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GICRe Ref. No.: GIC Re/SE/AGM/17-18

To, The Manager

Listing Depmiment BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Tower Dalal Street Mumbai - 400001

Scrip Code: (BSE - 540755/ NSE - GICRE)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Date: August 13, 2018

The Manager

Listing Depmiment The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot C/1, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400051

Sub: Newspaper publication confirming dispatch of Notice of the 46th Annual General

Meeting(AGM) and Annual Report for the Financial Year 2017-18

Dea·r Sir/Madam,

In continuation to our letter dated August 10, 2018 with regard to Notice of the 46th AGM ,

please find enclosed copies of newspaper publications confirming dispatch of Notice and Annual

Rep01i to the Shareholders of the Corporation. The publications appeared in the Times of India

and Economic Times in English , Maharashtra Times in Marathi and Navbharat Times in Hindi.

The newspaper publications will be made available on the website at \\'

You are requested to take note of the above and arrange to bring this to the notice of all


Thanking You

Yours sincerely

For General Insurance Corporation of India

�4 (Suchita Gupta) . -

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

'+11 '<dh:i 'ffl'tJRUT cft"qr Pt' I +I (1ITffl'�ctftci;"cr;ft) General Insurance Corporation of India (Government of India Company) CIN NO.: L67200MH1972GOI016133 IRDA REGN No.: 112

"Wffl", 110, �- cTcT �. �. �- 400 020. "SURAKSHA", 170, J. Tata Road, Churchgate,

Mumbai - 400 020. INDIA Tel.: +91-22-2286 7000

1f<n '"'11 "l'Tiffill � am:





Kerala flood situation worsens, six reported dead in 24 hours

2 dead as woman loses control of

car, plunges into well near Pline


State Seeks Army's Help To Deal With Crisis


Tb1ruvanantbaptu·am: The flood situation In Kerala worsened on FrtdaY, as all the flve sluice gates of the Idukki clam were opened and shutters of over two do1.en other clams were l1fted, sub­merging vast areas of land In the state wb1cb bas been reel­Ing under unprecedented downpow- tn decades.

(L) An old bridge in a townshipdownstream the lduk ki dambefore it was submerged. (AbOYe)More than 55 tourists, including 22foreigners, who were stranded inMunnar were rescued by the Army

Ptme: Drtvtng a car Without proper tra1nlng cla1med the l i ­ves of two persons, one of them a newly-wed woman, at Urull Kanchan, about 35km from he­reon TbW'Sday evening.

Sonali Ganesh Lim bone (22) Jost control of the veb1cle and It plunged into a well, Jeavlng her and the veb1cle owner dead Lo­cals Jumped into the well and tri ­ed to save Lim bone of Sb1ndwa­ne and Marutl alias Dada Ba ­ban Khedekar (56) of Khedekar Mala. But they fal.Jed to rescue them as the SUV doors were Jocked. The vehicle, with the bo­dies Inside, was l1fted out of the well after half-an-hour.

The death toll In the last 48 ho W'S touched 29-slx deaths were reported In the past 24 bOW'S -and fOW' people are reported missing. Twentyflve persons died In landslides, wb1le fbW' drowned.

people from 12,240 famllles have taken sheltet

The discharge of water from all flve shutters of Iduk­kl clam reached eight Jakh litres per second on FrldaY, submerging most partS of Cberuthonland raising water level at the downstream Bboothatbankettu clam by L2m. Shutters of 25 dams re­main open, resulting In co n ­siderable rise of water level In most rivers. The authorities are preparing for possible flooding In Aluva and eJse. where In Ernakulam district, wb1cb lie In the path of the clam water draining Into the Arabian Sea, and have sought the Army's help to deal with the crisis.

boW'S and the government bas Issued a red alert In Waya­nad, Idukki, Alappuzba, Kot ­tayam, Ernakulam, Palak­kad, Malappw-am and Kozb1-kode districts .

ter supply In all relief camps. On SatW'daY, Vijayan and

revenue minister E Cban­drashekaran wl.l.l Inspect flood-bit areas In a belicoptec

State police cb1ef has di ­rected his district counter­partS to provlde additional se­cw-ity In places where 'Kark­kadaka Vavu Bali' -the an ­nual Hindu ritual for the departed-wl.l.l be conducted on Saturday, Those participa­ting In rituals have been re­quested to refrain from taking a dip in rivers and the sea, as 1s customary. With chances of Cocb1n International Airport Ltd (CIAL) suspending oper­ations In the event of a flood, the Tbiruvananthapuram i n ­ternational airport has been keptreadytobandlefllghtsdi­verted from Koch!.

Krant!kumar Patil, Inspec ­tor of Loni Kalbhor Police, told TOI that Llmbone's father-In­law Sambhjl Llmbone and Khedkar, who was pbyslcal}y challenged, were good friends. On TbW'Sday, the Llmbone fll . ­mlly had gone to Daund to a t ­tend a wedding. The family re­tW'ned home In Khedekar's SUV around 5.:.JI)m and Sonall requested b1m to Jet her drive his SUV. He a5SW'ed SambbaJI thathewouldaccompanyher.

Twelve deaths were re­ported from Idukki, six from Malappuram, row- from Wayanad, two from Palakkad and one from Kannur. Three drowning deaths were report­ed from Ernakulam and one from Tbiruvananthapuram .

