ilin^ niUiNutv n^i or 2<>vt *• .l|yfUt-iid< wwt> wi«i«r. TOL. n , Ho. 260 HWAGENOT %AUSE0FH1GH COSTOFLiyiNG Merely Uio RoBection, ‘Declares Haryard’Eco;iomi8t—Si^yB Pco- ^' plo Have Too Much Monoy ' CIUCACIO. ncc, 2tl,—'-Tho f.‘.lnrnl rcnorvo bonnl (Um'iI not know Uk 1>ukI- ncM nnd ]inn rclrani'J io» niiKrIi tnniii-y to Ihe peoplo or ilui ciiuiitry wlio iirr • . ketplnic up ilm iilcH rom nt llvinr iiy rAoVlewi biiyInK". Pror. T. N. Tarvor. of llio ilc'finri- monl of CPonomlr-i of Harvnnl Uni- vorslly. wmlo Uk- nlmvi' rliiirjio In , nddrcfislnjc lUo nnniitU inrcilni: ot ilu- 'Amorlcan Kcononilc nintoclaiioti wlili'h ronvoncil ticri' lodny. Tlm roiivi'u- tton In otip ot llirpo iin'flini; lioro . . / to^connidpr iitirr-dip-wnr iirnlilcmii. Th*o Am(-rlcan Aiitioulmloii for Uilior LnKlniatlon nnd tlio Am<Tloan 'A>i»i)> cladon for Af;rlruliiiriil l.iit;inl[>tli)n ' Will moot Into todq>-. . . . ProfoBOOr t^ rv o r’ d.iclurcd tliiil "it wo would Imy iniirf imicUH Iniiicad of Htlk nox wV rould dn itnlni'tliliiK Ui brluR lh« UOIX lit Mllncn UiicU to i;iiiiK'> wlioro nuar tiorinal". I'Twjpfo aro Imyliii: ililniin fmiii-i- llinn iHfiy can Ik* prodiifi-d". lio hiiIiI. '•(ind’thn prlfoii iinliirnlly ri’tnain nii," jit Ihoy woulil Imy' nroilurHcin—Hint ' Ijr—Invom in Miockji-tlio iniiniifaciiirnr JYfOulU 1)0 biiyliiR loolB. would I'nliiTKO fnetorlMi nnd tlioro would l,o rroiuor rroduciinn \vltJi u corrouponiUnj; itt- . Irc t In prIrPK, ”HI|[h WflK'T hnvo notlilnn lo dn y-' '‘■HI* itiB lilKli com nf Uvlnif. Hlrl; wnnrD are merely the ruflvctlon of ilio hlsh com otllvlnc." , Tbo convention dovotcd loilQy'ii nrn- *Ion to a fllitPi^R^loii of tlio (lui'ntlon' of nuilninlninB the m on cxromilvK i.rn- fllR an n pcmianenl liiulltiitlon. Farmers* Federation Will Invade Idaho noifilj. rio4 ■ 2^—A.nnouniM‘tnont that tho'Unlled fStaio!! I^doratlon of Farmem will Invado OilB Htato. 6rRnn- Irlnc In cocll county a worlilnr unli lo join a Hlalu orsanlxalion lo have . ri'preiiDntatloti In tho national body, haa cauHOit connlilorahlo Intcrcni In Titalie^ due to tbe fact-tlieNaniiarUittn league almaily la ontronchod hore and hlti' for ilie pa'al fow yoar« licitn very Ullvc. TIio comins oC Iho rcderatlon meani thal thero will bo two rival organliatlons of’ (annent in the ninte. . Hawaii Will Petition for Full Statehood SAN rRANClSCO. l)ec. 2D-A dcU- catKin from Hawaii..coinpnied ot Gov Chat J, McCarty and IcRlidatom will qiriro bcro Momlny noxt onrouto t< Waahlnitton whi-ru tboy will lu^tlilor 'congmn to erunt IluwnU mnlchood The dolcBuicB wll I urrivu on tb< Transport Losan.. ' Other Icflalaiion ibal would bcnvd Hawaii will Uc aakod by Iho dolora Uon. Tiie puny will roiimln In (In Unllod mate* until Murch. HAVES |3S7,0SJ OF t'llOrS. .NEW PERCE3. Ida.. D«c.',23.-Tlt »r#»ihopperiVlllinR canipalitn of Inn ■nmraer In Lowl* county iiavrd crop ,w orlh $337,027. above pxponKcn of $12, ,OOJ for cnmpalRn. according lo a ro port ,by Conntv Aj;inl A. 15. Wad. Tbo a'croaea troatc.1 u-a# 0,752. f.i ' .whlcK .95.000 puunilH ot bran wrr . u u d . wllh 3.71C pomidit Af whIiR n m 600 iwunOn or 1>arU firecn. 1-.30 doton lemoB'i nnil 1,S00 sailonii < ablaifcit. T'th savlni: In ono roj.u WB greater than tho et^tlic oxpand ture or Iho unlvcrdiy oxieni<loii dlvli ^ ioa fer iho year. wliicU . wan . $28:. '^JIINOIIAM IIAV IN ih :mam > DLACKroOT, IK'c. 25-Tho Hln{ ! bom county fann bureau haa boca r > /elv lo g many Inquiries rccunily (i aUaifa hay,.and tbo faruiem there ni W ag aako<l to li«i iho hoy. ihey wl baje and vtalo ihc prlcc. Innulri( Lemhi and Onolda'county far bproatiB wero oTnone iho»o rocolv«s bim au wero among thono rocelrcd. . . ' .S -^'i.l ' ............ - , t'Woman Annou ' tor Presideni WERRE, s. ])., hi.t. 2!!.- first woman In plai-c JierH(^lf . Uniic<I StntcH ni llir coiitini; ,v received a Icttrr from lier tc < ftccrprtlie olTirt' ot |)ro«idcnl ! TU{' firHt woimiii to (iiti *; Soiltli Dukotn Klnti'-Jniva, »uyi Jnmtf« 0 . Mc/iroo, of Iln; dny oa nn “ jndepondcnt ci V platform 4b ntmed" to prcrcr >1 by taxation". k ;-' ■■ . Newherry Attorney Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM) IIAI-IDH, .Mich.. l)iT, . \j 2i»->1urtlii W. i,litlctoii. of Now Vork.' diii'f oonn»i'l 'for Soiim.ir Trniniin NVwborrj’ in ibo olci;- lloni* tirandiil nuicn here, flloil tiv rL');irii.T>'<l mall iniby u doinni'ror I- 10 (III- iwii liidktiiicnla rViuriu'il ii.irc by !i fodcral .Kraiul Jury n- i:;iln«t S.-naior .N'r-wb-rry and l':n or hlH ]>tillil>-al ntilii on churK<vi nf nmiiiilraoy «i.<l Iraiicl, Tb........ - , ‘ liitirror fllrd in llio Unli-d sm(|.,i .dl»iii.t'court b-ro I up Ibo iilal'in tlml ibo lndl<'lnii'nl» an- , , taiilly nml ibui ibo indlciM,) tnni <'iiiii|'ii bo liHiI 'undor tbo Until'd Sl.lU’ii oliTllim lawn for \vlui1 nr- ■„l. currod IlurlnK ilio Main primiiroi. I„ 'riin ol.J-'i-ltoiiii ral-.nl cbloliy ;iro ,1„. Iliorio brminbt. up' In tin- .--ii'W l,U Ynrk Krai.ll jury of Ortobn-, oil- 1^11.‘(. hnil wblob \v.-ro.iivi;rnilMil ero 1iy lh- n.tH'd smto.. - ourl of I'lp. mil. poalK. hor Tbo ilriiittnor will ....... . . .10. January f., ' 'OPERAWARE : READYTOGO ip." •— - ii.-it rnr Meet' to Appoint Committees t< Gather Data for Coal Strike (tt- Settlement Commiasion Irl: (1„, .rHU'AdO. tloo. 2fl,—with tbo ar rival todny of Tlioinan !•*. Itrowiilrf ifi,. ctialrmnn nt Ibo Kcnlo coinniltloi- <i coal o|>iT.Horii, for n nioMlnr of tin ,f,i. (oniral conitiotlilvo Hold ciiintnUtoi her.'. 11 wnn iinnounci'd Ibnt the roa oporniorii nro "riMdy lo ro with I’nvit dont Wllnon nud nro n.it Incllnod n Ntand nu toclinlcalliloir lu ndjuiuiui k o diftlrultlnii Voiiiili{nR fhini tho iiotib' mont of thn ronl minora’ iiirlko; "TbU .................. In iix'cIUik i>iun>l: ont >0 nppnlnt coniuililcoii t<) kci up nil tb' , (,f data nn optrallnB i‘xpcn«cn nnd in nn- torih that will ho needed bp tint Wll ,nii aon cooinjlimlon lo rcoch a dcchiion li the cauo", Hrcwntcr nald.' j,ly_ AUhnunh liruw»ior'M maicm onl. du 1,,' nlen lhal tbo opvratom nru Inclined t iun I'rotiint- against iho Wllaon cnmnilsHo: and '0 nolllc lh .jfv "("oral of Ihe 22 commlite I nion hero doclarod lliat an appeal I (vnl prenldcn^ for "thclr day In cdurt . ' would be n movn productive of rr (Ilillll. od Try to Stop Strikes by Removing. Cause eU- WASm.NGTO.V. IHf. 29—I^Kidln j lion iicltlnB up now luadiinory for th , provonilon and netili'incnl of tndu^ trial illlipulOM. will ho anked of o.on ' ; KioMH noon aftor Ihn holtilay rcccu vvliicli cnda January n, lofit '■’•‘I’Oft I’ri'nidcnt Wiluon ' icdufitrial commliiulon will probabl ' be Ibc tiaidii for the rennlutiouM lo 1 mado. Atlor rceclvlnc nuKKfationn for ili conRreim nnd amomlnn'iita* the rou tnlHMlon will runnHoniblu lo pul llu n •Tho 1''”'^ Inxt AdniinlMrntlon ufflclnln bellevo 11 rnpB b^Kbdnth J12.- action th.ii tlioy. Iiopo will luake lU; I I-,'- u^'froo from nlrlkes an iho'yoar no 'ud«*. cloKiuf; Ima been ropleio wllh tbom. I.ir ________ l[*on .Bryan Will Define “f 1920 Attitude of nlir. Democratic Part lIVlH- . I.lNCm.N. • Dcc. ■2D~Accor»lln(; lo Inrornmtinn nald lo bo Riven out by frlendn al Omaha. William J. tlryan. Ii waa learned boro in- liUR- day, will H^ieak at Omaha Jununry a rc- 12 on "iho altliude of the Demo- • (or crniic parly for 1920.“ [• a io A tour of iieverol week*. Is l« will undcrntood. In boins planned b> Iirioil Kryan. durlne wlilch Iho peae^ farm troaiy, Icnruc of nnllnnn anil dvcd. ')lh«r cniniiai.Kn .knmc* wjlll bt ■d. diiiCURiiod. tunces Candidacy at of United States i().— Al)l)ie W hlsUcr of aiicuKO i-* llu* iclf in the jncc. for preaitlvnt'of tlu‘ inR dcolion. The Bcorolnry of stntr • todRy BignifyinK Ikt wijliiiRiifs'; fi> lent of Ihe I’liited SItitoH. (|itnUfy IIK n noiiiiiieo, lU'oitnliiii: In luyo Hliu'“ iMII Kcpiibiicim cunditliitc". Ilnywood, 111.,'nlho Hied n petition to- . cnntUdnte’'. llonroe's ciglit-wrd vent oil tittd triinsporlnlion monopoly r-~tS i'THE: -ONnY fNE rFAti TWIN FALLS ^ BILLYDANSEY STILLMISSING; Reported , “ Find" in Oklahoma c- Turns Out to Be Somebody . Elr.c-^Scarrh Coatinuca- ;.d : - _____ I Tiri..SA, Okla., I»-'C, 2D,.-l.ilil0 niilv! •\ Daniii.y of llauii;ioiiimi, NV J., in mI||I miiialiij;. ] .^nd liio ......................... arcb for liio! porfoct batiy l«iy wlio ■litiiiiiponrl'd fruui i bo lioino on Oclobrr S coiilluuni, bill ii jt | ro willl Tnla a» Iia Jiicalo. | on IlobiTl Auti.n, cJiI.-t of. poilc- at I'd (-olliiiKvlilo, okl.i., bas i;nn« bad; lo^ ir. bln hiiiiii- diKii.piilnti il and diiicuut.'d I •iM timi ill' iilioiiM bavo liri-.i booilwliilird 1 fo into l...|J..vln,; Ibal Him ||i>|,. f„„r-! .,v .vcar-olil lioy in tlio ni.ilmlji of .Mr. nml 1 n-, Mri!. J. (', Scbaofrr nf Tubm wa;i Ibit^ „,l I)ali.i(iy olilld. Till', boy with tlio; ,p. K.imofor'ii In Illlly C-ori;.' ............ . «lioiio nu.tbor ronliio:! at IlrintniT, llkla.l I'll . ------- ------------- I Lloyd George Explains 6 to 1 Vote in League ^ l.t.ANlKTl'MliWy. NllllTlI WAI.I-IS Hit, 2!l.-llrlli»li coii.iilnt,. onlorcil tlio r i r t Id'ilcfiencl.'nt of Ibiialii nnd of .1 1 tlirlr own'voluntary .uiil, [-reuiior J V i,r(,y<i Ooorce nald l:or« In a Tipooch In wliloli ho nnmvorod ibo onmi.inliii of loaKUo opponi^ufi in tbo fnliod Stutci. 5 to Ibnt Ilrltain han nix votoii in tbo loacuo to nuo for tbo rullod Klaton. ••Thl- cnl.miea .•ulorod Ibo war vot- unlarliy. >mld l.li.vd (ioorRo; "and i-iif- f-roil Iieavy lot...... Auiitralla bm; ii'i many liiou an tl|o rnltod .Stator. Tlio (Oloiitni lioiinoMloun aro oulllleil to ;.r. V..10.I In the 1o,ikui.. wblcb, .’io«-- ,.,:lrf, <>v.T. wlil not bo iiKcd in iioHlemeni of ........ ni'oitlnnn urlnilir between Ihe fnlled r llm ataloii nnd ICticlftml". llltoo rrcr;ld'riit Wllnon reroriilzod ' the roal Jujitice nf ihal cl.-\im, tbo preuik-r .mid. Ironi. ------- ^-------------- Hold Up Messenger in Midst of Crowd l'l"u,P CI.KVI-1.ANII. Dee. 2 9 - In .tho mioi;1 I (10 ''“fblK ilnyliKbt bolil-up over ntnRed Wll- In lllovelnnd, two yoiiilitul bnndiin. in on lu the .bvart iof lim biiiiba'aii il'iiurict, held up Jami;n llodoitn. 77.'.bnnk nien- l.d u . HenRor and oniai.eil w»h JIO.OOO in ed to csiih ond bunk dratia entlmatod nt »»lon hclwren-ino.OOD'-'nnir«C.OQO.-, • Iho • TKo^hold.up occurcil In front of Iho tllteo Union Cominorc^ N’nilonnl h;ink on al 10 Ku<;Mil avcnuo. uml In ihu niiiUt of durt” [, rrdwil or pcilentrlaiin. Tlio work of liic two bnmllin, both bellovod to tio under 20. wnn ii.i quickly necompllnh- 0(J tiial few kneiv, tliero hnd been a robbery. ises Death From • Wood Alcohol Booze Kidla- — r— irtbu SPIUNat'IKI.n, MaRn,. Hoc. 23.—No ndun. now donlhii woro reiwrtod Ih'iii morn- oon. Inr In liio Conneetlrui vnlloy wood al- •cccMii rohoi whldky horror. nllhouRli onr new hoipltal cnne wan reported froai UonM Clilropeo'. bably '■'ou'' "''•’n Voro arraigned In Chico- lo bo ti'ornluK on the cburRo ol li'aniilnUKbter In oonnecilon witii r.-»1. ,r llu- •'’' Two were bcbl wlii'iiml ball wbllo two wero holled lr ro- The total, dend to dau In Ibo Connucilcul vallo'y I# 7!t. ■0 tho - “T— , . ' Suffragettes to Meet r noK- in jFinal Conventior lom. — ■_ NKW YOllK, Doe. 29.—What prob alily will bo ll;e lant convention or thi , National -Won'inn 9ii(frano o««ocinti(ji . will bo bold in’triilcaKo i-'obruary 12 1« at Ibn Oonercnn Ilolel. tbn oolobraii Ibo nniioolniioirii "bard-rnrnod vie ^ Inry." UelegaiM nre called to rcjolco tha illuR Ibe iitriiRfTlo in ovcr. tbe aim achiovn Iven women of tho nalinn nboul i llati, enter Inlo cnjovuirni of vleiory. sr , cordInK lo tb« lext of iho convonilo MKUed hy Mm. rarrle Cbnimian Cat imO" I’rcfident of the ninoclallon. tn In IIKMOYAI, (IK AMKllIt-.tN DKAI) I by' IS i'f:ii)UTTK» nv sr.w omti; mid WASHINOTON. I)c<-. 2 3 -T h e coir I bo uiandlOR Rcnoral ot ibo Aincrlcu foreea In Krnnce ban cabled tliat lh _____ I'roncii ininlntor uf Ihc Inlorlor o - hi half of llio council of inln'mem hf npreed to ibo removal of liodloit i Aniorleaa dead outHdc of the. nono i anuleM, , ' \ provloua dccrco held Ibat uni ^5 ib(! bodlPR of the l-'rencli deuil eOu b e romo\^od - from tbe old zono i nrniios that the .romoval of Amerlci ihe bodlm In (ho t'arn# 'lerrllory would 1 tbe unwlhc. nte _' ■______] _________ loNE MiMlK DIMTII IN CI,r.rKI.A> Id CLEVELAND, Dec. 20.-0no ad^ e”. [llonal death horo from wood atcot to.. poisoning.In Ihe past tweniy.fo ...I houra broaghl tho total for tbe moo . to fifteen an'd'^o Chrlilmiu toll- foar.' Ono man \emovcd lo tho hi pltal Itl an uncomclour condition expeeiril loriie. ’E W ^P A fe U IN i 6' a . L S D A iLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, DEOEMBER " suggestsNEW ' G ; SIRIKECOURTI na Prcsiileijt'c Industrial Confer- ence Pulo Out Feeler an Teal-of Scnljinent llvj WAi'inNin'llN . IX'c, ;'J-Oftielal ll|IW>i.>bliiKiiiii wa.i Inilay oareful li> iMiidyln,-. llio liroiionnl '•ni.li:- ei.iirt'' l:o;iuiTi:euT..,l.iii Ibe ,i|-olimliiavy leimrl mi|of IToi.tileuI WIisim'n linlui'lrial ion- I Tbi- pvoiin'ial fnr tlio iToatinii of a al iiatlnuai linliiiitrlai tribunal, wllb ro- lo|i;l..nal biMnI.i f-ir liunilry .mil ndjuni- tr-l |e;'deni. mil l.a'io^ lon4'r« ''^'•re rrliij-iaiil lo lio.tb-y bad muiliei] !l caiefiilly, but they eii.i'admllteil Ibat Ijielr, (Int readliii; nf lll.l 1 ', bail t.n au ......................... l.ielt .if' limwiT. Tbov poll.....I niK tbat. bail, llio proiiiiaod tribunal bi-.’ii In etf.-ci ibirliii; lb.- u l c l ,>iriUi-, It \..iiibl imvo le ........ ............ . f"' ti.-eu III. piAver to fnn-- Jiuli;e C.iry in -lulmill tin- dlflleiiltle,. to Iti.^ tri- •IS. liiiiial. . liie lu ...... .. reHi.or|ii. labnr ieadem de- of olaiod, ll.o pmpoiieil plau !•• aiimeil ior |>avnll>-l ti> ibo wnr Inbor bnjini. wlilch In nai. rroaleil ditriuK tl^e war niitl wlilcli of ii|,.-rato<l tu n iilaniier ,.Mli.i;actnry lo teh b.lior iliirJiiiw'bo.war i.orlnil, but lli.-y ;ue doolare.l ibat in'm auy lii^.Kiiioen llio nilliiKii nnd <leci»loni< of tbal bnar.l ot- bavo liOeii aliandnueil wbellior by om- Iif. iiloyorn iilii.-0 Ihn nlr'iUiK <>t Ibo jirm- a;i i:>tloe ainl Ihey ijuontioui-d ubi'tiier Ib- riio Iirop.h.eil new I'rlbunal would ho any to Uinre .miai'nnfiil In inaklnn biMlnr. do- of ■Offlclaln of iho •uiiinii,! of fe'-b-r.il ted ciniiloyon wero openly opinoied m the tho Ihnl public .-miiioyorn nl.ould nm lie- liil. lonR lo orcauiialianii wblrb iii'lKbt iirlke. Tboy declnrril.thai while ibli. wnn I-Vlileiilly illniod at piillM< aud flromeii. tt uilRht be conniruod to In- dud- niauy (.•laHi.uK of n.ivrrnmont and munleiiial omployen »-lio ’diimld noi bo ileul.'.l the riKhl In i.lrlko if Iteceii. oi'.l tl.ry for iiiforcenionl of llu-lr ^lu.; Red .lomandn. .in I’renldml WIlKon hnn ntudi-il Ibe ict, prniiiiiinary-roport tor nevornl- dayn, ipn- mil il' wnii cxpoclcd loday tliai ho in would make .bin nttlludo lowanin ll known within ii fow dayn. ■ ll wuu pointed-0111 al the Wbllo ,l,„ House ‘aud tbo deiiartmont of liiboi Umt cmiihanln Hhould be l.ild on tbi- fnct tbnt the reporl mndo imbllc to- . dny in In no way u dotlnilo proponal, ' . bul in merrly'n "icoler" pul forwnrd . . to loHt ib« iientlnieni 'if ibn nation. ' Wb.-u Iho Induiilcliil coufereiico re. convcni-R'111 January-ll In pinnnnd lu opon boarinRH on tbo merits of tin propoi.al iiindo puhllc today wllh. hi;: husiiioHn niuti nml: lahor'leadnm np- lieurinii lo glvo nuRROBtlon for tho nml- rnlibi noiil»-mont ot labor dlltlcuiiio#. -No - ILABORLEADERS NOTENTHUSEE (lalo icbi Say Suggestions of IndoBtria liBio Commission Not Efficacious If Put Into Practice WASHINOTON, Dcc, 2D,—U b o o n loaders hero nro not Ronnrallv oiilhui. Innilc about tho prollinlnary repoi HUbniitted,' by thu proHldrnra liiduti ^ iriiil coo4'ml«».lnh, tho ,Ti,p niojorliy or labor londiirn do nc ■tlQT bellevo tbo nuRRniillonsfof tbc'enmnili >*' nlon' would bo rffti-aclauii ir pul Inl oprrnilon. ''Ic* A'rnnk Morrison, secrotary of. tb /m iTlraii Foderatlon of Labor, vul that i„. „(rttld prefer lo dlncuRs the ron mlMion’s reporl after he had sludlp It at lenglb. ®‘‘‘ "From a cursory reodInK nf It". |i said. "I should nay tbal Ihe effect Call, veness of iho proposed hoard woul depend nil iho Rood will of the en ployoTH. Tbo workers are alwayn nil I) Iur Io nubmll Ihelr caies lo publ 1U;k boards. It we had Ibc good will i Ihn cmployen Ibo creation of sue coin, boardn as prnposcd by the commlaslc ricun woi'ld nol bo nocessary. Employe; I Iho I'O wIllinR 10 racei with tl f nn woVkem and sottle mailers wiih thc i has outside aid." . J,. a Mallor..vlco prosldont of tl no o t I’folhat-hood* of Mllntenan of Way Kmplo^cs.'ono oftho Urge unltl railway unions, said lhal Ihoor , tlirallj the lURgeillODS or ihr-proi “ “‘‘J dcnt‘« conference "leomed all rigl ‘® but rjey would never work out rlean prarilco". Id bo CETH .SIXTY I>Ai8 •ASH I'OK KI.KECIMJ JCDI adai. MOSCOW. Ida.. Dtc. 3».—W lllh Kobol Doultoh. aliaa VBntcb'* Demlng. m r.foar recenUy fleeced an Idaho Jttdge nonlh 1260 and who wai arruled In Spoka: oil- to plaadod guilty to * cbirgo of ablalol I hoi. monep under UIm preteniea aad « Ion J* aonlencod by Judgo Sleel to il: day* In Ibe counl^'.iall. ________ rANO THAT RBCEIV. ER 20, 1010 ^DR.VERM1LYE ^ Tl HAS ONEWIFE cr-'Perfectly Good Rcnsoii Wiiy Ho . Failed to Sliow Up for Hi.i W edding .on Ohri‘l.mii!i •' lal NKW Vimic, Dec. :::i.- Tlin .Itirnv- m .ry Ibal In, VVillim,, i;.-V-r.nllyo, ..I.n, r f l.ill-il u. ;.ii|..-:ir 111 .Mmi .nii. Ma.. . f-.i nri l-i. ••weil.lliir.'. iilr.ailv Imn a wlti'; bla .leil Ml" 'n.maui'i- .if 'ttutli t a Koeuey. wbo reHli-.tieil 'in r Ii.eittloll a- r.- luiiriicinr ill Siiatii.bat ll\tcl:iii'll iiiil- oM Dr.'v.-rmllyi.; ifie', lilrt i.rlniitial li. nor Ihir; !:ini;le.| lii-;irl alfair ..a- Mill In ii llroolilvn boi.tiilal tml.iv I[i- ri - io lu-.i-il 10 mai;....... . .................... lltl Mr-.. Vennlly.- w.,-. .......... I In _ill-.- _ 'n> b.-l|or tlial .. ..... Ke.-in-v liin-a nf h.-r „rlo>Uloiic... „„lj ^ _ ------------------------ --v ■y !Shipping Boad Headj ave I Has Not Resigned Job WASIIIN(l'i-(IN, Ilec l."l..-J„|,u It,.-- ,,,,.j,lnii. .‘I.alrumn nf ..... .t^l|.»li.;: tm.-il „,Ji-a.'. ,ml r..ilo».ii ;„„l I,:,-: I , A, 1..1.10f re-ilKiilii,;. II wau Hlaleil - ul Ibe Wlilti. llour.l^ to,|,iy 111 ri-i.lv ro niio;. r. ' ,'„(oin riininv.. ibni tin- rMiini nf mv-ii' iioy''="''.... .. " ’" 'I . lie pr.-ililoiit onlor.it ibo llii-v-. n -; rm aflor <-xanHtiln». ......... ........................................................................ 1.... ;liiM,. -vll.b wur'- laa.io Ijv Secn-;irv: my .Tin- !-lii;ii-!ni;'(,iahl bad a-i v. -ati-i! Iinlillnit Illl-Ilnor-. iieiiillni: n-’ llrilaln nv.-r Ann-rlcan own. d nil till- tr om Cierniaiiy, , j'jjl I Special Session Date | ininj Set for February 111 au.l _____ 1 , IKlI.'ii;, Ma.. n.-c. 20.-Fe!iruarv 11,' ' ‘ , no.^nnlliii; to au aniinuiu-i-tiu.-nl by C o v .| i rnor l>avln, tbe I.mte leRlniaiuro wlll- . Tbn forninl prnrlaniatlnii ronvoiiliij;I the ii-Ki-Ialuro In oipcncd (n l.e |n- ” sited (ndny, ho . ______ . Contempt of Court il.„r Charge Continued thf _____ ' INt>IANAI'0Ll.'5, Di-r, 21).—Hecauno "'J ' of Ibe (;<>o<l f.iKli effeei of Alex llowntt . in caiiini: oft it^o utrlken of minors lu "• (III- ICiiuiiaa dl.irioi cliarRen of con- ' ■ !*jiipt of .'tiiirt aRaiiini tbn union lead, llie '''‘'''“■'■'oly eonilnueil in fml- blR jriua: iiki-i . aiiks iiku(;ki{ 1.., .SHOri.n HAVK UKKN SHOT niirAOO. Dor, 2n.-Kodernl JudRO l.amlln. npnakliiK befiiro the A'dvcnls- lUK post of the American LcRlon lo- dny declar'd it wun "au unpleasant limy" to iionience Victor L. BcrRor, un- Jjl iicuf(-d Jiiember of ci'mRrciin. to twenty- jlf years in the fedonil pcnitcnlinry nl Korl Li'avonworili. for violutlons ol Ibo esplonaRo Inw. ' "II" "bould Imvo Ijoon mood unaln-t « wall and Hboi''. lie said, ts -■• PRICES 0FBE5F S: UPSEVENYEARS idus- _____ Stock Yards StaiisUci&n RoporL . on Live Stodc Receipts and M okes'Pre dictions. tbo . vuld -------- '• rom. rmCAaO, Dec. SD.-High prices fo iidleil b<,ct nnd beef products will contlnu — , until 1027 uccordinR lo a report o ". bo M. I-'. Hnrlnii. stork yards ■lallstlcinr Tectl- Tbo nhortngo of beef will continue fo vould Ihe next uoven years, ho aald. makln em. n reduction on the prices, beforo lim will* tlmo ImpoHslblo, lublic He staled Ibo report* of (ho depart 111 or mont of uRrioulturo Indicating tk such ihortnRe wan less (han (hat amour Isslon wero too opilmisilc. oyers Calllo receipts al tbe Chicago sloe tho yards woro 23n,()oi) Icsi in IDIO tha them it- 191S. ho reported. Total receipt ror oil animals tor Ibo year wero 18 if the ICC.omi an Incrcaae of 290,000 over la nance yoar. irgcBt A million Icsa .catlle wero slangh loore. ored-al tho packing plants ot Chleag proiI. Kansas Clly. Omaha,.St. Joseph. Slot right; City nnd 8L Louis than during tl ll In previous yoar. tho report •itlvd. . KANSAS CITY KKl*LBLICAX8 WILL lIEAn HABDIMQ FIBfi CDBi: •^ANSAB icriTV. Dec. J>—Senab Warren 0. Hari^ni of, Ohio, It 1111am bere, la Kbednled to bo .11 ^{,0 first wnong nopubllcan upiraata ^ .the pretldentlii nomination to sp« ojano, before a Kaittas CUy audlesce. Tl alolnv nepnbllcan Clir'commlite* vhlcb ,d WM aald will remain neutral la the co alztr test will ctve a bearing to all date*. IVES TWO LEASER fH ii IPocatello Ready to j I Entertain Farmers I and Livestock Men PROBE OFCOURT LEAKNEAREND ',*r.: Definite Action Will Bo Taken in Short Time to Brinfj Guilty nil' Porjionu lo Account .- \VASin,\'CTON. Dec ;•:!. Wllb Ibe ,.li11 ........................ oli-aie.l m,. Ilie " ’••il .ilii-.iii III,nbo j ami wlil.lu a (e.v ilav,. Mil-' i:ovi'ruuionii^i .leci-imi will be jinaile llli.IWU. 'lliciii by Ibl- Iiilen,alii.iii.l N.-w I'sor- 1 1 I vlf I- Ibal a Kalli; of i.jicalatnrn cl.ilineii III. b- 111 pn.iu.".>liiii nr a.lvam-o tnfi.r- '■-^Cdiirt. ami wav |.re|i;irlni; to niali.- a 'I'l'l.aiiii ilry" an.l ntber inurl il.-<reo«, ..f. ""'-^lan- I.... . liiveMtlKatiuit Ibo aillvillei. ‘i"'^nf-Ihl ......... ramblorii. . I"' Tin-lr work la Uow .-ilmyi.t llnliilieil an.l. while Iboy have nol in.ulo 'piiblli 111- ilicif.1(111 limy liave Brriv.-il at, |i h known Ibnt liednllo action will la . J 4ulioji.wltbiivB Very simrt llmr. .lisPAlimlEDTO ii SIDE W ITH HUNS fml- ____ Naval OITiccr Says Land of Doi HOT Wanted to Join Central Em. pircs in 1918. idRO nis- 1 10- WARIIINCITO.S'. Doc. 20—Tliat Spat sant .vns nu ibe verRo of romlng into lh .un- war In ibo iiprlnR of lois nn Ibn nlil ■nty- of Conii.iny nnd that' nhe ivas prc nl vented from doitir: no by Ailmlrnl Her s ot ton <T. Docker. Amorlcan nuyal utiach at Madrid, and iibi nuilntunis, appoat iiln"l lo bo newn nnt nnb' lo illploiiinHes 1 WnsblnRlnii bul,to ibcmo who were i Kuropo nt llto ilmo, A iborouRb Inventleallbn of tl rl'angoa mndo by ibn . roar-mlmln uluno rnn clear up tbn nlinatlofi, ii tell, and ibln dnubl|i'*i» will bo Inkr n P with an llllln delay nn poixlbl [ \ j J Jonepli K. Willard. AKinrica(i amba t-ador to Hpain, Secrotary of t)ta Hobort ljini,iiiR nnd otbnrn may 1 J call.ll lUpon l.r toll wbat they knn- ™ not nnly of Sjiaiit's report.-d doternii; tJ f.iion to enter ibo'wSr neainnl tl fnlled States, Imt nf the nttaeb rharRod ibnl WtllnnI hindered bim bin work prevonlluR ber so doinn, g“HANSENCin”L “ROGERSON”! INM ISSB nouni slock •■Hnr.-en City*’ wan iho ohJ(*ct1V(> than ijijt wo(-k'ri niisiiinR loiter congest celpts i-[,p TIrooii. sheet music award* I shloli ivuri' walled todsy to Iho wl ners. This week's contest will t«tii .; the word'"i^ojorson" wh'ich will fcrmoil, OH usual, from letters pi ' piincly omitted f»onl adTorUsemei “ ,2- on Ibo mIflslnR lotlop page. Addn * all replies lo “Ouldo Manager" n of Tho Times. k(*cp1oR neatness a orlglnuUiy In mind In franjIiiB i t-IEST answer, , I.ani weeks rontrsl drew tlio'ci etialor ternary widely scalier^ msjs of It it pile*, lack of space permitting oni] t)o the partial Ifst ot the wlDnars aa folloi ata to Mlat Lowana nemlog. Dox 1104. apaak Allas Rntli Portar. 7U Bth Art. fL' , The mt* MeJteown. J6a .Van Bnrea St. ileb U Ura.^. T.'HontbUlloc. BnbI, Ida. a con- NH. IL J. W ool .DBbl. Ibt.,, ,- ea&dl* llattar Laosblln. nier,Idabo..' sjT wire saav ,j^l | N' ■2S5o^mM "I OLD VOL. xm. MO. ^ ^ hallucinationI I - ofyomgnew 'I W1LLBET01| I Hair-Siatcr W ill Detail Stoiy ; . of Alki’cd lllcRitimntc.Birth, <1 I. .o f Defendant •^ ; I -In- iii:il Marry H. Now. alleged r 1 ..I ,,i (• S.'ualnr Hurry S. SCW ' • .r inii..iti... llllll .Mrn. i.llly Heritor, has I . ; K..I .It li.l.; leiiiiiorarliy froui > ."I li-r/.iT 1.' .Mit.v i;dtin Cianrjr, .'.i-M v..-k, innlial.ly .Mnnday aftor- t ....... III- Tii".it,i>. Ibl',- blown oy'ed. I- ll. rt. Ii.iit'-i| );iil Will t.lop 111 Ibo Wit" . I, I,111.I ,11 ii-.i t 11.111 Ilf itio bia uui f o r . ............ .nil ..r I'll-iln I.e'sm-r. .NnW» J ’ .'fc > .Mr:, ciatii) will rroiit.i';i picture .vJ i 111 -iril.inn <niiir.i.-.i wttb her brother. .‘-M 1 :-iic will In- neatly. !.iyli..hiy, hui not Ii,i: llllv iiii-i,..'.i. .mil- tl. young. :vt* , ‘j | l)i.\Mi ll. III.- ill f' tidaiil'n rlioir will .i|l i-t. Itaris .\i-w -oxpr.-i.iiloiilOKn,'HNII- I i iii-iii.il nillv I.i-eauno ills motli'er . '''^. .It ll :,i.ti.|' I.ave iii'.Uiied on II. dream- ' / il. IM/In;’ ' -.Ii-aliilil al llm "no mnoX- '•* in.-." ili;ii in (In- rnurl room from ' _i‘ , .■lii.'b nil mil- biiH M'on hitu ink0 :'bla |,,, I^. Ince Iln- Irlal opened. Illl, .Mil," Clainy'ii lo/illiiiony will ba'dQ- Ilrli lall'-il- a r -habii- uullinrity luiys. ,Aa lit,- (nitilinil liy nil-, >ourco nho Wlll'rie< Ibe r are llial a few liitihliv bi.foro July mllll 1, tin- ............ . Minn l-<-nnor'n doaUl— tav.. .i|ii< [ilra'le.i with Ilnrry Nuw n o f'.lo ......... frn-.la l-on;.oc._ who wan bar fni-inl. iv.-n wan oixliifulo. ; ' ^•■r- Wllll ifie i.iiectio connt.-^tly botoro '; lueil iii r „f .-111 unbaptiy iiio'rrlaBO orlatng fii.ni tin- .-mliori. of her roolhsr^ 1 cliljilbooii rmiinncr-. ..ho nouRht Mlaa “ l.ei-nor. Tl. l-'rledn nho bORgCd tl>#t ]- 111.- marrlaK” pontponed tlMll ' llarry'H tnntlier rnuld roluni frODIlJjF^ •llaiiiiiioliH. Wben IVleda refused U lk Clancy In i.niil 10 imve revealed to Htr ' for ibo firm timft her brother's ^ - ‘i'’”.'' Defeiite will cliUni MIIM 1-oiM.fr-r** . fiiiT-il to wed New and flnaliy tnoB- fioitod uiul perhaps laun'lod blm.«lUi Ibl i-lory of bis blnh. ' "V - A ibroe-your-old hnlluclnatlen. ;tM .lefcni'i' bupcs to show, that some wnn purauinr him from clly to 0^ . ii'lllni: of bis ulleged . uniancilo'saa U C pnrentaRo w.in kin.Iled- Into a bUu> illJ "'-‘•I’''''"' )'e shot tho'girl'jsa i,br wt wllb him Iu Iho auiomoblic. , Don Npw Y earC e l e b r a n t * ■■ i 1 - Must Take Own Drink* 3 g -il NKW YORK, Dcc. 29,—"Brlnt.jrtljtr ; nwn drlnkn". was tto warning aOQBd; ipnin Cll today by hotel proprietors to ) (he. wbu denlro to.put a lllllo aleohol .jii^ slilr Inio Iholr Now Ycnr’a ove celebratiM pro; 1'onplto problbltlon's damper on caw(T Ilcn- tbe hololn are crammod.aa nover tachn tore, ond II Is Indicated that tiW - poarn wblin llnhl di.itrlci will ace. one of ttw ea In brirj!e«t rl-owils on record. 'I)'; ■rein , -------------------------.n; ,hp Denies Interference mirni W ith O il O p e rA tio i|i : islblii. NKW YOHK. nee. 29.—Tbe'M e*l||i'- , ' nbaii- novornuient lias nol prevetitf^'tba'il^ ^ t)iato portnilou or produclloD ot H iirlw a^ )' lie hy Amerlean operators, aecordbis Sfn l;nnw. atnlemeni by llanion■Denlgrp.'coAu rmin- Rnnernl here for the Carrania-f«iT«»- ' tbt' pient. Dftnlsro sald’he baarecellM . aeben luHirui'iioun' from I'n^ldent CarriuM ■ init, irary. _ feA* lastweekand - thisweekstest : SINGLETTERCO M . ivo In Addavpa Olhsoa. nt-Si Twin P s iu i? ’ eat In Uerlrudo DeVlsur. IU. S. Twln^Pklts,'-. la tor Mr*. K H. Jonea IU. S, KInb*rly. 0 vln- Kliubelh SampaoB,'lU T K rx e -^ ': '! tfoture i»o(tland Ore. . 'III bo i. B. Knowlef. K ltn ^ lf • ‘ par- Mr,, -jobn lioa, n t .menu noreBce Klonder. ‘RU l.'ftA L ' '•tfiif ddreai rom I»e»OB. Ht.'*!, 'Batif ' care uuili D. Noratrom, D)Q« ■a an d Twin Palla.' - : v • - , Ur«.L.'8lBemii.a:»3sd’4 T » :;K ^H ^ ' lleien'Mort. lU. T irIa,9^^B H lilowe: la.* .

