Research on Effectiveness & LSI Profiles · Ideal LSI Profile Source: Human Synergistics...


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Research on Effectiveness & LSI ProfilesThe Case for Blue

Ideal LSI Profile

Source: Human Synergistics Research Data

Most Effective Navy Leadership (source: NLDW collated data Jan-Sep 2010)

Effective Navy Leadership

Least Effective Navy Leadership (source: NLDW collated data Jan-Sep 2010)

Effective Navy Leadership

Navy most effective profile


Navy least effective profile

(source: NLDW collated data Jan-Sep 2010)

Sample LSI Profiles

A Very Effective CEO

• #4 to #1 (rev & assets).

• #1 in customer service.

• World benchmark.

• ‘Before his time’ strategy development.• Major contribution to Government policy.

Example Managers

A Very Ineffective CEO

❥ Decline in revenue growth.

❥ Key executives went to the competitors.

❥ Decline in service quality.

❥ Decline in share price.

❥ Being positioned for sale.

Example Managers

How does this compare with your least effective Navy Leader?

Principal of SchoolWinner of Excellence Award

Example Managers

Example Managers

Director: Health Management

Company experiencing 50% staff turnover

Example Managers

Male supervisor with high blood pressure

Example Managers

54 year old Male who has had 5 ulcers

Summary PerceptionsWhat the Research tells us…

■ Relate the outcomes to the circumplex styles.

■ What makes some people effective?

■ Top % in outcomes.

■ Bottom % in outcomes.

■ Motivator for change.

Outcomes - Summary Perceptions


MarginalExcellentTop 10%: 7,000 Bottom 10%: 7,000

As rated by OthersTop 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 6.52

As rated by OthersBottom 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 4.03

Australian & NZ LSI Data 1994 - Present

Quality of Work Relationships

Excellent PoorTop 10%: 7,000 Bottom 10%: 7,000

As rated by OthersTop 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 6.65

As rated by OthersBottom 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 3.96

Australian & NZ LSI Data 1994 - Present

Ability to Handle Stress

At ease TenseTop 10%: 7,000 Bottom 10%: 7,000

As rated by OthersBottom 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 5.42

As rated by OthersTop 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 2.15

Australian & NZ LSI Data 1994 - Present

Management of Time

PoorlyEffectivelyTop 10%: 7,000 Bottom 10%: 7,000

As rated by OthersTop 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 6.47

As rated by OthersBottom 10% for this Question

Avg. Response = 3.78

Australian & NZ LSI Data 1994 - Present

Factor■ Managerial Effectiveness

■ Quality of Interpersonal Relations

■ Job Satisfaction

■ Psychological/Physiological Health

■ Problem-Solving Effectiveness

■ Interest in Self Improvement

■ Organisational Level

■ Salary




























+ indicates positive significant relationship0 indicates non-significant relationship

- indicates negative significant relationship


Outcomes associated with LSI
