Research Proposal 1


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Proposal On




(BACS 10236331)


Table of Contents

Page 1



Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………………………5

Research Objectives…….…………………………………………………………………………6

Research Questions………………………………………………………………………………..6

Significance of Study………………………………………………………………………………7

Scope of Study………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………………………………..9

Review of Related Studies……………………………………………………………………10

Operational Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………..18


Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………19

Sample and Population…………………………………………………………………………20

Page 2

Data Collection……………………………………………………………………………………..21

Data Collection Instruments…………………………………………………………………22

Investigative Questions………………………………………………………………………..23

Sample Investigative Questions…………………………………………………………..23

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………24




Impact of Akan Radio News Presentation on the

Audience of Adom FM


It is indubitable that the rise of Akan-language oriented radio stations, partly

as a result of the liberalization of the airwaves, and partly as a response to

the need to keep the vast illiterate Ghanaian population informed on key

Page 3

local and global social, economic and political issues is a step in the right

direction. However, the presentation of Akan news on some local-language

oriented FM stations is too typical of the interactive characteristics of Akan

societies. These characteristics, essentially, exaggerate some issues, whiles

downplaying the seriousness of other issues, and (especially to the illiterate

living in the urban areas) some of the words are too difficult for


Choice of Adom FM audience as case study is due to the researcher’s

avoidance of any conflict of interest between him and a colleague who is

doing a similar study on Peace FM. Peace FM would have been an

appropriate choice because they started what this study is calling “Akan

Radio News Presentation”, and secondly they seem to have the biggest

audience base so far as Akan-language oriented radio is concerned.

In spite of the above reasons, it is this researcher’s strong belief that Adom

FM (106.3) has an audience that matches Peace FM’s audience base. And

since a couple of research work in the area of Akan-language oriented radio

has focused on Peace FM, Adom FM makes an appropriate alternative.

i. Background Statement

Liberalization of the airwaves by the 1992 constitution (Article 162(3))

facilitated the widespread establishment of private media houses in Ghana.

Page 4

Subsequently, the need for a local-language oriented radio station was

realized. Peace FM, 104.3, began the first private Akan-language radio

station in 1999, followed by other media houses of which Adom FM is one.

Promoters of the liberalization of the airwaves were of the view that the

process would have social, economic and political benefits for Ghana

because it will impact positively on the people – this is true. However for

some time now, there have been debates surrounding the way some media

houses operate. Prominent among these debates is the style of news

presentation on some Akan-language oriented radio stations.

The National Media Commission (NMC) has issued guidelines to standardize

the “preparation, presentation and transmission” of programmes on all

broadcasting media. However, this standardization seems a long way off. In

the absence of a standardized preparation, presentation and transmission of

news programmes on Akan-language oriented media houses, the impact it is

having on audience must be studied.

ii. Problem Statement

The popularity of Akan-language oriented media houses is a welcome

phenomenon in Ghana, but it may not be serving its purpose as far as news

presentation is concerned.

Page 5

Choice of words in news presentation and the general language and tone of

voice all influence audience appreciation of issues carried in the news.

Against this background, and with the knowledge of the circumlocution,

pronoun mismatching, nouns (especially proverbial names and other names

with indirect meanings), evasions, hedges and various forms of pre-

sequences etc as used in Adom FM news broadcast, this research will

attempt to find out if audience of Adom FM attach the appropriate

importance on the issues contained in Akan Radio news presentation.

It is important for audience to enjoy the style and presentation of any media

output before they can continue being an audience to such media output.

This may mean compromising journalism standards (by the media house) to

meet target audience expectations, especially where the competition for

audience is steep.

iii. Research Objective

General Objective

The General Objective of this study is to:

Examine the usefulness of Akan Radio News presentation, on Adom FM, in

enhancing audience appreciation and comprehension of key social issues, as

well as its conformity to journalism standards in Ghana.

Specific Objectives

Page 6

Specifically, the objectives of this study will be to:

1. Investigate the perception of Adom FM audience on Adom FM

radio news presentation (in a few words).

2. Investigate Adom FM audience’s ability to identify gender

sensitive and child abuse issues contained in the presentation of

Akan Radio news.

3. Analyze the conformity of Adom FM news presentation with the

standards of journalism.

iv. Research Questions

This research will attempt to answer the questions:

1. What is the perception of Adom FM audience (description in few

words) on Adom FM radio news presentation?

2. Does audience of Adom FM news broadcast identify gender

sensitive, and child abuse issues?

3. How does Adom FM news presentation conform to the standards of


v. Significance of the Study

The following will be the import of this study:

To point out aspects of Akan Radio News broadcast that

obstructs audience understanding of issues carried in the news.