r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

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Page 1: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

ilin^ n iU iN u tv n ^ i o r 2<>vt *• .l|yfUt-iid< wwt> wi«i«r.

TOL. n , Ho. 260


COSTOFLiyiNGM e re ly Uio R oB ection, ‘D ec la re s

H a r y a r d ’E co ;iom i8 t— Si^yB Pco -

^' p lo H av e T oo M uch M onoy

' CIUCACIO. ncc, 2tl,—'-Tho f.‘.lnrnlrcnorvo bonnl (Um'iI not know Uk 1>ukI- ncM nnd ]inn rclrani'J io» niiKrIi tnniii-y to Ihe peoplo or ilui ciiuiitry wlio iirr

• . ketplnic up ilm iilcH rom nt llv inr iiy rAoVlewi biiyInK".

Pror. T. N. Tarvor. of llio ilc'finri- monl of CPonomlr-i of H arvnnl Uni- vorslly. wmlo Uk- nlmvi' rliiirjio In

• , nddrcfislnjc lUo nnniitU inrcilni: o t ilu-'Amorlcan Kcononilc nintoclaiioti wlili'h ronvoncil ticri' lodny. Tlm roiivi'u- tton In otip o t llirpo iin 'flini; lioro

. . / to^connidpr iitirr-dip-wnr iirnlilcmii. Th*o Am(-rlcan Aiitioulmloii for Uilior LnKlniatlon nnd tlio Am<Tloan 'A>i»i)> cladon for Af;rlruliiiriil l.iit;inl[>tli)n

' Will moot Into todq>-. . . .ProfoBOOr t^ rv o r ’ d.iclurcd tliiil "it

wo would Imy iniirf imicUH Iniiicad of Htlk nox wV rould dn itnlni'tliliiK Ui brluR lh« UOIX lit Mllncn UiicU to i;iiiiK'>

• wlioro nuar tiorinal".I'Twjpfo aro Imyliii: ililniin fmiii-i-

llinn iHfiy can Ik* prodiifi-d". lio hiiIiI. '•(ind’thn prlfoii iinliirnlly ri’tnain nii,"

‘j i t Ihoy woulil Imy' nroilurHcin—Hint ' Ijr—Invom in Miockji-tlio iniiniifaciiirnr

JYfOulU 1)0 biiyliiR loolB. would I'nliiTKO fnetorlMi nnd tlioro would l,o rroiuor rroduciinn \vltJi u corrouponiUnj; itt-

. Irc t In prIrPK,”HI|[h WflK'T hnvo notlilnn lo dn

y-' ■'‘■HI* itiB lilKli com nf Uvlnif. Hlrl;wnnrD are merely the ruflvctlon of ilio h lsh com o tllv lnc .", Tbo convention dovotcd loilQy'ii nrn- *Ion to a fllitPi^R^loii of tlio (lui'ntlon' of nuilninlninB the m on cxromilvK i.rn- fllR an n pcm ianenl liiulltiitlon.

Farm ers* F ed e ra tio n W ill In v ad e Id ah o

n o if ilj . rio 4 ■ 2^—A.nnouniM‘tnont tha t tho 'U nlled fStaio!! I^doratlon of Farm em will Invado OilB Htato. 6rRnn- Irlnc In cocll county a w orlilnr unli lo join a Hlalu orsanlxalion lo have

. ri'preiiDntatloti In tho national body, haa cauHOit connlilorahlo Intcrcni In Titalie due to tbe fact-tlieNaniiarUittn league alm aily la ontronchod hore and hlti' for ilie pa'al fow yoar« licitn very U llvc . TIio com ins oC Iho rcdera tlon m eani tha l thero will bo two rival o rganliatlons of’ (annent in the ninte.

. H aw a ii W ill P e titio nfo r F u ll S ta tehood

SAN rRANClSCO. l)ec. 2D-A dcU- catKin from Hawaii..coinpnied ot Gov C hat J, McCarty and IcRlidatom will q ir iro bcro Momlny noxt onrouto t< Waahlnitton whi-ru tboy will lu^tlilor 'congm n to erun t IluwnU mnlchood T he dolcBuicB wll I urrivu on tb< T ransport L o sa n ..

' O ther Icflalaiion ibal would bcnvdHawaii will Uc aakod by Iho dolora Uon. Tiie p uny will roiimln In (In Unllod m ate* until Murch.

HAVES |3S7,0SJ OF t'llO rS .

.NEW PERCE3. Ida.. D «c.',23 .-T lt »r#»ihopperiVlllinR canipalitn of Inn ■nmraer In Lowl* county iiavrd crop ,w orlh $337,027. above pxponKcn of $12, ,OOJ for cnmpalRn. according lo a ro p o rt ,by Conntv A j;inl A. 15. Wad. Tbo a'croaea troatc.1 u-a# 0,752. f.i

' .whlcK .95.000 puunilH ot bran w rr . u u d . wllh 3.71C pomidit Af whIiR n m

600 iwunOn or 1>arU firecn. 1-.30 doton lemoB'i nnil 1,S00 sailonii < ab la ifc it. T 'th savlni: In ono ro j.u W B greater than tho et^tlic oxpand tu re or Iho un lvcrd iy oxieni<loii dlvli

io a fer iho year. wliicU . wan . $28:.

'^JIIN O IIA M IIAV IN ih :m a m >

DLACKroOT, IK'c. 2 5 -T ho Hln{ ! bom county fann bureau haa boca r

> /e lv lo g many Inquiries rccunily (i aUaifa hay,.and tbo faruiem there ni W a g aako<l to li«i iho hoy. ihey wl baje and vtalo ihc prlcc. Innulri(

Lemhi and Onolda'county far bproatiB wero oTnone iho»o rocolv«s b im a u wero among thono rocelrcd.

. . ' .S - 'i.l ' ............ - ,

■t' Woman Annou ' tor Presideni

W E R R E , s . ])., h i . t . 2!!.- f irs t w om an In plai-c JierH(^lf

. Uniic<I StntcH ni lli r coiitini; ,v rec e iv e d a I c t t r r fro m l ie r tc < f tc c r p r t l ie olTirt' o t |)ro«idcnl

■ ! TU{' firHt w oimiii to (iiti *; S o iltli D uko tn Klnti'-Jniva, »uyi

Jnm tf« 0 . M c/iroo, o f Iln ; d n y oa n n “ jn d e p o n d c n t ci

V p la tfo rm 4b n tm e d " to p r c r c r >1 by t a x a t io n " .

k ; - ' ■■ .

N ew herry A tto rn e y F iles D em u rre r on

T ech n ica l G round

P nUAM ) IIAI-IDH, .Mich.. l)iT, . \ j 2i»->1urtlii W. i,litlctoii. of Now

Vork.' d iii 'f oonn»i'l 'for Soiim.ir Trniniin NVwborrj’ in ibo olci;- lloni* tirandiil nuicn here, flloil tiv rL');irii.T>'<l mall iniby u doinni'ror

I- 10 (III- iwii liidktiiicnla rViuriu'il ii.irc by !i fodcral .Kraiul Jury n- i:;iln«t S.-naior .N'r-wb-rry and l':n or hlH ]>tillil>-al ntilii on churK<vi nfnmiiiilraoy «i.<l Iraiicl, Tb........ -

, ‘ liitirror fllrd in llio Unli-d sm(|.,i .d l» ii i .t 'c o u r t b -ro I up Ibo iilal'in tlml ibo lndl<'lnii'nl» an-

, , taiilly nml ibui ibo indlciM,) tnni <'iiiii|'ii bo liHiI 'undor tbo Until'd Sl.lU’ii oliTllim lawn for \vlui1 nr-

■„l. currod IlurlnK ilio Main primiiroi.I„ 'riin ol.J-'i-ltoiiii ral-.nl cbloliy ;iro

,1„. Iliorio brminbt. up' In tin- .--ii'W l,U Ynrk Krai.ll jury of Ortobn-, oil- 1 11.‘(. hnil wblob \v.-ro.iivi;rnilMil ero 1iy lh - n.tH 'd smto.. - ourl of I'lp. mil. poalK.hor Tbo ilriiittnor will ....... . ..10. January f., '

“'OPERAWARE: READY TOGOip." •— - ii.-itrn r M e e t' to A p p o in t C om m itte e s t<

G a th e r D a ta f o r C oa l S t r ik e

(tt- S e ttle m e n t Com m iasion

Irl:(1„, .rH U 'A dO . tloo. 2fl,—w ith tbo ar

rival todny of Tlioinan !•*. Itrowiilrf ifi,. ctialrmnn nt Ibo Kcnlo coinniltloi- <i

coal o|>iT.Horii, for n nioMlnr of tin ,f,i. (oniral conitiotlilvo Hold ciiintnUtoi

her.'. 11 wnn iinnounci'd Ibnt the roa oporniorii nro "riMdy lo ro with I’nvit dont Wllnon nud nro n.it Incllnod n Ntand nu toclinlcalliloir lu ndjuiuiui

k o diftlrultlnii Voiiiili{nR fhini tho iiotib' mont of thn ronl minora’ iiirlko;

"TbU .................. In iix'cIUik i>iun>l:ont >0 nppnlnt coniuililcoii t<) kci up nil tb' , (,f data nn optrallnB i‘xpcn«cn nnd in nn- torih tha t will ho needed bp tint Wll ,nii aon cooinjlimlon lo rcoch a dcchiion li

the cauo", Hrcwntcr nald.' j,ly_ AUhnunh liruw»ior'M m aicm onl. du

1,,' nlen lhal tbo opvratom nru Inclined t iun I'rotiint- against iho Wllaon cnmnilsHo: and '0 nolllc lh.jfv "("oral of Ihe 22 commliteI nion hero doclarod lliat an appeal I

(vnl prenldcn^ for " thclr day In cdurt . ' would be n movn productive of rr


od T ry to S to p S trikesby Rem oving. C ause


WASm.NGTO.V. IHf. 29—I^Kidln j lion iicltlnB up now luadiinory for th

, provonilon and netili'incnl of tndu^ tria l illlipulOM. will ho anked of o.on

' ; KioMH noon a fto r Ihn holtilay rcccu vvliicli cnda Ja nuary n,

lofit '■’•‘I’Oft I’ri'nidcnt Wiluon' icdufitrial commliiulon will probabl ' be Ibc tiaidii for the rennlutiouM lo 1

mado.Atlor rceclvlnc nuKKfationn for ili

conRreim nnd amomlnn'iita* the rou tnlHMlon will runnHoniblu lo pul llu n

•Tho 1''” '^Inxt AdniinlMrntlon ufflclnln bellevo 11

rnpB b^Kbdnth J12.- action th.ii tlioy. Iiopo will luake lU; I I-,'- u^ 'froo from nlrlkes an iho 'yoar no 'ud«*. cloKiuf; Ima been ropleio wllh tbom.

I.ir •________

l[*on .B ryan W ill D efine “f 1920 A tti tu d e o f

nlir. D em o c ra tic P a r tlIVlH-

. I.lNCm.N. • Dcc. ■ 2D~Accor»lln(; lo Inrornmtinn nald lo bo Riven out by frlendn a l Omaha. William J. tlryan. Ii waa learned boro in-

liUR- day, will H ieak at Omaha Jununry a rc- 12 on "iho altliude of the Demo-• (or crniic parly for 1920.“[• a io A tour of iieverol week*. Is l«

will undcrntood. In boins planned b> Iirioil Kryan. durlne wlilch Iho peae^ farm troaiy, Icnruc of nnllnnn anil dvcd. ')lh«r cniniiai.Kn .knmc* wjlll bt■d. diiiCURiiod.

tunces C andidacy a t o f U nited S ta tesi().— Al)l)ie W hlsU cr o f aiicuK O i-* llu* iclf in th e jn c c . fo r p r e a i t lv n t 'o f tlu ‘ inR d c o lio n . T h e B corolnry o f s tn t r• todR y BignifyinK Ik t w ijliiiR iifs '; fi> len t o f Ihe I’lii ted SItitoH.(|itnU fy IIK n noiiiiiieo, lU 'oitnliiii: In luyo Hliu'“ iM II K cp iib iic im c u n d itlii tc " . I lnyw ood , 111.,'nlho Hied n p e titio n to - . cn n tU d n te ’ '. l l o n r o e 's c ig l i t - w r d v e n t o il tittd tr iin sp o r ln l io n m onopo ly

r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE

r F A t iT W IN F A L L S


R e p o rted , “ F i n d " in O klahom a

c- T u rn s O u t to Be S om ebody

. E lr .c -^S ca rrh C oa tinuca-

;.d : ■ -_____ ‘ ITiri..SA, Okla., I»-'C, 2D,.-l.ilil0 niilv!

•\ Daniii.y of llauii;ioiiimi, NV J., in mI||I miiialiij;. ]

.^nd liio ......................... arcb for liio!porfoct batiy l«iy wlio ■litiiiiiponrl'd fruui i

bo lioino on Oclobrr S coiilluuni, bill ii jt | ro willl Tnla a» Iia Jiicalo. |on IlobiTl Auti.n, cJiI.-t of. poilc- at I'd (-olliiiKvlilo, okl.i., bas i;nn« bad ; lo^ ir . bln hiiiiii- diKii.piilnti il and diiicuut.'d I •iM timi ill' iilioiiM bavo liri-.i booilwliilird 1 fo into l...|J..vln,; Ibal Him ||i>|,. f„„r-! .,v .vcar-olil lioy in tlio ni.ilmlji of .Mr. nml 1 n-, Mri!. J. (', Scbaofrr nf Tubm wa;i Ibit^ „,l I)ali.i(iy olilld. Till', boy with tlio;,p. K.imofor'ii In Illlly C-ori;.' ............ .

«lioiio nu.tbor ronliio:! at IlrintniT, llkla.l I'll . ------- ------------- I

L loyd G eorge E xp la in s 6 to 1 V ote in L eague

^ l.t.ANlKTl'MliWy. N llllTlI WAI.I-IS H it, 2!l.-llrlli»li coii.iilnt,. onlorcil tlio

r i r t Id'ilcfiencl.'nt of Ibiialii nnd of. 1 1 tlirlr ow n'voluntary .u iil , [-reuiior J V i,r(,y<i Ooorce nald l:or« In a Tipooch In

wliloli ho nnmvorod ibo onmi.inliii of loaKUo opponi^ufi in tbo fn liod Stutci.

5 to Ibnt Ilrltain han nix votoii in tbo loacuo to nuo for tbo rullod Klaton.

••Thl- cnl.miea .•ulorod Ibo war vot- u n la rl iy . >mld l.li.vd (ioorRo; "and i-iif-f-roil Iieavy lot...... Auiitralla bm; ii'imany liiou an tl|o rnltod .Stator. Tlio (Oloiitni lioiinoMloun aro oulllleil to

;.r. V..10.I In the 1o,ikui.. wblcb, .’io«-- ,.,:lrf, <>v.T. wlil not bo iiKcd in iioHlemeni of........ ni'oitlnnn urlnilir between Ihe fn lledr llm ataloii nnd ICticlftml". llltoo rrcr;ld'riit Wllnon reroriilzod ' the roal Jujitice nf ihal cl.-\im, tbo preuik-r .mid.

Ironi. ------- ^ --------------

H old U p M essengerin M idst o f C row d

l'l"u,P CI.KVI-1.ANII. Dee. 2 9 - In .tho mioi;1 I (10 ' '“fblK ilnyliKbt bolil-up over ntnRed Wll- In lllovelnnd, two yoiiilitul bnndiin. in

on lu the .bva rt iof lim biiiiba'aii il'iiurict, held up Jami;n llodoitn. 77.'.bnnk nien-

l .d u . HenRor and oniai.eil w»h JIO.OOO in ed to csiih ond bunk dratia entlmatod nt »»lon hclwren-ino.OOD'-'nnir«C.OQO.-, • ‘

Iho • TKo^hold.up occurcil In front of Iho tllteo Union Cominorc^ N’nilonnl h;ink on a l 10 Ku<;Mil avcnuo. uml In ihu niiiUt of durt” [, rrdwil or pcilentrlaiin. Tlio work of

liic two bnmllin, both bellovod to tio under 20. wnn ii.i quickly necompllnh- 0(J tiial few kneiv, tliero hnd been a robbery.

ises D eath F rom• W ood A lcohol Booze

Kidla- — r—ir tb u SPIUN at'IK I.n, MaRn,. Hoc. 23.—No ndun. now donlhii woro reiwrtod Ih'iii morn-

oon. Inr In liio Conneetlrui vnlloy wood al- •cccMii rohoi whldky horror. nllhouRli onr

new hoipltal cnne wan reported froai UonM Clilropeo'.bably '■'ou'' "''•’n Voro arraigned In Chico- lo bo ti'ornluK on the cburRo ol

li'aniilnUKbter In oonnecilon witii r.-»1. ,r llu- •'’' Two were bcbl

wlii'iiml ball wbllo two wero holled lr ro- The total, dend to dau

In Ibo Connucilcul vallo'y I# 7!t.■0 tho - “T— , . '

S uffragettes to M ee t r noK- in jFinal C onven tio rlom. — ■_

NKW YOllK, Doe. 29.—W hat prob alily will bo ll;e lant convention or thi

, National -Won'inn 9ii(frano o««ocinti(ji . will bo bold in ’triilcaKo i-'obruary 12

1« at Ibn Oonercnn Ilolel. tbn oolobraii Ibo nniioolniioirii "bard-rnrnod vie

^ Inry."UelegaiM nre called to rcjolco tha

illuR Ibe iitriiRfTlo in ovcr. tbe aim achiovn Iven women of tho nalinn nboul illati, enter Inlo cnjovuirni o f vleiory. sr , cordInK lo tb« lext of iho convonilo

MKUed hy Mm. ra rrle Cbnimian Cat imO" I’rcfident of the ninoclallon.

tn In IIKMOYAI, (IK AMKllIt-.tN DKAI)I by' IS i'f:ii)UTTK » n v s r .w o m ti ;

mid WASHINOTON. I)c<-. 2 3 -T h e coir I bo uiandlOR Rcnoral ot ibo Aincrlcu

foreea In Krnnce ban cabled tliat lh_____ I'roncii ininlntor uf Ihc Inlorlor o

- hi half of llio council of inln'm em hf npreed to ibo removal of liodloit i Aniorleaa dead outHdc of the. nono i

• anuleM, , ■ '’ \ provloua dccrco held Ibat uni

^ 5 ib(! bodlPR of the l-'rencli deuil eOu b e romo\^od - from tbe old zono i nrniios tha t the .romoval of Amerlci

ih e bodlm In (ho t'arn# 'lerrllory would 1 tb e unwlhc.n te _' ■______]_________


Id CLEVELAND, Dec. 2 0 .-0 n o ad^e ” . [llonal death horo from wood atcot t o . . poisoning.In Ihe p ast tw eniy.fo . . . I houra broaghl tho total for tbe moo

. to fifteen a n 'd '^ o C hrlilm iu toll- f o a r . ' Ono man \em ovcd lo tho hi pltal Itl an uncom clour condition

expeeiril lo riie .

