Racism and Racial/Ethnic Inequality Structural Racism Hostile Environment


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Racism and Racial/Ethnic Inequality

Structural Racism

Hostile Environment

Structural Racism - Segregation after World War II Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

“The FHA underwriters warned that the presence of even one or two non-white families could undermine real estate values in the new suburbs.”

Inner-city neighborhoods were destroyed and replaced with “Projects”


Structural Racism - Hostile Environment eXit Files

Robin Morris Collin and others left Eugene, Oregon as a result of discrimination and hostile environments.

Ridiculed for success. Subjected to racist comments.

Chief Illinewek

Arguments regarding Mascot

The name was used to honor of the founders of the state.

Opposing teams would use slogans like “massacre the Indians”

In the film, watch for:

Arguments for and against the mascot.

How are the arguments for the mascot: Ideological Camouflage? Political Denial?

How does the mascot create a hostile environment for Native Americans both at the University of Illinois and on other campuses?

For or Against?

It is important not to let “a zealous few” really censor people who want to express themselves through an “art form” in Chief Illiniwek.

To me, it is a compliment.

When they display the mascot, they are saying “we own you.”

What part of ouch don’t you understand?

U. of Illinois Retires Indian Mascothttp://www.nytimes.com/aponline/sports/AP-Chief-Illiniwek.html

March 13, 2007: URBANA, Ill. (AP) -- The University of Illinois swept aside the last vestiges of Chief Illiniwek Tuesday, voting to retire the mascot's name, regalia and image.

The resolution lets Chancellor Richard Herman decide how and when the Chief Illiniwek name and image would stop being used and licensed to apparel makers and others.

The school would continue to call its sports teams the Fighting Illini under the resolution.

What Do These Statements Represent? (Ideological Camouflage, Political Denial, Hostile Environment)

Chief Illiniwek was hung in effigy at the University of Iowa on Greek row. Native Americans had to suffer racial slurs

all week.

People would spit on, threaten or ridicule Teters when she protested alone.

What Do These Statements Represent? (Ideological Camouflage, Political Denial, Hostile Environment)

Chief Illiniwek is a focal point that draws people together.

Native Americans who are not as involved would not understand. “They should come to a game.”

Chief Illiniwek is “designed to be inspirational, majestic, reverent, moving.”

People are not capable of understanding the environment in which we share and enjoy the chief.

What Do These Statements Represent? (Ideological Camouflage, Political Denial, Hostile Environment)

The recommendation to stop using Chief Illiniwek was dropped from the final draft of the inclusiveness report because it was not an academic recommendation.

Study after study shows a direct link through the Native American images and low self esteem, low self worth, low performance scores in the classroom; 1 in 5 Native American youth attempt suicide.
