Rev. Amado Ramos, Associate Pastor Rev. Paul-Michael Piega, · 14/10/2018  · 1100 MAIN STREET •...


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1100 MAIN STREET • PO BOX 187 • BUDA, TX 78610

phone: 512.312.2520 • fax: 512.295.2034


HOLY MASS Saturday/Sábado .............................................. 5:30 p.m. Eng.

Sunday/Domingo .............................................. 8:30 a.m. Esp.

11:00 a.m. Eng.

5:00 p.m. Eng.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays 4:00-5:00 p.m. or by appt.

Sábados: 4:00-5:00 p.m. o por cita

PARISH STAFF Clergy Secretary Juanita Rodriguez (117)

Bookkeeper Mandy Yañez (154)

Admin. Assistant Alma Tamayo (122)

Receptionist Rosa Lopez-Wicker (101)

Music Director Ademar Chavana (114)

Parish Custodian Zoybeda Melendez



Director of RE Edward Blatz (138)

Assoc. Director of RE Oralia Garza (129)

Youth Ministry Pete Barbato (108)

SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION School Phone 512.312.2137

School Website

Interim Principal Heather Vallilee

Secretary Leticia Gonzales

Very Rev. David Leibham, Pastor

Rev. Amado Ramos, Associate Pastor

Rev. Paul-Michael Piega,

Associate Pastor


Ben Garcia Rey Garza

Rodolfo Gonzalez John Kerrigan



Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.

Office Closed Saturdays and Sundays

La oficina se cierra los Sábados y Domingos

El Mes del Santo Rosario


Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1;

Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32

St. Teresa of Jesus

Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-

48; Lk 11:37-41

St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary


Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk


St. Ignatius of Antioch

Thursday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13,

17-18; Lk 10:1-9

St. Luke

Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-

13; Lk 12:1-7

Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac

Jogues, and Companions

Saturday: Eph 1:15-23; Ps 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lk


St. Paul of the Cross;

Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday: Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20,

22; Heb 4:14-16;

Mk 10:35-45 [42-45]

Twenty-ninth Sunday in

Ordinary Time

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Gál 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 5:1;

Sal 113 (112):1b-5a, 6-7; Lc 11:29-


Santa Teresa de Jesus

Martes: Gál 5:1-6; Sal 119 (118):41, 43-45,

47-48; Lc 11:37-41

Santa Eduvigis; Santa Margarita

Maria Alacoque

Miércoles: Gál 5:18-25; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 11:42-


San Ignacio de Antioquia

Jueves: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-

13, 17-18; Lc 10:1-9

San Lucas

Viernes: Ef 1:11-14; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 12

-13; Lc 12:1-7

Santos Juan de Brébeuf, Isaac

Jogues y compañeros

Sábado: Ef 1:15-23; Sal 8:2-3ab, 4-7; Lc


San Pablo de la Cruz;

Santa Maria Virgen

Domingo: Is 53:10-11; Sal 33 (32):4-5, 18-

20, 22;

Heb 4:14-16; Mc 10:35-45 [42-45]

Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del

Tiempo Ordinario


Please pray for our parishioners who are serving in the military: Favor de orar por nuestros feligreses que están en el servicio militar:

We continually update our list of parishioners serving in the military. Please call Alma Tamayo in the church office so that we can have an accurate list of active military personnel who are parishion-

ers at Santa Cruz. Thank you.

SSG Joshua Wood, husband of Cynthia Wood,

Veronica Hinojosa, daughter of John & Mary Hinojosa,

Joshua Andrade, son of Jesse & Rose Andrade,

Marco Antonio Montoya Castañeda, son of Jose & Maria Montoya,

Angel Rivera, grandson of Sirio & Susie Cazares


2 Santa Cruz Catholic Church, Buda, Texas

Sat 10/13 5:30 PM Eng Church †Delma Turner

SUNDAY 10/14 8:30 AM Esp Iglesia †John Anthony Perez

11:00 AM Eng Church †Felix Garza Perez

5:00 PM Eng Church All Parishioners of Santa Cruz

Mon 10/15 7:00 AM Eng Church †Rev. Father Paul Nguyen Congmin

Tue 10/16 7:00 AM Eng Church Jose Loredo-Cruz (Special Intention)