Page 7

To suggest ways of keeping to the informal character of Akan

Radio News presentation without compromising the standards of


To highlight the aspects of Akan Radio News broadcast that is

tangential to journalism standards, if any exist.

To identify gender bias and children’s right abusive language (or

wording) used in Akan Radio news presentation, if any exist.

To show that there is a significant relationship between audience

understanding of issues (and subsequent impact on key social,

economic and political issues) and the innuendos, humour,

proverbs etc as used in Akan Radio News broadcast.

As a requirement for the award of a Bachelor of Arts in

Communication Studies.

vi. Scope of the Study

This part will describe the scope of the study and the limitation which it has.

This study will take approximately six months to complete. Field work is

likely to begin in March of this year (2010). Even though Adom FM is in

Tema, it has a strong audience base in Greater Accra as well. So sample of

audience of Adom FM in Greater Accra will be interviewed via a


Page 8

Sample audience will be selected randomly from Kotobabi and on the

campuses of GIJ because of proximity. The researcher is a resident of

Kotobabi, and a student of GIJ.

200 sample audiences will be randomly and purposively selected. Two

different sets of interviews will be conducted, one with the audience of Adom

FM, and another set with professionals and students of Journalism (or

communication studies) to cater for the question regarding the conformity of

Akan Radio news presentation with journalism standards.

Limitation of this study will have to do with the time frame within which this

study has to be completed (six months), coupled with other academic works

within the same period.

Another limitation will have to do with finance. Cost of printing,

transportation and related expenses will have to be catered for by this

researcher. However this researcher has a personal interest in the topic and

related issues. Also this researcher is determined to produce a work that can

be looked back upon with pride and a sense of fulfillment. This determination

should appropriately neutralize the limitations.

Literature Review

Page 9

Most of the books that have tutored students of communication, some of

who end up in the Akan-language oriented radio stations, are written in

English, and authored by either a British or an American. The British or

American societies have social interactive characteristics significantly

different from Ghana’s. Furthermore, examples and illustrations regarding

how news should be presented have English as the lexical context. Hence

most Akan-language oriented radio stations try to combine western- (or

textbook-) style programming and Akan society interactive features in their

news programs. This review focus on these broad areas: news presentation

as put forward in our textbooks, and a discussion of Akan social interactional


Theoretical Framework

This study is situated in the Agenda Setting Theory and the Uses and

Gratification Theory of mass communication.

The Agenda Setting Theory of mass media, developed by Comb and Shaw in

1972 (McQuail, 2003) emphasize, among other things, that choice of words

in news presentation by a radio station, is a factor that will determine the

importance placed on particular issues by audience of the newscast.

Page 10

The Uses and Gratification Theory (McQuail, 2003) highlights the importance

of thinking about the audience in deciding which word(s) or style of language

to use in Akan-language oriented news programming.

The Agenda Setting Theory will guide this study towards identifying the

choice of words in Akan radio news presentation, and the subsequent

importance or otherwise placed on the content of the news presented in


The Uses and Gratification Theory will show the link between Adom FM

audience expectation and the style of news presentation on Adom FM. That

is, the continuous style of news presentation on Adom, despite

condemnation by some communication experts (and professionals) in this

regard, suggests a desire-to-please-audience factor.

Review of Related Studies

News programming is one of the very technical aspects of journalism, or

media work. According to Itule & Anderson (2007), it is important for news to

have certain unique characteristics that will first, differentiate it from other

types of media program and secondly, to enable any media house achieve

utmost results in their news broadcast: audience knowledge of the world

around him/her, and appreciation of relevant issues and concerns in an

interdependent, networked globalizing village.

Page 11

According to Boyd (1993) radio news broadcasting must be straight-forward,

concise, made up of familiar words and unambiguous in the content being

carried across. These characteristics according to him are necessary because

of the transient and fleeting nature of radio. Radio audiences are especially

susceptible to the barriers that obstruct proper appreciation and

understanding of the content(s) of any news report. These barriers may

include use of proverbs, rhetorics, irrelevant humour, circumlocutions etc.

The ultimate goal of any news report is appreciation and comprehension of

the issues contained in the report by audience without any confounding

features. However, these scholars were making these propositions with

English language as the lexical context.

According to Obeng (2003), in most African societies “much as plain or direct

language is cherished and highly appreciated because of the pragmatic

clarity it offers, implicitness, indirectness, vagueness, prolixity, ambiguity

and avoidance are even more cherished and preferred especially when the

subject matter of what is being communicated is difficult or face-


He proceeds to say that “Verbal indirection”, the communicational strategy

in which interactants abstain from directness in order to avoid crises or in

order to communicate 'difficulty', and thus make their utterances consistent

with face and politeness, is pervasive in Akan social interaction.

