Request for Proposal Managed Information Technology


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Request for Proposal

Managed Information Technology Services


Purchasing & Contract Administration

115 South Ludlow Street, 5th Floor

Dayton, OH 45402-1812

Bidder’s Conference will be held Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. (local time) IUE Conference Room,

2701 Dryden Road Moraine, OH 45439

Electronic Proposals will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. Monday, February 5, 2018. All submissions must be

uploaded to the DPSD Bonfire Public Portal at

See submission instructions, Exhibit “1” of this document

RFP No. 18-863

Date: January 8, 2018



Dayton Public School District (DPSD) intends to enter into a three (3) year contract with a qualified

vendor to deliver managed information services. This initiative is known as the DPSD Managed

Information Technology (IT) Services.

On January 8, 2018, DPSD will post a formal solicitation for RFP 18-863 Managed Information

Technology (IT) Services for the Dayton Public Schools at website: All interested parties, potential Offerors, and those

seeking to do business are hereby notified that this website will be updated periodically to include

additional documentation. Interested parties, potential Offerors, and those seeking to do business

should continuously check this website to make sure to receive any additional information posted

regarding this solicitation. The Director of Purchasing & Contract Administration, Bobby Smith, is the

point of contact and he may be reached via email at

A Bidder’s Conference will be held, Tuesday January 16th, 2018 @ 9am, at IUE 2705 Dryden Road

Moraine, OH 45402. Attendance is strongly recommended.

Proposals to provide Managed IT Services must be uploaded to Bonfire prior to 12:00pm, local time

on Monday February 5th. Submission instructions can be obtained at

Firms submitting proposals must be approved by the Human Relations Council of the City of Dayton

and must submit with their proposal evidence of such approval. Additionally, the response must

include documentation of good faith efforts for utilization of local and economic disadvantaged

businesses per the requirements of the DPS Community Inclusion Program.

Based on Ohio Revised Code 5719.042, the Dayton Board of Education requires that all firms submit

with their proposal an affidavit affirming status of delinquency on property taxes.

The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals resulting from


DAYTON BOARD OF EDUCATION Robert C. Walker, President Hiwot Abraha, Treasurer

Publication Date: January 8, 15, 2018

Proposals Due: February 5, 2018





1.0 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.0 BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.0 CURRENT DPSD IT ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS…... . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6.0 SPECIAL PROVISIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

7.0 INTERVIEWS AND PRESENTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

8.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

9.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

10.0 TERMINATION CLAUSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38














The purpose and intent of this Request for Proposal is to solicit Managed Information Technology (IT)

Services from a qualified Offeror and to establish a contract through negotiations for continuing

development and support of specific IT services for the Dayton Public School District, herein referred to as


1.1 IT Management Services Sought

NOC (24x7x365 monitoring, security, support and maintenance )

● Server alert monitoring

● Server repair

● Server OS service packs

● Server OS hotfixes

● Server BIOS updates as required

● Firewall and other denoted devices

● Security administration

● Antivirus licensing

● Virus definition and prevention

● Microsoft patch management

● Event log monitoring as required

● Log file maintenance as required

● Drive space monitoring and remediation

● Installation and configuration of servers due to disaster

● Applications including, but not limited to:

○ Network operating systems

○ Microsoft SQL servers

○ Microsoft Exchange servers

○ Microsoft IIS servers

○ Microsoft ISA server

○ Backup

○ All email related support and troubleshooting

○ Major database and critical applications

○ Support and troubleshooting of critical line of business applications

Helpdesk (Monday through Friday 30 minutes prior to school start and 30 minutes after

school end)

● Chromebook, workstation, laptop and tablet support and maintenance

● User account administration

● File sharing permission administration

● Basic end user support


Onsite Support (Monday through Friday 30 minutes prior to school start and 30 minutes after

school end)

● Chromebook, workstation, laptop and tablet failure

● Hard drive failure

● Memory failure

● Power supply failure

● Keyboard and mouse failure

● Internet service provider management

● Router management

● Antivirus management

● Firewall management

● VPN management

● Outside printer management

● Outside vendor support

● Online asset management

● Online case management

● Automated desktop optimization and management

● Spyware and Adware removal

● VPN client management

● Antivirus software management

● Software patch management

● Mail and anti-spam support


The Dayton Public Schools District (DPSD) is a large urban school district with approximately

2,400 employees and 13,000 students. The District operates a total of 30 instructional and 3

administrative facilities.

As a result of decentralized management philosophy, the expectation of producing higher levels of

services in an environment with decreasing resources, the district foresees the necessity to

maximize value.

DPSD seeks a technology management solution that will provide stable and reliable IT services to

students and staff. The Offeror will be responsible for providing the resources necessary to provide

these services at a high quality and efficient manner.



3.1 Architecture

The Offeror shall thoroughly understand the DPSD IT environment and shall demonstrate

this knowledge in their Proposal; the Offeror shall be responsible for maintaining/upgrading

as well as improving the operational status of the DPSD IT Architecture.

3.2 Organic Support

DPSD organic IT support consists of the Director of Assessment and Accountability. This

position currently oversees the operations of administrative IT services; contracted IT

support staff and Federal E-Rate programs.

3.3 Contractor Support

The bulk of DPSD IT support will be contracted. The contracted staff will report to the

DPSD Director of Assessment and Accountability.


4.1 Current Environment

In order for prospective Offerors to size this contract properly, Table 4.1 provides an

overview of the number of locations and network devices supported by IT.

DPSD IT Profile Approximation Number

Total number of locations 30

Total number of administrative buildings 3

Total number of instructional buildings 27

Total number of square miles 53

Total number of students 13,000

Total number of employees 2,400

Total number of classrooms 1,024

Total number of network devices 22,000

Total number of Windows servers 49

Total number of routers 1

Total number of switches 510

Total number of AP's 996

Total number of network printers 1,500

Total number of network users 15,000

Average monthly Helpdesk service tickets 1,800


4.2 Management Activities

4.2.1 Managed Service Plan

The Offeror shall describe the managed service approach and method(s) it plans to

use to provide the support required in this RFP. After award, the Management

Service Plan will become the Offeror’s master plan to fulfill the Contract. It will

incorporate other plans required by this RFP.

The Managed Service Plan must be as complete as possible at the time of

submission. It shall:

● Describe the Offeror’s proposed organization(s) and management structure,

graphically and by narrative, responsible for fulfilling the Contract requirements.

The Offeror must describe their reporting structure from the corporate level to

their DPSD Program Manager.

● Describe the methodologies, processes, and procedures the Offeror’s proposed

organization(s) will follow to provide the required support for Help Desk, NOC

and onsite support.

● Describe the methodologies, processes, and procedures the Offeror will undertake

to adjust levels of operation should the scope of DPSD’s IT Architecture change


● Define the deliverable review process (e.g. Monthly Report, Contract Annual

Report, Status and Performance Reports) and describe how communication and

review will be conducted between all parties.

● Describe the Offeror’s methodology for developing and maintaining a schedule for

NOC, helpdesk and onsite services.

● Describe the Offeror’s approach, if applicable, to effectively select and manage its

subcontractors. If subcontractor participation is proposed on this effort, the Offeror

must include a teaming agreement with all proposed contractors as part of their


● Describe the Offeror’s approach to identifying potential problem areas, provide

recommended solutions to those problem areas, and any assumptions used in

developing solutions.

The delivery requirements for the Management Plan are as follows:

● The Offeror shall provide a Draft Management Plan with the submission of their


● The Offeror shall update the Draft Management Plan and deliver 60 days after

Contract start.

● The Offeror shall maintain the Management Plan for the duration of the Contract

and provide page changes to DPSD management for review and approval.


4.2.2 IT Support Services Contractor Transition

The Offeror shall work in conjunction with DPSD and the current incumbent

contractor to ensure the smooth transition of IT Support Services. The current

incumbent contractor is required to provide a smooth transition not to exceed 60

calendar days. Describe the Offeror’s approach to transition.

4.2.3 Monthly Reports

The contractor shall submit a Monthly Report based on the agreed upon Service

Level Agreements (SLA). The Monthly Report will be due no later than the 10th day

of every month.

The Monthly Report may include, but not be limited to:

● Planned projects

● System performance summary

● Fixed asset summary

● Issues/concerns

4.2.4 DPSD IT Architecture Support

The Offeror shall update the DPSD IT Architecture as new technology is

implemented or removed.

The Offeror shall, in collaboration with DPSD, provide a comprehensive

reassessment and update document of the DPSD IT Architecture, due to DPSD no

later than 60 days before the expiration of each Contract Year.

4.2.5 Operating Plan

The Offeror shall provide an Operating Plan within the Management Plan. The

Operating Plan will include a Personnel Profile Summary. Key personnel must be

available immediately after the award of the contract. Key onsite personnel shall not

be replaced and/or reassigned without DPSD management review and approval. The

Offeror shall identify in their proposal if the proposed key personnel is a current

employee, a subcontractor, or a potential new hire.

The plan shall contain the following information:

● A transition plan that addresses Paragraph 4.2.2 which includes activities

and resources needed during this period.

● A Personnel Profile Summary, clearly defining skill sets, years of

experience and customer work references, along with a resume for each

team member proposed.

● A contingency plan that shows the ability to add more staff if needed to meet

the Contract’s performance requirements.

● A statement of the Offeror’s ability to be fully staffed for the Contract.


● A statement of the Offeror’s ability to provide qualified replacement


● A statement of the Offeror’s Professional Development Strategy for its staff

and its staff’s ability to remain at the leading edge of IT support services

relative to the K-12 education industry. The Offeror shall be responsible for

the ongoing training costs of its staff.

● A statement of ability to operate and meet all requirements within this RFP.

● A statement of the Offeror’s ability to comply with the regulations of the

School Employees Retirement System (SERS).

● The approach of transitioning staff for each Contract Year. The Offeror must

consider the budget constraints of DPSD in their operating approach as well as

DPSD’s objective of improving the performance and stability of the IT

Architecture that may lead to a reduction of resources.

