Reunion Newsletter



Wilson Family Reunion 2009 Newsletter

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One Family Under God One Family Under God

June 27, 2009 June 27, 2009



Come One, Come All 

A guaranteed good time

Plenty of Fellowship, Food & Fun 


“Wilson” Dogs 

All American Burgers 



Chips and dips 

Did I hear someone mention BBQ? 

Salads of all kinds 

Kraut ‘n’ Wieners 


Dallas said “Prime Rib” 

Some slaws, too 

Baked beans 

Desserts you can only imagine, such as cakes and pies, fruits and nuts (oh yes, I’m sure there will be plenty of fruits and nuts at this reunion), Jell‐O, and maybe even some home made ice cream 

Sodas, pops, & colas 

Tea & coffee 

Lemonade and Kool‐Aid 

Schedule of Events

Family Fellowship Visiting Catching Up Feeding Our Faces Talent Show Fun & Games Eat Some More Tourneys Shooting exhibitions Visit Some More Bonnie’s Skeet Shoot in church

parking lot (in case of inclement weather, we’ll move it to the auditorium.

Worship & Praise, Praise & Worship




going blind and her kids thought she was faking it, but they seem to be more aware of her real problems now. Praise the Lord! Got her connected to Home Health Care and meals on wheels and back in her home. It was such a blessing to me to be able to help her.

I really believe life begins again at 80. I sure have enjoyed every day seems like. My life with Jesus gets better and better. I'm still content to go to be with Him or stay here and do whatever He wants.

My beloved dog Mc died last Oct. but now have a new dog named Cassie. She is 13 weeks old. Have had her a week and love her to pieces already.

Living with Dan & Judy is still fun. I enjoy getting to go visit each of the kids and families. Went to Olathe and spent spring break with all the many kids & grandkids & great. I never get tired of being a grandma and now with Deanna's getting married and Andrea already married, it’s possible to now become a great-great grandma. Sure can't wait but don't want to hurry them. The time in Branson this last New Years was a blast. We laughed ourselves silly.

It was a joy to have Maedine and Don stay with us during our time of sorrow of Floyd's leaving us. However it's a joy to know where he is and looking forward to seeing him again.

My half brother Buzz died three weeks later. He was a wonderful Christian and we used to call each other on our birthdays and talk an hour or two about our Lord and families. Looking forward to Heaven and the joy of seeing all our loved ones. This is always so much fun to see family at reunions instead of at funerals, however I think that Floyd's kids did a bang up job at Floyd's. He would have loved it. Better stop or I won't have anything to talk about at the reunion.

It was my privilege to take Dorothy Sowers home with me for a month. She called me on my birthday and I found out she was in physical trouble. To make a long story short, God used me to help her get a new doctor and find her another Doc to put two stints in her left leg that was completely blocked. She also had a large ulcer on that ankle. That was a challenge, and we really enjoyed seeing it improve with new circulation and Judy's good cooking. She has macular degeneration and was able to get her started with a specialist. She is


Have you thanked God today?





We send our love & greetings to all the Wilson Clan. We are sorry we had to miss this year, but it fell on a very busy weekend for us. As most of you know, Deanna (our second granddaughter) married Nick Williams on June 26th. We are very happy for her. Following is a short review of each of our clan.

Ken & Phyllis:

Ken & I have been very busy with our business, helping with Deanna's wedding preparations and we just completed a Mission's Trip to Rome, Italy the first of June. God really showed Himself strong in the services, but also to Ken & I while we were there. We give Him great glory. We are both in good health, for which we also give Him much praise.

This past January, Roy & Laura, Dan & Judy, Tim & Carol, Mom and ourselves took a trip together to Branson, MO. The first time we have done that (hopefully not the last). I cannot tell you how much we enjoyed ourselves and our time together. We laughed so much I think we all left with sore sides.

Scott & Angie:

They have been busy for two years with weddings. But, they seem to keep up their everyday lives and still manage to squeeze in time for a few hobbies.

Scott's business, Industrial Gaskets, has really grown in the time that Scott has been there. He is now enjoying his newest undertaking - getting his pilot's license. Angie enjoys working part-time at the business. She is about to really experience the empty-nest syndrome, but has plans to fill her time with some new pursuits. She has enrolled in some classes (such as a sewing class, cake decorating, etc.) She had a successful surgery last fall, for which we are extremely grateful to our Lord. Chole (our little grand dog) brings their home and ours much joy.

