Rick and Morty Spec



Morty enlists Rick to help him find a date to the Town Fair. Beth shows Jerry her "Happy Place" to disastrous results.

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Rick and Morty Spec “Girl Trouble”



Rick is working on a ROBOT at the kitchen table. Jerry is eating cereal quietly.

RICKScience Ohhhh Science babyyyyy

MORTYHey Grandpa Rick?

The ROBOT lifts up a sign that says “Silence”. Morty stops.

RICKScience baby yeaaaaaaaaa.

The small robot emits applause

RICKYou know how long that robot took me to program Morty?

ROBOTTwelve minutes.

RICKA studio audience robot in twelve minutes Morty. He also answers questions.

JERRYI call him Stu for short.

The Robot emits applause at the joke. Rick frowns and chucks the robot in the garbage can.

RICKThat’s a shame.

MORTYWow, that’s a pretty cool robot Grandpa Rick. So anyways the big town fair is coming up, you know the one that happens in town every year.


JERRYI thought we lived in a city?

They look at him.

MORTY...And it’s a really big deal so I hope you could help me, yknow, find a date for it?

RICKJesus again with this Morty? I mean I was going to work on that thing I’ve been working on, you know, the cancer...killing device.

Beth walks in.

BETHRick help you find a date? By what, inventing her?

RICKAnd what’s that supposed to mean Beth? That I can’t -

BETHGet a girl without exploiting her somehow with science?

MORTYYa but the whole point was that I wanted him to help with science...

RICKOh please, I’ve gotten tons of girls without science, including, oh I don’t know, your mother!

BETHOh like inciting biological warfare isn’t science!

MORTYBecause people always say focus on your advantages...

RICKAlright then Macbeth. Let’s make a bet. I get your son a date to the fair WITHOUT science, I get a new sauna in my workshop, hydro included.



JERRYHey wait a minute.

BETHDeal. But if you don’t, you have to get me that new plush couch for Ilysium.


RICKDeal. Shall we shake on it?

They shake.

MORTYAw man.




RICKSo the key Morty, to getting any girl to like you, is science.

MORTYBut I thought that, aren’t we not supposed to use science

RICKWow Morty, to be honest, I always took you for a rule breaker. But if you want to go by the books on this one, that’s cool I get it.

MORTYNo Rick I really just want a date I don’t care -

RICKNo Morty when you’re right you’re right. So, what leads do we have?




RICKLeads Morty. You’ve been in school for fourteen years, surely you’ve got something going on.

MORTYI don’t really know any leads

RICKWhat about that girl you like, you know, the one...


RICKRed hair, clean...face.


RICKYa her, where’s she at for this, for this go round?

MORTYWell to be honest Rick I really think I should get over her, you can’t just focus on one girl your entire life y’know?

RICKSo you’ve realized she’s out of your league.

MORTYNo, its just -

RICKThat’s a good start Morty. Now get in the ship, I gotta show you something.


Beth is brushing her teeth, Jerry walks in.

JERRYHey honey...

She spits.



BETHYes Jerry?

JERRYWell, before, when we were all sitting at the breakfast table.


JERRYWell what did you mean when you said you wanted a new plush couch for Ilysium?

BETHDon’t know what you’re talking about hun. Can you pass me the floss?

He passes it.

JERRYCome on Beth. Our therapist said we have to be more open with one another. “Secrets and lies ruin marriage ties”.

Beth sighs.

BETHOK. I’m going to show you. But I need you to be cool about this, OK?

JERRYBe cool? We’re both mature adults -

BETHJerry. Promise me you won’t freak out.

JERRYI promise.


She fiddles with the taps on the sink in certain directions and suddenly the mirror opens into a portal!

BETHGo on.



Jerry sticks his head in hesitantly.

JERRYOh. My. Goodness.


Rick and Morty land their spaceship in a parking lot and walk inside a...


...Galactic strip club with a combination of scantily dressed creatures, poptarts and strippers. Rick checks his watch.