4.2.6 School Employees Retirement System

Offerors to this RFP, if awarded the Contract, will be required to comply with the

provisions of Ohio Revised Code Sections 3309, et. seq., relating to the Public School

Employees Retirement System, and will pay the costs for the employer’s share of

contributions for full time onsite employees to the Public School Employees

Retirement System. Proof of payment shall be provided monthly to DPSD as part of

the monthly report. Selected Offeror is responsible for SERS payment for all sub-


4.2.7 Non-disclosure Stipulation on DPSD Confidential/Proprietary Data

The Offeror shall take all precautions necessary and appropriate to ensure the

confidentiality of DPSD record information. The Offeror shall limit access to the

DPSD records only to its authorized representatives. Except as authorized by DPSD,

the Offeror shall not reproduce any DPSD records. DPSD shall have the right to

review the Offeror’s procedures for handling DPSD records and may make such

inspections, as it deems necessary to ensure that the contractor is safeguarding the

DPSD record information adequately.

4.2.8 Supervision/Time & Attendance Accounting

In addition to the scope of work for the required support services, the Selected Offeror

shall be required to abide by the following:

● Helpdesk operations can be remote or onsite at DPSD Central Office

● Onsite individuals shall be required to work from DPSD buildings, unless another

facility is mutually agreed upon.

● The Offeror shall submit monthly invoices, on the 10th day of each month for the

service provided during the preceding month, to the DPSD key contact for their

review and approval. The monthly invoices must identify each service type and

description of project work charges if applicable. DPSD will process the invoice

and submit payment 30 days after receipt.


● The Offeror shall be required to provide helpdesk and onsite proposed services

covering all working hours of DPSD personnel using IT (7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).

● The Offeror shall discuss in the proposal if support for DPSD staff after working

after hours will be provided.

● The Offeror shall provide support, as required, for after normal working hours at

no additional cost to DPSD for critical events. Examples of this support include,

but is not limited to:

● Network Outages

● Disaster Recovery

● Testing

● Payroll Processing

● Software Upgrades

● End-Of-Year Processing

In the event of unforeseen circumstances identified by DPSD, the Offeror shall

provide DPSD, in writing, a formal plan when tasks require working after

normal business hours. If overtime is ever required and approved by DPSD, the

overtime rate will be at the normal billable hourly rate as depicted in the

Offeror’s Cost Proposal.

4.2.9 Performance Requirements

The Offeror shall propose performance metrics for the full scope of services. The

performance requirements will address NOC, helpdesk and onsite service response

time, resolution and network availability. Offeror must complete and submit

Attachment VII.

The Offeror shall agree to meet the approved performance requirements 90 days after

contract start. Performance penalties shall be calculated on a monthly basis as shown


● If the contractor meets all performance requirements, no penalty shall be


● If the contractor misses the Response Time performance requirement, the

contractor shall deduct 1% from the monthly DPSD invoice.

● If the contractor misses the Resolution Time, or the End-User Training

Satisfaction Rate performance requirements, the contractor shall deduct 2%

from the monthly DPSD invoice.

● If the contractor misses the Network Availability performance requirement,

the contract shall deduct 5% from the monthly DPSD invoice.

● To ensure that the service level goals and performance measurements can

meet the changing business and technology needs of the District, DPSD and

the contractor will review the performance requirements on a yearly basis.

The Offeror shall deliver Performance Requirements Documentation on a

monthly basis to be included in the Monthly Status Report and annually in the

Contract Annual Report.


4.2.10 Exit Plan

90 days prior to the expiration of the Contract Period and/or immediately upon the

termination of this Contract for any reason, the contractor shall perform the


The Offeror shall establish a written plan and timeline (with milestones),

acceptable to DPSD Management, for the accomplishment of the Termination

Assistance Services and orderly transition of the services, as described in this RFP,

from the contractor (“Exit Plan”). The Exit Plan shall include but not limited to:

● Software Development Folders

● Updated DPSD IT Architecture

● Status of in-progress projects with all documentation

● Training Classes and Documentation

● Disaster Recovery Plan and Testing documentation

● Process of collecting employee badges, keys, etc.

● Location and description of all desktop images

● Contents of IT Documentation Library

● Process to inactivate all contractor staff network access

● Administrative passwords of all servers

● Diagram and documentation of all communication systems

The Offeror shall deliver the Exit Plan to DPSD 90 days prior to the expiration of

the Contract Base Period or any of the option years of the Contract, and/or

immediately upon the termination of the Contract, as directed by DPSD.

Immediately upon expiration or termination of the Contract, the Offeror shall

provide the Termination Assistance Services as listed in Paragraph 10.3 of this


4.3 District Wide IT Requirements

The contractor shall provide district wide technical support to maintain/enhance the IT

architecture, to deployed applications, both organic and cloud. The Offeror shall provide the

support as listed in the Technical Support Requirements, Table 4.3, below. The Offeror shall

also provide support to the unique requirements listed within the following paragraphs of this



Support requirements shall include, but are not be limited to:

Technical Support Requirements

Development, maintenance and update of interfaces to SunGard Business Systems

Enhancement of system performance

Ensuring connectivity to databases

Ensuring operational status

Facilitation of COTS maintenance

Installation, implementation, and management of upgrades/updates

Installation of new software

Maintenance of user security and user profiles

Ongoing enhancements of systems performance

Table 4.3 Technical Support Requirements

Ninety days prior to the end of each year of the contract, DPSD and the contractor shall

review support requirements to adjust current and add any new requirement based on DPSD

usage and need.

4.3.1 Local Area Network/Wide Area Network/Virtual Local Area Network/ Wi-Fi

(LAN/WAN/VLAN/Wi-Fi) Connectivity LAN/WAN/VLAN/Wi-Fi Administration

The Offeror shall administer the various administrative and instructional (school)

LANs/VLANs and support their connectivity to the DPSD WAN. Each site contains

VLANs for network administration, the DPSD core network, site-specific networks,

wireless network, security, HVAC, and IVDL. As a result of this configuration,

network traffic can be more effectively managed, secured, and monitored.

Support shall include the requirements identified in the Technical Support

Requirements table above, as well as:

● Network backup and recovery

● Maintenance of user accounts

● Network configuration management

The Offeror shall support the connectivity of client workstations and peripherals

(where applicable) to the LAN/WAN/VLAN. This support shall include

upgrade/installation of client connectivity software and the facilitation of warranty

work for covered hardware and break/fix service for non-warranty hardware,


including routers, hubs, switches, and network interface cards (NICs). The contractor

shall also provide to DPSD recommendations as to whether it is more cost effective

to service or replace non-operational equipment. For the purchase of parts or

equipment replacement, the contractor shall submit a purchase request with

recommendations to DPSD management for approval/execution.

LAN/WAN/VLAN requirements shall include but not be limited to the following


● E-Mail Administration

● Network Design and Architecture

● Network Tuning

● Network Cabling

● Network Wireless

● Network Printing

Support requirements can be found in the following paragraphs. E-Mail Administration

The contractor shall administer the DPSD district-wide Staff e-mail system across the

WAN and both the administrative and instructional LANs providing stability and

reliability of the systems. In addition, the Offeror shall support the student e-mail

application and maintain accounts.

Support shall include technical support identified in Table 4.3, as well as:

● System maintenance

● Account adds/moves/changes

● Policy creation

● System Integrations

● Maintenance of SPAM filter

● E-mail archiving

The contractor shall provide timely issue response and resolution at each of the e-

mail servers across the district, and/or will facilitate issue response and resolution

with hosted provider. Network Design and Architecture

The Offeror, in conjunction with DPSD, shall be required to fully understand the

requirements of the eTech Ohio K-12 Network which defines a statewide network

architecture connecting all K-12 districts in the State of Ohio. The Ohio K-12

Network is a joint effort between eTech Ohio and the Ohio Department of Education


13 Network Cabling

The Offeror shall coordinate with DPSD Facilities and Operations staff to provide

maintenance for any DPSD owned existing CAT-5/6 and fiber optic cabling as well

as their associated connections throughout the district. Network Printer/Scanner

The Offeror shall maintain and support network printer and scanner connections

throughout the district and coordinate services with outsourced printer management

company. Internet Support

The Offeror shall maintain district-wide connectivity to the Internet via the WAN in

compliance with the terms and conditions of the DPSD Internet Acceptable Use

Policy. E-Rate Support

The Offeror shall demonstrate in-depth knowledge and experience with the Federal

E-Rate program. DPSD’s annual E-Rate strategy is to continue to apply for local,

long distance, Internet service, and data network connectivity.

The Offeror shall provide technical consultant services for IT projects to be funded

by E-Rate. Consultant services may include, but not be limited to:

● Requirements analysis

● Ensuring technical feasibility and compatibility

● Definition of development/deployment approach

● Identifying associated cost

The contractor shall not bid on any procurements in which they provided technical

consulting services.

The Offeror, working in collaboration with DPSD, may provide support to include

but not limited to the following:

● Request for Proposal preparation

● Proposal evaluation

● Contract award assistance

● Post contract award support


4.3.4 Enterprise Data Management Support PowerSchool (SunGard) Support

The Offeror shall provide support to the DPSD ERP PowerSchool (SunGard) system.

The PowerSchool (SunGard) system is a set of hosted services designed to help

teachers, administrators, and parents support student achievement. Connectivity to

the PowerSchool (SunGard) network is provided by a LAN-to-LAN VPN connection.

The Offeror shall have knowledge of the SunGard suite of software solutions and the

Offeror’s staff shall have practical experience in the support of the following

PowerSchool (SunGard) components:

● eSchoolPLUS


● BusinessPLUS Evaluation of DPSD IT Deployment Needs

The Offeror shall coordinate with DPSD Operations and Facilities staff in the

evaluation of the present and future electrical, environmental, and physical security

requirements of the DPSD IT architecture and provide DPSD Site Implementation

Plans, as needed, outlining those requirements as the architecture continues to evolve.

4.3.5 Client Software Technical Support

The Offeror shall provide technical/functional software support for the various client

desktops, laptops, and tablets as well as standalone computer equipment and

peripherals throughout the DPSD IT Architecture.

