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•• S1. TOV – 60 % passesS1. TOV – 60 % passes•• S2. Pupils are interested in using EnglishS2. Pupils are interested in using English•• S3. Experienced English Language teachersS3. Experienced English Language teachers•• S4. Teachers with experience in judging S4. Teachers with experience in judging language competitionslanguage competitions•• S5. Conducive environment S5. Conducive environment •• S6. Supportive administrators S6. Supportive administrators


* W1. Pupils’ background - weak in English - negative attitude - lack of interest

- poor attendance

* W2. Financial constraints* W3. Teachers transferred out at odd times* W4. Teachers are always away for courses* W5. Facilities are not fully utilized* W6. Less attention to the weak pupils* W7. Poor response from teachers


* O1. Supportive parents

* O2. Active role by PTA

* O3. Private tuition

* O4. Supportive community & NGO’s


* T1. Financial problems - low income - big family

* T2. Television / Internet / Cybercafe

* T3. Bad influences of the community - peer influences - unhealthy neighbourhood


Teachers & parents guide & encourage pupils

to use English (S2, S3, S4, S5 & O1)


Pupils participate in language based competitions

organized by local communities & NGO’s(S3 & O1, 05, 06)

Poem & Nursery Rhymes Clinics(S3, S4, S5, s6 & T2, T3)Daily Poem Recital

(S3, S4, S5, s6 & T2, T3)


Motivational Clinics for Children(S3, S4, S5, s6 & T2, T3)

PTA organized Campaigns for Parents(S3, S4, S5, s6 & T1, T2, T3)

Extra Classes(W1, W2, W6 & O1)Language Games


(W1, W2, W6, W7 & O1, 02, 03)Motivational Clinics for Parents

(W1, W2, & O4)

Using ICTL & ASTRO in class(W1, W5, W6, w7 & t2, t3)

English Week


(W1, W2, W6, W7 & T2, T3)Peer Group Learning

(W1, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7 & O4)

•• S1. TOV – 60 % passesS1. TOV – 60 % passes

•• S2. Pupils are interested in using EnglishS2. Pupils are interested in using English

•• S3. Experienced English Language S3. Experienced English Language


•• S4. Teachers with experience in judging S4. Teachers with experience in judging

language competitionslanguage competitions

•• S5. Conducive environment S5. Conducive environment

•• S7. Supportive administratorS7. Supportive administrator

* W1. Pupils’ background - weak in English - negative attitude - lack of interest

- poor attendance* W2. Lack of funds* W3. Teachers transferred out at odd times* W4. Teachers are always away for courses* W5. Facilities are not fully utilized.* W6. Less attention to the weak pupils* W7. Poor response from teachers

* O1. Supportive parents* O2. Active role by PTA* O4. Private tuition* O5. Supportive community & NGO’s


Teachers & parents guide & encourage pupils to use English (S2, S3, S4, S5 & O1, 02)

Pupils participate in language based competitions

organized by PPD, local communities & NGO’s

(S3 & O1, 05, 06)


Extra Classes(W1, W2, W6 & O1, O2, 03)

Language Games(W1, W2, W6, W7 &

O1, O2, 04, 06)Motivational Clinics for Parents

(W1, W2, & O2, 06)


T1. Financial problems - low income - big family

* T2. Television / Internet / Cybercafe* T3. Bad influences of the community

- peer influences - unhealthy neighbourhood

ST sTRATEGIESPoem & Nursery Rhymes Clinics

(S3, S4, S5, s6, s7 & T2, T3)Daily Poem Recital

(S3, S4, S5, s6, s7 & T2, T3)Motivational Clinics for Children

(S3, S4, S5, s6, s7 & T2, T3)PTA organized Campaigns for Parents

(S3, S4, S5, s6, s7 & T1, T2, T3)


Using ICTL & ASTRO in class(W1, W5, W6, w7 & t2, t3)

English Week(W1, W2, W6, W7 & T2, T3)

Peer Group Learning(W1, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7

& O2, 06)

VISION : To Create an Atmosphere Where Pupils Love to Speak in EnglishMISSION : To Ensure 80% of the Pupils able to communicate and do well for UPSR exam for subject English


Strategy Tactical plan Indicator / achievement

Every pupil is able to get good grades in English

1. Extra Classes2. Motivational Clinics for pupils3. Motivational Clinics

P- Cultivate interest among teachers and pupils to use the English language.

