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Quality of Education in AfricaQuality of Education in Africa::

Definitions, Indicators and PracticesDefinitions, Indicators and Practices

Dayo Odukoya, Ph.DDayo Odukoya, Ph.DEducation & Development Consultant/Secretary GeneralEducation & Development Consultant/Secretary General

Educational Research Network for West and Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa [ERNWACA], NigeriaCentral Africa [ERNWACA], Nigeria

dayoodukoya@gmail.comdayoodukoya@gmail.com234234--8034730219; 2348034730219; 234--70848876757084887675

© 2010 - All illustrations/sketches by Dayo Odukoya

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� ‘‘Quality of education is now an issue of Quality of education is now an issue of global concern. Without quality education, global concern. Without quality education, development will not occur. Only the development will not occur. Only the educated people can command the skills educated people can command the skills necessary for sustainable economic necessary for sustainable economic growth and for a better quality of lifegrowth and for a better quality of life’’

Barber ConableBarber Conable

Former President of the World Bank (1988) Former President of the World Bank (1988)

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Kwapong (1988) observed that the main Kwapong (1988) observed that the main challenge of education in Africa is to develop the challenge of education in Africa is to develop the human resources that will ensure accelerated human resources that will ensure accelerated development and modernization without development and modernization without compromising Africacompromising Africa’’s cultural identify. He s cultural identify. He stressed, in order for education to realize its key stressed, in order for education to realize its key role in development, the attainment of greater role in development, the attainment of greater internal efficiency of the educational system and internal efficiency of the educational system and a greater external efficiency through an increase a greater external efficiency through an increase in the relevance of schooling to the job market in the relevance of schooling to the job market should be a priority. should be a priority.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� In 1990, the World Declaration on Education for In 1990, the World Declaration on Education for All [EFA] identified quality as a preAll [EFA] identified quality as a pre--requisite for requisite for achieving the fundamental goal of achieving the fundamental goal of equityequity. It . It was recognized that expanding was recognized that expanding accessaccess alone alone would be insufficient for education to contribute would be insufficient for education to contribute to the development of the individual and the to the development of the individual and the society. Emphasis was accordingly placed on society. Emphasis was accordingly placed on assuring an increase in assuring an increase in childrenchildren’’s cognitive s cognitive developmentdevelopment by improving the quality of their by improving the quality of their education. education.

�� The quest to achieve Education for All is The quest to achieve Education for All is fundamentally about assuring that children, fundamentally about assuring that children, youth and adults gain the knowledge and skills youth and adults gain the knowledge and skills they need to better their lives and to play a role they need to better their lives and to play a role in building more peaceful and equitable in building more peaceful and equitable societies. This is why focusing on quality is an societies. This is why focusing on quality is an imperative for achieving EFA (UNESCO, 2004)imperative for achieving EFA (UNESCO, 2004)

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� UNESCO further stressed that the six goals adopted UNESCO further stressed that the six goals adopted at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in April 2000, implicitly or explicitly integrate a quality April 2000, implicitly or explicitly integrate a quality dimension. Goal 6, in particular, commits countries, dimension. Goal 6, in particular, commits countries, with the support of their EFA partners, to improve with the support of their EFA partners, to improve all aspects of the quality of education all aspects of the quality of education …… Two Two principal objectives are at stake here: the first is to principal objectives are at stake here: the first is to ensure the ensure the cognitive development of learnerscognitive development of learners. The . The second emphasizes the role of education in second emphasizes the role of education in nurturing the creative and emotional growth of nurturing the creative and emotional growth of learnerslearners and in and in helping them to acquire values and helping them to acquire values and attitudes for responsible citizenshipattitudes for responsible citizenship. .

�� Quality must pass the test of equity: an education Quality must pass the test of equity: an education system characterized by discriminating against any system characterized by discriminating against any particular group is not fulfilling its mission. particular group is not fulfilling its mission.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

