r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii...


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ilin^ n iU iN u tv n ^ i o r 2<>vt *• .l|yfUt-iid< wwt> wi«i«r.

TOL. n , Ho. 260


COSTOFLiyiNGM e re ly Uio R oB ection, ‘D ec la re s

H a r y a r d ’E co ;iom i8 t— Si^yB Pco -

^' p lo H av e T oo M uch M onoy

' CIUCACIO. ncc, 2tl,—'-Tho f.‘.lnrnlrcnorvo bonnl (Um'iI not know Uk 1>ukI- ncM nnd ]inn rclrani'J io» niiKrIi tnniii-y to Ihe peoplo or ilui ciiuiitry wlio iirr

• . ketplnic up ilm iilcH rom nt llv inr iiy rAoVlewi biiyInK".

Pror. T. N. Tarvor. of llio ilc'finri- monl of CPonomlr-i of H arvnnl Uni- vorslly. wmlo Uk- nlmvi' rliiirjio In

• , nddrcfislnjc lUo nnniitU inrcilni: o t ilu-'Amorlcan Kcononilc nintoclaiioti wlili'h ronvoncil ticri' lodny. Tlm roiivi'u- tton In otip o t llirpo iin 'flini; lioro

. . / to^connidpr iitirr-dip-wnr iirnlilcmii. Th*o Am(-rlcan Aiitioulmloii for Uilior LnKlniatlon nnd tlio Am<Tloan 'A>i»i)> cladon for Af;rlruliiiriil l.iit;inl[>tli)n

' Will moot Into todq>-. . . .ProfoBOOr t^ rv o r ’ d.iclurcd tliiil "it

wo would Imy iniirf imicUH Iniiicad of Htlk nox wV rould dn itnlni'tliliiK Ui brluR lh« UOIX lit Mllncn UiicU to i;iiiiK'>

• wlioro nuar tiorinal".I'Twjpfo aro Imyliii: ililniin fmiii-i-

llinn iHfiy can Ik* prodiifi-d". lio hiiIiI. '•(ind’thn prlfoii iinliirnlly ri’tnain nii,"

‘j i t Ihoy woulil Imy' nroilurHcin—Hint ' Ijr—Invom in Miockji-tlio iniiniifaciiirnr

JYfOulU 1)0 biiyliiR loolB. would I'nliiTKO fnetorlMi nnd tlioro would l,o rroiuor rroduciinn \vltJi u corrouponiUnj; itt-

. Irc t In prIrPK,”HI|[h WflK'T hnvo notlilnn lo dn

y-' ■'‘■HI* itiB lilKli com nf Uvlnif. Hlrl;wnnrD are merely the ruflvctlon of ilio h lsh com o tllv lnc .", Tbo convention dovotcd loilQy'ii nrn- *Ion to a fllitPi^R^loii of tlio (lui'ntlon' of nuilninlninB the m on cxromilvK i.rn- fllR an n pcm ianenl liiulltiitlon.

Farm ers* F ed e ra tio n W ill In v ad e Id ah o

n o if ilj . rio 4 ■ 2^—A.nnouniM‘tnont tha t tho 'U nlled fStaio!! I^doratlon of Farm em will Invado OilB Htato. 6rRnn- Irlnc In cocll county a w orlilnr unli lo join a Hlalu orsanlxalion lo have

. ri'preiiDntatloti In tho national body, haa cauHOit connlilorahlo Intcrcni In Titalie due to tbe fact-tlieNaniiarUittn league alm aily la ontronchod hore and hlti' for ilie pa'al fow yoar« licitn very U llvc . TIio com ins oC Iho rcdera tlon m eani tha l thero will bo two rival o rganliatlons of’ (annent in the ninte.

. H aw a ii W ill P e titio nfo r F u ll S ta tehood

SAN rRANClSCO. l)ec. 2D-A dcU- catKin from Hawaii..coinpnied ot Gov C hat J, McCarty and IcRlidatom will q ir iro bcro Momlny noxt onrouto t< Waahlnitton whi-ru tboy will lu^tlilor 'congm n to erun t IluwnU mnlchood T he dolcBuicB wll I urrivu on tb< T ransport L o sa n ..

' O ther Icflalaiion ibal would bcnvdHawaii will Uc aakod by Iho dolora Uon. Tiie p uny will roiimln In (In Unllod m ate* until Murch.

HAVES |3S7,0SJ OF t'llO rS .

.NEW PERCE3. Ida.. D «c.',23 .-T lt »r#»ihopperiVlllinR canipalitn of Inn ■nmraer In Lowl* county iiavrd crop ,w orlh $337,027. above pxponKcn of $12, ,OOJ for cnmpalRn. according lo a ro p o rt ,by Conntv A j;inl A. 15. Wad. Tbo a'croaea troatc.1 u-a# 0,752. f.i

' .whlcK .95.000 puunilH ot bran w rr . u u d . wllh 3.71C pomidit Af whIiR n m

600 iwunOn or 1>arU firecn. 1-.30 doton lemoB'i nnil 1,S00 sailonii < ab la ifc it. T 'th savlni: In ono ro j.u W B greater than tho et^tlic oxpand tu re or Iho un lvcrd iy oxieni<loii dlvli

io a fer iho year. wliicU . wan . $28:.

'^JIIN O IIA M IIAV IN ih :m a m >

DLACKroOT, IK'c. 2 5 -T ho Hln{ ! bom county fann bureau haa boca r

> /e lv lo g many Inquiries rccunily (i aUaifa hay,.and tbo faruiem there ni W a g aako<l to li«i iho hoy. ihey wl baje and vtalo ihc prlcc. Innulri(

Lemhi and Onolda'county far bproatiB wero oTnone iho»o rocolv«s b im a u wero among thono rocelrcd.

. . ' .S - 'i.l ' ............ - ,

■t' Woman Annou ' tor Presideni

W E R R E , s . ])., h i . t . 2!!.- f irs t w om an In plai-c JierH(^lf

. Uniic<I StntcH ni lli r coiitini; ,v rec e iv e d a I c t t r r fro m l ie r tc < f tc c r p r t l ie olTirt' o t |)ro«idcnl

■ ! TU{' firHt w oimiii to (iiti *; S o iltli D uko tn Klnti'-Jniva, »uyi

Jnm tf« 0 . M c/iroo, o f Iln ; d n y oa n n “ jn d e p o n d c n t ci

V p la tfo rm 4b n tm e d " to p r c r c r >1 by t a x a t io n " .

k ; - ' ■■ .

N ew herry A tto rn e y F iles D em u rre r on

T ech n ica l G round

P nUAM ) IIAI-IDH, .Mich.. l)iT, . \ j 2i»->1urtlii W. i,litlctoii. of Now

Vork.' d iii 'f oonn»i'l 'for Soiim.ir Trniniin NVwborrj’ in ibo olci;- lloni* tirandiil nuicn here, flloil tiv rL');irii.T>'<l mall iniby u doinni'ror

I- 10 (III- iwii liidktiiicnla rViuriu'il ii.irc by !i fodcral .Kraiul Jury n- i:;iln«t S.-naior .N'r-wb-rry and l':n or hlH ]>tillil>-al ntilii on churK<vi nfnmiiiilraoy «i.<l Iraiicl, Tb........ -

, ‘ liitirror fllrd in llio Unli-d sm(|.,i .d l» ii i .t 'c o u r t b -ro I up Ibo iilal'in tlml ibo lndl<'lnii'nl» an-

, , taiilly nml ibui ibo indlciM,) tnni <'iiiii|'ii bo liHiI 'undor tbo Until'd Sl.lU’ii oliTllim lawn for \vlui1 nr-

■„l. currod IlurlnK ilio Main primiiroi.I„ 'riin ol.J-'i-ltoiiii ral-.nl cbloliy ;iro

,1„. Iliorio brminbt. up' In tin- .--ii'W l,U Ynrk Krai.ll jury of Ortobn-, oil- 1 11.‘(. hnil wblob \v.-ro.iivi;rnilMil ero 1iy lh - n.tH 'd smto.. - ourl of I'lp. mil. poalK.hor Tbo ilriiittnor will ....... . ..10. January f., '

“'OPERAWARE: READY TOGOip." •— - ii.-itrn r M e e t' to A p p o in t C om m itte e s t<

G a th e r D a ta f o r C oa l S t r ik e

(tt- S e ttle m e n t Com m iasion

Irl:(1„, .rH U 'A dO . tloo. 2fl,—w ith tbo ar

rival todny of Tlioinan !•*. Itrowiilrf ifi,. ctialrmnn nt Ibo Kcnlo coinniltloi- <i

coal o|>iT.Horii, for n nioMlnr of tin ,f,i. (oniral conitiotlilvo Hold ciiintnUtoi

her.'. 11 wnn iinnounci'd Ibnt the roa oporniorii nro "riMdy lo ro with I’nvit dont Wllnon nud nro n.it Incllnod n Ntand nu toclinlcalliloir lu ndjuiuiui

k o diftlrultlnii Voiiiili{nR fhini tho iiotib' mont of thn ronl minora’ iiirlko;

"TbU .................. In iix'cIUik i>iun>l:ont >0 nppnlnt coniuililcoii t<) kci up nil tb' , (,f data nn optrallnB i‘xpcn«cn nnd in nn- torih tha t will ho needed bp tint Wll ,nii aon cooinjlimlon lo rcoch a dcchiion li

the cauo", Hrcwntcr nald.' j,ly_ AUhnunh liruw»ior'M m aicm onl. du

1,,' nlen lhal tbo opvratom nru Inclined t iun I'rotiint- against iho Wllaon cnmnilsHo: and '0 nolllc lh.jfv "("oral of Ihe 22 commliteI nion hero doclarod lliat an appeal I

(vnl prenldcn^ for " thclr day In cdurt . ' would be n movn productive of rr


od T ry to S to p S trikesby Rem oving. C ause


WASm.NGTO.V. IHf. 29—I^Kidln j lion iicltlnB up now luadiinory for th

, provonilon and netili'incnl of tndu^ tria l illlipulOM. will ho anked of o.on

' ; KioMH noon a fto r Ihn holtilay rcccu vvliicli cnda Ja nuary n,

lofit '■’•‘I’Oft I’ri'nidcnt Wiluon' icdufitrial commliiulon will probabl ' be Ibc tiaidii for the rennlutiouM lo 1

mado.Atlor rceclvlnc nuKKfationn for ili

conRreim nnd amomlnn'iita* the rou tnlHMlon will runnHoniblu lo pul llu n

•Tho 1''” '^Inxt AdniinlMrntlon ufflclnln bellevo 11

rnpB b^Kbdnth J12.- action th.ii tlioy. Iiopo will luake lU; I I-,'- u^ 'froo from nlrlkes an iho 'yoar no 'ud«*. cloKiuf; Ima been ropleio wllh tbom.

I.ir •________

l[*on .B ryan W ill D efine “f 1920 A tti tu d e o f

nlir. D em o c ra tic P a r tlIVlH-

. I.lNCm.N. • Dcc. ■ 2D~Accor»lln(; lo Inrornmtinn nald lo bo Riven out by frlendn a l Omaha. William J. tlryan. Ii waa learned boro in-

liUR- day, will H ieak at Omaha Jununry a rc- 12 on "iho altliude of the Demo-• (or crniic parly for 1920.“[• a io A tour of iieverol week*. Is l«

will undcrntood. In boins planned b> Iirioil Kryan. durlne wlilch Iho peae^ farm troaiy, Icnruc of nnllnnn anil dvcd. ')lh«r cniniiai.Kn .knmc* wjlll bt■d. diiiCURiiod.

tunces C andidacy a t o f U nited S ta tesi().— Al)l)ie W hlsU cr o f aiicuK O i-* llu* iclf in th e jn c c . fo r p r e a i t lv n t 'o f tlu ‘ inR d c o lio n . T h e B corolnry o f s tn t r• todR y BignifyinK Ik t w ijliiiR iifs '; fi> len t o f Ihe I’lii ted SItitoH.(|itnU fy IIK n noiiiiiieo, lU 'oitnliiii: In luyo Hliu'“ iM II K cp iib iic im c u n d itlii tc " . I lnyw ood , 111.,'nlho Hied n p e titio n to - . cn n tU d n te ’ '. l l o n r o e 's c ig l i t - w r d v e n t o il tittd tr iin sp o r ln l io n m onopo ly

r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE

r F A t iT W IN F A L L S


R e p o rted , “ F i n d " in O klahom a

c- T u rn s O u t to Be S om ebody

. E lr .c -^S ca rrh C oa tinuca-

;.d : ■ -_____ ‘ ITiri..SA, Okla., I»-'C, 2D,.-l.ilil0 niilv!

•\ Daniii.y of llauii;ioiiimi, NV J., in mI||I miiialiij;. ]

.^nd liio ......................... arcb for liio!porfoct batiy l«iy wlio ■litiiiiiponrl'd fruui i

bo lioino on Oclobrr S coiilluuni, bill ii jt | ro willl Tnla a» Iia Jiicalo. |on IlobiTl Auti.n, cJiI.-t of. poilc- at I'd (-olliiiKvlilo, okl.i., bas i;nn« bad ; lo^ ir . bln hiiiiii- diKii.piilnti il and diiicuut.'d I •iM timi ill' iilioiiM bavo liri-.i booilwliilird 1 fo into l...|J..vln,; Ibal Him ||i>|,. f„„r-! .,v .vcar-olil lioy in tlio ni.ilmlji of .Mr. nml 1 n-, Mri!. J. (', Scbaofrr nf Tubm wa;i Ibit^ „,l I)ali.i(iy olilld. Till', boy with tlio;,p. K.imofor'ii In Illlly C-ori;.' ............ .

«lioiio nu.tbor ronliio:! at IlrintniT, llkla.l I'll . ------- ------------- I

L loyd G eorge E xp la in s 6 to 1 V ote in L eague

^ l.t.ANlKTl'MliWy. N llllTlI WAI.I-IS H it, 2!l.-llrlli»li coii.iilnt,. onlorcil tlio

r i r t Id'ilcfiencl.'nt of Ibiialii nnd of. 1 1 tlirlr ow n'voluntary .u iil , [-reuiior J V i,r(,y<i Ooorce nald l:or« In a Tipooch In

wliloli ho nnmvorod ibo onmi.inliii of loaKUo opponi^ufi in tbo fn liod Stutci.

5 to Ibnt Ilrltain han nix votoii in tbo loacuo to nuo for tbo rullod Klaton.

••Thl- cnl.miea .•ulorod Ibo war vot- u n la rl iy . >mld l.li.vd (ioorRo; "and i-iif-f-roil Iieavy lot...... Auiitralla bm; ii'imany liiou an tl|o rnltod .Stator. Tlio (Oloiitni lioiinoMloun aro oulllleil to

;.r. V..10.I In the 1o,ikui.. wblcb, .’io«-- ,.,:lrf, <>v.T. wlil not bo iiKcd in iioHlemeni of........ ni'oitlnnn urlnilir between Ihe fn lledr llm ataloii nnd ICticlftml". llltoo rrcr;ld'riit Wllnon reroriilzod ' the roal Jujitice nf ihal cl.-\im, tbo preuik-r .mid.

Ironi. ------- ^ --------------

H old U p M essengerin M idst o f C row d

l'l"u,P CI.KVI-1.ANII. Dee. 2 9 - In .tho mioi;1 I (10 ' '“fblK ilnyliKbt bolil-up over ntnRed Wll- In lllovelnnd, two yoiiilitul bnndiin. in

on lu the .bva rt iof lim biiiiba'aii il'iiurict, held up Jami;n llodoitn. 77.'.bnnk nien-

l .d u . HenRor and oniai.eil w»h JIO.OOO in ed to csiih ond bunk dratia entlmatod nt »»lon hclwren-ino.OOD'-'nnir«C.OQO.-, • ‘

Iho • TKo^hold.up occurcil In front of Iho tllteo Union Cominorc^ N’nilonnl h;ink on a l 10 Ku<;Mil avcnuo. uml In ihu niiiUt of durt” [, rrdwil or pcilentrlaiin. Tlio work of

liic two bnmllin, both bellovod to tio under 20. wnn ii.i quickly necompllnh- 0(J tiial few kneiv, tliero hnd been a robbery.

ises D eath F rom• W ood A lcohol Booze

Kidla- — r—ir tb u SPIUN at'IK I.n, MaRn,. Hoc. 23.—No ndun. now donlhii woro reiwrtod Ih'iii morn-

oon. Inr In liio Conneetlrui vnlloy wood al- •cccMii rohoi whldky horror. nllhouRli onr

new hoipltal cnne wan reported froai UonM Clilropeo'.bably '■'ou'' "''•’n Voro arraigned In Chico- lo bo ti'ornluK on the cburRo ol

li'aniilnUKbter In oonnecilon witii r.-»1. ,r llu- •'’' Two were bcbl

wlii'iiml ball wbllo two wero holled lr ro- The total, dend to dau

In Ibo Connucilcul vallo'y I# 7!t.■0 tho - “T— , . '

S uffragettes to M ee t r noK- in jFinal C onven tio rlom. — ■_

NKW YOllK, Doe. 29.—W hat prob alily will bo ll;e lant convention or thi

, National -Won'inn 9ii(frano o««ocinti(ji . will bo bold in ’triilcaKo i-'obruary 12

1« at Ibn Oonercnn Ilolel. tbn oolobraii Ibo nniioolniioirii "bard-rnrnod vie

^ Inry."UelegaiM nre called to rcjolco tha

illuR Ibe iitriiRfTlo in ovcr. tbe aim achiovn Iven women of tho nalinn nboul illati, enter Inlo cnjovuirni o f vleiory. sr , cordInK lo tb« lext of iho convonilo

MKUed hy Mm. ra rrle Cbnimian Cat imO" I’rcfident of the ninoclallon.

tn In IIKMOYAI, (IK AMKllIt-.tN DKAI)I by' IS i'f:ii)UTTK » n v s r .w o m ti ;

mid WASHINOTON. I)c<-. 2 3 -T h e coir I bo uiandlOR Rcnoral ot ibo Aincrlcu

foreea In Krnnce ban cabled tliat lh_____ I'roncii ininlntor uf Ihc Inlorlor o

- hi half of llio council of inln'm em hf npreed to ibo removal of liodloit i Aniorleaa dead outHdc of the. nono i

• anuleM, , ■ '’ \ provloua dccrco held Ibat uni

^ 5 ib(! bodlPR of the l-'rencli deuil eOu b e romo\^od - from tbe old zono i nrniios tha t the .romoval of Amerlci

ih e bodlm In (ho t'arn# 'lerrllory would 1 tb e unwlhc.n te _' ■______]_________


Id CLEVELAND, Dec. 2 0 .-0 n o ad^e ” . [llonal death horo from wood atcot t o . . poisoning.In Ihe p ast tw eniy.fo . . . I houra broaghl tho total for tbe moo

. to fifteen a n 'd '^ o C hrlilm iu toll- f o a r . ' Ono man \em ovcd lo tho hi pltal Itl an uncom clour condition

expeeiril lo riie .

’E W ^ P A f e U IN i 6'a .

L S D AiLS, ID A H O , M O N D A Y , D E O E M B E R

" suggestsNEW 'G; SIRIKECOURTIna P r c s iile ijt 'c In d u s tr ia l C on fe r­

ence P u lo O u t F e e le r an

T ea l-o f S c n ljin en t

llvj W A i'inN in 'llN . IX'c, ; 'J-O ftie la l ll|IW>i.>bliiKiiiii wa.i Inilay oareful li>

iMiidyln,-. llio liroiionnl '•ni.li:- ei.iirt'' l:o;iuiTi:euT..,l.iii Ibe ,i|-olimliiavy leimrl m i|of IToi.tileuI WIisim'n linlui'lrial ion-

I Tbi- pvoiin'ial fnr tlio iToatinii of a al iiatlnuai linliiiitrlai tribunal, wllb ro- lo |i;l..nal biMnI.i f-ir liunilry .mil ndjuni-

tr-l |e;'deni.mil l.a'io^ lon4 'r« '' '•re rrliij-iaiil lo

lio .tb -y bad muiliei] !l caiefiilly, but they eii.i'admllteil Ibat Ijielr, (In t readliii; nflll.l 1', bail t .n au ......................... l.ielt .if'

limwiT. Tbov poll.....I niK tbat. bail,llio proiiiiaod tribunal bi-.’ii In etf.-ci ibirliii; lb.- u l c l ,>iriUi-, It \..iiibl imvo

l e ........ ............ . f " 'ti.-eu III. piAver to fnn-- Jiuli;e C.iry in -lulmill tin- dlflleiiltle,. to Iti. tri-

•IS. liiiiial. .liie lu ...... .. reHi.or|ii. labnr ieadem de-of olaiod, ll.o pmpoiieil plau !•• aiimeil

ior |>avnll>-l ti> ibo wnr Inbor bnjini. wlilchIn nai. rroaleil ditriuK tl^e war niitl wlilcliof ii|,.-rato<l tu n iilaniier ,.Mli.i;actnry lo

teh b.lior iliirJiiiw 'bo.war i.orlnil, but lli.-y;ue doolare.l ibat in 'm auy lii .Kiiioen llio

nilliiKii nnd <leci»loni< of tbal bnar.lot- bavo liOeii aliandnueil wbellior by om-Iif. iiloyorn iilii.-0 Ihn nlr'iUiK <>t Ibo jirm-a;i i:>tloe ainl Ihey ijuontioui-d ubi'tiier Ib-

riio Iirop.h.eil new I'rlbunal would ho anyto Uinre .miai'nnfiil In inaklnn biMlnr. do-

of ■Offlclaln of iho •uiiinii,! of fe'-b-r.il ted ciniiloyon wero openly opinoied m the

tho Ihnl public .-miiioyorn nl.ould nm lie- liil. lonR lo orcauiialianii wblrb iii'lKbt

iirlke . Tboy declnrril.thai while ibli. wnn I-Vlileiilly illniod at piillM< aud flromeii. tt uilRht be conniruod to In- d u d - niauy (.•laHi.uK of n.ivrrnmont and munleiiial omployen »-lio ’diimld noi bo ileul.'.l the riKhl In i.lrlko if Iteceii.

oi'.l tl.ry for iiiforcenionl of llu-lr ^lu.; Red .lomandn.. in I’renldm l WIlKon hnn ntudi-il Ibe ict, p rn iiiiiinary-roport tor nevornl- dayn, ipn- mil il ' wnii cxpoclcd loday tliai ho

in would make .bin nttlludo lowanin ll known w ithin ii fow dayn.

• ■ l l wuu pointed-0111 a l the Wbllo ,l,„ House ‘aud tbo deiiartmont of liiboi

Umt cmiihanln Hhould be l.ild on tbi- fnct tbnt the reporl mndo imbllc to-

. dny in In no way u dotlnilo proponal, ' . bul in m errly 'n "icoler" pul forwnrd . . to loHt ib« iientlnieni 'if ibn nation. '

Wb.-u Iho Induiilcliil coufereiico re. convcni-R'111 January -ll In pinnnnd lu opon boarinRH on tbo m erits of tin propoi.al iiindo puhllc today wllh. hi;: husiiioHn niuti nml: lahor'leadnm np- lieurinii lo glvo nuRROBtlon for tho nml- rnlibi noiil»-mont o t labor dlltlcuiiio#.

-No -


(lalo —icbi S a y S u g g e s tio n s o f IndoB tria

liBio C om m ission N o t E fficac ious

I f P u t I n to P r a c t ic e

WASHINOTON, Dcc, 2D,—U b o o n loaders hero nro not Ronnrallv oiilhui.

Innilc about tho prollinlnary repoi HUbniitted,' by thu proHldrnra liiduti

^ iriiil coo4'ml«».lnh, tho ,Ti,p niojorliy or labor londiirn do nc

■tlQT bellevo tbo nuRRniillonsfof tbc'enmnili >*' nlon' would bo rffti-aclauii ir pul Inl

oprrnilon.''Ic* A 'rnnk Morrison, secrotary of. tb

/m iT lra ii Foderatlon of Labor, vul tha t i„. „(rttld prefer lo dlncuRs the ron

mlMion’s reporl a fte r he had sludlp It a t lenglb.