’E W ^ P A f e U IN i 6'a .

L S D AiLS, ID A H O , M O N D A Y , D E O E M B E R

" suggestsNEW 'G; SIRIKECOURTIna P r c s iile ijt 'c In d u s tr ia l C on fe r­

ence P u lo O u t F e e le r an

T ea l-o f S c n ljin en t

llvj W A i'inN in 'llN . IX'c, ; 'J-O ftie la l ll|IW>i.>bliiKiiiii wa.i Inilay oareful li>

iMiidyln,-. llio liroiionnl '•ni.li:- ei.iirt'' l:o;iuiTi:euT..,l.iii Ibe ,i|-olimliiavy leimrl m i|of IToi.tileuI WIisim'n linlui'lrial ion-

I Tbi- pvoiin'ial fnr tlio iToatinii of a al iiatlnuai linliiiitrlai tribunal, wllb ro- lo |i;l..nal biMnI.i f-ir liunilry .mil ndjuni-

tr-l |e;'deni.mil l.a'io^ lon4 'r« '' '•re rrliij-iaiil lo

lio .tb -y bad muiliei] !l caiefiilly, but they eii.i'admllteil Ibat Ijielr, (In t readliii; nflll.l 1', bail t .n au ......................... l.ielt .if'

limwiT. Tbov poll.....I niK tbat. bail,llio proiiiiaod tribunal bi-.’ii In etf.-ci ibirliii; lb.- u l c l ,>iriUi-, It \..iiibl imvo

l e ........ ............ . f " 'ti.-eu III. piAver to fnn-- Jiuli;e C.iry in -lulmill tin- dlflleiiltle,. to Iti. tri-

•IS. liiiiial. .liie lu ...... .. reHi.or|ii. labnr ieadem de-of olaiod, ll.o pmpoiieil plau !•• aiimeil

ior |>avnll>-l ti> ibo wnr Inbor bnjini. wlilchIn nai. rroaleil ditriuK tl^e war niitl wlilcliof ii|,.-rato<l tu n iilaniier ,.Mli.i;actnry lo

teh b.lior iliirJiiiw 'bo.war i.orlnil, but lli.-y;ue doolare.l ibat in 'm auy lii .Kiiioen llio

nilliiKii nnd <leci»loni< of tbal bnar.lot- bavo liOeii aliandnueil wbellior by om-Iif. iiloyorn iilii.-0 Ihn nlr'iUiK <>t Ibo jirm-a;i i:>tloe ainl Ihey ijuontioui-d ubi'tiier Ib-

riio Iirop.h.eil new I'rlbunal would ho anyto Uinre .miai'nnfiil In inaklnn biMlnr. do-

of ■Offlclaln of iho •uiiinii,! of fe'-b-r.il ted ciniiloyon wero openly opinoied m the

tho Ihnl public .-miiioyorn nl.ould nm lie- liil. lonR lo orcauiialianii wblrb iii'lKbt

iirlke . Tboy declnrril.thai while ibli. wnn I-Vlileiilly illniod at piillM< aud flromeii. tt uilRht be conniruod to In- d u d - niauy (.•laHi.uK of n.ivrrnmont and munleiiial omployen »-lio ’diimld noi bo ileul.'.l the riKhl In i.lrlko if Iteceii.

oi'.l tl.ry for iiiforcenionl of llu-lr ^lu.; Red .lomandn.. in I’renldm l WIlKon hnn ntudi-il Ibe ict, p rn iiiiiinary-roport tor nevornl- dayn, ipn- mil il ' wnii cxpoclcd loday tliai ho

in would make .bin nttlludo lowanin ll known w ithin ii fow dayn.

• ■ l l wuu pointed-0111 a l the Wbllo ,l,„ House ‘aud tbo deiiartmont of liiboi

Umt cmiihanln Hhould be l.ild on tbi- fnct tbnt the reporl mndo imbllc to-

. dny in In no way u dotlnilo proponal, ' . bul in m errly 'n "icoler" pul forwnrd . . to loHt ib« iientlnieni 'if ibn nation. '

Wb.-u Iho Induiilcliil coufereiico re. convcni-R'111 January -ll In pinnnnd lu opon boarinRH on tbo m erits of tin propoi.al iiindo puhllc today wllh. hi;: husiiioHn niuti nml: lahor'leadnm np- lieurinii lo glvo nuRROBtlon for tho nml- rnlibi noiil»-mont o t labor dlltlcuiiio#.

-No -


(lalo —icbi S a y S u g g e s tio n s o f IndoB tria

liBio C om m ission N o t E fficac ious

I f P u t I n to P r a c t ic e

WASHINOTON, Dcc, 2D,—U b o o n loaders hero nro not Ronnrallv oiilhui.

Innilc about tho prollinlnary repoi HUbniitted,' by thu proHldrnra liiduti

^ iriiil coo4'ml«».lnh, tho ,Ti,p niojorliy or labor londiirn do nc

■tlQT bellevo tbo nuRRniillonsfof tbc'enmnili >*' nlon' would bo rffti-aclauii ir pul Inl

oprrnilon.''Ic* A 'rnnk Morrison, secrotary of. tb

/m iT lra ii Foderatlon of Labor, vul tha t i„. „(rttld prefer lo dlncuRs the ron

mlMion’s reporl a fte r he had sludlp It a t lenglb.

®‘‘‘ "From a cursory reodInK nf It". |i said. "I should nay tba l Ihe effect

Call, veness of iho proposed hoard woul depend nil iho Rood will of the en ployoTH. Tbo workers are alwayn n il

I) Iu r Io nubmll Ihelr caies lo publ 1U;k boards. I t we had Ibc good will i

Ihn cm ployen Ibo creation of sue coin, boardn a s prnposcd by the commlaslc ricun woi'ld nol bo nocessary. Employe; I Iho I'O wIllinR 10 racei with tlf nn woVkem and sottle mailers wiih thc i has outside aid."

. J,. a M allor..vlco prosldont of tl no o t I’folhat-hood* of M llntenan

of Way Kmplo^cs.'ono o f th o Urge unltl railway unions, said lh a l Ihoor‘ , t lira llj the lURgeillODS or ih r-pro i

“ “ ‘‘J dcnt‘« conference "leomed all rigl ‘® but r je y would never work out rlean prarilco".Id bo


adai. MOSCOW. Ida.. D tc. 3».—WlllhKobol Doultoh. aliaa VBntcb'* Demlng. mr.foar recenUy fleeced an Idaho Jttdgenonlh 1260 and who w ai a r ru le d In Spoka:oil- to plaadod guilty to * cb irgo of ablalolI h o i. monep under U Im preteniea aad «Ion J* aonlencod by Judgo Sleel to il:

day* In Ibe counl^'.iall. ________

rAN O T H A T R B C E IV .

E R 20, 1010

^DR.VERM1LYE Tl HAS ONE WIFEc r - 'P e r fe c t ly G ood R cnsoii W iiy Ho

. F a ile d to S liow U p fo r Hi.i

W e d d in g .on O hri‘ l.mii!i • '

lal NKW Vimic, Dec. :::i.- Tlin .Itirnv-m .ry Ibal In , VVillim,, i;.-V-r.nllyo, ..I.n,

r f l.ill-il u . ;.ii|..-:ir 111 .Mmi .nii. Ma.. . f-.inri l-i. ••weil.lliir.'. iilr.ailv Imn a wlti';

bla .leil Ml" 'n.m aui'i- .if 'ttutlit a Koeuey. wbo reHli-.tieil 'in r Ii.eittloll a- r .- luiiriicin r ill S iia tii.b a t ll\tcl:iii'll iiiil-

oM D r.'v.-rmllyi.; if ie ', lilrt i.rlniitial li. nor Ihir; !:ini;le.| lii-;irl alfair ..a - Mill In ii

llroolilvn boi.tiilal tml.iv I[i- ri ­io lu-.i-il 10 mai;........ ....................

lltl Mr-.. Vennlly.- w.,-. .......... I In _ill-.- _

'n> b.-l|or tlial ....... Ke.-in-v liin-a nf h.-r„rlo>Uloiic...

„„lj _ ------------------------ --v

■y ! Sh ipp ing B oad H e a d j ave I H as N ot R esigned Jo b

WASIIIN(l'i-(IN, Ilec l."l..-J„|,u It,.--,,,,.j,lnii. .‘I.alrumn nf ..... .t^l|.»li.;: tm.-il„ ,J i-a . '. ,ml r ..ilo» .ii ;„„l I,:,-: I , A ,1..1.10f re-ilKiilii,;. II wau Hlaleil - ul Ibe

Wlilti. llour.l^ to,|,iy 111 ri-i.lv ro niio;. r. ' , '„ (o in riininv.. ibni tin- rMiini nf m v-ii'

iioy ''="''.... .. " ’" 'I

. lie pr.-ililoiit onlor.it ibo llii-v-. n - ;rm aflor <-xanHtiln». ......... ........................................................................1.... ;liiM,. -v ll.b wur'- laa.io Ijv Secn-;irv: m y .Tin- !-lii;ii-!ni;'(,iahl bad a-i

v. -ati-i! Iinlillnit Illl-Ilnor-. iieiiillni: n-’

llrilaln nv.-r Ann-rlcan own. d nil till- t r om Cierniaiiy, ,

j'jjl I S pecial Session D a te | ininj S et fo r F eb ru a ry 111au.l _____ ■ 1

, IKlI.'ii;, Ma.. n.-c. 20.-Fe!iruarv 11,' ' ‘ , no.^nnlliii; to au aniinuiu-i-tiu.-nl by C ov .|

i rnor l>avln, tbe I.mte leRlniaiuro wlll-

. Tbn forninl prnrlaniatlnii ronvoiiliij;I • the ii-Ki-Ialuro In oipcncd (n l.e |n-

” sited (ndny,ho • .______ .

C o n te m p t o f C ourt il.„r C h arg e C ontinuedth f _____ '

INt>IANAI'0Ll.'5, Di-r, 21).—Hecauno " 'J ' of Ibe (;<>o<l f.iKli effeei of Alex llowntt

. in caiiini: oft it^o utrlken of minors lu "• (III- ICiiuiiaa d l.irio i cliarRen of con-

' ■ !*jiipt of .'tiiirt aRaiiini tbn union lead, llie ' ' ' ‘' ' '“ ■'■'oly eonilnueil in fml-blR

j r i u a : i ik i-i . a iik s iik u (;k i{1.., .SH O ri.n HAVK UKKN SHOT

n iirA O O . Dor, 2n.-Kodernl JudRO l.amlln. npnakliiK befiiro the A'dvcnls- lUK post of th e American LcRlon lo- dny decla r'd it wun "au unpleasant limy" to iionience Victor L. BcrRor, un-

J j l iicuf(-d Jiiember of ci'mRrciin. to twenty- j l f years in the fedonil pcnitcnlinry nl

Korl Li'avonworili. for violutlons ol Ibo esplonaRo Inw.' "II" "bould Imvo Ijoon mood unaln-t

« wall and Hboi''. lie said, ts -■•


„ S to c k Y ards StaiisU ci& n RoporL

. on L iv e S to d c R ece ip ts andM okes'Pre dictions.

tbo .vuld -------- '•

rom . rm C A aO , Dec. SD.-High prices fo iidleil b<,ct nnd beef products will contlnu — , until 1027 uccordinR lo a report o ". bo M. I-'. Hnrlnii. stork yards ■lallstlcinr Tectl- Tbo nhortngo of beef will continue fo vould Ihe next uoven years, ho aald. makln

em . n reduction on the prices, beforo lim will* tlmo ImpoHslblo,

lublic He staled Ibo report* of (ho depart 111 or mont of uRrioulturo Indicating tk such ihortnRe wan less (han (hat amour

Isslon wero too opilmisilc. oyers Calllo receipts a l tbe Chicago sloe

tho yards woro 23n,()oi) Icsi in IDIO tha them it- 191S. ho reported. Total receipt

ror oil anim als to r Ibo year wero 18 if the ICC.omi an Incrcaae of 290,000 over la nance yoar.irgcBt A million Icsa .catlle wero slangh loore. ored-al tho packing plants o t Chleag proiI. K ansas Clly. Omaha,.St. Joseph. Slot righ t; City nnd 8L Louis than during tl ll In previous yoar. tho report •itlvd.


CDBi: •^ANSAB icriTV. Dec. J>—Senab • W arren 0 . H ari^ n i o f, Ohio, It

1111am bere, la Kbednled to bo .11^{,0 firs t wnong nopubllcan u p ira a ta

^ .the p re tld en tlii nomination to sp« o jano, before a K aittas CUy audlesce. Tl a lolnv nepnbllcan C lir'com m lite* vhlcb ,d WM aald will remain neutral la the co

a lz tr te s t will ctve a bearing to a ll date*. ■


f H i iI P o ca te llo R eady to j I E n te r ta in F arm ers I

an d Livestock M en


',*r.: D efin ite A c tio n W ill Bo T ak e n in

S h o r t T im e to B rinfj G u ilty

n il ' Porjionu lo A ccoun t .-

\VASin,\'CTON. Dec ;•:!. Wllb Ibe

,.li11 ........................ oli-aie.l m,. Ilie

" ’••il .ilii-.iii III,nbo j ami wlil.lu a (e.v ilav,. Mil-' i:ovi'ruuionii^i .leci-imi will be jinaile llli.IWU.

'lliciii by Ibl- Iiilen,alii.iii.l N.-w I'so r- 1 1 I vlf I- Ibal a Kalli; of i.jica latnrn cl.ilineii

III. b- 111 pn.iu.".>liiii nr a.lvam-o tnfi.r-

'■-^Cdiirt. ami wav |.re|i;irlni; to niali.- a

'I'l'l.aiiii ilry" an.l ntber inurl il.-<reo«, ..f.

" " '-^ la n - I.... . liiveMtlKatiuit Ibo aillvillei.‘i" '^ n f-Ih l......... ramblorii. .

I"' Tin-lr work la Uow .-ilmyi.t llnliilieil an.l. while Iboy have nol in.ulo 'piiblli 111- ilicif.1(111 limy liave Brriv.-il at, |i h known Ibnt liednllo action will la

. J 4ulioji.wltbiivB Very simrt llmr.

.lisPAlimlEDTO ii SIDE WITH HUNSfml- _ _ _ _

N a v a l OITiccr S a y s L a n d o f Doi

HOT W a n te d to J o in C e n tra l E m .

p irc s in 1918.idROn is - •1 10- WARIIINCITO.S'. Doc. 20—Tliat Spat sant .vns nu ibe verRo of romlng into lh .u n - war In ibo iiprlnR of lois nn Ibn nlil ■nty- of Conii.iny nnd tha t' nhe ivas prc• nl vented from doitir: no by Ailmlrnl Her s ot ton <T. Docker. Amorlcan nuyal utiach

at Madrid, and iibi nuilntunis, appoat iiln"l lo bo newn nnt nnb' lo illploiiinHes 1

WnsblnRlnii bu l,to ibcmo who were i Kuropo nt llto ilmo,

A iborouRb Inventleallbn of tl rl'angoa mndo by ibn . roar-mlmln uluno rnn c lear up tbn nlinatlofi, ii tell, and ibln dnubl|i'*i» will bo Inkr

n P with an llllln delay nn poixlbl [ \ j J Jonepli K. W illard. AKinrica(i amba

t-ador to Hpain, Secrotary of t)ta Hobort ljini,iiiR nnd otbnrn may 1

J call.ll lUpon l.r toll wbat they knn- ■ ™ not nnly of Sjiaiit's report.-d doternii; tJ f.iion to en ter ibo 'w S r neainnl tl

f n lle d States, Imt nf the nttaeb rharRod ibnl WtllnnI hindered bim bin work prevonlluR ber so doinn,



slock •■Hnr.-en City*’ wan iho ohJ(*ct1V(> than ijijt wo(-k'ri niisiiinR loiter congest

celpts i-[,p TIrooii. sheet music award* I shloli ivuri' walled todsy to Iho wl ners. This week's contest will t« tii

. ; the w ord '"i^o jorson" wh'ich will fcrmoil, OH usual, from letters pi

' piincly omitted f»onl adTorUsemei “ ,2 - on Ibo mIflslnR lotlop page. Addn* all replies lo “Ouldo Manager" n

of Tho Times. k(*cp1oR neatness a orlglnuUiy In mind In franjIiiB i

t-IEST answer, , •I.ani weeks ron trs l drew tlio 'ci

etialor ternary widely s c a lie r^ m sjs of It i t pile*, lack of space perm itting oni]

t)o the partial Ifst o t the wlDnars aa folloi a ta to Mlat Lowana nem log . Dox 1104. apaak Allas Rntli Portar. 7U Bth A rt. fL'

, The m t* MeJteown. J6a .Van B nrea St. ileb U Ura.^. T .'H o n tb U llo c . BnbI, Ida. a con- N H . IL J . W o o l .DBbl. I b t . , , ,- ea&dl* l la tta r L aosblln . n ie r ,I d a b o .. '

s jT wire s a a v , j ^ l |

N ' ■ ■2S5o mM"I

OLD VOL. xm. MO. ^

^ hallucinationI I - ofyomgnew ' I

W1LLBET01| I■ H air-S ia tc r W ill D e ta il S t o iy ;

■ . o f A lk i’cd l l lc R itim n tc .B irth , <1

I. . o f D e fe n d a n t • ;

I -In- iii:il Marry H. Now. alleged r1 ..I ,,i (• S.'ualnr H urry S. SCW' • .r inii..iti... llllll .Mrn. i.llly Heritor, has

I . ; K..I .It li.l.; leiiiiiorarliy froui> ."I li-r/.iT 1.' .Mit.v i;dtin Cianrjr,

.'.i-M v..-k, innlial.ly .Mnnday aftor-t ....... III- Tii".it,i>. Ibl',- blown oy'ed.I- ll. rt. Ii.iit'-i| );iil Will t.lop 111 Ibo Wit" .

I, I,111.I ,11 ii-.i t 11.111 Ilf itio biauui fo r . ............ .nil ..r I'll-iln I.e'sm-r. .NnW» J ’ .'fc

> ■ .Mr:, c ia ti i) will r ro iit.i';i p icture .v J i 111 -iril.inn <niiir.i.-.i wttb her b rother. .‘-M 1 :-iic will In- neatly. !.iyli..hiy, hui not

Ii,i: llllv iiii-i,..'.i. .mil- tl. young. :vt* , ‘j |

l)i.\Mi ll. III.- ill f' tidaiil'n rlioir will .i|li-t. I taris .\i-w -oxpr.-i.iiloiilOKn,'HNII-

I i iii-iii.il nillv I.i-eauno ills motli'er . '' '^ ..It ll :,i.ti.|' I.ave iii'.Uiied on II. dream - ' / il. IM/In;’' -.Ii-aliilil al llm "no mnoX- '•*in.-." ili;ii in (In- rn u rl room from ' _i‘ , .■lii.'b nil mil- biiH M'on hitu ink0 :'bla |,,, I ^ . I nce Iln- Irlal opened.

Illl, .Mil," Clainy'ii lo/illiiiony will ba'dQ- Ilrli lall'-il- a r -habii- uullinrity luiys. ,Aa lit,- (nitilinil liy nil-, >ourco nho Wlll'rie<Ibe r a re llial a few liitihliv bi.foro Ju ly

mllll 1, tin- ............ . Minn l-<-nnor'n doaUl—tav.. .i|ii< [ilra'le.i with Iln rry Nuw n o f '. lo

......... frn-.la l-on;.oc._ who wan barfni-inl.

iv.-n wan oixliifulo. • ; '•■r- Wllll ifie i.iiectio connt.-^tly botoro ';

lueil iii r „f .-111 unbaptiy iiio'rrlaBO orlatngfii.ni tin- .-mliori. of her roo lhsr^ 1cliljilbooii rmiinncr-. ..ho nouRht Mlaa

“ l.ei-nor. Tl. l-'rledn nho bORgCd tl>#t ]-111.- marrlaK” pontponed tlM ll

' llarry'H tnntlier rnuld ro lun i frODIlJjF^ •llaiiiiiioliH. Wben IVleda refused U lk Clancy In i.niil 10 imve revealed to H tr ' for ibo firm timft her b rother's ^ -

‘i'’”.'' Defeiite will cliUni MIIM 1-oiM.fr-r** . fiiiT-il to wed New and flnaliy tnoB- fioitod uiul perhaps laun'lod b lm .« lU i Ibl i-lory of bis b lnh. ' "V -

A ibroe-your-old hnlluclnatlen. ;tM .lefcni'i' bupcs to show, that some wnn purauinr him from clly to 0^ . ii'lllni: of bis ulleged . uniancilo'saa

U C pnrentaRo w.in kin.Iled- Into a bUu>i l l J "'-‘•I’' ' ' '" ' )'e shot tho 'g irl'jsa

i,br w t wllb him Iu Iho auiom oblic. ,

D on N p w Y e a r C e l e b r a n t * ■■ i

1- M ust T a k e O w n D rink* 3— ■ g - i l

NKW YORK, Dcc. 29,—"B rln t.jrtljtr ; nwn drlnkn". was t to w arning aOQBd;

ipnin Cll today by hotel proprietors to ) (he. wbu denlro to .pu t a lllllo aleohol .j i i^

slilr Inio Iholr Now Ycnr’a ove c e leb ra tiM pro; 1'onplto problbltlon's damper on caw(T Ilcn- tbe hololn are crammod.aa nover

tachn tore, ond II Is Indicated th a t tiW - poarn wblin llnhl di.itrlci will ace. one of ttw ea In brirj!e«t rl-owils on record. 'I)';■rein , -------------------------.n;

,hp D e n i e s I n t e r f e r e n c e mirni W i t h O i l O p e r A t i o i | i :

islblii. NKW YOHK. nee. 29.—T b e 'M e* l ||i '- , 'nbaii- novornuient lias no l p rev e titf^ 'tb a 'il^ ^t)iato portnilou or produclloD o t H i i r l w a ^)' lie hy Amerlean operators, aecordbis S fnl;nnw. atnlemeni by llanion■ D enlgrp .'coA urmin- Rnnernl here for the C arran ia-f« iT «» - '

tbt' pient. Dftnlsro sa ld’he b a a re c e l lM . aeben luHirui'iioun' from I'n ^ ld en t C arriuM ■

init, irary. _ feA*

lastweekand - ’thisweek’stest :SING LETTER C O M .ivo In Addavpa Olhsoa. n t- S i Tw in P s i u i ? ’ eat In Uerlrudo D eV lsur. IU. S. Twln^Pklts,'-. la to r Mr*. K H. Jonea IU. S, K Inb*rly.0 v ln - K liube lh S a m p a o B ,'lU T K r x e - ^ ' : '! tfoture i»o(tland Ore. .'III bo i . B. Know lef. K l t n ^ l f •‘ par- Mr,, -jobn l io a , n t .m enu noreB ce K londer. ‘RU l . ' f t A L ' '• tfiif ddreai r o m I»e»OB. Ht.'*!, 'B a t if ' care u u ili D . Noratrom, D)Q«■a and Twin Palla.' - : v • - ,

U r« .L .'8 lB e m ii.a :» 3 sd ’4 T » : ; K ^ H ^'lle ien 'M ort. lU . T i r I a , 9 ^ ^ B H


la.* .

Page 2: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)




I '


/ \ . .

I '

This Spa(

n FaDs V

mi Tell

, ' V

PAtia DAILY Tttma, Monday, i

Lce Reserve^


You Tc

> V ! M . - ■* y,<v. ,’• ■ .............. ■r,Dg0.g9,lftl9


ed For

ing Wor


-iV .- S y ''nV.T;:


'v ' ■


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Page 3: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

Bay# V o ten W ill Continuo Scnfl- .-oi,. ► , In s H im BM k I I O ongm J ' ™ ' , ; -f V ' S cales H im Seat munlci-•■■.t X . Ull nl

. -r •""■ ■ IllU olST LOUIS, DCC. 27.-<3or. PlilllU'P Hcccu

©•'Wlacotmln will liavo to call «n- Thn oilior clccUon It Victor UorKcr In Hhr.m n w ln denied lil» aent In coMCrcmi. «UUli HcrRer declttreil tmilRlU. "«nvl tU« U vot! bcoplo ot th a l dla lrlct will kroi> mind- Sou me mo to conRrenu nil ofum n« mV nuiiilj

' Mhi In ilficlorcd viicuni." II«rK‘'r lUiUt, wif.:; lierKor ilccUrod Qovornor rii.lHli*l> C lon.l

l» coiiipollcd to call aiiolli«P flec tion May.' "cficr a cortiilu' Ume. an.l I'U m irdm law to him." i

Don;or «al.l l»o will aRatii prwcn.t ]1( || ; hlm.eU for l.lu neat In congreua mid I' mfiificil iipiln would tloiimtid Gov. Millllpp cftll (itioUicr clcctlon. W;

Speaklnfc o t Induatrial coiullllonii, clliini. ncrner snid. '-tl.erc I f . i n1j;ia.T. fill- 1-clr.

-tInR on Out «af«ty vnlvu In Wiwililnn- iiio r toil, 1 don'l know wliotJicr Hurt day. n irw r Jit Uurlcnon. I’ulmor o t Wood- Tli row WU»on. llu l I do know Uial »»• <'n I

, liT.» tlial nlKRpr lu Hpecillly, tnkeii off f.,cl till. Butcty viilvo tlmru In fcolnj; to np i ll- an ciploiilou In tlio United «< matcn. , , •

•'Ttioro nre only » f"'V UiiIikti. lufl wnn •—tliojio In Iilili country anil ono In rani Japuu." norso r Ooclarrd. J!n prc- !•> dieted tlio Dcniorratlc nnd IlcimliH- Kun cwi parlleii would form a ronctloimry fron imrty wliu tlio "ocJuJlwii .opponhii;, lln iircillclrd tlilH would Incrra.io tlio Tl iioclalint voti-, I''

‘TUo Tlnicn Job prlntlnn dopnrlliK'nt U ' lliorouRUly otiultu>cd lo do fim t ■’W cItiM work—nl rcaaonablo prlcft«.__ nd'*

-Bftllr and SunOay Ylase*. H a 7«« -

Equity Auto I, '.YJi ANcmt SwVAv________

Ow ned and Run by

Only Firat C lass Mat


u W c uro now in n in.-sitiou to Inki!wcluiiii; atld rc


[ F o r a J ? b D ( ^ : m g t o

TiPfidiS e n i

T FA n c

Owing to ih( m aking a ne to m ee t a sm

Thfe Sn. d a i l y ANI


By the

, By getting i1- ^


O nly 2

nirnl Cnmedr o t K arr Merit ComlnR lo I r t m l Tlirnt^r

. Toinon .-ow

Oil. Iloy." till' mun leal c o n i^ - Unit iml enormoun f a w r nt y f io Now rk I’rlnccnii tlica tty iindrtUu fourlli iKlcul tonioily to r^corol n decld.'d PrOI

n l llml '‘ninll p l.iy lio(if>u, w ill In- . 1 ofterlnc. »t tlie L avering tliuiilrc ccnilmr 3«.riiP C'onii'loek-lClllotu’ toiitp.-.ny lian ni’Ulblod ll mierial caul Jo r ’lUlu tonr lUli will Ineludu nnnii- v^ell-Iinown ('1

Soino of till' iini;>l jiopulJ.r nmiileiil a roliiilicrh lire "-V' OIJ •b'lVHUIoiii'd I'lui,ifi:." "llolU'd Inin Or.^».” - rH I tlii' nlKh oinln Koll liy." "Tlm Vlriil P a y ,o f a>\" "Koo-l.i-lmi" ami Tlm.-

n m liuhii.'- . ’'•',' 1

( i r s i ; s .4M* nA JyJK S rsK -'rr o i l k i ' k | i. !>■ i’KTUt)(;ii,\i)

WASIUNOTON. IH-c, lIT .-K xlnior.liinry im'iiKnrwi u rn boini; taken lu ctroRnid to m ;(tt tliu fn«-l lamliiK ,.,m 10 Htatn ■li'piirt ilK'Ul wun ntlvlni-d In-ay. (.TIieiicviidvlci'K iilato Unit n il wnml-

n liou.ieii urn, 'bHiii; ciciiiiillt-lu'il for ,|j„ ni'1 nmt iliaf. b.irpon an- In-inK tor'll Ip aiHci. •

Hcliuobi nro lo lm rrdni'<-il in tun- birilh of tli iir iiiinnal aellvily. ll vnn iitatyd- under i> cciitralir.cd nr- aniicniPijt. I„,,

I'Tinploynti'UL ilii,. ilip iivovUmn of ,.[ytunnU 1i»i‘ (IT per ci'iil. • jrom Jaliuar)-. lirjT, lo tlu‘ iirciieiii.