��The profound and valid The profound and valid statements underscore the statements underscore the significance of the theme of this significance of the theme of this paper paper -- quality of education.quality of education.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Some of the core questions addressed in this Some of the core questions addressed in this paper are: what is quality education? Is the paper are: what is quality education? Is the definition of quality education universal or there definition of quality education universal or there are peculiarities about quality education in are peculiarities about quality education in Africa? What are the reliable and valid indicators Africa? What are the reliable and valid indicators of quality education? What current practices of quality education? What current practices best illustrate the state of the quality of best illustrate the state of the quality of education in Africa in comparism with best education in Africa in comparism with best practices in the world? How realistic is the goal practices in the world? How realistic is the goal of achieving EFA within the specified time frame of achieving EFA within the specified time frame [2015], considering the serious limitations in [2015], considering the serious limitations in developing African nations?developing African nations? Is it really feasible Is it really feasible to achieve quality and to achieve quality and ‘‘quantityquantity’’ education all at education all at once? This paper attempts to find valid answers once? This paper attempts to find valid answers to these key questions.to these key questions.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Although there is no single definition of Although there is no single definition of quality, two principles characterize most quality, two principles characterize most attempts to define the objectives of attempts to define the objectives of education. The first, which identifies education. The first, which identifies learnerslearners’’ cognitive development as the cognitive development as the major explicit objective of all education major explicit objective of all education systems, sees the success with which systems, sees the success with which systems achieve this as one indicator of systems achieve this as one indicator of their quality. The second emphasizes the their quality. The second emphasizes the role of education in promoting commonly role of education in promoting commonly shared values along with creative and shared values along with creative and emotional development (UNESCO, 2005). emotional development (UNESCO, 2005).

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Gordon and Partington (1993) Gordon and Partington (1993) conceptualized education quality as the conceptualized education quality as the degree of success with which an degree of success with which an institution provides educational institution provides educational environment which enable students to environment which enable students to effectively achieve worthwhile learning effectively achieve worthwhile learning goals and appropriate academic standard.goals and appropriate academic standard.

�� According to Cole (1996), quality is the According to Cole (1996), quality is the degree of excellence. It is synonymous degree of excellence. It is synonymous with standard, efficiency, excellence, with standard, efficiency, excellence, relevance and worthiness.relevance and worthiness.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The various approaches regarding quality have their The various approaches regarding quality have their roots in different traditions of educational thoughts. roots in different traditions of educational thoughts. Humanistic approaches, behaviourist theory, Humanistic approaches, behaviourist theory, sociological critiques of education and challenges to sociological critiques of education and challenges to the legacies of colonialism have each enriched the the legacies of colonialism have each enriched the quality debate. quality debate.

�� To reconcile a range of approaches, the EFA Global To reconcile a range of approaches, the EFA Global monitoring Team Report adopts a framework that monitoring Team Report adopts a framework that takes into account five major factors affecting quality: takes into account five major factors affecting quality: learners, whose diversity must be recognized; the learners, whose diversity must be recognized; the national economic and social context; material and national economic and social context; material and human resources; the teaching and learning process human resources; the teaching and learning process and the outcomes and benefits of education and the outcomes and benefits of education [[IllustratedIllustrated]]

�� By focusing on these dimensions and how they By focusing on these dimensions and how they interact, it is possible to draw up a comprehensive interact, it is possible to draw up a comprehensive map for understanding, monitoring and improving map for understanding, monitoring and improving quality.quality.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Outcomes &Outcomes &Benefits of Benefits of educationeducation

Teaching &Teaching &learning learning processprocess

Material Material and humanand humanresourcesresources

National National economic economic and social and social contextcontext

LearnersLearners[[whose diversitywhose diversity

must be must be recognized]recognized]

Major Factors


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The Dakar framework for Action declared The Dakar framework for Action declared that access to quality education was the that access to quality education was the right of every child. It affirmed that quality right of every child. It affirmed that quality was at the heart of education was at the heart of education –– a a fundamental determinant of enrolment, fundamental determinant of enrolment, retention and achievement. Its expanded retention and achievement. Its expanded definition of quality sets out the definition of quality sets out the desirable desirable characteristics of learnerscharacteristics of learners [healthy, [healthy, motivated students], motivated students], processesprocesses [competent [competent teachers using active pedagogies], teachers using active pedagogies], contentcontent[relevant curricula], and [relevant curricula], and systemssystems [good [good governance and equitable resource governance and equitable resource allocation] (UNESCO, 2005) allocation] (UNESCO, 2005) [[IllustratedIllustrated]]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

SystemsSystems[good governance[good governance

and equitableand equitableresource allocation]resource allocation]

ContentContent[relevant curricula]][relevant curricula]]

ProcessesProcesses[competent [competent

teachers using teachers using active pedagogies]active pedagogies]