The red alert wl.l.l be In force at Wayanad till August 14andln Idukki till August 13; other districts wru b e on alert tl.l.l Sunday morning.

As many as 57 tourists, I n ­cluding 22 foreigners, who weretrappedlnsldearesortat Palltvasal In Idukki were res­cued by the Army by con ­structing a parallel path that led them to the main road. As many as 439 rellef camps have been opened, In wb1ch 53,502

The IMD bas forecast heavy rains for the next 48

After revlewlng the flood situation on Friday evening, CM Plnaray i Vijayan deputed two IAS officers - Mo­hammed Haneesh and M G Rajamanickam - to coordi­nate relief measw-es In Er ­nakulam. Land revenue co m ­missioner AT James has been deputed to coordinate oper­ations In Wayanad. The re­View meeting also decided to streamllne safe drinking w a -

"Initial probe revealed that afterstartingthe veb1cle,Sonal1 put It In reverse geac When the SUV moved backwards, she may have acctdentaUy pressed the accelerator," Patllsaid. The veb1cle plunged into the well, wb1ch did not have a protective wall Police havereglsteredaca ­seof accidental death.

SC to hear CBI petition against Talwars' acquittal


NewDelbi:TbeSupremeCourtonFrl­day agreed to hear CBl's plea challeng­ing acquittal of dentist couple Rajesh and Nupw- Talwar in the murder of their daughter Aarusb1 and domestic help Hemraj at their Nolda residence in 2008. Challenging the Allahabad HC order acquitting the Talwars in the ca ­se, CBI said the HC had erred in rever­sing the "well-reasoned" verdict of a Ghazlahad trial court, wb1ch had scru ­t!nlsed the entire gamut of circums­tantial evldence and "rightly applied" the "last seen with" theory whlle conv lcting them.

Additional solicitor general Manlnder Singh appeared for CBI but befbre he could utter a word about the case, a bench of Justices Ranjan Gogol, Navln Slnba and K M Joseph passed the ordec The SC tagged CBl's plea with another ap. peal flied by Hemraj's wife challenging theHCverdict.

On October 12, the Allahabad HC had acquitted theTalwars In the sensa­tional double-murder case and said they could not be held gullty on the b a ­sis of the evldence on record. It uptW'­ned the verdict of the Ghaziabad CBI court wb1ch found the couple gullty of murdering 13-year-old Aarusb1 and Hemraj and sentenced them to llfe i m ­prisonment on November 26, 2013.

Prior to that, CBI had flied a closure report in the trial court saying It was not able to bring murder charges aga-

Inst any one because of lnsu.f!lctent evldence. TbespeclalcourtreJectedthe closure report, saying there was eno­ugh circumstantial evldence against thecouple.

In its appeal against the Talwars' acquittal, CBI said the HC had erred bY not taking Into account important cir­cumstantial evldence, wb1ch assumed slgnl.flcance in a case of this nature, where there were no eyewitnesses. The agency said the HC completely discar ­ded the "demeanow- of the parents" Immediately after the murders were

discovered, wb1ch It said was an importantpointertowards their role i n the crime.

Tbe CBI said theHCalso dis­carded a maid's testimony rela­ting to the conduct and behavlo­W' of the Talwars the day after

the murders and her statement about the door not being Jocked from outside, as was claimed by the couple. "The HC completely Ignored several well-conto­W'edclrcumstantialevldencecareftllly analysed by the trial court for recor­ding of gullt of the parents (sic) in the case," the agency said.

Aarusb1 was fbund dead, with her throat slit, in her bedroom in the Tal ­wars' Jalvayu Vlhar residence in Nol­da on May 16, 2008, eight days short of her 14th birthday. Atflrst, the main su ­spect wasHemraj, but hlsbody toowas recovered from the terrace of the bou­se a day latec

►Pune builder fined, P 12

Hyd Spanish mosque to be open to all faiths on I-Day


Hyderabad: This Independence Day; the SPanish mosque at Begum­pet wl.l.l be open fbr people from all religions. This historic mosque, which ls a marvel of Moorish (Isla­mic Spain) architecture, never rans to at tract the at tention of thousands of people, who pass through SP Ro­ad inBegumpet.

But many people, particularly non-Musllms, do not ventW'e into the premises, bel ievlng that they won't be allowed to entec

For the flrst time in over a centu­l"Y. the mosque will be open to all for a guided tow- on August 15 from 10amto7pm.Notonlycanonehavea closer look into Its architecture and cantgraphY, but also know bow the Namaz (prayers) is held flve timesaday.

The real name of the mosque Is Jama MasJid Aiwan-e-Begumpet (congregational mosque of Begum­pet). Due to its unique arcb1tectw-e, the mosque over the years has come tobeknownasSpanishmosque. The opening of the Spanish mosque for the public, cutting across faiths, co­mes close to the decision of the ma ­nagement of Quba mosque at N a ­nalnagar organising a 'Visit my mosque'programme.

"On this Independence Day; it Is with great pleasw-e that we invlte you to the 'Visit M y Mosque• pro-

The Jama Masjid Aiwan-e-Begumpet in Hyderabad is known as the Spanish mosque for its Moorish (Islamic Spain) ari:hitectural style

gramme at Jama MasJid, Alwan-e­Begumpet , Hyderabad,'' read an o f ­ficial invltation card, adding that "On this sacred national daY, we open ow- mosque to ow- fellow Indi­an brethren, who wl.l.l Join us as we conduct toW'S of ow- mosque and provlde them information about the meaning of Azan (call to prayer), Wudhu (ablution) and Salat (pray­er)." The mosque received INTACH Heritage award in 2010.

