but do contribute significantly to your participation grade. Failing tocomplete four or more of these forms may result in failure. More than two missed synchronous discussion sessions may lead to a reduction in grade or denial of credit.

Book Review This will be a 4-5 page review of Donner, Muhammad and the Believers (https://www.cubookstore.com/p-70918-muhammad-and-the-believers.aspx) . Detailed instructions to follow.

Source Review You will choose one primary source from the approved list and write a 4-5 page review of it. Detailed instructions to follow.

Source Analysis This is an 8-10 page paper based a close reading of the source you reviewed. Detailed instructions to follow.

Final: The final exam will be held at the officially scheduled date and time and will be “open book.”

Extensions are granted only for documented illness or similar circumstances. Papers must be handed in on time or late penalties will be applied. There will be no assignments for “extra credit.” Lectureresponse forms must be handed in on time or they will count as not received, unless excused by illness or other authorized circumstances.

Accommodations whether for religious observation or accommodations recommended by Disability Services will be honored, but you must confirm your request with the instructor within the first week ofclass or when you are granted the accommodation (whichever comes first). Accommodations for athletic and other extra-curricular activity will be given maximum consideration, but must be requested withinthe first week of class.

Pandemic Impact: If you are impacted in any way, whether directly or indirectly, by the pandemic in such a way that your ability to attend synchronous sessions or complete assignments is impacted, contactthe instructor without delay and we will make appropriate arrangements to accommodate this. For COVID-related or other medical matters a doctor's note is generally not required, unless the impact is suchthat substantial class-time will be missed and/or assignments delayed necessitating the development of an alternate plan for course completion.

Email Etiquette: When writing a professor, refer to them as "Professor," not by their first name. Also indicate clearly who you are and what class you are in. Be sure to put ARAB 2320 or RLST 2320 in your subject line.

Proceed to schedule of classes (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989806)

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of Classes: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of ClassesSchedule of Classes, Fall 2021This schedule will be update on an on-going basis with links to readings and assignments. Check this schedule for updates before each class

All lectures are posted to Canvas, and beginning with lecture 3 students will be required to fill in a lecture response form prior the class in question. For Tuesday classes, the form should be submittedMonday at 5pm; for Thursday classes, response forms should be submitted before Wednesday at 5pm. Response form for readings may be handed in any time before the beginning of the class in question.

Lecture response forms must be handed in on time or they will count as not received, unless excused by illness or other authorized circumstances. Attendance at lectures whether in person or via zoom ismandatory - lateness and absence without legitimate excuse may be penalized up to a failing grade.

Zoom links • Office hours (W 4–5pm (https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97134949350) [passcode 927200]; email (mailto:brian.catlos@colorado.edu) to reserve) • Any other zoom links will be found in the schedule below

Note: Thursday lectures must by viewed and response forms submitted by 6pm Wednesday

Day/Date Prepare (by 5pm day previous to class) In-Class Activity

T Aug 24


Course introduction and "nuts and bolts"

Complete course enrollment form(https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7)

Th Aug 26

Complete course(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOqfdAOiudObnwOH2t4iBPKPbsR_WyW2KELrwnevbEUZymKw/viewform?usp=sf_link) enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) (https://forms.gle/cRqbwC3Vct8gKk2y9) (ifyou have not done so)

1: Islam and the Origins of Western Culture

T Aug 31

Read: Hoyland (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359053/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359053/download?download_frd=1)

Complete course(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOqfdAOiudObnwOH2t4iBPKPbsR_WyW2KELrwnevbEUZymKw/viewform?usp=sf_link) enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) (https://forms.gle/cRqbwC3Vct8gKk2y9) (ifyou have not done so)

2: The Pre-Islamic Near East

01 Introduction(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989825) 02 Context(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989826) 03 Persia(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989827) 04 The Arabs Before Islam(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989828) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989829) 05The Arabs Before Islam 2(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989829)