Page 12

Furthermore, pronoun mismatching, nouns (especially proverbial names and

other names with indirect meanings), evasions, hedges and various forms of

pre-sequences (which help to eliminate perceived obstacles to making such

speech acts as announcements, requests, or invitations), acknowledgement

of imposition, proverbs, metaphors, innuendoes, euphemisms,

circumlocution, riddles, tales, hyperbolas, and communication through

intermediaries or proxies, are among the linguistic discursive strategies in

Akan language.

The increase in the number of private FM stations, as a consequence of the

liberalization of the airwaves, has made it possible for some media outlets to

tailor programs to suit the vast illiterate population of most urban dwellers in

Ghana. Recent statistics indicates 43.8% urban dwellers in 2000, as against

9% in 1931. At the current growth rate of 2.6% per annum, the urban

population is expected to double in 17 years (GSS, 2000). Accra Metropolitan

Area (AMA) alone, for instance, according to 2000 census represents 25% of

all urban dwellers in Ghana, increasing at 4.5% per annum.

Because Ghana has a low literacy rate (approximately 58% according to the

UNESCO Institute of Statistics, (2007)), and with the urban population growth

rate (in Accra) at 4.5% annually, urban dwellers in Accra, among whom will

be a vast illiterate majority, will be incapacitated in various regards by virtue

of their inability to comprehend news reports when presented in English on

all media outlets.

Page 13

That is, in an ever intensifying global world, their understanding of key

political, economic and social issues that affect them directly and indirectly is

appreciably limited. This may translate into economic hardships leading to

poverty, ignorance of key health concerns, ignorance of social and political

rights and freedoms, and to a significant extent, ignorance of social and

political responsibilities as a citizen. It may also befuddle efforts to disabuse

Ghanaian society of cultural misconception on gender and children roles, as

well as the subsequent violations of women’s and children’s rights.

It is against these backgrounds that the increase in FM stations which

broadcast news and other programs (which nonetheless mirror western style

of programming) in Akan language is a step in the right direction.

Adom FM (106.3), Peace FM (104.3), Asempa FM (94.7), Oman FM (107.1),

Happy FM (98.9) among others, are some stations broadcasting news and

other programs in Akan language. However, it is important to ensure that

news, as presented in Akan language by these media outlets, retain the

qualities and purpose of news in the professional conception of the word.

According to Shrivastava, 2003, “news is one of the biggest known media

outputs in today’s media programming”. He states further that the concept

of news has existed long before the phenomenon of mass media. This is

supported by Schramm (1963).

Page 14

Furthermore, to illustrate the universality of news, it is possible in Africa

today to find accounts of a primitive system in remote tribal areas where

people exchange local news during weekly markets just by talking to one


Also to illustrate the power of news, before the era of newspapers and

electronic media, news was communicated by mouth. Public announcements

by those in power were communicated to their subordinates by various kinds

of drummers. Such announcements – even now – dominate the news

coverage in the newspapers, radio and television in almost all countries

irrespective of their ideology (Shrivastava, 2003).

The importance and power of these rudimentary mediums of news to society

such as drums, trumpets and gongs, as well as the modern media of news, of

which radio is an example, cannot be missed. It is even more important for

people who are in power and those who want power. Radio and TV become

first targets in coups, and those who snatch power from an old regime use

these electronic mediums for their first announcements.

Radio news, at once, can be used to serve both societal interests as well as

the interests of an individual or a select few of individuals. Hence it is a

requirement in professional journalism to present or broadcast news as it is –

as the event happened.

Page 15

Use of proverbial preludes, humour, rhetorics and ‘coined words’, which is a

major characteristic of Akan radio news broadcast on Adom FM, has the

potential of eliciting a conscious or unconscious lessening in appreciation of

the issues contained in the report, which will mean also a reduction of the

required impact on the audience.

Mckane (2006) purports that the final stage of journalistic process, the only

one the audience encounters directly, is the words. “They may be printed,

spoken or placed on a computer screen, but first they have to be prepared…

if they are boring, they will bore, if they are incomprehensible, they will not

be understood, if they are clumsy or inappropriate, they will annoy” (ibid). All

of these challenges must be considered also in Akan Radio News


Vandyk A.J.(2001), in her study titled “An Assessment of the Performance of

Adom FM: A Case Study of Residents of Tema Community 2” stated that

62.1% of respondents were of the view that the presentation style of Adom

FM is exceptionally good and 65.5% of respondents preferred the use of the

Akan language in program presentation. This was because most people

understand the Akan language more than any other language. The purpose

of the study was to assess the general performance of Adom FM. She used

Page 16

the quantitative method of data collection, where she administered

questionnaires to the sample population.

