RLC NEWSLETTER Issue 3 RLC - Redeemer Lutheran Church€¦ · 11/03/2016  · paper/card recycling...


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RLC Newsletter

March 2017


March 1st already!? Ash

Wednesday already!? Lent has

begun already!? Yes! Yes! And

Yes! Am I the only one that feels

like 2017 is scooting by too

quickly? Maybe, although I would

guess not.

I am actually excited for what we

have planned for Lent, even

though it means more work for

Kadie, Susan, Sandy, myself, the

Worship & Music Committee and

many volunteers. This year for

the midweek Wednesday

services we will be taking a

“Journey of Stones,” and for the

first time, at least since I have

been here, we will have two

services (identical): one at 3:00

PM for those who do not drive at

night, and one at 7:00 PM for

those who need an evening time

for whatever reason. Maundy

Thursday and Good Friday will be

7:00 PM only.

The Sunday services will also be

something you will not want to

miss. For five of the Sundays in

Lent we will focus on Luther’s

Small Catechism. For some, who

did not go through Lutheran

catechism, this may be brand

new. For some, who did go

through Lutheran catechism, this

may be a refresher. These five

Sundays should match up

closely with the daily devotional,

“Free Indeed,” that was

distributed before worship on

February 26th and which you can

start reading March 1st.

Last Easter the Sanctuary was

“standing room only” with

attendance above 360. I

certainly cannot promise the

same numbers for this year,

although worship attendance for

the Sundays in February

certainly give us reason to

anticipate and plan ahead.

A Message from Pastor Allman By Pastor David Allman

Table of Contents

A Message from Pastor Allman Pg.


News from the Parish Administrator

Pg. 2

Hello from Heather Allman Pg. 3-5

March Stewardship and daylight

savings reminder Pg. 6

Social Ministry and Benevolence

Sunshine Circle Gifts Pg. 7

Rummage Sale, Quilt raffle winners

Fellowship time, Princess 5k

thanks Pg. 8

Evangelism Pg. 9

Note from the Parish Nurses Pg. 10

March Calendar Pg. 11

Birthdays & Anniversaries Pg. 12

Worship Assistants Pg. 13 14

Lenten Services Pg. 15

Updates Pg. 16-17

Prayer List Pg. 18



Therefore, we will be adding an

8:00 AM service to our regular

10:00 AM service on Easter

Sunday. If you are an “early

riser” and would appreciate the

8:00 AM service I look forward to

seeing your there.

All in all, I wish you a blessed

Lenten season and look forward

to how we can “Grow in faith”


News from the Parish Administrator

March 2017

by Susan Warner

We are well into our second Alpha Course now and we have had great

participation! Folks are enjoying dinner and fellowship at 6:15 PM

followed by the DVD at 6:45 PM and then small groups from 7:15-8:00

PM. If you haven’t tried the Alpha course yet, stay tuned for the Fall

2017 schedule beginning in September!

Our Visitation/Communion Teams continue to reach out to our

members in need with companionship and communion. Our parish

nurses are providing support to our members with medical issues. If

you know of anyone who needs visiting or help with a medical question,

or if you would like to be one of our volunteers providing care, please

feel free to contact me at carekeepersccr@gmail.com or call the church

office. Our list of folks who are homebound keeps increasing and we

could use more team members to visit them. If you have a couple of

hours a month to reach out to one of these members please consider

joining us. It makes such a difference in their lives as many are lonely

and craving human interaction. I often receive feedback from those

visited saying how much it meant to them. Believe me, you will be even

more blessed by the visit!

Upcoming Events

Thursdays at 10:00 AM – Bible Study in Buhr Hall. FREE!

March 1st at 1:30 PM - The Samaritan Services Alzheimer’s monthly

meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 1st at 1:30 PM. The

speaker will be Heidi Crockett, Aging Care Associates. She will be

speaking on “Intimacy and Communication”. For more information

Please call Dolores at the Samaritan Services office at 634-9283.

March 3rd at 11:00 AM – World day of Prayer Service

March 10th at 12:00 PM - Women’s Bible Study.

March 15th - Redeemer’s Women of the ELCA will meet on March 15th

beginning with refreshments at 9:30 AM. The program, starting at

10:00 AM, will be AMI Kids, a local organization that gives troubled

youth the support they need to become great people. Their results are

amazing as 74% go on to school or jobs and become productive citizens.

These are also the boys who participate in our car wash. Some of the boys will

be at the event to share their experiences. Everyone is invited to attend.

New Member Sunday – March 26th

Plans are in the works for a Health Fair in the fall – stay tuned!


“Journey of Stones”

Wednesday services will be held

3/1/17 thru 4/5/17

Service times are 3 & 7 PM



701 Valley Forge Blvd.



Don’t forget

to use the



recycling bin

in the corner

of the church

parking lot.