Ttio TJuieii Job printlnt: d 'ip.irlnient i„f .•I lUor.iUKbly <-nnlpwal>„lo do flral :;.'iai# worJt—Jit r»;i«nii;ilil];_^)rii'i'.'.

n v llllt ll JobT T r j ll "Hlln.itlnii Wanl- nd'* nd Ju our w iin column*.

•Dally iiJia SuD itc T la es , ?7 n year. <Ie

Repair Sliop, [Plio iio 12C1 . . (

y O rg an ize d L ab o ro f Mei'liiiiiKlH U nion E m p lo y e d lOV, F o ru m au *

iachinists E m ployed

A R A N T E E D ■':lint in n n t dnno Knti-sfnclory =iMCli I T (lO O D . ^

k(! cnro 'oC a 'l I i i n i l n ' |t r e p a ir w orlc ^ •- v

,G E FA CILITfilsP^ ^ ^ ^

It TRY THE E Q U in [ ■

lofTlieTiifid i n Y o u r SHE T IM Eid G e t i t a tincreased cost of paper, sui lewspaper, we a re com pel small per cent.of .tiie incre£

A F T E Rl u b s G r i p t i o n o r

R a i s e d t o T

ND SUNDAY. TIMES one 'HE m o n t h IN ADVANIMES, without Sunday-....le m onth.................................

; in your subscription toda i »i('4 'can get it a t t

V nm IT 57,oo By tiie year ' — $5.50 fo r Daily


i Da^s Leifi

fORARGiiW i: llio Ji

Promise to Bounce Kltohon Utcn. sii Off Heads of Prflfllccrs

to^Bring Down P ric es . j ^

('inCACn. IVr. SS.-TUI- iirnllli'iT i— «.ha V.oii’1 U»t«u l.l ri'amiii mny fmd a rolllni; iiln lioniirlmt tnmi lili eraii-luui. llllnol-i wnnien ai.M-rJvd to- ''•'■I'’ iilKln. T),v. 7,001) nru r,-111111; out to v<;k lirlnK down iii 'in 'i'-nu i liy learH, ar- Mn i;tiuu:nl>‘ n r liri>TOtli>, but by ininl?li- vlnUu

Tlilriv \v(iiiii-ii, T.'prc'Henllm; tin'. 7.- . m>, nn-l iK're ti.-lav 10 urm thcmnclvcti for iKi- llrht. Tli"y lulll tilaun fnr tlii-lr orcauUtitliin, lU rtrlct Mtorin'y '

ndvlni'd ilirni on li^a l nnen- “ llonii. Ill" told tlii'ui what evidence U' cni'ild bn ni*rd. pjninHcd aid to tbc'ni'ln .Mli i;iilhrrlnr. tlm t t'Vldeiiir uml proKunt- fujHil Ini; It In courl. I-o

CliiM’ iircimliinl fnll unihiiam-e in adi'i th r iirniiecutloii nt iiH eliiii:'0:i Iironr.ht in I' lilm by Ibc; women. M'

Mri., Jnu. ■!•, Ilnw.'li. UimiI of (lie vvi.menV tiiMlicll of tile det.'ine, bi Ihe !>«'•'leadri' u( lliu' »nuien. Wlill.i tli- weel j.iotlle.^i- ivlll 1»- truth-il there wfll M Ue 11 ramiuilr.n uj;;ilii:il mielnm UiiyUlK. I'^'e lni'trn<'tlon nud nilvliie in tliln will bo IiH'h r.lven. . l i ' f

llei:i‘i illni; ibui feature of lUu work Mr», IlDweii i>;ilil Clirlulmaii tlilu year dayi »an_au ori;y o f biiylnr. wllb prlcen M lur above wbut lliey ubnnUI be. Hlie ilmi I'dileil lhat the imreliaiieu «f wnrlilni: vile (ifti[il>' ;i(lrj (lie ui-IJ III do'ii tTc (I/.<|ir<i. !.«>' imrtlonate. tind

-'l-.'.iple wUli niliilovni nImvK und imor ebitliim; 1ioui:bt ii-drteh Ceiilliern r.M't i<1lli:iilcir |ieiir:i. idle uulil. Nn won- lier [irieeii iituy n|> l^llen women bny- .i i ITI. nre wllJIUK and ever iMKcr tu C : ]>end llieir monev In tliat faulilon." I (or

----------------------- :■ jvvnIf ynu do trt w ant wtiM you m t« j l’'>»

or bATen'l «bkC yoU' Wftcl. tiin k 111* llo T im et w*ni ad. \ ’l 'r'

W Throat,' Q o le U y R «nev«d By H im lln 's

WIm Ai Oil V

•Hahilio'a W isar.l Oil U a simple and ''I*;effective trea tm ent'fo r io rc th roat nnd “ oiclicsi cold*. U *eda»a8a i;(? 'e (o r soro ;th ro at it brinM qniek relief. Rubbed i„. on the chesl it will o ften loonen up a hard, deep iM tcd cold m one nigbt^

H ow oflen~«prahis, bruues, cut* ‘and burns occur in every family, i» •'»well as little tro u b le s ’hire caraehe, Ku tootitaelie. eold sores, canker acre*, .o,

t e f *' i t jio t^atH fied reium "U iiT »«tle »nd: l . l a e t yotir money bicBSw.f- ' cti

E re r co iutipaied o r have siclt liwd* ache? Ju s t try W .iard, Liver Whip*, ' Djlessant little pink pills, .30 C ^ tl. CuaratneeO ;.

m e M i iS u b s c r i p t i o nES T D D i t the Old Pisupplies and eveiything that lelled to increase the subscri •ease which we are compel!

I J A N . 1>r The Times V These Pricesne y e a r in ad v a n c e ...............VNCE ................................ ............. ................

iday, or before the first of t t the. old price of a r D aily and Sunday, iiy w ithout Sunday

EFORE JANUARY FIRS1 )RATE THOUGH YOU:p ir e u n t il a f t e r th IVE.

F t--A C T Q I


rtn S eT & o iS rP a i ' ,1« a l i i a i l h ' l P b K e 1 ‘: G a m e

:AM>\VKM,. Ii1,i„ [).;e, :7.—Anun- niiriea Indlvlduul wlili n niavli'I r u JiaiiiJ ( n .n Ilfc-nJicd poker ni! lunt nl|;ht. Il.i Ii;,d five i,f i> n l-r.tee t no«ed bulletv. lie took ■ JiieU pm. canlnlnlui: i m . T brlire K W iinlcc Iirremt thin evo-

Hollister NeivsCeil, tInlvcT amt tillillly iipeni u .U|ili Ilf d;>y^ In Twill f''ull:i liixt t-eU diiliii: iiUopidnr- (Mrn. A, R Ijir>i») wm> « Twin Kulb' ’ iilloi' rrUl;iy. , j.lei,lie Trii>|) lell hint wei'lt fnr nn ' 1 .trn<led vidll wltu rebittv.n In Ne- ' ia»l.a, . ;•J'Jje Udiimi.dnoji 4 i)d JJIJI f;inillle^> ' ll Sainrilii}' (or their :i>nv Iiumeii u O rlund.'t'allf, , _.Mltia l.ora Scli'ilnR lii niiendlui: llie

olliliiyii In llo l lli i io i^I-orii SeliwUiR uml Jennie Dudley

Itl'lideil Illn ixix i>n|iiier am) diinee II Uerr.cr S'liinriiuy nvenlnn.

.Ifr. reiarji-,l S;iiurdiiy tn.iii Imllaiia wh>re llii'> inv,. l,,-on vhdllni; for llie p;i»l .dx veeke'

Mr. ;ind Mht. llo,.cm. W;ilk.T ut ■Her nii.veil onlii ili.> .\. K. I'nbUv.'U iinii hi';| WieR. 'riii-y exjirct hi farm n ru Ihc: eoinluj; yiMr.

H rwun U m li r(i.f'n( it (ocii.Jo ul layn lime lanl week.

Mr::. !(uy MeMm,lerii nile i lulni'd Kl Itnnei-. Thun.day .'veniuc. Tlie in­vited Kui-'ilii were Mr. nml Mrn. K, Kv J.jiii-Mim v, .Mr UII'I .U m U- W. J;,itii-i lind Mr, and'M m. I, A. lleilnKiim,

,li'hn <';ihlKell Into iicee|iled a |»i. i;ltli!i ivltli Klu Wtiltn .S'dir iiarnce.

Mr, Arrlnutiin of 'Twm ralln wum a. vl!illnr-bi;t«en truimi TU'-t.ihiy - '

Oftleerii tor Ihe (•liiiin..v ;it (h-K.(or Ibe em.nlm; year are ir. nilhiwn; VVnrlhy .M;i|p)ij, .Mri, HijuIiu).- WorlJiv I’l,tron. Dr. I.uce; .y,r„iclale Mmrnn .Mrn. Crnven; Spereiar>^ Mr, ll.ill, Trciinurer, .Mrn. Onilley. l’,niiluelr.’’«i.Ml-(i. ’ H all. Antuiehilu irondiielreu:,,Mri. Klii'iliieyer.

Mr. mid Mrn, U. H, lle.i-d (if. T n ln [•'.lliu are uiii-mlliiK n few tlayn ul llii' liDijio of lljrJr iJaiiRjjfen .Mr», J . W. Jloullm, . .1 ■ Me, aiid .Mrn. IC! K. U iwrrneo were .tinner i;acni-i ul ihe floy Wllliaim Uoiiii. Dll fJirlatmaii .lay.

Mr, .Mcltriile'n ulMir uud ’iroUier- Iti-Unv micni Clirlnunaii wlUi lUe (ain- Ily.

. '1 1. ,Mn;. ,in,JMra. Mnrloii Ilay nioUirVd lo T>»ln Kalln Satnrduy lo df> uonii! ClirliitmaiiI'linpplnR, ■ •

TUn Uciyal Ne||;liburii .)( Apieflca ■hMil tliftSr nlJJdur;.

ch«iico»tT. Alr«. Towfiftcnd. n-confer, 5lru, liny; rceclvcr. ^Ini, Mnrehoniio. Mrs. McKeuilc; Innur ui'nlliiul. Mn» Cole. . . .......... ...

| e # 1n to\ Y ■■ ■r i c e

la ten ters into iription rates, .;l!ed to bear.-

Wili be.......... $7 .50


............. $6,50 .

...................... 65

E the year you

i ,1 ■ ■ . .

ST viruiL lUR SUB-:h e n e w

'A g .y T a g 8 , MONDAY. PEG. 2P. K



DEPARTMENTC;ilico ......... .......................W h ite O utinj;3 ...... ......... ~A p ro n Clicclu; ...........................................

. R od Sea l G in g h a m s ...............................T o il d u N ordiJ G in g h a m ......................B c s t .P c r c a l c s .........................................

' Ohallit>s, m a n y b e a u tif u l .p a tle rn r .PJannelolK i ................................ ...........H ea v y S h irl ln g a .....................................D ev c ash iro C lo th ....................................B eat q u a lity M a d m a ...... .......................P ig u rt id L in g e rie C rep t: ...................

H U C K TO W ELS G uest T ow els, H em stitc

p a ir ;............... .................

H uck T ow els 18x34,B order. S p ec ia l .......

H em stitched T ow els, B lue o r R ed. S p ec ia l ]

H uck T ow el, 18x34, H< ed.' E x tra q u a lity p e r pj

E X T R A S PE C IAG ood H eavy Q uality , Tow el. 17x34 p e r p a ir

Special FiInteresting

Women’if 'y . . i f n il' iiili'i'. sUM III a S u it, ( ' .■<l;ir‘ .ir Itli.iis.- iier,- ;ir.‘ soiiie v,- p r ii '.s tliiil y ,iii eiiiiinit I'l-siiit. Tlie resen t llie I’l ' l " ‘ 'siy ies ninl rnhriw V iiiul e v e ry ^irie. reM!Hin liiu i vdliiv.

, » - . * A W E S . J ^ A 1

Till' nn irldit 1ms uilvniii-eil slcm ii fiiH.v f>rin-|j,'i.VN IH I h is i)cfi;irl;ii.-;i ollVriiiK vjiliii's flm l r iin n o t In- iliij p jim o ii m )J ih i.s Kliiti-iHejjl

P R I C E S $ 1 9 . 7 5 t o !

L A D I E S ’ D R E S ;. o f Si-i-}je,.Trii'otimL T jiffetii. Cfx-jir |. ( 're iie . U iifiviili^^ in: I

tUiVurjinWe.l in ' ' ; ' ,P R I C E D $ 1 9 . 7 5 t o

L A D I E S ’ S K I RWl- iilTer a eom iili 'k 'o « h o w in i o

• liesl fiilirii-s, ..f U i'unlifiil j.ln iils, |if»iri eo((ir .-iniiftl’iijiliimK, Von i w ith vm if sel.'e tio ii,

P R I C E D $ 4 , 9 8 t o

L A D I E S F I N E D R E S ;Speeiu l vnlncM (if ns'c-ccdinjj, in rrii n re iniiixiiiil mi tin ' lii^tli niiirlcet llm t |n-ove u u r elniiii to iilwiiyi lii};li eliiss, di-iii'iiiliilile inerrliiiu il

S'lK )>J„i-)r H-. Iiiee liD.it, I.iHiis lir i 'l, iiiiiliition

j ’r i n - ............. ................................ .........

Nn. rififi7-‘.L ti.lie!i’ i la rh c re y 'lc IiDOt, fjoiiis h '‘f t , |) la ili to e , n li hiz

S o . .'0!)7— r*fiilie.’<' /IrM m onso j iiiilil'iii'.v IiecI, K .itn'h 1ul-(' lioo t, i

N'o. iidC't— I n id ie i ' lUftlinKiiiiy ft ; liei'l, n-ini;h Inrt; IjoiiI, p h iin tw ,

N'o. ,')UUI1— L ihHch’ field tntm so : iiieh J iie e h o n i, Loni.s lii’ijl, in) (lirfN, I ’r i c r d ....... !.............................

i i M■' T V i

(L cnk jfoir i l i i

: Tlia Kred. Lloyd'nwKtgnca.& a»nr:«o»i of pWDt.-ihlc Xc«k. . ,- Tti4 o l l l c tn •toct#d 't o r tho.M odtra Wowlmea o t America,Jor th e cn in tas y u r « r« : Veoeisbte coDanl. Oeort« Cols; p a it conaul. K 'H . Morehooaa; d e rk , U. a : n « tl0KU)D: -wontiy ait- Vlsoi^ U 3. TovmMiid; banker,' lUijr W llllama; e ieo rt. B." B. ‘ lA wrenee; 'TBlehman. Pjite Korafc : t h o Reul)«n H tsfln^ family ape;>t

Ctir(atma« o l tlie ,rra fltc .Jer« tt'tiam e, 'Mr. nhd Mra. N, 0 . Noglv w art i)ln*

o n s««au At tlia. o t .U r . u u l Marlon Itay, -. —

. m o __________ . - . .


........ 18 l-3 c ll• .l^ ^ ■ T 1 ll.S lll ,,ill^ lOc 27. i-?,c 3i5c ;ii^l h .ivy mi v .h it-

32 1^2c . . 3

.......................\V;ii-,u ,d W.i-.li .--ilU

nr. !......' . . . 20 a - 'l i '■................... 2t)c <

.................... 35c. , ..... 47 1.2u

...........;.......... A'j L V,)i|.- W .i.-i-, '..r.iily

...................... <10c ....... I - ,i,l,.t,,u li.:l

: l s ^

titched der ............ 35c

'•ij iji |i.'.l, i.t;;li "I' I'lI, G re c a n f j , .„

............ 60c (llili,. lliiil..- .':i;.l" I

s, 17x32, l1 p e r p a ir

Q Q „ We ••ire I'lVri in;' > li.................... .9® *= M -

H em stitch-rp .- ,ir$ ! .2 5

: I A L . S A T I N E

y , T u A U h ............s.lhlll- lu ll l. '.M l IIIxtr on ly /o c c n -y ,

feature Thtg Offers Founc n’s W ear Depat

M E N ’ S II' v,-i'y nt 1 n ie i iveTlie.sc iiliVl's le ji . I ’llil,-ll S ir.n -s ’ (!■ 'hi \ei>r)<iiiiiiis1ii|>. llllle llia l is tlu- ii ^iriec- cilKillxl: fell- sllili’i Ih .’ hesl in si

;iiil.'i' 1>> l-'ive hnu " ., slldi- llin l i;. lO-i'-i'il

* .....................

'•'“ 'l ily ................... I' .s ill i.ia.-ii :m ent. ancl i v nn- |.:i„ ,|jsj, la s t, ilnph.-nti-il. Com - ,

____ lilll,-|U'l-.to $79.50

‘ I )ni' hh.ie ,1,'iiarl.iiiSSES ' '' It w ili jiay ynu turv{in liu C h ine a iuiin: Ih e ir ninKe-iip, g Q -

to $44 .50 SlicieinK th e Ih.vsT D T C

a n- lo iirofU hy 1 iJl of s l . i r ts in a ll W e o ffer y.,i<ls, Klri|ii-s mill ielii.-li w ill " ivi- ; on wiil be jileasi-.l tl i .- le a s t inoiie.v.

to $18.90 filll- sliie!{ i:l eoiiiw eat'-te .tleil, lijirf

ESS SHOES . he lnw till' lielim ln r r i t . V n ines lliiil in —y o n will 'l ;e t o f t.Klii'y. am iiviiyK se ll fu r less, A l'e>v o f th e nnminuilis.', . A ini'rii'iin hny , nii, ,• . , u e iir .I. w elt H I-’-! nieli,

l'“ N„, ll2Hn.,v.T,............... » l.tilN 12 1-2-5v 'U id , D-ineli, In.'.! $3 ,80 ,' i «i?.eM. VrW.v $11.90

, X o.-1 h:1;i 1.‘.»— ib

I't! '$13,08 I’l"

y hill, ti i r i i , L m iis X i,. (i',K j:i-lJi.y8 tw , a ll hizeti $13.98 t'h ro i;

ISO k ill w o lt, « 1-2 • - in liln tio ii l i p , a ll Hoy« Tiin , iUnel

................ $ i3 ,0 8 »nic, s j - 2 't o 12


'W IN F A LLS, IDA. A y e U o w r . E H > i i t — 0 | p ^ < l C |

in* leach« ii- ln lllo n'olllM #r'»chool. M« IptndliiR the ir ><acaVloti In Turin

ora FViiii. . • 'la s V ila Pcreboom U iiMadlDC hor r fo raeirtlon with h e r parooti nt Holil*-

Hit* . C. E, I’crklnR of Heriter ws* n Uijr Tlnluir between trains Moada^.,ee; . Wm. Chaio left U «

irom U «ti«r6 ho expecu to *p«bri ■ent tbOiW lnur. " • -•■i-- -k'me, MiU*» .W*lliw6 o |, (Ti»te;.Tja|* ,. ’«r- iln - rived In. H otllner T b u r | | ^ . , < a '><6 and e « p t a - |^ l t ) ^ l B ’l> irbU K '> rjl4dU »

. te r anUl ^ r ..

ORY j s i■ J


11 sll-i|"-s .,r li |, || . . |i |||.] ,t |., Iilui-lt '■ ■'

$3.50 . .'ilU,, u.-ll lua.I.', - '„ |. | | I.uttei-IIK • 1 •li' ' l; I'U w llil,-. I 'l 'i.....I

$2.9S f

Idy ill-.I'-III-,! T l illlllM-il w ilh . j , .\ ren i hn r- ' I

$2 .98 . *

lliil! ' !''l.iiiii'I iMiivn. w llil ,' m u l ; .• r luu- nn-l:. n,r,-h' «««}e $2.23'J.iiiiii l r .i.in iiias (hie-|ii.-i-i’ u n d ,'. A1" i.iitiii I 'a lli 'M is , « |K 'e iid $2,G0 5 ,

CORSETS ' ..... inl. a W.'ll m n.i,' ii(*lit j ; ' ' 4

M''-lvi\\ll I’.w sl, jjvivivU leuK lh t i t ; /

' 63c ■ . -li V J

PE TIC O A TS ■ , 'I’- A ll:ii':;aiii ,i ......... lie;iVV- , ■*'“7

ill C lee ii, Illa .'U , N a w ail'd51.23 I

kis Week fid in Our , T.rtment ";i: s DRESS S h o e s ^

Ou-ii Ciii.iri ,lJa.le .S|i.-i'iul— A V ■ ><■ Itrii,,. I.r I ,ii.|, . .|,iss w nrk iU B ii.y i : fi ■, tid tl h.ii.l «-({|i d i t r r j I f i i i 's t v.-l iir a llll s iitisfae tio R .r-a

........ .........................................

•li lilll, h iu ,'Il.T . iiia iio x an y c n lfs ', C '-'./'o K l. I ilaeh );i,l L;,J. l.^j^'ljnJ, la « t> c -I'I .'itlr. h liiehei-; iiiaho ;jaiiy ^

'•‘•"I' lil i- l.i'iu i rn ii id hi.i-WJiins.-:^ / ito iiiv es li” a(i;. . • ' ' ^ 3 r . ’

lOYS’ SH O ES ^ I ; |I'ys i« II im r lic td u r liUHiti.iK.w^tiu-';'] [ ^Kivi-n siJc;ein( u tte n iio i i .- a n .I r .j •y mil' i-iii'efiil Htud.v o f ih is s u l i - ; ijf y . 'i t (lio JieH( |Kissif)te hfmo tn it lt " i - V'I- v.lll Ih l' n in x itn u tn HOfvii:u fo r, ' '.1

^"ini.I.'te w ith th e k-.st, BiyluM ttiid ' . ' • •llirnlilir hIi<h-s n n d Ih n 'ji r ie fH o r u . '- ■* ; "I v n ln e i-cpi-csenled. H rinR l h c '“ '• .v : w ilM m vf iK iih iny lo rcg ri'U . ‘- I

‘I'IIKT.,UH iiitili J'or Ilnr w idc-aw ako ' 1 . m uliiltJe f( ,r HliuUiiy Ulld roiigU':' ‘

■-<<• 2 - 52 .08 a M H. (. :

r i ' "’) " , ' I i p i i w f i 'i ' -nJaeJt filin-licr 2 1,2 lo '(j^ -?3 ,7 IJ '' \ ' !

'.'H Iila.rk « j iU r p r „ o r liim il,n riiti I ' ’• ii-ouK- «i,|e . lu 1.2 : '-1 : ■

A t The U. s k

Iara out o f .% ta m •I'la iM M aod- on -1 ' luuKb<. hor r ic b i , la < .tm ,III*-

Tb« M eklM itr n a tleodcd a ’d ^ r i R » l W »


Page 4: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

FiobliAoil Brery Sfr«Qioff Except 8im ; :Tb» T ipeft P r in tin g » Pabllahing C

$ I L T ID A H O PA FB B W IT H TWO C W IsU n a ttO B al K tw a S o n ic* u d Um

V .................. u d l ta ^ B M h

. r j i 'Dbnton:-------------- ~ '_r.----------■ L O T ^ J ^ l i lL L -----------------------------------------

OBOROB B. UAHT----------------------- --- -------

:'i'\ ' '■; , l& te r* d t t th e .Twin P alls poBtoff

> ^ | ^ b l i c * a o n , A p r i l U . 1^18.

■J W ' 8 U B 8 0 W P T IO Mfloadtj, reu-....................

:; OM^fcoept flniuUy, ywr............

f - 'SAinTE,p ' ^ 9 ^ ^ ^ 1 P le d g e AUcftiuneo to M r;. ■ t o r W b ic h j l t S tan d s . Oi

JuBtii'Q [or

s ' ' '2 THE TUUSB F L A T F U U rUB A ;■ c m *in) coir

't-0«BOQ rM T u boa*.;w^'.9<;^l<ntsal light, b u t u»0 powar lo elCi

^ i —R a m S S ^ * c o n n » c l wW*Boith*rB ?•: w au r ' lo p p lr t j pnmplni

irb*BBm 'Poti)bl* ( K ‘ pool IB iiimffl*r and ahalr '< 4<=4apr«**d atraat IlfbUjig *7tt*m.

. » v | «Oocd foada t h w t b w t all t f lh a u r .. (A B lM truy railroad* of Idabo


.<T ^ . 'p l e term rcvohUioii in itn imtper Ib pofiticB o r Bociot I'unditiotiH mid no •o m in y appear to tliiuk. About t l i f .

. lg ,th« t a ll thiuKS a re eonHliiiitly chiiiiRii n p lQ l^ , either w ith or without forci-,

. AIbo in iook in jf hn<'k on!, I C lw g (} liM com c hIqw]y, lik e th e i;hii

. tH a iism , hintornitiH Hponk o f it ns rove ' ' A ffoiu th e pretw M'ritcrM iih iu ist a h

th a t 'r e v o lu tio n i« x i.n iclhhiK w tH rlniK“ nBit/itnrH .”

; • f i m 'o lu t io n b y th c ii|)|>i-'r clns-scH to < ' c n g ia a t iu g w ith th e coinm oii [><>opIe.

i J m w i i b y uppcr-cln ju j potitii-inuH a n d l^^po leoQ I. HCtH n jiid c 'tlic pnlili.-iil cl

'Y i' Napojfcon III. rtvcrtJjroH'H J))i‘ Kriin' j f iu id ia la c u p tiiro co n tro ! h f (h -rajan

^ J* W 5f8« E n jt la n d ’H d em o cru lic ido iu a n d ■"** lUl, I n d ia , n ilil o v M liro w M'pnbJii'H like;

y r« e* ,S ta tc . • I n fu ct, t h f w ay nil tin- t l f o virQS o f a u tc c r i te y jind died o u t 1

« llM (;w d e d in rev o lu tio n e itlic r hy for<.' o f c o n cc n trn ted .w cnlth.

• [/• A n d no cHrpful o iistTVrr fim iluu [ D M n in th c th ro c« of a rvni n.-vc)liili«i

^ e i l l i t t l e cor]>orntl<>nN h<‘rniao bj,; and , ■ a n d th o truB tu Rrndnully ac({nir<! j>ra(- 1 g b v em m o D t a n d th c pr(■ u<. Itu know

' p w flta p rp p c rJy a tiil tJii' f iiih irr tt. < tiH ' otir a c tu a l c o n d itio n . Ho now >i.?ch rot , c o in « a « na th e grn v c dnntJiT li* Ih’c- I'l

W ill th e conunon in't'itic be nhb-' lu o f p lu tb c racy T

; : ; ' . E E S U O E D OROPB— ANE

O o y e n iw e ii t iifjiires /iJjyu' th ;it lh . \ a r c |8 - J i £ n re d it rc d th* 'ir w h'rul niTi'Uti

, ^ ie rea g o U a h o ii l loss thuti^tl; w lb n t a n a w e r o f tlm nc^’h-i'tcd pri<diip ^ i » a n sw e r "also -m o o ts th e «t|.rirK a' , p ' M t i v o ly .

! • I f th o fa rm e rs h a il tltJiii'w oll M'itli t h e m e an s d o w th e y w m dd idunt a

■; ftcr^a{(0. U iit lf ie re ih no w ay hy " p tit tin R m ore in to th e >;ronnd tlian hi-

; s m a lle r by 3,700,(KK) aoros. • In ' fn.-l, l in e s o f fa rn i produotJi in w hii'li |>rir-'-

- , h a v e rcsu ltird in u n fa ir n .'ltirnh. Tli s m a lle r p ro d u c tio n w ith liic/ivr pri* rrt

A llo w in g 1(J biisln-ls to th e aiTO, b n sh c ls o f w in tiT w licut nc-xt your.

r Q O O D FLOUR FOR L E SS , B u r B:

• • 'O iir K "'''T iiiiii-n t Kiiiiii i-iirj.orati n o lb o d lin i t r e a lly lI'dlll'l'^ tho ninr^

•BUlQCr. F e w w ill ,|iii;.Hlimi lh a i ..in ' I Iwcauao «-u hnvci yDtt.-n aw uy fcom hi e a t c d ” to Mjmi'ial hrand ii a n d cxjioniin

,• T h c g r a in co rpon itiiiii ofTcrs win c h e a p c r th a n th o proiliK’c-rs of “ bran<|

I. 'r e ta i l fo r n b o u l 7.') c-i-nl,s jicr i>iio-si.Tti; j- ti ie SA ccnt.H o r inorcr aaki d hy th e <JcV • p roQ ta. T h ia K ovrrn inou t lloiir, p iirrl

f ro m th e D iillers, in nm i'kcd J 'T iiiie ii i . a r i l P u re A V h c u t.F lo iir .* ’

.JFhiTTnil|^inB eombin.,' m ay bir ablo m arke tiD ff re fo rm . T im e wiU to ll, i d ireo tio n . I f (h c BO vcninieijU w injld r

^ ^ oods in th c im p o i'lu iil linoH a n d if . *5«dQ «!io tt'.’ on b r a n d s , m urlccling •:

S-.- s : - ...... I .

I P L Y TIMES^lu n d a j’, a c d S u n d a y M o ra io g by ’ C o m p l y , T w in Fo lio , I d a b o . ' |

7 0 IX A B X D w : ^ t ^ r i ^ tlM C atted P r e u S e n * - Tbe Tlmea le ad e n .