"Work on Spanish mosque was startedbyPaigahnobleSirVlcar-ul­Umra in 1887 and was completed in 1906byhlssuccessor. It isdist!nct!ve in many ways. Inspired by Moorish arcbitectW'e of Spain, it also incor­porates Turkish elements in its d e ­sign, includingTw-kish calligraphy decorating its interiors," said IN ­TACH Hyderabad convener, P Anu­radha Reddy.

The mosque committee said this step ls to welcome people of diffe­rent faiths and promote national in­tegration and harmony.



(Now 'FUGITIVE ECONOMIC OFFENDERS ACT, 2018' w.e.f. 31.07.2018)

Whereas an application u/s, 4 of FEOO, 2018 has been filed before me statingthat you, NIRAV DEEPAK MODI, S/o Deepak Modi, residing at:

1. 4, Grosvenor House, 2nd Floor, Peddar Road, Mumbai • 262. 126,127, 128,226, Samudra Mahal, Or. Annie Beasant Road, Mumbai,

are an Accused in PMLA Spl case No. 04/2018, having committed an offence of money laundering under Section 3 and punishable under section 4 of Preventionof Money Laundering Act, 2002, and that as you have left India and are refusingto come back to face your trial in 1hat case, you should be declared a FUGITIVEunder the abovementioned Ordinance (now Act). Therefore, I, Shri M. S. Azmi,$pl.Judge, PMLA, 2002 & Fugitive Economic Offenders Ordinance, 2018 issue NOTICE to you to show cause as to why the said application for declaring youa FUGITIVE should not be allowed and as to why the properties mentioned in the application, in which you have pecuniary interest and/or otherwise, should not be confiscated under the said Ordinance (now Act).

I, therefore, direct Nirav Deepak Modi to remain present before me i.e. at 16thCourt, 2nd Floor, City Civil & Sessions Court, Mumbai on or before 25,09.2018at 11.00 Hrs fail ing which the said application shall be proceeded with as perthe Ordinance/Rules thereunder.

(M.S. AZMI) Spl.Judge, FEOO, 2018,

Greater Bombay



(Now 'FUGITIVE ECONOMIC OFFENDERS ACT, 2018' w.e,f, 31.07.2018)

Whereas an application u/ s. 4 of FEOO, 2018 has been filed before me stating that SHRI NIRAV DEEPAK MODI residing at:

1. 4, Grosvenor House, 2nd Floor, Peddar Road, Mumbai • 26

2. 126,127,128,226, Samudra Mahal, Dr. Annie Basent Road, Mumbai

is an accused in PMLA Spl case No. 04/2018 having committed an offence of money laundering under Section 3 and punishable under section4 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, and you, MS. PURVI

MODI have been enumerated as an interested person in the above said application Fugitive Economic Offenders Ordinance, 2018. Therefore, I,Shri M.S. Azmi, Spl. Judge, PMLA, 2002 & Fugitive Economic Offenders Ordinance, 2018, issue NOTICE to you to show cause as to why the properties mentioned in the application, in which you have pecuniary interest and/or otherwise, should not be confiscated under the saidOrdinance (now Act). The next date of hearing is 25.09.2018 at 11.00 Hrs.

(M.S. AZMI) Spl. Judge, FEOO, 2018,

Greater Bombay



(Now 'FUGITIVE ECONOMIC OFFENDERS ACT, 2018' w.e.f. 31.07.2018)

Whereas an application u/ s. 4 of FEOO, 2018 has been filed before me stating that SHRI NIRAV DEEPAK MODI residing at address : -

1. 4 , Grosvenor House, 2nd Floor, Peddar Road, Mumbai • 262. 126,127, 128,226, Samudra Mahal, Dr. Annie Basent Road, Mumbai

is an accused in PMLA Spl case No. 04/2018 having committed an offence of money laundering under Section 3 and punishable under section 4 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, and You, MR. NEESHAL MODI have been enumerated as an interested person in the above said application under Fugitive Economic Offenders Ordinance,2018. Therefore, I, Shri M.S. Azmi, Spl. Judge, PMLA, 2002 & Fugitive Economic Offenders Ordinance, 2018 issue NOTICE to you to show cause as to why the properties mentioned in the application in which you havepecuniary interest and/or otherwise, should not be confiscated under the said Ordinance (now Act).

The next date of hearing is 25.09.2018 at 11.00 Hrs,

(M.S. AZMI) $pl.Judge, FEOO, 2018,

Greater Bomba

237 tigers died in last 2 yrs, Centre informs Lok Sabha


New Delbi: The govern­menton Friday informed the Lok Sabha that as many as 237 tigers died in the country in the last two years. It also said wblle 23 % of deaths from 2012 to 2017 were due to poaching, 55% of the total deaths recorded were due to natW'alcauses.