®‘‘‘ "From a cursory reodInK nf It". |i said. "I should nay tba l Ihe effect

Call, veness of iho proposed hoard woul depend nil iho Rood will of the en ployoTH. Tbo workers are alwayn n il

I) Iu r Io nubmll Ihelr caies lo publ 1U;k boards. I t we had Ibc good will i

Ihn cm ployen Ibo creation of sue coin, boardn a s prnposcd by the commlaslc ricun woi'ld nol bo nocessary. Employe; I Iho I'O wIllinR 10 racei with tlf nn woVkem and sottle mailers wiih thc i has outside aid."

. J,. a M allor..vlco prosldont of tl no o t I’folhat-hood* of M llntenan

of Way Kmplo^cs.'ono o f th o Urge unltl railway unions, said lh a l Ihoor‘ , t lira llj the lURgeillODS or ih r-pro i

“ “ ‘‘J dcnt‘« conference "leomed all rigl ‘® but r je y would never work out rlean prarilco".Id bo


adai. MOSCOW. Ida.. D tc. 3».—WlllhKobol Doultoh. aliaa VBntcb'* Demlng. mr.foar recenUy fleeced an Idaho Jttdgenonlh 1260 and who w ai a r ru le d In Spoka:oil- to plaadod guilty to * cb irgo of ablalolI h o i. monep under U Im preteniea aad «Ion J* aonlencod by Judgo Sleel to il:

day* In Ibe counl^'.iall. ________

rAN O T H A T R B C E IV .

E R 20, 1010

^DR.VERM1LYE Tl HAS ONE WIFEc r - 'P e r fe c t ly G ood R cnsoii W iiy Ho

. F a ile d to S liow U p fo r Hi.i

W e d d in g .on O hri‘ l.mii!i • '

lal NKW Vimic, Dec. :::i.- Tlin .Itirnv-m .ry Ibal In , VVillim,, i;.-V-r.nllyo, ..I.n,

r f l.ill-il u . ;.ii|..-:ir 111 .Mmi .nii. Ma.. . f-.inri l-i. ••weil.lliir.'. iilr.ailv Imn a wlti';

bla .leil Ml" 'n.m aui'i- .if 'ttutlit a Koeuey. wbo reHli-.tieil 'in r Ii.eittloll a- r .- luiiriicin r ill S iia tii.b a t ll\tcl:iii'll iiiil-

oM D r.'v.-rmllyi.; if ie ', lilrt i.rlniitial li. nor Ihir; !:ini;le.| lii-;irl alfair ..a - Mill In ii

llroolilvn boi.tiilal tml.iv I[i- ri ­io lu-.i-il 10 mai;........ ....................

lltl Mr-.. Vennlly.- w.,-. .......... I In _ill-.- _

'n> b.-l|or tlial ....... Ke.-in-v liin-a nf h.-r„rlo>Uloiic...

„„lj _ ------------------------ --v

■y ! Sh ipp ing B oad H e a d j ave I H as N ot R esigned Jo b

WASIIIN(l'i-(IN, Ilec l."l..-J„|,u It,.--,,,,.j,lnii. .‘I.alrumn nf ..... .t^l|.»li.;: tm.-il„ ,J i-a . '. ,ml r ..ilo» .ii ;„„l I,:,-: I , A ,1..1.10f re-ilKiilii,;. II wau Hlaleil - ul Ibe

Wlilti. llour.l^ to,|,iy 111 ri-i.lv ro niio;. r. ' , '„ (o in riininv.. ibni tin- rMiini nf m v-ii'

iioy ''="''.... .. " ’" 'I

. lie pr.-ililoiit onlor.it ibo llii-v-. n - ;rm aflor <-xanHtiln». ......... ........................................................................1.... ;liiM,. -v ll.b wur'- laa.io Ijv Secn-;irv: m y .Tin- !-lii;ii-!ni;'(,iahl bad a-i

v. -ati-i! Iinlillnit Illl-Ilnor-. iieiiillni: n-’

llrilaln nv.-r Ann-rlcan own. d nil till- t r om Cierniaiiy, ,

j'jjl I S pecial Session D a te | ininj S et fo r F eb ru a ry 111au.l _____ ■ 1

, IKlI.'ii;, Ma.. n.-c. 20.-Fe!iruarv 11,' ' ‘ , no.^nnlliii; to au aniinuiu-i-tiu.-nl by C ov .|

i rnor l>avln, tbe I.mte leRlniaiuro wlll-

. Tbn forninl prnrlaniatlnii ronvoiiliij;I • the ii-Ki-Ialuro In oipcncd (n l.e |n-

” sited (ndny,ho • .______ .

C o n te m p t o f C ourt il.„r C h arg e C ontinuedth f _____ '

INt>IANAI'0Ll.'5, Di-r, 21).—Hecauno " 'J ' of Ibe (;<>o<l f.iKli effeei of Alex llowntt

. in caiiini: oft it^o utrlken of minors lu "• (III- ICiiuiiaa d l.irio i cliarRen of con-

' ■ !*jiipt of .'tiiirt aRaiiini tbn union lead, llie ' ' ' ‘' ' '“ ■'■'oly eonilnueil in fml-blR

j r i u a : i ik i-i . a iik s iik u (;k i{1.., .SH O ri.n HAVK UKKN SHOT

n iirA O O . Dor, 2n.-Kodernl JudRO l.amlln. npnakliiK befiiro the A'dvcnls- lUK post of th e American LcRlon lo- dny decla r'd it wun "au unpleasant limy" to iionience Victor L. BcrRor, un-

J j l iicuf(-d Jiiember of ci'mRrciin. to twenty- j l f years in the fedonil pcnitcnlinry nl

Korl Li'avonworili. for violutlons ol Ibo esplonaRo Inw.' "II" "bould Imvo Ijoon mood unaln-t

« wall and Hboi''. lie said, ts -■•


„ S to c k Y ards StaiisU ci& n RoporL

. on L iv e S to d c R ece ip ts andM okes'Pre dictions.

tbo .vuld -------- '•

rom . rm C A aO , Dec. SD.-High prices fo iidleil b<,ct nnd beef products will contlnu — , until 1027 uccordinR lo a report o ". bo M. I-'. Hnrlnii. stork yards ■lallstlcinr Tectl- Tbo nhortngo of beef will continue fo vould Ihe next uoven years, ho aald. makln

em . n reduction on the prices, beforo lim will* tlmo ImpoHslblo,

lublic He staled Ibo report* of (ho depart 111 or mont of uRrioulturo Indicating tk such ihortnRe wan less (han (hat amour

Isslon wero too opilmisilc. oyers Calllo receipts a l tbe Chicago sloe

tho yards woro 23n,()oi) Icsi in IDIO tha them it- 191S. ho reported. Total receipt

ror oil anim als to r Ibo year wero 18 if the ICC.omi an Incrcaae of 290,000 over la nance yoar.irgcBt A million Icsa .catlle wero slangh loore. ored-al tho packing plants o t Chleag proiI. K ansas Clly. Omaha,.St. Joseph. Slot righ t; City nnd 8L Louis than during tl ll In previous yoar. tho report •itlvd.


CDBi: •^ANSAB icriTV. Dec. J>—Senab • W arren 0 . H ari^ n i o f, Ohio, It

1111am bere, la Kbednled to bo .11^{,0 firs t wnong nopubllcan u p ira a ta

^ .the p re tld en tlii nomination to sp« o jano, before a K aittas CUy audlesce. Tl a lolnv nepnbllcan C lir'com m lite* vhlcb ,d WM aald will remain neutral la the co

a lz tr te s t will ctve a bearing to a ll date*. ■


f H i iI P o ca te llo R eady to j I E n te r ta in F arm ers I

an d Livestock M en


',*r.: D efin ite A c tio n W ill Bo T ak e n in

S h o r t T im e to B rinfj G u ilty

n il ' Porjionu lo A ccoun t .-

\VASin,\'CTON. Dec ;•:!. Wllb Ibe

,.li11 ........................ oli-aie.l m,. Ilie

" ’••il .ilii-.iii III,nbo j ami wlil.lu a (e.v ilav,. Mil-' i:ovi'ruuionii^i .leci-imi will be jinaile llli.IWU.

'lliciii by Ibl- Iiilen,alii.iii.l N.-w I'so r- 1 1 I vlf I- Ibal a Kalli; of i.jica latnrn cl.ilineii

III. b- 111 pn.iu.".>liiii nr a.lvam-o tnfi.r-

'■-^Cdiirt. ami wav |.re|i;irlni; to niali.- a

'I'l'l.aiiii ilry" an.l ntber inurl il.-<reo«, ..f.

" " '-^ la n - I.... . liiveMtlKatiuit Ibo aillvillei.‘i" '^ n f-Ih l......... ramblorii. .

I"' Tin-lr work la Uow .-ilmyi.t llnliilieil an.l. while Iboy have nol in.ulo 'piiblli 111- ilicif.1(111 limy liave Brriv.-il at, |i h known Ibnt liednllo action will la

. J 4ulioji.wltbiivB Very simrt llmr.

.lisPAlimlEDTO ii SIDE WITH HUNSfml- _ _ _ _

N a v a l OITiccr S a y s L a n d o f Doi

HOT W a n te d to J o in C e n tra l E m .

p irc s in 1918.idROn is - •1 10- WARIIINCITO.S'. Doc. 20—Tliat Spat sant .vns nu ibe verRo of romlng into lh .u n - war In ibo iiprlnR of lois nn Ibn nlil ■nty- of Conii.iny nnd tha t' nhe ivas prc• nl vented from doitir: no by Ailmlrnl Her s ot ton <T. Docker. Amorlcan nuyal utiach

at Madrid, and iibi nuilntunis, appoat iiln"l lo bo newn nnt nnb' lo illploiiinHes 1

WnsblnRlnii bu l,to ibcmo who were i Kuropo nt llto ilmo,

A iborouRb Inventleallbn of tl rl'angoa mndo by ibn . roar-mlmln uluno rnn c lear up tbn nlinatlofi, ii tell, and ibln dnubl|i'*i» will bo Inkr

n P with an llllln delay nn poixlbl [ \ j J Jonepli K. W illard. AKinrica(i amba

t-ador to Hpain, Secrotary of t)ta Hobort ljini,iiiR nnd otbnrn may 1

J call.ll lUpon l.r toll wbat they knn- ■ ™ not nnly of Sjiaiit's report.-d doternii; tJ f.iion to en ter ibo 'w S r neainnl tl

f n lle d States, Imt nf the nttaeb rharRod ibnl WtllnnI hindered bim bin work prevonlluR ber so doinn,



slock •■Hnr.-en City*’ wan iho ohJ(*ct1V(> than ijijt wo(-k'ri niisiiinR loiter congest

celpts i-[,p TIrooii. sheet music award* I shloli ivuri' walled todsy to Iho wl ners. This week's contest will t« tii

. ; the w ord '"i^o jorson" wh'ich will fcrmoil, OH usual, from letters pi

' piincly omitted f»onl adTorUsemei “ ,2 - on Ibo mIflslnR lotlop page. Addn* all replies lo “Ouldo Manager" n

of Tho Times. k(*cp1oR neatness a orlglnuUiy In mind In franjIiiB i

t-IEST answer, , •I.ani weeks ron trs l drew tlio 'ci

etialor ternary widely s c a lie r^ m sjs of It i t pile*, lack of space perm itting oni]

t)o the partial Ifst o t the wlDnars aa folloi a ta to Mlat Lowana nem log . Dox 1104. apaak Allas Rntli Portar. 7U Bth A rt. fL'

, The m t* MeJteown. J6a .Van B nrea St. ileb U Ura.^. T .'H o n tb U llo c . BnbI, Ida. a con- N H . IL J . W o o l .DBbl. I b t . , , ,- ea&dl* l la tta r L aosblln . n ie r ,I d a b o .. '

s jT wire s a a v , j ^ l |

N ' ■ ■2S5o mM"I

OLD VOL. xm. MO. ^

^ hallucinationI I - ofyomgnew ' I

W1LLBET01| I■ H air-S ia tc r W ill D e ta il S t o iy ;

■ . o f A lk i’cd l l lc R itim n tc .B irth , <1

I. . o f D e fe n d a n t • ;

I -In- iii:il Marry H. Now. alleged r1 ..I ,,i (• S.'ualnr H urry S. SCW' • .r inii..iti... llllll .Mrn. i.llly Heritor, has

I . ; K..I .It li.l.; leiiiiiorarliy froui> ."I li-r/.iT 1.' .Mit.v i;dtin Cianrjr,

.'.i-M v..-k, innlial.ly .Mnnday aftor-t ....... III- Tii".it,i>. Ibl',- blown oy'ed.I- ll. rt. Ii.iit'-i| );iil Will t.lop 111 Ibo Wit" .

I, I,111.I ,11 ii-.i t 11.111 Ilf itio biauui fo r . ............ .nil ..r I'll-iln I.e'sm-r. .NnW» J ’ .'fc

> ■ .Mr:, c ia ti i) will r ro iit.i';i p icture .v J i 111 -iril.inn <niiir.i.-.i wttb her b rother. .‘-M 1 :-iic will In- neatly. !.iyli..hiy, hui not

Ii,i: llllv iiii-i,..'.i. .mil- tl. young. :vt* , ‘j |

l)i.\Mi ll. III.- ill f' tidaiil'n rlioir will .i|li-t. I taris .\i-w -oxpr.-i.iiloiilOKn,'HNII-

I i iii-iii.il nillv I.i-eauno ills motli'er . '' '^ ..It ll :,i.ti.|' I.ave iii'.Uiied on II. dream - ' / il. IM/In;’' -.Ii-aliilil al llm "no mnoX- '•*in.-." ili;ii in (In- rn u rl room from ' _i‘ , .■lii.'b nil mil- biiH M'on hitu ink0 :'bla |,,, I ^ . I nce Iln- Irlal opened.

Illl, .Mil," Clainy'ii lo/illiiiony will ba'dQ- Ilrli lall'-il- a r -habii- uullinrity luiys. ,Aa lit,- (nitilinil liy nil-, >ourco nho Wlll'rie<Ibe r a re llial a few liitihliv bi.foro Ju ly

mllll 1, tin- ............ . Minn l-<-nnor'n doaUl—tav.. .i|ii< [ilra'le.i with Iln rry Nuw n o f '. lo

......... frn-.la l-on;.oc._ who wan barfni-inl.

iv.-n wan oixliifulo. • ; '•■r- Wllll ifie i.iiectio connt.-^tly botoro ';

lueil iii r „f .-111 unbaptiy iiio'rrlaBO orlatngfii.ni tin- .-mliori. of her roo lhsr^ 1cliljilbooii rmiinncr-. ..ho nouRht Mlaa

“ l.ei-nor. Tl. l-'rledn nho bORgCd tl>#t ]-111.- marrlaK” pontponed tlM ll

' llarry'H tnntlier rnuld ro lun i frODIlJjF^ •llaiiiiiioliH. Wben IVleda refused U lk Clancy In i.niil 10 imve revealed to H tr ' for ibo firm timft her b rother's ^ -

‘i'’”.'' Defeiite will cliUni MIIM 1-oiM.fr-r** . fiiiT-il to wed New and flnaliy tnoB- fioitod uiul perhaps laun'lod b lm .« lU i Ibl i-lory of bis b lnh. ' "V -

A ibroe-your-old hnlluclnatlen. ;tM .lefcni'i' bupcs to show, that some wnn purauinr him from clly to 0^ . ii'lllni: of bis ulleged . uniancilo'saa

U C pnrentaRo w.in kin.Iled- Into a bUu>i l l J "'-‘•I’' ' ' '" ' )'e shot tho 'g irl'jsa

i,br w t wllb him Iu Iho auiom oblic. ,

D on N p w Y e a r C e l e b r a n t * ■■ i

1- M ust T a k e O w n D rink* 3— ■ g - i l

NKW YORK, Dcc. 29,—"B rln t.jrtljtr ; nwn drlnkn". was t to w arning aOQBd;

ipnin Cll today by hotel proprietors to ) (he. wbu denlro to .pu t a lllllo aleohol .j i i^

slilr Inio Iholr Now Ycnr’a ove c e leb ra tiM pro; 1'onplto problbltlon's damper on caw(T Ilcn- tbe hololn are crammod.aa nover

tachn tore, ond II Is Indicated th a t tiW - poarn wblin llnhl di.itrlci will ace. one of ttw ea In brirj!e«t rl-owils on record. 'I)';■rein , -------------------------.n;

,hp D e n i e s I n t e r f e r e n c e mirni W i t h O i l O p e r A t i o i | i :

islblii. NKW YOHK. nee. 29.—T b e 'M e* l ||i '- , 'nbaii- novornuient lias no l p rev e titf^ 'tb a 'il^ ^t)iato portnilou or produclloD o t H i i r l w a ^)' lie hy Amerlean operators, aecordbis S fnl;nnw. atnlemeni by llanion■ D enlgrp .'coA urmin- Rnnernl here for the C arran ia-f« iT «» - '

tbt' pient. Dftnlsro sa ld’he b a a re c e l lM . aeben luHirui'iioun' from I'n ^ ld en t C arriuM ■

init, irary. _ feA*

lastweekand - ’thisweek’stest :SING LETTER C O M .ivo In Addavpa Olhsoa. n t- S i Tw in P s i u i ? ’ eat In Uerlrudo D eV lsur. IU. S. Twln^Pklts,'-. la to r Mr*. K H. Jonea IU. S, K Inb*rly.0 v ln - K liube lh S a m p a o B ,'lU T K r x e - ^ ' : '! tfoture i»o(tland Ore. .'III bo i . B. Know lef. K l t n ^ l f •‘ par- Mr,, -jobn l io a , n t .m enu noreB ce K londer. ‘RU l . ' f t A L ' '• tfiif ddreai r o m I»e»OB. Ht.'*!, 'B a t if ' care u u ili D . Noratrom, D)Q«■a and Twin Palla.' - : v • - ,

U r« .L .'8 lB e m ii.a :» 3 sd ’4 T » : ; K ^ H ^'lle ien 'M ort. lU . T i r I a , 9 ^ ^ B H


la.* .




I '


/ \ . .

I '

This Spa(

n FaDs V

mi Tell

, ' V

PAtia DAILY Tttma, Monday, i

Lce Reserve^


You Tc

> V ! M . - ■* y,<v. ,’• ■ .............. ■r,Dg0.g9,lftl9


ed For

ing Wor


-iV .- S y ''nV.T;:


'v ' ■


. k

Bay# V o ten W ill Continuo Scnfl- .-oi,. ► , In s H im BM k I I O ongm J ' ™ ' , ; -f V ' S cales H im Seat munlci-•■■.t X . Ull nl

. -r •""■ ■ IllU olST LOUIS, DCC. 27.-<3or. PlilllU'P Hcccu

©•'Wlacotmln will liavo to call «n- Thn oilior clccUon It Victor UorKcr In Hhr.m n w ln denied lil» aent In coMCrcmi. «UUli HcrRer declttreil tmilRlU. "«nvl tU« U vot! bcoplo ot th a l dla lrlct will kroi> mind- Sou me mo to conRrenu nil ofum n« mV nuiiilj

' Mhi In ilficlorcd viicuni." II«rK‘'r lUiUt, wif.:; lierKor ilccUrod Qovornor rii.lHli*l> C lon.l

l» coiiipollcd to call aiiolli«P flec tion May.' "cficr a cortiilu' Ume. an.l I'U m irdm law to him." i

Don;or «al.l l»o will aRatii prwcn.t ]1( || ; hlm.eU for l.lu neat In congreua mid I' mfiificil iipiln would tloiimtid Gov. Millllpp cftll (itioUicr clcctlon. W;

Speaklnfc o t Induatrial coiullllonii, clliini. ncrner snid. '-tl.erc I f . i n1j;ia.T. fill- 1-clr.

-tInR on Out «af«ty vnlvu In Wiwililnn- iiio r toil, 1 don'l know wliotJicr Hurt day. n irw r Jit Uurlcnon. I’ulmor o t Wood- Tli row WU»on. llu l I do know Uial »»• <'n I

, liT.» tlial nlKRpr lu Hpecillly, tnkeii off f.,cl till. Butcty viilvo tlmru In fcolnj; to np i ll- an ciploiilou In tlio United «< matcn. , , •

•'Ttioro nre only » f"'V UiiIikti. lufl wnn •—tliojio In Iilili country anil ono In rani Japuu." norso r Ooclarrd. J!n prc- !•> dieted tlio Dcniorratlc nnd IlcimliH- Kun cwi parlleii would form a ronctloimry fron imrty wliu tlio "ocJuJlwii .opponhii;, lln iircillclrd tlilH would Incrra.io tlio Tl iioclalint voti-, I''

‘TUo Tlnicn Job prlntlnn dopnrlliK'nt U ' lliorouRUly otiultu>cd lo do fim t ■’W cItiM work—nl rcaaonablo prlcft«.__ nd'*

-Bftllr and SunOay Ylase*. H a 7«« -

Equity Auto I, '.YJi ANcmt SwVAv________

Ow ned and Run by

Only Firat C lass Mat


u W c uro now in n in.-sitiou to Inki!wcluiiii; atld rc


[ F o r a J ? b D ( ^ : m g t o

TiPfidiS e n i

T FA n c

Owing to ih( m aking a ne to m ee t a sm

Thfe Sn. d a i l y ANI


By the

, By getting i1- ^


O nly 2

nirnl Cnmedr o t K arr Merit ComlnR lo I r t m l Tlirnt^r

. Toinon .-ow

Oil. Iloy." till' mun leal c o n i^ - Unit iml enormoun f a w r nt y f io Now rk I’rlnccnii tlica tty iindrtUu fourlli iKlcul tonioily to r^corol n decld.'d PrOI

n l llml '‘ninll p l.iy lio(if>u, w ill In- . 1 ofterlnc. »t tlie L avering tliuiilrc ccnilmr 3«.riiP C'onii'loek-lClllotu’ toiitp.-.ny lian ni’Ulblod ll mierial caul Jo r ’lUlu tonr lUli will Ineludu nnnii- v^ell-Iinown ('1

Soino of till' iini;>l jiopulJ.r nmiileiil a roliiilicrh lire "-V' OIJ •b'lVHUIoiii'd I'lui,ifi:." "llolU'd Inin Or.^».” - rH I tlii' nlKh oinln Koll liy." "Tlm Vlriil P a y ,o f a>\" "Koo-l.i-lmi" ami Tlm.-

n m liuhii.'- . ’'•',' 1

( i r s i ; s .4M* nA JyJK S rsK -'rr o i l k i ' k | i. !>■ i’KTUt)(;ii,\i)

WASIUNOTON. IH-c, lIT .-K xlnior.liinry im'iiKnrwi u rn boini; taken lu ctroRnid to m ;(tt tliu fn«-l lamliiK ,.,m 10 Htatn ■li'piirt ilK'Ul wun ntlvlni-d In-ay. (.TIieiicviidvlci'K iilato Unit n il wnml-

n liou.ieii urn, 'bHiii; ciciiiiillt-lu'il for ,|j„ ni'1 nmt iliaf. b.irpon an- In-inK tor'll Ip aiHci. •

Hcliuobi nro lo lm rrdni'<-il in tun- birilh of tli iir iiiinnal aellvily. ll vnn iitatyd- under i> cciitralir.cd nr- aniicniPijt. I„,,

I'Tinploynti'UL ilii,. ilip iivovUmn of ,.[ytunnU 1i»i‘ (IT per ci'iil. • jrom Jaliuar)-. lirjT, lo tlu‘ iirciieiii.

Ttio TJuieii Job printlnt: d 'ip.irlnient i„f .•I lUor.iUKbly <-nnlpwal>„lo do flral :;.'iai# worJt—Jit r»;i«nii;ilil];_^)rii'i'.'.

n v llllt ll JobT T r j ll "Hlln.itlnii Wanl- nd'* nd Ju our w iin column*.

•Dally iiJia SuD itc T la es , ?7 n year. <Ie

Repair Sliop, [Plio iio 12C1 . . (

y O rg an ize d L ab o ro f Mei'liiiiiKlH U nion E m p lo y e d lOV, F o ru m au *

iachinists E m ployed

A R A N T E E D ■':lint in n n t dnno Knti-sfnclory =iMCli I T (lO O D . ^

k(! cnro 'oC a 'l I i i n i l n ' |t r e p a ir w orlc ^ •- v

,G E FA CILITfilsP^ ^ ^ ^

It TRY THE E Q U in [ ■

lofTlieTiifid i n Y o u r SHE T IM Eid G e t i t a tincreased cost of paper, sui lewspaper, we a re com pel small per cent.of .tiie incre£

A F T E Rl u b s G r i p t i o n o r

R a i s e d t o T

ND SUNDAY. TIMES one 'HE m o n t h IN ADVANIMES, without Sunday-....le m onth.................................