Support shall include technical support identified in Table 4.3, as well as:

● Operating system upgrades/maintenance

● Deployment of software on workstations (physical and/or remote


● Reimaging, if applicable

● Software configuration

● System configuration, if applicable

● Connectivity to DPSD Local Area Network/Wide Area Network/Virtual

Local Area Network (LAN/WAN/VLAN) and the Internet, if applicable.

● Maintaining/ensuring full capability of installed software

● Knowledge of the educational processes involved with the given applications

● Knowledge of the DPSD business processes involved with the given

applications. This will include provision of Helpdesk support for:

● The standard set of educational software packages approved by DPSD and

used by teaching staff and,

● The standard set of administrative software applications, approved by DPSD

and used by administrative staff.

15 Instructional Software Technical Support

The Offeror shall, throughout the term of the Contract, and at the direction of the

DPSD Director, provide technical support for new or existing instructional

software applications. This will include provision of Helpdesk support. Administrative Software Technical Support

The Offeror shall, throughout the term of the contract, and/or at the direction of

DPSD Executive Director, provide technical support for new or existing

administrative software applications, including version upgrades/updates, to be

used by administrative staff. This will include provision of Helpdesk support for

the standard set of administrative software applications, approved by DPSD and

used by administrative staff. Technical Support of Government Mandated Non-Standard Support

The Offeror, in collaboration with DPSD, shall evaluate mandates from state and

federal agencies of any non-standard software application that is currently or may, in

the future, be mandated by state or federal agencies to be used by departments within

DPSD. The Offeror shall, in collaboration with DPSD, reallocate resources to support

the implementation and operation of government mandated software.

4.3.8 Information Technology Helpdesk

The Offeror shall establish and staff a Helpdesk from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and

extended hours if negotiated. Helpdesk will be the first line of support for all IT

issues across the district.

The Helpdesk will be responsible for providing support to approximately 15,400

users (13,000 students and 2,400 employees) across the full scope of the DPSD IT

architecture, receiving an average of 1,800 service tickets per month. Helpdesk staff

providing support must have extensive functional knowledge of the instructional and

administrative applications utilized throughout the district. Helpdesk Support

The helpdesk shall be responsible for receiving service tickets, gathering information

on the end user issue. Helpdesk shall provide initial troubleshooting over the

telephone, if applicable, before escalating to onsite field service support.

Helpdesk staff shall be responsible for contacting end users who have placed service

tickets without resolution.

Helpdesk staff shall set up, remove, and manage user accounts in accordance to the

DPSD Acceptable Use Policy.

16 Helpdesk Performance Requirements

The Offeror shall provide resolution to Helpdesk tickets as per negotiated SLA, or

provide disposition to DPSD as to why timely resolution to the ticket(s) cannot be

provided. Help Desk Log and Performance Report

The Help Desk shall maintain a database that logs all tickets, level of support

required, response times, resolution times, type of issue reported, and resolution to

the issue.

The Offeror shall assemble critical Help Desk performance statistics and provide

them to DPSD in the Monthly Report. The Monthly Help Desk Performance statistics

shall, at a minimum, include the following information:

● Total number of tickets opened and closed

● A breakout of tickets requiring support

● Minimum, maximum, and average response times

● Minimum, maximum, and average resolution times

● Types of issues reported

● Resolution to the issues

● A recommendation of better operability

The Offeror shall analyze the current DPSD Helpdesk structure, processes, and

methodologies and provide DPSD with recommendations for improvements.

4.3.9 Remote Management Technical Support

The Offeror shall fully implement and utilize existing remote management systems

by which troubleshooting and initial technical support can be executed remotely to

reduce response and resolution time.

4.3.10 System Security Automated Backup

The Offeror shall develop and implement policies and procedures to automate the

routine backup of all servers across the district. The Offeror shall fully implement

existing automatic backup systems by which server backups can be executed with

minimal user intervention.

17 Backup/Disaster Recovery

The Offeror shall develop a DPSD Disaster Recovery Plan and provide

Backup/Disaster Recovery technical support ensuring the timely recovery of DPSD

Mission Critical Systems (as determined by DPSD) and their data, including annual

testing of backup/disaster recovery systems and procedures to ensure operational

status. DPSD budget constraints prohibit hot/cold/alternative site services for

backup/disaster recovery.

The Offeror shall deliver a Disaster Recovery Plan 180 days after contract start. This

plan will be updated on an annual basis. Recommendations for disaster recovery

services will be implemented 60 days after DPSD approval, pending funding. Comprehensive Computer Virus Protection

The Offeror shall provide and maintain virus protection which at a minimum includes

communications, servers, and clients. Data Security

The Offeror shall ensure the security of DPSD confidential and proprietary data

through the administration of user accounts and passwords, allowing varying levels

of access as directed by DPSD. The Offeror shall also protect DPSD data and the

network and architecture from external violations through the maintenance of a

secure firewall at the DPSD WAN’s connection to the Internet.

4.3.11 IT Acquisition Support

The Offeror shall configure and install at response of end users request, new

technology, facilitation of warranty and repair and esurance that equipment is

properly tagged and added/deleted to/from inventory.

4.4 Departmental Software Technical Support

The Offeror shall provide technical support, maintenance and facilitation of remediation for

business software applications.

The following table, Departmental Technical Support Cross Reference, and the paragraphs

that follow detail the technical support required.


Departmental Technical Support Requirements, identifies technical support requirements to

support the Departmental requirements in this section. Support requirements shall include,

but are not be limited to:

Departmental Technical Support Requirements

Ensure operational status

Maintain, and update interfaces to SunGard Business software solutions

Facilitation of COTS maintenance

Installation, implementation, and management of upgrades/updates

Installation of new software

Testing (e.g. unit/module, integration, system, regression)


Table 4.4 Departmental Technical Support Requirements

4.4.1 Instructional Applications Technical Support

DPSD currently has four dedicated Ed Tech Coaches. These coaches are teachers whose

primary responsibility is to work with colleagues to integrate technology and instruction.

The Offeror shall serve as a point of escalation for technical issues for the Ed Tech’s to

ensure operability of instructional software applications and hardware.

4.4.2 Facilities Support

The Offeror shall provide the technical support identified in support and interaction with

SunGard eSchoolPLUS as well as:.

● Maintenance, and update of interfaces to the WAN

● Maintenance of the Total Maintenance Application (TMA) used to enter work orders

for Operations staff

● Maintenance of the Facilities Department HVAC IES System

4.4.3 Nutrition Services WINSNAP and Computrition Support

The contractor shall provide the technical support identified in Table 4.4, in

utilization and interaction with eSchoolPLUS. WINSNAP Connectivity

The Offeror shall support network connectivity to the secondary school lunch points

of sale using WINSNAP to allow the electronic transfer of student free, reduced, and

full price meal data/counts back to Nutrition Services.

The Offeror shall provide the technical support identified in Table 4.4, as well as

maintenance of network drops at each school cafeteria location.


4.4.4 Transportation Support

The Offeror shall provide the technical support for utilization and interaction of

PowerSchool (SunGard) and eSchoolPLUS School Bus Maintenance and Service Tracking Software

The Offeror shall provide technical support for Faster for which Transportation can

track school bus fuel usage and fleet management maintenance history. School Bus Routing and Tracking Software

The Offeror shall provide technical support to maintain/enhance data interaction

between the VersaTrans bus routing system and PowerSchool (SunGard)

eSchoolPLUS. The Offeror shall facilitate hardware, software, and connectivity

technical support as required by Transportation to operate the VersaTrans system.

The Offeror shall provide the technical support for the GPS tracking software


4.4.5 Automated IT Inventory

The Offeror shall maintain an inventory process to detail the DPSD hardware and

software inventory for upload into PowerSchool (SunGard) BusinessPLUS. The

Offeror at a minimum should detail inventory:

● By building (school and support facilities) and by room

● By recipient and location

● By age of equipment

● By type of equipment

● By warranty status

4.5 Instructional Technical Support

The Offeror shall provide technical support to the instructional buildings within DPSD to

ensure the DPSD IT architecture provides a highly available network for staff and student

use. Table 4.5, Instructional Technical Support Requirements, identifies technical support

requirements to support the Technical Requirements identified in this section. Support

requirements shall include, but are not be limited to:


Instructional Technical Support Requirements

Ensuring operational status

Maintain, and update interfaces to PowerSchool (SunGard) Education

software solutions

Update/maintenance of user reports and queries

Facilitation of COTS application maintenance

Installation, implementation, and management of upgrades/updates

Project installation of new software

Provision of end-user training if requested

Testing (e.g. unit/module, integration, system, regression)


Table 4.5 Instructional Technical Support Requirements

4.5.1 PlascoTrac Support

The Offeror shall maintain existing installations of PlascoTrac deployed district-wide

at each school providing connectivity to the network and reporting capabilities to

SunGard eSchoolPLUS.

PlascoTrac is computer software containing application programs and databases used

for entering, tracking and maintaining students' attendance and disciplinary

violations. PlascoTrac System consists of the following four modules:

● PlascoTrac Badge (student identification badges)

● PlascoTrac Student Tracking

● PlascoTrac Mobile

● PlascoTrac Visitor Center

Reference the DPSD IT Architecture for technical details of the PlascoTrac system.

4.5.2 Individual Education Plan (IEP) Support

The Offeror shall provide support for the SunGard IEPPLUS used by Special

Education teachers and intervention team members throughout the district.

The Offeror shall provide the technical support identified in Table 4.5, Technical

Support Requirements, and ensure connectivity.

4.5.3 SchoolMessenger Support

The Offeror shall provide technical support to maintain the SchoolMessenger

attendance/parent callback system as it is deployed at DPSD buildings across the



The Offeror shall provide the technical support identified in Table 4.5, Technical

Support Requirements, as well as:

● Ensuring connectivity

● Maintenance of interfaces to SunGard

● Menu management for authorized users

SchoolMessenger application is the Dayton Public Schools outbound calling

software. This software is used to make outgoing calls to students and staff. It has a

feature for scheduled re-occurring calls. Dayton Public Schools daily attendance and

evening transportation notifications have been setup. School administrators and their

office staff can schedule general notifications as needed.