Desirable Desirable characteristics characteristics

of learnersof learners[healthy motivated[healthy motivated


Dimensionsof Education


SystemsSystems[good governance[good governance

and equitableand equitableresource allocation]resource allocation]

ContentContent[relevant curricula]][relevant curricula]]

ProcessesProcesses[competent [competent

teachers using teachers using active pedagogies]active pedagogies]

Desirable Desirable characteristics characteristics

of learnersof learners[healthy motivated[healthy motivated


Dimensionsof Education


Source: UNESCO [2005] - Dakar Framework of Action

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� UNESCO saw education throughout life as based UNESCO saw education throughout life as based upon four pillars: upon four pillars: Learning to knowLearning to know –– learners learners build their own knowledge daily, combining build their own knowledge daily, combining indigenous and indigenous and ‘‘externalexternal’’ elements; elements; Learning Learning to doto do –– focuses on the practical application of focuses on the practical application of what is learned or knowledge acquired; what is learned or knowledge acquired; Learning to live togetherLearning to live together –– addresses the addresses the critical skills for a life free from discrimination, critical skills for a life free from discrimination, where all have equal opportunity to develop where all have equal opportunity to develop themselves, their families and their themselves, their families and their communities; and communities; and Learning to be Learning to be ––emphasizes the skills needed for individuals to emphasizes the skills needed for individuals to develop their full potential. According to Delors develop their full potential. According to Delors et al (1996), this conceptualization of education et al (1996), this conceptualization of education provided an integrated and comprehensive view provided an integrated and comprehensive view of learning and, therefore, of what constitutes of learning and, therefore, of what constitutes education quality education quality [[IllustratedIllustrated]]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

LearningTo Live Together

Learning To Do

Learning To Know

Learning To Be

Pillars of


LearningTo Live Together

Learning To Do

Learning To Know

Learning To Be

Pillars of


Source: Delors - UNESCO [1996]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� UNICEF strongly emphasizes what might UNICEF strongly emphasizes what might be called desirable dimensions of quality, be called desirable dimensions of quality, as identified in the Dakar Framework. Its as identified in the Dakar Framework. Its paper paper ‘‘Defining Quality in EducationDefining Quality in Education’’recognizes five dimensions of quality: recognizes five dimensions of quality: learner, environments, content, processes learner, environments, content, processes and outcomes, founded on the and outcomes, founded on the ‘‘rights of rights of the whole child, and all children, to the whole child, and all children, to survival, protection, development and survival, protection, development and participationparticipation’’ (UNICEF in UNESCO, 2005) (UNICEF in UNESCO, 2005)


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


Processes Content



Dimensionsof Quality


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� According to Obanya (2002), the most According to Obanya (2002), the most distinguishing characteristic of quality in distinguishing characteristic of quality in Education is that it is a multiEducation is that it is a multi--dimensional dimensional concept. Quality pervades every action concept. Quality pervades every action that goes into making the process of that goes into making the process of educating possible, every element of the educating possible, every element of the activities undertaken in the process of activities undertaken in the process of educating, and the wide array of beneficial educating, and the wide array of beneficial results of educational activities on both results of educational activities on both individual learners and the wider society. individual learners and the wider society. The subject of education quality can The subject of education quality can therefore be addressed at three levels: therefore be addressed at three levels: inputinput, , processprocess and and outputoutput. .

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com







Source: Obanya [2002] –Dimensions of Quality

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

S/NS/N InputsInputs ProcessesProcesses OutputsOutputs

1.1. SocietySociety Total Involvement and Total Involvement and acceptance of programacceptance of program

-- Acquisition of socially Acquisition of socially desirable skills. desirable skills.

-- Continuous interest n Continuous interest n learning.learning.

-- Permanent, unqualified Permanent, unqualified societysociety’’s interest in the s interest in the promotion of education.promotion of education.

--Teachers and Teachers and Management fully devoted Management fully devoted to continuous self to continuous self improvement.improvement.

