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What do Indians do to celebrate the Hindu festival of


A. Fast from dawn till dusk

B. Throw colored powder

C. Set out candles and oil lamps

D. All of the above

Diwaali, the five- day Festival of Lights, commemorates the return to India of Lord Ram and his wife, Sita, after their victory over the demon-king of Sri Lanka. During Diwali, tiny earthen oil lamps are lit to outline every house and hut to guide them on their journey home

What celebration precedes the Catholic holiday of Lent in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?A. Carnival

B. The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

C. All Souls Day

D. None of the above

Every year, Rio hosts one of the largest Carnival celebrations in the world, marked by samba competitions, musical performances, colorful costumes, and a showstopping procession

During the harvest celebration of Incwala in Swaziland, no one may eat until who does so?A. The kingB. The oldest women presentC. The winner of a foot raceD. The shaman

What do Muslims traditionally eat to break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan?

A. LentilsB. DatesC. Chocolate D. Tomatoes

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. At sundown, it’s traditional to break the fast by eating the fruit of the date palm, mentioned several times in the Holy Koran

The Philippines’ MassKara festival is dedicated to what behavior?

A. MarriageB. SmilingC. DeathD. Birth

Buddists traditionally do which of the following on Vesak, the holiday celebrating the birth, life, and death of Buddha?

A. Compose songsB. Prune shrubsC. Burn old clothesC. Release animals

On Vesak, which falls in April or May each year, many Buddhists follow the tradition of releasing captive birds, insects, and animals in a symbolic act of liberation

The first Oktoberfest was organized to help celebrate what major event?

A. The ending of the Napoleonic WarsB. The birth of a crown princeC. The breakup of PrussiaD. The wedding of Bavarian royalty

The first Oktoberfest was held in Munich on October 18, 1810, to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese of Saxe – Hildburghausen. Popular worldwide today, Oktoberfests feature German beer, food, music, and merriment.

The distinctive sound is heard during Rosh Hashanah services in Jewish temples?

A. The clip – clop of horses’ hoovesB. The ringing of ship’s bellsC. The blowing of a ram’s hornD. None – It’s a silent service

The trumpeting of a shofar _ a ram’s horn _ marks observances of Rosh Hashanah at Jewish synagogues worldwide. The holiday, often calls the Jewish New Year, is the first of the High Holidays.

England’s Guy Fawkes Day recognizes a failed plot to blow up Parliament and which English monarch?

A. Edward IIB. Henry VIIIC. James ID. Richard III

On November 5, 1605, authorities foiled a plot to blow up Parliament and King James I that was spearheaded by Guy Fawkes, who hoped to return England to Catholic control. Today, the British celebrate the failed plot with a national holiday and by burning effigies of Fawkes,

During Setsubun, the Japanese celebration that occurs the day before each new season, what do people throw?A. RiceB. RadishesC. Paper birdsD. Beans

During Setsubun, Japanese throw dried beans to drive out demons and bring good luck for the coming season.

The traditional Christmas character of St. Nicholas became popular in the United States after what writer featured the character in A History of New York?

A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. Edgar Allan PoeC. James Fenimore CooperD. Washington Irving

The morden version of St. Nicholas was polularized after Washington Irving’s A History of New York was published in 1809. St. Nick’s jolly image was reinforced by Clement Moore’s 1822 poem about the night before Christmas

Fill the blank: In the old days, the New Year started with a custom called “ F_ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _”, which was suppose to bring good luck to people for the coming year.As soon as midnight had passed and January 1st had started, people used to wait behind their doors for a dark haired person to arrive. The visitor carried a piece of coal, some bread, some money and some greenery.

Which date is one of the unlucliest Day of the Year in Britain?A. 2nd JanuaryB. 3rd JanuaryC. 4th January

It was an old Saxon belief that 2nd January was one of the unluckiest days of the whole year. Those unfortunate enough to be born on this day could expect to dies an unpleasant death.

Which is the coldest month and day of the Year?

St Hilary’s Feast day on 13th January has gained the reputation of being the coldest day of the year due to past cold events starting on or around this date.

This festival is hold on 2nd February in Britain.It was the day of the year when all the candles, that were used in th church during the coming year, were brought into church and blessing was said over them, so it was the Festival Day of the Candles or Candlesmas Day

This was originally thought to be the day on which birds chose their mates.

Each year in Britain, we spend a lot of money on cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts... It’s Valentine’s Day.

ChallengesGuest the name of festival through picture

Challenges: Say “ Happy New Year” in 5 language

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