Reformed P resbyterian Church of Here are the details regarding requirements and...


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  • Reformed resbyterian P Church of Bowie

    LORD’S DAY OCTOBER 18, 2020


    2807 Church Road, Bowie, MD 20721 | P.O. Box 1251, Bowie, MD 20718 301.262.2280 |

    S.A. Fix, Pastor | Michael L. Coleman, Assistant Pastor |

  • PAGE 2 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    Our Lord’s Day Schedule MORNING ACTIVITIES 10:00 AM Join Zoom Videoconference for Worship 11:45 AM Sermon Discussion Videoconference

    (Zoom Video / Phone Conference ID: 301 262 2280 @, password 20721 or dial 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 301 262 2280 and password 20721)


    6:00 PM Join Zoom Videoconference for Discipleship (Zoom Video / Phone Conference ID: 301 262 2280 @, password 20721 or dial 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 301 262 2280 and password 20721)

    Church Staff and Officers CHURCH STAFF S. A. Fix, Pastor ...................................................................................... Michael L. Coleman, Assistant Pastor ................................................. Abraham Nuquay, Assistant Pastor for Church Planting Irma Cripe, Choir Director ................................................................ Ellen Wallen, Administrative Assistant .............................................. Max Cripe, Treasurer ...................................................................

    RULING ELDERS ( Bruce Buchanan Steve Hollidge Tim Jones Tom Ramsey Scott Schollenberger Ken Styles Mark Wallace

    DEACONS ( Max Cripe Paul Evans Duncan Salada Greg Sinsley Charlie Staines (emeritus) Chip Wallen


    Welcome to In-Person Worship Welcome to our “hybrid” worship service, simultaneously in-person as well as over Zoom. Thank you for putting up with the additional technological components throughout our meeting room. Here are the details regarding requirements and protocols for in-person worship that we are currently observing. Singing / Hymns – We will be singing a few hymns in-person with masks. Limited In-Person Gathering and Signup – In-person gathering at the church building is currently limited to allow for proper distancing between families, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who Should Come – We are encouraging seniors and those who may be immunocompromised to stay home and worship with us via Zoom for the next several weeks. Also, if you feel ill, please stay home. Masks / Social Distancing – Masks are required for entry into the building and must be worn while inside (except for those leading worship from the front and children under 3). Of course masks can be temporarily removed for partaking of the elements of the Lord’s Supper but are required at all other times inside the building. We ask that you maintain good social distancing practices (families and individuals who are quarantining together staying six feet apart from other families/individuals) at all times within the building. Restrooms – Restroom use is limited to one family at a time. Please be as expedient as possible out of courtesy to others. Nursery / Childcare – No nursery care is being offered, but selected classrooms will be open, limited to one family per classroom, to take their youngest children there if needed during the service (bring a device to stream service there via Zoom).

    Service Length / Lord’s Supper – Our abbreviated worship service is scheduled to be about 75 minutes and will include the Lord’s Supper. For the Lord’s Supper, we have prepackaged, sealed individual servings (grape juice and wheat wafer) as well as carefully prepared individual servings (wine or grape juice and gluten-free bread). Rows will be dismissed by officers for those partaking to come forward, and both elements will be received together, as they are prepackaged together. Once receiving the elements, please return to your seats so that we can all partake at the same time. Corporate Confessions / Prayers – Corporate confessions and prayers will be the same as what we are doing now. Please use a normal, or even somewhat subdued, speaking voice, rather than raised volume. Offering – For the offering, a bin/basket is by the exits. Please drop in your offering on your way out (the online option is also still available). Discipleship (Zoom Only) – There will be no in-person morning discipleship. There will be a remote Zoom discussion for everybody, beginning 30 minutes after the end of worship. That should be enough time for those who are at the building to drive home to participate. Evening Activities - At present we will continue to meet for evening discipleship via Zoom as we have been.


    • Reduced capacity to maintain distance

    • Masks required inside building

    • Maintain social distance

    • Worship only in-person (other activities online)

  • PAGE 4 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    * Congregation standing

    Call to Worship ........................................................................... Tom Ramsey * Hymn #101 (page 6) .............................................. Come, Thou Almighty King Prayer of Adoration and Confession ............................................. Tom Ramsey

    Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

    Assurance of Pardon ................................................................... Psalm 65:3–4 * Gloria Patri (#735)

    Scripture Reading ................................................................................ Ezra 10 Sermon ..................................................................... Repentance and Reversal Pastor Fix * Confession of Faith ..............................Luther’s Small Catechism, Part II, Art. 2

    I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord; Who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, secured and deliv-ered me even from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood, and with His innocent sufferings and death; in order that I might be His own, live under Him in His Kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, and lives and reigns forever. This is most certainly true.