; in your subscription toda i »i('4 'can get it a t t

V nm IT 57,oo By tiie year ' — $5.50 fo r Daily


i Da^s Leifi

fORARGiiW i: llio Ji

Promise to Bounce Kltohon Utcn. sii Off Heads of Prflfllccrs

to^Bring Down P ric es . j ^

('inCACn. IVr. SS.-TUI- iirnllli'iT i— «.ha V.oii’1 U»t«u l.l ri'amiii mny fmd a rolllni; iiln lioniirlmt tnmi lili eraii-luui. llllnol-i wnnien ai.M-rJvd to- ''•'■I'’ iilKln. T),v. 7,001) nru r,-111111; out to v<;k lirlnK down iii 'in 'i'-nu i liy learH, ar- Mn i;tiuu:nl>‘ n r liri>TOtli>, but by ininl?li- vlnUu

Tlilriv \v(iiiii-ii, T.'prc'Henllm; tin'. 7.- . m>, nn-l iK're ti.-lav 10 urm thcmnclvcti for iKi- llrht. Tli"y lulll tilaun fnr tlii-lr orcauUtitliin, lU rtrlct Mtorin'y '

ndvlni'd ilirni on li^a l nnen- “ llonii. Ill" told tlii'ui what evidence U' cni'ild bn ni*rd. pjninHcd aid to tbc'ni'ln .Mli i;iilhrrlnr. tlm t t'Vldeiiir uml proKunt- fujHil Ini; It In courl. I-o

CliiM’ iircimliinl fnll unihiiam-e in adi'i th r iirniiecutloii nt iiH eliiii:'0:i Iironr.ht in I' lilm by Ibc; women. M'

Mri., Jnu. ■!•, Ilnw.'li. UimiI of (lie vvi.menV tiiMlicll of tile det.'ine, bi Ihe !>«'•'leadri' u( lliu' »nuien. Wlill.i tli- weel j.iotlle.^i- ivlll 1»- truth-il there wfll M Ue 11 ramiuilr.n uj;;ilii:il mielnm UiiyUlK. I'^'e lni'trn<'tlon nud nilvliie in tliln will bo IiH'h r.lven. . l i ' f

llei:i‘i illni; ibui feature of lUu work Mr», IlDweii i>;ilil Clirlulmaii tlilu year dayi »an_au ori;y o f biiylnr. wllb prlcen M lur above wbut lliey ubnnUI be. Hlie ilmi I'dileil lhat the imreliaiieu «f wnrlilni: vile (ifti[il>' ;i(lrj (lie ui-IJ III do'ii tTc (I/.<|ir<i. !.«>' imrtlonate. tind

-'l-.'.iple wUli niliilovni nImvK und imor ebitliim; 1ioui:bt ii-drteh Ceiilliern r.M't i<1lli:iilcir |ieiir:i. idle uulil. Nn won- lier [irieeii iituy n|> l^llen women bny- .i i ITI. nre wllJIUK and ever iMKcr tu C : ]>end llieir monev In tliat faulilon." I (or

----------------------- :■ jvvnIf ynu do trt w ant wtiM you m t« j l’'>»

or bATen'l «bkC yoU' Wftcl. tiin k 111* llo T im et w*ni ad. \ ’l 'r'

W Throat,' Q o le U y R «nev«d By H im lln 's

WIm Ai Oil V

•Hahilio'a W isar.l Oil U a simple and ''I*;effective trea tm ent'fo r io rc th roat nnd “ oiclicsi cold*. U *eda»a8a i;(? 'e (o r soro ;th ro at it brinM qniek relief. Rubbed i„. on the chesl it will o ften loonen up a hard, deep iM tcd cold m one nigbt^

H ow oflen~«prahis, bruues, cut* ‘and burns occur in every family, i» •'»well as little tro u b le s ’hire caraehe, Ku tootitaelie. eold sores, canker acre*, .o,

t e f *' i t jio t^atH fied reium "U iiT »«tle »nd: l . l a e t yotir money bicBSw.f- ' cti

E re r co iutipaied o r have siclt liwd* ache? Ju s t try W .iard, Liver Whip*, ' Djlessant little pink pills, .30 C ^ tl. CuaratneeO ;.

m e M i iS u b s c r i p t i o nES T D D i t the Old Pisupplies and eveiything that lelled to increase the subscri •ease which we are compel!

I J A N . 1>r The Times V These Pricesne y e a r in ad v a n c e ...............VNCE ................................ ............. ................

iday, or before the first of t t the. old price of a r D aily and Sunday, iiy w ithout Sunday

EFORE JANUARY FIRS1 )RATE THOUGH YOU:p ir e u n t il a f t e r th IVE.

F t--A C T Q I


rtn S eT & o iS rP a i ' ,1« a l i i a i l h ' l P b K e 1 ‘: G a m e

:AM>\VKM,. Ii1,i„ [).;e, :7.—Anun- niiriea Indlvlduul wlili n niavli'I r u JiaiiiJ ( n .n Ilfc-nJicd poker ni! lunt nl|;ht. Il.i Ii;,d five i,f i> n l-r.tee t no«ed bulletv. lie took ■ JiieU pm. canlnlnlui: i m . T brlire K W iinlcc Iirremt thin evo-

Hollister NeivsCeil, tInlvcT amt tillillly iipeni u .U|ili Ilf d;>y^ In Twill f''ull:i liixt t-eU diiliii: iiUopidnr- (Mrn. A, R Ijir>i») wm> « Twin Kulb' ’ iilloi' rrUl;iy. , j.lei,lie Trii>|) lell hint wei'lt fnr nn ' 1 .trn<led vidll wltu rebittv.n In Ne- ' ia»l.a, . ;•J'Jje Udiimi.dnoji 4 i)d JJIJI f;inillle^> ' ll Sainrilii}' (or their :i>nv Iiumeii u O rlund.'t'allf, , _.Mltia l.ora Scli'ilnR lii niiendlui: llie

olliliiyii In llo l lli i io i^I-orii SeliwUiR uml Jennie Dudley

Itl'lideil Illn ixix i>n|iiier am) diinee II Uerr.cr S'liinriiuy nvenlnn.

.Ifr. reiarji-,l S;iiurdiiy tn.iii Imllaiia wh>re llii'> inv,. l,,-on vhdllni; for llie p;i»l .dx veeke'

Mr. ;ind Mht. llo,.cm. W;ilk.T ut ■Her nii.veil onlii ili.> .\. K. I'nbUv.'U iinii hi';| WieR. 'riii-y exjirct hi farm n ru Ihc: eoinluj; yiMr.

H rwun U m li r(i.f'n( it (ocii.Jo ul layn lime lanl week.

Mr::. !(uy MeMm,lerii nile i lulni'd Kl Itnnei-. Thun.day .'veniuc. Tlie in­vited Kui-'ilii were Mr. nml Mrn. K, Kv J.jiii-Mim v, .Mr UII'I .U m U- W. J;,itii-i lind Mr, and'M m. I, A. lleilnKiim,

,li'hn <';ihlKell Into iicee|iled a |»i. i;ltli!i ivltli Klu Wtiltn .S'dir iiarnce.

Mr, Arrlnutiin of 'Twm ralln wum a. vl!illnr-bi;t«en truimi TU'-t.ihiy - '

Oftleerii tor Ihe (•liiiin..v ;it (h-K.(or Ibe em.nlm; year are ir. nilhiwn; VVnrlhy .M;i|p)ij, .Mri, HijuIiu).- WorlJiv I’l,tron. Dr. I.uce; .y,r„iclale Mmrnn .Mrn. Crnven; Spereiar>^ Mr, ll.ill, Trciinurer, .Mrn. Onilley. l’,niiluelr.’’«i.Ml-(i. ’ H all. Antuiehilu irondiielreu:,,Mri. Klii'iliieyer.

Mr. mid Mrn, U. H, lle.i-d (if. T n ln [•'.lliu are uiii-mlliiK n few tlayn ul llii' liDijio of lljrJr iJaiiRjjfen .Mr», J . W. Jloullm, . .1 ■ Me, aiid .Mrn. IC! K. U iwrrneo were .tinner i;acni-i ul ihe floy Wllliaim Uoiiii. Dll fJirlatmaii .lay.

Mr, .Mcltriile'n ulMir uud ’iroUier- Iti-Unv micni Clirlnunaii wlUi lUe (ain- Ily.

. '1 1. ,Mn;. ,in,JMra. Mnrloii Ilay nioUirVd lo T>»ln Kalln Satnrduy lo df> uonii! ClirliitmaiiI'linpplnR, ■ •

TUn Uciyal Ne||;liburii .)( Apieflca ■hMil tliftSr nlJJdur;.

ch«iico»tT. Alr«. Towfiftcnd. n-confer, 5lru, liny; rceclvcr. ^Ini, Mnrehoniio. Mrs. McKeuilc; Innur ui'nlliiul. Mn» Cole. . . .......... ...

| e # 1n to\ Y ■■ ■r i c e

la ten ters into iription rates, .;l!ed to bear.-

Wili be.......... $7 .50


............. $6,50 .

...................... 65

E the year you

i ,1 ■ ■ . .

ST viruiL lUR SUB-:h e n e w

'A g .y T a g 8 , MONDAY. PEG. 2P. K



DEPARTMENTC;ilico ......... .......................W h ite O utinj;3 ...... ......... ~A p ro n Clicclu; ...........................................

. R od Sea l G in g h a m s ...............................T o il d u N ordiJ G in g h a m ......................B c s t .P c r c a l c s .........................................

' Ohallit>s, m a n y b e a u tif u l .p a tle rn r .PJannelolK i ................................ ...........H ea v y S h irl ln g a .....................................D ev c ash iro C lo th ....................................B eat q u a lity M a d m a ...... .......................P ig u rt id L in g e rie C rep t: ...................

H U C K TO W ELS G uest T ow els, H em stitc

p a ir ;............... .................

H uck T ow els 18x34,B order. S p ec ia l .......

H em stitched T ow els, B lue o r R ed. S p ec ia l ]

H uck T ow el, 18x34, H< ed.' E x tra q u a lity p e r pj

E X T R A S PE C IAG ood H eavy Q uality , Tow el. 17x34 p e r p a ir

Special FiInteresting

Women’if 'y . . i f n il' iiili'i'. sUM III a S u it, ( ' .■<l;ir‘ .ir Itli.iis.- iier,- ;ir.‘ soiiie v,- p r ii '.s tliiil y ,iii eiiiiinit I'l-siiit. Tlie resen t llie I’l ' l " ‘ 'siy ies ninl rnhriw V iiiul e v e ry ^irie. reM!Hin liiu i vdliiv.

, » - . * A W E S . J ^ A 1

Till' nn irldit 1ms uilvniii-eil slcm ii fiiH.v f>rin-|j,'i.VN IH I h is i)cfi;irl;ii.-;i ollVriiiK vjiliii's flm l r iin n o t In- iliij p jim o ii m )J ih i.s Kliiti-iHejjl

P R I C E S $ 1 9 . 7 5 t o !

L A D I E S ’ D R E S ;. o f Si-i-}je,.Trii'otimL T jiffetii. Cfx-jir |. ( 're iie . U iifiviili^^ in: I

tUiVurjinWe.l in ' ' ; ' ,P R I C E D $ 1 9 . 7 5 t o

L A D I E S ’ S K I RWl- iilTer a eom iili 'k 'o « h o w in i o

• liesl fiilirii-s, ..f U i'unlifiil j.ln iils, |if»iri eo((ir .-iniiftl’iijiliimK, Von i w ith vm if sel.'e tio ii,

P R I C E D $ 4 , 9 8 t o

L A D I E S F I N E D R E S ;Speeiu l vnlncM (if ns'c-ccdinjj, in rrii n re iniiixiiiil mi tin ' lii^tli niiirlcet llm t |n-ove u u r elniiii to iilwiiyi lii};li eliiss, di-iii'iiiliilile inerrliiiu il

S'lK )>J„i-)r H-. Iiiee liD.it, I.iHiis lir i 'l, iiiiiliition

j ’r i n - ............. ................................ .........

Nn. rififi7-‘.L ti.lie!i’ i la rh c re y 'lc IiDOt, fjoiiis h '‘f t , |) la ili to e , n li hiz

S o . .'0!)7— r*fiilie.’<' /IrM m onso j iiiilil'iii'.v IiecI, K .itn'h 1ul-(' lioo t, i

N'o. iidC't— I n id ie i ' lUftlinKiiiiy ft ; liei'l, n-ini;h Inrt; IjoiiI, p h iin tw ,

N'o. ,')UUI1— L ihHch’ field tntm so : iiieh J iie e h o n i, Loni.s lii’ijl, in) (lirfN, I ’r i c r d ....... !.............................

i i M■' T V i

(L cnk jfoir i l i i

: Tlia Kred. Lloyd'nwKtgnca.& a»nr:«o»i of pWDt.-ihlc Xc«k. . ,- Tti4 o l l l c tn •toct#d 't o r tho.M odtra Wowlmea o t America,Jor th e cn in tas y u r « r« : Veoeisbte coDanl. Oeort« Cols; p a it conaul. K 'H . Morehooaa; d e rk , U. a : n « tl0KU)D: -wontiy ait- Vlsoi^ U 3. TovmMiid; banker,' lUijr W llllama; e ieo rt. B." B. ‘ lA wrenee; 'TBlehman. Pjite Korafc : t h o Reul)«n H tsfln^ family ape;>t

Ctir(atma« o l tlie ,rra fltc .Jer« tt'tiam e, 'Mr. nhd Mra. N, 0 . Noglv w art i)ln*

o n s««au At tlia. o t .U r . u u l Marlon Itay, -. —

. m o __________ . - . .


........ 18 l-3 c ll• .l^ ^ ■ T 1 ll.S lll ,,ill^ lOc 27. i-?,c 3i5c ;ii^l h .ivy mi v .h it-

32 1^2c . . 3

.......................\V;ii-,u ,d W.i-.li .--ilU

nr. !......' . . . 20 a - 'l i '■................... 2t)c <

.................... 35c. , ..... 47 1.2u

...........;.......... A'j L V,)i|.- W .i.-i-, '..r.iily

...................... <10c ....... I - ,i,l,.t,,u li.:l

: l s ^

titched der ............ 35c

'•ij iji |i.'.l, i.t;;li "I' I'lI, G re c a n f j , .„

............ 60c (llili,. lliiil..- .':i;.l" I

s, 17x32, l1 p e r p a ir

Q Q „ We ••ire I'lVri in;' > li.................... .9® *= M -

H em stitch-rp .- ,ir$ ! .2 5

: I A L . S A T I N E

y , T u A U h ............s.lhlll- lu ll l. '.M l IIIxtr on ly /o c c n -y ,

feature Thtg Offers Founc n’s W ear Depat

M E N ’ S II' v,-i'y nt 1 n ie i iveTlie.sc iiliVl's le ji . I ’llil,-ll S ir.n -s ’ (!■ 'hi \ei>r)<iiiiiiis1ii|>. llllle llia l is tlu- ii ^iriec- cilKillxl: fell- sllili’i Ih .’ hesl in si

;iiil.'i' 1>> l-'ive hnu " ., slldi- llin l i;. lO-i'-i'il

* .....................

'•'“ 'l ily ................... I' .s ill i.ia.-ii :m ent. ancl i v nn- |.:i„ ,|jsj, la s t, ilnph.-nti-il. Com - ,

____ lilll,-|U'l-.to $79.50

‘ I )ni' hh.ie ,1,'iiarl.iiiSSES ' '' It w ili jiay ynu turv{in liu C h ine a iuiin: Ih e ir ninKe-iip, g Q -

to $44 .50 SlicieinK th e Ih.vsT D T C

a n- lo iirofU hy 1 iJl of s l . i r ts in a ll W e o ffer y.,i<ls, Klri|ii-s mill ielii.-li w ill " ivi- ; on wiil be jileasi-.l tl i .- le a s t inoiie.v.

to $18.90 filll- sliie!{ i:l eoiiiw eat'-te .tleil, lijirf

ESS SHOES . he lnw till' lielim ln r r i t . V n ines lliiil in —y o n will 'l ;e t o f t.Klii'y. am iiviiyK se ll fu r less, A l'e>v o f th e nnminuilis.', . A ini'rii'iin hny , nii, ,• . , u e iir .I. w elt H I-’-! nieli,

l'“ N„, ll2Hn.,v.T,............... » l.tilN 12 1-2-5v 'U id , D-ineli, In.'.! $3 ,80 ,' i «i?.eM. VrW.v $11.90

, X o.-1 h:1;i 1.‘.»— ib

I't! '$13,08 I’l"

y hill, ti i r i i , L m iis X i,. (i',K j:i-lJi.y8 tw , a ll hizeti $13.98 t'h ro i;

ISO k ill w o lt, « 1-2 • - in liln tio ii l i p , a ll Hoy« Tiin , iUnel

................ $ i3 ,0 8 »nic, s j - 2 't o 12


'W IN F A LLS, IDA. A y e U o w r . E H > i i t — 0 | p ^ < l C |

in* leach« ii- ln lllo n'olllM #r'»chool. M« IptndliiR the ir ><acaVloti In Turin

ora FViiii. . • 'la s V ila Pcreboom U iiMadlDC hor r fo raeirtlon with h e r parooti nt Holil*-

Hit* . C. E, I’crklnR of Heriter ws* n Uijr Tlnluir between trains Moada^.,ee; . Wm. Chaio left U «

irom U «ti«r6 ho expecu to *p«bri ■ent tbOiW lnur. " • -•■i-- -k'me, MiU*» .W*lliw6 o |, (Ti»te;.Tja|* ,. ’«r- iln - rived In. H otllner T b u r | | ^ . , < a '><6 and e « p t a - |^ l t ) ^ l B ’l> irbU K '> rjl4dU »

. te r anUl ^ r ..

ORY j s i■ J


11 sll-i|"-s .,r li |, || . . |i |||.] ,t |., Iilui-lt '■ ■'

$3.50 . .'ilU,, u.-ll lua.I.', - '„ |. | | I.uttei-IIK • 1 •li' ' l; I'U w llil,-. I 'l 'i.....I

$2.9S f

Idy ill-.I'-III-,! T l illlllM-il w ilh . j , .\ ren i hn r- ' I

$2 .98 . *

lliil! ' !''l.iiiii'I iMiivn. w llil ,' m u l ; .• r luu- nn-l:. n,r,-h' «««}e $2.23'J.iiiiii l r .i.in iiias (hie-|ii.-i-i’ u n d ,'. A1" i.iitiii I 'a lli 'M is , « |K 'e iid $2,G0 5 ,

CORSETS ' ..... inl. a W.'ll m n.i,' ii(*lit j ; ' ' 4

M''-lvi\\ll I’.w sl, jjvivivU leuK lh t i t ; /

' 63c ■ . -li V J

PE TIC O A TS ■ , 'I’- A ll:ii':;aiii ,i ......... lie;iVV- , ■*'“7

ill C lee ii, Illa .'U , N a w ail'd51.23 I

kis Week fid in Our , T.rtment ";i: s DRESS S h o e s ^

Ou-ii Ciii.iri ,lJa.le .S|i.-i'iul— A V ■ ><■ Itrii,,. I.r I ,ii.|, . .|,iss w nrk iU B ii.y i : fi ■, tid tl h.ii.l «-({|i d i t r r j I f i i i 's t v.-l iir a llll s iitisfae tio R .r-a

........ .........................................

•li lilll, h iu ,'Il.T . iiia iio x an y c n lfs ', C '-'./'o K l. I ilaeh );i,l L;,J. l.^j^'ljnJ, la « t> c -I'I .'itlr. h liiehei-; iiiaho ;jaiiy ^

'•‘•"I' lil i- l.i'iu i rn ii id hi.i-WJiins.-:^ / ito iiiv es li” a(i;. . • ' ' ^ 3 r . ’

lOYS’ SH O ES ^ I ; |I'ys i« II im r lic td u r liUHiti.iK.w^tiu-';'] [ ^Kivi-n siJc;ein( u tte n iio i i .- a n .I r .j •y mil' i-iii'efiil Htud.v o f ih is s u l i - ; ijf y . 'i t (lio JieH( |Kissif)te hfmo tn it lt " i - V'I- v.lll Ih l' n in x itn u tn HOfvii:u fo r, ' '.1

^"ini.I.'te w ith th e k-.st, BiyluM ttiid ' . ' • •llirnlilir hIi<h-s n n d Ih n 'ji r ie fH o r u . '- ■* ; "I v n ln e i-cpi-csenled. H rinR l h c '“ '• .v : w ilM m vf iK iih iny lo rcg ri'U . ‘- I

‘I'IIKT.,UH iiitili J'or Ilnr w idc-aw ako ' 1 . m uliiltJe f( ,r HliuUiiy Ulld roiigU':' ‘

■-<<• 2 - 52 .08 a M H. (. :

r i ' "’) " , ' I i p i i w f i 'i ' -nJaeJt filin-licr 2 1,2 lo '(j^ -?3 ,7 IJ '' \ ' !

'.'H Iila.rk « j iU r p r „ o r liim il,n riiti I ' ’• ii-ouK- «i,|e . lu 1.2 : '-1 : ■

A t The U. s k

Iara out o f .% ta m •I'la iM M aod- on -1 ' luuKb<. hor r ic b i , la < .tm ,III*-

Tb« M eklM itr n a tleodcd a ’d ^ r i R » l W »


FiobliAoil Brery Sfr«Qioff Except 8im ; :Tb» T ipeft P r in tin g » Pabllahing C

$ I L T ID A H O PA FB B W IT H TWO C W IsU n a ttO B al K tw a S o n ic* u d Um

V .................. u d l ta ^ B M h

. r j i 'Dbnton:-------------- ~ '_r.----------■ L O T ^ J ^ l i lL L -----------------------------------------

OBOROB B. UAHT----------------------- --- -------

:'i'\ ' '■; , l& te r* d t t th e .Twin P alls poBtoff

> ^ | ^ b l i c * a o n , A p r i l U . 1^18.

■J W ' 8 U B 8 0 W P T IO Mfloadtj, reu-....................

:; OM^fcoept flniuUy, ywr............

f - 'SAinTE,p ' ^ 9 ^ ^ ^ 1 P le d g e AUcftiuneo to M r;. ■ t o r W b ic h j l t S tan d s . Oi

JuBtii'Q [or

s ' ' '2 THE TUUSB F L A T F U U rUB A ;■ c m *in) coir

't-0«BOQ rM T u boa*.;w^'.9<;^l<ntsal light, b u t u»0 powar lo elCi

^ i —R a m S S ^ * c o n n » c l wW*Boith*rB ?•: w au r ' lo p p lr t j pnmplni

irb*BBm 'Poti)bl* ( K ‘ pool IB iiimffl*r and ahalr '< 4<=4apr«**d atraat IlfbUjig *7tt*m.

. » v | «Oocd foada t h w t b w t all t f lh a u r .. (A B lM truy railroad* of Idabo


.<T ^ . 'p l e term rcvohUioii in itn imtper Ib pofiticB o r Bociot I'unditiotiH mid no •o m in y appear to tliiuk. About t l i f .

. lg ,th« t a ll thiuKS a re eonHliiiitly chiiiiRii n p lQ l^ , either w ith or without forci-,

. AIbo in iook in jf hn<'k on!, I C lw g (} liM com c hIqw]y, lik e th e i;hii

. tH a iism , hintornitiH Hponk o f it ns rove ' ' A ffoiu th e pretw M'ritcrM iih iu ist a h

th a t 'r e v o lu tio n i« x i.n iclhhiK w tH rlniK“ nBit/itnrH .”

