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1. What is the heaviest naturally occurring metal on Earth?A. PlutoniumB. UraniumPlutoniumPlutonium, with an atomic weight of 244 u, is the heaviest naturally occurring metal (by mass) on Earth.

2. How many legs do butterflies have?A. 8B. 66Most butterflies can taste through their feet!

3. What is the most populous country in the world?A. BangladeshB. ChinaChinaAs on December 2012, the population of China was about 1.35 billion.

4. Which state is the biggest in the US?A. AlaskaB. FloridaAlaskaAlaska is about twice the size of Texas.

5. Which is the largest country (by area) in the world?A. AfghanistanB. RussiaRussiaRussia covers about 1/7th of the Earth.

6. What is the common name for Aurora Borealis?A. Northern LightsB. Southern LightsNorthern LightsThe South Pole too has its own 'lights' - the 'Aurora Australis'.

7. What is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?A. ColdB. Tooth DecayTooth DecayStudies suggest that dental disease is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, pneumonia, poor pregnancy outcomes, and dementia.

8. What was the last recorded album of Beatles?A. Abbey RoadB. Let It BeAbbey RoadIn 2012, Rolling Stone rated Abbey Road 14th on their list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.

9. What instrument did Miles Davis, the jazz musician, play?A. TrumpetB. ClarinetTrumpetMiles was considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century.

10. In which sport could you get into a headlock?A. Kung FuB. WrestlingWrestlingWrestling was amongst the few sports part of the first modern Olympics at Athens, Greece in 1896.

11. In which country was golf first played?A. ScotlandB. AmericaScotlandThe Gentleman Golfers of Leith, Edinburgh was where the first official golf rules were penned down.

12. Which is the sport where you could be out 'leg before wicket', or 'hit a six'?A. CricketB. PoloCricketCricket is often called the 'gentleman's game'.

13. When was baseball first played in the US?A. 1901B. 18461846The first recorded baseball game with codified rules was played in June 19, 1846 at Hoboken, New Jersey.

14. In which sport would you use a 'sand iron'?A. GolfB. PoolGolfThe first ever recorded hole-in-one was made by Tom Morris at the Open Championship, Scotland, in 1868.

15. What is the largest mammal in the world?A. African ElephantB. Blue WhaleBlue WhaleThe blue whale measures about 30 m in length, and weighs about 170 tons. Its heart is about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

16. Where did reggae music originate?A. AmericaB. JamaicaJamaicaReggae was first developed in Jamaica in the late 60s.

17. Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?A. P.G. WodehouseB. Oscar WildeP.G. WodehouseWodehouse wrote 15 plays, and 250 lyrics for about 30 musical comedies.

18. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?A. Leonardo Da VinciB. MichelangeloMichelangeloMichelangelo painted 12,000 sq ft of the chapel's ceiling over a span of 5 years (1508 - 1512).

19. Who was the writer of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?A. Rudyard KiplingB. Lewis CarrollLewis CarrollThe book, often called Alice in Wonderland was written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) in 1865.

20. After which famous person was the teddy bear named?A. Theodore RooseveltB. Teddy PendergrassTheodore RooseveltThe first teddy bear is believed to be created simultaneously by toymakers Morris Michtom in the America, and Richard Steiff in Germany, in the early 20th century.

21. Which is the smallest ocean in the world?A. Pacific OceanB. Arctic OceanArctic OceanThe Arctic Ocean covers an area of about 5,427,000 sq mi, which is roughly the size of Russia.

22. What is the rhino's horn made of?A. BoneB. HairHairThe rhino horn has a similar structure to horse's hooves, turtle beaks, and cockatoo bills.

23 Who created Snoopy?A. HergB. Charles M. SchulzCharles M. SchulzSnoopy made his first appearance in the comic strip - Peanuts, on October 4, 1950.

24 Who was the first non-royal to appear on a UK postage stamp?A. William ShakespeareB. Issac NewtonWilliam ShakespeareA 5 stamp was issued in Stratford, CT on August 14, 1964, on the occasion of William Shakespeare's 400th birth anniversary.