----------------------------------------ProatiJcDt hj, — --------------------------- --------------------------- -..._.VIeo Prealdeni-------— ................ — ........... -S rcretnrp

...................................... Qeneral MnnaKor

o ffice a s second c lass m a t te r a s a

OM B A T I . « *...........................................................W -M i? .................................. ....................V .»5 .M ; ; ;. ............... r;.................W.0O !•;

— - _ , - - - ------------------- - * Them j T H E ? L A O

I M y.F lnR , a n d to tho R e p u b lic •Qni: N a tio n , IndiviH ible, W ilb o r All. I

Mr- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

: .......... ....... Ini

A O BBiT EB TWIN FALLH ; <!nioim xi ' i------ • nm

CUT iinO eoom j nnho

irs Pacine to tb* lontb.line WMt* w»t«r bae» tnw «rriKi>ll* dorlBg a h o ru ia . *"ahatlog Hn» to w Jof.r J|«;

UfT.TCrTTItort lo <in»

■ ' — len— ____________________________ all

T O N S . ™

p e r sense impH^« < - h « ^ •«'not n ic ro ly domoHtie v iolciioo. nu

I t on ly I 'c rta in Ih in t; in th e w o rld dr iginK. W hvn aoeial rliaiiKir eoinoK e, Wl! onll i t ro v o lu lio n o r “ over- ,jr tiH It jirrioet ill w hivh ii n m rk cd ubaiiuo fro m fondalitiiii to Indus- rvolution , nna lw fiys t r y to wive tb .- iinprcKsion n in fro m tho b u llo m b y w ie k fd gg rah. h is to ry «ht>ws tw o cxaniploH »p ;o < in p 'lik e th e F ro n eh rev o lu tio n , le. T h e .U o iim n rc iiu b lic is ovor- ro u u l wibUKTned hy .fu liim CaoHur.1 ofTcot o f th e Fro tioh r«‘vo lu tion . J.° i'lu 'h ropub lic , fl’u n -G orn ian iw - on iiany. Kunli"!! ( jiap o ria lis ts -suii- nd h u h jugu to vakl tc rrito ricK , siiir)]i. i , ikci th o Tniti.>ivu»i a n d ih c OriiiiKi' wi h e o ld iia tio n s n f Ih iro p c c au g h t it IH jiro iif of bow u u to c ra ls h av e or oroo M idtleijiy o r hv tlur c o n slan l

• nil- ' wl

luulit lh a t (lie I 'li ilo il S t jjtc s hn« oo lion siniro tho (^ivil w a r . H c liiiH ind h ic ow ^itw utions hccom c tniHtB rao tin rtty c fin rp lo ln 'd u in in n tio n of *V lOWK w lia t tlie failm 'o to t a x .w ar V tirl) w ar, pni<ift'crifi(f iiiip lii’x «« to co iisum inatod w iial .S b ra b n m 'L ih ; "> r I'litiirc o f th e rcr^iiblio,' lu u n d o tlii^ suooos.'ifiil i-i-vidution' to



* , ■ ■ '^h^ fHrDUT.s jjj l)jo w ijilo c w hout

CUKO b y aoros, I’roson t "i^ tlia t o f H)l."». W c h a v e hero th c ”• id u i'cr to in ifa v o ra h l'; ooudilinns,« alm iil K rcnt^fiiriii p ro s jx 'r ily of- .


itli w iiilo r w liciit biKt y e n r a n d liad a la rK cr rn llio r Ihnn a • snm llor n

•. w hich tlio fa rn u T cnn I'Ontiiiiic ho takcH (ml. T h e ry e u<'roiif'c ir, ,j,

I'I, u'<‘'!fhall lind rc ib ic lin n n in nil ri Ic.'-iixinK u r ‘ 'o o s i.d M iv iu K " niida ” T llc i-oii8iiiaors m u s t p n y Tui' Hic j , C-. u c / j y e n r.TO, w iN h id l bo sli.irl


(I■ B S W A S E O P S U B S r iT U rE S . cr

ura tio n a sk s iiubli,. ^,uiij)orl fo r ii bi iirjjiii lictw ci-u p ro d u c e r a n d i-on- ll' i iia rk c liii^ i-dstH h a v e nu’tiiiU 'd, pi I huik .K oods n n d h nvc iicVn " c d n - liifve j»nckoBo.i.ivhat, it wivH is a pooti flo u r m uch tt in<|s” c an hcll it fo r ; lh a t is , it w ill .Ttoenlh o f ii b iirro l, n s o p posed to j| <Jenicr« w ith fan cy la lx 'Is nnd I)1k irclinhcd un d i'tn ilcd spocilii-n tions ||| ,il Nlnle.s Ccnin f o rp o rn iio n S tan d - w

ihio to p n t n eriiiip in to th is Hour- '* . B u t ic i« c c rfu in ly in (hc r ig h t m :l Kunrnntoo th e < |iinlily o f th e Im lk '* if th e people cou ld n n lo a rn tli-.-ir m

({ vosla cou ld b c e o u sid cro b ly rc-lr

' r P H g W l M ^ A L I B l

{ liii ill H

! 1 f j UilS9 I ^

BYNOPaiB. !’■«lloi

I™trrcctc oi an auto. whoM cAiuiiTaur •IU- ■bir* II tn r lo r ts aToU nmnlnc ' him ni-c

KU’w him It dsllar, t«ilini lilrii lo buy |r<i MS|i. and l u t MnM at «hama Intouch«0, and h» Inprorea t>U ascMiontncv.Th«t nliiu. In n cro«?a of uti«raploy«ia fov ftn« aintrcnuii. ha m««u Kiihar r>irom net ■nO. In a aplrtt of bravado makci »_ JaJ


SmuMltl’a haH n-ss a vn/if. Jwrulll-w J",*; Mnicniro o l ono floor. IWcr'y imrh i>C Boor apaco .waa, occupied l>y iw cltcr- ,||j, Inc Imroaiilty, nnd wIicn-FlltluiKh rn^o |j,|, tli tnaLo hla nadrfui-ho'fnccil a a ’autll.- nnco of fiiUy Oirco ttiouanHd. Uc’ iralkrd to'UlO cdj;o.of Vtlio plnlfnrm nn<J mo<i<t Inoklns out or<rr tljflt jilH.'Ut:*»n o t upturned faces, wllli acHrcoly ' an Idra of what ho waa to any. ; ho felt a UnBhnB thrlU of plpnMir« . . lh a t for a momont waa aa wino to lila the araaaa. Do know ^ b a t bo could «1o. r<»i and be extJllnl'la hla j;tfl- Many tlm ea mn tiofor* b« bad roorcd tnea with it, b u t " norer ao lareo a gntberlog aa tlila. •<

At tbfl baclt of tbfl platform, aonlM huj among h e r •‘coniradtrB.” .:iH licr Strom liat leanM forward In her chair, her lltis jiic allilitly partoO. her OarU oyr-s Mi<nr> for ktlnc. Trow thnt moment autll ihn rliM* of bla addroM Jicr eozo iieyve - left his facc. — , t„

irtlibUfh chnTkod into hla addreaa. .i .Hla volc^ very tow a t flrai, aKollwl fuller nnd lomler ond elcnrer na hn apokf. nntll Ils resonant ring tluin- drrM and eehood llirnusli tbn mn'tn- mocb hall. Tlin cmufl lufitnio nn n , , nUisIn body wllb a aloi:lft inUul. which ilmnk In lila wor«la tli lrn lly .. Ijo Bwaycfl anil moved I t 'th in way nnd ■ . lliat wllb the hpparent irann of itic , wind awaylng a Held of wliont. I t wna , not \rhnt 1|« Kald, for Iio »ai<l iiolhln;: ffrent. but fire trnj- }io «aW « Dint ».» hllrtc.1 bla nudllora. Tlm;o « li.. hnd Sonir before apnkc to (Iio inloil. Uo ‘ apokft to tbo'lioart. . ,

Tliore waa n innnirnfa calm lipforn the ainrm of npDlnunn liroko. It ronrcd In upun him. wnve iii>mi wlive. | and bo «t(io<l up, amJlIns nui} J'onliu'.J to ii)pot It. Ilo wna tminoclliiii'ly mir-l * rnundril by n Rroup o t imrii nml uoiii- * •on. who, In tholr own wm\ aliinvrr.'d him wliU-wnsratulntlnii*. honpvd lin t-, lerlnir'culosk'.t upon .him. ]

' . Turning to groct a freMi deloRatlon who Iind jiitc J<ilnc<l the croup iircuml him, ho aiiw'Kallier alnndlnj; u ahnrt * . way olT. A» their fye* mot alic bock- oaeit hlro and ho went to tiur.

"Vou must let jno liavo lilni now,'' uhn anid. ainlllni: upon tlio adnilri'ra . , who bad followed him. •■Ilo la m>-din- J " oo>'crr, ynu know, nnd tJn-m nro iirany *,

^ InK * I want to auy to Iiim.". . ''Urine hliu hack- aoon./lJJttM n.'' *;" cnllecl one of tho niori-aa Mutch- , ‘ aklnqcd, yellow-haired Kinnt cnllod .\|- kojar. "I Want to slvo lilm lltcrniurc.". She nodded brlcbUy over h r r nlioul- der, and (ed her captlrn rnii'n tJie alnB* and Into an adjiicont room. Onc# niono wltli him aho aelzi-il lil.i handi J” ' BOiI ralaeO ber fnce, cacer nml nullnnl, :,J low,. , . “

"I know yoo cnuUl do It—l know u l , And tboru'a aomethlnc olso I know," ,,

-“Well. Icl'a haro If." ho aafd n IrllTc , '' hruaijnely. "Wliat elso d a you know— about n ie l '

•'J Ifunw thnt yon cnn hn a fro a l r.*Jn." Sho had waxed rniJdonlj very ram e it. - "YrfU baro It In you. Vou n j muat tako w bat la yoursL Vou'owo It to y o n w e lfr

"QUO tno your niJdrca.1." la ld hr,"atld n i conJo to yoii.T • Wjo hurriedly wroio nouidhlnjr on a ,j„ allp of paper and handed,It Co him. . .

• ' "Com*—any time," aho told him,and tumod toward ibo door. .

I “lan 't tliero anolber way o u tV he ‘ aaked. detaining bcr.' '1 don't caro to ,( , ' i-un tb o 'c u l l e t o t th a t haod-alialiln:; ^li, hrlc(Kl« I

' Bho unbolted a door a t thn end M ‘ tho rooiji and diacloacd a riclot'y wood- j.„ 1 PO a t a l r r ^ leadloc to a liuck alley.

Ha prrarfd her hsod. murmured u „a' word about a fo lure mceUng uotf WBH

' snae. (

, On a tlno aprlne day the (Incat ^roin- , enndo In Chicago and tbo lonellcjit la „ Ihn Lako Sboru d r itf . Theoretically It la tho Cbampa Eljr’aoca of tiio McK­ern inetropoll*: ordinarily t t ta ns allent. as Oc»crtc<l.iia an hnhitod cotin- C^- csacl. On .t*/» parllfuJnr rtjomln*.' ^ It wlis vory attracttvo and very O ow a late. Tbo only algn of llfo In tho nn- ■

I boba' tliorousbfore (1C nno exropla tbo ■ •pnrrowa) was a pcnnllesa young niun. I Under hla a n a b fcn rrlod a newi|inper 9

• pdrcfV. Ttivro wan a slncular lillnt In V . hi* - tfe t, a ilogular erprowlon on bla P

race..as'W ell tboro mtgtit be. for. In- \ deed, ic 'waa a prepoiterounly rocLlvan I

I thing bo wna contoiiiplatlug. Snbcon- 1] iclouity lila'thouglita were of the dark- l \

halrad Busalan woioan nnd nn cnrly v’ 5 algbt of her; and It waa thl*. nn lean > (ban hla {n»rdlnnftf paitlori fn r ihv

Iheatrlcal nod epMlnculnr, th a t gavobirth to the nztruracant nolluu thal ' t a

- occupied h ll nilnd. Iv“In any eront," h« told hlmicIf, "I ■]

can do no wor?o thnn to»o. Ami IimiU Mwhnt I aland to win! nrcnnin tl hn» 11

t never beforo boen tuecr>afiillr door I la nn rraaon why I cnnnot do it." f l

lie atoppod befuro a cr»y atoiio l l1’ mnii'lnn of tlnmbnynnt arclilleoini-^ J . aurroiirided by a Inruly.foot oa't-

Irr'n feneo. both of whiob I'Inlnlji et-

ft PA n/g: WMgB/iaOHP

■ I 'i . ■ ■ tbo

_ { Wl

• -■ IS-rS' ■ ^ liM ■ SljW;'''L4UilL#^ 1 mU. ’C i> M 0 i\w m I bac

D tlia

•• I U | fill. L3fflTTwTmv^il IHTi MirlU I I ililullib’ I I I

M ill i i ® I I I T'*^ i l K H fll HU in lJ [rlB I B I I tbo

IlflnfflUjl II 1(II l|lca<9 40(1 •QtifAivBj 9 [fflP m roK

I’lultod tho Idloayncmny of aomiT'iiiTl- llonnlre. O ar of tbo lower «|ndowa wna rnlaed. iind'tbroiiKli llie abrubbory b-r »nw Blllmuottad-therein an elderly mnji. Hb»o n t baJr, jioJrJcJan o l »*-. Iioct. Icnb of fnco, reading n new#- pnper. Htxliuch. peering betwoea tho ini' Im a rnlln nf ihollrobdlnitnniiinn fnacc, <kh roi;iirdo<l him n mlnnlo. walked on n j,ui fow pacca. relum ed, and watched him / nsnlii. niit unllko aomo Indian chief- JaJii Rfonllnc over n bplj>)e».v captive. cll«

Ot n midden, na nna who.pluncea Inlo 11 rnid Rliowor on a froaty mon\- lu jlm;. hn laid liold of (hn tnnmnioth gate, ___whloli kt'Oini'il to Wi'ldi tona. awnng It bnck on lla buR« hlnse". ■ walked to ' till' front door nnd vigorously worktid . . . Ihn linocker. ■ ' '

After nn npproclalile wall tbo door ■woa m.ened, "W bat la I i r Iniulred ' ,, tho hnlli-r, who In one brief , clnnro ,■ aeemoil to nppmfNc- Um cnlW ’a llnan- clnl aiiitiia nud aoclnl mnnillng. wliI

"Many thlnga. Flrat tho nam* •< ^w<

itiir goallonian who la atlling In llin ronin (ii my rli;hl eugroajuTl In tbo mnmlnc newa.” •• J

"Wbat }* your bu*Inej»r ,"Anairer mo flral I" ordered F l ti- ,.m

huBU aiurnly, and w llh anch nn nlr o t . liBUteur nnd nutfiorlly tha t .tho »a. pleat nienlnl vna nlninitt In.'n panic - fo r four h'l lind nilnJnilKi'd bla mnn. t'd

•'i 'lmt Im Mr. SymliiKion Olla, air." V " t w/»h (0 a.-.! (lUii. Ifo BO good aa «ee

to lell him Ml." vey•'Whn abiill I cny, alrV oiia!r i ! 7ljij«b ho*llafoij n ninmeiit,' and. 'he

Ilkn n nKtitiiliu; pimnrnmn, thi-ro or flnalird nrriwrt hla nilnd lrlej;rnpble _ plcliifrfi Ilf myrliid tmnda npiiliiiidlns ^ tilio, of tlm wi]nn-lilootIed IluMlna, wlioM- eyon ln- iw,tit tier lovo for him,.of lllll dnrli-nklani'd "rcila" voicing fb rir li'/Mi»c|ji<i|ic r/Mv,», Ai;i) n u Jilia- | Klcal I.U'ii oniiK-. I■ "Trll Mr, oiw ," onl-l tie, "Hint nn

omUanry of On; Caiisodi-alros to aiHrnk w llb Jiliii," • • ;

Tlio liiiili'r, tliniiRh not iinderatnnd- Inr, "io> la 'inn ily wiaplclonn.

"I nm nfmlfl," bn rtemiirntl. wifb n nrm ►liiiUo nf llh homl. "thot Mr. Olin , l< vory lni-,y and ulll be nnablo to, '

riirlniKli throat hla font hc(no*m _ Ibl' cln'lna d 'l 'ir nnrt llio wnll; nud nl Hint uulni.'iit Mr. Oils iUcpi«-d Inlo tho bnll.

■•W.-ll. N onm m r‘Tlda mun, Mr. la l/ying to force.hUi ,,

way In. 1 am jnst about In eject blm,'

VlljliiiKb tniiahed merrily. "Obi tio, yoiijr.' not, Nwrnnn," And tiefnre the ] C«rji«lent N«<<niia tv'tlbl rny a tt'iiri] nr mnvn a nuiKi'lo he wna a.'lz<!d In n crip of atei'l nnd. Ihruat »iiocchli;sa ngalnnt Ibo walj. ,

The mnHleT’ lnoVe«t on na llioust* tin- '1 cerlnln whi-lber lo'bir niiiiised or In- , disiinnl., Wblln he was declninB Fli*- bifgli confrniifed-bltn, /

"Jtr. Olin," aald he. ."1 want a fo<r j mlniitea' inlk wllh you."

Oil* "UilliHl, "I Ihlnk y o u 'v e ^ ^ e d nn auillence with me. Neri'o like youra ahniilil not cn unrewarded." Tliey cn- taf.-d llio Bbndofi'y room, oalonslhly a ilhrnr.i-. /

“What enn I do for yrtuT'"JuM n m e\i‘'nl-" Fltxhuch drew

Ibl* alliUng iloya, which led to ' the ball. inRi-lIii'r niS) fnalened thn clnap. having llmt dcpnilted hla newapaper ^ parcel very .enrefully upon lho floor,Ifn Inntced nrnun.l tbo room, nnd. aaC- K| lafled they wore free frnm Interxup- I lion, plckoil up hla pnrcel and took.a i s m nppoaiia hla bant, wtio walcli'ed | all thr«o inoveinonu ^vlth k frown of I auaplclnn nad annnynnce. - 111

When Kluhufih apoka hla volcc bnd Ihn deep, roBiinant ring IC nlwaya nc- I nulred whenever' ho wan “ncllng" a .part nr oxerrlalnB hla oratorical glfL "Mtv01I«," hn lucan. leaning forward In bl< chair nnd looking blii auditor atoadlly In tifn eye, "jou-nr* a million­aire, nro yna n n i r .

OK*' frown dee;>cned, Ito glanced Impatiently nl hi* watoh. “I ean apnre you l.ut llilla Ilme tbla norning." be anid. wllh p o llf ciirtneaa. "1 must naV tha l you ainix your bualnes* aa briefly ns i..)»»U>le."

"Ihll ynu nro n inllllonalroT'"Ver., y.'.y. IVhat nf I t r "And I am a pauper. At tbla mo­

ment I rould nut buy—thin iiewapa-

*T«n Thoutand Dollar*, or i.K uH It | a t Your Faatl" ! s

■ /

per.” H e took 'fiw nT Iie 'Ilfm ry fable' tbo n 'onlnB pan*r- O tla -h a d -b ee n , reading. I t was foldcct in aiicfi thatn-Iarg*-flM lillgbt pbotorraph Im­medlntely c a a ib t b ll ey*., U«* rccog- n IteiM t'tnstantly—racoKiilMd tho tali', ,, , a tralght figure In tho while awealer “ ‘■ alnndlng nbove the b lur of f iM ^ anna iray throwa upwnrda anil outwirda, head o'clo bnck, oyea cloaed. He lived over again j . ,j, tba t brief roomeift of glory, pnd thn „„ur pxnilnllon ho bnd fell returned two- . fiild, I lo cnaL,th« pnper nalde and I. threw blmaelt Into the mie ho wna playing with redoubled Mft. " ‘"I’

"Mr. Otla"—and ho pointed two J*' rlghl flogers 'within nn Ineb of hla bi-arer'a faco—"you wuM Irnil mo len ■' ihonHnad' dullaral" H o «elx«l lho* ■1“'"? iinwaimper parcel, which hnd been lary roKtliig on bla kneca, ami atood up. hero Inildlng It bixh above hla bead. "UlnO, opor t any must 1" Hla volco rang out oml- wlfo uoiisly. Hla oj-ea woro ntM, racrcl- afcr l.‘»«. "In theao haada, Mr.OtIa, I hold occu aulllclent dynnmlte to bloi» thla.houao t.,. ond all I t coniolna tO' ten million atonia. Quick, alrl" ho Ihundonrd, and mndo a terrlblo gcatara wllb th* nun jKirccl. 'T e n ihouaaDd dollnr*. or 1 — hurl It nl your foci I" . I

AHlhousb Olla' faco b id turned . denlhty palo-hn had not grown e i - ; cited fir belraypil a algn of tear. I lo aat tjulto atlll, hla thin handa reailag , '^ '‘•'1 lilb tly on tb* arm s o t bli cbalr, hla >

(ConUnued on Pago Seven)---------------------- Ml


_Om<'.AOO’ ,l)ec, ;:7,— KeiloraUgontJi 1 bern lodny jiolicii IlCO.SOO^Wortb of wlili'ky wblcb bnd hoen ahlpped from * Owenahoro. l^y„ under^lW Inbol -of '■mcrchandliMj," T ho/T eicnue ngoni dcclnred lho ahlpiocnt waa la viola­tion of Inler-alnlo comnicrco Inwa ro- 'lu lrlng proper laholing of air «blp> n-enla. Tho wiilaky wa« aold whlla allll In Uie Tara, I t w u owned hy Tncob Hoffman, n ll<juor dealer bore.

('(IAI. PUOlirCTlON RKI*ORTED ■■ WASIII.NGTON. D ca 27, — Tho •

McokI)' roport o f tiio kwIokJmI sur* vey jirtiuwl UiIb aflernoon nhowa (hat I , nml proddcllon durlnit tha weoU nnd- 1 Ing DrccmhEr 20 wnn 10,431,000 (Oaa, or &C.t p rr cenl of noraial. {

----------------- - 1

F O R , !

BEST REPAIR WORK iCTCLKS and PllO.>OORAmS , ' I.OCKS, KLKC.TJtli: 1>00U | 1 ^ lIKM.S. KE|.S AXD 0U.N8 ___

T rr ttoSchade "Repair Shop i

aoe,MaIn Ave. flo.

18 0 ACRESa i l mllea aoutb, 1 treat aoath- woiir corner U ubl,-bo ing B J NK4 3-n.l< .

. P r i c e ■ $ 1 5 0M r acre. T erm i 9UOO to 111 $5000 caab, balance raay, 7 pe r I cent.Only 2 inllea oft Caatleforii pAvod road. T hia land will aoll fo r 1200 per a^re Intlde ot ooe vcar.Twin Falla float £ila tera u k e nollco.

Ripley & TimmFiler, Idato

PLACE A/ ' on ev<

H E L PTb y b u j T h e y s t h e i r i

^ h e l p t!b i i y i n j

T his Spa R l

^ ijp fo d a / t .


Burley Items Z*' " ! ' T

at/RLEV . 1 , 2S .-A nJlootlBg uf- b«' Iray occurre^' boro today n t twolvo o'clock In UiB Durtay Cafo la which J. -H. Jobaaoa aboi aad atr/duafy ivoundcd C, Foiuaaior. Tho trouble rvaulted when Franinter triod lo col- ■ l/^-t an nJIc^^d twrnJly-flvo do5ur debt Inini Johnaon, Jobnaon la In the coun- 1} Juil and FM Uaicr la In ilie* hoa- lillnl nad tbo 'phyalclaoa roporl Uiai Ik; In lu .u voryyinnKuroua condlllon, Johnaoa In uu/umploye of tbo Sanl- inry' M«nt Market. Feamslcr cnme liero recontlj' from Aalilon whoro he opornicd' a roatAi|ranl. Ka has a wlfo und child one. yoar old, Feam ) B(cr wao un'armctl H-Jjcn »io troublo occuritsd.

TIi«\puplta of tbo Hurloy aeboola B'ore vhlCTialnvd a l Iho Orpbrum tbe- a lor W*dac«doy by u tllni prcsentn- llon o(^;'Tr«8Buro Inland."

TJ;o big conical pa’i on by tbo Bur- luy Dullotla cloned last Bnlurday and Uorla Rao woa tho big !*alRo-auto (jilorcd aa flral' prlxe. Sho had IU.. B ( iCW.OOO votoa to her nonrral coiii- lOllior'B 0.000.000. Tho cauipalgu liialud liovon weeka and ulxivvn cnn- ^ dldalea^flnlahod In tbu race. ^

Mm. C. W. Kanr loduy recolvi^ wtird of UlO deaUi o f h e r mother at Orlawold, Iot\-a.

t I io O rder 'o f EMicrn S tar and tbo . S I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



m IeN W HOSE GOVEEanice lapsed more than ei have until De.cembei- 31 ing ontystwo months pi m ent o O e a lth is requir b l a n k ^ a n be found at oflice.Sn Cotillion hall b

: L M :1 S m all jmeltnBO. i:unluii'iiu(:

ehiiin , on C liriatiuiw E v e , '

e lry .SI oro and tlie U n itc t

w ns to h av e be en g iven as

l«<Jy ivht> 3o»l i t wiJJ nj^pn

finder w ill eidl 8 8 2 J o r b ri

K, a n d ct re iv a rd trill b e g

A RED CROSSvery paciiage t

y o u mail

F H E We d cu y i n g y o u r s e a l s to d i y a r e h e l p i n g o t h e r s ■ w o r k , la n d y O u c

t h e m t J i i s m o n t h n g R e d C r o s s s e :

)ace D pnated tL E D G R O S S

b y the' '^ho G retttcr >■

r i E P A IC T M lN T S t Q RI a . i U / i l l T l l l l I l i J lg a P re g r .

H aacn ie^ ib iin ^ c T tl l i r i^ a M 'u i t^ M o fllcen Prlday la U asaalc batl lu a JolBt Jnalallaitea,' '

Tbe-Tlmos jo b p rlb ting dap i^rtiuai hi' iborougbly *gglpped to d o 'f lr a t claas w ork?-at r*a*ooab1* prlcea-

Dally «Bd B u o d ^ T ln*a. 17,00.

To P r w e n t G rip

T a k a

‘ ^ l ^ x i a U v eB r o m oQ u / n l n eT a b l e t s ' ^

Be Bure you get the Genuine ,Look for this Bignalurc

. on the box. 30c « ^


lERN M EN T INSUjl-eighteen months ago, '

t i t o re insta te by p a y - ' 1 premium. . No state-

lired. Reinstatem ent a t the Home Service I building. ;

S TiiuB G cntlem on 'H w ntoh

i-e, h e lw c u I I u n t ’.H .lew .

ite d Store.s. ,T his chain ,

I a s a ChriHtmai! g if t ond ^

’proci/ite i t v e ry .m u c h if .

b r in g it 10 5;JG 3 rd Ave.

•c giv«H. n •


3 R O S S'day.rsbycan

\ x ^ yeals.

to The

V '


Page 5: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

>1. '■■ T O ij\ '‘D O K 'T ;'P A Y ’ POE . >?fo days tmell when your

•cI«Mdng i« done by— nlord

s p n o H ' s a s p3»a«tW£. .Tvwmu poi Pbone 491 ' ror




A l l E l k s-----------n f e - T T - r e — -

TheuTimes Prints Sa






, TH E 4TM. N. Y. .PRII: i ■ ' _ . ’::MCCE


M .Y; 1 8 0 * ia H Y e O H O S IM IRTH, PR E T T Y GIB


■ TUNEFUL. : ID S T A D E U Q H T 7 n i E T E H ni


: ■ . ' "

' • ' II f B a r n i e y

Barney Oldflcid knowa ^ ’’ Surely tiw tirc /lh a t Bi

most triM\w‘orthy—mori You ncvi'nhnd so good Iiiivc for j n in i ; ou Oldf

> ■


TwinFal. E

Twin Fall#'

Will also be,told by follow 0 ^ B^to Vnlculsiog Ob., 7U «rA ato Co., n ier.Boya Aoo«Mori.eg Oo., Bohl

I^ircem en R eported p 1' ’ ?Orgaiiizing Again

nOSfON', Ucc. 29—ActluK unilcr order# frnm Pollco Comialiisloncr Cur- (In, pollco coptaln6 .o( Dnnton loOn)' woru InvMtlrailnK rcp o ru tlmt n now yollcenicn'B union in tiolnit formcU amonR Uio rccnilta to tlio now ,local ' police forct. It n-n» iht> resu li of tlie formation o( a pollccinon’fi union tlint proclpltntcil llio pollco ntrlko Intt 8op-

Inji=^=^= - — I ■— I crn


) A N C Elov

1' KcI



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nmji umi (UJ _ unmm iiiiiiiii

lale Bilk Proinptlyillllliilllullllllilillulllltllllllllllllilllllljliillliilllllllunllilllli'


iHEATREliday, D ec. 30MT OF TH E SEASON ->T 0 0 . PEESENTS : ‘ "3H T E ST -0P A LL'M USICAL , ITED NEW 'YORK FOR 18 hi,


- J r ' I .

ffO Y ” :a THE PEDtOESB THEATER ♦B THE W H18TLEY KIND ♦IRLS, GAIETY AND I.OR |r,;UN GALORE AND 1,7 L SONGS I n.(m O B iK T E E T A nfM E N T OF » ‘ l IE A SD HAPPIKEBS I ' ■lEBTIOPHAEM AOY' t i0 , $1.65, $ 2 .20 I sSEATS NOW / l lK >»>>e»»e*i>ee»e>e>se»»» » « dc

y Trusts Them, iivB tires ns you know tlicra—but more

Bomcy Oldflclil rcoommcada—and t lorits your unqtmliflcd confidence, lod n reason fo r choosinft n potliciilnr 'lilUckfe.