; • f i m 'o lu t io n b y th c ii|)|>i-'r clns-scH to < ' c n g ia a t iu g w ith th e coinm oii [><>opIe.

i J m w i i b y uppcr-cln ju j potitii-inuH a n d l^^po leoQ I. HCtH n jiid c 'tlic pnlili.-iil cl

'Y i' Napojfcon III. rtvcrtJjroH'H J))i‘ Kriin' j f iu id ia la c u p tiiro co n tro ! h f (h -rajan

^ J* W 5f8« E n jt la n d ’H d em o cru lic ido iu a n d ■"** lUl, I n d ia , n ilil o v M liro w M'pnbJii'H like;

y r« e* ,S ta tc . • I n fu ct, t h f w ay nil tin- t l f o virQS o f a u tc c r i te y jind died o u t 1

« llM (;w d e d in rev o lu tio n e itlic r hy for<.' o f c o n cc n trn ted .w cnlth.

• [/• A n d no cHrpful o iistTVrr fim iluu [ D M n in th c th ro c« of a rvni n.-vc)liili«i

^ e i l l i t t l e cor]>orntl<>nN h<‘rniao bj,; and , ■ a n d th o truB tu Rrndnully ac({nir<! j>ra(- 1 g b v em m o D t a n d th c pr(■ u<. Itu know

' p w flta p rp p c rJy a tiil tJii' f iiih irr tt. < tiH ' otir a c tu a l c o n d itio n . Ho now >i.?ch rot , c o in « a « na th e grn v c dnntJiT li* Ih’c- I'l

W ill th e conunon in't'itic be nhb-' lu o f p lu tb c racy T

; : ; ' . E E S U O E D OROPB— ANE

O o y e n iw e ii t iifjiires /iJjyu' th ;it lh . \ a r c |8 - J i £ n re d it rc d th* 'ir w h'rul niTi'Uti

, ^ ie rea g o U a h o ii l loss thuti^tl; w lb n t a n a w e r o f tlm nc^’h-i'tcd pri<diip ^ i » a n sw e r "also -m o o ts th e «t|.rirK a' , p ' M t i v o ly .

! • I f th o fa rm e rs h a il tltJiii'w oll M'itli t h e m e an s d o w th e y w m dd idunt a

■; ftcr^a{(0. U iit lf ie re ih no w ay hy " p tit tin R m ore in to th e >;ronnd tlian hi-

; s m a lle r by 3,700,(KK) aoros. • In ' fn.-l, l in e s o f fa rn i produotJi in w hii'li |>rir-'-

- , h a v e rcsu ltird in u n fa ir n .'ltirnh. Tli s m a lle r p ro d u c tio n w ith liic/ivr pri* rrt

A llo w in g 1(J biisln-ls to th e aiTO, b n sh c ls o f w in tiT w licut nc-xt your.

r Q O O D FLOUR FOR L E SS , B u r B:

• • 'O iir K "'''T iiiiii-n t Kiiiiii i-iirj.orati n o lb o d lin i t r e a lly lI'dlll'l'^ tho ninr^

•BUlQCr. F e w w ill ,|iii;.Hlimi lh a i ..in ' I Iwcauao «-u hnvci yDtt.-n aw uy fcom hi e a t c d ” to Mjmi'ial hrand ii a n d cxjioniin

,• T h c g r a in co rpon itiiiii ofTcrs win c h e a p c r th a n th o proiliK’c-rs of “ bran<|

I. 'r e ta i l fo r n b o u l 7.') c-i-nl,s jicr i>iio-si.Tti; j- ti ie SA ccnt.H o r inorcr aaki d hy th e <JcV • p roQ ta. T h ia K ovrrn inou t lloiir, p iirrl

f ro m th e D iillers, in nm i'kcd J 'T iiiie ii i . a r i l P u re A V h c u t.F lo iir .* ’

.JFhiTTnil|^inB eombin.,' m ay bir ablo m arke tiD ff re fo rm . T im e wiU to ll, i d ireo tio n . I f (h c BO vcninieijU w injld r

^ ^ oods in th c im p o i'lu iil linoH a n d if . *5«dQ «!io tt'.’ on b r a n d s , m urlccling •:

S-.- s : - ...... I .

I P L Y TIMES^lu n d a j’, a c d S u n d a y M o ra io g by ’ C o m p l y , T w in Fo lio , I d a b o . ' |

7 0 IX A B X D w : ^ t ^ r i ^ tlM C atted P r e u S e n * - Tbe Tlmea le ad e n .

----------------------------------------ProatiJcDt hj, — --------------------------- --------------------------- -..._.VIeo Prealdeni-------— ................ — ........... -S rcretnrp

...................................... Qeneral MnnaKor

o ffice a s second c lass m a t te r a s a

OM B A T I . « *...........................................................W -M i? .................................. ....................V .»5 .M ; ; ;. ............... r;.................W.0O !•;

— - _ , - - - ------------------- - * Them j T H E ? L A O

I M y.F lnR , a n d to tho R e p u b lic •Qni: N a tio n , IndiviH ible, W ilb o r All. I

Mr- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

: .......... ....... Ini

A O BBiT EB TWIN FALLH ; <!nioim xi ' i------ • nm

CUT iinO eoom j nnho

irs Pacine to tb* lontb.line WMt* w»t«r bae» tnw «rriKi>ll* dorlBg a h o ru ia . *"ahatlog Hn» to w Jof.r J|«;

UfT.TCrTTItort lo <in»

■ ' — len— ____________________________ all

T O N S . ™

p e r sense impH^« < - h « ^ •«'not n ic ro ly domoHtie v iolciioo. nu

I t on ly I 'c rta in Ih in t; in th e w o rld dr iginK. W hvn aoeial rliaiiKir eoinoK e, Wl! onll i t ro v o lu lio n o r “ over- ,jr tiH It jirrioet ill w hivh ii n m rk cd ubaiiuo fro m fondalitiiii to Indus- rvolution , nna lw fiys t r y to wive tb .- iinprcKsion n in fro m tho b u llo m b y w ie k fd gg rah. h is to ry «ht>ws tw o cxaniploH »p ;o < in p 'lik e th e F ro n eh rev o lu tio n , le. T h e .U o iim n rc iiu b lic is ovor- ro u u l wibUKTned hy .fu liim CaoHur.1 ofTcot o f th e Fro tioh r«‘vo lu tion . J.° i'lu 'h ropub lic , fl’u n -G orn ian iw - on iiany. Kunli"!! ( jiap o ria lis ts -suii- nd h u h jugu to vakl tc rrito ricK , siiir)]i. i , ikci th o Tniti.>ivu»i a n d ih c OriiiiKi' wi h e o ld iia tio n s n f Ih iro p c c au g h t it IH jiro iif of bow u u to c ra ls h av e or oroo M idtleijiy o r hv tlur c o n slan l

• nil- ' wl

luulit lh a t (lie I 'li ilo il S t jjtc s hn« oo lion siniro tho (^ivil w a r . H c liiiH ind h ic ow ^itw utions hccom c tniHtB rao tin rtty c fin rp lo ln 'd u in in n tio n of *V lOWK w lia t tlie failm 'o to t a x .w ar V tirl) w ar, pni<ift'crifi(f iiiip lii’x «« to co iisum inatod w iial .S b ra b n m 'L ih ; "> r I'litiirc o f th e rcr^iiblio,' lu u n d o tlii^ suooos.'ifiil i-i-vidution' to



* , ■ ■ '^h^ fHrDUT.s jjj l)jo w ijilo c w hout

CUKO b y aoros, I’roson t "i^ tlia t o f H)l."». W c h a v e hero th c ”• id u i'cr to in ifa v o ra h l'; ooudilinns,« alm iil K rcnt^fiiriii p ro s jx 'r ily of- .


itli w iiilo r w liciit biKt y e n r a n d liad a la rK cr rn llio r Ihnn a • snm llor n

•. w hich tlio fa rn u T cnn I'Ontiiiiic ho takcH (ml. T h e ry e u<'roiif'c ir, ,j,

I'I, u'<‘'!fhall lind rc ib ic lin n n in nil ri Ic.'-iixinK u r ‘ 'o o s i.d M iv iu K " niida ” T llc i-oii8iiiaors m u s t p n y Tui' Hic j , C-. u c / j y e n r.TO, w iN h id l bo sli.irl


(I■ B S W A S E O P S U B S r iT U rE S . cr

ura tio n a sk s iiubli,. ^,uiij)orl fo r ii bi iirjjiii lictw ci-u p ro d u c e r a n d i-on- ll' i iia rk c liii^ i-dstH h a v e nu’tiiiU 'd, pi I huik .K oods n n d h nvc iicVn " c d n - liifve j»nckoBo.i.ivhat, it wivH is a pooti flo u r m uch tt in<|s” c an hcll it fo r ; lh a t is , it w ill .Ttoenlh o f ii b iirro l, n s o p posed to j| <Jenicr« w ith fan cy la lx 'Is nnd I)1k irclinhcd un d i'tn ilcd spocilii-n tions ||| ,il Nlnle.s Ccnin f o rp o rn iio n S tan d - w

ihio to p n t n eriiiip in to th is Hour- '* . B u t ic i« c c rfu in ly in (hc r ig h t m :l Kunrnntoo th e < |iinlily o f th e Im lk '* if th e people cou ld n n lo a rn tli-.-ir m

({ vosla cou ld b c e o u sid cro b ly rc-lr

' r P H g W l M ^ A L I B l

{ liii ill H

! 1 f j UilS9 I ^

BYNOPaiB. !’■«lloi

I™trrcctc oi an auto. whoM cAiuiiTaur •IU- ■bir* II tn r lo r ts aToU nmnlnc ' him ni-c

KU’w him It dsllar, t«ilini lilrii lo buy |r<i MS|i. and l u t MnM at «hama Intouch«0, and h» Inprorea t>U ascMiontncv.Th«t nliiu. In n cro«?a of uti«raploy«ia fov ftn« aintrcnuii. ha m««u Kiihar r>irom net ■nO. In a aplrtt of bravado makci »_ JaJ


SmuMltl’a haH n-ss a vn/if. Jwrulll-w J",*; Mnicniro o l ono floor. IWcr'y imrh i>C Boor apaco .waa, occupied l>y iw cltcr- ,||j, Inc Imroaiilty, nnd wIicn-FlltluiKh rn^o |j,|, tli tnaLo hla nadrfui-ho'fnccil a a ’autll.- nnco of fiiUy Oirco ttiouanHd. Uc’ iralkrd to'UlO cdj;o.of Vtlio plnlfnrm nn<J mo<i<t Inoklns out or<rr tljflt jilH.'Ut:*»n o t upturned faces, wllli acHrcoly ' an Idra of what ho waa to any. ; ho felt a UnBhnB thrlU of plpnMir« . . lh a t for a momont waa aa wino to lila the araaaa. Do know ^ b a t bo could «1o. r<»i and be extJllnl'la hla j;tfl- Many tlm ea mn tiofor* b« bad roorcd tnea with it, b u t " norer ao lareo a gntberlog aa tlila. •<

At tbfl baclt of tbfl platform, aonlM huj among h e r •‘coniradtrB.” .:iH licr Strom liat leanM forward In her chair, her lltis jiic allilitly partoO. her OarU oyr-s Mi<nr> for ktlnc. Trow thnt moment autll ihn rliM* of bla addroM Jicr eozo iieyve - left his facc. — , t„

irtlibUfh chnTkod into hla addreaa. .i .Hla volc^ very tow a t flrai, aKollwl fuller nnd lomler ond elcnrer na hn apokf. nntll Ils resonant ring tluin- drrM and eehood llirnusli tbn mn'tn- mocb hall. Tlin cmufl lufitnio nn n , , nUisIn body wllb a aloi:lft inUul. which ilmnk In lila wor«la tli lrn lly .. Ijo Bwaycfl anil moved I t 'th in way nnd ■ . lliat wllb the hpparent irann of itic , wind awaylng a Held of wliont. I t wna , not \rhnt 1|« Kald, for Iio »ai<l iiolhln;: ffrent. but fire trnj- }io «aW « Dint ».» hllrtc.1 bla nudllora. Tlm;o « li.. hnd Sonir before apnkc to (Iio inloil. Uo ‘ apokft to tbo'lioart. . ,

Tliore waa n innnirnfa calm lipforn the ainrm of npDlnunn liroko. It ronrcd In upun him. wnve iii>mi wlive. | and bo «t(io<l up, amJlIns nui} J'onliu'.J to ii)pot It. Ilo wna tminoclliiii'ly mir-l * rnundril by n Rroup o t imrii nml uoiii- * •on. who, In tholr own wm\ aliinvrr.'d him wliU-wnsratulntlnii*. honpvd lin t-, lerlnir'culosk'.t upon .him. ]

' . Turning to groct a freMi deloRatlon who Iind jiitc J<ilnc<l the croup iircuml him, ho aiiw'Kallier alnndlnj; u ahnrt * . way olT. A» their fye* mot alic bock- oaeit hlro and ho went to tiur.

"Vou must let jno liavo lilni now,'' uhn anid. ainlllni: upon tlio adnilri'ra . , who bad followed him. •■Ilo la m>-din- J " oo>'crr, ynu know, nnd tJn-m nro iirany *,

^ InK * I want to auy to Iiim.". . ''Urine hliu hack- aoon./lJJttM n.'' *;" cnllecl one of tho niori-aa Mutch- , ‘ aklnqcd, yellow-haired Kinnt cnllod .\|- kojar. "I Want to slvo lilm lltcrniurc.". She nodded brlcbUy over h r r nlioul- der, and (ed her captlrn rnii'n tJie alnB* and Into an adjiicont room. Onc# niono wltli him aho aelzi-il lil.i handi J” ' BOiI ralaeO ber fnce, cacer nml nullnnl, :,J low,. , . “

"I know yoo cnuUl do It—l know u l , And tboru'a aomethlnc olso I know," ,,

-“Well. Icl'a haro If." ho aafd n IrllTc , '' hruaijnely. "Wliat elso d a you know— about n ie l '

•'J Ifunw thnt yon cnn hn a fro a l r.*Jn." Sho had waxed rniJdonlj very ram e it. - "YrfU baro It In you. Vou n j muat tako w bat la yoursL Vou'owo It to y o n w e lfr

"QUO tno your niJdrca.1." la ld hr,"atld n i conJo to yoii.T • Wjo hurriedly wroio nouidhlnjr on a ,j„ allp of paper and handed,It Co him. . .

• ' "Com*—any time," aho told him,and tumod toward ibo door. .

I “lan 't tliero anolber way o u tV he ‘ aaked. detaining bcr.' '1 don't caro to ,( , ' i-un tb o 'c u l l e t o t th a t haod-alialiln:; ^li, hrlc(Kl« I

' Bho unbolted a door a t thn end M ‘ tho rooiji and diacloacd a riclot'y wood- j.„ 1 PO a t a l r r ^ leadloc to a liuck alley.

Ha prrarfd her hsod. murmured u „a' word about a fo lure mceUng uotf WBH

' snae. (

, On a tlno aprlne day the (Incat ^roin- , enndo In Chicago and tbo lonellcjit la „ Ihn Lako Sboru d r itf . Theoretically It la tho Cbampa Eljr’aoca of tiio McK­ern inetropoll*: ordinarily t t ta ns allent. as Oc»crtc<l.iia an hnhitod cotin- C^- csacl. On .t*/» parllfuJnr rtjomln*.' ^ It wlis vory attracttvo and very O ow a late. Tbo only algn of llfo In tho nn- ■

I boba' tliorousbfore (1C nno exropla tbo ■ •pnrrowa) was a pcnnllesa young niun. I Under hla a n a b fcn rrlod a newi|inper 9

• pdrcfV. Ttivro wan a slncular lillnt In V . hi* - tfe t, a ilogular erprowlon on bla P

race..as'W ell tboro mtgtit be. for. In- \ deed, ic 'waa a prepoiterounly rocLlvan I

I thing bo wna contoiiiplatlug. Snbcon- 1] iclouity lila'thouglita were of the dark- l \

halrad Busalan woioan nnd nn cnrly v’ 5 algbt of her; and It waa thl*. nn lean > (ban hla {n»rdlnnftf paitlori fn r ihv

Iheatrlcal nod epMlnculnr, th a t gavobirth to the nztruracant nolluu thal ' t a

- occupied h ll nilnd. Iv“In any eront," h« told hlmicIf, "I ■]

can do no wor?o thnn to»o. Ami IimiU Mwhnt I aland to win! nrcnnin tl hn» 11

t never beforo boen tuecr>afiillr door I la nn rraaon why I cnnnot do it." f l

lie atoppod befuro a cr»y atoiio l l1’ mnii'lnn of tlnmbnynnt arclilleoini-^ J . aurroiirided by a Inruly.foot oa't-

Irr'n feneo. both of whiob I'Inlnlji et-

ft PA n/g: WMgB/iaOHP

■ I 'i . ■ ■ tbo

_ { Wl

• -■ IS-rS' ■ ^ liM ■ SljW;'''L4UilL#^ 1 mU. ’C i> M 0 i\w m I bac

D tlia

•• I U | fill. L3fflTTwTmv^il IHTi MirlU I I ililullib’ I I I

M ill i i ® I I I T'*^ i l K H fll HU in lJ [rlB I B I I tbo

IlflnfflUjl II 1(II l|lca<9 40(1 •QtifAivBj 9 [fflP m roK

I’lultod tho Idloayncmny of aomiT'iiiTl- llonnlre. O ar of tbo lower «|ndowa wna rnlaed. iind'tbroiiKli llie abrubbory b-r »nw Blllmuottad-therein an elderly mnji. Hb»o n t baJr, jioJrJcJan o l »*-. Iioct. Icnb of fnco, reading n new#- pnper. Htxliuch. peering betwoea tho ini' Im a rnlln nf ihollrobdlnitnniiinn fnacc, <kh roi;iirdo<l him n mlnnlo. walked on n j,ui fow pacca. relum ed, and watched him / nsnlii. niit unllko aomo Indian chief- JaJii Rfonllnc over n bplj>)e».v captive. cll«

Ot n midden, na nna who.pluncea Inlo 11 rnid Rliowor on a froaty mon\- lu jlm;. hn laid liold of (hn tnnmnioth gate, ___whloli kt'Oini'il to Wi'ldi tona. awnng It bnck on lla buR« hlnse". ■ walked to ' till' front door nnd vigorously worktid . . . Ihn linocker. ■ ' '

After nn npproclalile wall tbo door ■woa m.ened, "W bat la I i r Iniulred ' ,, tho hnlli-r, who In one brief , clnnro ,■ aeemoil to nppmfNc- Um cnlW ’a llnan- clnl aiiitiia nud aoclnl mnnillng. wliI

"Many thlnga. Flrat tho nam* •< ^w<

itiir goallonian who la atlling In llin ronin (ii my rli;hl eugroajuTl In tbo mnmlnc newa.” •• J

"Wbat }* your bu*Inej»r ,"Anairer mo flral I" ordered F l ti- ,.m

huBU aiurnly, and w llh anch nn nlr o t . liBUteur nnd nutfiorlly tha t .tho »a. pleat nienlnl vna nlninitt In.'n panic - fo r four h'l lind nilnJnilKi'd bla mnn. t'd

•'i 'lmt Im Mr. SymliiKion Olla, air." V " t w/»h (0 a.-.! (lUii. Ifo BO good aa «ee

to lell him Ml." vey•'Whn abiill I cny, alrV oiia!r i ! 7ljij«b ho*llafoij n ninmeiit,' and. 'he

Ilkn n nKtitiiliu; pimnrnmn, thi-ro or flnalird nrriwrt hla nilnd lrlej;rnpble _ plcliifrfi Ilf myrliid tmnda npiiliiiidlns ^ tilio, of tlm wi]nn-lilootIed IluMlna, wlioM- eyon ln- iw,tit tier lovo for him,.of lllll dnrli-nklani'd "rcila" voicing fb rir li'/Mi»c|ji<i|ic r/Mv,», Ai;i) n u Jilia- | Klcal I.U'ii oniiK-. I■ "Trll Mr, oiw ," onl-l tie, "Hint nn

omUanry of On; Caiisodi-alros to aiHrnk w llb Jiliii," • • ;

Tlio liiiili'r, tliniiRh not iinderatnnd- Inr, "io> la 'inn ily wiaplclonn.

"I nm nfmlfl," bn rtemiirntl. wifb n nrm ►liiiUo nf llh homl. "thot Mr. Olin , l< vory lni-,y and ulll be nnablo to, '

riirlniKli throat hla font hc(no*m _ Ibl' cln'lna d 'l 'ir nnrt llio wnll; nud nl Hint uulni.'iit Mr. Oils iUcpi«-d Inlo tho bnll.

■•W.-ll. N onm m r‘Tlda mun, Mr. la l/ying to force.hUi ,,

way In. 1 am jnst about In eject blm,'

VlljliiiKb tniiahed merrily. "Obi tio, yoiijr.' not, Nwrnnn," And tiefnre the ] C«rji«lent N«<<niia tv'tlbl rny a tt'iiri] nr mnvn a nuiKi'lo he wna a.'lz<!d In n crip of atei'l nnd. Ihruat »iiocchli;sa ngalnnt Ibo walj. ,

The mnHleT’ lnoVe«t on na llioust* tin- '1 cerlnln whi-lber lo'bir niiiiised or In- , disiinnl., Wblln he was declninB Fli*- bifgli confrniifed-bltn, /

"Jtr. Olin," aald he. ."1 want a fo<r j mlniitea' inlk wllh you."

Oil* "UilliHl, "I Ihlnk y o u 'v e ^ ^ e d nn auillence with me. Neri'o like youra ahniilil not cn unrewarded." Tliey cn- taf.-d llio Bbndofi'y room, oalonslhly a ilhrnr.i-. /

“What enn I do for yrtuT'"JuM n m e\i‘'nl-" Fltxhuch drew

Ibl* alliUng iloya, which led to ' the ball. inRi-lIii'r niS) fnalened thn clnap. having llmt dcpnilted hla newapaper ^ parcel very .enrefully upon lho floor,Ifn Inntced nrnun.l tbo room, nnd. aaC- K| lafled they wore free frnm Interxup- I lion, plckoil up hla pnrcel and took.a i s m nppoaiia hla bant, wtio walcli'ed | all thr«o inoveinonu ^vlth k frown of I auaplclnn nad annnynnce. - 111

When Kluhufih apoka hla volcc bnd Ihn deep, roBiinant ring IC nlwaya nc- I nulred whenever' ho wan “ncllng" a .part nr oxerrlalnB hla oratorical glfL "Mtv01I«," hn lucan. leaning forward In bl< chair nnd looking blii auditor atoadlly In tifn eye, "jou-nr* a million­aire, nro yna n n i r .

OK*' frown dee;>cned, Ito glanced Impatiently nl hi* watoh. “I ean apnre you l.ut llilla Ilme tbla norning." be anid. wllh p o llf ciirtneaa. "1 must naV tha l you ainix your bualnes* aa briefly ns i..)»»U>le."

"Ihll ynu nro n inllllonalroT'"Ver., y.'.y. IVhat nf I t r "And I am a pauper. At tbla mo­

ment I rould nut buy—thin iiewapa-

*T«n Thoutand Dollar*, or i.K uH It | a t Your Faatl" ! s

■ /

per.” H e took 'fiw nT Iie 'Ilfm ry fable' tbo n 'onlnB pan*r- O tla -h a d -b ee n , reading. I t was foldcct in aiicfi thatn-Iarg*-flM lillgbt pbotorraph Im­medlntely c a a ib t b ll ey*., U«* rccog- n IteiM t'tnstantly—racoKiilMd tho tali', ,, , a tralght figure In tho while awealer “ ‘■ alnndlng nbove the b lur of f iM ^ anna iray throwa upwnrda anil outwirda, head o'clo bnck, oyea cloaed. He lived over again j . ,j, tba t brief roomeift of glory, pnd thn „„ur pxnilnllon ho bnd fell returned two- . fiild, I lo cnaL,th« pnper nalde and I. threw blmaelt Into the mie ho wna playing with redoubled Mft. " ‘"I’

"Mr. Otla"—and ho pointed two J*' rlghl flogers 'within nn Ineb of hla bi-arer'a faco—"you wuM Irnil mo len ■' ihonHnad' dullaral" H o «elx«l lho* ■1“'"? iinwaimper parcel, which hnd been lary roKtliig on bla kneca, ami atood up. hero Inildlng It bixh above hla bead. "UlnO, opor t any must 1" Hla volco rang out oml- wlfo uoiisly. Hla oj-ea woro ntM, racrcl- afcr l.‘»«. "In theao haada, Mr.OtIa, I hold occu aulllclent dynnmlte to bloi» thla.houao t.,. ond all I t coniolna tO' ten million atonia. Quick, alrl" ho Ihundonrd, and mndo a terrlblo gcatara wllb th* nun jKirccl. 'T e n ihouaaDd dollnr*. or 1 — hurl It nl your foci I" . I

AHlhousb Olla' faco b id turned . denlhty palo-hn had not grown e i - ; cited fir belraypil a algn of tear. I lo aat tjulto atlll, hla thin handa reailag , '^ '‘•'1 lilb tly on tb* arm s o t bli cbalr, hla >

(ConUnued on Pago Seven)---------------------- Ml


_Om<'.AOO’ ,l)ec, ;:7,— KeiloraUgontJi 1 bern lodny jiolicii IlCO.SOO^Wortb of wlili'ky wblcb bnd hoen ahlpped from * Owenahoro. l^y„ under^lW Inbol -of '■mcrchandliMj," T ho/T eicnue ngoni dcclnred lho ahlpiocnt waa la viola­tion of Inler-alnlo comnicrco Inwa ro- 'lu lrlng proper laholing of air «blp> n-enla. Tho wiilaky wa« aold whlla allll In Uie Tara, I t w u owned hy Tncob Hoffman, n ll<juor dealer bore.