Wed 10/17 7:00 AM Eng Church †Teodora Garza

Thu 10/18 7:00 AM Eng Church James Natal, Jr. (Special Intention)

Fri 10/19 8:00 AM Eng Church †Jim Coy

Sat 10/20 5:30 PM Eng Church †Jake Jacobson

SUNDAY 10/21 8:30 AM Esp Iglesia †Marcelino Garcia

11:00 AM Eng Church †Dalia Robles

5:00 PM Eng Church All Parishioners of Santa Cruz

Special Second Collection—October 13/14

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United

States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has called upon us to take up an emergency

collection for 2018 Disasters. The funds will be used to support the efforts of Catholic

Charities USA and Catholic Relief Services, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catho-

lic Church.

Segunda Colecta Especial—13/14 de Octubre

El Cardenal Daniel DiNardo, Arzobispo de Galveston-Houston y Presidente de la Conferencia de

Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos, nos ha hecho un llamado para realizar una colecta de

emergencia por los Desastres del 2018. El dijo que “Los fondos serán usados para apoyar los

esfuerzos de Catholic Charities USA y Catholic Relief Services, agencias oficiales de auxilio de la

Iglesia Católica de los Estados Unidos.”



Church Attendance (10/07):


(Saturday 5:30 PM: 325;

Sunday 8:30 AM: 980;

11:00 AM: 850;

5PM: 556)

Below are the New Members

for the previous week.

Démosles la bienvenida a

nuestros nuevos miembros:

Dominic Gonzales

Clint & Danna Pekar

Ángel & Esperanza Serna


Anthony & Tara Mavigliano

Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

OCTOBER 7TH COLLECTION Regular Collection .................... $26,697

Debt Reduction ........................... $5,006

“WeShare” Donations ................. $4,009

Total Collection ......................... $35,712


This Week .... Hurricane Florence Collection

Next Week ................ St. Vincent de Paul &

.............................................. Mission Sunday



4 3

Queridos Feligreses,

La atención cuidadosa a las palabras del Evangelio y la

recepción de la Santa Comunión son: los dos momentos de

un encuentro con Cristo en la Misa.

Nuestro Señor nos habla directamente en el Evangelio, y en

la Santa Comunión lo recibimos en toda su realidad. Mu-

chos santos nos han dejado como legado muchas medita-

ciones sobre la recepción de la Santa Comunión, pero el mas famoso es

San Pedro Julian Eymard. El fue un sacerdote quien vivió en Francia

durante el siglo diecinueve. Sus meditaciones fueron diseñadas para

promover la devoción a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento.

“Cuando recibamos a Jesús en nuestro corazón en la Sagrada Comu-

nión, hay que pasar tiempo simplemente en conmemoración. Adorándo-

lo en silencio y fijando nuestra mirada en El.

Ofrécete a ti mismo, como Su siervo para llevar a cabo Su santa volun-

tad. Mientras tu alma se mantiene en conmemoración, en la calma

profunda de Su santa presencia, no busques perturbarla. Es el sueño

del alma sobre el regazo de Jesús y su gracia nos fortalecerá y nos unirá

a Nuestro Señor más que de ninguna otra manera.”

Su Párroco,

Padre David.

Dear Parishioners,

Loving attention to the words of the Gospel and the

reception of Holy Communion are the two moments

of encounter with Christ in the Mass.

In the Gospel, Our Lord speaks to us directly and in

Holy Communion we receive him in all of his reality.

Many saints have bequeathed to us meditations on

the reception of Holy Communion and among the most famous is

Saint Peter Julian Eymard. He was a priest who lived in nine-

teenth century France. His meditations are designed to promote

devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament:

“When you receive Jesus into your heart in Holy Communion

spend time in simple recollection. Adore him in silence and fix

your gaze upon him.

Offer yourself to him, as his servant ready to carry out his will.

While your soul remains in recollection, in the hushed calm of his

holy presence, do not seek to disturb it. It is the sleep of the soul

upon the breast of Jesus and this grace will strengthen and unite

you to Our Lord more than any other way.”

Your Pastor,

Father David.