"Tbo Molt Trnitwortby Tiro Built’*

ills VulcanizingExclusive Tire Merchants 216 Shoshone St. South.

lowini; bran'^ dealura:3b., Twin raUi. North Sldft Tnic

Fleod Bro*., Xt nU. Eansea Auto 0

C A N T A T A IS r | p i

BIGSUCCESSBaptist Cboir Thrilhi L ar^s Sug

Crowd by R endition Of iMusical Feature

Tlifl Clirlciinninli canlnlix "Tlio Uo-ifetnpllon o t J« n i« r rIvoh Ja« ovan- KailInK liy ■ III'' Uniilli't choir beforo a jiMipcrnwitot bniiiiu In ihe church audi- ihln lorlum, under tlio Utroclloii of Lc'i-noril "Woi l. with iirchccitra acconi'- tl.ocompanlnient. war. a lilB «iiccwib In nn 'e«or>' way. "A

fCK{>M:liil credit In iluo lo the lot- llwlowlnR BolfilKia;'Mlsneii Junnlla IVan. pnyKclna Omlii.ni.' Mrn. \V. 0 Smith, bciilClaronco, Ilcnii)'' uiul I.vonnril Wooif. l» nICnch of tho nol(clnln mini: 'vnll, Tliohi ”iworo a num hcr of uoloti ami lUiein liii;hwich wero well rondoder ancl thn on- rc^iHtiitihln niirnlten wero tine. ’ This cjii)rnnialn Ih a crcdll lo Mr. Wood, wim musworked dlllKonlly In preparlnR thn of tchoir. hu I

t — ■ ■ I ■ - - - - - - - - - - « wht

PERSONAL'INIi ™. - — - , will

C- II. IIIkcIow (if Hannon- wnn a A , Twin l''allit Sundny vlnllor.

A. IL r«iiipl)i'll of Jli'ybiirn w.in n Twin l.'nlln vliiluir-ytntrnlny.

11. C. Hauiiilp uf Duhl won lu lUh clljf ywi«rday for n few hourn,

--------- . • ■ T•. I . I jim on.of JarJiidKi! wii« in Twin jj,

i'alta yc»lertfny I’or a nAort «aicj,‘ ’ iiftoi

1 R. D. Hankcll orU urlpy waa a locul drui vlBiiur Snuday for u fcw.'himrn. (Ii<<

Mlnci U liu Kflirn of Jeromo cunii- bl» over ycBlcrrlay for a nhori trip. lion

ll. K. Hlicpard of Jorome wnn In 'i''’" Twin Knlln yonlcnlny for n nhorl lime, jnd

'Iv n n 0 . Lincoln of Fllor wau hi tho clly Sunday, roUirnlnK In tho ovenInK

Minn ifotiwr IJghfRood 'm s In flu clly Suiiday from h rr homo in .Turonip

1,. M. Nclnon ot liuhl cnnie to Ihe ■ coiiniy. nent yeaterday for a nhori .; Ilmc, • ,

I «•. G. Sftnipson of /funnen camo In I Sundny lu nepviid n nhort time .vlnltlnn ^lo

friend", un

Minn llertha lUililnnon of. CuitlufoidIn vlnltlnft Twin l^ lln ovor lUo wooU wll

J ond, ■ daj► * — nm I.ironard W. Donnlton of Richfield pic

r wut c iD b jrv i ra ic « a n te K f/ir-tkn^of bai ^ lin e . ..H e ' vnpectt>, ^9 rolurn tu blnf Iiorlh side bo m o Jn 'a JAy^or two. •

I P ro fite e r Is O nly [ M en ace in .A m erica ,,JL ■ (iri]k CHICAOO, Dcc. 20—••DoIuIictImu I* w'j t no proncni danRcr In Uiln country—► tho only rorolulion In ulRlit In aflnlaitt „p[ E urotliecrlni;.'' dcclar'o4 John U. An* rrr r (Iiewn. iiL'crciary of (ho American au- , /|► roclatlon for lalior loKlnlailon In Uie to L bponlns addrcsn n t llio annual cofi-f veii'llon of Iho MeoclftUoa hero today.C 'AndrewR deelawd that tho Unlled of. E Slates Is far behind .Bnfiland In Ibo » inanagenicai nnd o^i^tiliBtlon of la> i L bor un la tii.aad Inifslod (Aal'cofloctlvu { barifolnlos In tho only socBlblo tn- .,m • (lu tlrla l Bolullon.

V at liten

. ■ , . l»• : ; , i . fo.

T I , ' . ' - 'nsIn


You Can •'1.

lo rc in tim ate ly .id uses liiniBclf—ax the <«l


linr m a k e o f tiro nn you

n>I f J»


agWorfe Iits ’■ Bth. Phone 16

t■ • . 0

T nlcanlsbff ^ o r k i , Jerome. YA nto Co., f f l m M y . ,

0 Oo., E aasea. «h>


Suggests SlOjTiui in S u n d n y E v e ­

n in g A d d re ss on T w in FoU s |

P o s rib ilitle s .

'••Now, all loci’lher for u Twin'a lls (ii'niiUlli'd. enlur;«i'<l. Improved. iMiRrc'Mlnn lh every wiiy'—I nuKKcnl hin for a. nUiRan for uu r lown for

nnid Dr. Alexander llvnnuU In 1,0 M. K. Churoli 1t»i nlKlit,-npoak(nit in "Twin I'^illn iiniii.ll>lllllrn"

••\V«’ll hirto It lorn-ui> town durlnc h» iwiviBK ibncut. bcit the rrnull will my for tho (llsi'ouitorlic.' home* icilldlnF: yi-nr, n iiihniil-huildlnf: year « ilhvnd- All thew iipc-ll iiroKreicii, .

•■Sh;il1 we nl«<i have u I'hiirch-ito- m; ycnr, whon'iho people Ki'ni'riilly rcnpnc-t Ooif* day of m il and revi-r- .’jiily womhlp Him? Shnll wc have a Tiuslcc.l yi'ar In whloh nnicIi in nmde if our flno munloal la lrn t? Sha ll'll lU n year vi-ry h<i»pUnl>|e In rciranK-

A'htn wo nil pull lcy>*Wr In fUn' \ ^i-lKhliorllnoii!! amW'l^onn'iiiulty nprt-lt? _ n jl» l» r«.ii'ntli.l 111 hiilldinj: a kocicI ' own. I.ufn havo Ji; Wo r;cn If wc ,v|ll,"

A n E cho F rom T heG re a t N o rth lan d "*

lloK Train Si>r<-d>> llnri TIinniKli Kniiw and Ire IlurL to

I'litllu illon -

Till- wondi'rfu! vorMllllly <-f Win,:!, Hurl In the prcpiiriilhin of hl i ihofo-ifram.iffr prvifuf.illon ,iC "Tlw . li'lMfciund of Alnnkn" lit r li iirly j li'Uionnirnlcd In tliu pracllrc'cl i>kll1 of!*'*"' ll" doi; trnln whlrh oonvcyn him over I'.l- Kiiow-rovc.Tcil. froicn iirniind fr.im ' ' ll" llcldn ot prOHlifttlnK In clvllU.i- ion,

.\n YiiJioiJ JviJ. IJii- j)ro.'>{»'rJ«r. «linn whu........ was fuilh f.Mrnl ' 'ind loved, II wan iicronnnry li> iicnirc " 'I ' ror Mr. H urt n w ell-im lntd K-nm of "'»! loRii for h tn 'po lar nicd, Thtii wun ii lltricull mattiT, owbiK to the nciirclly jf lllll di'nlriM iralnPd nulniain,- I'

The dlfflculllcn were ijulckly milvcd, :ii;i" however, npon Mr. l la r i ’n arriva l m I<ir "location." H art wnn horn In lh" i., r (froat oul-ofsloorn—III iho 'W i'in—nnd K/«'aj-n iKMKHKrtwJ fin- . Jiorncn ;inf| II iloRn, which l;rhni,periioiinlly irnlnccl.n( i H art thereforo, un In nit l;li. prodnrl iim llonn, threw hlninelt body and uiiul ,.n. into the trnlnlni; « t ihunn iloRn; and the nnhnalK. nennlni; iho nmntcr In \ H nn , renpondeil lo hin tenclilnrn In Hu n iiiirjirlnln^ly nhorl tlmr.

"Thn Ilell-Honnd of Alanka." whlrh. will ho iihnwn n t thu Ciem theiitro In. dny Is ono o t Win. S, I larl'n berd workn. nnd In connWcred ono of (he truc;Bt ilc?- , .u pictures of ihp OrcRi N otthland ihnt .j,,, 'b a r ovor be«in «*Mbliod,oit iho m:recn.

tlO IJX WSTunCTIOM 1U SI. IleckM . 711 ThIra A ie. Horth r tt

To Ffler—Mlun Konu Klnley. who uv' hnn huen vlnliUiR for iho pnnt* few iiu (hiyn.ul the homo of Mr. and Mm. WJIIbm <;rn)inn In TwJjj J-^llu. leji icdny for the. 8 . K. W lllnmn ranch i:oi nrur I'Her whero nho will upend itiu .m renmlndor of ihu CbrlBlmnn vacalinn, iH' ...To Tm#*—Hoy' Hcnd and Lullipr .im TornllnHon ahev gone lo Texan where they win 'm ako tliolr futiiro hotnc. , .Mr. UraiJ l^ goln/i lor Ibo bonefli wl, of. hlu heallh. y da

-------------- -rciWhon In Duhl stop al^tifo Cllolon tc;

Hotel. tJnder novr manaReoiont, ihor- ■lushly rtnorattfd. Steam heat.

— .... ............ ^ , KbIlsnM j] yenJb .Vay E/fl *' ''<>

H arry LaConmo. nKoU SB.'.ftf Han- Bcn, wan. Injured In tho «ro rccenily a t hla liODie, nnd U a t prenont a pn- i l t a t a t Ihn couniy hottpliAl. An op- erntlon may b« perfoeniud bu t iho lad ll In n- serious condition nnd It In f''! fcflrml IJiflt 1 iMOlrinwo EJaajJallo feared th a t total o r partial, hllndncnn may renull. LaCoureo liu ri Ihn oplJc • ' In somo way when )io jumped off

" MlA TTENTH)X-LYCKl'X NOTICE J. Tho Uotrnn] Quintet irJlJ nppfar nt "*

Iho HlRh Scliool A udltorluia on Tuen- duy. Decembor. 30. a t eight o'clock In- ® ' nlead o t na prevloualr announced. ^

1500 TO ATTKM) ftf.NVENTIOXH , POCATEULO. Dec. U In hrilov- j.

otl lh a t I W pcnonit will go to I’oca- 5 , lello to ationd the Joint cODferrnce «t •«ed Krowom. Ilvontoclc men. IrrlBaiert ^ land mon and homo tnnkoni, In con- , necUon M lh iho.io& to ncod nhow, J a n u a rr I j tn 10. Tho I'ocaicllo com- nieretal club In m aklns arrrnRemonin,■ ’ ~ ~ 1 ii,ciASSifim # E iff isap ts) °

. W A>Tei>-rA .^u«k«|w r.-,A i»(SftN »4U M tm w o sf^p tu iB o a>i-w; ^

WANTBD— - r i ^ B funilBhed for t I(|if)t,bouR ok«epit^^i% oq« '12 i:. -

: " ^ R . SALE>-iUmclr «Kmier, cbesp. f, Addreaa WlDflddl’ SeOit.' Box 1171, k Burley Wabo. , ; ;

L08T~Pock8tboolc botwton Itfaho . £>epanni«ni Sloira aoi> Twin l^ lla ^ O afo'SuntUy.. Bank-and T rust pookot- * book coDtalDlOK d M a tira laoaty. Ro* tu rn Ul Tlrowr-- Rffward. • » ^

r o n BALE^—PrM h oow, ha lt !Jer- ser- b a it O uerSB er.-wllh . week old h«ir«r c»lf. R. <x HydB, t mites «osb J H sw ift o t Banjt of Klintwrly. 11


• O N L Y


H P i


T T ~ ~

Local News | '

• lirm unit el(j mnn-, AcUtfB. ‘I Ihut I - Hwliu.

,\l Mn r l n t i u h Wi n . h l m n i mjm'iii " r.;iHinlii)- UL Ihl- liuni" of ,Un. .Mnri<’i' rimiili ;il -Miirlaui;lc._

JToni tJnliriN—K J. WulUiT /if lm - Imln, Maho, In vl'illliitT trlrndil' ;iml ti'lJillvi-n 111 Twill Kalln Ii>r ii few dayn.

,\l I'.uhl I'r.-liatloii l)f(U'iT John IL .Mill Huiiinliiy loi,Uhu; :itli-r Ju* ^

tl|HTuled ( lu - Ki'nni'th Ili'Uili'rnoii 9

Ii!r h»il tolU'lln hy Dr. Vnii Cull. He g

II. V. I*, r . .••IcclJui.-'-Th-' Jni'i'lliiK B lit llio I! Y. r . V. ot till! loi-al llaptlnl H

iTi.lilii <it i;rt.uii ;i.

I'rinn Alii'lerdlUii —MIhh Illanche lluvorliii. whu irii.-iii--i 111 AmMiTduni.

uli'-Ti'UliK- Ih r ' ClirliilJimn vnnilluji wllh trll mhl 111 Tivln hilln.

To HulHTl -Mlnn C.ladyn Sohlc. who teuchon 111 lUiiiiTl In liiiih at work lluT.i;,alter iipnidlni; n few_d:iyn In T w ln 'ra l ln VlnlllnK her tirn rh c r." '•

To lliirli-r—Minn Kli>>i.'nce ConlNlo r tiu rned yc.'BliTdiiy in Uurley nflor rpi-ndim; the liai'i tew dnyn wlih ri'la- ;lvni lo Twill I-'alln. .Shu (ctiriien ut llurlu).

.it JIiiln'-.Mli'" Mrllliiiiiiirl Wolff. i:onnly nuin:rliii<'inli'nl u t uchooln. In .illundliiK tll'-' 1'ii‘lu Ivachum lonvcn- lli.n which hi'iinu I'lday ul Iloii'i'.iml three d:iyn.

, To !tuprrt<-Mlr>ii Ilcrtha Alvord, vvli» him bi-'-n nii-ndUiK tho Innt fuw ilayn wllh hor pirri'iiti In Twiu Knlli'. returned yi-vti'nhiy lo renunio her tcachUiK n t Unp<'ri.

From I 'U h -M r, and Mm. KrvinK ICakolBon of Ihln clly havn nn thc lr hoBSD fiuunt for a nhort time. Mr. and Mrn. A rthur Knk"i»<iii iiml dBUr.htuf. Ml.in Itiith^ uf I'uib,

,Vrf{|nff-TJio lodJes o l Dan SJc- Cook t'o .'t a , A. H. Clrclo amt ihelr fnnillltfii will m cfi a t iho bonio of Mrn. Voliiim. 030 rou rlh Ayeiiuu l-^ani, on Janunry I, Dinner wtll h« m-n'cd ol I o'clock. • • .1.

J farrfe J—Lyjconi i't ta lm m oas ao«J Mlm Detha Spiirks woro m arried Dec.9. n t Hnpert. .Tho brlds ln well-known In Twin V'lIlK hAvlnr renidnl bere fori sereru l yenrn und In prominent lol church clrclen whllo iho Rroom Is a j proBperoiin younK huiilnenB man.

L 'aderwrlt«rs M eet-K very member uf the Tn'iii FnllN Undcrwrllorn aano. clalton wnn present a t.* meollUR and

! banquet held Saturday ovenlne a t tbo ! ItORcrnon hotel. A number of talkn

wero uiado and nn enjoyable na well ae A profitable Ibjin won bod.

Knnerei—Tho funeral o t Mrs. Orace ' MatiMin. ngcU 25, who died recently , in thin clly. wan hold n t (hu aronsm on

parlora yeaterday nfternoon, Rev, Conrail !>. Owen o t tho UapUit cburcH of/Jclatlns. D urlai woj> maiSe.lB tho Twin t'a lls cemotory.

• , B (« BoeW—A Bo i locial wHl be Rlvan Wfdneiulay o n m ln ; in I. O . O.

. V. ball by th e . Odd J^rtiowa l ^ n . ' , r Lcdlan a m urgod to brlnit bozes-Bnd ' tho {cntJomea th e ir jwckeiboolts. 11)6 - omouni ratted will e? to btilldlAt •- fund for tho Idabo Odd Fellows’ botu»1, Kl Caiawell.

31. 8. ■t\d K.—The Motliem Bun,- shln'o and Bludy ctuli will meet wlib Mrs.. Inez Corry on Wcdi)c»ilar aftflr-

;* noon. Dccomber 31. ,A Bpeclal- Now Year’s p ro (n im will be siy<n. Rol! call will bo responded to b y , N«w

r. Y etr'a rosolttHotiB.d - - .~ .~ T . .I t InfoldnR—Ttie stores ot- th s city

e re :ta»'9KJa* thU^

M b T MiW Years^ Ji^NWALOi { H I B H I



9 ^ K HOST OF-V -w 18-BIG M


’RICES: $1.65 $1.10, .85 ALE AT MAJESTIC DRI

VMIIli-- Ili'n- ,i..|

f £ o i P i y1 . T o c l a y , t o m o r r o w j

I HARRY T.■ ' in the g rea t six

^ HonoiIntensely c

Keeps you ii A woman’s love and tb

fate throws a searc

“Z IP a n dA 2 p a rt Co

2 - Big VaudeLEO FII

tlie Rouman REED ANDComedy son.

M atinee 2 Evenings

• Always a good V arietj A lways

TheGEM. Q uality F

Tqday, Tuesdjiy a ild V ing h

“TkeHel - ofJth..' Five Dart produ

W illiaonA different character W. S. HarS as Yakpn of his ability. .He wai est man in the Northi:

-played square with Mi true. .


“ D a n r i y A: I t’s a Comedy o f Boyh terUining

. J :

January 1 ' ^


lEDY.ARTISTS , ' • '

)F P R E T T Y G IRLS ‘; MUSIC/\L NUMBERS-183-BEAOTUL SCENES-3 ■< 5-SONG KJlS-5 ' iif6 6 n .lT r !■ Mil . J

RUG STORE------- ^ ^r'T ,iili. :ii..i Mi l l lliirnhliarBer tn fc /:■ uh.-i- .......... I'li.ut.'llo nclioolit. T bsy , ■ j-.'/

ll! «(;•/!<l Uk- rrm nlniiT of tho ; • i.- r ’iii:; i v.i' tiUuii In lV>lna bofom i-.turtil:ii: in th" Cut" Cliv ' j 1'

• 'f u r I'uld . ir .in llu cn ta ■ ' ■ liJitiMo tjriNlNl-;TivljUt». l.ook V

• Il.l a:i :i l;r"i<-iitnllvii take 'LAXA- 'or K MljrDaiurfl'On tbe i,.^ 'j|-(H .::ui' .

Ii..()% "'..I SiiurInT T iol'n, J7 t yo*.r.'-'

M l i r eV and W ednesday ‘ i

r. MOREY;ix p a rt featu re ;

! d ram atic ; ,I in suspense • ' j:thc code of honor how J

u'chlight on secrecy - j ' '

Comedy riot .

leville Acts - 2h l l i e r ' 'anian fiddler ■ 'ID H OOPER ■ , ongs and ta lk ■ ■■<!!i 2 O’clock •' . ..' ;!?s 0:30'2ty- ,

ys your money’s w orth.; i '

I T h e a d tr e y iI W ednesday first.shpSfi'.^ , J

}llHound^\laska:\iuction, featuring .';j

n S . H a r t ; Ier in a . different story.. ,i . J n Ed' rises to ffie’he«Sl;| ras known as the tdugS-| hland; but to-thbse;,wJi^ ^ hini’he was tnlstingandiffl^ ^

P r e s e n ^ y i

yhood lifQ. A ng.progranu^^

Page 6: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

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Page 7: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)


Qiit'cii l':iiziilK‘ili ii.,...1 u iiitriiili

I jjr JJJIM i>i' liif^rnur^,. ,11 I h f I'ri'Dc), '(nil uoti.-i-. il. no I(iiik<-i- in I'linsi* I'dv tin t ; 111. A d in Tin- T iiii.'s Cinssiti.-.i

W a n t S o n ie th i f l s • j

A d v e r t i s e 5- . , X ullI r o r I t m

t h e s e c o l u m n i “

H e l p W a n t e d “I - - - - ^ X pa

V/ASTF.V~r,ir}« (or Jx'jiii a 1Imiulrci hiilcltni: I'u^n nr Sirrllnr. •<'r«aiiuT>-._________________________ _ li X

'WANTKn-DlTiliii: riKim Klrl- lldy.l HO!J’Juwe ir,o. i j Act <1

—----— — ------- --- ----------------------- —-»U S, RillS i t u a t i o n W a n t e d "m ^

I’OSlTION W A N T lin-Y ouni; miui.WkJi m-liool cdijMtioij, wantn jtoallloii

- v llli firm wliuru w ork ami InlHll- 1‘0JK>'ncn wti) counl in cloiurinlulnK oiio’n noiiitivoy .onvulopo. C:m i;lvo bi'iit ot rof. bruurcrciicen and rcpllcn "tiould bu ail- iiri'f>'iareia lito s . 3., cAr« <jC TIhics. H, S------------ ------------------z y ^ - - - TwinWANTEfWrur-IUon nti iiii'noKmplier __1_

o r booVki'fpiT. Exiicrlonctil. K- N.. KOictitM Tliiloii. _____ olioii,

fVrnftcoii ftnd ciiltiinvyn cltnncd. r iion t 225-M.

W a n t e d M i s c e l l a r t e o u s —— -------------------- ---- . . i-,)i

WANTICD—\V.< w anl lon i»:I« ot j,,„, , Iiurneiiu lo oil w jiu comi iilil fiiKtilou' || vd oil. Wl' cun oil tliinii .•hi-flpc;r now tlian In llio iitirlnj; uml li’ti bnltur tor • ■ Ibfl harno-j.-:, I. E, riNNlCY & CO,. I ’loneur lliircn'nn ■ Sbnii,

~\VANTKI>^\V<7 tmy c.iali for tur-Vujfj/Kccuu and cUlckon". Cnll IloKor- " '‘"i-

• iwa Clift!. Utik for Wm. Towoti. chef. ------------^ ^ --------------------------------- - l.X)l

■WA.NTHD—Tn irndo tourlnn bnjy Knhl■ for 'rontliilpr body. . / / Tlioui

PSano G M -n io r. _________

itTTCn & Aiklnii Triinuftr. tM rnlluju j.- jTuoTlai; n npficlnlty. ^^9 Slionbonu S. |.rone Phono 1S50. .

WAKTE1>—Uoom nnd bimnl for »lu-dcnto. I’hono 1)51). tiri'gc HitKln>ui» m „ |.,College. ____— --------------- --------------------------------- ■ KOI

W* P*T c u b Ior tocood bund fur. ( qdblturo u n d m c sce . llooalor rn ro l- -------t w Co.________ _________________• F o i

•WANTED-Your oruor for J’lANfJ, TDNINO. Locan N w lc Co. Phone ^ .

__________ yourWANTED—V our nafcij* rn ror blado» H'” "*-

to *Uttrppn. W erner’* Jlopalr Shop, "'orli

WANTBD—All kliid» of carponier yidu work, prompiiy douo. 1223-W. Arcli

WANTED—I.C01I0 or bnlcjl hay,'Phono or wrilu C. O. t'arBO, BOtlpy. FO

• W ANTBp-^Sroall sited bonby ""« i- I r . . . . , , X' V.. , . r . ■nm ... t,,,".,

; - W a n t e d t o R e n t ;------------------- ■ 1 .......... ,«1 .1 FO

WANTKD TO UENT—Oood 40 , or 5 pj SO fcreit, can r I to bo« of ruforon^o. Addie«a Box 32. caro ot Times. '

F o r R e n t ; i i t »— --------- - ----------- — L . . Moos

FO a RL'.NT—Store buildlaff on 3ti|in ------Blfflflt. j :^ x 7 0 wUU opilon on cotaqnl •■'O boseiDcnt' 2&x70.' Phono 142. loqalro shlln a t W hlto SowlDK Machine Co. CUi (

FOR KENT—rura lnhad rt»n». mod- >'« . e ra conrenlcoce*. 120 Olb north, cd ai

Pbono G41-R. ■ !!'!!«

" i t n H ^ T - r u r a l7 u c d ila M ~ o n - FO , cIcA d porch. .421 CUi Ave. a ’cx

North. Twin

FOR U BN T -F iirnU hed roomTcion. ' FO llem an preforred. 1C3 Cth Avenuo North. ■ ------

r o n nEN T—PrlToto room and __ _b o u d . CSO Second atoduo north.

J PO n UENT—noon'i fo r two. ,222 / GUi/Avc. Bqs^. Phono _TC2.w.

* r o n K&NT—D eitra h lk room, r«a»- onkhlo. 3D9 4th Nori^V— I . ------- 1_______________________ bei

r o n nEN T—Uoom for two. 222 i i h an A»#. la u L Phono 7G2-W. p r

F o r S a l e R e a l E s t a t e ca

FOrf 8ALB- 6 room moO. hoMO, — Baresci ETer-bearlnc atrawberrlea.U jrn. ,tr«e» j lum U hed, porUy fum- lfbe<t n r Tscant. *4200 for hou»e. »iool,«lMO' ca th . balance e a .r . “ ‘‘'o(orii iU ft« Value. TU ThJrtf Avonuo

_________ _ • aw.r o n S A L B ^ acn> fam i 4H tVoin ®” !'

Twin F a ll^ sood Ian d ,.in 3a ll bouie.. U m . rr»narj-, tar»go . Deep weU.

w oren w ire fence. 40 acre# fall plow- ,•d from old alfa lfa. P rice $400 p e r ___

' • rr* .- .R e M D D a b l* < a ati,p « ;^ eo („« u i t a r t u '} v „ ' 'e in p\m


illl Ill'll- i>;it lis. .Iiinic.s Is l iiim lf <'oni;v' I'O iiiI. \V)). )j jijj r)jj|i)ciyi? n.-.-jii;!

I'(M -tliinl m il Lniciiiic'- . )li'rt<T rcsn l I-li Colm iiiis!

X X X X X X T l X X X X X x j I-OINOW OPEN F u n a E rrL K - x 'l ,u u k MK-VT. 10.000 ACUC3 iU U l. X 1 »> Ti:

OATED LAND X I -------in M illard County, Utah, on X | F q

uu ln Uus of rallMay between X : ......Bull Lake and Lo». Angoloa. x l KOI All good land wUb deep to ll x ir i r n i ■

■nrf no mone. Tbe water rtKht Xiiircmi m OBO o t tho bo«l.'*SolUns a l Xl 105 nn aero wlih » year* 10 X j L l ' pay a i 0 por coat IntereoL X ; —

TWIN FALLS UEALTY CO. X •ExcluiUve Afonta." x i

X X X X X X X X X X X - X X p 'U 'h

H()MKHTKA»S-(HO acr.’o, | t ' ' 'I (if CDiiKrcni. f«r Nrvnihi. .\iiy i;.(;lllxcil cuu loc.iKi nml p;il>!lil. with- I tonldcnci', Jion land for nn rr, Muldrow Ucclniniilfon Co.. Win-

l-OJt HAL1':-UU ii. rcii onn mtU< ;*•— mil of Uoi;or.ion. f ru from iSijoUni- uiirc. Will cxclinnBii for l(jwn lotji,.■f.T li>ln 111 Dlno l-lki'ii Atlilltlon. '^-"W

S 5JvJi!«. Jas «I)i nvi-ouo vln f-'ullii. j Ihmv;

KOll SALE—SO pcrt- fiinii ncnr l lm - ' lou, hlnho. Small lui|)rov..incnt»; ]-•It fciiccil. nfiuul (lulf iipodcd .1.JU-II, :;7 lc- : 2i)0 iK-r nrn-; «nmll yuymcni iwti, fuity tnrini.'0N hnliinci-. .Vililnmi ' ,

M., c a r . ' Timcn.