-- The ultimate goal: A The ultimate goal: A committed society, a committed society, a critical mass of critical mass of productive/creative productive/creative citizens and an education citizens and an education system that goes on system that goes on improvingimproving

2.2. PolicyPolicy Adaptability to local Adaptability to local conditions. Democratic.conditions. Democratic.

3.3. Management Management FrameworkFramework

Decentralisation. Autonomy for Decentralisation. Autonomy for operatorsoperators

4.4. CurriculumCurriculum Responsive to individual and Responsive to individual and societal needs.societal needs.

5.5. Teaching ForceTeaching Force Adequately prepared and well Adequately prepared and well motivatedmotivated

6.6. InfrastructureInfrastructure Aesthetic, relevant and enough Aesthetic, relevant and enough

7.7. MaterialsMaterials Relevant, adequate and Relevant, adequate and enoughenough

8.8. FundsFunds Available at the right time in Available at the right time in right amount, and well appliedright amount, and well applied

Source: Obanya (2002)

Obanya Tripartite Model of Quality in Education

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The Obanya conception of Quality of Education is quite The Obanya conception of Quality of Education is quite ingenious. It concisely addressed the subject, and ingenious. It concisely addressed the subject, and interestingly, within an African perspective. Though the interestingly, within an African perspective. Though the details of the actual process are not clearly delineated in details of the actual process are not clearly delineated in this table/model [such as practically effective pedagogies, this table/model [such as practically effective pedagogies, use of diagnostic and developmentuse of diagnostic and development--oriented testing oriented testing techniques etc], they are well explained in several portions techniques etc], they are well explained in several portions of his classic titled: of his classic titled: ‘‘Revitalizing Education in AfricaRevitalizing Education in Africa’’ . It . It appears two vital elements are missing in the input appears two vital elements are missing in the input dimension though: the dimension though: the student forcestudent force and the and the industrial industrial force. force.

�� The quality of pupils/students prepared by the society The quality of pupils/students prepared by the society [parents, hospital, church, school etc] lays the foundation [parents, hospital, church, school etc] lays the foundation and largely determine the effect of the education process and largely determine the effect of the education process and the quality of final output. and the quality of final output.

�� A strong collaboration between the school system and the A strong collaboration between the school system and the industrial system, particularly in science and technology industrial system, particularly in science and technology practical works will go a along way in catalyzing truly practical works will go a along way in catalyzing truly indigenous productivity and development.indigenous productivity and development.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The UNAIDS InterThe UNAIDS Inter--Agency Task Team [IITT] on Education posits Agency Task Team [IITT] on Education posits that a quality education focuses on learning. There is a shift that a quality education focuses on learning. There is a shift of of emphasis from emphasis from ‘‘educatingeducating’’ to to ‘‘learning.learning.’’ The primary concern is The primary concern is learning and, therefore, the relationship between the learner anlearning and, therefore, the relationship between the learner and d the educator is critical. But the inputs, processes, results anthe educator is critical. But the inputs, processes, results and d outcomes that surround and foster, or hamper learning are key asoutcomes that surround and foster, or hamper learning are key aswell. All of these can be seen as affecting learning at two levwell. All of these can be seen as affecting learning at two levels els ––at at the level of the learnerthe level of the learner in her or his learning environment [adult in her or his learning environment [adult or child, formal or informal] and the or child, formal or informal] and the level of the systemlevel of the system that creates that creates and supports the learning experience. Each of these two levels and supports the learning experience. Each of these two levels can can be divided into five dimensions. be divided into five dimensions. // The five dimensions for the level The five dimensions for the level of Learner are: Considers the Content of formal and nonof Learner are: Considers the Content of formal and non--formal formal learning, acknowledges what the learner brings, seeks out learnelearning, acknowledges what the learner brings, seeks out learners, rs, provides a conducive learning environment, and enhances learningprovides a conducive learning environment, and enhances learningprocesses. The five dimensions for the level of the learning syprocesses. The five dimensions for the level of the learning system stem are: Implements relevant and appropriate policies, restructures are: Implements relevant and appropriate policies, restructures resources for learning, measures learning outcomes, promotes theresources for learning, measures learning outcomes, promotes theestablishment of legislation supportive to learning, structures establishment of legislation supportive to learning, structures management and administration to support learning management and administration to support learning [[IllustratedIllustrated]]..

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Learning Processes

Conducive learning


Seeks out learners

What the learner brings

Content of formal and non-formal learning

Factors affecting Learning:

Level of Learner

Source: UNAIDS-IITA [2006]

What affects learning affects the quality of education

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Structures management

and Administrationto support learning

Promotes theestablishment of legislationsupportiveto learning

Measures learning outcomes

Restructures resources for learning

Implements relevant and appropriate policies

Factors affecting Learning:

Level of the Learning System

Source: UNAIDS-IITA [2006]

What affects learning affects the quality of education

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Level of Society

Level of LearningSystem

Level of Learner

Level of Society

Level of LearningSystem

Level of Learner

Source: UNAIDS-IITA [2006] ‘Level of Society’ was added by Odukoya (2010). Obanya (2002) also addressed this Societal Dimension.