Luke & Andrea Purkey:

A year ago, May 24th, Andrea & Luke were married in a very beautiful wedding ceremony. They now live right here in Mustang, OK, which makes her Papa & Nana extremely happy. Andrea is the Human Resource Director at The Children's Center in Bethany, OK. Luke graduated from college with honors in May with a Bachelor of Science, Biology/Chemistry Degree. He is taking a year off from school before starting the long haul towards becoming a Doctor. An adorable little Maltese, Baby Bella Purkey, rounds out their new family.



Nick & Deanna Williams:

Have built a new home in Tuttle, OK, which is only a short distance from Mustang. Deanna will graduate from OU in December with her Degree in Education. She is chomping at the bit to start teaching (and she will be great at it). Nick (our newest grandson) graduated with a Business Degree in 2007 and is in business with his dad -they own a plumbing business in Tuttle, OK. He is the Worship leader is his church and Deanna will be helping him.

Mark & Rhonda Thiessen:

Mark still works at the FAA where he is a Computer Engineer, he writes software for air traffic control programs. Many times he travels to different areas training air traffic control on the new programs. In the fall of 2007 Rhonda traveled with him to Honolulu (rough) when he was working at their airport. Rhonda is an office manager at a cell phone tower building company. Mark & Rhonda really enjoy bike riding as often as possible (many times riding 10 to 25 miles at a time).


Graduated from High School with honors in May of this year. He will be starting college this coming fall. At this time he is considering the medical field. He is currently pursuing a job - as so many others are. We pray something opens up soon.


Is now 17 and will be a Senior this coming fall, where, among other activities, she will be playing volleyball. She leads a very busy life, working as a hostess/server at a local restaurant, is active with the youth group at church and going on dates with her boyfriend (by the way, does anyone have an extra shotgun, as Mark is looking for one to set by their front door).

As we watch the signs & realize that the end times are drawing very close, we are even more aware of how precious our family is to us. We love the Lord with every breath we take and look forward to being united with Him. Who knows maybe our next reunion will be up there. We love you all dearly.



God answers knee-mail.

A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!"

While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again. As she ran she once again began to pray, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please don't shove me either!"



Roy Wilson Family News:

Mike graduated from Oklahoma

Wesleyan, married Darcie Siebert March 15, 2008, completed his first CD and most likely will begin working on his masters this fall.

Steve graduated from Central in

McPherson with a degree in business/criminal justice and got a great job in KS City.

Jeanna has enrolled in Regents

University and is working on her Doctorate of education. Her husband, Eric, has started his own business in software.

Rebekah is a certified Quick Books

consultant; her husband, Jonnie, graduated from Mid-America University with a Masters in Education.

Billy is teaching in a government

program; his beautiful wife, Kim keeps our family events functioning smoothly. We moved to 700 S Grant, Olathe, January, 2009.

We're still sitting at thirteen grandkids. Caleb and Hannah turn fourteen in August. Several of the grandkids have cell phones, wii's, X-boxes, iPods and so on. They are all very cool or whatever word is the latest. Grandpa and Grandma are proud of every single one of them.


Dan and Judy Meinhardt

We've had a busy couple of years since our last reunion. Always busy with the campground and all but that's old news. We had the worst flash flood that we've had since we've had the campground this spring. One of the cabins was sitting in about three feet of rushing water. Why it didn't wash down the creek we don't know, except maybe our angels were sitting on it to hold it down. Recovering from it has been slow but Dan has pretty much repaired all the damage. They just finished up the electrical repairs yesterday.

I turned the big 6-0 last year and the kids threw me a surprise birthday party. They managed to pull off a complete surprise too. It was so much fun and so many of my loved ones were there. I think they were able to pull it off because sometimes I can really be a dumb blond. Looking back, I can't believe I fell for the idiot of an excuse Dan used to get me there.

We joined a church in Topeka, and really love it. The praise and worship is fantastic and the pastor really preaches the Word. I sing in the choir during the off-camping season, (too busy in the summer to fit it in.)

On Jan. 1 of this year, Phyllis, Roy, Tim, and I + spouses, and Mom went to Branson for a few days. We had so much fun. Only saw one show, however that didn't matter because when we're all together we make our own fun. We played games and laughed until we were in pain. For one meal Roy cooked us a big pot of beans, just like the ones we

You think life is full of surprises? Just wait ‘til you die!



used to have every Saturday morning growing up. Good times, good memories.