Support for

others (Collection

boxes are on the Narthex counter)

Thank you for donating items for our Food Pantry in the

Narthex closet. Please remember, NO opened packages

or containers.


I hope you're all doing well. Spring is here, and the

warm weather is definitely coming to Korea! As

spring nears, my countdown to my return to the

U.S. has quickly gone down to the double digits (94

days as I'm writing this, to be exact). Dean and I

are excitedly making our travel plans after our

departure in May, starting in England and doing a

slight tour of the east coast and midwest in June.

This past month Dean and I, along with a few of

our friends, visited Museum Kimchikan in Seoul

and learned how to make kimchi from scratch,

Korea's national dish. We had a lot of fun learning

about the history of kimchi, as well as how to make

it. Kimchi is one of the oldest and most important

parts of Korean culture and tradition. I wrote an

article for Groove Korea magazine about our

experience, so I thought that I would share what I

wrote (as well as some of the photos that I took)

with all of you.

I hope that you enjoy reading the article. I look

forward to seeing you all again (kind of) soon. Until

next month, stay well! As always, thank you for the

kind messages and prayers that all of you send.

God Bless,


Article Content:

If you live in Korea, it is inevitable that you’ve

heard of kimchi. You’ve tasted kimchi, you’ve been

served kimchi with almost every meal, and you’ve

possibly even purchased kimchi at your local

grocery store. But, have you ever taken the time to

learn about where kimchi comes from and how it’s


Kimchi originated from the word ‘jeo (菹),’ meaning

pickled vegetables, in the ancient Chinese book of

poetry Shijing (The Book of Odes). It is believed

that pickled vegetables first appeared in Korean

meals with the introduction of the farming culture,

so that people could preserve and eat vegetables

in the winter. Salted fish first appeared during the

Three Kingdoms Period as a type of pickled food,

and in the Goryeo Dynasty, it evolved into a dish

made by mixing salted fish and condiment

vegetables with cabbage, cucumber, or other

vegetables. The history and traditions of kimchi

came into full bloom during the Joseon Dynasty,

and it was not until less than 100 years ago

that Koreans started to eat kimchi seasoned with

red pepper powder, resulting in the evolvement of

the napa cabbage kimchi that is served today. As

time has progressed, the popularity and necessity

of kimchi in the Korean diet has undoubtedly

grown, as its history and traditions have been

handed down from generation to generation by the

Korean people.

Kimchi is more than just a side dish. It has become

an integral part of the Korean culture and way of

life. Kimjang season, a time dedicated to the

arduous, yet culturally respected process of

making kimchi, is carried out each year by Korean

nationals. Kimchi refrigerators are sold for the sole

purpose of preserving the year’s kimchi supply.

Named by Health Magazine (U.S.) in 2016 as one

of the healthiest foods in the world, kimchi is

served on or in everything from burgers to pizzas,

jjigaes (찌개) to pancakes (전). It is undeniable

that kimchi has become a cultural institution

synonymous with Korean values and family

traditions, both inside and outside of the nation’s


Unless you’ve been invited to a Kimjang weekend

by a Korean family, or have had the exhausting

experience of a kimchi making field trip with over a

Hello Redeemer Family!

by Heather Allman

The main ingredients of kimchi


hundred screaming kindergarteners, it’s likely that

you have not had the chance to enjoy the process

of preparing kimchi from scratch. Museum

Kimchikan in Insadong, Seoul, offers visitors the

unique experience to not only learn about kimchi,

but also make it with their own two hands. The

museum believes that visitors are interested in

learning how to make kimchi, “because kimchi is a

food that represents Korea.”

Museum Kimchikan is situated over three floors,

and offers guests an array of culturally immersive

activities. Visitors are invited to try on hanboks,

learn the history and health benefits of kimchi, visit

a kimchi tasting room, watch videos of nationals

explaining the influences of kimchi, and to step

into a storage room with pickled foods from around

the world. The museum does not only aim to teach

visitors how to make the celebrated food, but also

how to understand the importance of its history.

Museum Kimchikan offers two 40 minute classes,

one for whole cabbage kimchi, and one for white

kimchi, each able to accommodate both small and

large groups. The classes are taught in a state-of-

the-art kitchen, where the walls lined with stainless

steel appliances and handmade kimchi pots reflect

the historic, yet timeless relevance that kimchi

carries in Korean society. Separated ingredients:

red pepper, garlic, ginger, anchovy aekjeot, shrimp

aekjeot, plum extract, anchovy powder, and sticky

rice starch, line the pristine cooking countertops.

Large, earthenware jandong (장동) style bowls

house the main components of the fare: napa

cabbage, radishes, green onions and chives.