Th Sep 2

Complete lecture response form for Lecture 2

3: The Age of The Prophet

01 The Arab Kingdoms (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989831) 02 The Arabic Language (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989832) 03 Arabic Names (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989833) 04 Arabian Society (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989834) 05 The Land of Muhammad (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989835) 06 The Prophet (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989836)

Complete lecture response form

Complete course(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOqfdAOiudObnwOH2t4iBPKPbsR_WyW2KELrwnevbEUZymKw/viewform?usp=sf_link) enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) (https://forms.gle/cRqbwC3Vct8gKk2y9) (ifyou have not done so)

Begin reading: Ruthven

Optional: Cole, "Paradosis and monotheism" (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359054?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359054/download?download_frd=1)

Discuss lecture 3

T Sep 7

4: The Message

01 Revelation (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989838) 02 The Migration (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989839) 03 War (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989840) 04 Muhammad in Mecca (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989841) 04 Muhammad in Mecca (Conclusion) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989842)

Complete lecture response form

Complete course(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOqfdAOiudObnwOH2t4iBPKPbsR_WyW2KELrwnevbEUZymKw/viewform?usp=sf_link) enrollment form (https://forms.gle/DifG4Gt8xPHHacDx7) (https://forms.gle/cRqbwC3Vct8gKk2y9) (ifyou have not done so)

Discuss lecture 4

Donner review assigned (Due 21 September)

Th Sep 9 5: al-Qur’anDiscuss lecture 5 & Abu Ishaq

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of Classes: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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01 That Which is Recited (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989844) 02 The Book (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989845) 03 The Text (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989846) 04 Controversies and Questions (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989847) 05 Islam as a Religion (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989848)

Complete lecture response form

Read: Abu (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359029/download) I(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359029/download) shaq,(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359029/download) Sira(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359029/download)

T Sep 14

6: The Pillars of Islam

01 Scripture and Tradition (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989850) 02 Shahada and Salat (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989851) 03 The Mosque (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989852) 04 Prayer (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989853) 05 Zakat (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989854) 06 Fasting (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989855) 07 Pilgrimage (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989856)

Complete lecture response form

Finish reading: Ruthven

Read: The Qur'an (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359045/download)

Optional: Armstrong 71-88 (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359040/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359040/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359040/download?wrap=1)

Discuss lecture 6 & the Qur'an

Th Sep 16

7: Dar al-Islam

01 Islamic Culture (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989858) 02 Islamic Society (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989859)

Complete lecture response form

Read: The Pillars of Islam (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359022/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359022/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359022/download?wrap=1)

Discuss lecture 7 & the Pillars of Islam

T Sep 21

8: The Rashidun (630–660)

01 Political Islam (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989861) 02 War and Peace (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989862) 03 Expansion (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989863) 04 The Origins of the Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989864) 05 The Rashidun (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989865)

Complete lecture response form

Donner report due

Discuss lecture 8

Th Sep 23

9: Conquest

01 Introduction (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989867) 02 Conquest (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989868) 03 Colonization (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989869) 04 The Pact of Umar (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989870) 05 The Reign of 'Uthman (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989871) 06 Fitna (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989872)

Complete lecture response form

Discuss lecture 9

T Sep 28

Submit your mid-term questions (by noon before class)

Review for Mid-term

Discuss source assignment(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/pages/source-review-and-research-paper-instructions)

Th Sep 30 Mid-Term 1 via Canvas

T Oct 5 10: The Rise of the Umayyads

01 The Origins of the Shi'a (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989874) 02 The Rise of the Umayyads (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989875) 03 The Marwanids (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989876) 04 Creating an Empire (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989877)

Complete lecture response form

Read: The Pact of ‘Umar and the Treaty of Tudmir (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359049?wrap=1)

Discuss lecture 10

Discuss source assignment

Pact of Umar discussion

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of Classes: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359049/download?download_frd=1) and submit your report. (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096445)