Another study conducted by Arthur C. (2000) on “Language Use in FM Radio

Broadcasting” revealed that although students understand the Akan

language, most of them listen to radio stations that broadcast in the English

language. The prominent reason for this was that English-language oriented

radio stations were straightforward, concise and unambiguous in their news

presentation, and in the presentation of other programs. The purpose of his

study was to assess students’ perception of, and attitude towards their own

local language used in radio broadcasting. He used the multi-stage cluster


The immediate two reviews have demonstrated that on the one hand, Akan

radio news presentation appealed to a section of the audience, and on

another hand, it was unpopular to another section of the audience. The

implication of this observation can be explained by considering the sample

population of the two studies: students (who understand the English

language and were exposed to news on either foreign or local English

language news presentation) and audience who “understand Akan language

more than any other language” (and hence were not interested in English-

language oriented radio).The students judged the Akan-language news on

Adom FM against what they have been exposed to over the years, and

Page 17

perceived less of it. The second group was only interested in the fact that

they can also get to know what is going on around them first-hand through

the Akan Radio News presentation.

Even though there have been significant changes and improvements in the

media terrain, with respect to technology, the basics of news (reporting

events as they happened or are happening) have not changed. But what is

observed in Ghana, with respect to Akan Radio news broadcast is worth

studying to assess its impact on audience.

Adom FM (106.3) is a commercial radio station situated in the Tema

Municipality. It began operation in May, 2000. It is operating on a frequency

that was then called Groove FM. But Joy FM, a member of the Multi Media

Group bought it and subsequently, the offices in Accra (Osu) was re-located

to Tema (Comm 2). They broadcast all relevant radio programs in Akan

language. Currently, Adom FM claims to be the number one most listened to

station in Ghana (

Operational Definition of Terms

Akan Radio News Presentation (Adom FM News Presentation): Radio

news presented in Akan-language which is full of exaggerations, hedges,

“verbal indirection” and humourous statements. This type of radio news

Page 18

presentation mirrors Akan social interactive characteristics, and it is highly


Journalism Standard: (With respect to radio news)—Factual, concise,

straight-forward and formal reportage of events or happenings. Also, such

reportage of recent events or happenings must be comprehensible to the


Informal: Down-to-earth and highly interactive style of news presentation.

Social Issues: Gender sensitive and Child abuse issues.

Research Methodology

Even though Adom FM is situated in the Tema Municipality, it has a strong

and significant audience base in the Accra Metropolis


Areas that will be covered here will include the research design, population,

sample and sampling techniques, instruments and detailed statements of

how data will be collected and analyzed.

Research Design

This research will investigate the impact of Akan Radio news presentation on

the audience of Adom FM. Hence the design of this study will be aimed at

achieving the three objectives of this study, enumerated above.

Page 19

200 respondents will be interviewed in all. 75 will be randomly selected from

GIJ campus, and another 100 will be randomly selected from Kotobabi. The

first 75 will be made up of GIJ students from level 300-400 to investigate the

impact of Adom FM news on audience with an academic experience and

knowledge of what is supposed to be contained in news presentation in the

professional sense of the word. From level 200 a student of GIJ is supposed

to know the basic requirements of radio news broadcast, but to be on a safer

side, level 300 to 400 students will be randomly selected.

Furthermore 25 editors, and/or other professionals in the Akan language-

oriented broadcasting discipline will be interviewed via questionnaire. This

sample will investigate why Akan radio news presentation has the informal

aura associated with it. The remaining 100 respondents will be made up of

randomly selected residents of Kotobabi who listen to Adom FM news.

Sample and Population

The study will target audiences of Adom FM on GIJ campus and residents of

Kotobabi. However, information on specific population of Adom FM audience

in Accra could not be obtained.

Sampling is by random selection of audience in the Kotobabi area, and on GIJ

campus. However, this researcher will do a purposive sampling of

Page 20

professionals in the Akan Radio News presentation discipline. They will

include members of Adom FM news crew, and members of the news crew on

some Akan-language oriented media houses. Mostly, Editors and Presenters

would be selected.

Data Collection

This research is about the impact of Akan radio news broadcast on audience

of Adom FM, and hence primary data is very important. But to make up for

areas beyond the scope of this study, secondary data shall be resorted to.

Data regarding the population of Adom FM audience in Greater Accra shall

be gotten from the offices of Adom FM.