As the class begins, the instructor divulges into the

history and importance of kimchi in Korea. Each

ingredient and its necessity are explained at great

length, and the instructors are happy to answer

any questions about the process and its history. As

the cooking process begins, participants first

julienne the radishes, chop the onion and chives,

and begin to mix ingredients individually, in

specific motions and for specific amounts of time.

Each step is explained in depth, while the sauce

and ingredients are intricately spread between the

cabbage leaves.

Dean making kimchi

Pickled foods from around the world on display

in the Museum Kimchikan.

Fermented kimchi


Once the cabbage is stuffed and wrapped,

participants are provided with a container to store

their kimchi in and take it home. Instructed to wait

at least 2-3 days before tasting the kimchi, the

instructors advise guests to allow the kimchi to

ferment for 2-3 weeks. After the class, guests are

able to make postcards with stamps showing the

patterns of the key ingredients of Kimchi, and buy

souvenirs ranging from key rings to tools essential

for kimchi production.

Museum Kimchikan focuses on the authenticity of

the kimchi making experience. Roh Jeeyeon, Sales

and Marketing director of Museum Kimchikan,

says that, “What is special about the kimchi

making classes in our museum is that no matter

how many ingredients the recipe lists, we actually

use all of them when making kimchi. Notably, in

the case of glutinous rice paste, it is not sold in

stores or markets; so we make our own and

provide it to the program participants. It is

cumbersome work to mix glutinous rice powder

with water and make the paste slowly on low heat,

but it is one of the key ingredients that must be

included in kimchi.” Museum Kimchikan hopes

that participants in the program “will understand

the fact that kimchi is a food created based on the

devotion of Korean people, who hope for the

wellbeing of those who eat it, and keep this in their

minds when they make kimchi.”

The opportunity to make kimchi is more than a way

to get hands on with one of the most preserved

elements of Korean culture. When many people

visit or move to Korea, they use photographs or

souvenirs to remember their experiences after

they’ve left. There’s no greater memento than the

knowledge and understanding of one of the

greatest institutions of Korea’s history. Learning to

make kimchi is a time-honored tradition that

visitors to Korea can later continue in their own

home, to not only appreciate Korea, but also use

as a piece of nostalgia from time passed. If that’s

not reason enough, kimchi is rich in vitamins A and

C, as well as lactobacilli bacteria (a probiotic),

which aids in digestion and fighting off viruses and


Roh Jeeyeon concluded, “Korean kimchi is evolving

continuously. There are currently about 200

different kinds of kimchi, but it keeps changing on

the tables of every home and by the hands of

researchers at every moment. Cabbage kimchi with

thick seasoning containing red pepper powder is

being challenged by new varieties of mild, low-salt

kimchi made with fresh fruits that continue to

emerge. We hope you will open your heart to

kimchi and remember its diversity.”

Group posing after making kimchi

Kimchi final product

Museum Kimchikan in Seoul, South Korea


by Pastor David Allman

“Free Indeed!” Jesus uses the term in John 8:36,

“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free

indeed.” The Apostle Paul writes in Galatians 5:13.

“For you were called to freedom, brothers and

sisters...” Martin Luther in his writing “The

Freedom of a Christian” says, “A Christian is lord of

all, completely free of everything…” And, at the

same time none of these freedoms are to lead

toward an irresponsible lifestyle.

Following Jesus’ words there ensued a long

argument in which some in the crowd tried to

justify their ungodly lifestyle saying that they were

children of God through Abraham; and, at the

same time they rejected God’s Word which was

coming through the very Son of God. In the second

part of Galatians 5:13 Paul writes, “only do not use

your freedom as an opportunity for self-

indulgence, but through love become slaves to one

another.” The second half of the quote from Martin

Luther reads, “A Christian is a servant, completely

attentive to the needs of all.”

“Free Indeed” is the name of the devotional for

Lent this year. They were distributed before

worship on February 26th (one per household). If

you were not able to get one, please check with the

office to see if there are more available. The

devotional starts with March 1st, Ash Wednesday,

the first day of Lent and continues through April

15th, the day before Easter. The devotional is

based on Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, which

we will also focus on for five of the Sundays in


We encourage everyone to participate in all

aspects of our Lenten journey this year and use

these resources to help us “Grow in faith”, as the

second part of our Mission Statement reads.

On March 12th, 2017



Social Ministry and Benevolence for


Social Ministry thanks the congregation for their

support of the Samaritan Services Alzheimer's

Respite program. As many of you know, this

program impacts many residents in our area.

Shown in the picture from left to right are Betty

Ferrara; Diane Brace; Delores Berens – President

of Samaritan Services Respite Group; Jane Trefren,

President of Redeemer’s Social Ministry

committee; and Martha Alderman. Your generosity

is greatly appreciated.