('(IAI. PUOlirCTlON RKI*ORTED ■■ WASIII.NGTON. D ca 27, — Tho •

McokI)' roport o f tiio kwIokJmI sur* vey jirtiuwl UiIb aflernoon nhowa (hat I , nml proddcllon durlnit tha weoU nnd- 1 Ing DrccmhEr 20 wnn 10,431,000 (Oaa, or &C.t p rr cenl of noraial. {

----------------- - 1

F O R , !

BEST REPAIR WORK iCTCLKS and PllO.>OORAmS , ' I.OCKS, KLKC.TJtli: 1>00U | 1 ^ lIKM.S. KE|.S AXD 0U.N8 ___

T rr ttoSchade "Repair Shop i

aoe,MaIn Ave. flo.

18 0 ACRESa i l mllea aoutb, 1 treat aoath- woiir corner U ubl,-bo ing B J NK4 3-n.l< .

. P r i c e ■ $ 1 5 0M r acre. T erm i 9UOO to 111 $5000 caab, balance raay, 7 pe r I cent.Only 2 inllea oft Caatleforii pAvod road. T hia land will aoll fo r 1200 per a^re Intlde ot ooe vcar.Twin Falla float £ila tera u k e nollco.

Ripley & TimmFiler, Idato

PLACE A/ ' on ev<

H E L PTb y b u j T h e y s t h e i r i

^ h e l p t!b i i y i n j

T his Spa R l

^ ijp fo d a / t .


Burley Items Z*' " ! ' T

at/RLEV . 1 , 2S .-A nJlootlBg uf- b«' Iray occurre^' boro today n t twolvo o'clock In UiB Durtay Cafo la which J. -H. Jobaaoa aboi aad atr/duafy ivoundcd C, Foiuaaior. Tho trouble rvaulted when Franinter triod lo col- ■ l/^-t an nJIc^^d twrnJly-flvo do5ur debt Inini Johnaon, Jobnaon la In the coun- 1} Juil and FM Uaicr la In ilie* hoa- lillnl nad tbo 'phyalclaoa roporl Uiai Ik; In lu .u voryyinnKuroua condlllon, Johnaoa In uu/umploye of tbo Sanl- inry' M«nt Market. Feamslcr cnme liero recontlj' from Aalilon whoro he opornicd' a roatAi|ranl. Ka has a wlfo und child one. yoar old, Feam ) B(cr wao un'armctl H-Jjcn »io troublo occuritsd.

TIi«\puplta of tbo Hurloy aeboola B'ore vhlCTialnvd a l Iho Orpbrum tbe- a lor W*dac«doy by u tllni prcsentn- llon o(^;'Tr«8Buro Inland."

TJ;o big conical pa’i on by tbo Bur- luy Dullotla cloned last Bnlurday and Uorla Rao woa tho big !*alRo-auto (jilorcd aa flral' prlxe. Sho had IU.. B ( iCW.OOO votoa to her nonrral coiii- lOllior'B 0.000.000. Tho cauipalgu liialud liovon weeka and ulxivvn cnn- ^ dldalea^flnlahod In tbu race. ^

Mm. C. W. Kanr loduy recolvi^ wtird of UlO deaUi o f h e r mother at Orlawold, Iot\-a.

t I io O rder 'o f EMicrn S tar and tbo . S I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



m IeN W HOSE GOVEEanice lapsed more than ei have until De.cembei- 31 ing ontystwo months pi m ent o O e a lth is requir b l a n k ^ a n be found at oflice.Sn Cotillion hall b

: L M :1 S m all jmeltnBO. i:unluii'iiu(:

ehiiin , on C liriatiuiw E v e , '

e lry .SI oro and tlie U n itc t

w ns to h av e be en g iven as

l«<Jy ivht> 3o»l i t wiJJ nj^pn

finder w ill eidl 8 8 2 J o r b ri

K, a n d ct re iv a rd trill b e g

A RED CROSSvery paciiage t

y o u mail

F H E We d cu y i n g y o u r s e a l s to d i y a r e h e l p i n g o t h e r s ■ w o r k , la n d y O u c

t h e m t J i i s m o n t h n g R e d C r o s s s e :

)ace D pnated tL E D G R O S S

b y the' '^ho G retttcr >■

r i E P A IC T M lN T S t Q RI a . i U / i l l T l l l l I l i J lg a P re g r .

H aacn ie^ ib iin ^ c T tl l i r i^ a M 'u i t^ M o fllcen Prlday la U asaalc batl lu a JolBt Jnalallaitea,' '

Tbe-Tlmos jo b p rlb ting dap i^rtiuai hi' iborougbly *gglpped to d o 'f lr a t claas w ork?-at r*a*ooab1* prlcea-

Dally «Bd B u o d ^ T ln*a. 17,00.

To P r w e n t G rip

T a k a

‘ ^ l ^ x i a U v eB r o m oQ u / n l n eT a b l e t s ' ^

Be Bure you get the Genuine ,Look for this Bignalurc

. on the box. 30c « ^


lERN M EN T INSUjl-eighteen months ago, '

t i t o re insta te by p a y - ' 1 premium. . No state-

lired. Reinstatem ent a t the Home Service I building. ;

S TiiuB G cntlem on 'H w ntoh

i-e, h e lw c u I I u n t ’.H .lew .

ite d Store.s. ,T his chain ,

I a s a ChriHtmai! g if t ond ^

’proci/ite i t v e ry .m u c h if .

b r in g it 10 5;JG 3 rd Ave.

•c giv«H. n •


3 R O S S'day.rsbycan

\ x ^ yeals.

to The

V '


>1. '■■ T O ij\ '‘D O K 'T ;'P A Y ’ POE . >?fo days tmell when your

•cI«Mdng i« done by— nlord

s p n o H ' s a s p3»a«tW£. .Tvwmu poi Pbone 491 ' ror




A l l E l k s-----------n f e - T T - r e — -

TheuTimes Prints Sa






, TH E 4TM. N. Y. .PRII: i ■ ' _ . ’::MCCE


M .Y; 1 8 0 * ia H Y e O H O S IM IRTH, PR E T T Y GIB


■ TUNEFUL. : ID S T A D E U Q H T 7 n i E T E H ni


: ■ . ' "

' • ' II f B a r n i e y

Barney Oldflcid knowa ^ ’’ Surely tiw tirc /lh a t Bi

most triM\w‘orthy—mori You ncvi'nhnd so good Iiiivc for j n in i ; ou Oldf

> ■


TwinFal. E

Twin Fall#'

Will also be,told by follow 0 ^ B^to Vnlculsiog Ob., 7U «rA ato Co., n ier.Boya Aoo«Mori.eg Oo., Bohl

I^ircem en R eported p 1' ’ ?Orgaiiizing Again

nOSfON', Ucc. 29—ActluK unilcr order# frnm Pollco Comialiisloncr Cur- (In, pollco coptaln6 .o( Dnnton loOn)' woru InvMtlrailnK rcp o ru tlmt n now yollcenicn'B union in tiolnit formcU amonR Uio rccnilta to tlio now ,local ' police forct. It n-n» iht> resu li of tlie formation o( a pollccinon’fi union tlint proclpltntcil llio pollco ntrlko Intt 8op-

Inji=^=^= - — I ■— I crn


) A N C Elov

1' KcI



:r .wo


I____.................... ....................................... cll:

nmji umi (UJ _ unmm iiiiiiiii

lale Bilk Proinptlyillllliilllullllllilillulllltllllllllllllilllllljliillliilllllllunllilllli'


iHEATREliday, D ec. 30MT OF TH E SEASON ->T 0 0 . PEESENTS : ‘ "3H T E ST -0P A LL'M USICAL , ITED NEW 'YORK FOR 18 hi,


- J r ' I .

ffO Y ” :a THE PEDtOESB THEATER ♦B THE W H18TLEY KIND ♦IRLS, GAIETY AND I.OR |r,;UN GALORE AND 1,7 L SONGS I n.(m O B iK T E E T A nfM E N T OF » ‘ l IE A SD HAPPIKEBS I ' ■lEBTIOPHAEM AOY' t i0 , $1.65, $ 2 .20 I sSEATS NOW / l lK >»>>e»»e*i>ee»e>e>se»»» » « dc

y Trusts Them, iivB tires ns you know tlicra—but more

Bomcy Oldflclil rcoommcada—and t lorits your unqtmliflcd confidence, lod n reason fo r choosinft n potliciilnr 'lilUckfe.

"Tbo Molt Trnitwortby Tiro Built’*

ills VulcanizingExclusive Tire Merchants 216 Shoshone St. South.

lowini; bran'^ dealura:3b., Twin raUi. North Sldft Tnic

Fleod Bro*., Xt nU. Eansea Auto 0

C A N T A T A IS r | p i

BIGSUCCESSBaptist Cboir Thrilhi L ar^s Sug

Crowd by R endition Of iMusical Feature

Tlifl Clirlciinninli canlnlix "Tlio Uo-ifetnpllon o t J« n i« r rIvoh Ja« ovan- KailInK liy ■ III'' Uniilli't choir beforo a jiMipcrnwitot bniiiiu In ihe church audi- ihln lorlum, under tlio Utroclloii of Lc'i-noril "Woi l. with iirchccitra acconi'- tl.ocompanlnient. war. a lilB «iiccwib In nn 'e«or>' way. "A

fCK{>M:liil credit In iluo lo the lot- llwlowlnR BolfilKia;'Mlsneii Junnlla IVan. pnyKclna Omlii.ni.' Mrn. \V. 0 Smith, bciilClaronco, Ilcnii)'' uiul I.vonnril Wooif. l» nICnch of tho nol(clnln mini: 'vnll, Tliohi ”iworo a num hcr of uoloti ami lUiein liii;hwich wero well rondoder ancl thn on- rc^iHtiitihln niirnlten wero tine. ’ This cjii)rnnialn Ih a crcdll lo Mr. Wood, wim musworked dlllKonlly In preparlnR thn of tchoir. hu I

t — ■ ■ I ■ - - - - - - - - - - « wht

PERSONAL'INIi ™. - — - , will

C- II. IIIkcIow (if Hannon- wnn a A , Twin l''allit Sundny vlnllor.

A. IL r«iiipl)i'll of Jli'ybiirn w.in n Twin l.'nlln vliiluir-ytntrnlny.

11. C. Hauiiilp uf Duhl won lu lUh clljf ywi«rday for n few hourn,

--------- . • ■ T•. I . I jim on.of JarJiidKi! wii« in Twin jj,

i'alta yc»lertfny I’or a nAort «aicj,‘ ’ iiftoi

1 R. D. Hankcll orU urlpy waa a locul drui vlBiiur Snuday for u fcw.'himrn. (Ii<<

Mlnci U liu Kflirn of Jeromo cunii- bl» over ycBlcrrlay for a nhori trip. lion

ll. K. Hlicpard of Jorome wnn In 'i''’" Twin Knlln yonlcnlny for n nhorl lime, jnd

'Iv n n 0 . Lincoln of Fllor wau hi tho clly Sunday, roUirnlnK In tho ovenInK

Minn ifotiwr IJghfRood 'm s In flu clly Suiiday from h rr homo in .Turonip

1,. M. Nclnon ot liuhl cnnie to Ihe ■ coiiniy. nent yeaterday for a nhori .; Ilmc, • ,

I «•. G. Sftnipson of /funnen camo In I Sundny lu nepviid n nhort time .vlnltlnn ^lo

friend", un

Minn llertha lUililnnon of. CuitlufoidIn vlnltlnft Twin l^ lln ovor lUo wooU wll

J ond, ■ daj► * — nm I.ironard W. Donnlton of Richfield pic

r wut c iD b jrv i ra ic « a n te K f/ir-tkn^of bai ^ lin e . ..H e ' vnpectt>, ^9 rolurn tu blnf Iiorlh side bo m o Jn 'a JAy^or two. •

I P ro fite e r Is O nly [ M en ace in .A m erica ,,JL ■ (iri]k CHICAOO, Dcc. 20—••DoIuIictImu I* w'j t no proncni danRcr In Uiln country—► tho only rorolulion In ulRlit In aflnlaitt „p[ E urotliecrlni;.'' dcclar'o4 John U. An* rrr r (Iiewn. iiL'crciary of (ho American au- , /|► roclatlon for lalior loKlnlailon In Uie to L bponlns addrcsn n t llio annual cofi-f veii'llon of Iho MeoclftUoa hero today.C 'AndrewR deelawd that tho Unlled of. E Slates Is far behind .Bnfiland In Ibo » inanagenicai nnd o^i^tiliBtlon of la> i L bor un la tii.aad Inifslod (Aal'cofloctlvu { barifolnlos In tho only socBlblo tn- .,m • (lu tlrla l Bolullon.

V at liten

. ■ , . l»• : ; , i . fo.

T I , ' . ' - 'nsIn


You Can •'1.

lo rc in tim ate ly .id uses liiniBclf—ax the <«l


linr m a k e o f tiro nn you

n>I f J»


agWorfe Iits ’■ Bth. Phone 16

t■ • . 0

T nlcanlsbff ^ o r k i , Jerome. YA nto Co., f f l m M y . ,

0 Oo., E aasea. «h>


Suggests SlOjTiui in S u n d n y E v e ­

n in g A d d re ss on T w in FoU s |

P o s rib ilitle s .

'••Now, all loci’lher for u Twin'a lls (ii'niiUlli'd. enlur;«i'<l. Improved. iMiRrc'Mlnn lh every wiiy'—I nuKKcnl hin for a. nUiRan for uu r lown for

nnid Dr. Alexander llvnnuU In 1,0 M. K. Churoli 1t»i nlKlit,-npoak(nit in "Twin I'^illn iiniii.ll>lllllrn"

••\V«’ll hirto It lorn-ui> town durlnc h» iwiviBK ibncut. bcit the rrnull will my for tho (llsi'ouitorlic.' home* icilldlnF: yi-nr, n iiihniil-huildlnf: year « ilhvnd- All thew iipc-ll iiroKreicii, .

•■Sh;il1 we nl«<i have u I'hiirch-ito- m; ycnr, whon'iho people Ki'ni'riilly rcnpnc-t Ooif* day of m il and revi-r- .’jiily womhlp Him? Shnll wc have a Tiuslcc.l yi'ar In whloh nnicIi in nmde if our flno munloal la lrn t? Sha ll'll lU n year vi-ry h<i»pUnl>|e In rciranK-

A'htn wo nil pull lcy>*Wr In fUn' \ ^i-lKhliorllnoii!! amW'l^onn'iiiulty nprt-lt? _ n jl» l» r«.ii'ntli.l 111 hiilldinj: a kocicI ' own. I.ufn havo Ji; Wo r;cn If wc ,v|ll,"

A n E cho F rom T heG re a t N o rth lan d "*

lloK Train Si>r<-d>> llnri TIinniKli Kniiw and Ire IlurL to

I'litllu illon -

Till- wondi'rfu! vorMllllly <-f Win,:!, Hurl In the prcpiiriilhin of hl i ihofo-ifram.iffr prvifuf.illon ,iC "Tlw . li'lMfciund of Alnnkn" lit r li iirly j li'Uionnirnlcd In tliu pracllrc'cl i>kll1 of!*'*"' ll" doi; trnln whlrh oonvcyn him over I'.l- Kiiow-rovc.Tcil. froicn iirniind fr.im ' ' ll" llcldn ot prOHlifttlnK In clvllU.i- ion,

.\n YiiJioiJ JviJ. IJii- j)ro.'>{»'rJ«r. «linn whu........ was fuilh f.Mrnl ' 'ind loved, II wan iicronnnry li> iicnirc " 'I ' ror Mr. H urt n w ell-im lntd K-nm of "'»! loRii for h tn 'po lar nicd, Thtii wun ii lltricull mattiT, owbiK to the nciirclly jf lllll di'nlriM iralnPd nulniain,- I'

The dlfflculllcn were ijulckly milvcd, :ii;i" however, npon Mr. l la r i ’n arriva l m I<ir "location." H art wnn horn In lh" i., r (froat oul-ofsloorn—III iho 'W i'in—nnd K/«'aj-n iKMKHKrtwJ fin- . Jiorncn ;inf| II iloRn, which l;rhni,periioiinlly irnlnccl.n( i H art thereforo, un In nit l;li. prodnrl iim llonn, threw hlninelt body and uiiul ,.n. into the trnlnlni; « t ihunn iloRn; and the nnhnalK. nennlni; iho nmntcr In \ H nn , renpondeil lo hin tenclilnrn In Hu n iiiirjirlnln^ly nhorl tlmr.

"Thn Ilell-Honnd of Alanka." whlrh. will ho iihnwn n t thu Ciem theiitro In. dny Is ono o t Win. S, I larl'n berd workn. nnd In connWcred ono of (he truc;Bt ilc?- , .u pictures of ihp OrcRi N otthland ihnt .j,,, 'b a r ovor be«in «*Mbliod,oit iho m:recn.

tlO IJX WSTunCTIOM 1U SI. IleckM . 711 ThIra A ie. Horth r tt

To Ffler—Mlun Konu Klnley. who uv' hnn huen vlnliUiR for iho pnnt* few iiu (hiyn.ul the homo of Mr. and Mm. WJIIbm <;rn)inn In TwJjj J-^llu. leji icdny for the. 8 . K. W lllnmn ranch i:oi nrur I'Her whero nho will upend itiu .m renmlndor of ihu CbrlBlmnn vacalinn, iH' ...To Tm#*—Hoy' Hcnd and Lullipr .im TornllnHon ahev gone lo Texan where they win 'm ako tliolr futiiro hotnc. , .Mr. UraiJ l^ goln/i lor Ibo bonefli wl, of. hlu heallh. y da

-------------- -rciWhon In Duhl stop al^tifo Cllolon tc;

Hotel. tJnder novr manaReoiont, ihor- ■lushly rtnorattfd. Steam heat.

— .... ............ ^ , KbIlsnM j] yenJb .Vay E/fl *' ''<>

H arry LaConmo. nKoU SB.'.ftf Han- Bcn, wan. Injured In tho «ro rccenily a t hla liODie, nnd U a t prenont a pn- i l t a t a t Ihn couniy hottpliAl. An op- erntlon may b« perfoeniud bu t iho lad ll In n- serious condition nnd It In f''! fcflrml IJiflt 1 iMOlrinwo EJaajJallo feared th a t total o r partial, hllndncnn may renull. LaCoureo liu ri Ihn oplJc • ' In somo way when )io jumped off

" MlA TTENTH)X-LYCKl'X NOTICE J. Tho Uotrnn] Quintet irJlJ nppfar nt "*

Iho HlRh Scliool A udltorluia on Tuen- duy. Decembor. 30. a t eight o'clock In- ® ' nlead o t na prevloualr announced. ^

1500 TO ATTKM) ftf.NVENTIOXH , POCATEULO. Dec. U In hrilov- j.

otl lh a t I W pcnonit will go to I’oca- 5 , lello to ationd the Joint cODferrnce «t •«ed Krowom. Ilvontoclc men. IrrlBaiert ^ land mon and homo tnnkoni, In con- , necUon M lh iho.io& to ncod nhow, J a n u a rr I j tn 10. Tho I'ocaicllo com- nieretal club In m aklns arrrnRemonin,■ ’ ~ ~ 1 ii,ciASSifim # E iff isap ts) °

. W A>Tei>-rA .^u«k«|w r.-,A i»(SftN »4U M tm w o sf^p tu iB o a>i-w; ^

WANTBD— - r i ^ B funilBhed for t I(|if)t,bouR ok«epit^^i% oq« '12 i:. -

: " ^ R . SALE>-iUmclr «Kmier, cbesp. f, Addreaa WlDflddl’ SeOit.' Box 1171, k Burley Wabo. , ; ;

L08T~Pock8tboolc botwton Itfaho . £>epanni«ni Sloira aoi> Twin l^ lla ^ O afo'SuntUy.. Bank-and T rust pookot- * book coDtalDlOK d M a tira laoaty. Ro* tu rn Ul Tlrowr-- Rffward. • » ^

r o n BALE^—PrM h oow, ha lt !Jer- ser- b a it O uerSB er.-wllh . week old h«ir«r c»lf. R. <x HydB, t mites «osb J H sw ift o t Banjt of Klintwrly. 11


• O N L Y


H P i


T T ~ ~

Local News | '

• lirm unit el(j mnn-, AcUtfB. ‘I Ihut I - Hwliu.

,\l Mn r l n t i u h Wi n . h l m n i mjm'iii " r.;iHinlii)- UL Ihl- liuni" of ,Un. .Mnri<’i' rimiili ;il -Miirlaui;lc._

JToni tJnliriN—K J. WulUiT /if lm - Imln, Maho, In vl'illliitT trlrndil' ;iml ti'lJillvi-n 111 Twill Kalln Ii>r ii few dayn.

,\l I'.uhl I'r.-liatloii l)f(U'iT John IL .Mill Huiiinliiy loi,Uhu; :itli-r Ju* ^

tl|HTuled ( lu - Ki'nni'th Ili'Uili'rnoii 9

Ii!r h»il tolU'lln hy Dr. Vnii Cull. He g

II. V. I*, r . .••IcclJui.-'-Th-' Jni'i'lliiK B lit llio I! Y. r . V. ot till! loi-al llaptlnl H

iTi.lilii <it i;rt.uii ;i.

I'rinn Alii'lerdlUii —MIhh Illanche lluvorliii. whu irii.-iii--i 111 AmMiTduni.

uli'-Ti'UliK- Ih r ' ClirliilJimn vnnilluji wllh trll mhl 111 Tivln hilln.

To HulHTl -Mlnn C.ladyn Sohlc. who teuchon 111 lUiiiiTl In liiiih at work lluT.i;,alter iipnidlni; n few_d:iyn In T w ln 'ra l ln VlnlllnK her tirn rh c r." '•

To lliirli-r—Minn Kli>>i.'nce ConlNlo r tiu rned yc.'BliTdiiy in Uurley nflor rpi-ndim; the liai'i tew dnyn wlih ri'la- ;lvni lo Twill I-'alln. .Shu (ctiriien ut llurlu).

.it JIiiln'-.Mli'" Mrllliiiiiiirl Wolff. i:onnly nuin:rliii<'inli'nl u t uchooln. In .illundliiK tll'-' 1'ii‘lu Ivachum lonvcn- lli.n which hi'iinu I'lday ul Iloii'i'.iml three d:iyn.

, To !tuprrt<-Mlr>ii Ilcrtha Alvord, vvli» him bi-'-n nii-ndUiK tho Innt fuw ilayn wllh hor pirri'iiti In Twiu Knlli'. returned yi-vti'nhiy lo renunio her tcachUiK n t Unp<'ri.

From I 'U h -M r, and Mm. KrvinK ICakolBon of Ihln clly havn nn thc lr hoBSD fiuunt for a nhort time. Mr. and Mrn. A rthur Knk"i»<iii iiml dBUr.htuf. Ml.in Itiith^ uf I'uib,

,Vrf{|nff-TJio lodJes o l Dan SJc- Cook t'o .'t a , A. H. Clrclo amt ihelr fnnillltfii will m cfi a t iho bonio of Mrn. Voliiim. 030 rou rlh Ayeiiuu l-^ani, on Janunry I, Dinner wtll h« m-n'cd ol I o'clock. • • .1.

