Quiz on Progressives HW: Vocabulary- 1920s and Great Depression – Page 25 & 26 in packet...


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Quiz on Progressives

HW: Vocabulary- 1920s and Great Depression – Page 25 & 26 in packet

Regents Review Class – 6/3

Room 158, 159, 160


*Yellow Journalism

*Protect American investments in Cuba

*Sinking of the Maine

*As a result – U.S. acquires Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba as a protectorate until 1930

*Disappointed U.S. annexed rather than independence.

*Filipinos fought for independence – defeated in 1902.

*U.S. built roads, hospitals and schools.

*Given independence in 1946 just after WWII.

*Used as a coaling station. Americans built sugar and pineapples plantations.

*Queen Lilikoulani tried to take power from the plantation owners.

*Owners revolted in 1893.

*Provisional government asked to be annexed.

*Open Door Policy 1899

*Concerned European powers would establish “spheres of influence”

*John Hay established equal trading rights

*Reaction – Boxer Rebellion.

*Spanish American War proved a need for the canal.

*Offered 10 million to Colombia (which owned Panama) they refused.

*Roosevelt aids Panamanians in revolt.

*1952 becomes a self governing commonwealth.

*Are American Citizens.

*Cannot vote for President

*No Federal taxes.

*No further colonization of the Western Hemisphere.

*U.S. will stay out of European affairs

*Act of War

*Extension of the Monroe Doctrine

*U.S. would act as an “international police power”

*Encourages bankers and investors to invest in profitable ventures in Latin America.





*Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

*Sinking of the Lusitania

*Zimmerman Telegram

*War Industries Board

*Food Administration

*Selective Service

*Women won right to vote

*Wilson’s 14 points

*League of Nations

*Treaty of Versailles