Social Ministry Committee

March Social Ministry and Benevolence

Sister Sara Migrant Moblie Medical Unit

Sister Sara Proctor is a PA and program

coordinator of the Migrant Mobile Medical Bus.

For the past 15 years, Catholic Charities Mobile

Medical Bus has worked with volunteer physicians

and other health and social service professionals

to provide free medical, health promotion and

social services to the rural poor of eastern and

southern Hillsborough County. The services are

provided in a fully equipped medical bus, plus

three walk in clinic sites, which are staffed with

volunteer doctors, nurses, and bilingual

interpreters. Services provided by Sister Sara include: acute primary medical care and follow-up

and referral, routine well woman exams, health

promotion and disease prevention and health

screenings for high blood pressure and diabetes.

“Health education is a very important part of our

work here,” Sister Sara said “You may not lay hands

on a patient, but by your hands they are healed.”

Quilts and Soaps for Lutheran World


50 quilts made by the Needlers and blessed in the

service on January 29 were shipped to

LWR. Thanks to the Needlers for their many hours

of work in making the quilts and to congregation

members for donating toward the shipping cost. A

total of 171 lbs. of soap was also sent to

LWR. This included the soap donated by members

and $250 of soap purchased through a Thrivent

Action Team.

Sunshine Circle Easter Gift Baskets Gift bags for homebound members will be

assembled at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, March 14th.

Your assistance in baking cookies, collecting

wrapped candy, assembling the bags, and

distributing them would be greatly appreciated. A

sign-up sheet for the cookies is on the narthex



Tenth Annual Rummage Sale February 10th and 11th were good days for the

church. Our rummage sale was a huge success.

We started collecting donations in September

2016, filled Edsel's garage and opened our last

donated box on Thursday. The volunteers

displayed the donations for our customers. The

parking lot was kept safe by a team of 3 men. We

greeted our customers and the sales were made.

Many volunteers showed up to keep the sale

running smoothly. On Saturday the clean-up crew

reset Buhr Hall for Sunday. To make all this

happen a dedicated group put in many long


Thrivent Action teams provided money to offset

expenses. Lutheran Services of FL came to

church and picked up most of the leftover items for

their mission in Tampa.

Three groups: Mission Smiles, A Warrior's Place

and Lutheran Services of FL will receive a

donation. WELCA has also asked the church for a

project to support. Each month a donation from

these funds will be given to the general fund and

monthly benevolence.

From September 2016 to now the sales have

exceeded $13,000. God has blessed us in this

endeavor and now we can pay it forward. To each

of the rummage warriors I salute you and thank


Jane Trefren, WELCA chair

Rummage Sale tax slip

If you want a tax slip for your donation we have

them. You can see Jane in the kitchen or call her

at 813-634-3113. Thank you for your generosity.

Rummage Sale Quilt Raffle Winners Winners of the quilt raffle from left to right –

winning the king quilt is Esther Geissler, winning

the queen quilt is Angela Grill, and winning the

baby quilt is Sigi Espino

Fellowship time helpers needed February had 2 Sundays when the fellowship time

was changed, but now in March we are back to

normal. We need 3 volunteers to serve coffee

each Sunday. Bars and cookies are needed.

There is a group of 5 who share the set up but we

need you to make it run smoothly. The sign-up list

is near the kitchen window. We hope you will

share in this important ministry.

Thank you,

Fellowship Team

We are also looking for helpers for funerals. If you

can help, please talk with Paula Simenson.

Princess 5k update and thank you! I would like to thank everyone who sponsored me

in the Princess 5K run at Walt Disney World Epcot

Center. Despite being sick, I was able to complete

the run and had a great time. Children’s Miracle

Network raised over $500,000 during the

weekend. Thank you again for all your support.

Candy Allman



Evangelism Submitted by Candy Allman

So, who was St Patrick?

By: Phillip Jensen

St Patrick’s Day is a Saint’s day – but who was St


Legendary stories make it hard to know the truth

about early saints. We don’t know anything about

some saints, like St Valentine, and what we know

about other famous ones, like St Nicholas, is

contradictory and confusing. Even for some Biblical

saints, like St Matthias or St Bartholomew, there is

very little information.

So what do we know of St Patrick? Not much, but a

lot more than we know of St Matthias or St

Bartholomew. The central elements of his life story

are not really in doubt; the details of the events are

difficult to be certain about.

Many people are shocked to hear that Patrick

wasn’t Irish. He was most likely Welsh, though it

may be safer to call him British. He was born

sometime around 390 AD into a Christian family.

His father was a deacon and his grandfather a

presbyter. When he was 16 year old Patrick was

kidnapped by Irish raiders and forced to tend

sheep as a slave in East Antrim.