Another thing that I'm doing that I truly love is: Four other ladies and I have formed a little singing group for the purpose of singing at nursing homes. We sing hymns and old, old songs from the 30's and 40's. We have a blast and the residents really love it. We're not very good musically but they don't care. They love to sing along. Sometimes they laugh, and sometimes they cry when a song hits a soft spot. It is so rewarding. We get together and gab for about an hour and a half then practice for 15 to 30 minutes. No wonder we're not very good. But this was a real answer to prayer. I was wanting to make some good Christian friends, since I had to leave them all in Garden City when we moved. All of these ladies are good Christians therefore we all have much in common. Thank you Jesus for another answered prayer.

After the first of the year, our small Bible study group started going through "The Truth Project". If you aren't familiar with what that is, you need to look it up on the Internet. <> It's a series of 12 lessons on DVD taught by Dr. Del Tackett that compares the world system to the Biblical one. This teaching is absolutely amazing. It comes out of Focus on the Family. Many churches are showing it and it is sweeping the nation. It is very much worth the time you put into it. This is my second time through it and I plan to go through it many more times. It's so full of good information you just can't get it all in one time

through. OK, that's the end of my commercial. Well, I really can't think of anything else that

stands out since the last reunion. If there was something significant, I can't remember it, if it was more than just a few months ago. Old age has a way of doing that you know. We really enjoy the grandkids and spending time with the family. That includes all of you.

§ The Boatrights (Willis Wilson's Grand-

daughter, Judy's kid) Phil and I had a house fire in 2008 one day

after our 8th anniversary. We lost almost everything

including our 3 dogs, Ginger, Gilligan, and Star. We miss them still to this day. That may be very sad to read but we all know what the devil means to destroy us God takes and turns it into a wonderful thing. Phil and I got to experience such selfless love and giving through this. We saw our family literally gather up a new beginning. Our community poured out the love of the Lord by gathering up money and odds and ends. I have never felt more love from my family then I did as we were going through all of this. My all praise go to my Jesus and Heavenly Father for having the mercy to place me in such a God loving family. Phil thanks all of you for taking him in and loving him too.

One other thing has happened to us as well. Phil and I have decided to have the gastric by-pass surgery. Phil will have his on June 5Th (so if we don't make it you will all know why). I

Insomnia cure … if you can’t sleep, try counting your blessings.



am having mine on Sept. 24th of this year. We can't wait for two years from now. You all won’t recognize us in 2011. Love to all,


A man dies and meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter says to the man, "Here's how it works. You need to have one hundred points to get into heaven. You tell me about all the good things you've done. They are all worth a certain number of points. If your total is one hundred or more, you can come in."

"Well," says the man. "I was happily married to the same woman for 52 years. I never looked at another woman. I was attentive and loved her dearly."

"That's great," says St. Peter. "That'll be two points."

"Hmmm," says the man. "This is going to be harder than I thought. Well, I attended church regularly, volunteered my time and tithed faithfully."

"Wonderful," says St. Peter, "That's worth another point."

"One point!" says the man. "Okay, okay. I was involved with a prison ministry for twenty-five years. I went into the prison, at least monthly, and shared Jesus with them."

"Wow!" says St. Peter. "That's another two points!"

"Only two points!" says the man. "At this rate, it'll be by the grace of God that I’ll ever get into this place."

"Bingo!" says St. Peter. "That's One Hundred Points! Come on in."

Understanding God would be so much easier if had an infinite IQ.



Gene’s Gene & Barbara Jean

Still kicking. Gene had a bout with cancer and kicked its butt! Then he celebrated by setting a land speed record on his riding mower around the yard. Barbara continues her hobby of crochet and needlepoint. With the addition of their 12th grandchild, plenty of baby blankets need to be knitted. They occasionally are charged with caring for a grand or two, which helps to keep them young and in top physical shape. Next month they plan on undertaking a marathon down to the local Wal-Mart, and then participating in the Recliner Rodeo. (Mom claims that her and Dad don’t have any smarts left, ‘cause all of the grandkids have taken them all.) Continuing to praise God for all of his great gifts and many wonders, and can’t wait to see everyone at this reunion or the one we have in Heaven.

§ Dallas I am still doing carpenter work and

woodworking in the shop. I have been doing a lot of work in Greensburg. We built a house, several garages, decks, porches etc. in the last two years. I have also been doing woodworking in the shop. Built a number of things, like kitchen cabinets, rocking horses, Lego tables, caskets, etc. and also a cradle for Susan, or rather Jaxon.