"In 2016, 122 tigers died wblle 115 died in 2017 " m1n1-' sterofstate forenvlronment Mahesh Sharma said in his written reply to a Parlia­ment Question. He said du ­ring 2012-17, 55% of the tiger deaths were due to natural causes, 7% wereduetounna­tW'al causes not attributable to poaching (llke deaths in rail or road traffic accidents or in human-wildlife kind ofconfl1cts1tuation)wb1le23%(of tigers) died due to po a ­ching. I n case o f remaining15%, the authorities found ti -

Dudhwa tiger strays into Nepal, search on

Officials of Dudhwa tigerreser ve are unableto

locate a tiger named 'Chan du', who was released in the national park in UP's Lakhimpur Kheri w ith a radio collar in March. According to his latest GPS coordi nates, Chan du has strayed into Nepal. Hewaslastspottedi n Nepars Kailali dist rict. Dud hwa officials have written to the Nepal wi ldlife authorities to provide information aboutthetiger butareyettoget areply. TNN

ger body part or sel1.ed such parts at different point of t i ­m e - it means such deaths may or may not be due to poaching and that's why suchdeatbsareputin adiffe­rentcategory,

Asked whether the go-

Race cars in national parks, HC taunts govt The Uttarakhand HC on R-iday I sai d the forest department

had failed to curb mistreatment of animals, such as elephants in captivity, and it has also been unable to relocate 57 Van Guiiar families from Corbett Tiger Reserve's buffer zone or even dep loy a special tiger protection fa-ce. "If you can 't conserve and protect tiger.; an d elephants, we will ask Centre to denotify state's national parks and then you can create a race course and run carsoverthere, • said the division bench. TNN

vernment has assessed the impact of such unnatW'alde­aths on the growth of the number of tigers, he said, "Unnatural deaths have not had an impact on tiger num­bers wb1ch are growlng at tbe rate of 5.8% per annum."

'Since Feb, Raj govt blocked internet 53 times' Srikanta.Tripathy

Ja1ptu� The Cellular O pera ­tors Association of India (CO. Al) has written a letter to the Department of Telecommun1-cat1ons(l)oT) to d1scourage sta ­tes, particulaI1y Rajasthan, from diluting the laws gover­ning temporary suspension of

telecomserv1cesandlssu1ngor­ders fbr shutdown of Internet anddataservlces.

In its letter dated AUgust 8, COAI said, as per rules, dl.rec ­tion to suspend Internet servl­ces can be given onJy by home secretarY, and In unavoidable circumstances, by officials not below rank of Joint secretarJ( But Rajastban has repeatedly

watered down these provlslons tn2017bydeJegat!ngthepowers to d1Vis1onal comm1ss1oners.

Since February, blackout orders fbr net and data service have been 1ssued53 times In Ra ­Jasthan. Tbe COAI said shut­downs In the state are ordered to conduct exams, wb1ch do not warrant a publlc and safllty emergency situation.

General Insurance Corporation of India


Regd. Office: 'Suraksha' , 170, J. Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai Tel: +91-22-2286 7000 Fax: +g1-22-2288 4010

Website: E-mail: lnvestors.glc@gicofindia.comCIN: L67200MH1g72GOI016133 IRDAI REG. NO. 112


NOTICE is hereby given that the 46"' Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA will be held at "Y . B. Chaven Auditorium", Y . 8. Cha van Centre, General Jagannath Bhosale Marg, Nari man Point,Mumbai - 400021 (Maharashtra) on Wednesday, the 5"' September, 2018 at 3.00 p.m.

The Notice sett ing out the business to be transacted at the 46"' AGM together with the AnnualReport of the Corporation for the financial year 2017 -18 has been dispatched to those memberswhose email Id is not registered with the Corporation/RTA/Depository(s) and also to those who have requested for physical copy of Annual Report, at their registered address. Thenotice of AGM and the Annual Report has been sent electronically to those members whohave an email address and have not opted to receive the documents in physical form.

The Notice of the 46'" AGM and Annual Report for the financial year 2017-18 is also hostedon the website of the Corporation Any member who has not receivedthe Annual Report or who has become a member of the Corporation after the dispatch ofAnnual Report and wishes to have a physical copy of the Annual report may write to the Corporation and the same would be provided free of cost.

Proxy - A member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on behalf of member. Such a proxy need not be a member of the Corporation. Proxies, in order to be valid and effective, must be delivered at the registered office of the Corporation duly filled, stamped & signed, not later than 48 hours before the commencementof the meeting.

Payment of Dividend - Dividend at the rate of �13.5/- per share, after declaration at theAGM, would be paid to those members whose name appears in the Register of Members/BENPOS as on Saturday, 14'" July, 2018.

E-Voting - Pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (LODA) Regulations, 2015 and Section 108 ofthe Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management andAdministration) Rules, 2014 as amended, the Corporation has engaged the services of KarvyComputershare Pvt. Ltd. ("Karvy') to provide a-voting facility to the members. The details areas under: • The Corporation has fixed Wednesday, 29'" August, 2018 as the 'Cut Off' date to ascertain

the eligibility of members for e -voting and for voting at the AGM.• The members, whose names appear in the Register of Membersnist of Beneficial Owners

as on the cut-off date I.e. 29"' August , 2018 are entitled to avail facili ty of e-voting/Votlng inthe AGM. Any person, who acquires share and becomes member of the Corporation afterdispatch of the notice and holds shares as on the cut-off date, may obtain the User ID andpassword by sending a request at by mentioning folio no./DP ID andClient ID No. If the member is already registered with Karvy for e-voting, then existingUser ID and password can be used for casting the vote.