1. Increase of 5% passes after every test (4 tests)

2. Achievement at


for Parents4. Poem and Nursery Rhyme Clinics5. Daily Poem Recital6. Participate in Language Games & Competitions7. English Week8. Peer Group Learning9. PTA organized Campaigns

O- Committee: Administrators , Teachers & parents

D- Working Committee E- Observation

C- Watchdog Panel

S- Dialogue session between teachers and parents

Kelompok Level

3. Academic improvement

4. Pupils converse in English

PROGRAMME : EXTRA CLASSESOBJECTIVE : To improve pupils’ overall achievement in the UPSR exams DURATION : January to September 2015TARGET GROUP : Year 6 pupils





1. Extra class committeeSet the programIdentify pupils who are able to attend the classes from Year 6Issue letters to parents to get their approval and cooperation

1.3List of pupils and teachers involved 1.4 Make arrangements to prepare lunch for the pupils

2. Setting up Committee Members

3. Preparations for the extra classes 3.1 Prepare a time table 3.2 Make announcements

HM, SA 1, SA 2, SA CC,Year 6 Coordinator, All Year 6 teachers

HM, SA 1, SA 2, SA CC,Year 6 Coordinator, All Year 6 teachers

Year 6 CoordinatorAll Year 6

15 Jan

16 Jan

21 Jan


Letters to parents and get feedback

Constant reminders to committee

Reminders to pupils and teachers

Have short meeting with teachers to get feedback on progress of the


and distribute information about the classes

3.3 Inform the pupils3.4 Inform the PTA

4. Carry out the classes according to plan

5. Meetings are help monthly to get Feedbacks on the progress of the classes

6. Post Mortem

7. Documentation


Year 6 CoordinatorAll Year 6 teachers


Committee Year 6 Coordinator

Year 6



11 Sept

15 Sept


Check on the progress of the classes from time to timeSent reminders to pupils and parents to maintain good attendance

SA1 checks on attendance of pupils and teachers and takes relevant action

SA1 prepares report on the extra classes


Coordinator Reads and

approves the documentation

PROGRAMME : Motivational Clinics for Parents and PupilsOBJECTIVE : To create awareness among the pupils and their parents of the importance of the UPSR examination DURATION : 1 dayTARGET GROUP : Year 6 pupils and their parents




1. Motivational Clinic Committee Meeting

1.1. Set the program1.2. Identify the

facilitators for conducting the clinics

1.3 List of the pupils and parents involved and issue invitations

HM, SA 1, SA 2, SA CC,Year 6 Coordinator, All teachers

20 Mac

Letters to parents and get feedback

Constant reminders to committee


2. Setting up Committee Members

3. Preparations for the clinics 3.1 Prepare a time table 3.2 Make announcements and distribute information about the clinics

3.3. Inform the pupils and their parents

3.4. Inform the PTA 4. Meetings to get feedback on

the progress

HM, SA 1, SA 2, SA CC,Year 6 Coordinator, All teachers

Year 6 CoordinatorAll Year 6 teachers

Year 6 CoordinatorAll teachers

21 Mac

25 Mac

8 Mac

Reminders to pupils and parents

Have short meeting with teachers to get feedback on progress of the program

Committee constantly


5. Carry out the clinics according to plan

6. Post Mortem

7. Documentation

Year 6 CoordinatorAll teachers

Committee Year 6 Coordinator

Year 6 Coordinator

12 Mac

15 Mac

monitors the clinics to ensure smooth flow

SA1 prepares report on the extra classes

Reads and approves the documentation

PROGRAMME : POEM AND NURSERY RHYMES CLINICOBJECTIVE : To Make Learning English Fun DURATION : 9 – 13 October 2015TARGET GROUP : Year 1 to Year 6 pupils




1. Poem and Nursery Rhyme Clinics

Committee MeetingSet the programIdentify the activities for

Year 1 - 6Identify the participantsList of pupils and teachers involved

2. Setting up Committee Members

3. Carrying out activities 3.1 Prepare a time table of events 3.2 Make announcements and distribute information about the events 3.3 Inform the participants 3.4 Plan and prepare for the events 3.5. Guide and train the participants

