Reason 4: Air, all humans need air this is how we are able to breath every day. If there were no...


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TreesBy Samantha Elias

There useful to many living


To humans for giving them air

and shade

To birds and other animals

for giving them homes

But even though trees

are kind to us

Were not so kind to them

Trees Trees are disappearing every day one by one. Trees are useful to us in many different ways. This is why we shouldn’t hurt or abuse them. Here are five reasons of how trees are useful and why we shouldn’t abuse them. Reason 1 :CO2, CO2 is bad air in the air. It helps such as global warming become worse. Trees absorb CO2 to keep it from being in our air. But if tress are burnt or cut down the CO2 is released into the air and it can cause damage to the earth. Reason 2: Food, fruit grows on tress this food is eaten by many living things. We need this food but we can’t get it if trees are disappearing. Reason 3: Tress gives us many different kinds of medicine that heals many people.

Reason 4: Air, all humans need air this is how we are able to breath every day. If there were no trees we wouldn’t be able to breath. This is why trees are so important. Reason 5: Animals, animals need trees just like we do. Most animals use trees for food, shelter and homes. If there were no trees these animals would start suffering and dying.

 Forests are being destroyed, every day the size of thirty -five soccer fields disappears. Because of farmers that need the land for crops. And because we need trees for furniture and it’s other uses. Since forests have been disappearing it’s been affecting many species. But we can all do something to help this cause. Like joining organizations to help plant trees and recycling paper. Just by doing this it will make a bigger difference then you can ever imagine.       

The End