Th Oct 7

11: The Caliphate

01 Transformations (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989879) 02 'Abd al-Malik (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989880) 03 Currency and Power (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989881) 04 al-Walid Constructing the Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989882) 04 al-Walid Constructing the Caliphate part 2 (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989883)

Complete lecture response form

Read: Constitutions of Medina (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359044/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359044/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359044/download?wrap=1) Treaty of Najran (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359043/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359043/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359043/download?wrap=1)

Choose source using this form (https://forms.gle/bk2JEDwE6K2AMyQy8)

Discuss lecture 11

T Oct 12

12: The Decline and Fall of the Umayyad Caliphate

01 Rome vs Damascus (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989885) 02 The Beginning of the End (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989886) 03 All in the Family (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989887) 04 Trouble Brewing (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989888) 05 Revolution (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989889)

Complete lecture response form

Read The Battle of Siffin (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359050/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359050/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359050/download?wrap=1)

Discussion of Lecture 12 & the Battle of Siffin

Th Oct 14

13: The Rise of the Abbasids

01 The New Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989891) 02 The New Capital (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989892)(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989893) 03 A Persian Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989894) 04 Harun al-Rashid and the Barmakids (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989895)

Complete lecture response form

Source Review Due end of day Friday 15 October

Discussion of Lecture 13

T Oct 19

Complete readings for Tabari/ Architecture/ al-Andalus (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096439)

Propose research topic (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGzmnkpc1i60o9mOTT_RFCAjw_-B1B-KDs4t5nipvPRy5UPQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)

Discuss readings: Tabari/ Architecture/ al-Andalus

Th Oct 21

14: The Golden Age

01 The Bayt al-Hikma (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989897) 02 The Abbasid World (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989898) 03 The Abbasid World 2 (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989899)

Complete lecture response form

no in-person session

T Oct 26

15: The Decline of the Abbasids

01 All that glitters (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989901) 02 The Fourth Fitna (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989902) 03 The Shi'a Imamate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989903) 04 The Later Abbasids (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989904) 05 Decline (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989905)

Complete lecture response form

Research summary due (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096447)

no in-person session

Th Oct 28Submit mid-term question suggestions(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4G3jlDbhEGsl85LyUv8WgJvwQianr6gLdedswk7Kio0F17A/viewform?usp=sf_link) by 6pm on 22 March.

Discuss Lecture 14 & 15


Assign Arabian Nights(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359047/download?wrap=1) reading

The Abbasid Revolution(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359026/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359026/download?download_frd=1)

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of Classes: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

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T Nov 2 Research Proposal due (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096446) 26 March Mid-Term 2 via Canvas

Th Nov 4

16: The Islamic East

01 Abbasid Decline (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989907) 02 The Transformation of the Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989908) 03 The Arabs Again (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989909) 04 The Shift to the East (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989910) 05 The Coming of the Turks (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989911) 06 The Abbasid World (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989912)

Complete lecture response form

no in-person class

T Nov 9

17: The Islamic West (650--1100)

01 Background (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989914) 02 Conquest (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989915) 03 The Umayyad Emirate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989916) 04 The Umayyad Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989917)

Complete lecture response form

Complete Arabian Nights response form (https://forms.gle/y4DAwHS9LFPtdD3z7) .

Essay Outline due

Discuss Lecture 16 & 17

1001 Arabian Nights(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359047/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359047/download?download_frd=1)

Th Nov 11

18: Ifriqiya & Egypt (650--1100)

01 Conquest (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989919) 02 The Shi'a Trouble (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989920) 03 The Fatimid Caliphate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989921) 04 The Turning Point (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989922) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989923) 05 Strengths & Weaknesses(https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989923) 06 The Politics of Diversity (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989924)

Complete lecture response form

Optional: Infidel Kings Part 4 (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359036/download?wrap=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359036/download?download_frd=1) (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/files/35359036/download?wrap=1)

Discuss Lecture 18

T Nov 16

19: Golden Age- Faith & Law

01 Foundations (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989926) 02 Challenges (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989927) 03 Islam and Arabic (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989928) 04 Law and Order (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989929) 05 Religious Authority (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989930) 06 Faith and Reason (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989931) 07 The Spirit of Islam (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989932)

Complete lecture response form

Bibliography due (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096437) .