4.5.4 Library Media Centers, Circulation, and Research Support

The Offeror shall provide technical support to maintain SirsiDynix Workflow in

Library Media Centers across the district. The Offeror shall provide the technical

support identified in Table 4.5, and, specifically, maintenance of internet connectivity

in support of the SirsiDynix system.

INFOhio's library automation software uses integrated library software from

SirsiDynix Corp. The software allows member schools to locate materials with a

Web-based catalog, loan materials with an integrated circulation component, and

manage materials using sophisticated circulation, cataloging, reports and inventory


4.6 Deliverables Schedule

The Offeror shall develop and submit to DPSD the deliverables as depicted in the table



5.1 Technical Proposal

The Technical Proposal shall concisely describe the Offeror’s approach to satisfying all of the

requirements of this three year contract as depicted in Section 4.0 Scope of Services and the

following services. Any Technical Proposal not fulfilling all requirements as defined in this

RFP shall be excused from further consideration.


Help Desk Services:

A. Provide a detailed description of your suggested Helpdesk solution software and features

B. Provide a detailed description of the Helpdesk ticket lifecycle

C. Describe the SLA’s you will hold yourself accountable to and penalty if not met

D. Describe your remote management and monitoring (RMM) solution

E. Provide your average # of open tickets per technician

F. Provide your average # of people staffed at a remote help desk

G. Describe your ticket escalation and dispatch of onsite technicians process

H. Provide an example of a monthly performance report

I. Describe your process of communication with external vendors and manufacturers

J. Describe additional services that would support your response

NOC Services:

A. Describe your process and plan for data backup and disaster recovery

B. What virus protection software would you utilize?

C. Describe how you will provide security for data and other sensitive materials

D. Describe your process for maintaining IT inventory

Onsite Support Services:

A. List manufacturer repair certifications

B. Provide a detailed description of your suggested onsite support structure

C. Provide an organizational chart of proposed onsite support staff

D. Describe what inventory system you will utilize

Describe knowledge and experience with the following programs/applications:


B. G Suite

C. eSchool Plus


E. School Messenger

F. Faster (Gasboy)

G. VersaTrans



J. Synovia

K. PlascoTrac

L. Sirsi Dynex


Describe in detail your knowledge and experience with the PowerSchool (SunGuard) platform. Both

as an organization, as a helpdesk/NOC staff, and as the onsite technicians.

5.2 Past Performance Proposal

Offerors shall demonstrate their experience in successfully providing comprehensive IT services that

were similar in their nature, size, and scope to this RFP.

The Offeror shall also include three (3) Past Performance references from contracts that were

completed in the past three (3) years as well as permission from those contacts to discuss their

performance. (See Attachment VI )

5.3 Cost Proposal

Offerors shall bid this Contract as a Fixed Fee Proposal. The Billable Rate is defined as the total

hourly rate that DPSD will be charged for any labor or project work outside the scope of the


A Contract Year is defined as 365 days (e.g., July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019). The Offeror’s

cost proposal should not contain any overtime hours, and reflect DPS administrator holiday calendar

5.4 Attachments

Offerors shall complete and submit all requested forms

5.4.1 Attachment I General Information Questionnaire

Firms must complete Attachment I - General Information Questionnaire.

5.4.2 Attachment II – Cost Proposal

Firms must complete Attachment II and Attachment IIA – Fee Schedule.

5.4.3 Attachment III – Non Collusion Form

Per the laws of the State of Ohio, no Respondent may engage in activities with any other firm or organization to manipulate pricing or hinder competition. All Respondent must complete and submit the non-collusion form with the solicitation Response.

5.4.4 Attachment IV –Affidavit of Disclosure of Delinquent Property Taxes

Based on Ohio Revised Code 5719.042, the Dayton Board of Education requires that all firms submit with their Qualifications an affidavit affirming status of delinquency on property taxes. The Affidavit affirming that there are no delinquent property taxes must be completed, signed, notarized and submitted with the solicitation response.


5.4.5 Attachment V –Affidavit for Affirmative Action Hiring Practices

Firms submitting Qualifications must affirm that hiring practices meet federal guidelines for

affirmative action. Upon contracting, the firm’s Affirmative Action plan must be approved by

the Human Relations Council (HRC) of the City of Dayton (or another approved agency) and

must submit with their evidence of such approval. Firms interested in bidding for future contracts

with DPSD should complete submit application at the link below. Approval by HRC must be

received prior to contract.

5.4.6 Attachment VI – References

The Respondent shall also include a list of at least three (3) firms on Attachment VI. Respondent shall be given special consideration if the past performances presented demonstrate similar experience in a K-12 school system equal to or larger in size than DPSD. It is the expectation that the DPSD evaluation team will attempt to verify the information on with the contact information as provided. It is the Respondent’s duty to ensure that the contact information provided is accurate and up-to-date at the time of submission, and to notify the references of the potential that DPSD personnel may attempt to make contact and the necessity of a prompt response.

5.4.7 Attachment VII – Performance Requirements

Firms must complete AttachmentVII – Performance Requirements

5.5 Contacts

The following person will represent the Dayton Public Schools during the Proposal

process and the period of performance of the contract:

Mr. Bobby Smith

115 South Ludlow Street

Dayton, OH 45402-1812

During the period of performance of the contract a DPS Representative will represent

DPSD and be the primary contact for matters relating to the contract. The Representative

will be designated in writing after the Contract Award.

5.6 Inquiries

Inquiries regarding this RFP can be made any time during the inquiry period listed in

the Calendar of Events. Offerors may submit inquiries using the following process:

● E-mail inquiries to Mr. Bobby Smith, Senior Contract Specialist at

● Responses to inquiries will be made available as described below. Offerors

submitting inquiries will not receive a personalized response.


Inquiries about a specific portion of this RFP shall reference the relevant part of this RFP,

the Paragraph Number and Title for the provision in question, and the page number of the

RFP where the provision can be found. The inquiry shall contain the name of the

prospective Offeror’s representative who is responsible for the inquiry, the prospective

Offeror’s name, and its representative’s business phone number.

5.9 Communication Restrictions

From the release of this RFP until a Proposal is selected and the Contract executed,

prospective Offerors may not communicate with any DPSD staff or Member of the Dayton

Board of Education concerning this RFP except through the inquiry method. This does not

apply to communication during the evaluation process if DPSD initiates the communication.

If an Offeror engages in any unauthorized communication, DPSD may reject that Offeror’s


5.10 Bidders’ Conference

A Bidders’ Conference will be held at 9:00 AM, on Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at IUE

2705 Dryden Road Dayton, OH 45439. The purpose of this conference is to provide an

overview of the RFP to prospective Offerors. Any questions arising from the Offerors’

initial review of this RFP or the Bidders’ Conference should follow the format as defined in


Attendance at the Bidders’ Conference is strongly recommended.

5.11 Schedule of Events

The schedule for this procurement is given below. If DPSD changes this schedule before the

Proposal due date, it will do so through an announcement on the DPSD Web site followed by

an amendment to this RFP. It is each prospective Offeror’s responsibility to check the DPSD

Web site for current information regarding this RFP. ANY and all notifications regarding

this solicitation will be communicated through this channel, including schedule changes.


Firm Dates

RFP Issued Monday January 8, 2018

Bidders’ Conference Tuesday January 16, 2018

Final Bidder’s


Tuesday January 23, 2018

Answers to Questions


Friday January 26, 2018

Proposal Due Date Monday February 5, 2018 12:00 p.m. EST

Estimated Dates

Proposal Evaluation and




February 6, 2018 through

February 16, 2018

Contract Negotiations Monday


February 19, 2018 through

Mar 2, 2018

Contract Award Tuesday March 20, 2018

IT Services Transition Tuesday


May 01, 2018, through

June 30, 2018

5.11.1 Format of Proposals

Dayton Public Schools wants clear and concise Proposals. But Offerors should take care

to completely answer questions and meet the RFP’s requirements. See Exhibit I

All Offerors are on notice that DPSD will not be liable for any costs incurred by an Offeror in

responding to this RFP, regardless of whether DPSD awards the Contract through this

process, decides not to go forward with the Contract, cancels this RFP for any reason, or

awards the contract through some other process or issuing another RFP.


5.11.2 Proposal Deadline

Proposals shall be received no later than Monday February 5, 2018 at 12:00 P.M, EST

Dayton Public Schools shall reject any Proposals or unsolicited Proposal amendments that

are received after the deadline.

Each Offeror shall carefully review the requirements of this RFP and the contents of its


5.11.3 Acknowledgement of Binding

By submitting a Proposal, the Offeror acknowledges that it has read this RFP, understands it,

and agrees to be bound by its requirements. The Offeror also agrees that the Contract will be

the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between DPSD and the Offeror and will

supersede all communication between the parties regarding the Contract’s subject matter.

5.11.4 Acceptance of Terms & Conditions and RFP Process

Dayton Public Schools may reject any Proposal if the Offeror takes exception to the terms

and conditions of the RFP, fails to comply with the procedure for participating in the RFP

process, or the Offeror’s proposal fails to meet any requirement of this RFP. Dayton Public

Schools may also reject any Proposal it believes is not in its interest to accept and may

decide not to do business with any of the Offerors responding to this RFP.

5.11.5 Ownership of Proposals

All Proposals and other material submitted will become the property of DPSD and will

not be returned. Proprietary information may not be included in a proposal or supporting

materials because DPSD will have the right to use , except for cost information, any

materials or ideas submitted in any Proposal without compensation to the Offeror. Dayton

Public Schools will retain all Proposals or a copy of them, as part of the contract file, for

at least three (3) years. After the retention period, DPSD will destroy, or otherwise

dispose of the Proposals or the copies.


5.12 Waiver of Defects

Dayton Public Schools has the right to waive any defects in any Proposal or in the

submission process followed by an Offeror. But DPSD will only do so if it believes that it

is in DPSD’ interest and will not cause any material unfairness to other Offerors.

5.13 Amendments to Proposals

Amendments to or withdrawals of Proposals will be allowed only if the amendment or

withdrawal is received before the Proposal due date. No amendment or withdrawals will

be permitted after the due date, except as expressly authorized by this RFP.