25 What is the capital city of Afghanistan?A. KandaharB. KabulKabulOpium is the main crop cultivated in Afghanistan.Read more at Buzzle:

How many number of musicians constitute a big band?10

What is the meaning of the Italian word 'adagio'?Slow

Which is the top-selling album to sell more than 10 million copies?Garth Brooks

Which is the largest state in the United States of America?Alaska

Which Beatles song lasted longest on the charts for 19 weeks?Hey Jude

Which famous document starts with 'When in the course of human events...'?Declaration of Independence

Who said these words - 'I am the president of United States and I am not going to eat any more broccoli'.George Bush

Besides a dagger and spear, what more is the gladiator armed with?Net

Which single name is applied to Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great?Charlemagne

Which 20th century war was dubbed as 'forgotten war', even after 54,246 U.S. deaths?Korean War

Dover is the capital of which state?Delaware

Which Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he turned to Marxism?Joseph Stalin

Which were the two most popular rock operas of 1969?Hair and Tommy

Which civil rights leader did Dorothy Parker leave her bulk of estate to?Martin Luther King, Jr.

Which nation issued the five dollar bill which was found in the pocket of Abraham Lincoln, when he was shot?The Confederate States of America

Which Junior High School musical was canceled in 1994 when Shinnecock Indians objected to the 'Ug-a-wug' song?Peter Pan

Which Michael Jackson album spawned five chart-topping singles?Bad

Which fruit was forbidden for Hawaiian women to eat by law?Coconut

Which vehicle was invented to circumvent trench warfare?Tank

Which jazz musician had got his pet name by shortening the name 'Satchel Mouth'?Louis Armstrong

What is the unit of measurement used to measure the height of horse?Hands (1 Hand is equal to 4 inches)

Which is the highest waterfall in the world?Angel Waterfall (around 1000 m)

Where was the sky city concept introduced for the first time?Japan

Lake Tahoe has only one outlet, name the outlet?Truckee River

Which is the world's first national park?Yellowstone National Park, USA

What is Alaska's second most populous city?Fairbanks

Which U.S city is at the highest altitude above the sea level?Santa Fe

Which is the lowest point on the land of the United States continent?Death valley (California)

SLR is the abbreviation of what in the field of photography?Single Lens Reflex camera

Which company is the largest producer of computer software for personal computers?Microsoft

What does the abbreviation GUI stand for?Graphical User Interface

Which element was discovered by the French chemists Marie Curie and Pierre Curie?Radium

This American actor grew up believing that the couple raising him were his parents. It turned out that they were in fact his grandparents, and the woman he called his sister was in fact his mother. Name the actor.Jack Nicholson

What do you call a village that does not have a church?A hamlet

Who was the first African-American player to join Major League Baseball?Jackie Robinson

A sports player's jersey number may sometimes be retired (so that no player is ever allowed to wear the same jersey number again) to recognize and honor his/her contribution to the particular sport. Who was the first ever sportsperson whose uniform number was retired?Ace Bailey. He was an ice-hokey player, who played for Toronto Maple Leafs. His jersey number was 6.

In the book Eat Pray Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert says her favorite Italian word is attraversiamo. What does the word mean?to cross over

The Paramount Pictures logo depicts a mountain peak, hooded by an arc of stars. The mountain peak used in the logo was taken from a painting. Who created the painting?Dario CampanileRead more at Buzzle:

Which chemical element has the shortest name?Tin

Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi based the face of the Statue of Liberty on whom?His Mother

There are sixty cups on a table. If one falls down, then how many remain?Seems easy but the answer would be 59 if the question was asked verbally.\n Read the question once again There are sixty cups (six-tea-cups) on the table.\n So if one falls down then 5 remain

At the beginning of the 1990s which country had the most camels?Somalia

Ralph Craig ran the 100m for the US in 1912; when did he next compete in the Olympics?1912

What word do we use to describe the Asexual reproduction of a genetic carbon copy of an animal or plant?Clone

What product was the first to appear in a UK TV commercial (in 1955)?Toothpaste

Really Hard Math Questions

Math has never been a favorite for me. I never got it but I knew it is necessary for the proper functioning of everything that is around me. So here are some amazing math riddles with answers.

y=logx.If y=10, then what is x?x=1

If 1/2x +1/2(1/2x + 1/2(1/2x +1/2(1/2x + ... = y, then x=?x=y

10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 10! Is it possible?Yes

Take the number 30, divide it by 1/2, and then add 10. What do you get?Seventy. Thirty when divided by is 60

If you have 6 black socks, 4 blue socks, 8 brown socks, and 2 red socks in your sock drawer, what is the minimum number of socks that you need to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?Minimum 5

If ax*x + bx + c = 0, then what is x?[-b (b2-4ac)] / 2a

Really Hard Questions

Now that you've seen some really hard riddles, here are some thought provoking questions with no answers. Why no answers? Because every reader will have his/her own set of answers for each and every question mentioned below.Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?Can you cry under water?Would a fly without wings be called a walk?Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?When it is all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?If the funeral procession is at night, do folks drive with their lights off?Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, when you can't legally drink and drive?When companies ship Styrofoam, what do they pack it in?Can blind people see their dreams?How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?If God is so powerful, why does evil exist?If all roads lead to God, then why is it called good or bad?Read more at Buzzle:

#1. Which letter of the English alphabet flies, sings, and stings?'B' (bee).