It was when he was an Irish slave that he first took

an interest in Christianity and found God. Prior to

that he spoke of his life as having “gone away from

God” and not listening to “how we could be saved”.

Later in life he described his conversion:

“I recognized my failings. So I turned with all my

heart to the Lord my God, and he looked down on

my lowliness and had mercy on my youthful


After six years of slavery, Patrick escaped back to

Britain to be reunited with his family. He trained for

the ministry and was made a bishop before

returning in 432 AD to spend the rest of his life in

Ireland. He went in response to the Lord’s direction

to be a missionary bishop and never felt free to

return home or visit his relatives. For about 30

years he travelled around Ireland preaching the

gospel, baptizing thousands, ordaining clergy, and

negotiating with tribal chieftains. In so doing he

turned the whole land away from violent paganism.

As with any leader, especially a Christian evangelist

and missionary, he faced a deal of opposition and

false accusations.

In his last days he wrote his “Confession”, which

tells of his life, his belief, his work and his defense

against attacks. It is not a long document, only

about 7000 words. In it we see something of the

heart of the man-– his understanding of the

gospel, his passion for the lost, his awareness of

his own frailties and his great confidence in God. It

is peppered with hundreds of Biblical quotations

and allusions, as he explains himself and his


He knew he had been forgiven and so wrote of his


“That is why I cannot be silent-– nor would it be

good to do so-– about such great blessings and

such a gift that the Lord so kindly bestowed in the

land of my captivity. This is how we can repay such

blessings, when our lives change and we come to

know God, to praise and bear witness to his great

wonders before every nation under heaven.”

It was not just the response to God’s blessings of

forgiveness and salvation, but also his

understanding of the Christian gospel. For as he

goes on to explain his missionary endeavour he


“This is because there is no other God, nor will

there ever be, nor was there ever, except God the

Father.…and his son, Jesus Christ, whom…the

Father gave…all power over every being, both

heavenly and earthly and beneath the earth. Let

every tongue confess that Jesus Christ, in whom

we believe and whom we await to come back to us

in the near future, is Lord and God. He is judge of

the living and of the dead... He has generously

poured on us the Holy Spirit, the gift and promise

of immortality, who makes believers and those

who listen, to be children of God and co-heirs with

Christ. This is the one we acknowledge and adore--

one God in a trinity."

We should thank God for St Patrick; rejoicing to

see how God used him to change a whole nation.

More importantly we should consider the message

Patrick brought to Ireland to see its relevance to

our nation today – and relevance to our own hearts

as well.


When to see the dentist From Parish Nurse Team

To prevent gum disease and other oral health problems, schedule regular dental cleanings and exams.

In the meantime, contact your dentist if you notice any signs or symptoms that could suggest oral health

problems, such as:

Red, tender or swollen gums

Gums that bleed when you brush or floss

Gums that begin pulling away from your teeth

Loose permanent teeth

Changes in the way your top and bottom teeth align with each other

Unusual sensitivity to hot and cold

Persistent bad breath or an unusual taste in your mouth

Changes in the way your dentures or partial dentures fit

Difficulty swallowing

Mouth ulcers or sores that don't heal

Remember, early detection and treatment of problems with your gums, teeth and mouth can help ensure

a lifetime of good oral health.


March 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:30 AM-WELCA board meeting 1:00 PM-Social Ministry Meeting 1:30 PM-Alzheimer's Meeting 3:00 PM-Ash Wednesday Service 4:00 PM-Soup Meal 6:30 PM-Barbershop practice 7:00 PM-Ash Wed Service

2 9:30 AM-World Day of Prayer 10:00 AM-Bible Study 3:00 PM-World Day of Prayer 1:30 PM-Diabetes Self-Management 5:45 PM-Bells Practice 6:45 PM-Choir practice

3 10:00 AM-World Day of Prayer 11:00 AM World Day of Prayer Service


5 10:00 AM-Holy Communion Worship

6 10:30 AM-Al-Anon 6:15 PM-Alpha

7 10:00 AM-RLC Staff Meeting 3:30 PM-AA Women’s Group

8 11:00 AM-Worship & Music Committee 3:00 PM-Lent Service 6:30 PM-Barbershop practice 7:00 PM-Lent Service

9 10:00 AM-Bible Study 10:00 AM-Parish Nurses Meeting 1:30 PM-Diabetes Self- Management 5:45 PM-Bells Practice 6:45 PM-Choir practice

10 9:30 AM-Needlers 12:00 PM-Women's Bible Study 6:00 PM-Alpha Holy Spirt weekend