5.14 Alternate Proposals

All Offerors must respond to solicitation requirements. Any alternate proposals must be

submitted separately, and marked “Alternate Proposal”.

5.15 Ownership of Deliverables

All custom work done by the Offeror and covered by this Contract will be treated as “work

for hire” on the behalf of DPSD, with all rights, title, and interest in all intellectual

property that come into existence through the Offeror’s custom work being assigned to

DPSD. Additionally, the Offeror waives any author rights and similar retained interests in

custom-developed material.

5.16 Non-Appropriation of Funds

Any Contract resulting from this Request for Proposal is subject to appropriation of funds

BY THE DPSD for each fiscal year(s) for services listed herein. No legal liability on the

part of DPSD arises until funds are made available for this contract.

5.17 Offer Expiration

All offers shall remain open for 120 days following the date established for submission of

offers and for such longer time as is mutually agreeable.


6.1 Licenses:

The Offeror shall be required to obtain any necessary licenses and permits to comply with all

local, federal, state and government codes and ordinances without cost to the DPSD.


6.2 Non-Waiver of Defaults:

Any failure by the DPSD to enforce or require the strict keeping and performance of any

terms or conditions of the agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such terms and

conditions, nor shall it affect or impair the right of the DPSD to avail itself of such remedies

as it may have for any breach of the terms and conditions.


6.3 Inspection of Facilities:

The DPSD may require an inspection tour of Offeror's facilities at the location where the

services provided will be initiated.

6.4 Copyright and Patents:

Offerors shall hold the DPSD, its officers, agents, servants and employees harmless from

liability of any nature or kind because of any copyrighted composition, secret process,

patented or un-patented invention, articles or appliances furnished or used under this

proposal, and agrees to defend, at its own expense any and all actions brought against the

DPSD or themselves because of the unauthorized use of such articles.

6.5 Protection of Data:

The Offeror shall take all precautions necessary and appropriate to assure the confidentiality

of DPSD official record information. The Offeror shall limit access to DPSD official records

only to Offeror's authorized employees, except as authorized by the DPSD, and the Offeror

shall not reproduce any of the DPSD's official records. The DPSD shall have the right to

review Offeror's procedures for handling the DPSD's records and may make such inspections

as it deems necessary to assure that the Offeror is adequately safe-guarding the DPSD's

official record information.

6.6 Disclosure of Proposal Information:

Proposals submitted become a matter of public record. Where, in the course of making a

proposal, an Offeror submits technical or business information which claimed to be

confidential, the Offeror shall so indicate. The DPSD shall give consideration to the claim of



Interviews and presentations shall be at the discretion and convenience of the evaluation

committee. The evaluation committee shall call for such interviews and presentations so as to

clarify and better understand Offerors submitted proposal. The Offeror shall be prepared to have in

attendance the key personnel as described in Section 4.

The evaluation committee will not numerically rank interviews and presentations. Rather, each

committee member may decide to revise his or her existing proposal evaluations based on the

interviews, presentations, and/or demonstrations as long as information was documented in the

original proposal.



8.1 Disclosure of Proposal Contents

DPSD will seek to keep the contents of all Proposals confidential until the Contract is

awarded. DPSD will also prepare a registry of Proposals containing the name and address of

each Offeror. The registry will be made available for public inspection after the Proposals are


8.2 Rejection of Proposals

Dayton Public Schools shall reject any late Proposal. Dayton Public Schools may reject any

Proposal that is not in the required format, does not address all requirements of this RFP, or

that DPSD believes is excessive in price or otherwise not in its interests to consider or

accept. In addition, DPSD may cancel this RFP, reject all the proposals, and seek to execute

the contract through a new RFP or other means.

8.3 Proposal Evaluation Overview

The evaluation process may consist of up to five distinct phases:

1. The Procurement Representative’s Initial Review

2. The Evaluation Committee’s evaluation of the technical, cost, past performance and

compliance proposal

3. Interviews and/or Presentations

4. Negotiations

5. Award

If the committee finds that one or more Proposals should be given further consideration at

any phase, the committee may select one or more of the highest-ranking Proposals to forward

to the next phase. The committee may alternatively choose to suspend from further

consideration the lowest scoring Proposals, or any Proposal felt not to be in DPSD’s interest

to further consider.

The committee may also choose to bypass any or all subsequent phases and make an award

based solely on the current evaluation phase. Therefore, award may be made without

clarification requests, interviews, presentations, negotiations, or discussions.

It is within the purview of the evaluation committee to decide whether any phases are

necessary. The committee has the right to eliminate or add phases as deemed necessary to

ensure a complete, thorough, and impartial evaluation.


8.4 Initial Review

The Procurement Representative (or designee) will review all Proposals for timeliness,

format, and completeness.

The Procurement Representative will forward all timely, complete, and properly formatted

Proposals to an evaluation committee, which the Procurement Representative will chair.

These Proposals will be under active consideration.

8.5 Clarification Requests

During the evaluation process, the Contract Representative or the evaluation committee may

request clarifications from any Offeror under active consideration and may give any Offeror

the opportunity to correct any defects in its Proposal if doing so does not result in an unfair

advantage for the Offeror.

The Offeror shall have two (2) working days to respond to a DPSD Clarification Request

(CR). If the Offeror has not responded to the request within the specified timeframe, the

Offeror shall be considered non-compliant and may be withdrawn from active consideration.

The Contract Representative and/or their designee via telephone will notify an Offeror of a

CR. Once notified, the Offeror shall receive the CR via e-mail for response.

The Offeror shall e-mail the CR response directly to the Contract Representative within the

timeframe specified above. Receipt by DPSD of the CR response is solely the responsibility

of the Offeror. DPSD will not be responsible for non-receipt of CR responses (e.g., e-mail


8.6 Committee Review of the Proposals

The evaluation committee will evaluate and numerically score each Proposal that the

Procurement Representative has recommended. The evaluation will be according to the

evaluation criteria.

The evaluation committee may also have the Proposals or portions reviewed and evaluated

by independent third parties or other DPSD personnel with technical or professional

experience that relates to the Contract or to a criterion in the evaluation process. The

evaluation committee may seek reviews of end users of the Contract service, or the

evaluation or advice of other DPSD committees that have subject matter expertise or an

interest in the Contract.

Those Offerors submitting the highest rated Proposals will be scheduled for subsequent

phases, if applicable. The number of Proposals forwarded to the next phase will be within the

committee’s discretion, but regardless of the number of Proposals selected for the next phase,

they will always be the highest rated Proposals from each phase.


8.7 Selection Considerations

Evaluations of proposals will be based on, but not limited to the following criteria:

a. Service offering, pricing, quality, and prior experience with K12 school district of

relative scope and size

b. Value added considerations and benefits to the DPSD;

c. The experience, skill level, and availability of proposed personnel from Offeror's

organization, as determined solely by the DPSD;

d. The Offeror's relevant experience, qualifications, and success in providing a service of the

type described in this document;

e. The Offeror's reputation for quality service and problem solving within the marketplace;

f. The agreement terms proposed by the Offeror that would govern any contract relationship

with DPSD;

g. The Offeror's capability to provide requested services in a timely manner as agreed upon;

h. The Offeror's Past Performance references from three major projects within the past 3


i. The firm’s ability to meet good faith efforts of the DPSD Community Inclusion Program.

j. The primary goal of this RFP is to ensure that DPSD obtains the highest quality of

Managed Information Technology Services at a reasonable cost. The Offeror’s cost proposal

will be analyzed and evaluated by utilizing but not be limited to the following criteria:

▪ Completeness: Cost should reflect fulfillment, to the fullest extent possible, of all

requirements depicted in the RFP.

▪ Reasonableness: Rates should be commensurate with the skill levels and experience

of the staff proposed.

▪ Realism: Costs are compatible with proposal scope and effort, being neither

excessive nor insufficient for the effort to be accomplished.

k. The firm's Dunn and Bradstreet standing.

This RFP asks for responses and submissions from Offerors, most of which represent

components of the above criteria. While each criterion represents one part of the total basis

for a decision to award the Contract to an Offeror, a failure by an Offeror to make a required

submission to meet a mandatory requirement will normally result in a rejection of that

Offeror’s Proposal.

Weighted Criteria for this solicitation is as follows:




DPS Inclusion Program-10%

Compliance to RFP request-5%

8.8 Financial Ability

Part of the Proposal evaluation criteria is the qualifications of the Offeror, which includes as

a component the Offeror’s financial ability to perform the Contract.


This RFP requires the submission of the Offeror’s Dunn and Bradstreet number.

In evaluating an Offeror’s financial ability, the weight the committee assigns, if any, to that

financial ability will depend on whether the Offeror’s financial position is adequate or

inadequate. That is, if the Offeror’s financial ability is adequate, the value assigned to the

Offeror’s relative financial ability in relation to other Offerors may or may not be significant,

depending on the nature of the Contract. If the evaluation committee believes the Offeror’s

financial ability is inadequate, this factor will be critical to acceptance of the Offeror’s

proposal, and the committee may reject the Proposal despite its other merits.

8.9 Contract Negotiations

The final phase of the evaluation process is Contract negotiations. Negotiations will be

scheduled at the convenience of the committee. The selected Offeror(s) must negotiate in

good faith.

Negotiations may be conducted with any Offeror who submits a competitive proposal, but

the committee may limit discussion to specific aspects of the RFP. Any clarifications,

corrections, or negotiated revisions that may occur during the negotiations phase will be

required in writing and incorporated in the RFP or the Offeror’s proposal as appropriate. Any

Offeror whose response continues to be competitive will be accorded fair and equal

treatment with respect to any clarification, correction, or revision of the RFP and will be

given the opportunity to negotiate revisions to its Proposal based on the amended RFP. But

should the evaluation process have resulted in a top-ranked Proposal, the committee may

limit negotiations to only that Offeror and not hold negotiations with any lower-ranking

Offeror. If negotiations are unsuccessful with the top-ranked Offeror, the committee may

then go down the line of remaining Offerors, according to rank, and negotiate with the next

highest-ranking Offeror. Lower-ranking Offerors do not have the right to participate in

negotiations conducted in such a manner.