• The e -voting would commence on Friday, 31" August, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. (1ST) and endon Tuesday, 4"' September, 2018 at 05.00 P.M. (1ST) during which period the membersmay cast their vote electronically. Thereafter, the e-voting module shall be disabledby Karvy.

• Voting atAGM venue shall also be made available to those members who attend the AGMand have not already cast their vote through a-voting. Members who cast their votes throughe-voting should not vote again at the AGM. However, in case a member, who has cast hisvote through a-voting as well as at AGM, the vote cast at AGM will be ignored.

Scrutinizer• The Corporation has appointed Mr. Bhumitra V . Dholakia, FCS from Mis Dholakia& Associates LLP, Practicing Company Secretary and in his absence Mr . Nrupang B. Dholakia,ACS from M/s Dholakia & Associates LLP, as Scrutinizer to scrutinize the e -voting and pollprocess in a fair and transparent manner.

Resu lts • The Results on resolutions shall be declared within 48 hours of the conclusion ofthe AGM of the Corporation. The results declared along with the Scrutinizer's report shall beplaced on the Corporation's website ( and on the Service Provider'swebsite ( and would also be communicated to the Stock Exchanges.

SEBI notification related to physical share transfers - SEBI v lde notification datedS""June, 2018 have conveyed amendment to Regulations 7 and 40 of SEBI (listing Obligat ionsand Disclosures Requirement) Regulations, 2015, which shall come into force with effectfrom 5'" December, 2018. Accordingly, effective 5"' December, 2018 except in cases oftransmission or transposition, transfer of securities of the Corporation cannot be processedunless the securities are held in Dematerialized form with a depos itory. The implication of thisamendment is, post 5"' December, 2018 equity shares of the Corporation which are held In physical form by some shareholders can be continued to be held by them in physical form,but cannot be further transferred by the Corporation or its R& T Agent except in case oftransmission and transposition matters.

The Corporation appeals to all shareholders to opt for Electronic Credit of dividend paymentand ensure updation of their e-mail address, postal address and Bank details with DPs fordematerialised shares and with R& T Agents for physical shares.

Contact Details• In case of any queries/grievances relating to a-voting, members may contact at the following address: Mr. Mohd. Mohsin Uddin, Senior Manager, Karvy ComputersharePrivate limited, Unit: General Insurance Corporation of India, Karvy Selenium, Tower 8,Plot Number 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad • 500 032, Ph: (040) 67161562, E-mail:

This public notice will be available on the Corporation's website (www.gicofindja,com).

Place : MumbaiDated : 10.08.2018

For General Insurance Corporation of India

Sd / -

(Suchita Gupta) Company Secretary

Companies: Pursuit of Profit q The Economic Times, Mumbai, saturday, 11August 2018

Threat of More Loans Going Bad SBI chose to provide for all the

,s,893crore In losses Incurred In the treasury portfoUo ln one Quarter, choosing not to opt for the Reserve Bank of lndla CIJspensatlon that a l· lows banks to amortise these across four Quarters of the cw·rent nscal. Kumar salel the bank dld not want to "burelen Its nitw·e" with provlstons that cannot be avoleleel.

Other Income, whlch Includes trea­sury operations and the sale of fl. nanclal products such as mutual O!nels and Insurance. fell 17% to ,s.679crore In the June Quarter from ,o,ooscrore a year ago. Other tncome wouJCI have Increased 27%, If treasu­ry losses were excluded.

BankA c Statements Sought ►► From Pace t

.. From Pace tsets that Fortis Healthcare plans to buy back lbllowlng Its propo­seCl,4,000-croredeaJ with IH:H.

Daiichi had argueel that the brothershelelstakes In the trust .

"How can you n1e an affidavit that only speaks half-truth?" Shakdher asked.

"We are not leavtngany thlng for futu­re earnings which shoulel remainproteete<l against the past - that Iswhere we have aelvanceel Quite a bit,"he salel. "All provision lbr NCLT (Na­tional Company Law Tribunal) acco­unt has Ileen largely taken care or."The NCLTbenches han(!]e the resolu­tion or banks' bael loans uneler the tn•sol vency anel Bankruptcy Coele(IBC).State-run lenelers anel corporate-fo­

cuseel private bankS are struggUng with a mountain of bael loans as the combination of a slump, poUcy bungling anel wrongelolng have led to Cletl!ults. Whtie the CBC has been put In place to speed up loan resolu­tlon. progress has been slow. On top or this. a sharp rise In bonel yields has also resulteel In losses for banks.

But the bank stlll faces the threat of more loans going bad.

II SBI shut 1.589 branches Inthe past 12 months and closed 289 currency

Net Interest margin (NIM), or the difference between the yield earned on loansanel thatpalelonelePoSlts, tn­creaseel 45 basis points to 2.95% crom 2.50%, mainly as the bank's cost of deposltsdecllne<l43baslspotnts. One basis point lso.01 percentage potnt.

Dallch.l hael sought to stall the EO M on the grounels that a propo­sal tostrlptheSlnghsof their pro­moter status would "cut the um­bilical corel" llnklng the brothers to Fortis Healthcare and leave the Japanese firm "1vtth nothing."

