Rethinking waste management




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Rethinking Waste ManagementTrash backwards is a new web tool that helps you manage your waste and

provides you with innovative recycling and disposal solutions. Cora is a relatively new enterprise with one fundamental goal - removing items from

the waste chain.

Cora is a relatively new enterprise with one fundamental goal - removing items from the waste chain. Cora, meaning “circle” in Tibetan, is an envisionment of the waste chain as a cycle that never ends in a landfill. It’s very first creation was called Trash Backwards, which is a Smartphone app to reduce waste. This app connects people to ways in which they can fix and upscale a broken item and pass it on to someone who really needs it, sell it, find green alternatives to it, and even read about innovative ways to reduce acquiring that item in the first place. Its primary aim is to help people repurpose

their waste with the help of innovative recycling, reuse and upcycling options.

This exciting project began as the team that started discovering piles of ugly plastic waste littered upon their favourite beaches in Puget Sound. They then started an educational program in order to impart knowledge about plastic pollution and how one can reverse the trend by rethinking our relationship with plastic and other everyday waste materials.

Trash backwards analyzes the different types of waste that are produced within a particular geographical location. It then profiles a variety of innovative processes, companies and individuals who share their passion to not only reduce pressure on landfills but to also redefine the possibilities in the relm of recycling. This web tool helps environmentalists and other individuals learn about the latest cutting edge waste management processes. The team has also developed a database that stores recycling solutions from across the globe and is creating an app to share this resource widely. The app website provides users with the example of a coffee bag. When the word coffee bag is typed into the app window, craft ideas, upcycling companies and recycling options will be displayed. Viewers may even upload their own ideas as well.

Trash Backwards were presented with the following accolades for their outstanding service to the environment

1. Nominated for a 2012 “Stewards of Healthy Ecologies and Humans” Sustainable Seattle award.

2. Recipient of two 2012 Evergreen Apps Challenge awards, “Best City App” and “Honorable Mention, Best Overall App, People’s Choice.”

3. Selected as one of seven “Fledglings” in the Fledge ”conscious company” incubator summer 2012 cohorts.

The magnanimous work carried out by the team at Cora adds to the increasing awareness for the need of an improved waste disposal and recycling system.