KOll SAI.K- M'UI.tu hoiiiii-; liiH'ii’il-I.Vo!]*! tl- i>ii<.rv.i-'lo:i. linml l(»otUHh c u r- l ' i i , ■r lol, j::,iit», Sl.rjM culih, 11. K.i ^,.p,

ov rr n ty l>liurnia<.y. |

KOll «Al.L*—n-rixim iiiodi-rii Ijuiira- Ca\v, Iinrdwood lioun , fiiruacn hunt, Hi-ifciiii-ni tjiii»'in<!nt. IiiiiiiMdlmr iiomnia- U.li;'Ull. I’hon.- KCC-w, lOHO 4th Kanl. K.r,(i

I'XJll SA L E -N cw 6 room Itouiii: In I'i'lf*' Ihl U twn. Iti'iiily’io movu In. I’. Il- | ' i';ly- lomimon. 40a iJlb aveuuu K- I’Uono 4.W. - - - - r r .-----------------------:----------------------------KDlt S.VLli—c r ir^d t .fo r fotlduncu! :;Sc t •oiieriy, 14 ncrcn 2H milcii from La «-ln Kail*, l’hon(rtr.0.n .3, - laml

KOIt SALB—S^n^oiir modurn houno , / i " id-KnruKo. Tormn, COI 2nd ,Kn»l. i^'r.n

KOU SALE—5 room niodurn hoUJC.>11 4GC-M ■

' o r S a l e M i s e e i l a n e o u s n •JCO

UlmUurly Nunorloo. Lundscupo . i-rvlcu Duparimenl. Can buaudty i-> 1 iur boitiu eroundjt. Treuit, nlirubu, .Sh nntA und vluon. I’lanit .furnlihcd. l<>wo .’ork iiupcrlutcndctl or taken by I. itilract. No cbarRo for tirullminury I.!olU Cnrl E. Wricht. Unilscapu j>i rclilicol and Oardenor. Phono 26- cclj'

Klmlicrly. Idaho, Ci

FOn BALE—lO-lionio powor- »t«am DSlno^n 'good condlUon. A bnrpiln, niiuiro of Stratton'*. Fruoch ' Dry ,,| leanerD, Phone ^SL 312 Sbothono L, Tw in Fall*. lilabo. • |.jg„

FO n SALE—F irst mortgaKc on land pt)r conl moaoy. For pnrlie\jlani, Wc

tll B78-U-2. " I"

iTOR SALB—Wind»hleld«. head- ™ (hiv and window f lu a . Pbono 6, loon**: Sbop. near poitofflce.

FO n eALlJ-1000 U. of 4 luch bovcl lillnB Bt J4C, Now door* cbcap. .70B ■Ul a re n n t' Eaat,

TOiriAXxC—D roned lamh dollver- ii anyw hert' Jn clly. 20c ll>. Fred A.!iIU, nou ie Ofn

FOU SALE—O«oil wheat ilraw . U l6ad delivered,' Addrosi Uoi 1012.

'win Fnlla,

FOR 8 A L E -^ ld Jiapcra 10c a — undlo a t J h n Tlmo*.

L o s t a n d F O j u n d

* LOST—Wi'dncjday n iiijl. he- ___| tweon H nnl’i Jewelry uloru and

Hi6 United Slorcn. a small pack- aco contalnlne e«atlen)an’a \ratcli — chain. Tho chain v;as to bavo been ilv en a« a ChrlaUna* sKt. _ and tho lady who lo tt U will ap* <aa p red a te It vory much It finder.will re turn It to t30 Srd ivonuo ___eaat. A rew ard will be Elvea,

LOST—Ford tiro coihplolo wllh <‘ f haln between Twin Fnlls and su m r ^ 1 a flo o '. • n n d e r leavo n t Times. Suit- % i ililo rew ard or pbono 713,

LOST-^W lre whotl and caxInR. 30x t. IW. Call 164.n or leave a t Time* “*«'

- ■ SLOST—34x4 Federal Ore and rim

nm plete. Ftador plaaae leave a t Ida*10 Vulc. W o to . Howard. !


I °I ! "

* * * * ♦ ' X

l ' i'0 SW EAR } , ?

. . , N « jS Mii;v'li1m ii III .•iii-Mii- ;i fn i.ii- 2 ' bii;n,s iu Ijtisv si‘;i>i>ii w ilil- I ; ' i I 'siills a n - o liia i.....I ll.v jiii;- Z '

I t n y-------------------- . . ___________ lliu 1)1KOt:.Vl)- A l)l;.vl: IciiHi.-r, pticl;.-!

uuk with lllll 1:11.1 ^llv. r Ul .1. ''a l l i ................. . ______________

F o r S a l e A u t o m o b i l e s

r o n ' SA L i:-K or.l i.>iir,!.1,~nr” In ' r«l clanu cdiuIUIoii. I’lt.-,. M7i. Ail- ' , . ' r««ii M. W. .ti,. i-»rc Tim.".. i ..

L i v e s t o c k a n d P o u l t r y H,,.'

T \» lt SAMT^-l'ur<i tif .T itu;7 ilri.. :,i;i.,n rf.rlior..;:.. : uill. « - a .t , ><, ,. u i ^ f r n . . . , ^ _________________ ; .1.111.

K il l SAl.r. -'I hri'ir i;o<,il mll< li "iJii i-tioli- r,7.VJ-:i. ‘l., J. M;ili.iir-. . iii"'<i

— ------------- ■ .|ll.-y,

TODAY’S M A l i E l ^ " f -

CllICAOO, Ucf. -ll-r<'lilts ni.'iit,;;ii()0. MnrkcLftcllvi-. 10 lo.'iOc: hli:hor.|' "V,.

Hulk Ji;:.;'i>fiU,lii, top SH.::n; 1 nr.:.ni le^ivvwnlKJu. Sin.aiiltiH.ir.; liicllUhi MIIII.I vdKht ji;!,'.ir.ii(n.'ji»: iir.m wi-IkUi >..n . iia .sd irU .li'; itKiii llr.lit« m.- i>.:t,ni); hi-nvji, iiacktni; miwii, ninoutli .iiitMi:i::,:5(!('n."ri: i';..-i(iuk i.iiwii, muKit, miti’.

j:'.2S; IllK", M2.Tri'ii i:i.7ri. I'M IIIIrnltlo-U ov.rliil;i - 2SnuD. • .Market Hi'’ '1

:o,..l Kru.lor. ut'-ivily. oUUTU lowiT, Muu' JU-.'f Bloi'r:>-Mu.llum i\n.l Heavy- " »<'

.vplKht. C bn lo nnd iirliii.' JlS.T55f20. ,’ i!(-dl.im an.l noml Jlliils.T r..

l.iKl'.i \V<-l,:hl-nixid an.1 ■(■hol.'c JU r.i:i.r,.';..-uinliinn ami inoilluin »S-iil4. '• '"• '‘J

luiu-lii-r f a l l i - -ll.'lf-r:i JC.1(t«U.7r, f '" i» •ciwn ImlH J7.7r.^i'U,Tr..i

Caiim-r.. anil IM II'T «-0 >w:. nml :l.-lfiTR sn.2r,«fi.25; caniiiir ralvo t ll.l,;lil and HnndyutlKhll Jir.-f.OV

fi'i'dor (Ili-.irn $7i?>15.2r.: ulocker^I'-nn. Jfilfin .ur.; Biovlicr COWI. andM.if,.r.i .ito. k.-r cnlvcn J7.25 ,:,lu.r,ii. • *■'

SHKIII' Aa o rc ir tc - W O ,r r :M n tk o i klllltiK <*%«

•ItiKr.m ulium /Ilcudy, fcoilcrti nlronK to '!5c*htKhi~ -----

L um hi-(K 4 lliB. down) |l6®lS.r.O; iamli!.; Cnlln .mil Common JU fflC .?:.; VrarllnK Wotli.-r* SnTi-in.ir.; Ewcn l.s,.',Illil i l ; Kwi'x-Ciill!. I»;ul ('nmmnn ' ;4,r,ii}i8.:r.; Kt-v.ior i.iiinii'. ji.i .2r.if- r< 511

OMAHA. Ni-hr.. Dl-c. :y .-no«M — 'fli l!.juuliitn la.uou; niiirkvl j-.cmly u> life jiugb lowur: hulk J i3.no«rl".r.ii; to r 5t:!-70. Ktdoi

(.'.’ittle-ILUUOi m urkrt kllllnc claun- ha.l O'. IS un.l 2.''-e lower: f'-fili'ni'nloudy. cirl

.SlM-(ip—H.OUil; Tiiarliot ’ liiinli •|ulrl lowor; nlu‘<'|i nn.l fi-nl-'rn i.n-.idy. Itlvci

------- :- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Uu,|I 'orllnnd Lh.-Mi.rl. Ot

I’OIITLANI). Deo. 2Q.-ShoPI*-Uc. ""cclj'tfi l.MHS; normal utichuiigo.l. Cvin:

CuUtc-Hccelptii .SW; murkci nlow *'nicUdy. unchaiiKed, "I

H o « . Rccclpts 1,110; marl:«l i.lcady H'ff-to sf^nK ; (a)—PrlMr mlxi-.l $14.50 Slin-.-iZ: lh) Medium mlxnl JM fi ll.r.i); t.dili(0)—lloufch nml mixed tlJ^ fi:! ; (< I |- theI’lK" $ll.r.Od(in, Illld

_______________ wllh

W ant a Job? Try a "aitunllon Want- , ' 1 id " ud /n our w ant enl„nin« nin'iT g r j = s - - — - = = („p (


* J . 'w O L riN D E N "I'lil'iltlS Main Avenue EaJt n,,,.,

. Pbon* 201 , .--------------------- :-------------------------------- i.icli

~ UBTKOtrATllg '

o n J. IL MrAIILLBN I"Ofliwpath -I

nfno> phon» a n . n e i. ohoB« KH-JO In 1

u m g T iT c n u io i - j"

Utaa mSSONNBTTM 81133H htaln E u L curlt

------------------------------------------------------ der»HEMSTITCmxO knoi

MI9S CELIA A. GATZ "1 41I1 A rc. £ . Work iru.iraoteod asd

I>rompt Servlco, »he------------------------------------------------------ WUI


Boyd BIdy.____________

■ BWEBLKT * fiW aSLET Mtn■fflcM: n r . i t NMIoaal Daak B oliam nad

<aaea R. DoUiwell O rr ChapuM BOTHWELL A OHAPUAN

Otfle»; U t NafL Oatik B ld r

A s n a n b . w i lb o n , 1, 1,OtftM f l n t K a il Baak Bldg. ,

(• H . WISH o m U H ROOMS • AND « SIrwlD F alla Bank k T n u t Co. Bld< win' % M w o L m o r r i c i f l m L o . b u m

! TAXIDEUXIST ~t, am ready (o lako care o f yonr ' “f-

needs la a ll kloda of taxidenny work. U.W rite or aee me a t Fijar. Id a h o .- th e 'JAKE SCHLUND. TasldormlaL HI

s ;Wifa. B. TW1S3 . now

VIolInlat 10 JQ rrte» tfa.J^U 3a»JicO ft£ JU w A a t o r ,u ia S ■ .'.Dane* - .otbcPtoM ttti-W tu Vta.Bana



T h e C i t y ; o f P u r p l e I H

' <il n<UlD r e a m s ;,™,- --------------------------------1 r i i i i

'T~- - - - - - r l , u ti.'rc X bui.-uii

B y I ' l '

E D W IN : B A I R D

? o o ? ? o o o io > o o o o c > ? m T o a '• P.O. B ^ A C o . j-

• (ConUou.'d from I’aKO V) ’

>• ty r i filer} iJiiiyuT.rrlriilj i.jidm ' n ,,^- !Mn.'li oni'S nbov,. IiUA^liln-mliKl I M.-.IU,

rkliiL- will. Ih.- ciKil iir..:NIoii of 1. i„rv. >■f.'Ci iii.-i luml-iii. "II.-'- Ulhcr um-I ll. .• 1,1

Ull iiK-iiK.lii," rail lilH tliM.,i;l.l- -l'„ iluiiil; n«iJ U.o .mty »ii.v m j« Nm,

.1 >vltli .. ....... Is to hiiiii-ir Illlli, I Cni/.,v:li;i|i''. iliciiii;li. (lllly iiliittliii:. In , k'H n.• .'X-'iil IM In sl ti.ki' IKI .•llall.•.•^,'• f.il Iio111-. Hia.li' n ci.r.-'vim: iiii.v..,iin.l | >n.i l;i'Jl J.l« j.l.x .t II/.' lino ..r III-. I t;ill. wllr ; i;iH Innd rvsl..,l 11,.- li;i.U of I o r llv.;Hiu iL'tl.T lo U.'.'j. l,h. .-j.'licl.l .111 li:il, li• ............ll iiKiiilu..-, ! Tl,.. d-IVi. ........ Kr-M.m't j.ii iivn i'v r.

•7 n M /n n rV .'i i i i |.l nol ........... .....

rmv^Mi'uI.Nu. \ ..i i um'iI «rllv nil n 1 f,,,. ,,

"Vrry tr...-, k.' I ......t, '• I 'l i f - l i o ;I.lalli,K i'rl.oM .lolifsryom i.lK r:i» .'.l| lu . „li;;;(.|lly—-'..Ilclll-T IK't .Inl, l-llV-■Men t1i(‘ chc .'U r I ,;|ri I•Vini iiiliilii. hnt you wviu'i, Vun will .........

Illd nl mv .•lbo«v wIiUu I i'a-Ii (C [ Uoii il11 will ilirn Ciiti'r n liiol.-r.nr « ltl ' | i wnI- mill .lrly.‘ t.. Homo d.-MTinl -.pi.t „„i|,||itMil.; Cbl.nKo: yon will loi.rc tlu- uU|j.iiIII’, llll.l Ihun clvu mu n chuiici^ to (Jn.t I <nl>.'. .\tl lilts whllo 1 sJircIt Imv.- j(,,o .lymnnlt.-; one f.axr tiio\t' uud I’ll i,ra|i>uw UN io l.liiKdoin conn.-. Vour Ilfo i,K «,

Hortli l.'il ihuUNtind dullnra. I Inkij „ „,vi, .Mine's not. Do I luuUo uijsi'lf t.-li.nlc i i r r r«iii-ci"KscoKsiv.'ly. And no\v for tlm iiincoi.-.k." Wllhoul Miovlnu* hlu l.rad i|iinrr .nil th..,|iiivk of ll.e chnlr Uti.l |>ru- 11 tiim iood. u iirlvatu cli'cok huOk nnd n ■.In'in 'Uiiiiilii 11-11. nnd, fvvlli'K (lie " 'n r (.'Iini|i llh hi# nngcrii. filled out u cl.ccU uUo.l ir li-n thou-iiind dollar*. ••Whnt- «wlftl imcV hp OBkod. ' tlio •'.MnUu It puynbli to hearer.” "••oiiu "V'ory wcIt—" "•'K nihcrrA pnir of jHirllcrcn n t llic r<rnr of

io jo w n »v«iro.JicIit£*r **nrt..jiud 10 ' »o"at>cr<nre 'itoo iP ^.slV L Without 'I ' iroliic*‘tHa'Baek'W#» townrrt-ticT— ' . ItiliUKh knew who'alie was. lln bnd ‘•’" “I" card h e r i'olco bofore. Aa she npoke ^I* uplifted lian.U dropped nwlfily ml concriilod llio nrw»[iniK-r imi'knCP , oiL'ntli bl* cout. Tlion lie iiinu-.l. nd. cv«-n wi he kuew hu would. looUcl •" ilo 'tliu imnsy-ldu.) cyca of tlio til l rlth tlic Tltlnn linlr.Th.'ri! wn* n dmuiallc tiil.lcnu. Fllz- '

ugli. every nerve ntid iuukIu lonno. . " tood loukluc a l the sirl. OU*. who ad n(jt moved, watched him. Tlu- Irl liiotod from ono to tbe olhor In- " iilrl.iiKly. Sbo uccmwl lo know la lu -1 lively Unit Bomoihlns very unun.al U.I otJcurred. ' ' 'Oil* wnit flr*t to apeak." in n yuii cxeui.0 n*. K nlhlem ’ Thli

[viille'tuon und 1 bave a little builueax j'',' u trnniact.”

"I did not Intend to Interm pl. fa- ,. .,1 hrr. • I Ihoucht you were alono."

Khc went ont. clotlns. the portiere* , idilii.l Ii.t. Oil* wrote "hearer” on ho elu-ck. aulppo.! It from Ihc book ^ ; illd stood U|). Ue held uut the cbcck vlihout Mylng a word.

I'lUliosh toots the »Up o t pappr. luille.) 11 rcilcctlvcly. Tliero wn* n.> .|-j| iiU'Ml.mliiK IU ccnnlncnca*. I t calK-il fy,,.. or (on tliuuHiiRd dollar*, and iho rnll - i .;n» I.K nuihorltatlve aa o Ruvcro- y o u :ii.-nt liund. Suddenly lie drew a l.-op b m lb , fuUIcd Ihe c h c ^ . nnd .hr* Ihonituly toro It twice ncro**. >lo j lr.i|i|iL-d the picce* on tlio Inhle..IrlicI np 111* hd^. nn.l wlihuut n fur-her word walked from lUo room. „

III th e hnll he found Kathleen Ollt. „„jn "anila I* out (ha (lr»t (lioe." wild lio ovuv

n Ida bent dramatic uiauuor. “yon 1,0 t i»ro nnvcd me f^oiu nyaelf. 1 thottshl inidij I'd tell yuu." 01

She siejijicd bock, lookloc a t tilm liao ’urloualy. ~1—I'm atrald 1 don't un- thu len lnnd you. 1 don't think 1 even nnd tnoir yoo." lonjr

"Ii’« hardly poulble—" tbnu“Whal were you doing In tb e re r of b

ihe ImcrrupteU. “1 koow aomethloE far : irui wrong I and—" She broke otf. poll md wllb liirpulslre coaroee fairly I'D ' diol n qucMlon a t him. "Wer# you try- tl>« 'ue fo WaeJiUjalJ iDy f a th e r r fa* '

“Sume peoplo might have called It wtnclhlng wor»e.” ba replied eaally; ‘ m ) he waa Ih lnklof: “She'a beanU- *«*'tul—beautlfnll TUU la ia t be tho aort ------:a«r «o e ra* / ercr. Th* m « a e a do ihltw* for."

nV hat ware yon d o la g n aha In- iiiica.- , . •

“Why 10 lo a n la lU te r b» coontarwL Sh« looked aaaojiad. "W-woold yoa ,.

mind tclllog mo jo a r a a m a r ab« ^ ‘ u k e ^ aad d o ( h i r la lU into ber

^ m a open feeling b tr .eh e ek i bniB* No.' Of- . ■ No. :

Uo nskod pointedly: “Caa yoo'recall h e 'd lrtte ityoanK na& 'T D ueT araaw r ooln

Hho bit he r Up and ateppM back Qoio rrota him. 8h« waa a w l e t to her fjuplca. " r«»—yea. I r e o a a b e r yon low. Vou a re Uie oaa I gavo a doUar ^ 0 yovttrday. 1 b e l lm jo ti a ild yoar * uma.}.v>M...VJtain^')u-MaMthlDg-or > lU e rr ' ■ • « ' ' • *' '•

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------

LS'DA^Y I ^ S , MONDAY. DBO, i0 .20 .1 9 1 9 . -------

Oh. yM -D ai,lol FItihuiihl I re- V i j B1I .T perfeoUy now." , ■ MI'm Kind yuu <lu." I l l'tita hv fcecamc fiiroro tlmt Syjnlcc-

Otl* wn* *taadliii: In the iloorwny tho llhniry. At nlKht o f the mun ■ otn ho hult l..-ll.'Ved n Oanu.-rou* H P ntle inklnj: tl.o uiithlnkuMo liberty ] n?l(If<-Mloir Wk diiWiilit'T O lii' roul- j jjuilo. 1* bnd vnulsh.'d, hlu reMruliil .H'ppil. I'ItzhiiKh took th>- clrl'fl blind, nnd ' xri.ir a Vihrunt v.)U-.-. proKiiant with fnr ; rtf th-iM cKuw iM ii Illl- ivurd.-» JI ■ nj.tr"/. orcl. «ild. will not Kny j;oi.dliy |;.-uu rcvolr." Then h.- turn.'il nml ■ nr .,ihr I lh.! hi>u*o. Till- front .|..or Iiml I ircely cl.w.-d hrlilii.l lilin li.'foiu UIIh •iicnci (-.'led iJfH/fi JjIh (}|ilij.-h!or. ;'Whnt did Him 11 11 Bny to yoiiV he i

'Wliy, n ni>thln« .it nny Imimrtumro. j '< -t 11.W SI11-. laiinli.'d ii.'rv..ii..|y, llUo | ’lUViSl ridl/l fKiitfit hi Hoiiic j« 'iiy wlfliJo- (

■Iici 10 your ronii’i. Tlmt man wiih n | iiihu-, 11.! lliirlll have IJll.'il you, ; n-rc'-. Nooii;,nr' II-' rnn- a ^.-rv-I',' |U')1. run Sif Ihir Ijjilj Irl.'Jill.111.-. ,..»Tri.-<IUd throilKli 111." lolililiiilio lllr.-.-- j■y, Illld KOI Il.u tl'liUiiiio nv.'Ii.ll- |ii" I .-.n.ia.' i.lii|Ii>u on Iho win-. j.’l'.>tl.'.r li.'a.l<(unrt.'r«7 . . . TliM ; innmvN.Mj.).,fc-li,ii till!., l.ni..- ...... . .Iviv,-.

.1/..V iiimi JilHl 1,CI iny I1.1UM-. H--1 [ B QI II t.iiiidk- of .Iji.nmlle, «o ho .-.-.r.-- ■ ^I IKIW J.UI hlllllltO llllll. . . . Ilow'll i H ~ n know Idm? . W.-ll, h.-'« .lari:, v n y : I f f i II. w.'ll Ilillll. Hlld al.i.iil iw .'iily.fonr ' . . . _ Ihu j.'^ii" .lld: he «i'ni« n n.ifl ;-r:iy (I, I.III kIhii". nud u lllllo Morj;.' .',iiU.11- dymiinlt.i I'l »un|iT'.->l In 11 n -" - - |por. I'll Imvo mv Imilor xml ai..ith-'r 'rvi,III f.illow Mm nud k.-.-i. him In •'»';lii; <;ii.idliy." ; l>Whon tint h it Iron irnt.i i-hinni'd h." T. H 1ml I'ltzhuiili 11 wii-« 111.... I' '<17 dlf- 1..... .i.'nt yuuiii: imiii Cn>in tlio on.' »li» .s-uiu .1 ciiler.-d 11, tlreil wllh uni.n l.y nnd [? N. vII thuiiKlitu; he eame .ml, llrod with „„ j,,,, lilrutl.jii and i;.i(id . tlmuKhtx. At-ndv his mind wnii.bu'y with fitnns r llie fnt.ue, Uo must not 'ith.-r atnlli. Uo mnst forSet hor,L- woul.l do i»mi«jlhliii: bic. liln « ’ ” in.clf on iin iHinnl plnn.i with tho. rl lu- lmd Junl lott.' Thure mnst • nn mnn- wlldiiPMv. no more IdlliiKs. '■'r iIiliiKS f.irlilddcn by luw. Amhl- ■>»>11 nuiiln llinijibinl in. hU voUih, Mu | wns Ihe nnillhoKlH u t Inxt iiIkIiI'm Wnyi

iil.ltliiii; tlm t hnd lie.-n tlm Uml h r . Al hlch t(-iiis do'sn—Ihla won the kind J.Tuiii.' lilt MilliU lip.if.; liiiii.if Miulh on the .frlv.-. liN ahl rovellns In t.d d .n drontus. In J , . K wiiUo Kkull.od thu »1oui butler und >oeond korvant. who, mindful o t thu l.'|i1iiiii.-d word, ■'d.vnninltv," took -M liieclnl imlfi< {o koeji n illsvrvut dls- J:nco hetwron iheuiM'Iven un.l tliolr I'. S.. mrry. Noiir Clilcuiin nvi-nuo h.‘ mw l).i.'.' tnun .1.«1kp Into an ulh-y n i.horl wuy Nolliii.'iid. uiKl Ihouiih hu .'.in ijht'hnt I. ].•, 11,„

ol th.- f«oi-. Iw r«'.<;;-»o.l D.-recllve ICelly. Ilo turn.-d i.t.ii,,, viftly. sitirioil biick-nndwu1U.-.l itilo '10 un in cf two doi.-eilve.s, who . g^., •omi'd l(/ api>fnr...'<7Chj iiowhor.-. ^ • HI.V r;ij»« Uf, 1,1^1 r i ^ n c k l . 'd Win •'mn ihe r.-nr un.ldrtfTruuidy tw ined '■10 iniu-.'I f r o u i ^ crufp. « “ »'>"Whiif* the dinri;.-, K o lly r n»ked ip'firi'.onpr, •«ho<t'tntili3hi tfShridm ■wrU'o aja.Jjy I'lUn'-tjirnj.- ."OrOa ILJuntJjc- .Com'll HU50 you owe mo onoV on thc"Novor mlmi whnt.” srowled Kolly. Clnl

You'll do u stretch thlu Umu you'll Ijiw I'liioinlior. Tlial'* enoujih for you to Macnow," _____1:1. roul(? lo th(? police Rtnlloii tlio

oieollv.-' l;oin a nice dl«tance lo Ihu 7 * ^ * i-nr with hU trophy,' and only with ;Iiu iitmohl caullon illd lie relliiiiuUh t to llm .lexk iivrKrant.Kllxliii;:li wu<i Ixiukod nmlor Um '

Iimo of Ilnudolph n u nnd e.inKlk-iii'.l I. n C.-1I wllll u "drunk un.l <ll»or- iTlj." n iiPlty Inrcony camo nnd two I'jfr.i crlmliin:s.wiioii SymliiKlon CM* n rrl* '.l nt the,jII.'o Klallou th<> flrnt pemou ho lui'i'

■ a» Kelly, mid the llrhl (im-niloii be , nl;.;d, ns he hnnd.;d him n clk-ur. wud,Did yuu Ket Id iu r • ^"We to t Uliu all Tight," answered

Jelly.'Jim hut vfsilKP of M cllcmont v#n-.'

>iho.l from the m lllluailru'a fuce.‘Aju) Da- dynaad le r'

Kelly evcliuiiged memilBi; glancot llth thu d(->k Kcrccaat.'

'•Soriioniil.'* nald he, •'show Mr. Oil* ho 'dynnmlle.'"

Tliu ».-rxou»t bcDt Ills faze tboiislu- ully uppn the flunuclcr.

"I ilon't know whut puMcd belwi-en ♦'nu nnd thU fellow,” he nald. «peaklnE X ;ery alnwly, “und I don 't know wbnt • ruu cxprct lo *iv, bn t t,lds U whal x |10 hnd on 'lm.“ And tliu acrgeuiit >old n|i n K>'nitui*luui awcnter, nucv I • ihlto nnd fre«h bu t tww tulhal. “Thl* ♦K whnt ho lind wraii|>C(] In the oeur*- X mjier, and 'Is pockpta waa not bur- f IvuL-d wllll. *0 much aa 'o match. If Z 10 had nny dynDiuIte o s him I t wa* ( imlde oC 'lm, air.” X

UUm' Ill'S cam* tosellier Io a han l t Ino nud hla itect-gray eyea acqolred i t f f hu flinty c 'lu t w hkh bla lubo'rdlnatc* • md oppooeQla lu the w heat pit had oDjr ago conic to know and fear. Th«:hnucht tbat be had he«n mad« a fool I jf by a b rateu Impoator w m Sailing— | rar more guijlog tban If th e same lm- .: , ;Miilor lmd re«lly robbed him of tbo J :ra thousand dollara. All th e rage, all J the aiisvr t^od coutamely o t the out- * mgnl mao v«f moucy power boiled ivltblti bim il« be vnhliporcd aavageiy f 10 himself: “I 'll f ir hU al" Aod yat - iga ld : **ni fix h lm P ~

(To b« coatlnued.) ’■ r

ItAILHOAb T O I£ TABLE. T H n ilu iM T e Tivln Fall* ' *

■ Qolof S u t "Io. 148 ___ _____________ C:46 a. m. ,:o.- 84 ................ - .......... _-.._..4:4B p. m. !

CotnjlTc»t ,:o.' 8 3 ........................ - - ._ . l i : 4 5 a . a . *;a m ........ ...........1-------------3:45 p. m.

llogertoa B r u c hlolng Bonih .........................11:46 a. a .loiog n o r t h . ---- ----------J :3 D p ,m . ,(i

The Time* io'a pnoU og dap 4 Uiorouihly aqnippAd. to do t lr tt

. . . i ,' - • - - V : - - ------- - ' • - , w

S i B u S i S

fH E “ i . i ! B ” IT :C aused by .

lc id -S to !S !a ® li -

Wicm»'riii,.li IIUiii.l ..... .l>l,l;...I ,, ll.

'I 'T H

F A T O N I CE ro ft f r oK YOUK Aai>&Tb>tAciO .

L l:i;,tl. l'L'IU.IC.\TU)N _ j r . ;.|

■ Sorlal No. Di-JiHlfi I';-.. , '1.SO'l'U 1; ro K rn il.IC .tT M lN i-S'; l)oi,;,rim.'iH ot tin- In tirlo r. " 'h

Ii’i'ormlii'r s, Illlli. ' ’ m.ihiNiitUe III h.ridiy |;ivon lhai lliiohol ti.iili.iN.win;iu or hhilio. who ■''■rf"Jiimiarj' 7, lOIli. tlllltl.- I).'i,. r l l.:.ml ' >-'”11

Ilry -N.., o:;:l'l)i; for H’i .S.-ction 'h.vvji-blii ;i :;t.iiili, llaiu;i' is Kanl. ''I:>

l.'li-lnii makr IMial I'rKof, I.l I'!-'*"’:;il)II'ih rlnlm to Uu, Iaml i.hos.' .1,'- ‘'- 'l i“rlh.',!. U'l.iri l-i,,nl( T. lilin..y, .V, ■''“hoCommliinloni'r, al Siionlioilr. Malio, ' ' “‘ho i t« / : i„ t day ol Janunry. ll-:.).