October 13 & 14, 2018/13 y 14 de octubre, 2018 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


La Legión de Maria ofrecerá llevar a la imagen de

la Virgen Maria a sus hogares y rezar el Santo Rosario

con la familia. La imagen de la Virgen se mantendrá

en cada hogar por una semana para que la familia

rece el Santo Rosario. Después se regresará a la Igle-

sia el siguiente fin de semana. Nuestra Madre Maria

nos acerca a Cristo, uniendo a la familia y colmándo-

nos de bendiciones cuando rezamos el Santo Rosario.

Favor de apuntarse con uno de los siguientes miem-

bros de la Legión de Maria: Juanita Valencia at (512)

704-5320; Oralia Garza at (512) 923-7482; Rosa Es-

pinoza at (512) 295-4185.

Junta de Planificación:

Celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe y la Posada.

Pedimos la participación de todos los lideres de los grupos/

ministerios hispanos a una junta el miércoles, 24 de octubre

de 7:00p a 8:30p en el salón del Sagrado Corazón para planifi-

car la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe y las posadas de

la Iglesia. Para cualquier pregunta llamar a la oficina parro-

quial (512) 312-2520.

Planning Meeting:

Celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe and Posadas

We request the participation of all leaders of Hispanic groups/

ministries to the meeting on Wednesday, October 24th from

7:00p to 8:30p at the Sacred Heart Men’s Club room to plan

the celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Church’s

posadas. For any questions, please call the parish office at

(512) 312-2520.

4 Santa Cruz Catholic Church, Buda, Texas

MOVIE NIGHT! Friday, October 19, 7:00

p.m. Join Santa Cruz for a night at the mov-

ies! October Baby is the story of Hannah

who finds out that her life is not really what

it appears to be and finds forgiveness and

healing in her search for truth. The movie is

free and will be shown in the parish

hall. Standard seating will be provided;

however, we encourage everyone to bring

blankets/pillows and P.J.’s for a more enjoy-

able movie experience! Movie concessions

will be sold for a nominal fee; therefore, no

outside food/drinks will be permitted. This

film is sponsored by the Santa Cruz Pro-Life

ministry. Info: Susan at 512-923-2232.

Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

It is that time of the year again, preparation for the Angel Tree event.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Buda Conference at Santa Cruz Parish is

now planning for our annual angel tree breakfast including a celebration of

the baby Jesus, food for the families, and gifts for the children. Our Angel

Tree, with angel tree tags will be placed in the church narthex the weekend

of November 24 and 25. It is an opportunity for you and your children to do

something special for a family in need during the Christmas holidays.

We thank all parishioners for the generous financial and spiritual support

you have given us throughout the year. We have been able to assist many of our neighbors throughout the Buda community and

our parish with our every other Saturday food bank distribution and weekly home visits by our members. Through your support we

have also been able to provide assistance with utility payments and rental assistance. In the near future we will publish infor-

mation regarding the number of families we have assisted along with the financials.

If you are aware of any families in need please encourage them to contact us for assistance and their children’s inclusion at our

Angel Tree breakfast. We may be contacted at 512-415-4012. Our email address is

Our members want you to know that you are in the prayers of all of us and our neighbors. Thank you for your

generous support.

Ha llegado la temporada del año, cuando se prepara el evento del Árbol del Ángel.

La conferencia de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul en Buda de la parroquia Santa

Cruz está planeando el desayuno anual del Árbol del Ángel que incluye una celebración

del niñito Jesús, alimentos para las familias y regalos para los niños. Nuestro Árbol del

Ángel con las etiquetas para cada niño/familia necesitada, se colocarán en el nártex de

la Iglesia el fin de semana del 24 y 25 de noviembre y es una oportunidad para que us-

ted y su familia hagan algo especial para una familia en necesidad durante las vacaciones navideñas.