Discuss Lecture 19

Th Nov 18

20: Golden Age- Authority & Culture

01 Order and Authority (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989934) 02 Palace Culture (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989935) 03 Palace and Army (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989936) 04 Capitals and Cities (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989937)

Complete lecture response form

Source analysis rough draft due (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096448) (Friday 19November)

Discuss Lecture 20

T Nov 23

Thanksgiving Break - no class

Th Nov 25 Thanksgiving Break - no class

T Nov 30 21: Golden Age - A Diverse Society

01 Ethnic and Religious Identity (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989939) 02 Gender and Sexuality (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989940) 03 Slavery (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989941) 04 Pax Islamica (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989942)

Discuss Lecture 21

Review for mid-term 3

15 minute break to fill in online FCQs(https://colorado.campuslabs.com/courseeval)

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Schedule of Classes: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/pages/rlst-slash-arab-2320-early-muslim-world-schedule-of-classes?module_item_id=2989806 5/5

Complete lecture response form

Reading assignment Faith and Philosophy (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/assignments/1096441)

Th Dec 2 Mid-term 3 via Canvas

T Dec 7

22: Barbarian Invasions

01 Abbasid Fragmentation (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989944) 02 The Seljuq Sultanate (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989945) 03 Byzantium and the Latin West (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989946) 04 The Crusades (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989947) 05 The Counter-Crusade (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989948)

Complete lecture response form

Final exam prompt posted

Discuss Lecture 22 & Faith and Philosophy

Th Dec 9 Final draft due Course review/Mock exam


ARAB/ RLST 2320 Final Exam to be held in the scheduled exam period on Tuesday, December 14, 1:30–4 p.m.

Proceed to important information (https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/modules/items/2989807)

8/3/2021 RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Important Information: ARAB-RLST 2320-001:Muslim World, 600-1250

https://canvas.colorado.edu/courses/74850/pages/rlst-slash-arab-2320-early-muslim-world-important-information?module_item_id=2989807 1/2

RLST/ARAB 2320 - Early Muslim World - Important InformationAcademic Integrity All work submitted for this course must be original and your own work; all sources must be properly and clearly cited. Use of improperly attested material in essays or unauthorized material in examsconstitutes plagiarism and may, at the instructor’s discretion, result in removal from or a failing grade on the course.

Classroom BehaviorBoth students and faculty are responsible for maintaining an appropriate learning environment in all instructional settings, whether in person, remote or online. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioralstandards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age,disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy. For more information, see the policies on classroom behavior(http://www.colorado.edu/policies/student-classroom-and-course-related-behavior) and the Student Code of Conduct (https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/sites/default/files/attached-files/2020-2021_student_code_of_conduct_0.pdf) .

Requirements for COVID-19As a matter of public health and safety due to the pandemic, all members of the CU Boulder community and all visitors to campus must follow university, department and building requirements, and publichealth orders in place to reduce the risk of spreading infectious disease. Required safety measures at CU Boulder relevant to the classroom setting include:

maintain 6-foot distancing when possible,wear a face covering in public indoor spaces and outdoors while on campus consistent with state and county health orders,clean local work area,practice hand hygiene,follow public health orders, andif sick and you live off campus, do not come onto campus (unless instructed by a CU Healthcare professional), or if you live on-campus, please alert CU Boulder Medical Services(https://www.colorado.edu/healthcenter/coronavirus-updates/symptoms-and-what-do-if-you-feel-sick) .