The court also sought the Slnghs' bank account state­ments D:om Aprll 2016. Their hol ­dlng companies- RHC Holdlng and Oscar Investments - have also been directed to submit bank statements lbr the perloel.

during the court proceedtnss on Friday would also have to be re­vealed, accorCIJngto the Judge.

He also salel the family "never" helel any stake In Prlus commer­cial Real Estate after Daiichi ral­seel the Issue over the brothers· reporteel talks toseu six commer­cial properties held by the compa­ny to BlackRock lbr,1.ooocrore. Shakdheraskeel why th8Slnghs

hadn't disclosed the existence of a top-up agree ment pertaining to their shares In Fortis pledgeel to various banks when they had dlscloseel the value of thelr unen­cumbereel assets to the court last year. While the brothers did not dlvest the unencumbereel shares following their discl osure, the top.up agreement auoweel banks to encumber more shares If the value of the Fortis stock dropped below a certaln threshold, their lawyer said.

At the last hearing on August 1, the court hael C!Jrected the brot­hers to appear personally on Au­gust 10 to understand the assu­rances that they had given last year and ensure that sufficient funds would be available to satis­fy the arbitration awarel. Shakd• her had told the Slnghs' counsel that "somebody" would have to "cough up" Dallchl's money or "go behlnel bars."

chests across the country

"The main reason for the loss was ,s.900-crore mark-to-market losses the bank took this Quarter," said Dar­pin Shah, analyst at HDFC Secw·ttl­es. "However, the real paJn remalns SMA (2) accounts and corporate lo, ans. which can stlll sup Into NPAs (non,performlng assets). Reports are that there ww be another RBI Ust on NPAs, which means thattherelsstW uncer-

Provisions for bael loans Jumpeel to ,IB,037 crore. up Crom ,12,125 crore a year earuer but down from ,24,080

crore In March 2018. Gross bad loans Increased to 10.69% of total assets, D:om 9.97% a year earlier. Net bad lo­ans stood at 5.29% of net aelvanc es.

Malvlnder Singh was dlrecteel not toflnaltseany transaction re­lated to his Singapore apart ­ment, for which he had taken a lo, an from DBS Bank. He"s been as­keel to sub ml t the apartment's tit• le Clocument anel a gUl Cleed for a sculptw·e valued a t over Rs 7 cro, re that he said he had given to his daughter last year Any additio­nal bank accounts not d lscloseel

Shlvlneler Singh told the court that an lnherlteel property In ln­dJa heco-0wned wl th his brother and mother hael been pledged with I ndlaBuJJs and sold for abo­ut ,185 crore to repay the loan. The Slnghs dJCI not receive any nnanclal beneots from the sale, h e adeleel.

Deihl High Court ha(! orelered the former Ranbaxy promoters 10 pay Dallchl Sankyo Rs 3,500 crore as part of the arbitration award earlier tills year. A Slnga­pore tribunal ha.Cl said the brot­hers neeeleel to pay the money for conceallng Information related to wrongelolng at RanbaxY, once lndla's largest drugmake1; when Dallchl aCQulred ltO'om the bJ'Ol• hers for $4.6 bllllon In 2008.

"In September, we lntenel to further Improve the provision coverage ra­tio so that trom December onwards there woulel be no looklng back and there will be no hangover of past cre­CIJt cost," satel Kumar "In from September Itself w e may make pro. flt . but there would be two factors" that thts woul el depend on- resolu­tion of a case In the National Compa­ny Law AppellateTrlbunal(NCLAT) In Septemberanel bonelylelds. NCLT cases are appealeel at the NC LAT.

Whlle the bank has seen operating costs rise by a llfth mainly Clue to pension provisions, lt hascut exven­seselsewhere. Itshutt,589 branches ln the past 12 months and closeel 289 currency chests across the country,

H e also told the court that the Singh family had "nothing" to Clo with Rellgare Health Trust In Singapore, which holels 12•14 as-

e lndlanOII

tainty on the bank." SMA refers to special mention accounts, where loan repay. mentsareoverelue.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited IC IN • L23201 MH1959GOI011388)

Rogd. Olllce: lndlanOII Bhavan. G-9, All Yav,r Jung Marg, Baridro (EasQ, Mumbai• 400051,P�ono No .: (022l26447616 Fax No.: (022l26447961

w,,111t: www.locl .com Emili ID: lnvestOtS@lndlanoil.ln

It I s hereby notified that lndlanOil has fixed 25" August 2018 as the RecordDate for the purpose of ascertaining the eligibility of the Bondholders forpayment of principal amount a long with Interest on Secured Non-ConvertibleRedeemable Bonds Ser les VIII-B (INE242A07207) as per the terms of theBond Issue. The Principal amount alongwith Interest for the period 15" September 2017 to9" September 2018 shall be paid on redemplion date I.e. 10" September20t8to the Bondholders, whose names appear In the Register of Bondholders / asper Beneficial Owner Position of NSDL/ COSL as on 25" August 2018.