#2. What goes up and down, but still remains in the same place?Stairs!

#3. Larry's father has five sons, viz. Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty... Guess what would be the name of the fifth?Fifty? Well no! It's Larry! (Larry is the fifth son).

#4. In a year, some months have 30 days, while some have 31. Guess which month has 28 days?All months have 28 days!

#5. You have a cup placed on a table. You are pointing towards the North and the cup is facing towards the South. On which side is the cup's handle?No matter in which position the cup is, its handle will always be on the outside!

#6. Complete the series. 9 = 4, 21 = 9, 22 = 9, 24 = 10, 8 = 5, 7 = 5, 99 = 10, 100 = 7, 16 = ?, 17 = ?16 = 7 and 17 = 9 [The number of letters in the spelling of 16 (sixteen) is 7 and that of 17 (seventeen) is 9]

#7. Name all the numbers from 1 - 100, which have the letter 'A' in their spellings?None!

#8. Tom had 3 big fish and 3 small fish in an aquarium. Due to negligence, 1 big fish and 2 small fish died. How many remain in the water?2 big fish and 1 small fish would remain in the water, and the other three would float on the surface of the water.

#9. Peter is known for his rash driving in the neighborhood. One day, he takes a one-way lane but goes in the wrong direction. Despite cops being present in the vicinity of the lane, he slithers away uncaught! How?Peter chose to walk that day for some reason. Good for him!

#10. The other day, Helena bought a new set of China from the nearby store. While she was serving the dinner, she got clumsy and dropped one China bowl on the concrete floor, without cracking it? How did Helena did it?You see, concrete floor does not crack easily, at least not with a China bowl!

#11. It took 20,000 workers to build the Taj Mahal in 20 years. How many workers would be required to build it in 10 years?Sorry, the Taj Mahal cannot be built again.

#12. Clark Kent does 5 sets of pushup, 6 sets of sit-up, 7 sets of squat, and 8 sets of bench dip in a day. So, which organ in his body would be the largest?His skin!

#13. What is the smartest and quickest way to lift a giant grizzly bear with one hand?Well, first you would have to find a giant grizzly bear with one hand, before pondering on this question.

#14. There is a hole in your backyard. It is 6 ft. deep, 12 ft. long, and 8 ft. wide. What is the amount of dirt that lies in this crevice?There couldn't be any dirt. If there were any, it wouldn't be a hole.

#15. In Madagascar, you cannot take a picture of a lemur with gray hair. Why?Don't you think you need a camera instead of gray hair to take pictures?

#16. Which one is correct? "Penguins flies" or "A Penguin flies"Neither. Penguins don't fly.

#17. Last year, a cruise ship sank in the middle of the Pacific. Evey single passenger on the ship drowned but only four survived. How's that possible?The four were married and not single.

#18. Why is it a felony to bury a giant bear who lives in a rainforest, in a desert?You cannot bury an alive bear anywhere you like!

#19. My neighbor Bob is a blacksmith. He is 45 years old, 7 ft. tall, and eats all the time. Guess what does he weigh?Iron

#20. Imagine you are in a flight that is going to crash any moment. All you have with you is a self-help book named How to save yourself from a plane crash. So, how will you survive the crash?Don't sweat about it. Just stop imagining!

#21. There are sixty cups on a table. If one falls down, then how many remain?Seems quite easy and obvious, right? On being verbally asked, you will think that the answer is 59! But is it? Read or 'hear' the question once more and carefully! There are 'sixty cups' (six-tea-cups) on the table. So, if one falls down, then 5 tea cups will remain!

#22. Let's say you are working as a tourist guide for a reputed organization. One day, you get to serve 35 tourists. The entire group comprises 5 businessmen, 2 monks, 4 photographers, 5 high school students, 7 doctors, 4 nuns, 3 small kids, 3 scholars, and 2 married couples. Out of these, 2 nuns leave halfway, 3 photographers decide to stay behind, and the students begin to disappear one by one. The monks say that they would like to rest for a while. What is the name of the guide?Aren't you the guide? So, what's your name?

