Quarter-at-a-Glance January 5 th, 2011. Andrea Ferris President Campus Appreciation Gifts


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January 5th, 2011

Andrea Ferris

PresidentCampus Appreciation Gifts

Fall = Planning and Prep Winter and Spring = Action

Who has something BIG this Quarter?

Getting Down To Business

A Thanks to Everyone who helps Engineering students40 gifts to departments like: Secretaries, Financial Aid, Mail Room, Janitors, etc.Delivered the week before E-Week

Campus Appreciation Gifts

We need help!

Need 5+ people to :• Design• Assemble• Deliver

Contact Andrea at ecouncil.president@ gmail.com by Jan. 14th.

Gift Committee

Manny Sanchez

Vice PresidentOfficer Elections

Club Elections

Have them as early as possible• End of Winter quarter

Transition periodECLR• Attendance HIGHLY recommended

Council Elections

Great leadership positionsNetworkingApplications are due February 22nd

Elections: March 8, 2011Applications will be available online and outside our office 9-306

Samantha Hong

Public RelationsMaster Calendar & Website

Master Calendar

there will be a new club master calendar on the EC webpage all clubs are encouraged to add their meeting dates/locations and other events “Meeting Date & Location” under the club database will be removed for the clubs who share their calendars


students may easily access all club events (less questions and emails to you! ) clubs may plan events around each other to avoid scheduling conflicts (improved organization) additional publicity

Calendar Instructions

using any Google account, create a new calendar

create events


change your calendar name

share your calendar (with us)

Instructions will be sent out to your emails by Friday.

Engineering Council Website http://www.csupomona.edu/~egr_council

If you need to update contact info, website, or special events for winter/spring, please make the changes on the clipboard.

Optional: Clubs may submit their mission statement or additional club information to post under the club database. • please keep it to 2-3 sentences• fill out on clipboard or email to


Fatima Rincon

SecretaryNewsletter & Council Meetings


Quarterly newsletter Where your club can showcase a pass event or showcase an upcoming event to encourage students to attendYour reps have known about the newsletter all last quarterWe are thinking of creating a monthly video letter to promote your events • Will be posted on our facebook website and csu

Engineering Council page

See me or Samantha for more info

Engineering Council Meetings

New location!!! 17-1631Dates:• January: 1 and 25• February: 8 and 22• March: 8

Same time: U-hourPlease remind your rep this upcoming Tuesday will be the first meeting

Alex Bielawiec

TreasurerSpecial Allocations



Clubs Interested

Application Process

1. Inform the council of your club’s interest.• Completed

2. Complete a budget request packet.• Due Jan 11 (at the E-Council general


3. Present to the council.• Date TBA

Only two sections need to be completed• Budget Request Form• Line Item Explanation

Signatures are not neededIncome should be $0Request should be $250 or $500

Budget Request Packet


Presented at a E-Council officer meeting5-7 minutes in lengthPowerPoints allowed, but not required. Presentation is open-ended by designThe Council will ask questions after the presentation.

Recipient Selection

The council members will have a rubric on which each club presentation will be judged.It seems that many more clubs are interested in the $500 amount, consider switching to $250 to increase chances.If your club does not receive the money, you are ready to go to ASI!

Spring Allocations

Spring allocations will occur at the beginning of spring quarter.Spring allocations make up 30% of the year’s allocations.

Jessica Byrd & Willie Sanders

Activities CoordinatorsE-Week & Other Events

Winter Quarter

Jan. 20-21 – Engineering SummitFeb. 20-26 – Engineers Week


April 9 – Bronco Engineering DayApril 21 – Spring Career DayMay 14 – Engineering Club Leadership RetreatMay 27 – Project Symposium & ShowcaseJune – Graduation

College of EngineeringBronco Engineering Day

Select high school students and their families are invited to visit and explore the College of Engineering• 800 guests expected

Each department organizes its own portion of the event• Orientations• Lab Tours• Demonstrations

What is it?

Volunteers needed for:Overall Crew:• Set up / Clean up• Signage and Traffic


Department Crew:• Guest Check In• Tour Guides• Lab Hosts• Answer Questions

• Contact Tina Shelton x2477 or cnshelton@csupomona.edu

We Need Your Help


Alicia Hansell

ashansell@csupomona.eduDeans Office


Engineers Week

The 60th Anniversary


What is E-Week?• In the United States, the third full

week of February is National Engineers' Week.

• It is observed by more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies.

• The purpose of National Engineers' Week is to call attention to the contributions to society that engineers make.

• It is also a time for engineers to emphasize the importance of learning math, science, and technical skills.

When is E-Week?• February 20th – 26th

Want to help us out?

Engineering Council would love your help with planning and executing the 2011 Engineers Week.We are trying to get a committee that will work under the activity coordinators.It will help you or your club members get experience in planning a such a large scale event as well as more involved in the college of engineering. Maybe even make new friends or connections.So please let you club members know and have them email us at ecouncil.activities@gmail.comIf you are interested please put your name, email, and phone number on the sheet going around.

This years theme will be…

ENGINERDEmbrace the nerd in you.

Event Ideas

Tuesday 2.22.11• Club Carnival

TBA• E-Week Bowl

Saturday 2.26.11• Athletic Competition• BBQ• Awards Ceremony

Other Ideas• Miss Engineer

E-Week BowlPresented by E-Council


Logo here manny

Why: Improve interclub relations & raise $$$ for your Club!

What: Two round competition◦ Academia & Activity

When: Thursday at U-hours of E-Week

Why, What, When?

Jeopardy Style


3 Questions Each


Boat Float◦ Aluminum Foil◦ Marbles◦ Allotted time to design & build

Ready, Fire, Aim!◦ Sling Shots◦ Water Balloons◦ 3 Targets


Groups of 3

$25 for each Club

Registration starts now!

Deadline is February 11

Sign up w/ E-council Activity Coordinator -Jessica Byrd

Club Team Requirements

Academic 50% of points Activity 50% of points

1st Place $100* 2nd Place $75* 3rd Place $50*

◦ *Payable to Club Agency Account


Any Questions?

T-shirt Competition

We encourage each club to submit as many designs as possible. T-shirts should go with theme of the week.• One color print, centered on front of the shirt

T-shirt designs will be due: Friday Jan. 14thT-shirt designs will be voted on by club reps and E-council at following meeting.

Point Break Down

For each day with a competition:• 1st place 150 pts• 2nd place 100pts• 3rd place 70 pts• 4th place 50pts

T-shirt design:• 50 pts per submission (max 2 per club)• 200 pts for club with winning design.

Any Ideas????