MORTYJeeze Rick

RICKI know, they really let out the hags during the day.

Rick walks over to an open buffet and starts making himself a plate.

RICKSo listen Morty, there are two important things that will help you find a date to that fair. The first is confidence, and the second is low standards.

MORTYIs that why we’re at an alien strip club?

RICKThere are no such things as aliens Morty. We are in a Galactic Strip Club because there are tons of chicks here. Chicks who want to spend time with you. Chicks that might be a bit below your usual standards.

A toaster with hair, legs, and arms walks by.

MORTYAnd this will build my confidence?



RICKPrecisely. They also happen to have a great Eggs Koombaya.

Rick is finished making his plate. They start walking through the club, we begin to see the strippers.

MORTYWow Rick look at that one!

RICKMorty its impolite to point, even here. Sure they’re not all knockouts but -

He turns around and sees a STRIPPER with a hand for a head and heads for legs and arms.

RICKOh my god, she doesn’t even have any legs. How can you even, even give a lapdance?

MORTYThat’s even weirder than the toaster because she’s so close to a human, y’know?. Like the toaster is almost unbelievable so you kind of put it off. I wonder if everyone from her dimension has heads for legs, or maybe it’s just her, and that’s why she’s here stripping, as some kind of novelty or something. It’s really kinda sad if you think about it.

Rick left through the speech and now has his arm around the stripper tickling her and making her laugh.

RICKLook Morty you raise some interesting points. I’m a scientist so I like to test things out for myself. Listen, here’s thirty smidgens, why don’t you go sit in that booth right over there.

He points at a booth in the corner.

STRIPPERSee you later, handsome.



She pats his head. Rick and the Stripper walk into a back room.


Morty is sitting alone at a booth in the strip club. A girl is on stage whose body is made of boobs and she’s about to take off her first bra. Suddenly, a BLOB, as could best be described, blocks his vision. She is chewing gum and has floating dollar bills inside of her.

BLOBHey baby, what’s your name?

MORTYUh, Jason.

BLOBThat’s a sexy name Jason, mine’s Blob.

MORTYUh, hi, Blob.

BLOBHi yourself you sexy boy. Want a dance?

MORTYNo thanks, I’m just here taking it all in.

BLOBAre you sure baby? I give the best dances.

MORTYYa I’m sure, thanks.

Morty strains to see the girl on stage, the audience is going wild.

BLOBIt’s because I’m fat, isn’t it?

MORTYNo no you’re not fat really I just don’t want a dance.



BLOBI’m fat and I’m ugly and I’m the worst stripper ever. I’m gonna go kill myself!

She oozes off into the backroom crying. Morty sighs, takes one last look at the stage and gets up to console her.


Jerry and Beth are walking through a beautiful mansion, pictures of Beth with famous historical figures line the walls.

BETHSo this is it...I mostly just come here to relax.

They continue walking through the beautiful mansion. Male servants stand at attention throughout, Jerry takes a good look at one.

BETHYou know, after a long day or something.

JERRYWhere are all the pictures of our family?

BETHOh well I’m really still decorating. I have a couple really good places in mind.

They walk out to the back patio and shirtless men run up and act as the steps down. Jerry steps down on them hesitantly.

BETHAnd this is the pool. This switch here turns on the jets.

She pushes a button and jets go on. Jerry looks at them dumbfounded.

BETHLook. Jerry. I know this is a big deal. Just say something.



He looks at her.

JERRYLets live here forever.


Morty and Blob are sitting on a couch, Blob is sniffling.

BLOBYou would’ve wanted a dance if I wasn’t so ugly. You think it’s easy being a blob?

MORTYYou’re not ugly.

He goes to pat her on the shoulder and her shoulder tries to swallow his hand. He yanks it away. She starts crying and her cries sound like a person screaming on fire.

BLOBYes I am. I’m fat and I’m ugly and I’m the worst stripper of all time. All the other girls make fun of me.