11 8:30AM-Alpha Holy Spirt weekend

12 10:00 AM-Worship

13 10:00 AM-Diabetes Group 10:30 AM-Al-Anon 6:15 PM-Alpha

14 10:00 AM-RLC Staff Meeting 10:00 AM-Sunshine Circle 3:30 PM-AA Women’s Group

15 9:30 AM-WELCA coffee and cookies 3:00 PM-Lent Service 6:30 PM-Barbershop practice 7:00 PM-Lent Service

16 9:15 AM-Finance Committee 10:00 AM- Bible Study 1:30 PM-Diabetes Self-Management 5:45 PM-Bells Practice 6:45 PM-Choir practice

17 9:30 AM-Needlers


19 10:00 AM-Holy Communion Worship

20 10:30 AM-Al-Anon 1:00 PM-Interfaith council board 6:15 PM-Alpha

21 10:00 AM-RLC Staff Meeting 3:30 PM-AA Women’s Group

22 3:00 PM-Lent Service 06:30 PM-Barbershop practice 7:00 PM-Lent Service

23 10:00 AM-Bible Study 1:30 PM-Diabetes Self-Management 5:45 PM-Bells Practice 6:45 PM-Choir practice

24 9:30 AM-Needlers

25 11:00 AM-ABWA Fashion Show

26 9:15 AM- New Member Sunday 10:00 AM-Worship 11:15 AM-Blood Pressure Check

27 10:30 AM-Al-Anon 1:00 PM-Council Meeting 6:15 PM-Alpha

28 10:00 AM-RLC Staff Meeting 3:30 PM-AA Women’s Group

29 3:00 PM-Lent Service 6:30 PM-Barbershop practice 7:00 PM-Lent Service

30 10:00 AM-Bible Study 5:45 PM-Bells Practice 6:45 PM-Choir practice

31 9:30 AM-Needlers




3rd – Mary Ann Addleman

4th – Ruth Jones

5th – Gervais Brekke

6th – Ursula Berger and Betty Mack

9th – Dottie McKenzie

10th – Barbara Kately

11th – Connie Berry, Elaine Domroes,

and R.C. Fernon

13th – Enid Clouse and David Kiefer

14th – Jim Schwartz

16th – Harold Fisher

18th – Judy Buskirk and John


19th – Dick Paulson

20th - Loriann Fox, James Grill, and

Jim McIntosh

24th – Ken Hansen, Mary Jane

Hermanns, and Marjorie Kost

25th - Jeanne Goodman

26th – Marge Adair and Nancy


27th – Jan Glass and Arnold




4th – Greg & Judy Kiel

14th - Lee & Janine Johnson

20th – Linda & Jerry Miller

21st – Roger & Chris McCann

26th – Richard & Vorin Johnston

27th – Jim & Beverly Stearns

We ask if you notice information

is missing or incorrect please let

us know. Thank you!


Wednesday Worship Assistants

Time Acolyte Communion Assistants Lector

Wed. Mar 1

3:00 PM

Pete Moose

Pete Moose

Carolyn Cole

Dick Fricke

Edie Moose

Wed. Mar 1

7:00 PM

Debbie Andrews

Debbie Andrews

Dale Lyndahl

Kay Lyndahl

Debbie Andrews

Wed. Mar 8

3:00 PM

Jim Moyers

Jim Moyers

Wed. Mar 8

7:00 PM

Debbie Andrews

Debbie Andrews

Wed. Mar 15

3:00 PM

Jim Moyers

Rosalie Kelleher

Wed. Mar 15

7:00 PM

John Minor

Rosalie Kelleher

Wed. Mar 22

3:00 PM

Edie Moose

Pete Moose

Wed. Mar 22

7:00 PM

Deb Pollert

Dan Pollert

Wed. Mar 29

3:00 PM

Jim Moyers

Jim Moyers

Wed. Mar 29

7:00 PM

Deb Pollert

Dan Pollert

Soup Meal following the Ash Wednesday Service March 1st

WELCA has organized a soup meal following the 3:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service on

March 1st. Plan to stay after the service to try a variety of delicious home cooked soups!


Sunday Worship Assistants

Time Acolyte Communion Assistants Lector


Mar 5

Erika Barfels

Erika Barfels

Miriam Zane

Dottie McKenzie

Miriam Zane


Mar 12

John Minor

John Minor


Mar 19

Lucy Ann Clark

Lucy Ann Clark

Dick Fricke

Jan Glass

Dick Fricke


Mar 26

Debbie Andrews

Loriann Fox

Usher Team

Altar Guild


Jim McInstosh

Dottie Peterson

Irene Brenner

Bill Adkins

Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars® by March 31 Eligible Thrivent Financial members who have available 2016

Choice Dollars® have until March 31, 2017, to direct them or

they expire. The funds directed to Redeemer have been

designated to improve storage in Buhr Hall. Thanks to

members for directing $3,745 in 2016. With your help, we can

top that number this year and complete the storage project.