    God invites us to worship him in spirit and in truth

    We praise God through song

    We praise God

    through prayer while acknowledging our

    need of forgiveness and renewal through the

    cleansing blood of Jesus

    God reminds us of his promise of forgiveness in


    God speaks to us through his Word read and

    preached Space for notes is

    available on page 8

    We confess our faith together with the broader

    church today and the church of ages past



    * Congregation standing

    Order of Worship (cont.) We receive the grace of the Gospel in the visible form of bread and wine

    We give thanks and bring our needs to God

    God sends us out with his blessing

    Lord’s Supper ..........................................................................Pastor Coleman

    Due to the current pandemic we are using both prepackaged elements with a wafer and grape juice as well as carefully prepared gluten-free bread and wine (center trays) or grape juice (outside trays). Please come forward by row beginning with the front rows using the center aisle to pick up the elements and return to your seats by the side aisles. Please hold the elements until all have received them, so that we can partake together.

    * Hymn (page 7) ................................................................................ Holy Spirit Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession ..................................Pastor Coleman * Doxology (with the Amen) (#731)

    * Benediction ...................................................................................... Pastor Fix


  • PAGE 6 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    Hymns for Worship * Hymn #101 .......................................................... Come, Thou Almighty King


    Hymns for Worship (cont.) * Hymn ............................................................................................. Holy Spirit

  • PAGE 8 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    Sermon Notes


    Next Two Weeks at a Glance THIS WEEK 10/18 – 10/24 SUNDAY 10/18 Worship Service Videoconference, 10:00 AM Sermon Discussion Videoconference, 11:45 AM Discipleship Videoconference, 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 10/21 Prayer Meeting Videoconference, 7:30 PM FRIDAY 10/23 Men’s Study Videoconference, 7:00 AM NEXT WEEK 10/25 – 10/31 SUNDAY 10/25 Worship Service Videoconference, 10:00 AM Sermon Discussion Videoconference, 11:45 AM Discipleship Videoconference, 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY 10/28 Prayer Meeting Videoconference, 7:30 PM FRIDAY 10/30 Men’s Study Videoconference, 7:00 AM SATURDAY 10/31 Men’s Study Videoconference, 8:30 AM

  • PAGE 10 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    FRIDAY AM MEN’S STUDY The Friday morning men’s group will be meeting via Zoom videoconference to discuss Francis Schaeffer’s book, The God Who Is There, on Friday, October 23, beginning at 7:00 AM. All men are welcome! SATURDAY AM MEN’S STUDY Join us Saturday, October 31, at 8:30 AM via Zoom videoconference to discuss the book, Living in God’s Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen. Please read through chapter 7 to prepare. SIGNATURE MAT FOR SCHONTHALERS The signature frame for Tom and Lois Schonthaler will be available for the next few weeks in the foyer. Please find time to sign with the archival pens that are present. We will mail this out at a later date. Thank you!

    PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO THE BOWIE FOOD PANTRY The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of people to lose the jobs they relied on to pay their rents and buy their food. Moratoriums on evictions are now running out and many people across the country, including some of our neighbors right here in Bowie, are being affected more than ever at this time. Many are facing the choice between food and rent. There are two ways we can help the Bowie Food Pantry meet the needs of local families short on food and rent during this crisis:

    1. Donate food. Donations may be dropped off M,W,F mornings 8–11 AM. Please drive to the back of the Kenhill Center (2614 Kenhill Drive, Suite 134, Bowie, MD 20715) and park along the ball fields. A volunteer will come to your vehicle to unload your donation. Greatest needs are soup (not chicken noodle or tomato), condiments (mustard, ketchup, relish, salad dressing, etc.), and dry goods (mashed potatoes, Hamburger Helper, pasta sides, etc.)