Agradecemos a todos los feligreses por el apoyo económico y espiritual que nos han brindado a lo largo del

año. Hemos podido ayudar a muchos de nuestros vecinos a través de la comunidad de Buda y de nuestra

parroquia con la distribución del banco de alimentos cada 15 días en sábado, y visitas de hogar semanales

por los miembros. A través de su apoyo también hemos podido proporcionar asistencia con pagos de utilidad y asistencia en los

pagos de renta. Muy pronto publicaremos información sobre el número de familias que se han ayudado tanto como el reporte de


Si usted sabe de alguna familia en necesidad, por favor, aliéntenlos a llamarnos para recibir asistencia y también para incluir a

los niños en nuestro desayuno del Árbol de Ángel. Pueden llamarnos al 512-415-4012. Nuestra dirección de correo electrónico


Nuestros miembros quieren informarles que siempre estarán en nuestras oraciones y en las de nuestros vecinos. Gracias por su

generoso apoyo.

5 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

WEEKLY SCHEDULE The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are generally invited to. To reserve your parish event, contact Juanita Rodriguez at the parish office.

For a more complete schedule, please view our calendar online at: or check the day’s events posted at our parish office.

Activity/Meeting Room Rsvp Time Location Activity/Meeting Room Rsvp Time Location

Monday, October 15

After & Before School Care 6:30a—6:00p ED101; ED103; ED115

French Class 8:00a—3:00p ED120(Youth room);

PAC301 & PAC321

San Juan Chapel cleaning 2:00p – 3:00p Chapel

Sacramental Parent Meetings 5:00p—9:00p Deane Hall; PAC301 &


ASC Summer Session 6:00p—8:45p ED119;ED120 (Youth

room); ED205; ED208

Legion de Maria 7:00p—8:30p Cry room

Tuesday, October 16

After & Before School Care 6:30a—6:00p ED101; ED103; ED115

SCCS Athletic Dept/Chess


7:00a—7:45a PAC321 (SHMC Room)

French Class/Resource


8:00a—3:00p ED120(Youth room);

PAC301 & PAC321

Troop 128 Boy Scout & Pack

128 Cub Scout meetings

6:00p—9:00p ED200; ED203—ED205

Altar Society Meeting 7:00p—8:30p PAC301 (K.O.C. Room) &

Wednesday, October 17

After & Before School Care 6:30a—6:00p ED101; ED103; ED115

San Juan Chapel cleaning 2:00p – 3:00p Chapel

SCCS Athletic Dept/Chess


7:00a—7:45a PAC321 (SHMC Room)

French Class/Resource


8:00a—3:00p ED120(Youth room);

PAC301 & PAC321

RE & AFF Wednesday Session 4:00p—8:30p ED Bldg., ED120 (Youth

room) & Library (Rm. 116)

Eucharistic Apostles of

Divine Mercy

5:00p – 7:00p Church cry room

Thursday, October 18

After & Before School Care 6:30a—6:00p ED101; ED103; ED115

French Class/Resource


8:00a—3:00p ED120(Youth room);

PAC301 & PAC321

SCCS—Faculty Meetings 3:15p—4:30p ED120(Youth room)

CRSP-Sp. Women/Committee 6:00p—9:00p PAC301 (K.O.C. Room)

Parish RCIA for Adults 7:00p—9:00p ED120(Youth room)

Evangelización de las Familias 7:00p—9:30p Deane Hall;PAC321,kitchen

Preciosísima Sangre de Cristo 11:00p—3:00a Chapel Friday, October 19

After & Before School Care 6:30a—6:00p ED101; ED103; ED115

French Class 8:00a—3:00p ED120,PAC301 & 321

San Juan Chapel cleaning 2:00p—3:00p Chapel

School Divine Mercy Chaplet 2:45p—3:00p Church

CRSP—Spanish Women 5:30p—8:30p ED119; ED120(Youth rm)

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano

–Planning Sessions

6:00p—8:30p ED203 & ED204

Pro-Life Ministry 6:00p—9:30p Deane Hall & kitchen

CRSP—Spanish Men 6:30p—8:30p ED209

Marriage Prep 7:00p—8:00p PAC321 (SHMC Room)

Saturday, October 20

SVDP Food Distribution 7:00a—9:00a PAC321 (SHMC Room)

Jóvenes de Cristo Family Dance 10:00a—9:30p Deane Hall;PAC301/321

Sunday, October 21

RE & AFF Sunday Session I 8:45a—11:00a ED Bldg. & PAC301,321

That Man Is You (TMIY) 9:15a—11:15a ED104 & ED106

RE & AFF Sunday Session II 11:15a—1:30p ED Bldg..