This year was the Wilmore City election; if I

had voted for myself, I would only have needed 3 more votes to get mayor as a write in. I didn't want it; didn't run even. It was a surprise even to me.

Other than that nothing else has changed around here. I live in the same house, have the same address, the same phone number, and yet you never come by, send a card, call or even send flowers. But that’s alright, we can still be friends. I look forward to seeing you all next time in two years.

§ Kelli is still living and working in Arizona at

Immanuel Mission. Her first year there she taught 1st grade. She has now jumped up to teaching Jr. High 7th and 8th grades. She teaches Bible, Math, Social Studies, and English. She really enjoys teaching Jr. High. During the summers, she visits home and works at camp.

§ Alan

As with everyone else I’m quite sure, we’ve been very busy. As most of you may already know, I am no longer married to my little Japanese wife. Mari completed the process to become an American citizen last July! (Did I getcha?) We are still residing

Since God gave us two ears and only one mouth, he must have wanted us to do twice as much listening as we do talking.




in Lakewood, WA (suburb south of Tacoma). Since the last reunion, I’ve continued to work for the private security company, Paragon Systems. Not sure what I want to be when I grow up, so I’ll continue working until I figure that out.

Mari is going to school to get a certificate in interpreting, and will accomplish her degree in business administration while she’s at it. She’s already done work last year interpreting for a military joint exercise with the Defenses Forces visiting from Japan and one of the Stryker units here at Fort Lewis. She has taught Japanese language classes to military linguists on the fort as well, and that will keep her occupied for the rest of the summer. Her other hobbies of Kendo, playing Shamisen (the Japanese banjo, as I like to call it), and Nagauta singing have kept her busy. (You’ll have to look those up online, or seek me out while visiting at the reunion, and I can give you more explanation.) The latter two took her to Tokyo last fall to play and sing at the national theater with her group from here in Tacoma, The Kabuki Academy.

William has just completed the 7th grade, and again this year has earned top honors. He worked hard for straight A’s for a second year running, and was one of only 3 students to earn “Principal’s List” honors last year. He keeps busy with football, basketball, track, and soccer in season, Kendo and Iaido, karate, skateboarding, and learning guitar and percussion. Oh, and let’s not forget going to the range with Dad and target shooting with all of his cool guns. Not sure where he finds the time to do all of that; I’m getting winded just thinking about it.

I’m sure I have missed something that may be newsworthy; you’ll just have to ask me at the Reunion!

§ Dale &Susan

Dale and Susan, plus 8 (Dallas counted that out to be sextuplets). Still residing in Frisco, TX. Susan is the head chief accountant for the accounting department in Sam’s Club (Members Only). Dale is still manager of Wolf Camera, the largest camera store in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area. As the Knowledge Master, he also teaches photo classes to all who will bow down and pay homage. Abigail graduated high school with the goal of being an early childhood teacher. Rebekah will be a sophomore in HS, and is a section leader of the prestigious drill team and color guard (this means she gets to play with guns and swords for a hobby). Dale said, “That’s my girl.”

§ Ann

Lee and I are still in Broken Arrow, OK. I have been working at Sam's Club for 17 years now. Lee was promoted to Captain with the Tulsa Fire Department since the last reunion, and is also a para-medic. (That means he can parachute in with the medical supplies.) Madison is 8 years old and will be in the 3rd grade this fall. Mason is 5 years old and ready to start kindergarten. They keep us busy;

If God is your copilot – you’re in the wrong seat!




Maddie is in gymnastics and Mason plays whatever sport is in season, especially baseball. His coach (Lee) is particularly impressed with his pitching arm.

(I know it's plain but we are plain people.)

§ Rex and Jasmine Wilson have welcomed

child number five into their life since the last reunion. Isaiah Gene was born August 11, 2007 and was welcomed by his brother Kegan and sisters Riley, Taylor and Gabrielle. The family is living in Bristow, OK located 30 minutes west of Tulsa where Kegan and Riley attend elementary. The three younger children attend the preschool program at the church directed by Jasmine.

Rex graduated Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor’s in Business Management and is currently working as an auditor and fraud investigator at a large natural gas company headquartered in Tulsa. Although OSU is on his diploma, OU will always be in his heart! Boomer Sooner!

Jasmine graduated from Northeastern State University with a Bachelor’s in Social Work. She is currently working as the Preschool Director at Cedar Ridge Christian Church in Broken Arrow. She teaches and leads many different preschool aged children and enjoys watching kids learn the concepts of the Bible and the wonders of Jesus’ love.