Wiiyiir l'rlrU ,.|i. Uiihorl S. Kriir- ------'. Al H,'n.,. 1. 11. Swo.lliiml, a ll of ^

lllC.V !l. ClIAY.

............... i S. . . . - .

.Serial -Nl'. lll-jJIH I'e•M II'ICi; 1(111 M llI.ICATID.N .11. I)

Ih'lKicliiirul Ilf lln- ]iil-rh‘r. :,l’ ir)S., U.nd Offlco lu Hatley, Idaho, S i;i;

iko riiih rr c, iwiii. 'IN.illci- In h.T.'liy itlvrn that Thntnnri l';int,

Iiijriii., h r lr for ilio hoin-. of John imftnriiH (d.c.'iir'.'.l/, of Twin I'allii, liroof

aho, who on July lai:., made i.hov.'iimnittad Entry N'l. 01S4« tor U ii 1.'-- S.S K 'j NWVi Socllon 0. Towm.hlp 10 Idah.

mlh. Ii.inji.1 18 I'a^!. llolno Morld- IDl:o. n. hai« fllod notlc.; of liitnitlon to i;i;i ako Final llirrt- y, ;ir iiroof. io- i-ii- Dublhih claim to Ui.. land ah.iv.- dr- l.o; <•rlbeA,'HM:f«ir« II. i:. I’ov.'ari', li. S. Idiiln:inii1ilr.iioncr nl Twin Knll:., i.laho, ntn.I tho aoth day nf January. ly:o. omot Chilmant nnni.n n.l witnor.r.oji;!Jlwr.'nc.^ » . Snlllvan. A lfrnl A. .Hacar. .Noah W’, Arrlniiton. Krrd. r- Doo


L a s t w e e i 'C n i n e q u a r t s

: n a d i a n P a c i f i c R a i l w

b o u g h t b y s i x T w i n F a; T ite r.!•« il n-nsoii. • T lie se tn .'n I fan.TcrM w lio know va luos of I l:nn\v llm t irrif,’i‘t«'(l la m i th n t ■; fa ifa liny, l.'i liiiHin'i.s itiftd fii so ; nl-siltc nrnl l{ci! . 'lo v c r. Toil to I • • 1iiih1k-Ih linril w h«U , oiil.s, poll

ill f a c t nn uIiiuKiiincc o f a tin o n t :; Ihun $201) p e r ULTC. A n d y o t th

is Ix-iiiK soil! fo r $50 jti 'r i ie rc - I iiictit th lu illy l^ycan f— 20 yc:irs ; L-ciit fo r J ^ n r s — th e n 0 on bnli Uj u lso lo a n fo r iuiiirovciiicii^ r “>'- \ ' • '; . U ro ii ill uthls^Uilk it ov e r wi

I Brown Bros.; E x c l u s i v e A

mL a n d s a re lo e t to d in S o a tiio r

tho boai in t h a t fam ouii d is t r ic t , 2QQ rlKsUoD, tfae b tU n c e is .b e in g soli

T h e la n d s a ro b e in g p u t on tb • a n d tb o eom riaay U lo o k in g f o r bo

n i ib ln a ra t l f t t t o f te n leaaD ry a re b e io ^ ao ld a t #1

tftnda lo $G0 p e r a e ro , v h i c h i t t io n .and in a m tv ia n c c c h a rg e $1.50 ta s y paym cB ts a n d loiv- i n t c r e i t

A lfa lfa , g ra in , f ie ld p e a s , p o ta ti lucccsafuU y g ro w n .

^VritG direct to tbe compabj .paiuphleta. . 1,, ,

Gaiiada Land & M

J, Jrw p tt.n ll of Twin Falla'.'Idohbi * BKS n . ORAY. ' :


. !^.Tlal No. IOT177 • ••‘ ■'irti\O IU i: Kt»U 1.-1^H.1C,VT10X •'• ‘ l ’ ;VTi

lh';iar;iii, IU .,r'<li,i Int.-Vior. ';,1 JIjuJi'J', Jdnho,

Noil." ll. li'H iiv r i . . t i llial Grace I'M ,,1,1 I.I -j\Mn I .,lln. l.laho, who Aiii'ii't HI. I'.IIT. i.iadu llumunlcad |

oW :i aud •ro\ni.iliHi 111 i

am. 11:,111',' 1:1 Ua'il. llolno .Vodd*I. r,,i, :ii",i ii,,ii,,- of InionUon to ,111" I oijirjiiilaUdn rrr>of. to cnlnb*. ';i .'laiiii 111 111.' mud abovu do-........................ II. 1;. I'owoni. U. 8.

I 'a lff t'ld ah o ,My. 1020. ' linerjeu: •Twin FiUln.Twin l-'allfl;

1 o'r llunaon,:i ot Hnnucn.

IIKN n , n iL \Y ,Iti'Klater.

S.rhu'N~iri(V^5jMi l’ll i: H li; I’l ilI.U'.VTION'i.'lMMin.in of Ihr Interior.

: l.ii,,l o ;[ ,,„ ;,t iiuiii-y, Idalio;n.', ■■mt-'i i;in .N-,1J . . ' , , ll. ;-,'l,y |',i^on llial n t r l ’ S.

J 1.1, J i U h o , virjjo on i‘iii.!> .;'i. li'ir,, iiia',1,1 ll^umeMcaa

itiry .\o. .i |,;;,j : (,>r l.otn ;t. 4, C. 0... 1;. T It , ll, 17 K . Lola 2. 3, • '

M:>. S, .'tioii 1, Townahlp 14 •Ulh. u r llotM .VcrW-

II. llllll III.',I Hull.,; ot iniuntlon U)•ill, T lir..' V.'.,r I'nml I'roof, to eil-, lllll.h Lhiliii to 111.' land abovu de- •riln-.V-H^('>rr.-H i:. I-owero, U. a ".1111:111,Illon,-r at Twla Ku!l», Idaho, J* 'I llu- ::ird .i;iy of January, 1920.

I lalhorni- M. Aiiitf uf ItofterBoa.' i.iliii; Itiilirrl A. Ill-Ill. of noRorsOO. nil..; (;,.rii,'HuM Iio., ot Ainalordam, nho. Arthur II. Aoulf uf Aniuiordain, lalio.

iJi:.-^-Il. ORAV,neulaier.

^ . Soriarj<o. liIhDM TMITICi; I'tJJl I’l llLICATIOX

IJeparimeul uf the Intorlor,, l . Uind ortiL-u a t Halloy, Idaho,' li<'o,iui)or &. I91'j.Noik-u lu horoby glvon lh a l Jam ia . l'enow.'ll ot Twin t'aUs. Idaho.w ho I Dvcomhor 14. I',il5, u ad o Homo- • w) Kiiiry .\v . Ol^yrii for NE54, i;U S c c tlo n ':6; WVj NE*4 BoeUon'., Townnhip I’r, t;outh, nuage li>:ii;t, llQlro Morldlan, hrta filed ootlc«i'■ Int.'ntlon to nmku Klnnl thrco y e a r , roof. (0 efftnlilln(i clnfm la. the laocl lovr drncrlhr.i, iitforo H. K. Poweni;-- S. Commlnidoncr. a t Tw la F^Ila) laho. on tbu 2U l day o t January,5-0. , . •Clalniunt nuinea as w ltncaaes: .Duff} Q. lli'od of Twin Fall*i Ida-

o; Otto LavenciHiQ, of Twin I’ftlla,' . ilclio; 'E dw ard Tcrp«inx ol neger-;iw* vn. Ididiol Jam es Q, Gruon o t nogor* ' '' r«on, Idaho,

BEN n . ORAY, ; n eg lite r.

loo 7-Jan. 7.


■ t e r s e c t i o n s o f C a -

i l w a y l a n d s w e r e — .

F a l l s f a r m e r s . , : _io n ' u rc kot-n cxp crio n co d ^o f irriB uk-d Innd. . T h e y ■ n t w ill ra iso G to n s o f ol>- ■. sood, abntic th c sa m s o fto tw e n ty biiKlicls f la x , 50[iothtoL'3 a n d ungor bccta ,iRt any tb in fr, ia w o rth m o ro 't thiH c1ioir.e ir r ig a te d la n drc — $5 .dow n, sccond p ay -a m lo I'tiy in te re s t 2 p e r 'bnlaiice— tlio c o m p an y w ill «■iicn ta on th c sam e r a te o f v ^ , •

w ith • ’ .

Sheep Co.Agents ■

r B

iio m A lb e rta , a a d 2 ^ ,0 0 Oaorea w U fU n so ld f o r e n U o ' g r o v b g . ^ tV ,W R § tb e m a rk e t f o r , t b e f t i i t H n i | ) M i r

■ b o n a f i d s - t e l t lo r a ; ' '‘I E

It in e lo d M v a t e r .50 p o r ir r ig a]) le a m

u t o e a ' b d ' f t b t

lany <or - t iM

--------------- .r—

Page 8: r-~tS i'THE: - ONnY fNE 6'rANO TH A T RBCEIV. rFAti fH ii ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES... · Files Demurrer on Technical Ground P nUAM)

^ F O R T Y p :

Fnf Kiulit IcUcrt lu

tlu! Jiume.H'li'r th


. V•■■HijjgiuiJi a . . . ... L .. I

M m a M U M ^ J te c M S d i i t t , B a tto r ie s , E leo

G ^ ‘W E A T H E R A N

: , A i-e y o u t a k i n g c a r eb y u s i n g r a d i a t o r a n d

P ro te c t Y o u r C a r Agi

: b y . o u r g o o d c

I . E . F IN N E Y

, / ■ •_________ ;__________

. ■ r - : :

? -iiSET T H E M O S T O U T; V f> M » ■, ■ ■ . .

' , , . D on’t F ig h t M o to

JU^yoBl^car^nre«3;i'n5f'iO)nmi-nl ' in b c u a ''.p u t^ t,y n flr» t-c ln s« ruiiiiiniv<>ri)

. >.•; 5‘ f l s g a ^ t t t e e , on r. w o rk n iu P iir c fi > ^ i h * ; t t o ^ l g h - c l a 8a .iic rv iro wft w ill

i - i ' - i ' P v J v : : .

f';:- - % I I .E . D oughty G .^ H i o n e ;a B 9 " / I ’-

t : - ■" ■ ■ " ■■■■ ■ ■■:

& f A U T O M O B IL E F!' - O X n iipO O D .W O R K IB T H E OV

i .TITo .i^Ujicly-Qi'mrantec SulLsfnctii ” * ,.r ;: ' ;A «t0 a Plca.surc t

' “ ^ ^ e W T J N G A U T O PA II

S?|^^^r#':SWW*Tire Costs—

;■ o r ^ J S a v o u n m o s k y


■ . liiUafJ^IATOIlS AIlK IN.M UK : r V b « & r « B 'm r r a r c»r w ltb » leaky h i

; tb« 'ud» rJM ti.c«< U > Q f iDjor)' to tho cyll !• tn r m - * KTTBt nMoutit of

' ' ' n d /s t a r , <10 a ncai Iu

. . O T A B i

-' '^B rig -A iito iiT y rfr T roub les ■' - ■_. . Y ^ ’i l i j a v e Less T ro u l

. ■ ; , i v ( ^ 3 T ^ T E ,V ! L J l■-.'.-M ICHELW -TIUFR AND

■ ■' ^ S E R V K•CiiAia T. nnAC

. Qbs, Oils, Orcafl^rUonc »f>0—Cunic

; My Dear SiHter; ‘ Twiii 1- Am wriliiiK to lot you lumw tli

HOBPlTAIi wJktp they iliiiRiiosf in • rllieir- oppratioim muit he «ticpeMfu

• rfan since I wont thero. I t ’s right i Boiao-Pnyctto Lumber Co.

: EMTIUK AUTO SHOP-K’• • J:i8 Third Avcniu

j D»f Phone 7C8.W

; ‘ ■ ‘R a d ia to rs R epairedf■ All work ie»led undor q lr prcn"ui

' ; • - Localcd a t 139 Beron(K.I t PiTB to n«T«t Your YVnrk

. I L«t«it M d ScU K<iuipp«4.IU'(ti

B ellev ille B ros. R ad; O i ^ i l l e U nd Oftrafo , ,

Auto Windshielfls and, WinJoTV d lo s# o f AU Sizt.i Cnrrlcil

‘ E . A , M O O N , M a n u fa c tu re rs o f A , S h o p : T h ird S t r e e t nntl M nin A ve.

■ i ■ '■ Offlc* Phon#

— ~ ~ ~

( V " ............ . ~ * 5 “


t s i p t h eI Itavi; b f i 'i i piiri»oKcly o m it tm l fro m t th e udvcrliHcm enlR w h ere th e lotuscN

U i I)K — O ne copy o f hIiccI lupa<^-m^

B U S I N E S S G -C lID

lleotrloal, Oloss, P a ia tia ; , Radi. kni*iny, E tc , E tc. . +—----------------------: ' ^ f , S<



■e of your car . ”,[id hood covers? ^

against Freezing

1 covers ' .

Y & CO. ■ 5

T O F Y O u i c A R 1

to r T ro u b le

li!i»lioii brijiR il tfl 119 mul Driler.5 fiure y n n w ill b e plea.si-il ill Rivo y c u i ^

S a a g e C o .K . riin n t; fim



ctio n nn tl w ill mflkc. Y o u rc ' to Y ou Th

lIN T COM PANY J”,:U 7 M itin A\T:nuo W ea t

C " • " ' ' ' '* Tt' "V. ' . t thl

- ^ h y % You? wCo

nelbodi of Q>ro1onclDK Uio IKa

• V. S. TUen an<i Tubof

ZING W O R K S306 Bho»hopo 9 t. S. 4___ _

U i o r s T O MOTOlV C A H S t hu^ldtor na tho w ater rcccdo:i

c y l l a J e r a . ___i. of iiIk-wWcb'TTnuUo psppn»lTe.I f l trhfo the t i n t ir«*H Im I’

I luuklns Job, anii tbo cont will


I s a Sccond A re. South............ “ — • ■ - " - ' !■ M,

es to U s J u s t O nce ' '

ub le A f te rw a rd s


110 Third a ire o t E ast ^

IC E S ta tio n 'lACKKN lrrn c r Sho.shonc nm l Urd N o rth j..

- — IF T

1 F n lls , A n y tim e , A . D .tb n t I huvii fonnil a I-'OIID ^

■ nny o f o u r cukch to ii’ ilo l. i„ sfu f fo r y o u sIidtiM «ec »»e la It iieroRs the , s lre i- t fro m tlio 1*.

- K d . Q corgp , P ro p , n u c S o u th

N itsh t r i io n e 7(^8-J <

R eb u ilt +—IHUA beforo teiiTloi; ftinp KKAvenuo Euntirk Done h ; Kx|ter1ii gA'dialor yhap In Idaho "

&diatoi* W orksT w in-Falli ^

. ' . / bl

■ : r 7id H e a d lig h t ^ s s■Ic.l in

r A ll K ind* o f M il l W o rk '.v e . '’\Vet*(, NVnr I’o s/o ffice l<'nc«.rtionp 21


s T I r nfc" SH EET M USiC BY TH E

E M I S S I NItu. th e uclverlisi'menl>fc on Ihiu juiK'-.-LXl CVS w eru o n iittcd inn l lu u ih y o iir niiswei'

•m H be pic.'iented Ut etteli o f flio ’IO lu-r.''

P E ; W I L L B E P U i ^ I


8 0 0 IB T V G IR L S ' ' RB U S IN B S g W O M E N ^T E A C H E R S T H E , B R ID EWlio. timlor a ll rclrcnmKlancnn, «•» wUh to looli iliolr . liuit. m « ffn d Our «« rtffr» n

• (ircnt t w p and l’lea*urp.

..., .> D ean B ea u ty 'P a rlo rs

Fornii'rly Marinello Jlfniity I’ar/or

Mrs Drjra OncnH. Manairer WaturiiiK llifi aiuillcatlon nn'l nutn of Marinello lieanilfylnK [iroilucl*; IlollncJ liolr. nooapi r t r . Rino Shonlioao T n ln F rIIn


New Classes S ta rt . Kv January 5th - j

■ y b ^s

G regg 'B u inessC ollege

M. S Iloovvr, MannRcr Phono sr,n-22n Vittn Main '

I ’wln J-'flJlB

O A g^E^ ~ + H

The Ladies Ai-e RIGHT!They vnlc. work . In ' nloren.Iiankt, laiinilrlflfi. olficeA, teacli. Rchool—tho c<iuDlfl of nien In all buDlncM and profcislons.

XnEnK^'OHR! y,> Day It in illth i'lr iirlvllriip cinil rlnh l to ' ’*■Uk« Ito lr u t our LujicliCounter ond really onJoy lliclr inealB.

Vnufn truly."

T H E G R IL LItoy Mvrccr, Munauer

' O H IB O P R A C T IO e a B

151 TJi/rtI A re. |:o r» t . r;o<.Modern Chlropracllc V uublned will) Mineral Vapor nAUa 'and ICliTlrkliy r.i-tii rciuiU» wliprn •

All othor n.Vthodi fall. •

SEED rs . W y att & B row n

lUaho'i loadlflR'Clilroiinvnori


N ew .Y ears Resolu- 7 tions ' ' .

ItPRolvrd (hni 192i) Rhni] »lion'

Kiilarsed capm-Hy, ]Tliri'u essential nddUlonn—

Carpel Department OlOYO CleutiInK npcclnliy

. ‘TnllnrlnK in OnliT" n fealnre.Old ciifiionirrn hold, new onen liroURhl In, Kvcry cuiilumer nai-

yI'cimier Imnlui'XK doubled. I.P a la c e C le an in g &

T a ilo rin g Cb. 1aiA S. a. uowcijiyPB, -vrop.

Phono 210-W


P A Y C A S H I EB u y of th e R ic rch a n t tvhoshow s y o u b e s t v a lu es . I j l

- Y O U - U |.can do th ia i f y o u se ll y o u r J Kb u t te r . f a t lo th t: P

70c 70c .STERLING ; ; ;

Y ou g e t to p cash p r ice itnI ..r, 1'“ '

todays c r :a n j, to d a y

S terlin g D airy P ro d u c ts Co.

7\rri>;ir. triiclii* from Paw .'lX 'pnl t


• • ••• - • ■ . JW .

S IG W O RLXllC.eiKlK Ictt'-i'K w ill s]ii-ll •‘JtoKiTM v't'i’ to Cluide ^ In iin tdT nn-o nl’ T w in K

u'r.'ioiis ttc iid inc in ihi.' ncnt'-.sl, liio.st or


\ D R U a S T O R E H A

RAJW ONA'S V IS IT I 0 S'I'ri'oiir rltv'ii'hoiild lio-loiiiied for- '

wi.rd Itl hy nU. " ' * Itn

m M>r MISS dll' niipnriiinlly lo i;‘‘l n rinaln t-

. Ti


•■Tho .‘ oiil of Kyniiihiiny" I'l KiUrly {•iipiiviiiliii:. • "Sjnili.fy I ,iliai ulnli" * '

R ogerson H o te l P h a rm a c y i'li l<<)‘'<Tsnii Ib .l . 'l h iiit '.

E L E O T R IC A L .

K vcry tiiiiit ; W w lr ie n l— S(H

“ E d o n " W ashing- M ach ines, I’crroIutorNV ac u u m C lea n ers •T o as te r , C ookcm ,I ro n s , E tc ., E tc .

H o u se W ir in g & F ix tu re s

Citizens Electric L' Supply Co. .

W iilibi K. S iiiilli, Mi:r.Oiititro'filnn KlfctMclnnii

I'lione <1(1 ■>'*’

T w in F a lls D ehydt

A R , E Y E , N O S E & T H R O A T

Sprelnl utlenllun n lien Jn re.' l ’n• IrartNm nnd filtlaic ut

(ilo-'iwnAil work (nioronlned—Price*

reoKaiiDble conViKlpni wllh(Ir^l-riaKH wurk ' ]r,

G eo. H . C a ld w e ll ‘• A, II.,' II, 8 .. M. n , •'

floonn C. a. t and « Ofni DI'Ir.Twin Kalln. Idaho

Ottlro I’linne 173-W Ilunldenn- Phono I7.I-J _ .

(KCli'i' lunirn 9 lu 12 n. ni.; 3 lu r. J'. .M.; Hunrf.iy*: 12;afi In

1:3(1 I'. M.O lher H'liin. by Api>olnimont

rriii'lloe lUnlteil 10 illr.ranCH of the lJ>'e, IJar. None nnd .

T broat_____________

>ARM L O A N S -IN 8 U R A N O E

7 P e r C en t M oneyF o r F a rm L o an s ^

In v c s l ig a to o u r 20 y e a r

A ra o r tix a tio n L oan

F ire In su ranceAnenf-y

Lion Ili.ndinK & y c t 'u r ity ^(.‘ouipiiny

F inch-L aubenheim R ea lty C om pany

F A R M P O W E R & U O H T IN QI— <

P o r - k t i -th«n ftbo jDotl' nf. no ]< ordlHAi7 tU tit;-p lan t-o lone . rim nn nr wrilo for frco bulle- d m on Kowaneo Electric l.tehc. itiiniiinR W ater. Scwncu n i’i- jiuiial. (!nnitilnnllon l.Iclit and

W ater SyBleniB

K E W A N E B W E S T E R N wS U P P L Y 0 0

Twin i'aii#, Idaho 3 « Main tU a t-P h o n e 79S; ^

u $ i n ^M f c n d o se tl in a iicnt. fo lio .w iU .& c g i ' iw A d v e r tis e r s in th ia-G im le. . ;

\ o “ R o q•i-Kon” w hen c o rr i 'i i ly n r ra n R e il.il .F iii I J’ nlls Tinu'.H. Nvuliiciuj, o ri((in n lily n i

L o rijjin id eorrei^t uunwerR encli w eek .

E A C H W E E K I N T--- i-'.. ,- -1 ,H A R D W A R E - m P L E M E N T S ' '----- ;-------------- ----------„

O ne W ay t Be S u re -Iliiy frnm n concern tliBt lian had yi'iirii nf cxpctlence wllii nil klndn nf nincliiiierr for lho Inrm.T itnn T rn r lo r s , 1>, 0 . P low r, .M -'ron iiii’lc n n d D c e riiig

lla rv c s l in ; ; M achinery I n len in tin iin l M o to r T n ie lts

WiibcT AVngoiiH, S o ld U y

Id ah o H a rd w a re & Im p lem en t Co.

i'li.ino r.7l Mala Avo. F.ani Twin Falli *

J e w e le r & W a tth tn a k e r + * -—

SFKlilisI in Slandard tfalcHMef

Kvcry u-.tlch «ml article of B.Jcw flry mild by me., and nll repair work In clTcn’ my p e r.«unn( alieiKlmi anJ m u it Riro ' ' *ynii entire nollifactlon.

F . B. CA RSO NTho ••lilRKent U llle Storo In

— - IddJto- _____

'------ t 1*1"(Jooa Cook*

'F .T ca ReadyProiliicli*." ^

nnllary Way . . ”'d ra tin g C o . >’i

M A C H IN E BH O P r ;

I’rnnipt nllen tton jtlvcn to allklndn D o

M ach inery DoR ep a irin g

I r r ii 'a l iim M ach ine ry , B o l t , , e r W ork , _ O enr U ultinR , • ' ( ’.vliiuli-r Q rind in i;, S h n f tiu jj,

I’lilluyif a n d I lan tfe rs * pa;E x p e r t O xy-A cetjrlene

W eld in g IS\V>- Uny and Hcll Second-band

MachineryL aw ren ce <ni

M ach ine & Iro n ', W orks ‘

Phoni’ 73 IJI ,nnl Aro. W.


ALW A Y S- . B

N ow M erchandlao

L a te s t S ty les

H ig h e s t Q nallty

L o w est P ric cs

SoE L IT E M IL L IN E R Y C O . ^

Nc-xt D oor to P o s to ff ic o P h o n o BQ8


PH O T O O R A P H Y ^__ ^

V m ir nex t

I'liD togruph • j

kIiouIiI Ooini' fn n n t Q

F lo w er F o to Shopl', ' S

K iidnk ■]-'iniHhiiiB '

Fit'iit N a t ’l. i ln n k B ltlg . I

Wo ore no t auiatled UBlet*TOO Bra I

!------------------- —

: g ivm .aw ny^(!A i:h , w c c k ^ l j j ^ T ^ T i l ^

c ^ i r k s o N 'F i n ^ ’ fio intK-Hinff le ttc rn , w rilo , t y nntfivorjrectneiw w ill c oun t.



A L A G i C an e & C o rn C

SY RU I N o- I O C b



K n io y Y o u r Menlfl b y M

M G lN M A K fT• O iir M cnts an 'd b rc

A lw ays F reh ,, C lean iBy Sclliiij- fo r C n s l i - W u C an B u y

. • ■ — N n LoMt

T H E . S A V IN G ]

n ro t-e ry D c^im rim ent Plionn M d- i 'o ri iu r Shogboiie n u d Sceo

I ’lmrie .'522 lO th A ve.’ B L U E -L A K E S Q E O O E R Y , W

D ea le rs in F a n c y a n d StfipI6 (3n)& QaaoUne a n d

..W e .^^uke p ro m p t d e liv e r j ' nnd ra W itb E v e r y $5 P u rc h a s e Y o u C an Q

n u m a t F a c to i E v e ry th in g Q u o ro n tce d > '

. ' -----------" 1

£ . p . s w ;

P L U M B IN O . S H EWe Insta ll «

R o u n d O ak M o ist A i r 1

your JwCTO naluro’* w3y.'*Bfc*no.your family—64Tea |

I’luDA 207 2 0 !!nd K n .

R E A L E S T A T E -F A R M S .

D o y o u keep fa rm books?

D oes Y o u r F a rm P a y ?

I f n o t— D o n 't w aste . y o u r tim e . W o c an ?oll, o r t r a d e *"

, to y o u , ft f w m w h ic h w ill , p a y - ^ ^ o uis T o d ay — .

N y g o n ^ & B urton/S peciallsl* in ■ ’ ‘

CiOiMrnlfl. tdtUo * Vtah Fsno,»

' Phone 17S-114 2nd A te. .S; r ^ • T uIn FnliK, Idaho

S E W i n a M A C H IN E S ■, • ' A <

By AH M eans, G et ^ a D em onstra tion

anil Icl the "Sir Strato" apeaklor llie lf ' J,


Sold under favorablo terns* by t

W h ite Sew ing M a- cM ne S to re

I’honc 142 Twin FalU

’__________T R A N S F E R ““

G oing to M oye? •Q tir V a n i ' w ltb am ple

' p o d d in g , a n d c a r e f a l d r tv - er« i n m e tb e b e s t c a re . ^

G o in g .to Ship?W « n e c ia l l s e on C ra tise : o a d F o rw a rd in g s

S to re Y our G oods? ^F ocU iU es f o r a l l k in d s o t «

g oods. • . ■ y

C ro zier T ra ris fe r . Co.

Bboibotn' 4k Fourlh St. Vt. 'P b o n e 94d ' -

M E S . 1

m v s f i n i B ' I c s p tn s A T a

g a ;C om pound ,

U P ' ; ■ N . :C an s ' ■' ■

lc , _ ■

:t e » i a) C A R R Y

’ Mnrketinic a t tho

fr«^®WR ^Oro(’Ci;ii‘« orft* . -■ )

n and' Whdleiome, •'uy fo r Caab—K eep No Bdoltaofwen .


C n._M nat O ep t. Ph o n o ;l4r>Iceond A venue S o u lh

ve. E . a n d B lu e L n k es Blvd., W . W . Johnson, Prop, roceries, D iy Goods, Nctfons- nd Oils ' ra rry Ild-ihiy oceonnls oiily.l

1 Got a Largo Piece of Aluml- ctory Cost

■ ^ ^ e Are Open Jivtninga

VANK ■ ' ;HBET M ETAL WORKS ^ . ill !h*lr Heating Systemguards U>o boalUi and cotufort o(a Ions o l fu«l.n .

■ , BN D EB TA gEBs : 'j

When our se rvlcet nro rcQUIr* ed wfl underfako to le rro with prompt and aytupatbatlo Ulialty

. J. E. D eW itt & Go. ^Llconied Smttnlmera snd

Funeral .O Ir tc lo n .

' Open .0 &7 -and N l|b l . . ; ‘

1: 3 Second ATO. 'XVeit . ' ,Pbooe IDS'W

I' n d n io 'r b o D o 'm - j

H A P j^Y /W E W •; .


neu'm ay n o t ,l^ - ,» r l^ ^ W day.alona bttttmjr.tooolwu.' tbroBghoat tb ® y w ., ‘ T ’

The Variety Store

137 W est'.iUiQ

W E i i m d , y . t


W eldon a f A ll. K eto ls/

K m ^ l A Tiiger, F r « ^:iS Second Ave. k l ^ l o F>lii - 8 aU»fa9tlojj suarantoo^ oa, piU ;

*w ork. We a n prepartd to ctrp you quick m ^Ic o . N'o deia;%’l (:xp«rleoco<I ws}derr. ,No' Jpb

(ao'itM}i;or (oa tarxa