Piece : Mumbai Dated : 1• August 2018

For Indian Oil Corporation LimitedSd/·

(Kamal Kumar Gwalanl) Company Secretary


e•Tend e r N o tice No. eT-East-WAT ·24-2018, Date : 26.07.2018 Is CANCELLED d ue t o administrative reasons. Olvl1lon1I R1llw1y Manager (Engg)

Pfl:•310/J/lS.111 Walto Ir


t·IENPEB CALL NOTICE Nam, of the wort< : "Hlmg of 02 n ot , ofMooring Launchos a long v.i'.h operationalr,nw, for dally one shift oporallon of oochl aunches and 07 nos. Moo<lng c,owllvoughoul lhe yea, for a pe,1od ol seven yu,1•. e.timated coet: Ro. 16 ,36,�,329/· excludilg fuel ooal & GST. Last date & l ime ofSlbrlslfon of tend&f lllrough on-line bidding Is 1500 hcors on Dt. 03.10.2018. Technical Bids shall bo opor,od at 1530 h01n on Dt. 04.10.2018. For details , p lease log on tolho wobslto: httpo://, Dy. Con1trv1tor

PPT/PR/26.,16,19011 =1:.::8�-.I

General Insurance Corporation of India


Regd. Office: 'Suraksha', 170, J. Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai Tel: +91·22·2286 7000 Fax: +91·22·2286 4010

Website: E -mail: lnvestors.glc@glcoflndla.comCIN: L67200MH1972GOI016133 IRDAI REG. NO. 112


NOTICE Is hereby given that the 46'" Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA will be held a t "Y. B. Chavan Auditorium", Y . B. Chavan Centre, General Jagannath Bhosale Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai• 400021 (Maharashtra) on Wednesday, the S"' September, 2018 at 3.00 p.m. The Notice setting out the business to be transacted at the 46"' AGM together with the AnnualReport of the Corporation for the flnanclal year 2017 • 18 has been dispatched to those memberswhose email Id Is not registered with the Corporatlon/RTA/Deposltory(s) and also to those who have requesled for physical copy of Annual Report, at their registered address. Thenotice of AGM and the Annual Report has been sent electronically to those members who have an email address and have not opted to receive the documents In physical form.The Notice of the 46" AGM and Annual Report for the financial year 2017·18 Is also hosted on the website of the Corporation Any member who has not receivedthe Annual Report or who has become a member of the Corporation after the dispatch ofAnnual Report and wishes to have a physical copy of the Annual report may write to theCorporation and the same would be provided free of cost. Proxy • A member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM Is entitled to appoint a proxy toattend and vote on behalf of member. Such a proxy need not be a member of the Corporation. Proxies, In order to be valid and effective, must be delivered at the registered office of theCorporation duly filled, stamped & signed, not later than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting. pavmont o f Dlvldond • Dividend at the rate of ,13.51· per share, after declaration at theAGM, would be paid to those members whose name appears In the Register of Members/ BENPOS as on Saturday, 14"" July, 2018. E-Votlng • Pursuant to Regulation 44 of SEBI (LODA) Regulations, 2015 and Section 108 ofthe Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management andAdminl.stratlon) Rules, 2014 as amended, the Corporation has engaged the services of KarvyComputershare Pvt. Ltd. ("Karvy") to provide e-votlng facility to the members. The details areas under: • The Corporation has fixed Wednesday, 29"' August, 2018 as the 'Cut Off' date to ascertain

the eligibility of members for a-voting and for voting at !he AGM.• The members, whose names appear In the Register of Members/list of Beneficial Owners

as on the cu t -off date I.e. 29'" August, 2018 are entitled to avall faclllty of e-votlng/votlng Inthe AGM. Any person, who acquires share and becomes member of the Corporation afterdispatch of the notice and ho lds shares as on the cut-off date, may obtain the User ID andpassword by sending a request at evotlng@kal'Vl(.com by mentioning folio no./OP ID andClient ID No. I f the member Is already registered with Karvy for e-votlng, then existingUser ID and password can be used for casting the vote.

• The a-voting would commence on Friday, 31" August, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. (1ST) and endon Tuesday, 4'" September, 2018 at 05.00 P.M. (1ST) during which period the membersmay cast their vote electronlcally. Thereafter, the e-votlng module shall be disabledby Karvy.

• Voting at AGM venue shall also be made available to those members who attend the AGMand have not already cast their vote through a -voting. Members who cast their votes throughe-voting should not vote again at the AGM. However, In case a member, who has cast hisvote through e-votln g as well as at AGM, the vote cast at AGM will be Ignored.

Scrutinizer• The Corporation has appointed Mr . Bhumllra V . Dholakla, FCS from M/s Dholakla& Associates LLP, Practicing Company Secretary and In his absence Mr. Nrupang B. Dholakla,ACS from Mis Dholakla & Associates LLP, as Scrutinizer to scrutinize the a-voting and pollprocess In a fair and transparenl manner. Results• The Results on resolutions shall be declared within 48 hours ol the conclusion of the AGM of the Corporation. The results declared along with the Scrutinizer's report shall beplaced on the Corporation's website { and on the Service Provider'swebsite (https:lleyotlng,karyy,com) and would also be communicated to the Stock Exchanges.SEBI notification related to Phvslcal share transfers • SEBI vlde notification dated8"'June, 2018 have conveyed amendment to Regulations 7 and 40 of SEBI (Llsling Obligationsand Disclosures Requirement) Regulations, 2015, whlch shall come Into force w ith effectfrom S"' December, 2018. Accordingly, effective s•• December, 2018 except In cases of transmission or transposition, transfer of securilies of the Corporation cannot be processedunless the securities are held In Dematerialized form with a depository. The Implication of thisamendment Is, post 6'" December, 2018 equity shares of the Corporation which are held In physical form by some shareholders can be continued to be held by them In physical form,but cannot be further transferred by the Corporation or Its R& T Agent except In case of transmission and transposition matters.The Corporation appeals to all shareholders to opt for Electronlc Credit of dividend paymentand ensure updatlon of their e-mail address, postal address and Bank detalls with DPs for dematerlallsed shares and with R& T Agents for physical shares. Contact Details - In case of any queries/grievances relating to a -voting, members may conlactat the followlng address: Mr. Mohd. Mohsin Uddin, Senior Manager, Karvy Computershare Private Limited, Unit: General Insurance Corporation of India, Karvy Selenium, Tower 8, Plot Number 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad • 500 032, Ph: (040) 67161562, E-mail: mohsJn, This public notice will be available on the Corporation's website Cwww,glcojjnd!a,com).