Rex and Jasmine have been involved in different ministries and mission trips through the church, and are exploring and praying about full time mission work.

§ Dan & Susan welcomed their 1st

son, Jackson Leo Morris, on March 2nd of this year. Jackson is the 12th grandchild for Gene & Barbara. Dan is an attorney for a local civil litigation & estate-planning firm in Tulsa and Susan is going on her 7th year at Hilti.


God doesn’t grade on a curve – he grades on a cross. 




Maedine’s Dear Wilson Family,

Sorry we won't be attending this year 2009. It's moving time for Don and Maedine. We are waiting for approval for the assisted living facility here in Julesburg. They are in the process of replacing the carpet and we are waiting to hear from insurance but it will probably be in late June. We decided recently we really needed to scale waaaay down and get some assistance on board. It is a lovely facility and we are working to get ready for the move. Don has found some projects that have been waiting and now, "Behold, no more time to wait!"

You can continue to contact us at our present address and we'll send along changes as they happen.

I'm rehabbing well from the strokes thanks be to God our Saviour and Healer. And just had my 2nd eye cataract surgery and healing is going well. Don is hanging on for the ride. Jeana is an amazing help. Audree is home for the summer and helping paint windows as well as doing on-line classes.

We do wish we could be there giving hugs and greetings. Just remember we are still here- so drop in if in this area.

Love to all, Don and Maedine


Christy & Kim

Hi all, we will miss you this year! As you read this, Kim and Christy are riding 150 miles through the beautiful Colorado foothills, as we complete the MS 150 for our second year. We are trying to keep the flab off the thighs...tough over 55!

We are all great in Colorado, must be the clean air. God has blessed us with good health and jobs! Kim and Christy still work together (but we have separate buildings) at the Center for Neurorehabilitation Services. Check us out at

Also, Kim has the coffee shop still rolling and has a bunch of cute baristas working for him. They have a fun time making a friendly neighborhood place in the big city. Jaden (Cody-decided to change his name) is in Ft. Collins, working and planning to go back to school. He has had a very interesting year. Too much for this note!

We love you all and look forward to getting a copy of your updates. Here's my e-mail. Also, I have learned to text this year! 970-218-5285. Christy M.Dittmar, MS, OTR, CDRS, MSCS Clinic Director Center for Neurorehabilitation Services, P.C 1045 Robertson St. Fort Collins, CO 80524-3926 ph 970-493-6667; fax 970-493-8016


Fight Truth Decay … Read Your Bible Every Day.




The Johnsons (Vic and Jeana) will be

unable to attend but here's an update on our family. Kevin married Jennifer Davis on October 4,

2008 at a beautiful ceremony in Julesburg at the historic Hippodrome Theatre. It was a wonderful family gathering! We are so blessed to welcome Jenny into our family. On November 17th we welcomed Dayton Kaylynn to our family. This lovely little girl is now 6 months old and is a true joy to her parents, grandparents, aunt and great-grandparents (Don and Mae). This little family has just purchased a home in Colby, KS where Jen is an RN and Kevin will be staring school in August to be a Respiratory Therapist. In the meantime he is also employed at the hospital in Colby.

Audree just finished her first year at Colorado State. She had a very successful freshman year and made a great many friends. She was able to room with Rachel Nelson (Jim and Cindy's). Audree will be transferring to UNC in Greeley for next year. She had decided to major in Speech Therapy with a Spanish minor.

Vic is still employed with Kinder Morgan Gas. He celebrated his 25th year. Jeana just finished her 23rd year teaching, currently teaching 4th grade in Julesburg. We are truly blessed with health and happiness and are thankful to be able to help Don and Mae here in Julesburg.


A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"

Annie replied in a whisper, "Because people are sleeping."

You can no more outgrow your need for God than you can outgrow your need for oxygen.




Barbara’sThe Arlyn (Frog) May Family

The Last Two Years Caleb and Sarah (Mahler) May now have a second daughter. Abigail Lou May was born October 21, 2008. She is a strikingly beautiful little gal who may experience some challenges as she grows due to albinism, but she has a feisty, nonstop energy that keeps everyone on their toes. Hannah Beth May had just been born to Caleb's Clan the time of our last reunion, but I'm not sure whether her birth had made it into the Wilson family press. Her birth date is June 29, 2007. She's quiet, reserved, and stubborn as locked-up brakes. She and her little sister are just now able to really play together, though, and they have a great time. Sarah's still an oncology nurse, and Caleb is working at a call center for the Sprint phone company. He expects to complete his Master's Degree in Library Science from Emporia next spring.