#23. It was a sunny Sunday morning. Roger was reading, Bella was painting, little Johny was trying to walk, the widow (next door neighbor) was over the phone with her husband, Susie was in the kitchen, and Tommy, the pet dog, was barking frantically. Then there was a loud bang, and everybody found Tommy dead in his kennel. Who killed Tommy?The widow! She does not have a husband.

#24. One day you decide to enter a sixty-storied skyscraper. The office on the 15th floor deals in jazz and rock music videos. The power is out in the building due to some maintenance work. You want to go to the 15th floor and the 40th floor, for the view from there is magnificent. You somehow reach the 15th floor but you get too tired to continue. You call the elevator and get inside. Guess what type of music is playing inside the elevator?The lift won't work, the power is out.

#25. There is a river. On one side (say side A) a man is standing with a Bengal tiger, a goat, and a bunch of grass. The man has to transport each of them to the other side (say side B) of the river on a boat. Now, the boat can carry one item at a time along with the man. How will he do it? Remember that, the tiger can kill the goat if not attended by the man, and the goat can eat the grass, when left alone.The man would have to carry the goat first and keep it on the other side (side B) of the river, as the tiger will 'definitely' not eat the grass, even if left alone on side A. After having done this, he will come back from side B, take the tiger from side A along with him and put it on side B. Now, while coming back again from side B, he will again carry the goat with him. This is because, if it is left alone on side B with the tiger, it will be killed. So, he will bring it back to side A, keep it and carry the grass to side B. Now, when he finally returns, he will carry the goat from side A to side B. All are safe and the job is done!

#26. This one is my favorite among all trick questions and answers. Imagine yourself driving on a highway on a windy day. Suddenly, you notice some people standing by the side of the road, and you slow down. You learn that the people include your best friend, an ailing old woman, and your dream girl. The ailing woman is dying and requires immediate medical help. Now, you have only one chance to spend a day with your dream girl, and of course you can't leave your best friend behind. So, what would you do in order to help the woman to reach the hospital? Remember that, your car can carry 'ONLY TWO' people (the driver and one passenger).Seems quite tricky right? Here is the answer... You ask your best friend to drive the woman to a hospital, and you spend the day with your dream girl! How's that?

#27. This one seems hard, but it's simple! There is a casino and it has 4 gates (let's name them as gate A, B, C and D). Every time you enter the casino, you have to pay $5 and every time you leave the casino, you again have to pay $5. Also know that, whatever amount of money you carry with you inside the casino, it doubles. For example if you carry $5, it will become $10. You have to go inside the casino through gate A, come out of B, again go inside the casino through gate C and finally come out of gate D. Now, how much money should you carry inside the casino so that when you finally come out of the gate D, you should be left with no money?Instead of guessing the amount of money, why don't we try solving this problem using algebra.

Let's say that the amount which you are carrying inside the casino is 'X'When you enter the casino through gate A, you spend $5, so the amount becomes (X - 5)This amount gets doubled inside the casino and becomes 2 (X - 5), i.e., 2X - 10Now, you make an exit through gate B and again pay $5. So, the amount which you have now becomes, (2X - 10 - 5), which is (2X - 15)Again, you enter the casino through gate C and spend $5. This makes the amount (2X - 15) to become (2X - 15 - 5), which is (2X - 20)Once when you are inside, the amount (2X - 20) again gets doubled, i.e. 2 (2X - 20) which is (4X - 40)This time, you will make your final exit through gate D and pay $5. So, this makes the amount (4X - 40 - 5), which is (4X - 45).

Now, the condition was that after you have completed the task, you should be left with zero money at the end. So, according to this, the remaining amount of money which you have now, i.e, (4X - 45 ) should be equal to 0.

So, when 4X - 45 = 0; 4X = 45; X = 45 4; X = 11.25

Hence, you should carry an amount of $11.25 inside the casino, so that you are left with no money at the end.Read more at Buzzle:

For Graduating High School Student High School Card/Form 138 Certified true copy of Birth Certificate duly authenticated by the National Statistics Office (NSO) Certification of Good Moral Character issued by the High School Principal/or Guidance Counselor. Chest X-Ray result with Film. Medical Clearance issued by the PUP Medical Clinic. 2 in. x 2 in. picture with white background with applicant's name on the photo.For High School Graduates of past school yearsIn addition to the above admission requirements: Certification from high school registrar with school dry seal and noted by the Principal that nocopy of F137A has been sent to other college or university. Notarized affidavit that applicant did not enroll in any school/college/university within andoutside the country with "waiver" that if there is concealment of previous enrolment,PUP enrolment becomes null and void.
