ReceptionandOrientation Program fornewlyadmitted ... · ReceptionandOrientation Program...


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Reception and Orientation Program for newly admitted students ofFall Semester-2018

A reception and orientation program for the newly admitted students of Fall Semester 2018 hasbeen organized on 02 January, 2019, Wednesday at the campus of the university. The Programwill be in two phases.

Phase I

A. Reception by the University: The University will accord reception to the Fresher.

a. Attendance: Deans of the respective faculties, faculty members and newly admittedstudents of the Dept./School of SoB, CE, IPE & ME: Prof. Dr. M. H. Khan Auditorium: 09.20 AM to 10.50 AM

b. Venuec. Time

B. Reception and Orientation by the Departments:

a. Attendance: Faculty Members and newly admitted students of the Dept. of Arch.,CSE, EEE & TE: Respective Departments: 09.20 AM to 10.50 AM

b. Venuec. Time

Phase - II

A. Reception by the Uni.versity: The University will accord reception to the Fresher.

a. Attendance: Deans of the respective faculties, faculty members and newly admittedstudents of the Dept. of Arch., CSE, EEE and TE: Prof. Dr. M. H. Khan Auditorium: 11.10 AM to 12.40 PM

b. Venuec. Time

B. Reception and Orientation by the Departments:

a. Attendance: Dean, FacultyMembers and newly admitted students of the Dept./Schoolof SoB, CE, IPE & ME: Respective Departments/School: 11.10 AM to 12.40 PM

b. Venuec. Time

N.B.:~ In Reception and Orientation by the Departments, the respective Head will arrange the programas per schedule prepared by them. Topics like Academic Program, Course Curriculum,Examination system, Payment of Semester Fees, Attendance in the classes and Facilities availablein the Department, etc. may be covered. Respective Head-may invite parents/guardians of thestudents to be present during the Departmental orientation.

'L'L- \.IZ-. vs(Prof. Dr. Sharmin Reza Chowdhury)AdvisorStudents' Welfare

Detailed Program of Reception by the University

Phase I. A

• 09:15 AM : Deans, Heads of the Departments/School, Faculty members, Officers and newlyadmitted students ofDept/School of SoB, CE, IPE & ME to take their seats in the Prof.Dr. M. H. Khan Auditorium.

• 09:20 AM : Arrival of the Chief GuestRecitation from the Holy Quran

• Speech by:

09:25 AM










: Welcome Address by the Advisor of Students' Welfare, Prof. Dr. Sharmin RezaChowdhury: Expression of feel ings by the newly admitted students (One from the Oept./School of SoB,CE, IPE& ME)

: Proctor, Prof. Dr. Md. Hamidur Rahman Khan

: Controller of Examinations, Prof. Md. Amirul Alam Khan

: Registrar, Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur

: Dean, Faculty of Business & Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah

: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahim Mollah

: Special Guest, Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Treasurer

: Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. M. H. Khan, Advisor and Founder Vice-Chancellor, AUST

: Session Chair, Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, AUST

• 10:50 AM: End of program of Phase LA

Phase II. A

• 11:05 AM : Deans, Heads ofthe Departments, Faculty Members, Officers and newly admittedstudents of the Dept. of Arch., CSE, EEB, & TE, to take their seats in the Prof. Dr. M. H.Khan Auditorium. .

• 11:10 AM : Arrival of the Chief GuestRecitation from the Holy Quran

• Speech by:


I 1:20AM


II :35AM

I 1:40AM


I 1:50AM




: Welcome Address by the Advisor of Students' Welfare, Prof. Dr. Sharmin RezaChowdhury

: Expression of feelings by the newly admitted students (One from Oept. of Arch., CSE, EEE& TE)

: Proctor, Prof. Dr. Md. Hamidur Rahman Khan

: Controller of Examinations, Prof. Md. Amirul Alam Khan

: Registrar, Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur

: Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. M. A. Muktadir

: Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahim MoJlah

: Special Guest, Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Treasurer

: Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. M. H. Khan, Advisor and Founder Vice-Chancellor, AUST

: Session Chair, Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, AUST

• 12:40 PM: End of program

-= ~ 2-2..\'l.....\'S(Prof. Dr. Sharmin Reza Chowdhury)Advisor, Students' Welfare