Eli and Janie (Mollenkamp) May have received two little blessings since last we met. Hazel Grace May was born September 24, 2007, and she's proud as punch to announce the birth of her baby sister, Lucy Elaine May, born May 9, 2009. Janie has her hands full with those two and with all of the other duties that accompany managing a home, and Eli is now working for the Spirit company in Wichita as a mechanical engineer in the aeronautics industry. The family is just settling in to their new apartment in Wichita.

Justin and April (May) Shields have no

new business to report at this time. Their little chatterbox, Eva Louise Shields, is now nearly two and a half, and a new baby is due on or around the time of the reunion. If we can trust the skills of the sonogram readers, this baby will be our sixth granddaughter, and we all anxiously await her arrival (especially the much-too-pregnant April). April is still assisting Topeka dentist Dr. Jowett, but she plans to retire when the baby's born. Justin is still (unofficially) Topeka's best cell-phone salesman at Verizon's Wanamaker store.

Frog and Mary Lou (Henderson) May are two years and three grandchildren older than they were at the last reunion, with all the accompanying aches and pains. Frog is still driving a truck for the Ruan company, jostling soon into a Target near you. Mary Lou has been working again as an English teacher at Mission Valley High School for the last two years.

That's it for us. If you want to know more, I guess you'll just have to ask us. We're looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion!

A boy was watching his father, a pastor, write a sermon.

"How do you kn  what to sayow ?" he asked. 

"Why, God tells me." is the reply. 

"Oh, then why do you keep crossing things out?"

1 cross + 3 nails = 4given




The Long Family

We have had a bittersweet last 2 years. Barbie had neck surgery due to a herniated disc, was very trying, painful and I am sure the Lord had a few lessons to teach me through it all. Mom had back surgery almost a year before that due to a herniated lumbar disc, guess it runs in the family. She recovered from that but is now having some problems on the other side. She is also struggling with some high blood pressure issues. We are slowly getting her back to health and we keep busy running to doctors and will be starting physical therapy on the 30th of June. She may have to have some more surgery on her back in the future. As all of you know we lost the backbone to our family. Dad went to be with Lord on February 12, 2009. This threw our world into a tailspin that we have not yet recovered, especially mom. She is so totally lost, please continue praying for her. All of us keep quite busy making improvements on the place and just spending time with mom.

Rick is still Mr. Coke, with a record of 33 years. The girls are growing leaps and bounds like they all do I suppose but I sure thought mine would be the exception. After all...I did have to go clear to China!!!! Bekah will be in 6th grade. She plays basketball. She has many hobbies. Charity is in 2nd grade. They get along like typical sisters...."Mom she is very annoying!" We are quite excited for this school year. The girls go to Heritage Christian

School in Topeka and we were able to purchase our own school facility this year!! This has been quite an undertaking. We give God all the glory for this blessing. Please check us out at Thank you to all of you who made a donation also!

I was concerned what stuff Alan would make up about our family so I thought I better submit our news. Thank you to Alan for doing the newsletter although I still don't understand why Phyllis thought she was too busy to do it. Everyone is invited to Phyllis and Kenny's for breakfast tomorrow by the way! So, that's the Long and short of it. Respectfully submitted, The Long's


Nutrition … The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.

     Did you here the one about Jesus and Satan having a battle? 

     God had instructed them to build competing computer programs.  They were hard at work when all of the sudden the electricity went out.  After power resumed, Satan was miffed because after only a few key strokes, Jesus was done.  After he complained to God, God replied, 

“Well don’t you know?  Jesus Saves!” 





I asked God to take away my pride, Even Rocks Pray and God said, "No".

He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,

and God said, "No". He said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience,

and God said, "No". He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation, it isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness,

and God said, "No". He said He gives blessings, happiness is up to me. I asked God to spare me pain,

The End.

Hope y’all had fun. Plan on doing it

all over again in 2011. That’s only a short two years away. Make your plans now to attend this ever popular event.

Tickets are selling fast.

and God said, "No". He said, "Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me." I asked God to make my spirit grow,

and God said, "No". He said I must grow on my own, but he would prune me to make me fruitful. I asked God if He loved me,

and God said, "Yes". He gave me His only Son who died for me, and I will be in Heaven someday because I believe. I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me. And God said,

"Ah, finally, you have the idea".