The society moulds the learning system and the learner; the learning system moulds the learner

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Several indicators provide information on Several indicators provide information on dimensions of quality. Public expenditure on dimensions of quality. Public expenditure on education represents a higher proportion of GDP education represents a higher proportion of GDP of rich countries, where the EFA goals are of rich countries, where the EFA goals are already achieved, than in poorer ones, where already achieved, than in poorer ones, where the coverage of underthe coverage of under--resourced systems needs resourced systems needs to be expanded and improved. Pupil/teacher to be expanded and improved. Pupil/teacher ratio remain higher than is desirable in many ratio remain higher than is desirable in many countries of Subcountries of Sub--Saharan Africa [regional Saharan Africa [regional median is 44:1] and South and West Asia median is 44:1] and South and West Asia [40:1]. In many low income countries, teachers [40:1]. In many low income countries, teachers do not meet even the minimum standards for do not meet even the minimum standards for entry into teaching and many have not fully entry into teaching and many have not fully mastered the curriculum. The HIV/AIDS mastered the curriculum. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is severely undermining the provision pandemic is severely undermining the provision of good education and contributing significantly of good education and contributing significantly to teacher absenteeism (UNESCO, 2004)to teacher absenteeism (UNESCO, 2004)

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Yoloye in Ajayi (2009), posited that Yoloye in Ajayi (2009), posited that there are six indicators for there are six indicators for assessment of quality in higher assessment of quality in higher education system. These include the education system. These include the quality of teachers, the quality of quality of teachers, the quality of facilities, the quality of instructions, facilities, the quality of instructions, the quality of evaluation procedure, the quality of evaluation procedure, the quality of morality, and the the quality of morality, and the quality of administration and quality of administration and management management [[IllustratedIllustrated].].

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Quality of Quality of administration administration & management& management

