Quality of Life -Diversity


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Quality of Life – Embracing DiversityBy Miranda Gilbert

City of Guymon Community Development Specialist & Arts & Humanities, Tourism Liaison

Pioneers Farmers & Ranchers Top Ag Producers in the State and


How residents defined Guymon

They cultivated the land no one wanted They braved the dust bowl They ran off the outlaws They were a tough breed They wrestle stock for fun

Historically – No Man’s Land

As the Global Need for Ag Grewso Did Guymon’s Economy…

The Cattle Ranches Grew

The Farming Grew The Pork Industry


AND THUS: So Grew the Jobs So Grew the

Industries So Grew the

Population Diversity

Community & Economic

Development are one and the same –

You can’t have one without the other.

Let’s focus on what “We HAVE”-A great this, a good that

A.K.A. Asset Based Inventory

This focuses on: Strengths Opportunities or Celebration of our Diversity

We find that in contrast…

The focus on “We Have” leads people to:

FEEL positively about their community

Inspires innovation and creativity

Who did we want to be?

Bridge the Divide, Be One Community

We want all residents to feel welcome.We want them all to feel included.

-Gain Understanding-Feel Compassion-Give Purpose, Pride-Communicate


Minorities became Majoritywith 26 Languages in the Community

The easiest way to break the language barrier:

The Arts - Food

Dance Music

“With a huge language barrier and different cultures how can we communicate best?”

Featuring: Hispanic Dance Troupe Alma de


So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Featuring: Mariachis Frescas/Juice Water

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Featuring: Authentic Food Hispanic Snacks

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Featuring: Piñatas & Games Entertainment

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Evolving Over Time to Cross Culture Groups: YMCA Zumba School Dance Team

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Evolving Over Time to Award OPSU Scholarships:

First Partial Now Full Ride & Multiple

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Evolving Over Time to Cross Culture Vending: Wild West Soda Funnel Cakes

So a cultural exchange was born known as Guymon Fiesta

Guymon Fiesta was a success in joining the community & moreEvolving Over Time: Hispanic Advisory Board Leadership Trainings Alma Dancers Perform on State and National Levels

The economy continued to grow, and so has the diversity. We found ourselves in another scenario of residents unsure of the unknown. So a new cultural exchange was born: Azuma – An AfricanCelebration

It again uses food, dance, and music to communicate and share an experience to create a sense of one community, embracing us as a melting pot. It also adds storytelling of the Lost Boys of Sudan.

Azuma - An African Celebration

Azuma – An African Celebration Traditional Costume Music, Drumming Food

Azuma – An African Celebration They Show a Great Respect to also Celebrate Western Culture

The immigrants share the positivity with others The employers support the events and community

programs that relate to their employees quality of life The community, local government, and visitors

embrace the melting pot of culture and events The brand for hospitality instills pride and

compassion Pride and compassion in a community deters crime

and makes us more healthy over all

As a result of cultural exchangeswe have seen our community and economic development continue to expand in a positive way:

Other Quality of Life Growth: New Public Library Arts Center/Gallery Main Street Revitalization Retail and Housing

Developments Industry Diversification

Who we are now:

Thank you! Miranda.gilbert@Guymonok.org

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