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Peoples Attitudes towards Daily PapersDo we read newspapers and what form of them do we prefer?

Gender: Male / FemaleAge: Occupation: Employed / Unemployed / Student / Retired / OtherIf you are a STUDENT, what faculty do you attend:

1) Do you read daily papers? Yes No

2) In what form do you read daily papers? Printed Digital (news apps on phones, tablets, computers) I do not read daily papers Other

3) Why?

4) How many newspapers do you read on a daily basis, regardless of their form? 1 2 3 4 and more I do not read daily papers

5) State which ones do you read

6) What are your favourite daily papers Alo! 24sata Blic Danas Informer Kurir Nase novine Politika Sportski Zurnal Vecernje novosti I do not read daily papers

7) Which daily papers do you consider to be the most objective Alo! 24sata Blic Danas Informer Kurir Nase novine Politika Sportski Zurnal Vecernje novosti I do not read daily papers

8) Which daily papers do you appreciate the least Alo! 24sata Blic Danas Informer Kurir Nase novine Politika Sportski Zurnal Vecernje novosti I do not read daily papers

9) Would you consider buying a printed issue of a daily paper? I am already buying printed issues Maybe, from time to time No

10) If you do not read printed issues of daily papers, would you start reading them If they were free? I read printed issues Yes, I would start reading them No, I prefer other forms of them I do not read daily papers

11) What do you thing about the number of daily papers available in circulation in Serbia? There are too many of them Its at a normal level There are not enough of them

12) What do you thing about their diversity? They are diverse, there is something for anyones liking They are not diverse, many of them are too similar I do not have an opinion on that particular matter

13) Grade the quality of daily papers in Serbia (1-5)

14) How much do you trust daily papers (1-5)

15) In which order do you start reading daily papers? From the front page From the last page From the middle I do not have a particular order I do not read daily papers

16) What are you favourite sections in daily papers? (you can choose more than one) Politics Home news Business Obituaries International Culture Sport Technology Tourism Entertainment I do not have a favourite section I do not read daily papers

17) Does the front page of daily papers play a pivotal role when you are buying them? Yes No I do not read daily papers

18) What type of front page solicits you to buy a newspaper? Conservative, with large headlines in the forefront Equal amount of headlines and pictures Short and extra large headlines with a plethora of pictures I do not read daily papers

19) Do specific columns play a major part when buying newspapers? Yes No I do not read daily papers

20) If you do not read daily papers, state the reasons for it