J farrfe J—Lyjconi i't ta lm m oas ao«J Mlm Detha Spiirks woro m arried Dec.9. n t Hnpert. .Tho brlds ln well-known In Twin V'lIlK hAvlnr renidnl bere fori sereru l yenrn und In prominent lol church clrclen whllo iho Rroom Is a j proBperoiin younK huiilnenB man.

L 'aderwrlt«rs M eet-K very member uf the Tn'iii FnllN Undcrwrllorn aano. clalton wnn present a t.* meollUR and

! banquet held Saturday ovenlne a t tbo ! ItORcrnon hotel. A number of talkn

wero uiado and nn enjoyable na well ae A profitable Ibjin won bod.

Knnerei—Tho funeral o t Mrs. Orace ' MatiMin. ngcU 25, who died recently , in thin clly. wan hold n t (hu aronsm on

parlora yeaterday nfternoon, Rev, Conrail !>. Owen o t tho UapUit cburcH of/Jclatlns. D urlai woj> maiSe.lB tho Twin t'a lls cemotory.

• , B (« BoeW—A Bo i locial wHl be Rlvan Wfdneiulay o n m ln ; in I. O . O.

. V. ball by th e . Odd J^rtiowa l ^ n . ' , r Lcdlan a m urgod to brlnit bozes-Bnd ' tho {cntJomea th e ir jwckeiboolts. 11)6 - omouni ratted will e? to btilldlAt •- fund for tho Idabo Odd Fellows’ botu»1, Kl Caiawell.

31. 8. ■t\d K.—The Motliem Bun,- shln'o and Bludy ctuli will meet wlib Mrs.. Inez Corry on Wcdi)c»ilar aftflr-

;* noon. Dccomber 31. ,A Bpeclal- Now Year’s p ro (n im will be siy<n. Rol! call will bo responded to b y , N«w

r. Y etr'a rosolttHotiB.d - - .~ .~ T . .I t InfoldnR—Ttie stores ot- th s city

e re :ta»'9KJa* thU^

M b T MiW Years^ Ji^NWALOi { H I B H I



9 ^ K HOST OF-V -w 18-BIG M


’RICES: $1.65 $1.10, .85 ALE AT MAJESTIC DRI

VMIIli-- Ili'n- ,i..|

f £ o i P i y1 . T o c l a y , t o m o r r o w j

I HARRY T.■ ' in the g rea t six

^ HonoiIntensely c

Keeps you ii A woman’s love and tb

fate throws a searc

“Z IP a n dA 2 p a rt Co

2 - Big VaudeLEO FII

tlie Rouman REED ANDComedy son.

M atinee 2 Evenings

• Always a good V arietj A lways

TheGEM. Q uality F

Tqday, Tuesdjiy a ild V ing h

“TkeHel - ofJth..' Five Dart produ

W illiaonA different character W. S. HarS as Yakpn of his ability. .He wai est man in the Northi:

-played square with Mi true. .


“ D a n r i y A: I t’s a Comedy o f Boyh terUining

. J :

January 1 ' ^


lEDY.ARTISTS , ' • '

)F P R E T T Y G IRLS ‘; MUSIC/\L NUMBERS-183-BEAOTUL SCENES-3 ■< 5-SONG KJlS-5 ' iif6 6 n .lT r !■ Mil . J

RUG STORE------- ^ ^r'T ,iili. :ii..i Mi l l lliirnhliarBer tn fc /:■ uh.-i- .......... I'li.ut.'llo nclioolit. T bsy , ■ j-.'/

ll! «(;•/!<l Uk- rrm nlniiT of tho ; • i.- r ’iii:; i v.i' tiUuii In lV>lna bofom i-.turtil:ii: in th" Cut" Cliv ' j 1'

• 'f u r I'uld . ir .in llu cn ta ■ ' ■ liJitiMo tjriNlNl-;TivljUt». l.ook V

• Il.l a:i :i l;r"i<-iitnllvii take 'LAXA- 'or K MljrDaiurfl'On tbe i,.^ 'j|-(H .::ui' .

Ii..()% "'..I SiiurInT T iol'n, J7 t yo*.r.'-'

M l i r eV and W ednesday ‘ i

r. MOREY;ix p a rt featu re ;

! d ram atic ; ,I in suspense • ' j:thc code of honor how J

u'chlight on secrecy - j ' '

Comedy riot .

leville Acts - 2h l l i e r ' 'anian fiddler ■ 'ID H OOPER ■ , ongs and ta lk ■ ■■<!!i 2 O’clock •' . ..' ;!?s 0:30'2ty- ,

ys your money’s w orth.; i '

I T h e a d tr e y iI W ednesday first.shpSfi'.^ , J

}llHound^\laska:\iuction, featuring .';j

n S . H a r t ; Ier in a . different story.. ,i . J n Ed' rises to ffie’he«Sl;| ras known as the tdugS-| hland; but to-thbse;,wJi^ ^ hini’he was tnlstingandiffl^ ^

P r e s e n ^ y i

yhood lifQ. A ng.progranu^^

r '

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I ' rf S : -

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Car of tl

E M IH asR e

h e Cil

i. ' , l ^ ^ . > = — -yiUrJLJi. ■- - “ " -^--'

_____________ THe 'i WIM FALL3-B•BAILY TIMEBr'KQNDAY, DEOi.29,-


8 0 9 -

hat Coal

E R E iLS Just B eey \

ece iv ed bi

ity C c


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)a l C<

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Qiit'cii l':iiziilK‘ili ii.,...1 u iiitriiili

I jjr JJJIM i>i' liif^rnur^,. ,11 I h f I'ri'Dc), '(nil uoti.-i-. il. no I(iiik<-i- in I'linsi* I'dv tin t ; 111. A d in Tin- T iiii.'s Cinssiti.-.i

W a n t S o n ie th i f l s • j

A d v e r t i s e 5- . , X ullI r o r I t m

t h e s e c o l u m n i “

H e l p W a n t e d “I - - - - ^ X pa

V/ASTF.V~r,ir}« (or Jx'jiii a 1Imiulrci hiilcltni: I'u^n nr Sirrllnr. •<'r«aiiuT>-._________________________ _ li X

'WANTKn-DlTiliii: riKim Klrl- lldy.l HO!J’Juwe ir,o. i j Act <1

—----— — ------- --- ----------------------- —-»U S, RillS i t u a t i o n W a n t e d "m ^

I’OSlTION W A N T lin-Y ouni; miui.WkJi m-liool cdijMtioij, wantn jtoallloii

- v llli firm wliuru w ork ami InlHll- 1‘0JK>'ncn wti) counl in cloiurinlulnK oiio’n noiiitivoy .onvulopo. C:m i;lvo bi'iit ot rof. bruurcrciicen and rcpllcn "tiould bu ail- iiri'f>'iareia lito s . 3., cAr« <jC TIhics. H, S------------ ------------------z y ^ - - - TwinWANTEfWrur-IUon nti iiii'noKmplier __1_

o r booVki'fpiT. Exiicrlonctil. K- N.. KOictitM Tliiloii. _____ olioii,

fVrnftcoii ftnd ciiltiinvyn cltnncd. r iion t 225-M.

W a n t e d M i s c e l l a r t e o u s —— -------------------- ---- . . i-,)i

WANTICD—\V.< w anl lon i»:I« ot j,,„, , Iiurneiiu lo oil w jiu comi iilil fiiKtilou' || vd oil. Wl' cun oil tliinii .•hi-flpc;r now tlian In llio iitirlnj; uml li’ti bnltur tor • ■ Ibfl harno-j.-:, I. E, riNNlCY & CO,. I ’loneur lliircn'nn ■ Sbnii,

~\VANTKI>^\V<7 tmy c.iali for tur-Vujfj/Kccuu and cUlckon". Cnll IloKor- " '‘"i-

• iwa Clift!. Utik for Wm. Towoti. chef. ------------^ ^ --------------------------------- - l.X)l

■WA.NTHD—Tn irndo tourlnn bnjy Knhl■ for 'rontliilpr body. . / / Tlioui

PSano G M -n io r. _________

itTTCn & Aiklnii Triinuftr. tM rnlluju j.- jTuoTlai; n npficlnlty. ^^9 Slionbonu S. |.rone Phono 1S50. .

WAKTE1>—Uoom nnd bimnl for »lu-dcnto. I’hono 1)51). tiri'gc HitKln>ui» m „ |.,College. ____— --------------- --------------------------------- ■ KOI

W* P*T c u b Ior tocood bund fur. ( qdblturo u n d m c sce . llooalor rn ro l- -------t w Co.________ _________________• F o i

•WANTED-Your oruor for J’lANfJ, TDNINO. Locan N w lc Co. Phone ^ .

__________ yourWANTED—V our nafcij* rn ror blado» H'” "*-

to *Uttrppn. W erner’* Jlopalr Shop, "'orli

WANTBD—All kliid» of carponier yidu work, prompiiy douo. 1223-W. Arcli

WANTED—I.C01I0 or bnlcjl hay,'Phono or wrilu C. O. t'arBO, BOtlpy. FO

• W ANTBp-^Sroall sited bonby ""« i- I r . . . . , , X' V.. , . r . ■nm ... t,,,".,

; - W a n t e d t o R e n t ;------------------- ■ 1 .......... ,«1 .1 FO

WANTKD TO UENT—Oood 40 , or 5 pj SO fcreit, can r I to bo« of ruforon^o. Addie«a Box 32. caro ot Times. '

F o r R e n t ; i i t »— --------- - ----------- — L . . Moos

FO a RL'.NT—Store buildlaff on 3ti|in ------Blfflflt. j :^ x 7 0 wUU opilon on cotaqnl •■'O boseiDcnt' 2&x70.' Phono 142. loqalro shlln a t W hlto SowlDK Machine Co. CUi (

FOR KENT—rura lnhad rt»n». mod- >'« . e ra conrenlcoce*. 120 Olb north, cd ai

Pbono G41-R. ■ !!'!!«

" i t n H ^ T - r u r a l7 u c d ila M ~ o n - FO , cIcA d porch. .421 CUi Ave. a ’cx

North. Twin

FOR U BN T -F iirnU hed roomTcion. ' FO llem an preforred. 1C3 Cth Avenuo North. ■ ------

r o n nEN T—PrlToto room and __ _b o u d . CSO Second atoduo north.

J PO n UENT—noon'i fo r two. ,222 / GUi/Avc. Bqs^. Phono _TC2.w.

* r o n K&NT—D eitra h lk room, r«a»- onkhlo. 3D9 4th Nori^V— I . ------- 1_______________________ bei

r o n nEN T—Uoom for two. 222 i i h an A»#. la u L Phono 7G2-W. p r

F o r S a l e R e a l E s t a t e ca

FOrf 8ALB- 6 room moO. hoMO, — Baresci ETer-bearlnc atrawberrlea.U jrn. ,tr«e» j lum U hed, porUy fum- lfbe<t n r Tscant. *4200 for hou»e. »iool,«lMO' ca th . balance e a .r . “ ‘‘'o(orii iU ft« Value. TU ThJrtf Avonuo

_________ _ • aw.r o n S A L B ^ acn> fam i 4H tVoin ®” !'

Twin F a ll^ sood Ian d ,.in 3a ll bouie.. U m . rr»narj-, tar»go . Deep weU.

w oren w ire fence. 40 acre# fall plow- ,•d from old alfa lfa. P rice $400 p e r ___

' • rr* .- .R e M D D a b l* < a ati,p « ;^ eo („« u i t a r t u '} v „ ' 'e in p\m


illl Ill'll- i>;it lis. .Iiinic.s Is l iiim lf <'oni;v' I'O iiiI. \V)). )j jijj r)jj|i)ciyi? n.-.-jii;!

I'(M -tliinl m il Lniciiiic'- . )li'rt<T rcsn l I-li Colm iiiis!

X X X X X X T l X X X X X x j I-OINOW OPEN F u n a E rrL K - x 'l ,u u k MK-VT. 10.000 ACUC3 iU U l. X 1 »> Ti:

OATED LAND X I -------in M illard County, Utah, on X | F q

uu ln Uus of rallMay between X : ......Bull Lake and Lo». Angoloa. x l KOI All good land wUb deep to ll x ir i r n i ■

■nrf no mone. Tbe water rtKht Xiiircmi m OBO o t tho bo«l.'*SolUns a l Xl 105 nn aero wlih » year* 10 X j L l ' pay a i 0 por coat IntereoL X ; —

TWIN FALLS UEALTY CO. X •ExcluiUve Afonta." x i

X X X X X X X X X X X - X X p 'U 'h

H()MKHTKA»S-(HO acr.’o, | t ' ' 'I (if CDiiKrcni. f«r Nrvnihi. .\iiy i;.(;lllxcil cuu loc.iKi nml p;il>!lil. with- I tonldcnci', Jion land for nn rr, Muldrow Ucclniniilfon Co.. Win-

l-OJt HAL1':-UU ii. rcii onn mtU< ;*•— mil of Uoi;or.ion. f ru from iSijoUni- uiirc. Will cxclinnBii for l(jwn lotji,.■f.T li>ln 111 Dlno l-lki'ii Atlilltlon. '^-"W

S 5JvJi!«. Jas «I)i nvi-ouo vln f-'ullii. j Ihmv;

KOll SALE—SO pcrt- fiinii ncnr l lm - ' lou, hlnho. Small lui|)rov..incnt»; ]-•It fciiccil. nfiuul (lulf iipodcd .1.JU-II, :;7 lc- : 2i)0 iK-r nrn-; «nmll yuymcni iwti, fuity tnrini.'0N hnliinci-. .Vililnmi ' ,

M., c a r . ' Timcn.

KOll SAI.K- M'UI.tu hoiiiii-; liiH'ii’il-I.Vo!]*! tl- i>ii<.rv.i-'lo:i. linml l(»otUHh c u r- l ' i i , ■r lol, j::,iit», Sl.rjM culih, 11. K.i ^,.p,

ov rr n ty l>liurnia<.y. |

KOll «Al.L*—n-rixim iiiodi-rii Ijuiira- Ca\v, Iinrdwood lioun , fiiruacn hunt, Hi-ifciiii-ni tjiii»'in<!nt. IiiiiiiMdlmr iiomnia- U.li;'Ull. I’hon.- KCC-w, lOHO 4th Kanl. K.r,(i

I'XJll SA L E -N cw 6 room Itouiii: In I'i'lf*' Ihl U twn. Iti'iiily’io movu In. I’. Il- | ' i';ly- lomimon. 40a iJlb aveuuu K- I’Uono 4.W. - - - - r r .-----------------------:----------------------------KDlt S.VLli—c r ir^d t .fo r fotlduncu! :;Sc t •oiieriy, 14 ncrcn 2H milcii from La «-ln Kail*, l’hon(rtr.0.n .3, - laml

KOIt SALB—S^n^oiir modurn houno , / i " id-KnruKo. Tormn, COI 2nd ,Kn»l. i^'r.n

KOU SALE—5 room niodurn hoUJC.>11 4GC-M ■

' o r S a l e M i s e e i l a n e o u s n •JCO

UlmUurly Nunorloo. Lundscupo . i-rvlcu Duparimenl. Can buaudty i-> 1 iur boitiu eroundjt. Treuit, nlirubu, .Sh nntA und vluon. I’lanit .furnlihcd. l<>wo .’ork iiupcrlutcndctl or taken by I. itilract. No cbarRo for tirullminury I.!olU Cnrl E. Wricht. Unilscapu j>i rclilicol and Oardenor. Phono 26- cclj'

Klmlicrly. Idaho, Ci

FOn BALE—lO-lionio powor- »t«am DSlno^n 'good condlUon. A bnrpiln, niiuiro of Stratton'*. Fruoch ' Dry ,,| leanerD, Phone ^SL 312 Sbothono L, Tw in Fall*. lilabo. • |.jg„

FO n SALE—F irst mortgaKc on land pt)r conl moaoy. For pnrlie\jlani, Wc

tll B78-U-2. " I"

iTOR SALB—Wind»hleld«. head- ™ (hiv and window f lu a . Pbono 6, loon**: Sbop. near poitofflce.

FO n eALlJ-1000 U. of 4 luch bovcl lillnB Bt J4C, Now door* cbcap. .70B ■Ul a re n n t' Eaat,

TOiriAXxC—D roned lamh dollver- ii anyw hert' Jn clly. 20c ll>. Fred A.!iIU, nou ie Ofn

FOU SALE—O«oil wheat ilraw . U l6ad delivered,' Addrosi Uoi 1012.

'win Fnlla,

FOR 8 A L E -^ ld Jiapcra 10c a — undlo a t J h n Tlmo*.

L o s t a n d F O j u n d

* LOST—Wi'dncjday n iiijl. he- ___| tweon H nnl’i Jewelry uloru and

Hi6 United Slorcn. a small pack- aco contalnlne e«atlen)an’a \ratcli — chain. Tho chain v;as to bavo been ilv en a« a ChrlaUna* sKt. _ and tho lady who lo tt U will ap* <aa p red a te It vory much It finder.will re turn It to t30 Srd ivonuo ___eaat. A rew ard will be Elvea,

LOST—Ford tiro coihplolo wllh <‘ f haln between Twin Fnlls and su m r ^ 1 a flo o '. • n n d e r leavo n t Times. Suit- % i ililo rew ard or pbono 713,

LOST-^W lre whotl and caxInR. 30x t. IW. Call 164.n or leave a t Time* “*«'

- ■ SLOST—34x4 Federal Ore and rim

nm plete. Ftador plaaae leave a t Ida*10 Vulc. W o to . Howard. !


I °I ! "

* * * * ♦ ' X

l ' i'0 SW EAR } , ?

. . , N « jS Mii;v'li1m ii III .•iii-Mii- ;i fn i.ii- 2 ' bii;n,s iu Ijtisv si‘;i>i>ii w ilil- I ; ' i I 'siills a n - o liia i.....I ll.v jiii;- Z '

I t n y-------------------- . . ___________ lliu 1)1KOt:.Vl)- A l)l;.vl: IciiHi.-r, pticl;.-!

uuk with lllll 1:11.1 ^llv. r Ul .1. ''a l l i ................. . ______________

F o r S a l e A u t o m o b i l e s

r o n ' SA L i:-K or.l i.>iir,!.1,~nr” In ' r«l clanu cdiuIUIoii. I’lt.-,. M7i. Ail- ' , . ' r««ii M. W. .ti,. i-»rc Tim.".. i ..

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t r y H,,.'

T \» lt SAMT^-l'ur<i tif .T itu;7 ilri.. :,i;i.,n rf.rlior..;:.. : uill. « - a .t , ><, ,. u i ^ f r n . . . , ^ _________________ ; .1.111.

K il l SAl.r. -'I hri'ir i;o<,il mll< li "iJii i-tioli- r,7.VJ-:i. ‘l., J. M;ili.iir-. . iii"'<i

— ------------- ■ .|ll.-y,

TODAY’S M A l i E l ^ " f -

CllICAOO, Ucf. -ll-r<'lilts ni.'iit,;;ii()0. MnrkcLftcllvi-. 10 lo.'iOc: hli:hor.|' "V,.

Hulk Ji;:.;'i>fiU,lii, top SH.::n; 1 nr.:.ni le^ivvwnlKJu. Sin.aiiltiH.ir.; liicllUhi MIIII.I vdKht ji;!,'.ir.ii(n.'ji»: iir.m wi-IkUi >..n . iia .sd irU .li'; itKiii llr.lit« m.- i>.:t,ni); hi-nvji, iiacktni; miwii, ninoutli .iiitMi:i::,:5(!('n."ri: i';..-i(iuk i.iiwii, muKit, miti’.

j:'.2S; IllK", M2.Tri'ii i:i.7ri. I'M IIIIrnltlo-U ov.rliil;i - 2SnuD. • .Market Hi'’ '1

:o,..l Kru.lor. ut'-ivily. oUUTU lowiT, Muu' JU-.'f Bloi'r:>-Mu.llum i\n.l Heavy- " »<'

.vplKht. C bn lo nnd iirliii.' JlS.T55f20. ,’ i!(-dl.im an.l noml Jlliils.T r..

l.iKl'.i \V<-l,:hl-nixid an.1 ■(■hol.'c JU r.i:i.r,.';..-uinliinn ami inoilluin »S-iil4. '• '"• '‘J

luiu-lii-r f a l l i - -ll.'lf-r:i JC.1(t«U.7r, f '" i» •ciwn ImlH J7.7r.^i'U,Tr..i

Caiim-r.. anil IM II'T «-0 >w:. nml :l.-lfiTR sn.2r,«fi.25; caniiiir ralvo t ll.l,;lil and HnndyutlKhll Jir.-f.OV

fi'i'dor (Ili-.irn $7i?>15.2r.: ulocker^I'-nn. Jfilfin .ur.; Biovlicr COWI. andM.if,.r.i .ito. k.-r cnlvcn J7.25 ,:,lu.r,ii. • *■'

SHKIII' Aa o rc ir tc - W O ,r r :M n tk o i klllltiK <*%«

•ItiKr.m ulium /Ilcudy, fcoilcrti nlronK to '!5c*htKhi~ -----

L um hi-(K 4 lliB. down) |l6®lS.r.O; iamli!.; Cnlln .mil Common JU fflC .?:.; VrarllnK Wotli.-r* SnTi-in.ir.; Ewcn l.s,.',Illil i l ; Kwi'x-Ciill!. I»;ul ('nmmnn ' ;4,r,ii}i8.:r.; Kt-v.ior i.iiinii'. ji.i .2r.if- r< 511

OMAHA. Ni-hr.. Dl-c. :y .-no«M — 'fli l!.juuliitn la.uou; niiirkvl j-.cmly u> life jiugb lowur: hulk J i3.no«rl".r.ii; to r 5t:!-70. Ktdoi

(.'.’ittle-ILUUOi m urkrt kllllnc claun- ha.l O'. IS un.l 2.''-e lower: f'-fili'ni'nloudy. cirl

.SlM-(ip—H.OUil; Tiiarliot ’ liiinli •|ulrl lowor; nlu‘<'|i nn.l fi-nl-'rn i.n-.idy. Itlvci

------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Uu,|I 'orllnnd Lh.-Mi.rl. Ot

I’OIITLANI). Deo. 2Q.-ShoPI*-Uc. ""cclj'tfi l.MHS; normal utichuiigo.l. Cvin:

CuUtc-Hccelptii .SW; murkci nlow *'nicUdy. unchaiiKed, "I

H o « . Rccclpts 1,110; marl:«l i.lcady H'ff-to sf^nK ; (a)—PrlMr mlxi-.l $14.50 Slin-.-iZ: lh) Medium mlxnl JM fi ll.r.i); t.dili(0)—lloufch nml mixed tlJ^ fi:! ; (< I |- theI’lK" $ll.r.Od(in, Illld

_______________ wllh

W ant a Job? Try a "aitunllon Want- , ' 1 id " ud /n our w ant enl„nin« nin'iT g r j = s - - — - = = („p (


* J . 'w O L riN D E N "I'lil'iltlS Main Avenue EaJt n,,,.,

. Pbon* 201 , .--------------------- :-------------------------------- i.icli

~ UBTKOtrATllg '

o n J. IL MrAIILLBN I"Ofliwpath -I

nfno> phon» a n . n e i. ohoB« KH-JO In 1

u m g T iT c n u io i - j"

Utaa mSSONNBTTM 81133H htaln E u L curlt

------------------------------------------------------ der»HEMSTITCmxO knoi

MI9S CELIA A. GATZ "1 41I1 A rc. £ . Work iru.iraoteod asd

I>rompt Servlco, »he------------------------------------------------------ WUI


Boyd BIdy.____________

■ BWEBLKT * fiW aSLET Mtn■fflcM: n r . i t NMIoaal Daak B oliam nad

<aaea R. DoUiwell O rr ChapuM BOTHWELL A OHAPUAN

Otfle»; U t NafL Oatik B ld r

A s n a n b . w i lb o n , 1, 1,OtftM f l n t K a il Baak Bldg. ,

(• H . WISH o m U H ROOMS • AND « SIrwlD F alla Bank k T n u t Co. Bld< win' % M w o L m o r r i c i f l m L o . b u m

! TAXIDEUXIST ~t, am ready (o lako care o f yonr ' “f-

needs la a ll kloda of taxidenny work. U.W rite or aee me a t Fijar. Id a h o .- th e 'JAKE SCHLUND. TasldormlaL HI

s ;Wifa. B. TW1S3 . now

VIolInlat 10 JQ rrte» tfa.J^U 3a»JicO ft£ JU w A a t o r ,u ia S ■ .'.Dane* - .otbcPtoM ttti-W tu Vta.Bana



T h e C i t y ; o f P u r p l e I H

' <il n<UlD r e a m s ;,™,- --------------------------------1 r i i i i

'T~- - - - - - r l , u ti.'rc X bui.-uii

B y I ' l '

E D W IN : B A I R D

? o o ? ? o o o io > o o o o c > ? m T o a '• P.O. B ^ A C o . j-

• (ConUou.'d from I’aKO V) ’

>• ty r i filer} iJiiiyuT.rrlriilj i.jidm ' n ,,^- !Mn.'li oni'S nbov,. IiUA^liln-mliKl I M.-.IU,

rkliiL- will. Ih.- ciKil iir..:NIoii of 1. i„rv. >■f.'Ci iii.-i luml-iii. "II.-'- Ulhcr um-I ll. .• 1,1

Ull iiK-iiK.lii," rail lilH tliM.,i;l.l- -l'„ iluiiil; n«iJ U.o .mty »ii.v m j« Nm,

.1 >vltli .. ....... Is to hiiiii-ir Illlli, I Cni/.,v:li;i|i''. iliciiii;li. (lllly iiliittliii:. In , k'H n.• .'X-'iil IM In sl ti.ki' IKI .•llall.•.•^,'• f.il Iio111-. Hia.li' n ci.r.-'vim: iiii.v..,iin.l | >n.i l;i'Jl J.l« j.l.x .t II/.' lino ..r III-. I t;ill. wllr ; i;iH Innd rvsl..,l 11,.- li;i.U of I o r llv.;Hiu iL'tl.T lo U.'.'j. l,h. .-j.'licl.l .111 li:il, li• ............ll iiKiiilu..-, ! Tl,.. d-IVi. ........ Kr-M.m't j.ii iivn i'v r.