Bingo 2:00p—5:00p Deane Hall; PAC301 & kitch-


SCYM 6:15p—9:00p ED120 (Youth Room)

Join us for Love and Responsibility: A Conversation on Dating and

Marriage, October 26th-27th, 2018, held at St. John Neumann Cath-

olic Church in Austin, TX. The weekend will feature talks by Dr. Kerry

Cronin (Boston College, recently featured in The Dating Project) and

Dr. David Delaney (author of the new marriage formation program

The Great Mystery). It will also include small group discussion, vari-

ous social events, prayer, fellowship and more! Space is limited so

register now! For more information and to register visit (Can’t find your question answered on the web-

site? Call 512-766-5798.) This event is presented by CatholicATX, a

young-adult ministry of the Diocese of Austin, and the National Cath-

olic Singles Conference.

On November 2nd, Santa Cruz Catholic Church will unite with church-

es across Central Texas for a 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting and

a constant peaceful prayer vigil in front of a local abortion facili-

ty. Please stop by the Coalition for Life table in the portico to find out

how you can participate in 40 Days for Life. Contact santacruzpro- for more info and to sign up. You can also find info

online at or by calling the Coalition for Life

office at (512) 296-2071.

El 2 de noviembre Santa Cruz se unirá a las iglesias del centro de

Texas para una campaña de oración de 40 días, ayuno y una vigilia

de oración pacífica constante frente a uno de los centros de abortos

local. Por favor, llegue a la mesa de Coalición por la Vida, localizada

en el pórtico para mas información.

October 13 & 14, 2018/13 y 14 de octubre, 2018

October 20, Saturday - OKTOBERFEST IN CREEDMOOR - Creedmoor Commu-

nity Center, 12511 FM 1625. Pancake breakfast starts at 7:30 AM,

parade at 9:00 AM, morning tours of Texas Disposal Systems Wildlife

Ranch, live auction at 2:00 PM, arts and crafts, games for the kids,

cake walk, and lots of food! Free admission and free parking. Event is

sponsored by Creedmoor Community Center Friends Association and

festival profits benefit the Community Center and surrounding park and

playground area.



Coordinators: Oralia Garza and Delia Blanco,

Santa Cruz Catholic Church, Buda, Texas


Important Upcoming Youth Dates. After Sunday 5PM Mass, Room 120:

October 21st – Youth Night October 28th – SCYM—Family Night

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for more information

or contact Pete Barbato at

Youth Coordinator: Pete Barbato,


We are also available by appointment outside of the posted hours. Please contact us at (512) 295-1163 or (512) 295-1164 to make arrangements.


Monday & Wednesday (Lunes & Miércoles): 1:00 p.m.— 9:00 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday (Martes y Jueves): 1:00 p.m.— 6:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday (Viernes y Sábado): Office closed/Oficina Cerrada

Sunday (Domingo): 8:00 a.m.— 2:00 p.m.

ADULT RE & FAITH ENRICHMENT Please join us in September during RE classes for a new year of Adult Faith Formation when we will learn about our Blessed Mother Mary. A

workbook, The Bible & The Virgin Mary will be used. The cost for the workbook is $20. Classes will be held on:

Wednesday from 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm

Por favor únase a nosotros en septiembre durante las clases de RE para un nuevo año de formación de Fe para Adultos, cuando aprenderemos

más sobre nuestra Santísima Madre María. Se usaran cuadernos de ejercicios cuales tienen un costo de $20. Las clases se llevaran a cabo los:

Miércoles de 6:45 pm a 7:45 pm

That Man is You! (TMiY)—A New group by Valentin Rodriguez has started. That Man is You returns this fall with new present-

ers. We invite you to come and meet with other men to experience the power of transformation with the program "The Vision of

Man Fully Alive" in the RE Bldg. Rooms 104 & 106. Visit or contact: Valentin Rodriguez at

512-665-8785 or

Please note that Religious Education Clas-

ses will resume on Sunday, October 14th and

Wednesday, October 17th.