Any oral modification of a Proposal will be reduced to writing by the Offeror as described


It is entirely within the discretion of the committee whether to allow negotiations. An Offeror

must not submit a Proposal assuming there will be an opportunity to negotiate any aspect of

the Proposal. The committee is free to limit negotiations to particular aspects of any

Proposal, to limit the Offerors with whom the committee wants to negotiate, or to dispense

with negotiations entirely.

8.10 Failure to Negotiate

The negotiations will normally be held to correct deficiencies in the preferred Offeror’s

Proposal. If negotiations fail with the preferred Offeror, the committee may negotiate with

the next Offeror in ranking. Alternatively, the committee may decide that it is in the interests

of DPSD to negotiate with all the remaining Offerors to determine if negotiations lead to an

adjustment in the ranking of the remaining Offerors.

From the opening of the Proposals to the award of the Contract, everyone working on the

behalf of DPSD to evaluate the Proposals will seek to limit access to information contained

in the Proposals solely to those people with a need to know the information. They will also


seek to keep this information away from other Offerors, and the evaluation committee will

not be allowed to tell one Offeror about the contents of another Offeror’s Proposal in order to

gain a negotiating advantage.

Before the award of the Contract or the cancellation of the RFP, any Offeror that seeks to

gain access to the contents of another Offeror’s Proposal may be disqualified from further


Negotiated changes will be reduced to writing and become part of the contract file open to

inspection to the public. The written changes will be drafted and signed by the Contractor

and submitted to the evaluation committee. The negotiated changes to the successful Offeror

proposal will become part of the Contract.

If an Offeror fails to provide the necessary information for negotiations in a timely manner,

or fails to negotiate in good faith, DPSD may terminate negotiations with that Offeror.

8.11 Contract Award

DPSD intends to award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible Offeror

whose Proposal represents the best value to DPSD in accordance with the factors stated in

the RFP.

Best value may not necessarily be the lowest cost. DPSD defines best value as a

combination of a sound and qualified Technical/Management Proposal with a thorough, and

reasonable Cost that best meets the needs of DPSD.


All conditions and provisions of the RFP are deemed to be accepted by the firm and

incorporated by reference in the statement of qualifications and will apply to subsequent

maintenance agreement arrangements.

9.1 Late:

Late proposals will be accepted; but will not be considered for this project; however, they

may be filed for future requirements.

9.2 Indemnity:

The firm shall indemnify the DPSD all damage caused to the DPSD property as a result of

the negligent actions or wrongful acts of the firm, its employees, servants, and/or agents.

The firm shall indemnify and hold harmless the District, its employees, servants and/or

agents from all claims, demands, actions, suits, or proceedings initiated by third parties

arising from the negligence of the firm, its employees, servants, and/or agents.


9.2.1 Protection of Persons and Property:

The firm shall take all reasonable precautions for safety and reasonable protection to prevent

damage, injury, or loss to all of his employees and other persons.

9.3 Liability Insurance

Before starting any work under the agreement, the firm shall except, as otherwise approved

by DPSD, take out and maintain at own cost and expense, the following insurance. Such

insurance shall be with companies and with limits satisfactory to DPSD, and not less than

required by law.

9.3.1 Worker’s Compensation:

The selected firm agrees to furnish an official certificate or receipt of the Industrial

Commission of Ohio showing payment of necessary premiums to the State Insurance

fund when such certificates are required in the Request for proposal.

9.3.2 General Liability:

The selected firm shall carry general liability (to include): Contractor’s Liability and

Product Liability, and Personal Injury and Property. Bodily Injury, including

Personal Injury and Damage of $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence/or as required by

law, whichever is greater.

9.3.3 Automobile Liability:

The selected firm shall carry automobile liability, including non-ownership and hired

car coverage as well as owned vehicles, bodily injury and damage of $1,000,000.00

for each occurrence or as required by law, whichever is greater.

9.3.4 Certificates of Insurance:

Certificates of insurance which are acceptable to DPSD legal department shall be

filed with the District prior to the commencement of any work. These certificates

shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the policies will not be

canceled unless a fifteen day (minimum) prior written notice has been given to the

District. Alternate Bids for insurance requirements may be submitted however, it

shall be at the sole discretion of

the District to accept the alternate.


9.4 Applicable Regulations

All services provided shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.

9.5 Governing Law

Any agreement resulting from this Request for proposal is subject to the DPSD’s policies

and other applicable federal, state, and local laws.

The Offeror hereto expressly agree that this Agreement will be construed and enforced in

accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio.

The Offeror shall obtain Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) reports

on all Offeror staff who will be working with DPSD students within the MITS contract.

Only those Offeror staff members whose backgrounds are compliant with all relevant Ohio

laws will be permitted to participate on the contract.

The Offeror will maintain strict confidentiality regarding the pupils of Dayton Public

Schools. Any research or writing based in whole or part upon this effort shall not be

published without the written consent of the other party, except that the parties may share

information for educational purposes or for the purposes of presentation at educational

conferences provided complete anonymity is maintained regarding personally identifiable

student information. The parties shall comply with the Family Educational Rights and

Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C Section 1232g, as applicable.

9.6 Equal Opportunity

The firm to whom the agreement is awarded shall comply fully with the provisions of

Sections 153.59 and 153.60, Revised Code of Ohio, relative to discrimination and

intimidation of employees. The firm agrees that it will not discriminate against any

employees or applicant for employment, because of race, sex, color, creed, national origin, or

ancestry, which action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment,

upgrading, demotion, transfer, rates for pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for

training, including apprenticeship. The firm further agrees to post in conspicuous places

available to employees and applicants for employment, notices, to be provided by the City of

Dayton, setting forth the provision of this equal opportunity employment clause.

The firm agrees in its solicitations for employees, to state that all qualified applicants will

receive consideration for employment without regard to race, sex, color, creed, national

origin or ancestry.

The firm agrees to cooperate fully with the DPSD to ensure that the provision of this equal

opportunity employment clause is being carried out.



10.1 Termination for Convenience:

DPSD may terminate the agreement, in whole or in part, whenever it is determined that such

termination is in the best interest of the District, without showing cause, upon giving 90 days

written notice to the firm. DPSD shall pay all reasonable cost incurred by the firm up to the

date of termination. The firm shall not be reimbursed for any profits which may have been

anticipated but which have not been earned up to the date of termination.

10.2 Termination for Default:

When the firm has not performed or has unsatisfactorily performed the repairs DPSD may

terminate the agreement for default. Upon termination for default, payment may be withheld

at the discretion of DPSD. Failure on the part of a firm to fulfill the agreement obligations

shall be considered just cause for termination of the agreement. The firm will be paid for

work satisfactorily performed prior to the termination less any excess costs incurred by the

Dayton Board of Education in procuring and completing the terms of the agreement. If at

any time during the term of the agreement, the school district determines that the firm has not

kept and observed the conditions of the agreement, and has not corrected the breach within

five (5) working days following receipt of written notice, DPSD shall have the right, in its

sole discretion to terminate said agreement upon five (5) days additional written notice.

10.3 Termination Assistance

In the event of the expiration or termination of the Contract resulting from this RFP for any

reason, the contractor shall (1) cooperate with DPSD in effecting the orderly transfer of the

services to a third party or the resumption of the services by DPSD (2) transfer, license, or

obtain for DPSD, as appropriate, any tools and equipment used by the contractor in the

provision of the services that are not used exclusively for DPSD’s account (tools and

equipment used exclusively for DPSD’s account shall be owned by DPSD), and (3) continue

to perform those services and deliverables requested by DPSD in accordance with this

Contract (the “Termination Assistance Services”). With respect to the Termination

Assistance Services to be provided in connection with the expiration of the Term, such

services will be provided during the last 12 months of the Term during, and as part of, the

performance of the services hereunder at no additional cost.

Termination Assistance Services in all other events of termination shall be provided for up to

180 days after the effective date of the termination. The allocation of costs associated with

termination shall consist of only the labor hours specified as necessary per DPSD for

Termination Assistance, and there shall be no additional costs to DPSD other than specified.

Notwithstanding the reasons for any termination of this Contract, termination shall have no

effect on the parties’ rights and obligations under: Ownership and Licensing, Confidentiality,

and Limitation of Liability.


ATTACHMENT I General Information Questionnaire

1. Respondent Information: Provide the following information regarding the Respondent.

(NOTE: Co-Respondents are two or more entities proposing as a team or joint venture with

each signing the contract, if awarded. Sub-contractors are not Co-Respondents and should

not be identified here. If this proposal includes Co-Respondents, provide the required

information in this Item #1 for each Co-Respondent by copying and inserting an additional

block(s) before Item #2.) A Sub-contractor teaming agreement shall be required for all

sub-contractors with proposal submission.

Respondent Name:

(NOTE: Give exact legal name as it will appear on the contract, if awarded.)

Principal Address:

City: State: Zip Code: __ _

Telephone No. Fax No:

Website address: Year established:

Provide the number of years in business under present name:

Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number:

Comptroller’s Taxpayer Number, if applicable:

(NOTE: This 11-digit number is sometimes referred to as the Comptroller’s TIN or TID.)

Dun and Bradstreet Number_________________________________________________

Business Structure: Check the box that indicates the business structure of the Respondent.

Individual or Sole Proprietorship. If checked, list Assumed Name, if any:


Corporation If checked, check one: __ For-Profit ___ Nonprofit

___Domestic ___Foreign

Also, check one:

Other If checked, list business structure:


Printed Name of Contract Signatory:

Job Title:

(NOTE: This RFP solicits proposals to provide services under a contract which

has been identified as “High Profile”. Therefore, Respondent must provide the

name of person that will sign the contract for the Respondent, if awarded.)

Provide any other names under which Respondent has operated within the last 10 years and length

of time under for each:

Provide address of office from which this project would be managed:

City: State: Zip Code:

Telephone No. Fax No:

Annual Revenue: $

Total Number of Employees:

List Percentage of Employees that reside in the following:

DPSD _% City of Dayton _% Montgomery County % Ohio %

Briefly describe other lines of business that the company is directly or indirectly affiliated with:

List Related Companies:

2. Contact Information: List the one person who DPSD may contact concerning your proposal

or setting dates for meetings.