•7 n M /n n rV .'i i i i |.l nol ........... .....

rmv^Mi'uI.Nu. \ ..i i um'iI «rllv nil n 1 f,,,. ,,

"Vrry tr...-, k.' I ......t, '• I 'l i f - l i o ;I.lalli,K i'rl.oM .lolifsryom i.lK r:i» .'.l| lu . „li;;;(.|lly—-'..Ilclll-T IK't .Inl, l-llV-■Men t1i(‘ chc .'U r I ,;|ri I•Vini iiiliilii. hnt you wviu'i, Vun will .........

Illd nl mv .•lbo«v wIiUu I i'a-Ii (C [ Uoii il11 will ilirn Ciiti'r n liiol.-r.nr « ltl ' | i wnI- mill .lrly.‘ t.. Homo d.-MTinl -.pi.t „„i|,||itMil.; Cbl.nKo: yon will loi.rc tlu- uU|j.iiIII’, llll.l Ihun clvu mu n chuiici^ to (Jn.t I <nl>.'. .\tl lilts whllo 1 sJircIt Imv.- j(,,o .lymnnlt.-; one f.axr tiio\t' uud I’ll i,ra|i>uw UN io l.liiKdoin conn.-. Vour Ilfo i,K «,

Hortli l.'il ihuUNtind dullnra. I Inkij „ „,vi, .Mine's not. Do I luuUo uijsi'lf t.-li.nlc i i r r r«iii-ci"KscoKsiv.'ly. And no\v for tlm iiincoi.-.k." Wllhoul Miovlnu* hlu l.rad i|iinrr .nil th..,|iiivk of ll.e chnlr Uti.l |>ru- 11 tiim iood. u iirlvatu cli'cok huOk nnd n ■.In'in 'Uiiiiilii 11-11. nnd, fvvlli'K (lie " 'n r (.'Iini|i llh hi# nngcrii. filled out u cl.ccU uUo.l ir li-n thou-iiind dollar*. ••Whnt- «wlftl imcV hp OBkod. ' tlio •'.MnUu It puynbli to hearer.” "••oiiu "V'ory wcIt—" "•'K nihcrrA pnir of jHirllcrcn n t llic r<rnr of

io jo w n »v«iro.JicIit£*r **nrt..jiud 10 ' »o"at>cr<nre 'itoo iP ^.slV L Without 'I ' iroliic*‘tHa'Baek'W#» townrrt-ticT— ' . ItiliUKh knew who'alie was. lln bnd ‘•’" “I" card h e r i'olco bofore. Aa she npoke ^I* uplifted lian.U dropped nwlfily ml concriilod llio nrw»[iniK-r imi'knCP , oiL'ntli bl* cout. Tlion lie iiinu-.l. nd. cv«-n wi he kuew hu would. looUcl •" ilo 'tliu imnsy-ldu.) cyca of tlio til l rlth tlic Tltlnn linlr.Th.'ri! wn* n dmuiallc tiil.lcnu. Fllz- '

ugli. every nerve ntid iuukIu lonno. . " tood loukluc a l the sirl. OU*. who ad n(jt moved, watched him. Tlu- Irl liiotod from ono to tbe olhor In- " iilrl.iiKly. Sbo uccmwl lo know la lu -1 lively Unit Bomoihlns very unun.al U.I otJcurred. ' ' 'Oil* wnit flr*t to apeak." in n yuii cxeui.0 n*. K nlhlem ’ Thli

[viille'tuon und 1 bave a little builueax j'',' u trnniact.”

"I did not Intend to Interm pl. fa- ,. .,1 hrr. • I Ihoucht you were alono."

Khc went ont. clotlns. the portiere* , idilii.l Ii.t. Oil* wrote "hearer” on ho elu-ck. aulppo.! It from Ihc book ^ ; illd stood U|). Ue held uut the cbcck vlihout Mylng a word.

I'lUliosh toots the »Up o t pappr. luille.) 11 rcilcctlvcly. Tliero wn* n.> .|-j| iiU'Ml.mliiK IU ccnnlncnca*. I t calK-il fy,,.. or (on tliuuHiiRd dollar*, and iho rnll - i .;n» I.K nuihorltatlve aa o Ruvcro- y o u :ii.-nt liund. Suddenly lie drew a l.-op b m lb , fuUIcd Ihe c h c ^ . nnd .hr* Ihonituly toro It twice ncro**. >lo j lr.i|i|iL-d the picce* on tlio Inhle..IrlicI np 111* hd^. nn.l wlihuut n fur-her word walked from lUo room. „

III th e hnll he found Kathleen Ollt. „„jn "anila I* out (ha (lr»t (lioe." wild lio ovuv

n Ida bent dramatic uiauuor. “yon 1,0 t i»ro nnvcd me f^oiu nyaelf. 1 thottshl inidij I'd tell yuu." 01

She siejijicd bock, lookloc a t tilm liao ’urloualy. ~1—I'm atrald 1 don't un- thu len lnnd you. 1 don't think 1 even nnd tnoir yoo." lonjr

"Ii’« hardly poulble—" tbnu“Whal were you doing In tb e re r of b

ihe ImcrrupteU. “1 koow aomethloE far : irui wrong I and—" She broke otf. poll md wllb liirpulslre coaroee fairly I'D ' diol n qucMlon a t him. "Wer# you try- tl>« 'ue fo WaeJiUjalJ iDy f a th e r r fa* '

“Sume peoplo might have called It wtnclhlng wor»e.” ba replied eaally; ‘ m ) he waa Ih lnklof: “She'a beanU- *«*'tul—beautlfnll TUU la ia t be tho aort ------:a«r «o e ra* / ercr. Th* m « a e a do ihltw* for."

nV hat ware yon d o la g n aha In- iiiica.- , . •

“Why 10 lo a n la lU te r b» coontarwL Sh« looked aaaojiad. "W-woold yoa ,.

mind tclllog mo jo a r a a m a r ab« ^ ‘ u k e ^ aad d o ( h i r la lU into ber

^ m a open feeling b tr .eh e ek i bniB* No.' Of- . ■ No. :

Uo nskod pointedly: “Caa yoo'recall h e 'd lrtte ityoanK na& 'T D ueT araaw r ooln

Hho bit he r Up and ateppM back Qoio rrota him. 8h« waa a w l e t to her fjuplca. " r«»—yea. I r e o a a b e r yon low. Vou a re Uie oaa I gavo a doUar ^ 0 yovttrday. 1 b e l lm jo ti a ild yoar * uma.}.v>M...VJtain^')u-MaMthlDg-or > lU e rr ' ■ • « ' ' • *' '•

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------

LS'DA^Y I ^ S , MONDAY. DBO, i0 .20 .1 9 1 9 . -------

Oh. yM -D ai,lol FItihuiihl I re- V i j B1I .T perfeoUy now." , ■ MI'm Kind yuu <lu." I l l'tita hv fcecamc fiiroro tlmt Syjnlcc-

Otl* wn* *taadliii: In the iloorwny tho llhniry. At nlKht o f the mun ■ otn ho hult l..-ll.'Ved n Oanu.-rou* H P ntle inklnj: tl.o uiithlnkuMo liberty ] n?l(If<-Mloir Wk diiWiilit'T O lii' roul- j jjuilo. 1* bnd vnulsh.'d, hlu reMruliil .H'ppil. I'ItzhiiKh took th>- clrl'fl blind, nnd ' xri.ir a Vihrunt v.)U-.-. proKiiant with fnr ; rtf th-iM cKuw iM ii Illl- ivurd.-» JI ■ nj.tr"/. orcl. «ild. will not Kny j;oi.dliy |;.-uu rcvolr." Then h.- turn.'il nml ■ nr .,ihr I lh.! hi>u*o. Till- front .|..or Iiml I ircely cl.w.-d hrlilii.l lilin li.'foiu UIIh •iicnci (-.'led iJfH/fi JjIh (}|ilij.-h!or. ;'Whnt did Him 11 11 Bny to yoiiV he i

'Wliy, n ni>thln« .it nny Imimrtumro. j '< -t 11.W SI11-. laiinli.'d ii.'rv..ii..|y, llUo | ’lUViSl ridl/l fKiitfit hi Hoiiic j« 'iiy wlfliJo- (

■Iici 10 your ronii’i. Tlmt man wiih n | iiihu-, 11.! lliirlll have IJll.'il you, ; n-rc'-. Nooii;,nr' II-' rnn- a ^.-rv-I',' |U')1. run Sif Ihir Ijjilj Irl.'Jill.111.-. ,..»Tri.-<IUd throilKli 111." lolililiiilio lllr.-.-- j■y, Illld KOI Il.u tl'liUiiiio nv.'Ii.ll- |ii" I .-.n.ia.' i.lii|Ii>u on Iho win-. j.’l'.>tl.'.r li.'a.l<(unrt.'r«7 . . . TliM ; innmvN.Mj.).,fc-li,ii till!., l.ni..- ...... . .Iviv,-.

.1/..V iiimi JilHl 1,CI iny I1.1UM-. H--1 [ B QI II t.iiiidk- of .Iji.nmlle, «o ho .-.-.r.-- ■ ^I IKIW J.UI hlllllltO llllll. . . . Ilow'll i H ~ n know Idm? . W.-ll, h.-'« .lari:, v n y : I f f i II. w.'ll Ilillll. Hlld al.i.iil iw .'iily.fonr ' . . . _ Ihu j.'^ii" .lld: he «i'ni« n n.ifl ;-r:iy (I, I.III kIhii". nud u lllllo Morj;.' .',iiU.11- dymiinlt.i I'l »un|iT'.->l In 11 n -" - - |por. I'll Imvo mv Imilor xml ai..ith-'r 'rvi,III f.illow Mm nud k.-.-i. him In •'»';lii; <;ii.idliy." ; l>Whon tint h it Iron irnt.i i-hinni'd h." T. H 1ml I'ltzhuiili 11 wii-« 111.... I' '<17 dlf- 1..... .i.'nt yuuiii: imiii Cn>in tlio on.' »li» .s-uiu .1 ciiler.-d 11, tlreil wllh uni.n l.y nnd [? N. vII thuiiKlitu; he eame .ml, llrod with „„ j,,,, lilrutl.jii and i;.i(id . tlmuKhtx. At-ndv his mind wnii.bu'y with fitnns r llie fnt.ue, Uo must not 'ith.-r atnlli. Uo mnst forSet hor,L- woul.l do i»mi«jlhliii: bic. liln « ’ ” in.clf on iin iHinnl plnn.i with tho. rl lu- lmd Junl lott.' Thure mnst • nn mnn- wlldiiPMv. no more IdlliiKs. '■'r iIiliiKS f.irlilddcn by luw. Amhl- ■>»>11 nuiiln llinijibinl in. hU voUih, Mu | wns Ihe nnillhoKlH u t Inxt iiIkIiI'm Wnyi

iil.ltliiii; tlm t hnd lie.-n tlm Uml h r . Al hlch t(-iiis do'sn—Ihla won the kind J.Tuiii.' lilt MilliU lip.if.; liiiii.if Miulh on the .frlv.-. liN ahl rovellns In t.d d .n drontus. In J , . K wiiUo Kkull.od thu »1oui butler und >oeond korvant. who, mindful o t thu l.'|i1iiiii.-d word, ■'d.vnninltv," took -M liieclnl imlfi< {o koeji n illsvrvut dls- J:nco hetwron iheuiM'Iven un.l tliolr I'. S.. mrry. Noiir Clilcuiin nvi-nuo h.‘ mw l).i.'.' tnun .1.«1kp Into an ulh-y n i.horl wuy Nolliii.'iid. uiKl Ihouiih hu .'.in ijht'hnt I. ].•, 11,„

ol th.- f«oi-. Iw r«'.<;;-»o.l D.-recllve ICelly. Ilo turn.-d i.t.ii,,, viftly. sitirioil biick-nndwu1U.-.l itilo '10 un in cf two doi.-eilve.s, who . g^., •omi'd l(/ api>fnr...'<7Chj iiowhor.-. ^ • HI.V r;ij»« Uf, 1,1^1 r i ^ n c k l . 'd Win •'mn ihe r.-nr un.ldrtfTruuidy tw ined '■10 iniu-.'I f r o u i ^ crufp. « “ »'>"Whiif* the dinri;.-, K o lly r n»ked ip'firi'.onpr, •«ho<t'tntili3hi tfShridm ■wrU'o aja.Jjy I'lUn'-tjirnj.- ."OrOa ILJuntJjc- .Com'll HU50 you owe mo onoV on thc"Novor mlmi whnt.” srowled Kolly. Clnl

You'll do u stretch thlu Umu you'll Ijiw I'liioinlior. Tlial'* enoujih for you to Macnow," _____1:1. roul(? lo th(? police Rtnlloii tlio

oieollv.-' l;oin a nice dl«tance lo Ihu 7 * ^ * i-nr with hU trophy,' and only with ;Iiu iitmohl caullon illd lie relliiiiuUh t to llm .lexk iivrKrant.Kllxliii;:li wu<i Ixiukod nmlor Um '

Iimo of Ilnudolph n u nnd e.inKlk-iii'.l I. n C.-1I wllll u "drunk un.l <ll»or- iTlj." n iiPlty Inrcony camo nnd two I'jfr.i crlmliin:s.wiioii SymliiKlon CM* n rrl* '.l nt the,jII.'o Klallou th<> flrnt pemou ho lui'i'

■ a» Kelly, mid the llrhl (im-niloii be , nl;.;d, ns he hnnd.;d him n clk-ur. wud,Did yuu Ket Id iu r • ^"We to t Uliu all Tight," answered

Jelly.'Jim hut vfsilKP of M cllcmont v#n-.'

>iho.l from the m lllluailru'a fuce.‘Aju) Da- dynaad le r'

Kelly evcliuiiged memilBi; glancot llth thu d(->k Kcrccaat.'

'•Soriioniil.'* nald he, •'show Mr. Oil* ho 'dynnmlle.'"

Tliu ».-rxou»t bcDt Ills faze tboiislu- ully uppn the flunuclcr.

"I ilon't know whut puMcd belwi-en ♦'nu nnd thU fellow,” he nald. «peaklnE X ;ery alnwly, “und I don 't know wbnt • ruu cxprct lo *iv, bn t t,lds U whal x |10 hnd on 'lm.“ And tliu acrgeuiit >old n|i n K>'nitui*luui awcnter, nucv I • ihlto nnd fre«h bu t tww tulhal. “Thl* ♦K whnt ho lind wraii|>C(] In the oeur*- X mjier, and 'Is pockpta waa not bur- f IvuL-d wllll. *0 much aa 'o match. If Z 10 had nny dynDiuIte o s him I t wa* ( imlde oC 'lm, air.” X

UUm' Ill'S cam* tosellier Io a han l t Ino nud hla itect-gray eyea acqolred i t f f hu flinty c 'lu t w hkh bla lubo'rdlnatc* • md oppooeQla lu the w heat pit had oDjr ago conic to know and fear. Th«:hnucht tbat be had he«n mad« a fool I jf by a b rateu Impoator w m Sailing— | rar more guijlog tban If th e same lm- .: , ;Miilor lmd re«lly robbed him of tbo J :ra thousand dollara. All th e rage, all J the aiisvr t^od coutamely o t the out- * mgnl mao v«f moucy power boiled ivltblti bim il« be vnhliporcd aavageiy f 10 himself: “I 'll f ir hU al" Aod yat - iga ld : **ni fix h lm P ~

(To b« coatlnued.) ’■ r

ItAILHOAb T O I£ TABLE. T H n ilu iM T e Tivln Fall* ' *

■ Qolof S u t "Io. 148 ___ _____________ C:46 a. m. ,:o.- 84 ................ - .......... _-.._..4:4B p. m. !

CotnjlTc»t ,:o.' 8 3 ........................ - - ._ . l i : 4 5 a . a . *;a m ........ ...........1-------------3:45 p. m.

llogertoa B r u c hlolng Bonih .........................11:46 a. a .loiog n o r t h . ---- ----------J :3 D p ,m . ,(i

The Time* io'a pnoU og dap 4 Uiorouihly aqnippAd. to do t lr tt

. . . i ,' - • - - V : - - ------- - ' • - , w

S i B u S i S

fH E “ i . i ! B ” IT :C aused by .

lc id -S to !S !a ® li -

Wicm»'riii,.li IIUiii.l ..... .l>l,l;...I ,, ll.

'I 'T H

F A T O N I CE ro ft f r oK YOUK Aai>&Tb>tAciO .

L l:i;,tl. l'L'IU.IC.\TU)N _ j r . ;.|

■ Sorlal No. Di-JiHlfi I';-.. , '1.SO'l'U 1; ro K rn il.IC .tT M lN i-S'; l)oi,;,rim.'iH ot tin- In tirlo r. " 'h

Ii’i'ormlii'r s, Illlli. ' ’ m.ihiNiitUe III h.ridiy |;ivon lhai lliiohol ti.iili.iN.win;iu or hhilio. who ■''■rf"Jiimiarj' 7, lOIli. tlllltl.- I).'i,. r l l.:.ml ' >-'”11

Ilry -N.., o:;:l'l)i; for H’i .S.-ction 'h.vvji-blii ;i :;t.iiili, llaiu;i' is Kanl. ''I:>

l.'li-lnii makr IMial I'rKof, I.l I'!-'*"’:;il)II'ih rlnlm to Uu, Iaml i.hos.' .1,'- ‘'- 'l i“rlh.',!. U'l.iri l-i,,nl( T. lilin..y, .V, ■''“hoCommliinloni'r, al Siionlioilr. Malio, ' ' “‘ho i t« / : i„ t day ol Janunry. ll-:.).

Wiiyiir l'rlrU ,.|i. Uiihorl S. Kriir- ------'. Al H,'n.,. 1. 11. Swo.lliiml, a ll of ^

lllC.V !l. ClIAY.

............... i S. . . . - .

.Serial -Nl'. lll-jJIH I'e•M II'ICi; 1(111 M llI.ICATID.N .11. I)

Ih'lKicliiirul Ilf lln- ]iil-rh‘r. :,l’ ir)S., U.nd Offlco lu Hatley, Idaho, S i;i;

iko riiih rr c, iwiii. 'IN.illci- In h.T.'liy itlvrn that Thntnnri l';int,

Iiijriii., h r lr for ilio hoin-. of John imftnriiH (d.c.'iir'.'.l/, of Twin I'allii, liroof

aho, who on July lai:., made i.hov.'iimnittad Entry N'l. 01S4« tor U ii 1.'-- S.S K 'j NWVi Socllon 0. Towm.hlp 10 Idah.

mlh. Ii.inji.1 18 I'a^!. llolno Morld- IDl:o. n. hai« fllod notlc.; of liitnitlon to i;i;i ako Final llirrt- y, ;ir iiroof. io- i-ii- Dublhih claim to Ui.. land ah.iv.- dr- l.o; <•rlbeA,'HM:f«ir« II. i:. I’ov.'ari', li. S. Idiiln:inii1ilr.iioncr nl Twin Knll:., i.laho, ntn.I tho aoth day nf January. ly:o. omot Chilmant nnni.n n.l witnor.r.oji;!Jlwr.'nc.^ » . Snlllvan. A lfrnl A. .Hacar. .Noah W’, Arrlniiton. Krrd. r- Doo


L a s t w e e i 'C n i n e q u a r t s

: n a d i a n P a c i f i c R a i l w

b o u g h t b y s i x T w i n F a; T ite r.!•« il n-nsoii. • T lie se tn .'n I fan.TcrM w lio know va luos of I l:nn\v llm t irrif,’i‘t«'(l la m i th n t ■; fa ifa liny, l.'i liiiHin'i.s itiftd fii so ; nl-siltc nrnl l{ci! . 'lo v c r. Toil to I • • 1iiih1k-Ih linril w h«U , oiil.s, poll

ill f a c t nn uIiiuKiiincc o f a tin o n t :; Ihun $201) p e r ULTC. A n d y o t th

is Ix-iiiK soil! fo r $50 jti 'r i ie rc - I iiictit th lu illy l^ycan f— 20 yc:irs ; L-ciit fo r J ^ n r s — th e n 0 on bnli Uj u lso lo a n fo r iuiiirovciiicii^ r “>'- \ ' • '; . U ro ii ill uthls^Uilk it ov e r wi

I Brown Bros.; E x c l u s i v e A

mL a n d s a re lo e t to d in S o a tiio r

tho boai in t h a t fam ouii d is t r ic t , 2QQ rlKsUoD, tfae b tU n c e is .b e in g soli

T h e la n d s a ro b e in g p u t on tb • a n d tb o eom riaay U lo o k in g f o r bo

n i ib ln a ra t l f t t t o f te n leaaD ry a re b e io ^ ao ld a t #1

tftnda lo $G0 p e r a e ro , v h i c h i t t io n .and in a m tv ia n c c c h a rg e $1.50 ta s y paym cB ts a n d loiv- i n t c r e i t

A lfa lfa , g ra in , f ie ld p e a s , p o ta ti lucccsafuU y g ro w n .

^VritG direct to tbe compabj .paiuphleta. . 1,, ,

Gaiiada Land & M

J, Jrw p tt.n ll of Twin Falla'.'Idohbi * BKS n . ORAY. ' :


. !^.Tlal No. IOT177 • ••‘ ■'irti\O IU i: Kt»U 1.-1^H.1C,VT10X •'• ‘ l ’ ;VTi

lh';iar;iii, IU .,r'<li,i Int.-Vior. ';,1 JIjuJi'J', Jdnho,

Noil." ll. li'H iiv r i . . t i llial Grace I'M ,,1,1 I.I -j\Mn I .,lln. l.laho, who Aiii'ii't HI. I'.IIT. i.iadu llumunlcad |

oW :i aud •ro\ni.iliHi 111 i

am. 11:,111',' 1:1 Ua'il. llolno .Vodd*I. r,,i, :ii",i ii,,ii,,- of InionUon to ,111" I oijirjiiilaUdn rrr>of. to cnlnb*. ';i .'laiiii 111 111.' mud abovu do-........................ II. 1;. I'owoni. U. 8.

I 'a lff t'ld ah o ,My. 1020. ' linerjeu: •Twin FiUln.Twin l-'allfl;

1 o'r llunaon,:i ot Hnnucn.

IIKN n , n iL \Y ,Iti'Klater.