¡Aviso! las clases de Educación Religiosa resumi-

rán este domingo, 14 de octubre y miércoles 17 de


Catechist, Catechist Aides & RE Volunteers! Praise God our communi-

ty and Parish is growing and we will be able to share our faith with so many parish children & youth. Please consider answering the call to serve

and share your faith with our parish Religious Education Program. If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please

contact the RE Office. We are still in need of:

Sunday 9:45a: 2 catechists; Wednesday 5pm: 1 catechist; and Wednesday 6:45p: 3 catechists.

¡Catequistas, asistentes de catequista y voluntarios(as)! Alabado sea Dios, nuestra comunidad y parroquia está creciendo y podremos compar-

tir nuestra fe con muchos niños(as) de la parroquia y con la juventud. Por favor considere contestar el llamado a servir y a compartir su fe en

nuestro programa de Educación Religiosa parroquial. Si usted está interesado(a) en inscribirse como voluntario(a) o quisiera más información,

póngase en contacto con la oficina de Educación Religiosa. Todavía se necesitan:

Domingo 9:45a: 2 catequistas; Miércoles 5pm: 1 catequista; y Miércoles 6:45p: 3 catequistas


Please make sure to attend the

1st Communion meeting @ 6:30p or,

Confirmation meeting @ 7:30p on

Monday, October 15th in Deane Hall.


Por favor asegúrense de atender la junta de:

Primera Comunión a las 6:30p, o

Confirmación a las 7:30p

El lunes, 15 de octubre en el salón parro-


Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

We also have paid positions available for an Associate Director of Religious Education and a Secretary in the Religious Education office. If in-

terested, please contact Edward Blatz at (512) 295-1163 or (512) 295-1164.

También se tienen dos puestos remunerados disponibles: Director Asociado de Educación Religiosa y Secretaria en la oficina de Educación

Religiosa. Si está interesado, póngase en contacto con Edward Blatz a (512) 295-1163 o (512) 295-1164.

Please submit your announcements to no later than Monday at 5PM. For more information please visit

Para publicar su anuncio en el boletín, favor de enviarlo a:, a mas tardar lunes 5PM. Visite para mayor


7 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Queridos Feligreses,

El mantenimiento y trabajo de electricidad en los dispositivos de

iluminación en nuestras instalaciones se lleva a cabo por nues-

tros feligreses. Se necesitan trabajadores adicionales para poder

reemplazar todos los focos. También, queremos formar un equi-

po de feligreses consistente de electricistas comerciales para

que trabajen juntos en el mantenimiento del sistema eléctrico de

nuestras instalaciones. Si esta interesado en ayudar de esta

manera, favor de llamar a Lee Verver al (512) 656-9466.

San Eligio es el santo patrón de electricistas. Él fue un orfebre

para el rey de Francia en el séptimo siglo. Él fue ordenado al

sacerdocio y se distinguió por su espíritu generoso y su aparien-

cia feliz. San Eligio se escogió como el santo patrono de los elec-

tricistas porque el oro es el mejor conductor de electricidad y no

se deslustra.

Padre Amoroso, por el ejemplo e intercesión de San Eligio, que

podamos compartir con otros nuestra fe, talentos, posesiones y

conocimiento de una manera convincente y placentera.


Su Párroco,

Padre David.

Dear Parishioners,

The electrical work and maintenance of lighting fixtures,

etc. of our parish facilities is carried out by parishioners.

We have need of extra workers to catch-up on the replace-

ment of light bulbs. Also, we want to form a team of pa-

rishioners who are commercial electricians to work togeth-

er to maintain the electrical system of our parish facilities.

If you are interested in helping in this way, please call Lee

Verver: 512-656-9466.

Saint Eligius is the patron saint of electricians. He was a

goldsmith for the king in seventh century France. He was

ordained to the priesthood and became distinguished for

his generous spirit and happy demeanor. Saint Eligius is

chosen as the patron saint of electricians because gold is

the best conductor of electricity because it does not tar-


Loving Father, through the example and intercession of

Saint Eligius, may we share with others our faith, talents,

possessions and knowledge in a joyful and convincing

manner. Amen.

Your Pastor,

Father David.


Regístrese con el código

de Santa Cruz:


October 13 & 14, 2018/13 y 14 de octubre, 2018