Quality Quality of moralityof morality

Quality of Quality of EvaluationEvaluationprocedureprocedure

Quality of Quality of instructionsinstructions

Quality of Quality of facilitiesfacilities

Quality ofQuality ofteachersteachers

Quality Indicators

Source: Yoloye in Ajayi [2009]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� These points are valid. However, a vital quality These points are valid. However, a vital quality indicator appears to be left out, indicator appears to be left out, ‘‘quality of quality of studentsstudents’’. In my view, this is the mother of all . In my view, this is the mother of all education qualities. It is possible to have quality education qualities. It is possible to have quality infrastructure, teachers and related inputs and infrastructure, teachers and related inputs and processes and yet produce students who are processes and yet produce students who are aversive morally, incapable of peaceful mutual aversive morally, incapable of peaceful mutual relations, and hardly able to contribute relations, and hardly able to contribute meaningfully to community and national meaningfully to community and national development. Such educational investment development. Such educational investment would be a waste. Education that does not would be a waste. Education that does not translate to production of quality students who translate to production of quality students who are capable of solving their personal, societal are capable of solving their personal, societal and environment problems whilst evolving and environment problems whilst evolving economically viable goods and services is hardly economically viable goods and services is hardly a quality education. a quality education.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Akpa, Udoh and Fagbamiye (2005) Akpa, Udoh and Fagbamiye (2005) identified some of the factors militating identified some of the factors militating against the quality of higher education against the quality of higher education to include: inadequate fund, shortage to include: inadequate fund, shortage of physical facilities, shortage of of physical facilities, shortage of qualified teachers, unstable qualified teachers, unstable educational policies, lack of uniform educational policies, lack of uniform curriculum and poor supervision cum curriculum and poor supervision cum monitoring. These factors are monitoring. These factors are indirectly quality indicators.indirectly quality indicators.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� SubSub--Saharan Africa [SSA] with about 740 million people Saharan Africa [SSA] with about 740 million people and some 200 public universities and a fast increasing and some 200 public universities and a fast increasing number of private higher education institutions and the number of private higher education institutions and the lowest gross enrollment ratio in the world [about 5%] is lowest gross enrollment ratio in the world [about 5%] is now paying greater attention to issues of quality at the now paying greater attention to issues of quality at the tertiary level. Findings from Materu [2007] study showed tertiary level. Findings from Materu [2007] study showed that structured nationalthat structured national--level quality assurance processes level quality assurance processes in African higher education are a very recent phenomenon in African higher education are a very recent phenomenon and that most countries face major capacity constraints. and that most countries face major capacity constraints. Only about a third of them have established structured Only about a third of them have established structured national quality assurance mechanisms. Activities differ in national quality assurance mechanisms. Activities differ in their scope and rigor, ranging from simple licensing of their scope and rigor, ranging from simple licensing of institutions by the Minister responsible for higher institutions by the Minister responsible for higher education, to comprehensive systemeducation, to comprehensive system--wide program wide program accreditation and ranking of institutions. Within accreditation and ranking of institutions. Within institutions of higher learning, self assessment and institutions of higher learning, self assessment and academic audits are gradually being adopted to academic audits are gradually being adopted to supplement traditional quality assurance methods [e.g. use supplement traditional quality assurance methods [e.g. use of external examiners]. However, knowledge about and of external examiners]. However, knowledge about and experience with internal audit is limited.experience with internal audit is limited.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The main challenges to quality assurance The main challenges to quality assurance systems in Africa are cost and human systems in Africa are cost and human capacity requirements. Operating a capacity requirements. Operating a national quality assurance agency typically national quality assurance agency typically entails an annual budget of least entails an annual budget of least US$450,000 and requires appropriately US$450,000 and requires appropriately trained and experienced staff. As African trained and experienced staff. As African countries look forward to tertiary countries look forward to tertiary education to make significant contribution education to make significant contribution to economic growth, improvements in the to economic growth, improvements in the quality of programs and institutions will be quality of programs and institutions will be crucial [Ansu, in Materu, 2007]crucial [Ansu, in Materu, 2007]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� In an empirical study of quality assurance In an empirical study of quality assurance practices in tertiary institutions in Africa, practices in tertiary institutions in Africa, Materu (2007) found that, to date, out of Materu (2007) found that, to date, out of the 52 countries in the continent, only 16 the 52 countries in the continent, only 16 [31%] have quality assurance agencies. [31%] have quality assurance agencies. These are Cameron, Cote DThese are Cameron, Cote D’’Ivoire, Egypt, Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. 36 countries Uganda, and Zimbabwe. 36 countries [69%] have no national agency in place. [69%] have no national agency in place.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The emergence of private tertiary The emergence of private tertiary institutions and the need to regulate their institutions and the need to regulate their activities appears to have been the main activities appears to have been the main trigger for the establishment of formal QA trigger for the establishment of formal QA agencies in most countries. The common agencies in most countries. The common quality assurance practices observed are: quality assurance practices observed are: institutional audits, institutional institutional audits, institutional accreditation and program accreditation. accreditation and program accreditation. The common approach, also used in The common approach, also used in developed countries is: institutional [or developed countries is: institutional [or program] selfprogram] self--assessment, followed by assessment, followed by peer review and transmission of findings peer review and transmission of findings to the institution. to the institution.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The key factors contributing to the decline in The key factors contributing to the decline in quality of higher education in Africa are: 1). quality of higher education in Africa are: 1). decline in per unit costs amidst increasing decline in per unit costs amidst increasing enrolments. 2) insufficient number of academic enrolments. 2) insufficient number of academic staff in higher education institutions as a result staff in higher education institutions as a result of brain drain, retirements and HIV/ADS 3) low of brain drain, retirements and HIV/ADS 3) low internal and external efficiency and 4) Poor internal and external efficiency and 4) Poor governancegovernance

�� Other challenges facing the quality of education Other challenges facing the quality of education in Africa include: severely limited resources, the in Africa include: severely limited resources, the threats posed by wars, internal conflicts, political threats posed by wars, internal conflicts, political uncertainties, the prevalence of fledgling uncertainties, the prevalence of fledgling democracies, natural disasters, HIV/AIDS, democracies, natural disasters, HIV/AIDS, refugees, the debt burden, rapid population refugees, the debt burden, rapid population growth, globalization and the acute shortage of growth, globalization and the acute shortage of skills in the education sector (Obanya, 2002)skills in the education sector (Obanya, 2002)