S.rhu'N~iri(V^5jMi l’ll i: H li; I’l ilI.U'.VTION'i.'lMMin.in of Ihr Interior.

: l.ii,,l o ;[ ,,„ ;,t iiuiii-y, Idalio;n.', ■■mt-'i i;in .N-,1J . . ' , , ll. ;-,'l,y |',i^on llial n t r l ’ S.

J 1.1, J i U h o , virjjo on i‘iii.!> .;'i. li'ir,, iiia',1,1 ll^umeMcaa

itiry .\o. .i |,;;,j : (,>r l.otn ;t. 4, C. 0... 1;. T It , ll, 17 K . Lola 2. 3, • '

M:>. S, .'tioii 1, Townahlp 14 •Ulh. u r llotM .VcrW-

II. llllll III.',I Hull.,; ot iniuntlon U)•ill, T lir..' V.'.,r I'nml I'roof, to eil-, lllll.h Lhiliii to 111.' land abovu de- •riln-.V-H^('>rr.-H i:. I-owero, U. a ".1111:111,Illon,-r at Twla Ku!l», Idaho, J* 'I llu- ::ird .i;iy of January, 1920.

I lalhorni- M. Aiiitf uf ItofterBoa.' i.iliii; Itiilirrl A. Ill-Ill. of noRorsOO. nil..; (;,.rii,'HuM Iio., ot Ainalordam, nho. Arthur II. Aoulf uf Aniuiordain, lalio.

iJi:.-^-Il. ORAV,neulaier.

^ . Soriarj<o. liIhDM TMITICi; I'tJJl I’l llLICATIOX

IJeparimeul uf the Intorlor,, l . Uind ortiL-u a t Halloy, Idaho,' li<'o,iui)or &. I91'j.Noik-u lu horoby glvon lh a l Jam ia . l'enow.'ll ot Twin t'aUs. Idaho.w ho I Dvcomhor 14. I',il5, u ad o Homo- • w) Kiiiry .\v . Ol^yrii for NE54, i;U S c c tlo n ':6; WVj NE*4 BoeUon'., Townnhip I’r, t;outh, nuage li>:ii;t, llQlro Morldlan, hrta filed ootlc«i'■ Int.'ntlon to nmku Klnnl thrco y e a r , roof. (0 efftnlilln(i clnfm la. the laocl lovr drncrlhr.i, iitforo H. K. Poweni;-- S. Commlnidoncr. a t Tw la F^Ila) laho. on tbu 2U l day o t January,5-0. , . •Clalniunt nuinea as w ltncaaes: .Duff} Q. lli'od of Twin Fall*i Ida-

o; Otto LavenciHiQ, of Twin I’ftlla,' . ilclio; 'E dw ard Tcrp«inx ol neger-;iw* vn. Ididiol Jam es Q, Gruon o t nogor* ' '' r«on, Idaho,

BEN n . ORAY, ; n eg lite r.

loo 7-Jan. 7.


■ t e r s e c t i o n s o f C a -

i l w a y l a n d s w e r e — .

F a l l s f a r m e r s . , : _io n ' u rc kot-n cxp crio n co d ^o f irriB uk-d Innd. . T h e y ■ n t w ill ra iso G to n s o f ol>- ■. sood, abntic th c sa m s o fto tw e n ty biiKlicls f la x , 50[iothtoL'3 a n d ungor bccta ,iRt any tb in fr, ia w o rth m o ro 't thiH c1ioir.e ir r ig a te d la n drc — $5 .dow n, sccond p ay -a m lo I'tiy in te re s t 2 p e r 'bnlaiice— tlio c o m p an y w ill «■iicn ta on th c sam e r a te o f v ^ , •

w ith • ’ .

Sheep Co.Agents ■

r B

iio m A lb e rta , a a d 2 ^ ,0 0 Oaorea w U fU n so ld f o r e n U o ' g r o v b g . ^ tV ,W R § tb e m a rk e t f o r , t b e f t i i t H n i | ) M i r

■ b o n a f i d s - t e l t lo r a ; ' '‘I E

It in e lo d M v a t e r .50 p o r ir r ig a]) le a m

u t o e a ' b d ' f t b t

lany <or - t iM

--------------- .r—

^ F O R T Y p :

Fnf Kiulit IcUcrt lu

tlu! Jiume.H'li'r th


. V•■■HijjgiuiJi a . . . ... L .. I

M m a M U M ^ J te c M S d i i t t , B a tto r ie s , E leo

G ^ ‘W E A T H E R A N

: , A i-e y o u t a k i n g c a r eb y u s i n g r a d i a t o r a n d

P ro te c t Y o u r C a r Agi

: b y . o u r g o o d c

I . E . F IN N E Y

, / ■ •_________ ;__________

. ■ r - : :

? -iiSET T H E M O S T O U T; V f> M » ■, ■ ■ . .

' , , . D on’t F ig h t M o to

JU^yoBl^car^nre«3;i'n5f'iO)nmi-nl ' in b c u a ''.p u t^ t,y n flr» t-c ln s« ruiiiiiniv<>ri)

. >.•; 5‘ f l s g a ^ t t t e e , on r. w o rk n iu P iir c fi > ^ i h * ; t t o ^ l g h - c l a 8a .iic rv iro wft w ill

i - i ' - i ' P v J v : : .

f';:- - % I I .E . D oughty G .^ H i o n e ;a B 9 " / I ’-

t : - ■" ■ ■ " ■■■■ ■ ■■:

& f A U T O M O B IL E F!' - O X n iipO O D .W O R K IB T H E OV

i .TITo .i^Ujicly-Qi'mrantec SulLsfnctii ” * ,.r ;: ' ;A «t0 a Plca.surc t

' “ ^ ^ e W T J N G A U T O PA II

S?|^^^r#':SWW*Tire Costs—

;■ o r ^ J S a v o u n m o s k y


■ . liiUafJ^IATOIlS AIlK IN.M UK : r V b « & r « B 'm r r a r c»r w ltb » leaky h i

; tb« 'ud» rJM ti.c«< U > Q f iDjor)' to tho cyll !• tn r m - * KTTBt nMoutit of

' ' ' n d /s t a r , <10 a ncai Iu

. . O T A B i

-' '^B rig -A iito iiT y rfr T roub les ■' - ■_. . Y ^ ’i l i j a v e Less T ro u l

. ■ ; , i v ( ^ 3 T ^ T E ,V ! L J l■-.'.-M ICHELW -TIUFR AND

■ ■' ^ S E R V K•CiiAia T. nnAC

. Qbs, Oils, Orcafl^rUonc »f>0—Cunic

; My Dear SiHter; ‘ Twiii 1- Am wriliiiK to lot you lumw tli

HOBPlTAIi wJktp they iliiiRiiosf in • rllieir- oppratioim muit he «ticpeMfu

• rfan since I wont thero. I t ’s right i Boiao-Pnyctto Lumber Co.

: EMTIUK AUTO SHOP-K’• • J:i8 Third Avcniu

j D»f Phone 7C8.W

; ‘ ■ ‘R a d ia to rs R epairedf■ All work ie»led undor q lr prcn"ui

' ; • - Localcd a t 139 Beron(K.I t PiTB to n«T«t Your YVnrk

. I L«t«it M d ScU K<iuipp«4.IU'(ti

B ellev ille B ros. R ad; O i ^ i l l e U nd Oftrafo , ,

Auto Windshielfls and, WinJoTV d lo s# o f AU Sizt.i Cnrrlcil

‘ E . A , M O O N , M a n u fa c tu re rs o f A , S h o p : T h ird S t r e e t nntl M nin A ve.

■ i ■ '■ Offlc* Phon#

— ~ ~ ~

( V " ............ . ~ * 5 “


t s i p t h eI Itavi; b f i 'i i piiri»oKcly o m it tm l fro m t th e udvcrliHcm enlR w h ere th e lotuscN

U i I)K — O ne copy o f hIiccI lupa<^-m^

B U S I N E S S G -C lID

lleotrloal, Oloss, P a ia tia ; , Radi. kni*iny, E tc , E tc. . +—----------------------: ' ^ f , S<



■e of your car . ”,[id hood covers? ^

against Freezing

1 covers ' .

Y & CO. ■ 5

T O F Y O u i c A R 1

to r T ro u b le

li!i»lioii brijiR il tfl 119 mul Driler.5 fiure y n n w ill b e plea.si-il ill Rivo y c u i ^

S a a g e C o .K . riin n t; fim



ctio n nn tl w ill mflkc. Y o u rc ' to Y ou Th

lIN T COM PANY J”,:U 7 M itin A\T:nuo W ea t

C " • " ' ' ' '* Tt' "V. ' . t thl

- ^ h y % You? wCo

nelbodi of Q>ro1onclDK Uio IKa

• V. S. TUen an<i Tubof

ZING W O R K S306 Bho»hopo 9 t. S. 4___ _

U i o r s T O MOTOlV C A H S t hu^ldtor na tho w ater rcccdo:i

c y l l a J e r a . ___i. of iiIk-wWcb'TTnuUo psppn»lTe.I f l trhfo the t i n t ir«*H Im I’

I luuklns Job, anii tbo cont will


I s a Sccond A re. South............ “ — • ■ - " - ' !■ M,

es to U s J u s t O nce ' '

ub le A f te rw a rd s


110 Third a ire o t E ast ^

IC E S ta tio n 'lACKKN lrrn c r Sho.shonc nm l Urd N o rth j..

- — IF T

1 F n lls , A n y tim e , A . D .tb n t I huvii fonnil a I-'OIID ^

■ nny o f o u r cukch to ii’ ilo l. i„ sfu f fo r y o u sIidtiM «ec »»e la It iieroRs the , s lre i- t fro m tlio 1*.

- K d . Q corgp , P ro p , n u c S o u th

N itsh t r i io n e 7(^8-J <

R eb u ilt +—IHUA beforo teiiTloi; ftinp KKAvenuo Euntirk Done h ; Kx|ter1ii gA'dialor yhap In Idaho "

&diatoi* W orksT w in-Falli ^

. ' . / bl

■ : r 7id H e a d lig h t ^ s s■Ic.l in

r A ll K ind* o f M il l W o rk '.v e . '’\Vet*(, NVnr I’o s/o ffice l<'nc«.rtionp 21


s T I r nfc" SH EET M USiC BY TH E

E M I S S I NItu. th e uclverlisi'menl>fc on Ihiu juiK'-.-LXl CVS w eru o n iittcd inn l lu u ih y o iir niiswei'

•m H be pic.'iented Ut etteli o f flio ’IO lu-r.''

P E ; W I L L B E P U i ^ I


8 0 0 IB T V G IR L S ' ' RB U S IN B S g W O M E N ^T E A C H E R S T H E , B R ID EWlio. timlor a ll rclrcnmKlancnn, «•» wUh to looli iliolr . liuit. m « ffn d Our «« rtffr» n

• (ircnt t w p and l’lea*urp.

..., .> D ean B ea u ty 'P a rlo rs

Fornii'rly Marinello Jlfniity I’ar/or

Mrs Drjra OncnH. Manairer WaturiiiK llifi aiuillcatlon nn'l nutn of Marinello lieanilfylnK [iroilucl*; IlollncJ liolr. nooapi r t r . Rino Shonlioao T n ln F rIIn


New Classes S ta rt . Kv January 5th - j

■ y b ^s

G regg 'B u inessC ollege

M. S Iloovvr, MannRcr Phono sr,n-22n Vittn Main '

I ’wln J-'flJlB

O A g^E^ ~ + H

The Ladies Ai-e RIGHT!They vnlc. work . In ' nloren.Iiankt, laiinilrlflfi. olficeA, teacli. Rchool—tho c<iuDlfl of nien In all buDlncM and profcislons.

XnEnK^'OHR! y,> Day It in illth i'lr iirlvllriip cinil rlnh l to ' ’*■Uk« Ito lr u t our LujicliCounter ond really onJoy lliclr inealB.

Vnufn truly."

T H E G R IL LItoy Mvrccr, Munauer

' O H IB O P R A C T IO e a B

151 TJi/rtI A re. |:o r» t . r;o<.Modern Chlropracllc V uublned will) Mineral Vapor nAUa 'and ICliTlrkliy r.i-tii rciuiU» wliprn •

All othor n.Vthodi fall. •

SEED rs . W y att & B row n

lUaho'i loadlflR'Clilroiinvnori


N ew .Y ears Resolu- 7 tions ' ' .

ItPRolvrd (hni 192i) Rhni] »lion'

Kiilarsed capm-Hy, ]Tliri'u essential nddUlonn—

Carpel Department OlOYO CleutiInK npcclnliy

. ‘TnllnrlnK in OnliT" n fealnre.Old ciifiionirrn hold, new onen liroURhl In, Kvcry cuiilumer nai-

yI'cimier Imnlui'XK doubled. I.P a la c e C le an in g &

T a ilo rin g Cb. 1aiA S. a. uowcijiyPB, -vrop.

Phono 210-W


P A Y C A S H I EB u y of th e R ic rch a n t tvhoshow s y o u b e s t v a lu es . I j l

- Y O U - U |.can do th ia i f y o u se ll y o u r J Kb u t te r . f a t lo th t: P

70c 70c .STERLING ; ; ;

Y ou g e t to p cash p r ice itnI ..r, 1'“ '

todays c r :a n j, to d a y

S terlin g D airy P ro d u c ts Co.

7\rri>;ir. triiclii* from Paw .'lX 'pnl t


• • ••• - • ■ . JW .

S IG W O RLXllC.eiKlK Ictt'-i'K w ill s]ii-ll •‘JtoKiTM v't'i’ to Cluide ^ In iin tdT nn-o nl’ T w in K

u'r.'ioiis ttc iid inc in ihi.' ncnt'-.sl, liio.st or


\ D R U a S T O R E H A

RAJW ONA'S V IS IT I 0 S'I'ri'oiir rltv'ii'hoiild lio-loiiiied for- '

wi.rd Itl hy nU. " ' * Itn

m M>r MISS dll' niipnriiinlly lo i;‘‘l n rinaln t-

. Ti


•■Tho .‘ oiil of Kyniiihiiny" I'l KiUrly {•iipiiviiiliii:. • "Sjnili.fy I ,iliai ulnli" * '

R ogerson H o te l P h a rm a c y i'li l<<)‘'<Tsnii Ib .l . 'l h iiit '.

E L E O T R IC A L .

K vcry tiiiiit ; W w lr ie n l— S(H

“ E d o n " W ashing- M ach ines, I’crroIutorNV ac u u m C lea n ers •T o as te r , C ookcm ,I ro n s , E tc ., E tc .

H o u se W ir in g & F ix tu re s

Citizens Electric L' Supply Co. .

W iilibi K. S iiiilli, Mi:r.Oiititro'filnn KlfctMclnnii

I'lione <1(1 ■>'*’

T w in F a lls D ehydt

A R , E Y E , N O S E & T H R O A T

Sprelnl utlenllun n lien Jn re.' l ’n• IrartNm nnd filtlaic ut

(ilo-'iwnAil work (nioronlned—Price*

reoKaiiDble conViKlpni wllh(Ir^l-riaKH wurk ' ]r,

G eo. H . C a ld w e ll ‘• A, II.,' II, 8 .. M. n , •'

floonn C. a. t and « Ofni DI'Ir.Twin Kalln. Idaho

Ottlro I’linne 173-W Ilunldenn- Phono I7.I-J _ .

(KCli'i' lunirn 9 lu 12 n. ni.; 3 lu r. J'. .M.; Hunrf.iy*: 12;afi In

1:3(1 I'. M.O lher H'liin. by Api>olnimont

rriii'lloe lUnlteil 10 illr.ranCH of the lJ>'e, IJar. None nnd .

T broat_____________

>ARM L O A N S -IN 8 U R A N O E

7 P e r C en t M oneyF o r F a rm L o an s ^

In v c s l ig a to o u r 20 y e a r

A ra o r tix a tio n L oan

F ire In su ranceAnenf-y

Lion Ili.ndinK & y c t 'u r ity ^(.‘ouipiiny

F inch-L aubenheim R ea lty C om pany

F A R M P O W E R & U O H T IN QI— <

P o r - k t i -th«n ftbo jDotl' nf. no ]< ordlHAi7 tU tit;-p lan t-o lone . rim nn nr wrilo for frco bulle- d m on Kowaneo Electric l.tehc. itiiniiinR W ater. Scwncu n i’i- jiuiial. (!nnitilnnllon l.Iclit and

W ater SyBleniB

K E W A N E B W E S T E R N wS U P P L Y 0 0

Twin i'aii#, Idaho 3 « Main tU a t-P h o n e 79S; ^

u $ i n ^M f c n d o se tl in a iicnt. fo lio .w iU .& c g i ' iw A d v e r tis e r s in th ia-G im le. . ;

\ o “ R o q•i-Kon” w hen c o rr i 'i i ly n r ra n R e il.il .F iii I J’ nlls Tinu'.H. Nvuliiciuj, o ri((in n lily n i

L o rijjin id eorrei^t uunwerR encli w eek .

E A C H W E E K I N T--- i-'.. ,- -1 ,H A R D W A R E - m P L E M E N T S ' '----- ;-------------- ----------„

O ne W ay t Be S u re -Iliiy frnm n concern tliBt lian had yi'iirii nf cxpctlence wllii nil klndn nf nincliiiierr for lho Inrm.T itnn T rn r lo r s , 1>, 0 . P low r, .M -'ron iiii’lc n n d D c e riiig

lla rv c s l in ; ; M achinery I n len in tin iin l M o to r T n ie lts

WiibcT AVngoiiH, S o ld U y

Id ah o H a rd w a re & Im p lem en t Co.

i'li.ino r.7l Mala Avo. F.ani Twin Falli *

J e w e le r & W a tth tn a k e r + * -—

SFKlilisI in Slandard tfalcHMef

Kvcry u-.tlch «ml article of B.Jcw flry mild by me., and nll repair work In clTcn’ my p e r.«unn( alieiKlmi anJ m u it Riro ' ' *ynii entire nollifactlon.

F . B. CA RSO NTho ••lilRKent U llle Storo In

— - IddJto- _____

'------ t 1*1"(Jooa Cook*

'F .T ca ReadyProiliicli*." ^

nnllary Way . . ”'d ra tin g C o . >’i

M A C H IN E BH O P r ;

I’rnnipt nllen tton jtlvcn to allklndn D o

M ach inery DoR ep a irin g

I r r ii 'a l iim M ach ine ry , B o l t , , e r W ork , _ O enr U ultinR , • ' ( ’.vliiuli-r Q rind in i;, S h n f tiu jj,

I’lilluyif a n d I lan tfe rs * pa;E x p e r t O xy-A cetjrlene

W eld in g IS\V>- Uny and Hcll Second-band

MachineryL aw ren ce <ni

M ach ine & Iro n ', W orks ‘

Phoni’ 73 IJI ,nnl Aro. W.


ALW A Y S- . B

N ow M erchandlao

L a te s t S ty les

H ig h e s t Q nallty

L o w est P ric cs

SoE L IT E M IL L IN E R Y C O . ^

Nc-xt D oor to P o s to ff ic o P h o n o BQ8


PH O T O O R A P H Y ^__ ^

V m ir nex t

I'liD togruph • j

kIiouIiI Ooini' fn n n t Q

F lo w er F o to Shopl', ' S

K iidnk ■]-'iniHhiiiB '

Fit'iit N a t ’l. i ln n k B ltlg . I

Wo ore no t auiatled UBlet*TOO Bra I

!------------------- —

: g ivm .aw ny^(!A i:h , w c c k ^ l j j ^ T ^ T i l ^

c ^ i r k s o N 'F i n ^ ’ fio intK-Hinff le ttc rn , w rilo , t y nntfivorjrectneiw w ill c oun t.



A L A G i C an e & C o rn C

SY RU I N o- I O C b



K n io y Y o u r Menlfl b y M

M G lN M A K fT• O iir M cnts an 'd b rc

A lw ays F reh ,, C lean iBy Sclliiij- fo r C n s l i - W u C an B u y

. • ■ — N n LoMt

T H E . S A V IN G ]

n ro t-e ry D c^im rim ent Plionn M d- i 'o ri iu r Shogboiie n u d Sceo

I ’lmrie .'522 lO th A ve.’ B L U E -L A K E S Q E O O E R Y , W

D ea le rs in F a n c y a n d StfipI6 (3n)& QaaoUne a n d

..W e .^^uke p ro m p t d e liv e r j ' nnd ra W itb E v e r y $5 P u rc h a s e Y o u C an Q

n u m a t F a c to i E v e ry th in g Q u o ro n tce d > '

. ' -----------" 1

£ . p . s w ;

P L U M B IN O . S H EWe Insta ll «

R o u n d O ak M o ist A i r 1

your JwCTO naluro’* w3y.'*Bfc*no.your family—64Tea |

I’luDA 207 2 0 !!nd K n .

R E A L E S T A T E -F A R M S .

D o y o u keep fa rm books?

D oes Y o u r F a rm P a y ?

I f n o t— D o n 't w aste . y o u r tim e . W o c an ?oll, o r t r a d e *"

, to y o u , ft f w m w h ic h w ill , p a y - ^ ^ o uis T o d ay — .

N y g o n ^ & B urton/S peciallsl* in ■ ’ ‘

CiOiMrnlfl. tdtUo * Vtah Fsno,»

' Phone 17S-114 2nd A te. .S; r ^ • T uIn FnliK, Idaho

S E W i n a M A C H IN E S ■, • ' A <

By AH M eans, G et ^ a D em onstra tion

anil Icl the "Sir Strato" apeaklor llie lf ' J,


Sold under favorablo terns* by t

W h ite Sew ing M a- cM ne S to re

I’honc 142 Twin FalU

’__________T R A N S F E R ““

G oing to M oye? •Q tir V a n i ' w ltb am ple

' p o d d in g , a n d c a r e f a l d r tv - er« i n m e tb e b e s t c a re . ^

G o in g .to Ship?W « n e c ia l l s e on C ra tise : o a d F o rw a rd in g s

S to re Y our G oods? ^F ocU iU es f o r a l l k in d s o t «

g oods. • . ■ y

C ro zier T ra ris fe r . Co.

Bboibotn' 4k Fourlh St. Vt. 'P b o n e 94d ' -

M E S . 1

m v s f i n i B ' I c s p tn s A T a

g a ;C om pound ,

U P ' ; ■ N . :C an s ' ■' ■

lc , _ ■

:t e » i a) C A R R Y

’ Mnrketinic a t tho

fr«^®WR ^Oro(’Ci;ii‘« orft* . -■ )

n and' Whdleiome, •'uy fo r Caab—K eep No Bdoltaofwen .


C n._M nat O ep t. Ph o n o ;l4r>Iceond A venue S o u lh

ve. E . a n d B lu e L n k es Blvd., W . W . Johnson, Prop, roceries, D iy Goods, Nctfons- nd Oils ' ra rry Ild-ihiy oceonnls oiily.l

1 Got a Largo Piece of Aluml- ctory Cost

■ ^ ^ e Are Open Jivtninga

VANK ■ ' ;HBET M ETAL WORKS ^ . ill !h*lr Heating Systemguards U>o boalUi and cotufort o(a Ions o l fu«l.n .

■ , BN D EB TA gEBs : 'j

When our se rvlcet nro rcQUIr* ed wfl underfako to le rro with prompt and aytupatbatlo Ulialty

. J. E. D eW itt & Go. ^Llconied Smttnlmera snd

Funeral .O Ir tc lo n .

' Open .0 &7 -and N l|b l . . ; ‘

1: 3 Second ATO. 'XVeit . ' ,Pbooe IDS'W

I' n d n io 'r b o D o 'm - j

H A P j^Y /W E W •; .


neu'm ay n o t ,l^ - ,» r l^ ^ W day.alona bttttmjr.tooolwu.' tbroBghoat tb ® y w ., ‘ T ’

The Variety Store

137 W est'.iUiQ

W E i i m d , y . t


W eldon a f A ll. K eto ls/

K m ^ l A Tiiger, F r « ^:iS Second Ave. k l ^ l o F>lii - 8 aU»fa9tlojj suarantoo^ oa, piU ;

*w ork. We a n prepartd to ctrp you quick m ^Ic o . N'o deia;%’l (:xp«rleoco<I ws}derr. ,No' Jpb

(ao'itM}i;or (oa tarxa