Students who fail to adhere to these requirements will be asked to leave class, and students who do not leave class when asked or who refuse to comply with these requirements will be referred to StudentConduct and Conflict Resolution (https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/) . For more information, see the policies on COVID-19 Health and Safety (https://www.colorado.edu/policies/covid-19-health-and-safety-policy) and classroom behavior (http://www.colorado.edu/policies/student-classroom-and-course-related-behavior) and the Student Code of Conduct (http://www.colorado.edu/osccr/) . If you requireaccommodation because a disability prevents you from fulfilling these safety measures, please see the “Accommodation for Disabilities” statement on this syllabus.

All students who are new to campus must complete the COVID-19 Student Health and Expectations Course (https://www.colorado.edu/protect-our-herd/how#anchor1) . Before coming to campus eachday, all students are required to complete the Buff Pass (https://pass.colorado.edu/login) . In some classes faculty will remind students of the responsibility to complete the Buff Pass and provide timeduring class to complete it.

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for or had symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home. Checkwith individual faculty members if you become sick or quarantined, as different faculty may have different procedures in place with regard to absences due to illness or quarantine. FERPA privacy laws ensurethat students are not required to state the nature of their illness when alerting faculty.

Accommodation for DisabilitiesIf you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit your accommodation letter from Disability Services to your faculty member in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities in the academic environment. Information on requesting accommodations is located on the Disability Services website(https://www.colorado.edu/disabilityservices/) . Contact Disability Services at 303-492-8671 or dsinfo@colorado.edu (mailto:dsinfo@colorado.edu) for further assistance. If you have a temporary medicalcondition, see Temporary Medical Conditions (http://www.colorado.edu/disabilityservices/students/temporary-medical-conditions) on the Disability Services website.

Preferred Student Names and PronounsCU Boulder recognizes that students' legal information doesn't always align with how they identify. Students may update their preferred names and pronouns via the student portal; those preferred namesand pronouns are listed on instructors' class rosters. In the absence of such updates, the name that appears on the class roster is the student's legal name.

Honor CodeAll students enrolled in a University of Colorado Boulder course are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Honor Code. Violations of the policy may include: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, lying,bribery, threat, unauthorized access to academic materials, clicker fraud, submitting the same or similar work in more than one course without permission from all course instructors involved, and aidingacademic dishonesty. All incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Honor Code (honor@colorado.edu (mailto:honor@colorado.edu) ); 303-492-5550). Students found responsible for violatingthe academic integrity policy will be subject to nonacademic sanctions from the Honor Code as well as academic sanctions from the faculty member. Additional information regarding the Honor Codeacademic integrity policy can be found at the Honor Code Office website (https://www.colorado.edu/osccr/honor-code) .

Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, Harassment and/or Related RetaliationThe University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming learning, working, and living environment. CU Boulder will not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct(harassment, exploitation, and assault), intimate partner violence (dating or domestic violence), stalking, or protected-class discrimination or harassment by members of our community. Individuals whobelieve they have been subject to misconduct or retaliatory actions for reporting a concern should contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) at 303-492-2127 orcureport@colorado.edu (mailto:cureport@colorado.edu) . Information about the OIEC, university policies, anonymous reporting (https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0PnqVK4kkIJIZnf) , and thecampus resources can be found on the OIEC website (http://www.colorado.edu/institutionalequity/) .

Please know that faculty and graduate instructors have a responsibility to inform OIEC when made aware of incidents of sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, stalking, discrimination,harassment and/or related retaliation, to ensure that individuals impacted receive information about options for reporting and support resources.

Religious Holidays Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduledexams, assignments or required attendance. For each class, check with your faculty member in advance so that you are aware of their specific requirements for accommodating religious observances.

See the campus policy regarding religious observances (http://www.colorado.edu/policies/observance-religious-holidays-and-absences-classes-andor-exams) for full details.

Basic NeedsI believe that in order to learn, students need to have their basic needs met: food to eat and a safe place to live. If you’re having trouble with either, the campus has some resources for you. If you’re facingfood insecurity, reach out to food@colorado.edu (mailto:food@colorado.edu) , and they will work with you to find food resources. If you’re having trouble paying rent or facing housing insecurity, you can get