Name: Title:


City: State: Zip Code:

Telephone No. Fax No:



3. Does Respondent anticipate any mergers, transfer of organization ownership, management

reorganization, or departure of key personnel within the next twelve (12) months?

Yes No

4. Is Respondent authorized and/or licensed to do business in Ohio?

Yes No

If “Yes”, list authorizations/licenses.

5. Where is the Respondent’s corporate headquarters located?


6. Local/County Operation: Does the Respondent have an office located in Dayton, Ohio?

Yes No

If “Yes”, respond to a and b below:

a. How long has the Respondent conducted business from its Dayton office?

Years____ Months____

b. Choose only one (1) Is the firm headquartered in the following:

DPSD? City of Dayton Montgomery County Ohio

7. Debarment/Suspension Information: Has the Respondent or any of its principals been

debarred or suspended from contracting with any public entity?

Yes No

If “Yes”, identify the public entity and the name and current phone number of a

representative of the public entity familiar with the debarment or suspension, and state the reason for or circumstances surrounding the debarment or suspension, including but not

limited to the period of time for such debarment or suspension.


8. Surety Information: Has the Respondent ever had a bond or surety canceled or forfeited?

Yes__ No___

If “Yes”, state the name of the bonding company, date, amount of bond and reason for such

cancellation or forfeiture.

9. Bankruptcy Information: Has the Respondent ever been declared bankrupt or filed for

protection from creditors under state or federal proceedings?

Yes____ No__

If “Yes”, state the date, court, jurisdiction, cause number, amount of liabilities and amount of assets.

10. Disciplinary Action: Has the Respondent ever received any disciplinary action, or any pending

disciplinary action, from any regulatory bodies or professional organizations?

Yes __ No

If “Yes”, state the name of the regulatory body or professional organization, date and reason for

disciplinary or impending disciplinary action.

11. Previous Contracts:

a. Has the Respondent ever failed to complete any contract awarded? Yes _ No

If “Yes”, state the name of the organization contracted with, services contracted, date, contract

amount and reason for failing to complete the contract.

b. Has any officer or partner proposed for this assignment ever been an officer or partner of some

other organization that failed to complete a contract?

Yes _ No_

If “Yes”, state the name of the individual, organization contracted with, services contracted,

date, contract amount and reason for failing to complete the contract.

c. Has any officer or partner proposed for this assignment ever failed to complete a contract

handled in his or her own name?

Yes _ No _

If “Yes”, state the name of the individual, organization contracted with, services contracted, date,

contract amount and reason for failing to complete the contract.






115 S. Ludlow Street

Dayton, OH 45402-1812

The base Rate will be used for evaluation and budgetary purposes and should not be construed as a guaranteed

cost. Identify separate cost for in detail as “Attachment IIA. DPSD will pay only for services provided.

Cost Proposal Matrix

Year 1 $

Year 2 $

Year 3 $

Option Year 4 $

Option Year 5 $

Total Price $

Maximum Hourly Rate (for projects outside contract scope) $



Pricing Schedule

SERVICES Annual Cost

NOC Services $

Help Desk Services $

Onsite Support Services $

The undersigned as Offeror declares that the only parties interested in this proposal as principals are named

herein; and that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; and that no

officer or agent of the owner is directly or indirectly interested in this proposal.

Offeror hereby attests that any agreement for services required by DPSD resulting from this solicitation will be

provided at the rates as submitted on the firm’s proposed Pricing, Attachment I and Pricing Schedule,

Attachment IA. Any amendment, increases or elimination of offerings, subsequent to this agreement must be

agreed upon by both the Offeror and DPSD.

Firm Name:_______________________________________________________________

Firm’s City/State

address_________________________________________ Zip________________________

Signature of


Print Name/Title_____________________________________date________________________

Signature of


Print Name/Title____________________________________date ______________________





The undersigned declares that: he/she holds the position indicated below as a corporate officer or the

owner or partner in the business entity submitting these Proposals; that the undersigned is informed of all the

relevant facts surrounding the preparation and submission of these Proposals; that the undersigned knows and

represents and warrants to the Dayton Public School District that these Proposals are prepared and submitted

without collusion with any other person, business entity or corporation; and, that the Firm submitting these

Proposals is the only person, business entity, or corporation with any interest in the resultant contract.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

FIRM: _________________________________________

BY: _________________________________________


TITLE: _________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________

DATE: _________________________________________





(R.C. 5719.042)

State of Ohio

County of Montgomery

The undersigned being duly authorized officer (s) or owner (s) of (company) do solemnly swear or affirm that

charges of personal property taxes of any county in which the Dayton Board of Education has territory (have)

(have not) been made against (company).


Signature of Officer or Owner

Sworn or affirmed to before me and subscribed in my presence this

_____________________ day of ___________________________


Notary Public

My Commission Expires _____________________







Please complete this sheet on at least three (3) clients to whom you have furnished similar services being

proposed, within the last five (5) years.










Performance Requirement Category Metric

Response Time - Defined as elapsed time in business

hours from when a helpdesk ticket is forwarded to an

action group to the first client contact (voicemail, email

or onsite visit)

Resolution Time - Defined as elapsed time in business

hours and/or days from initial escalation to an action

group to the resolution of the problem

Network Availability - Computed on a monthly basis

and excludes scheduled maintenance

Customer Satisfaction Score - average customer

satisfaction score obtained from completed surveys at

completion of service ticket. (survey software at

offeror’s discretion)






Dayton Public Schools Community Inclusion Program has two major initiatives. The first is the utilization of

disadvantaged firms in Dayton Public Schools contracts. The District has a goal of 35% participation with

Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (EDBE). Each contractor is expected to utilize good faith efforts to

solicit and engage EDBE(s) as vendors/suppliers to meet this goal. Please review the criteria for Good Faith Effort

Determination IV included in Exhibit IP included with this document.

The EDBE Participation form, located in Exhibit IP section of the Proposal specifications, should be used to

record participation of EDBE subcontractors. The completed form should be submitted at the time Proposal,

and should contain all relevant data, including EDBE name, types of service or supplies, or construction,

amount of contract to EDBE and % of EDBE contract to base Proposal. If the proposal does not include a firm

price, the anticipated scope of service and estimated percentage to base Proposal should be indicated.


In addition to the EDBE goal, the Dayton Public Schools’ Community Inclusion Plan has a goal, when

applicable, for 25% of on-site workforce associated with the procurement to be Dayton Public Schools District

residents. Estimated percentage of on-site workforce should be entered in the appropriate section of the

EDBE/Workforce participation form.


The EDBE/EDGE Provider and Workforce Participation form should be completed as indicated above, and

must be signed by an authorized company agent and witnessed and signed by a public notary. The Proposal

should provide copies of request for quotes, phone logs, fax verification forms and other supporting documents

which can be used in the determination of good faith efforts (See Good Faith Effort Determination IV

document) Upon award of contract, firms will be required to complete a manpower utilization form for on-site

hours worked by all staff, where applicable.

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be certain conditions, such as sole source, industry related restrictions,

availability of resources that could adversely affect, or eliminate the potential of utilization of EDBEs. In

all cases, the Proposal should submit the Provider and Workforce participation form, indicating any

limitations for consideration and determination of good faith effort by the DPS evaluation team. Failure

to submit the form could be lead to the determination of “Proposal non-responsiveness”, or “no good

faith effort”.


The DPS Community Inclusion program uses race/gender neutral measures to meet good faith effort goals for

subcontracting. Currently the District will accept the City of Dayton PEP certification for S/DBE firms as well as, State of Ohio EDGE certification toward our inclusion goals. Visit the respective

links for a list of current certified contractors. A copy of the certification of each firm listed on the

EDBE/Workforce Participation form is to be submitted with the form.


Any questions regarding the Community Inclusion Program, certified EDBEs or required documentation for

Proposal submission should be addressed to: Terri Allen, Director;

DPS Purchasing & Contract Administration TAllen@DPS.K12.OH.US




1.0 Diversity and Inclusion Goals/Outreach to Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

and Local Businesses and Local Residents

1.1 Purpose. The Owner is committed to assuring that all qualified workers, providers of goods and

services, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors have an equal opportunity to participate on the Project and have

established The Community Inclusion Program (the “Program”) in furtherance of this commitment. In

addition to the foregoing, the Program is established for four primary purposes: (1) equal opportunity for

employment on all Projects; (2) promoting the participation of Economically Disadvantaged Business

Enterprises (as defined in capable of providing labor, materials, and services in connection with the Project; (3)

advancing local economic revitalization, and achieving non-discrimination in the award and administration of

Project contracts to include Local Businesses; and (4) to provide meaningful job opportunities for workers

whose tax dollars fund the construction who are Local Residents.

1.2 Goals. The goal of the Program is to achieve 35% participation in the project at all levels by

Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Further, the goal as it relates to on-site workforce

participation by Local Residents is twenty-five percent (25%) participation. While the Owner encourages

Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses to participate in the Project as Prime

Proposals, all Proposals, whether they are themselves an Economically Disadvantaged Business or not, are

required by the Program to use good faith efforts to locate and engage the services of Economically

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and (to employ Local Residents) that are ready, willing, and able to supply

labor, materials, and services in connection with the Project. These goals are not race-based or gender-based

quotas or set-asides. Each Proposal must demonstrate its good faith efforts to meet or exceed these goals.

Although, failure of a Proposal to meet these goals shall not be a reason for rejection of Proposal, failure to

meet good faith effort requirements will be considered in the determination of Proposal responsiveness and/or


2.0 Definitions

2.1 “Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” or “EDBE” means an enterprise that is at least 51%

owned and controlled directly or indirectly by one or more individuals, each with a personal net worth equal

to or less than $750,000. Personal net worth includes any personal net worth of the individual’s spouse but

does not include (1) the individual’s ownership interest in the enterprise being considered in connection with

the contracting opportunity or (2) the individual’s equity in his or her primary residence. Additionally, a

contingent liability does not reduce an individual’s personal net worth. For purposes hereof, the word

“enterprise” means a sole proprietorship, joint venture, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation

that has been in business for at least one year prior to the date of contract award and that meets the size

limitations of the Small Business Administration set forth in 13 CFR 121.201. Currently the District will

accept certifications from both the City of Dayton S/DBE and State of Ohio EDGE, as certification for the DPS

Community Inclusion Program.