To direct Choice Dollars, go to Thrivent.com/thriventchoice or

call 1-800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the

prompt. For questions, see Lois Hobratschk.


Lenten Services

This year we will try something new for the Wednesday Worship services. We will make it easier for people

who still work to join us for worship by hosting an evening service. An afternoon service will still be available.

The worship service times for each Wednesday in Lent will be 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM respectively. A soup

dinner will be held following the 3:00 PM Ash Wednesday service only.

The theme for Wednesdays will be “Journey of Stones” developed by Pr. Steven Molin.

March 1, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) – “Written in Stone” (Ash Wednesday)

March 8, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) – “Rejected Stones”

March 15, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) – “Sticks and Stones”

March 22, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) – “Hearts of Stone”

March 29, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) – “Upon this Rock”

April 5, 2017 (3:00 PM &; 7:00 PM) - “Crying Stones”

April 13, 2017 (7:00 PM only) - “Stones to Bread” (Maundy Thursday)

April 14, 2017 (7:00 PM only) - “Journey of Hope” (Good Friday, Cantata)

April 16, 2017 (8:00 AM &; 10:00AM) – Easter Sunday (Brunch in between)

The theme for the Sundays in Lent will be Luther’s Small Catechism in commemoration of the 500th

Anniversary of the Reformation.

A special daily devotion booklet – “Free Indeed” – will be available February 26th after worship in order for

everyone to begin reading March 1st (Ash Wednesday).

March 5, 2017 (10:00 AM) – The Ten Commandments

March 12, 2017 (10:00 AM) – The Apostle’s Creed

March 19, 2017 (10:00 AM) – The Lord’s Prayer

March 26, 2017 (10:00 AM) – The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

April 2, 2017 (10:00 AM) - The Sacrament of Holy Communion

We are very excited to bring everyone these two wonderful series and encourage everyone to dedicate these

40 days (plus Sundays) to God and to spend some time reflecting on our lives. Please save the dates on your

calendars now.

The 2017 Florida- Bahamas Synod Assembly will take place June 1-3,

2017 at the Embassy Suites in Kissimmee. Redeemer can send one

lay male and one lay female. If anyone is interested, please contact

the office.


Community World Day of Prayer Service - March 3rd World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of people of many faith

traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year on the first

Friday in March. Each year a different country serves as the writer for the service. For

2017, the women of the Philippines invite us to consider these words: “Am I being unfair to

you?” The theme is taken from Matthew 20: 1-16, the parable of the laborers in the

vineyard. Throughout the service, the women of the Philippines invite us to accept Jesus’

infinite blessing and exhort us to receive others into the kingdom of God.

This year the service for our community will be held at Redeemer on Friday, March

3rd starting with refreshments and program at 10:00 AM and the service at 11:00 AM. Dr.

Merjjena B. Hemp will be a speaker for the service. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in

Communication Studies and a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction from New Mexico State

University. Her research interests include Crisis Communication and Global Community

Engagement. She published her first book, Beyond the Shadow of 3000 Pairs of Shoes: A

Story of Hopelessness, Persistence, and Survival in July of 2014. The memoir describes her

experiences growing up during the Martial Law in the Philippines under the Marcos Regime

and her life in the United States.

Please join us for an impressive service – men are also invited.

Volunteers needed for Redeemer

table at Fun Fest and Expo

Volunteers are needed for the

Redeemer table at Fun Fest on

March 18th (Saturday) and the

Spring Expo on March

30th (Thursday). This is an

opportunity to share information

on Redeemer with the

community. If you are willing to be

part of the team for two hours,

please sign the sheet in the

narthex. For more information,

contact Lois Hobratschk.

New Member Sunday March 26th

I am sure you have been seeing a lot of new faces

around here! We are so happy to have all of our

visitors who have come to “taste and see” what is

happening at Redeemer. We already have 10 new

members since our last New Member Sunday in

October, so it is time again to recognize and

celebrate our new ministry partners. If you are

interested in joining us, please see me (Susan

Warner) in the office or on Sunday morning for a new

member information form. We are so happy to have



Small Group Study of Ordinary: How to

Turn the World Upside Down by Tony


This six week session Bible Study pushes

back against the sensationalism, teaching

that every day things like humble acts of

service, neighborly love, and hospitality

can shake the foundation of our culture.

Location: Calvary Lutheran Church

5309 N. US Hwy 41

Apollo Beach, FL 33572

Friday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Dates: March 17, 24, 31 and April 21, 28

and May 5

Leader: Judy Kiel 813-812-6140; contact

Judy for more information.