She takes out a cigarette, lights it, and puts it inside herself. It floats around with the dollar bills.

MORTYWell who cares if when you cry it - it sounds like someone is on fire. You seem really smart and personable, I think maybe you should just go into another field. Maybe real estate or something.

BLOB(sniffling) You really think so?

MORTYYa. I really do.

BLOBI used to cut myself you know. Because my dad beat and raped me so much.




We see Rick playing TWISTER with a handful of exotic strippers. One of them spins to blue, tries to reach and the whole pile of them fall, laughing.


Morty and Blob are leaving the booth

BLOB(sniffling) I guess I was just being silly. Thank you, Jason.

MORTYNo problem. And my name isn’t Jason. It’s Morty.

BLOBMorty. That’s got a real nice ring to it, makes you want to say it a lot. Morty.

They clasp hands/tentacles. They are then stopped by a BOUNCER.

BOUNCERWhoa, not so there fast big guy. That’ll be one thousand Smidgens.


BOUNCERYou had her solo for ten minutes, plus you chose the booth where time travels faster than reality.

BLOBPlus contact, Larry Baby.

MORTYWait what? I think there’s been a mistake, she wasn’t dancing or anything.

BOUNCERYou touched her too? Contact is an extra nine hundred smidgens.



MORTYI patted her on the shoulder.

BOUNCERThe shoulder!? Another twelve hundred.

BLOBYa Lar and I was crying for him big time in there.

MORTYHey what the hell? She was crying but I was consoling her.

BLOBHe said it turned him on.

BOUNCERThat’s an extra nince twenty.

MORTYSh-She wasn’t crying, she’s lying!

BOUNCERWell I definitely heard crying. Either that or you were setting someone on fire, both of which are nince twenty smidgens.

MORTYWell I only have thirty smidgens. I don’t know what to tell you.

BOUNCEROh that’s no problem, happens all the time.

MORTYIt does?

BOUNCEROf course it happens. You can just work off the rest of it, no sweat.

The Bouncer grabs Morty’s arm.



The bouncer leads Morty into a sex dungeon where terrible things are happening. We see a kid about Morty’s size get absorbed by a large creature in a cheap cop outfit.

BOUNCERAlright buddy lets get you some chains.

MORTYWhoa, man. I thought you meant like wash some dishes or something. Maybe peel some onions.

BOUNCERNo we’re going to chain you up and make you a sex slave. My bad, was I not clear on that?


BOUNCERWell let’s see, you owe us ninthty six-twenty smidgens, and you already gave me thirty, so you should only have to be down here lets see...a couple months or so.

MORTYA couple of months??

BOUNCERYa man no sweat. We only service customers from the inter-quadra galaxy chain so it’s really not bad work. Here, you hold these chains while I go grab your pain belt.

The bouncer holds out chains to lock Morty in. Morty takes the chains and wraps them around the bouncers hands, then ties him to the wall and takes off out there door. The bouncer in a show of strength breaks off the chains and puts his hand to his earpiece.

BOUNCERGniles? Ya. We got a runner.



Jerry and Beth are getting massaged by the pool while servants bring them delicacies. Jerry is getting a head massage. A servant, ANTONIO, approaches.

JERRYI’m so relaxed.

BETHMmmmmm. This is the best thing we’ve ever done as a couple. I wish we came here together sooner.

ANTONIOMaster Jerry, would you like anything?

JERRY Well Antonio, I am getting a massage with my beautiful wife after we just made delicate yet primal love. Is there anything else a man could want?

ANTONIOHow about a grilled cheese with no crusts?

He holds it out in front of him, toasted and perfect.

ANTONIOJust like your -

JERRYGram Gram used to make me every Sunday when I was a boy.

He takes the plate and his eyes begin to tear up.


Morty is running through hallways now as red alarms are blaring. He gets to the private booths and starts frantically opening them looking for Rick. He has a couple of tries with crazy stuff going on inside before he finds Rick’s booth, the stripper has a baseball glove on her hand (head).