Place : Mumbai Datad : 10.08.2018

For General Insurance Corporation of lndla Sd/·

(Suchlta Gupta) Company Secretary



ARFIN INDIA LIMITED Reststered Office: 8-302, 3rd Floor, Peli can House, Gujarat Chamber o f Commerce

Building, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad,380009, Gujarat, India .ClN: L65990GJ1992PLC017460; Phone: +91 79 26583791, 92; Fa.: +91 79 26583792;

fmall:; Website:


Quarter Ended Year Ended Particulars 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17 31-Mar-18

No. (Unaudited) ( Unaudited) (Audited)

1 Revenue From Operations (Inclusive of Excise Duty & GST) 13,191.59 9,693.86 54,192.13 2 Net Profit/ (Loss) for the Period (Before Tax, Exceptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 542.07 473.29 3,366.97 3 Net Profit/ (Loss) for the Period Before Tax (After Exceptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 542.07 473.29 3,366.97 4 Net Profit/ (Loss) for the Period After Tax (After Exceptional and / or Extraordinary Items) 336.38 308.93 2,170.06 5 Total Comprehensive Income for the Period (Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the Period (After Tax) and 337.46 317.51 2,187.18

Other Comprehensive Income (After Tax)J 6 Paid Up Equity Share Capital (Face Value of�lO/ · Each) 1,324.37 405.12 1,324.37 7 Other Equity (Excluding Revaluation Reserves as shown In the Audited Balance Sheet of Previous Year) . . 6,939.05 8 Earnings Per Share (Before & After Extraordinary Items) (Face Value of�lO/· Each)

Basic (lt} 2.54 7.63 29.98 Diluted (") 2.54 7.63 29.98

Notes: The above Is an Extract of the Detailed Format of Quarter ly Financial Results flied w ith the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (ListingObllgatlons and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The Full Format of the Quarterly Financial Results Is available on the website of BSE Limited and on the Company' s website at www.arfln,r;

On Behalf of Board of Directors for, Arlin India Limited

Sd/· Mahendra R . Shah

Place: Ahmedabad Date:Augustl0,2018

Chairman & Executive Director(DIN: 00182746)

Alkem Laboratories Limited Regd. Office : Alkem House, Senapatl Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013

ALKEM Tel No: +9122 3982 9999 FaK No: +91 22 2492 7190 Email Id :


Extract of Unaudited Consolidated Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30 June 2018 (' In Million except per share data)

Quarter Quarter Year Sr. Particulars Ended Ended Ended No. 30.06.2018 30.06.2017 31.03.2018

1 Total income from Operations 16,694.6 13,125.4 64,311.8

2 Net Profit for the period (before tax and Exceptional items) 1,717.7 806.7 9,259.8

3 Net Profit for the period before tax (after Exceptional Items) 1,717.7 806.7 9,259.8

4 Net Profit for the period after tax (after exceptional Items) attributable to the owners of

the parent Company 1,361.5 715.6 6,309.4

5 Total Comprehensive Income for the period (comprising Profit for the period (after tax) and

Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)) attributable to the owners of the Company 1,646.0 652.9 6,118.7

6 Paid-up equity Share Capital (Face Value per Share: , 2 ) 239.1 239.1 239.1

7 Other Equity 48,398.6

8 Earnings Per Share {Face Value per share: , 2 /. (not annualised for quarters))

a Basic (in ') : 11.39 5,99 52.77

b Diluted (in ') : 11.39 5.99 52.77


1 Key numbers of Standalone Financial Results a. Total Income from operations 12.803.6 11.444.5 53,002.6 b. Profit Before Tax 1,576.2 1,442.5 9,342.9 c. Profit After Tax 1,294.9 1,121.2 7,158.4

1 The above unaudited financial results o f the Company were reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee on 9 August 2018 and

subsequendy approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 1 O August 2018. The figures for the quarter ended 30 June 2018 have been subjected to limited review by the statutory auditors. The auditors have expressed an unmodified opinion on the financial results for three months ended 30 June 2018.

2 The above is an extract o f the detailed format o f QuarterlyNear ended Financial Results flied with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33of the SEBI (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Quarterly/ Year ended Financial Results are available on the Stock Exchange websites v iz. and The same is also available on the companywebsite viz.

By Order of the Board For Alkem Laboratories Limited

Place: Mumbai B. N. SinghExecutive Chairman

Date: 10 August 2018 DIN:00760310

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