4.Carry out the activities

HM, SA 1, Head of Panel, EnglishTeachers

English Panel

English Teachers

English Teachers

2 Oct

3 Oct

5 OctRM20.00


Reminders to teachersCheck relevance of activities and program

Prepare tentative backup of committee

Set up a ‘watchdog panel’ to check on preparation and training of participantsReminders to participants and teachers

‘Watchdog panel’


according to program

5. Meetings to get feedbacks

6. Official Opening and carry out the events and submit the results to the Committee

7. Official Closing and Prize Giving

8. Post Mortem

9. Documentation

English Panel

HMEnglish Teachers

HM ,English Panel

English Panel

English Panel

9 Oct

17 Oct

20 Oct

13 Oct




checks on smooth running of the program and helps where necessary

Have short meeting with teachers to get feedback on preparations and progress of activities

Rehearsal and monitor with checklist

Check results and list of prizes

‘Watchdog panel’ prepares a report


Head of Panel checks the draft and approves

PROGRAMME : ENGLISH WEEK - Theme : English For AllOBJECTIVE : To Make Learning English Fun DURATION : 15 – 19 September 2015TARGET GROUP : Year 1 to Year 6 pupils




1. English Week Committee Meeting 1.1. Set the program 1.2. Identify the activities for Year 1 - 6 1.3. Identify the participants 1.4. List of pupils and teachers involved 1.5.Identify the judges

2. Setting up Committee Members

HM, SA 1, Head of Panel, EnglishTeachers

English Panel

14 Aug

15 Aug

8 Sept



Reminders to teachersCheck relevance of activities and program

Prepare tentative backup of committee

Set up a


3. Carrying out activities 3.1 Prepare a time table of events 3.2 Make announcements and distribute information about the events 3.3 Inform the participants 3.4 Plan and prepare for the events 3.5. Guide and train the participants

4. Carry out the activities according to program

5. Meetings to get feedbacks

6. Official Opening and carry out the events

English Teachers

English Teachers

English Panel

HMEnglish Teachers

HM ,

16 Aug

15 Sept

29 Aug

15 Sept

19 Sept

8 Sept

19 Sept





‘watchdog panel’ to check on preparation and training of participantsReminders to participants and teachers

‘Watchdog panel’ checks on smooth running of the program and helps where necessary

Have short meeting with teachers to get feedback on preparations and progress of activities


and submit the results to the Committee

7. Official Closing and Prize Giving

8. Post Mortem

9. Documentation

English Panel

English Panel

English Panel

15 Sept

22 Sept

25 Sept


Rehearsal and monitor with checklist

Check results and list of prizes

‘Watchdog panel’ prepares a report

Head of Panel checks the draft and approves

PROGRAMME : PEER GROUP LEARNINGOBJECTIVE : To improve pupils’ overall achievement in the UPSR exams DURATION : July - August 2015TARGET GROUP : Year 6 & 5 pupils





1. Peer Group Learning Committee

Meeting 1.1. Set the program 1.2. Identify the activities for Year 5 & 6 1.3. Identify the pupils involved

1.4 List of pupils and their groups

1.5 Identity the group leaders

2. Setting up Committee Members

3. Preparations 3.1 Prepare list of groups and the leaders 3.2 Make announcements and distribute information about the groups 3.3 Prepare guidelines on what is expected from the groups

Head of Panel, EnglishTeachers

English Panel

English TeachersYear 5 & 6

English Teachers

20 June

21 June

22 June

3 July

Reminders to teacherscheck relevance of the program

Head of the panel checks on the preparations


3.4 Brief the pupils on the guidelines 3.5. Guide and help the pupils

4. Carry out the activities

according to plan

5. Meetings are help monthly to get feedbacks on the peer groups

6. Ending of the program

7. Post Mortem

Year 5 & 6

English Panel

English TeachersYear 5 & 6

English Panel

English Panel

10 Sept

15 Sept

30 Aug Short informal

meetings are held with the teachers from time to time

Head of Panel prepares a report

Head of Panel checks the draft and approves


8. Documentation

