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USANA Distributor shares "How I lost 17 kgs in 90 days". Being overweight is not the best thing in the world. I was certainly overweight as I could feel the rings of fat all around me. My clothes did not fit well and most of my pants did not fit me. I always skipped the neat slim clothes in the men's wear section. I badly wanted to lose weight in late 2013 and when the USANA RESET Challenge was announced I was keen to give it all that it took to get rid of this problem of weight. Little did I know back then that it would take much more than just a few words I can do it. I was in for the shock of my life as I entered the challenge of losing weight. Here are some pictures of what I looked before I started the 5 Day RESET from USANA. The pictures are taken from photos collected in 2013 that I felt show what I had become due to my slackness of diet and exercise. Over the course of the next few weeks I will start to jot down and play back the steps I took to lose so much of weight in so short a time. Maybe it could help you to lose weight too. Losing weight does not have to be for some people only. Everyone can do it if its easy and simple to do. The purpose of my notes here is to make my journey attractive to you so you too take the courage to take charge of your health today. Hope to be of help to you too. Claude Fullinfaw USANA Gold Director Brisbane

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