Furthermore, Adom FM news crew will form a significant part of the 25

respondents that will be interviewed on the reason for the informality

associated with Adom FM news presentation.

A letter of introduction provided to the researcher by Ghana Institute of

Journalism shall be sent to Adom FM to gain their approval and solicit their

co-operation before the study begins.

Page 21

Data Collection Instruments

The researcher will collect data by administering a questionnaire. The

questionnaire will use structured questions, consisting of about 20 questions

divided into three sections, ‘A’, ‘B’, and ’C’.

Section A will consist of 5 questions seeking to answer the first research

question. Section B will also consist of 8 questions seeking to answer the

second research question, whiles 7 questions in section ‘C’ will attempt to

answer the question: How does Adom FM radio news presentation conform to

journalism standards?

That is, all participants will be administered with questions in sections A and

B. But the sample consisting of the level 300-400 students of GIJ and the

professionals in the Akan radio news broadcasting discipline will be made to

answer questions in section C, in addition.

Most of the structured questions will be the close-ended type and

respondents will be asked to mark the appropriate box matching the correct

Page 22

answer. Other questions, however, will require respondents to give their


Investigative Questions: Table 1 (on next page) provides sample of the

investigative questions.

Table 1: Sample Investigate Question


Research Question Investigative Question

A What is the perception of Adom FM

audience (description in few words) on Adom FM radio news presentation?

Which of these words describe your perception of Adom FM news presentation?: 1. Informative 2.Entertaining 3. Informative and Entertaining 4. Uninformative 5. Uninformative but entertaining.

Do you think Adom FM news presentation is useful?


Does audience of Adom FM news broadcast identify gender sensitive, and child abuse issues?

Are you able to identify issues concerning gender and child abuse on Adom FM news?

How would you describe how they are presented? 1. Exaggerated 2. Factual 3. Trivialized 4. Humourous 5. Humourous but Factual

C How does Adom FM news

presentation and hence Akan Radio News presentation conform to the standards of journalism?

Does Adom FM Radio News Presentation conform to journalism standards?

Which aspect(s) of Adom FM

Page 23

news presentation conforms to journalism standards and which aspect(s) do(es) not?

Data Analysis

The responses to the structured close-ended questions will be rated in

percentages. The percentage of respondents for each alternative will be

given and analysed. The data collected will be analyzed using the computer

software known as Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS).


Limitations of this study will be with respect to the time frame within which

this study is supposed to be completed. Aside this fact, this researcher will

be engrossed in other academic work as well.

Furthermore, since this research is not sponsored, financial constraints in

printing, transportation and other unforeseen activities are sure to limit the

research process.

Also under the heading of ‘Impact’, other relevant topics could have been

studied other than child abuse and gender sensitive issues (social issues),

but time and financial constraints have limited the study to only these two.

Other equally relevant issues that could have been studied include audience

knowledge of their human rights, their involvement in global issues

Page 24

But these limitations will be made up for by my interest in the topic, and my

desire to produce a work that can be looked back upon with satisfaction,

pride and a sense of fulfillment.


November– December 2009: review of literature

January – February 2010: draft literature review

March 2010: agree research strategy with supervisor

April 2010: obtain formal access to Adom FM and other Akan-language FM

stations for collection of primary data.

May 2010: compile, pilot and review questionnaire. And administer actual

research questionnaire.

June 2010: final collection of questionnaire for data analysis, and final

writing of project report.

Page 25


Boyd A., (1993), Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and TV News.

Focal Press; Oxford. United Kingdom.

McKane A., (2006), News Writing. Sage Publications; London.

Itule D.B., & Anderson D.A., (2007), News Writing and Reporting for Today’s

Media. McGraw Hill; London.

Obeng S.G., (2003), Language in African Social Interaction: Indirectness in

Akan Communication. Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Otoo E.A., Whyatt D.J., Ite U.E., (2006), Quantifying Urban Growth in Accra

Metropolitan Area (AMA), Ghana and Exploring Causal Mechanisms.

Available at (Assessed 03 January, 2010.).

Shrivastava K.M., (2003), News Reporting and Editing. Sterling Publishers;

New Delhi.

UNESCO Institute of Statistics, National Functional Literacy Programme

(Ghana). Available at (Assessed on 03 January, 2010).

McQuail D., (2000), Mass Communication Theory. Sage Publications; London.

Vandyk A.J., (2001), An Assessment of the Performance of Adom FM: A Case

Study of Residents of Tema Community 2. (Project Work). University of

Ghana School of Communication Studies, Legon.

Page 26

Arthur C., (2000), Language Use in FM Radio Broadcasting. (Project Work).

University of Ghana Legon.

Page 27