    2. Donate money. Go to and click on the 'DONATE ONLINE' button.

    Thank you! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Packing an OCC Shoebox blesses a child in need; what a wonderful gift! You may use any shoebox or plastic equivalent. For some suggested packing items, please call Edie at (410) 721-4380 or email at Please leave your shoebox(es) at the church no later than November 15, or make special arrangements for pickup with Edie, who will transport them to the reception center. To discover the destination of your shoebox gift, make a $9 donation toward shipping and receive a special label. Attach the label to your shoebox, and Samaritan’s Purse will track it and notify you about the country where your box will be delivered with the message of Christ’s love. For further information, visit their website.

    Upcoming Events

    News and Notes


    Preparation for Next Lord’s Day

    SERMON SERIES: EZRA-NEHEMIAH: GUARDED BY GRACE SERMON TITLE: “Planning by Prayer” SERMON TEXT: Nehemiah 1 PREACHER: Pastor Fix MONDAY Nehemiah 1 As a “man of faith and action” what does Nehemiah do when he hears

    the heartbreaking news of Jerusalem? What is the lesson here for us? TUESDAY Nehemiah 1:1; 2:1–8; Esther 3:7; Zechariah 7:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:12–28 Notice the dates from when Nehemiah began praying until when God

    provides the opportunity for him to ask the king for help. Apply this. WEDNESDAY Psalm 51; 87; 122 Why are God’s people directed to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and

    delight in Zion’s glory? How does this apply to us who are in Christ? THURSDAY Nehemiah 1:4–7; Luke 24:26–43 How does Nehemiah’s prayer for the people of Israel foreshadow

    Jesus’ gracious prayer on the cross? How is it different and why? FRIDAY Leviticus 26 How is grace offered in the Mosaic covenant, and what is the

    significance for us? SATURDAY Psalm 37; 55:22; Proverbs 16:3; Matthew 6:25; 1 Peter 5:6–7; 1 John 5:13–15 How does Nehemiah model living and planning by prayer? Apply this.

  • PAGE 12 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020

    Prayer Requests For ministries we support: Abraham Nuquay and Christ New Community (the

    Waldorf church plant), pray for God to gather more of his people to the plant, both from churched and unchurched backgrounds; also for Paul Lankford, as he begins pursuing pastoral ministry

    Pastor Fix, pray for him and his advisor as they edit and revise his dissertation for defense

    For those in service: For protection, safety, wisdom, and health for those

    who are serving in the medical field, our elected officials, police, and emergency personnel

    For military service personnel: Ian and Jesse Constable, Chris Corbett, Glenn Gresham, Andrew, Bill, and Elias Gunther, Matt Hackett, Jonathan Melzer, Isaac Roland, Scott Tonko, and Jay Wallen

    For those with health concerns: Cecelia, Julie Sutphin’s mother, pray for her

    treatment and recovery from a stroke, and safety through the unrest in Nigeria

    Brittney, Corey Sentz’s friend, pray for a quick and full recovery from COVID-19

    Barbie Jones, pray for her recovery from a fall and concussion symptoms

    John Fix, pray for treatment and healing for an infection in his tooth

    Jim Critchfield, Jerry Griffin (friend of the Styles), and Pastor Charles Galbreath (of Bowie New Life Assembly) pray for effective treatment and healing from cancer

    Vera Harris, Adrienne’s mother, who is experiencing severe joint pain; pray for relief from pain, wisdom for the doctors to diagnose the cause, and for effectual treatment

    Tricia Bloomberg, pray for continued grace and strength as she processes all the new changes associated with widowhood

    Sue Stough, pray for healing from pneumonia and the ruptured tendon in her left foot

    Libby Chen’s mother in China, as she battles discouragement with the slow recovery process from her stroke

    For provision: Tom and Lois Schonthaler, praise for the safe

    journey to Texas, pray for them as they settle in Praise that Ken Lee was able to move home, pray

    for a final resolution to his legal issues, and for wisdom for him and his mother, Anita Myers

    Stephanie-Rose Briggs, pray for her house to sell Melissa and Corey Snyder (Tricia Bloomberg’s

    daughter and her husband), pray for God’s provision and a resolution to another sewage backup

    Chris McCrea (Pastor Fix’s brother-in-law), Corey Sentz, and Amanda Trusen, pray for them to find jobs

    Pray preparation for marriage for Duane Einfeld and Kathleen Barbee (Nov. 28), and for Jake Eller (Chuck and Cindy’s son) and Natalie Telfor (January)

    Theo Fusi and Libby Chen and their family, pray for their asylum request to be granted