Research Ethics Session 13-14


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  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Research Ethics

    andResearch Schedule

    Some key principlesCompleting your Research Ethics Application Form:

    TRPs Research Ethics web pages

    Planning for successful completion:Next steps including Research Schedule

    submission date: Tuesday 27 th May

  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Some Key Principles

    Who is affected by your research?People you come into contact with

    People and their personal data to which you haveaccessPeople who act on behalf of participants

    People who provide commercially sensitive data

    and informationYourself

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  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    High and Low Risk Research

    High Risk Research:

    Particularly vulnerable participants: Infants and children under 18 years of age; People with physiological and/or psychological impairments and/or

    learning difficulties; People dependant on the protection or under the control/influence of

    others (e.g. children, pupils, people in care, young offenders, prisoners); Relatives of sick people (e.g. parents of sick children); People who may have only a basic or elementary knowledge of English.

    Highly sensitive topics:

    Race, ethnicity, political opinion, religious beliefs/other beliefs of a similarnature, physical or mental health or condition, sexual life; Abuse (child, adult); nudity; obesity; People affected by conflict situations (e.g. ethnic, religious, tribal


  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Three (possible) elements

    (i) Application Form (all must complete/submit) Broad overview of project, including:

    aims and objectives methodological details practical information

    (ii) Information Sheet Informing participants about the research

    (iii) Consent Form Gaining informed consent from participants

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    (i) Application Form

    Available to download via TRP Ethics page (Note: you are postgraduate taught students) Complete questions on various areas:

    General information (you, the title, etc ) Aims, objectives, methodology Identifying participants and gaining consent Confidentiality


  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Consent: Key principle is informed consent

    (ii) Information Sheet Need to pass on information, such as

    Who you are and purpose of the research

    Nature of the researchRisks and benefits to participants

    What participation will require Allow potential participants to make an informed

    choice about whether to participate

  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Information Sheets should be:

    relevant to the proposed research; accurate and concise; clear, simple and understandable from a lay persons

    perspective (e.g. avoids jargon); presented on the headed paper of the institution

    carrying out the research; appropriate for the cultural and social context in which

    it is being given.

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    Information Sheets should not contain: any abbreviations, jargon or technical terms; bias or coercion or any inappropriate inducements.

    Use and Management of Data Set out to participant :

    Nature of the data you want to collect

    What you will do with the dataWho will have access to the dataHow you will keep data confidential

    (iii) Consent FormTo confirm the participant has provided informedconsent to participateOther methods may be applicable

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    Gaining informed consent

    Formal: Information Sheet and Consent FormOther written: letter, emailImplicit: e.g. return of questionnaire


    When gaining informed consent is impossible Public settings try to get approval from those

    responsible, do not give details that may identifyindividuals

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  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Research Schedule

    Detailed timetable and strategy

    Outline of the methodology/methods to be

    adoptedIndicative word count: 700 wordsNeeds to be agreed with supervisor that theschedule provides an appropriate basis for progress

    up to submissionNot formally assessed

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    Set out research questionsDo-able, practical, focused

    Outline of the methodologyMethodological stance


    how the work will actually be done

    (data collection + data analysis)

    how the research questions will be answered

    Timetable and strategy to submission

    Weekly breakdown to ensure successExplicitly build in holidays

    Ensure no down time

    Detail supervisory meetings

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    Gantt chart

    5 M a y

    1 2 M a y

    1 9 M a y

    2 6 M a y

    2 J u n e

    e t c

    1 8 A u g

    2 5 A u g

    3 S e p t

    Finalise literature searchPrepare first draft of literature reviewFinalise research aims / objectivesMeet supervisorHoliday/work experience

    Finalise data analysis method(s)

    Pilot data collectionSet out all relevant areas to be completed

    Final amendmentsFinal proof-read, printing/binding


  • 8/12/2019 Research Ethics Session 13-14


    Further help Further guidance, information, the Ethics Application

    Form and example Information Sheets and ConsentForms are available to download using the link on

    TRPs Ethics page: information on University ethics reviewprocedures at the bottom of the page)

    Must be customised to YOUR project Submit with your Ethics Application Form

    TRP6406 Dissertation Handbook The Research Process pp. 7 -9 Ethics and Ethics Review p. 16