2.2 “EDGE Certification” means an enterprise that having met the criteria of the State of Ohio’s Encouraging

Diversity Growth and Equity is a certified EDGE business.

2.3 "Local Resident" means (a) a person who resides in the school district of the Owner; (b) a person who

resides in Montgomery County

2.4 "Local Business" means (i) a business entity having its principal place of business in the territory of the

school district of the Owner; (ii) a business entity having its principal place of business in the City of Dayton;

or (iii) a business entity having its principal place of business the County of Montgomery, without limiting or

expanding the definition of Local Business or Local Resident, the Owner’s stated purpose relating to Local

Business and Local Resident participation is to provide meaningful contracting/subcontracting and job

opportunities for business and individuals whose tax dollars fund the construction. Related, but secondary,

purposes and goals are to include those who are a Local Resident or Local Business described in (b), and (ii)

and (iii), of this Section 1.2.3.

3.0 Good Faith Efforts. Each Proposal must make good faith efforts to locate, engage, and retain

Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses in connection with the Project. The

Proposal’s compliance with the requirement to make these good faith efforts shall be a matter of low Proposal

responsibility.. Each Proposal will be required to complete the DPS EDBE Participation Form (contained

within this Project Manual and following these Instructions to Proposals) to: (i) provide a list of

supplier/subcontractors said low Proposal intends, in good faith, to use who are Economically Disadvantaged

Business Enterprises and/or an EDGE Business; or (ii) provide a description of a joint venture said low

Proposal intends, in good faith, to enter into with an Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and/or

an EDGE Business; or (iii) certify as to good faith efforts made; including but not limited to all EDBE/EDGE

contractors contacted, if not used, reason why; attempts to negotiate with EDBE/EDGE contractor, attempts to

carve out a smaller scope of work for which the EDBE/EDGE contractor can perform., and the intent to use

local residents. (A complete list of criteria for determining good faith efforts is contained within this Project

Manual and following these instructions to Proposals.) The DPS Participation Form must be signed by an

authorized agent of the company, as well as signed and sealed by a certified notary public, documenting the

attempts to meet the goals of utilization of Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and/or EDGE


4.0 Forms Required. Each Proposal shall submit with the Proposal, a DPS EDBE/EDGE Provider and

Workforce Participation Form indicating the Proposal fulfills the requirement of the DPS Community

Inclusion Program. All Proposals who are awarded a contract may be required to submit periodic reports

during the term of the Contract to the Office of Diversity or a Program office to be established by the Owner. If

this proposal results in contracted firms employees working at a DPS site, a Manpower Utilization form will be

required monthly (see copy in this section). All Proposals who are awarded a Contract with the Owner may be

required to submit a Contract Completion Survey (to be provided by the Owner after all work is completed.

Failure to provide any requested information about utilizing Economically Disadvantaged Business

Enterprises, Local Businesses and Local Residents during the Contract term, can be a determination of

contractual deficiency and may require a remedy, or contract termination as determined by the owner.


5.0 Race-Neutral Devices: The Owner supports the use of race-neutral devices to aid Economically

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses in the Proposalding process, to the extent that such

devices are legal and economically feasible. In order to facilitate the participation of such businesses, the

Owner will do the following:

5.1 Advertise and promote the availability of Project prime contracts, subcontracts and employment in a

broad-based manner to include Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses;

5.2 Hold meetings and provide other resources to acquaint Economically Disadvantaged Business

Enterprises and Local Businesses with the requirements and Scope of Work, and coordinate such efforts with

organizations familiar with and willing to reduce the problems Proposals may experience in getting quotes

from Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses in the course of Proposalding

the Work;

5.3 Provide apprenticeship support and referral resources to Local Residents who maintain a certain level

of participation and are actively seeking licensure and assistance;

5.4 Publicize capacity building programs in a broad-based manner for the purposes of notifying

Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Local Businesses and Local Residents and coordinate

efforts with other organizations such as MCBAP, SCOMBC, and NAACP, among others, in the Dayton area

that have capacity building programs;

5.5 Break down the scope of large prime Contracts within the Project into smaller contractual parts to

facilitate the participation of Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses;

5.6 Arrange adequate time for the submission of Proposals and specifications review so as to facilitate the

participation of Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local Businesses;

5.7 Require Proposals on Project prime contracts to use good faith efforts to locate and engage the services

of Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Local Businesses and Local Residents ready, willing

and qualified to supply labor, materials and services in connection with the Project. The Goals include no less

than thirty-five (35%) participation of Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. and Local

Businesses and twenty-five percent (25%) workforce participation by School District Residents.

5.8 Develop and implement outreach programs for the economically disadvantaged business community;

5.9 Actively seek out and include qualified Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Local

Businesses on Proposal invitation publications that are also available to the public in general and ensure that

Goals are understood by all Proposals; and

5.10 Provide resources and information to Economically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Local

Businesses and Local Residents seeking opportunities to participate on this Project.






DPS and/or it authorized compliance agency will utilize the following factors, as consistent with Ohio

Revised Code 123:2-16-09 in the determination of a vendor’s good faith efforts to meet the goals of the DPS

Community Inclusion program. Determination of good faith efforts will be made by information provided

on and with the DPS EDBE/EDGE Participation form to be completed and provided with the respondents

bid. Additional supporting documentation may be required at the request of the Diversity Office.

1. The bidder utilized reasonable and available means to identify and solicit all certified EDBE/EDGEs* business

enterprises that have the capability to perform the work of the contract by providing copies of written notification

that their interest in the subcontract is solicited.

2. The bidder must provide evidence of efforts to divide the work into economically feasible portions of the

contracted work to increase the likelihood of the participation by EDBE/EDGEs certified business enterprises.

3. Evidence that the bidder provided all appropriate certified EDBE/EDGE business enterprises with adequate

information about the plans, specification and requirements of the contract in time for EDBE/EDGE certified

business enterprises to bid on the project.

4. The bidder negotiated in good faith with interested certified EDBE/EDGEs business enterprises. To

demonstrate good faith negotiations, the vendor shall provide the evidence of such negotiations, including but not

limited to:

5. Names, addresses, dates, and telephone numbers of the EDBE/EDGEs certified business enterprises considered.

6. A description of the information provided to the EDBE/EDGEs bidder regarding the RFP/Bid specifications for

portions of the work to be performed.

7. A statement of the reasons why additional agreements with EDBE/EDGEs were not reached.

8. Copies of written quotes from all EDBE/EDGEs seeking subcontract work with prime at the time of the bidding

9. The bidder or vendor shall properly evaluate an interested certified EDBE/EDGE business enterprise as being

qualified for the work of the contract. A bidder must give equal consideration to an EDBE/EDGE certified

business enterprise regardless of it’s standing within an appropriate industry, membership, or affiliation in a

business, union, social or political group. A written statement of the reasons an EDBE/EDGE’s quote was not

accepted, must be documented and submitted.

10. Evidence that the bidder utilized the services of the District and/or its authorized representative and/or

organization that provides vendor assistance in the identification and recruitment of EDBE/EDGE certified

business enterprises.


11. The bidder utilized the list of qualified EDGE certified business enterprises as provided by the equal

employment opportunity division of the department of administrative services.**

12. Evidence of efforts to assist EDBE/EDGE’s who need assistance in obtaining bonding and/or insurance

which the bidder requires.

*EDBE/EDGE; Dayton Public Schools will accept State of Ohio EDGE certification as well as other EDBE,

SDBE certifications. Any question regarding acceptable certification should be addressed to the Director of

Purchasing & Contract Administration

**Imperative to the determination of good faith efforts is the vendor’s attempt to identify and engage

EDBE/EDGE certified business enterprises. Consistent with this effort will be the vendor’s contact of the

District’s Purchasing Office at 937-542-3020.



Submission Instructions to Suppliers Bonfire Software Please follow these instructions to submit via our Public Portal. In order to prepare a submission, please log in. If

you do not have a Bonfire account, you can create an account by clicking the Log in / Register button on the website

at the link below. Vendors new to this process are encouraged to watch the short video completely before


1. Prepare your submission materials. and upload the following requested information

Name Type # Files Requirement

Attachment I General Information PDF Multiple Required

Attachment II Cost Proposal PDF Multiple Required

Attachment IIA Pricing Schedule PDF Multiple Required

Attachment III Non collusion PDF Multiple Required

Attachment IV Tax Affidavit PDF Multiple Required

Attachment V HRC Letter PDF Multiple Required

Attachment VI References PDF Multiple Required

Attachment VII Performance Requirement PDF Multiple Required

Section 4.0 - 4.6 Requirement Response PDF Multiple Required

4.2.1 Managed Service Plan PDF Multiple Required

4.2.5 Key Personnel Resumes PDF Multiple Required

4.2.5 Representative Resumes PDF Multiple Required

Section 5.1 Technical Proposal PDF Multiple Required

Sub-contractor Teaming Agreements PDF Multiple Optional

Requested Documents:


Please note the type and number of files allowed. The maximum upload file size is 100 MB.

Please do not embed any documents within your uploaded files, as they will not be accessible or evaluated.

2. Upload your submission at:

Your submission must be uploaded, submitted, and finalized prior to the Closing Time of Feb 05, 2018 12:00

PM EST. We strongly recommend that you give yourself sufficient time and at least ONE (1) day before

Closing Time to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission.

Important Notes:

Each item of Requested Information will only be visible after the Closing Time.

Uploading large documents may take significant time, depending on the size of the file(s) and your Internet

connection speed.

You will receive an email confirmation receipt with a unique confirmation number once you finalize your


Minimum system requirements: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

Javascript must be enabled. Browser cookies must be enabled.

Need Help?

Dayton Public Schools uses a Bonfire portal for accepting and evaluating proposals digitally. Please contact

Bonfire at for technical questions related to your submission. You can also visit their

help forum at