MORTYRick! C’mon we need to get out of here. I-I-I owe money and -

Rick checks his watch.

RICKAlready? Alright let’s go. (to the stripper) I’ll see you later sugar muffin.

STRIPPERBye Honey pot.

She slaps his ass with her head on the way out.


Rick and Morty are hiding behind an oven as armed guards walk past. Rick is quietly going through cabinets.

MORTYWe’re trapped!

RICKYou would never where that stripper’s vagina was.

MORTYRick! What are we gonna do??

RICKRelax Morty, just one.more.second.

He pulls a piece of paper out of the cabinet


MORTYWhat is that? A map or something?

RICKA map? We’re in a strip club Morty. Jesus, think before you talk. It’s the Eggs Koombaya recipe, I had to find out how they make it so juicy, yet so tender.



MORTYWe’re gonna be locked up in a sex dungeon Rick! I saw a kid get-get absorbed by some kind of monster in there.

RICKA monster? Wow, I really didn’t expect that kind of talk from you Morty. You do your best to raise them right.

One of the armed guards motions to his partner that he hears something and points near Rick and Morty.

MORTY(nervous cry)

RICKJust shut up, I know what I’m doing.

He shoves the recipe into a mysterious NOTEBOOK with a slight glow to it. He then looks at his watch.

RICKOn my count.

They take off. One of the guards sneezes and Rick and Morty sneak past at that exact moment. They continue on their daring escape fighting off guards, eventually reaching a hall with a door at the end of it. The door they came in closes behind them. The room is filled poles and suddenly a dozen armed strippers descend on them from above.


Jerry is playing with a remote control car, a cooking show is playing in the background. The Kitchen is a disaster. Beth walks in.

BETHJerry! What the hell is going on in here?

She takes a fire extinguisher and puts out a small toaster fire.



JERRYBeth! Great to see you. So I went in the pantry and discovered we had every ingredient to make tiramisu, Can you believe it? And then I went to the basement and found all these old toy cars just like what I had as a kid. See?

He starts driving the car around the kitchen floor.

BETHUh, great. Anyways I was thinking we should head back soon. We haven’t checked on Summer in a while and I need to start making dinner.

Jerry is still driving the car through an obstacle course

JERRYYa cool, that sounds good dear. Why don’t you go and I’ll just stay here a bit and catch up with you later.

BETHYou sure?

JERRYYa, go have fun! I’ll be here figuring some things out.

BETHOk, I’ll be back in a bit.


Rick and Morty fight the strippers using an assortment of topical weapons and moves until they escape. Rick is directing Morty and acting in an omniscent way. Eventually they fight their way to the front door where only Blob remains.

BLOBStay with me Morty. Stay here, we can live in the sex dungeon together.



RICKYa you know what? That comment before probably was in line. She’s a monster.

MORTYCan we just go?

RICKI mean look at that thing. Yikes.

Rick looks at Morty, it’s time to go. They hero-jump right through Blob reaching their space ship. She screams and the strip club explodes as they take off. Morty looks back, horrified, people are screaming and exploding.

RICK(looking at the notebook) Lemon zest! Those innovative bitches.

They fly away.


They fly the spaceship into the open garage door.


The door opens and they walk out the ship.

RICKWell that was a fun one. What’s next?

MORTYI wanted help on getting a date to the fair, I didn’t ask you to take me to an alien strip club.

RICKMost kids would’ve been stoked to go to The Brass Foible. Did you see any other kids walking around there?

MORTYNo, Rick. That’s exactly the point.



RICKWhat, that you wanted me to get you a date? By what, inventing her? Injecting her with some potion? There’s no shortcut for this kind of thing Morty.

MORTYYea, I guess I get that now.


Rick looks at his watch

RICKI’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.

He walks out of the room.


Morty is lying in bed. Beth opens the door.