Bible Study

Members, visitors, guests and friends, please join us

for Bible Study on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM.

Currently we are studying the book of I Corinthians

together. No prior knowledge of the Bible required

and you don’t even need to bring a Bible. One will be

provided for you.

Refreshments are served and it is FREE!

Women’s Bible Study will be held on the second

Friday in March (the 10th) from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

in the conference room. The study is written by

women for women and will be led by Irene

Brenner. All women are encouraged to attend this


Alpha will be returning in the Fall!

We are currently in the middle of our second Alpha Course here at Redeemer! We

started in fall of 2016 in conjunction with St John the Divine and then began our

second one in January with St John and St Andrew Presbyterian. The course will begin

here at Redeemer on September 11, 2017 at 6:15 PM with supper, DVD and

discussion groups. St Andrew will begin on September 12, 2017 at 9:15 AM with

breakfast and St John will begin September 14, 2017 at 11:00 AM with lunch. If you

haven’t taken Alpha, plan to treat yourself this fall! If you have taken Alpha please

invite your friends to “taste and see”.

Ushers needed, could you volunteer?

The Usher team is in need of some new

ushers. This is a great way to serve, please

contact Jim Schwartz at 633-0346 if you

would like to volunteer. Your help is greatly

needed and appreciated.


The people of Redeemer believe in the power of prayer.


Joe Abrams, Don & Ginny Acker, Mary Ann Addleman, Al Alderman, Rev. Donald Beal,

Marilyn Bohl, Fran Bullock, Lenora Chapman, Anne Clouser, Carolyn Cole, Dottie Earl, Dorothy Erickson, Kitty Fogt, Patty Fricke, Irene Griffin, Ken Heindel, Mary Jane

Hermanns, Art & Betty Jarvela, Bev Johnson, Lee Kesler, Norman & Anne Koehler, Jean

Kostka, Harvey & LaVern Lentz, Jim McIntosh, Tillie McMahon, Herb McKittrick, Lynn &

Phyllis Mead, Alice Miller, Homer Morrison, Thyra Nagel, Louise Neam, Caroline

Nensewitz, Sharon Olson, Nancy Payne, Paul Pruett, Gerda Regelin, Irv Rothman, Ron &

Marlene Scharback, John & Patti Schaefer, Deya Schierenbeck, Martin & Helene

Schwartz, Harold & Margaret Scott, Mary Shelton, Mariam Sorby, Linda Strohfus, Sylvia

Wicktor, Edna Williams, Ted Wilson.

Our Family Members and Friends

Jack & Cynthia, Gerry Albert, Ashley & Zach Allen, Heather Allman, Roman Amon, Sally

Ann Barclay, Abigail Bayless, Eric Bellis, Tim Berns, Lore & Max Bokma, Mark Bordwine,

Steve Bullock, George Clark, Julia Cox, Reanna Diaz, Cindy Freeman, Robin French,

Katherine, Austin & August French, Meg Gallagher, Linda Goelz, Lynn Golden, the family

of Mark Gorski, Marie Grazino, Ernestine & Bob Greenslate, Matt Gunter, Donna

Hallman, Jack Hambrick, Mary Ann Hanson, Christa & James Harkins, Mary Hayes,

Leonard Hermanns, Jr., Diane Heindel, Michael Hillard, Linda Hilt, Sandy & Bob Janicek,

Sherry Janovec, Gary, Joan, & Mike Kollerman, John Konz, Kay Lewis’s grandson

Michael and his wife Kelly, Nell Lucas, Ron Lumme, Annie Mangen, Adam Marks,

George Martin, Shannon McCormick, Dennis Michel, Elizabeth Milligan, Ron & Lori

Moore, Peg Nagy, George Perkons, Kelly Powell, Marlyn Quackenbush, Neil Rich, Julie

Rio, Ed Robb, Lori Robb, Velma Roberts, Bob Roettger, Mary Rollins, Liz Rollins, Joe

Ruckert, Pam Goldy–Rudy, Kathy & Steve Sanfilippo, Dan Schierenbeck, Joan

Schollmeyer, Scott Schwartz, Lynn & Patrick Sheridan, Fernanda Sullivan, Rosemary

Sutliff, Sharon Taylor, Sharon Toth, Glenn Turner, Maria Veiazquez, Michael Vilasi, Agnes

Wagaman, Donna Weber, MaryAnn Winters, Kathy Zalesky.

And always, God bless our country, our first responders, and our military men and women.

Redeemer Lutheran Church

David R. Allman, Pastor 701 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City Center FL 33573 - 813-634-1292

email: sccredeemerlc@gmail.com web: redeemerlc.com Sandra Gundacker, Choir Director and Organist · Susan Warner,-Parish Administrator

Kadie Dehne, Administrative Assistant