MORTYWhat do you want mom?

BETHDid Grandpa Rick help you, find a date to the fair?


BETHWell are you still gonna go?


BETHWell why not? Just because you didn’t find a date doesn’t mean you still can’t go.

MORTYThanks but it’s cool. I’m just gonna stay here and play some video games.




Beth gets up to leave.


BETHYa Morty?

MORTYWhy did you bet grandpa Rick that I couldn’t find a date?

BETHOh Morty. I already have the sauna for him, I’ve had it for ages. I’m getting it for his birthday. I just thought that the bet would encourage you guys to spend some quality time together, you know, not on some crazy science adventure, but normal family time.

MORTYOh. Well, OK.

She runs a hand through his hair.

BETHYou know, it’s still not too late to go to that fair.


The Town Fair is bustling, twinkling, splendid. Young Morty walks through the crowds without a direct purpose twirling his keys. A clock strikes something somewhere. A cute girl, KATNISS approaches him.

KATNISSHey would you like a tattoo?

MORTYA tattoo?

KATNISSYa, well, it’s only Henna (giggles). They come off after a bit.



MORTYUh, sure. How much are they?

KATNISSOh it’s free. I work for Mr. Henna, we’re here strictly for marketing purposes.


KATNISSYa it’s a pretty good job. Say, what’s your name?


KATNISSI’m Katniss. So Morty, what do you think about all this?

She gestures to the fair.

MORTYI...I like it.

KATNISSMe too. Here, give me your left arm.


Beth is walking in Ilysium, but it looks different. There are words drawn on the walls, its very dark, and everything seems out of order. Horror film-esque.


The name echoes throughout the halls.

JERRYIn here, doll.

Beth walks into another room and sees Jerry on a throne shrouded in darkness, his face half visible.

JERRYWe missed you Beth. Won’t you have a seat?



The two are walking past games and rides.

KATNISS - but I dip my bananas in coffee. And everyone thinks I’m crazy for doing it. It sounds crazy, but it’s really good I swear!

MORTYI don’t think it sounds crazy

KATNISSYou’re just being nice.

MORTYNo I swear it actually makes sense. People dip things in weird stuff all the time.

Slowly a shocked expression on Katniss.

KATNISSMorty! You’re bad.

MORTYWhat? No it -

KATNISSHey. Have you ever had the corndogs here?

MORTYNo I’ve never even had one.


She pushes him.

KATNISSThey’re the best! Come on.

She grabs his hand and pulls him running. Morty follows looking at his hand.


The two run up to the stand out of breath.



MORTYTwo corndogs please!

CORNDOG GUYThat’ll be two-fifty buddy.

Katniss reaches into her purse and Morty stops her and pays the guy.

MORTYDon’t worry about it.


She spontaneously pecks Morty on the cheek then looks down embarrassed.

KATNISSThanks. Sorry. No one’s ever bought me dinner before.


Jerry is sitting on his throne while servants chant and play bongos in the background.

BETHJerry what the HELL is going on.

JERRYShh, in here we use our quiet voices.

BETHI literally left you here alone for an hour and you’ve already gone crazy. I mean this is why I can’t take you places.

JERRYWe don’t live by time here anymore Beth dear, for in Jerrytonium, there is no time. Time is an illusion created by the other ones, meant to enslave us.

BETHAnd you got paint all over the walls, god dammit Jerry. Get off that stupid throne and come home right this instant.



JERRYAnother ruffian trying to silence our movement. No matter. Scorpion, Cage, take her to the pit.

Two of the former servants now tribal warriors appear from the shadows and advance towards Beth and grab her by the arms.

BETHJerry what the hell! Get them off of me.

JERRYIt’s for the best dear.

The begin to drag Beth out of the room. Beth slips her arms out, kicks one in the groin and hits the other over the head with a nearby cymbal. She runs up to Jerry’s throne.

BETHNow. You are going to snap out of whatever the hell you’re in this instant!

She slaps him HARD across the face. Jerry pauses for a long moment, his expression is blank.

JERRYYou’re going to find that that was a big mistake, dear.


The two are lying on the hood of the car staring at the stars eating corndogs. Katniss is looking at the stars, mouth wide open.

KATNISSIsn’t it just the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen?

MORTYThe stars? Ya I guess they’re pretty good tonight.

KATNISSLook, a shooting star!



She points up and a shooting star goes by. Her expression is absolute awe.

MORTYYou know they’re not actually stars, they’re meteors.

KATNISSWhat’s that?

MORTYWell it’s really just a fancy name for a piece of space rock.



Ya, they explode when they hit the earth’s atmosphere and that’s why they look like stars.


She gets a buzz on her cellphone and takes it out, looks at it, and puts it away.

KATNISSShoot, I have to go. Our crew is packing up for our next stop. Henna convention in DC.


KATNISSMorty. Don’t look so sad, I’m only gone for two weeks.

She takes Morty’s arm and draws on it quickly.

KATNISSIt was really nice meeting you Morty. Really nice. I’ll see ya around!

She runs off. Morty looks at his arm and sees her phone number Henna’d inside a shooting star with Katniss’s name on it.



Jerry snaps his fingers and several more goons come from behind and snatch Beth. She screams, karate’s her way out from all of them, takes a big chair and smashes it over Jerry’s head. Jerry looks around the room in a daze.


JERRYYup let’s go home.


Morty walks in the door singing, proud.

MORTYGuess where I just came from?

RICKA date with a girl named Katniss.

MORTYWait, how did you know I found a date?

RICKAside from your self entitled and terrible singing? I don’t know, maybe due to the fact that I orchestrated the entire thing.

MORTYWhat the hell are you talking about Rick. What did you do. Is this some sort of alternate reality or something?

He starts feeling and pinching himself.

RICKNo idiot we already did that. See this?

He holds out a button

RICKThis is a reset button.

Morty reaches for it, Rick holds it back.



RICKDon’t touch that unless you want the day to start over from when you woke up.

MORTYWhat do you mean, like time travel?

RICKIt’s not time travel. Well it is, but not like what you’re used to. That stuff is too messy, you don’t want to get involved. This is a reset device. You can reset a day with it from the very beginning as if nothing ever happened.

It hits Morty.



MORTYSo you just reset the day over and over, changing small things each time until a chain of events unfolded where I found a date?

RICKUntil I could get a sauna. Betting on you was just the best way I found of doing it.

MORTYBut how could you know what to change if your memory was erased every time you reset the day?

RICKA journal Morty, impervious to time travel. In it are records of all twenty seven of my attempts.

He holds out the JOURNAL.

MORTYWhat the fuck man!



RICKI know, pretty good, even for me, right?

MORTYI’m gonna kill you Rick!

RICKRelax Morty. Think about it, you got a date, I got a sauna, I’d say overall it was a, a pretty good conclusion.

MORTYHey, ya. Well I guess you’re right.

RICKUh yeah, the only problem is that the only date I could find for you will explode if she spends more than a couple hours with you.


RICKYa. She’s from a universe that’s allergic to your DNA. It happens across species, not all of us are compatible. Even the hour she spent with you tonight probably took a couple months off her life. Pretty Shakespearean if you think about it. But happy ending right? I get a sauna, you got a date to the fair, we deserve to celebrate. I’ll whip you up some eggs.

He walks out leaving Morty alone. A melodramatic day continues as Morty assesses everything. He stares at himself in the mirror, then at his left arm where Katnisses beautiful and detailed Henna of the fair and phone number still reside. He walks past his parents, content on the couch watching TV. Late at night, he eventually sneaks back into Rick’s Workshop. He finds the reset button, looks at his arm one last time, says “goodbye”, then pushes it. Rick is watching with his journal. He crosses out attempt 27 and moves on to attempt 28.