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The most common QA standards used in the The most common QA standards used in the case study countries are: mission, vision, case study countries are: mission, vision, academic programs, library resources, physical academic programs, library resources, physical and technological resources, number and and technological resources, number and qualification of staff, number of students and qualification of staff, number of students and their entry qualifications and financial resources their entry qualifications and financial resources [relative to number of students]. Surprisingly, [relative to number of students]. Surprisingly, the Matero study found no evidence of output the Matero study found no evidence of output standards such as volume and quality of standards such as volume and quality of research and graduates. Little is known about research and graduates. Little is known about the impact of QA on the quality of graduates, the impact of QA on the quality of graduates, employer attitudes towards graduates, and employer attitudes towards graduates, and research outputs of tertiary institutions. There is research outputs of tertiary institutions. There is need for followneed for follow--up works in these areas.up works in these areas.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Matero further observed that Francophone Matero further observed that Francophone countries lag behind the rest of Africa in countries lag behind the rest of Africa in developing structured management of developing structured management of quality assurance at the national level and quality assurance at the national level and also within institutions of higher learning. also within institutions of higher learning. Only Mauritius and Cameroon have Only Mauritius and Cameroon have national QA agencies. Madagascar is national QA agencies. Madagascar is about to set up one. CAMES which has about to set up one. CAMES which has been responsible for quality assurance in been responsible for quality assurance in the entire Francophone region presently the entire Francophone region presently appears overappears over--stretched. Also, because stretched. Also, because participation in CAMES is voluntary, it participation in CAMES is voluntary, it lacks power to enforce quality control.lacks power to enforce quality control.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Virtually all current QAs are government dependent for Virtually all current QAs are government dependent for funding and appointment of their governing bodies and funding and appointment of their governing bodies and top management. Some [e.g. South Africa, Nigeria and top management. Some [e.g. South Africa, Nigeria and Egypt enjoy significant autonomy in their operations]. The Egypt enjoy significant autonomy in their operations]. The Higher Education Quality Committee in South Africa Higher Education Quality Committee in South Africa directly defends its budget in parliament. In Cameroon, directly defends its budget in parliament. In Cameroon, the agency is funded as a department of the Ministry of the agency is funded as a department of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Minister has the final say in Higher Education and the Minister has the final say in Accreditation decisions. This heterogeneity in activity and Accreditation decisions. This heterogeneity in activity and rigor of quality assessment raises doubts as to the ability rigor of quality assessment raises doubts as to the ability of some tertiary education systems to respond to global of some tertiary education systems to respond to global challenges such as the challenges such as the Bologna ProcessBologna Process, which is , which is intended to harmonize tertiary systems in the European intended to harmonize tertiary systems in the European Union area, leading to a common framework for Union area, leading to a common framework for recognition of programs, credentials and competencies. recognition of programs, credentials and competencies. African academics, particularly those in Anglophone African academics, particularly those in Anglophone countries, do not fully understand the Bologna process countries, do not fully understand the Bologna process and its influences on global higher education. A study on and its influences on global higher education. A study on the specific implications of the Bologna reforms for Africa the specific implications of the Bologna reforms for Africa higher education is therefore necessary.higher education is therefore necessary.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Progress towards agreement on global Progress towards agreement on global standards for licensing of graduates is standards for licensing of graduates is occurring in certain professional fields, for occurring in certain professional fields, for example, the Washington Accord example, the Washington Accord standards for engineering. This standards for engineering. This movement is likely to increase in the years movement is likely to increase in the years ahead. Graduate competence that can be ahead. Graduate competence that can be assessed in terms of global standards is assessed in terms of global standards is important for companies considering important for companies considering foreign direct investment, and for foreign direct investment, and for graduates seeking mobility in a global graduates seeking mobility in a global labour market. So, there is need to labour market. So, there is need to develop along this area.develop along this area.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Assuring the quality of distance learning Assuring the quality of distance learning and new modes of delivery remain a and new modes of delivery remain a challenge. Development of quality challenge. Development of quality standards and verification of compliance standards and verification of compliance for distance education require new skills for distance education require new skills which are currently lacking in most which are currently lacking in most countries. Presently, distance learning countries. Presently, distance learning and its facsimiles are on the ascendancy and its facsimiles are on the ascendancy lane in many developing countries. lane in many developing countries. Capacity building in this regard is urgent.Capacity building in this regard is urgent.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

American International School American International School

of Lagos [AISL]of Lagos [AISL]

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The American International School of Lagos, Nigeria, has The American International School of Lagos, Nigeria, has established curriculum standards and learning outcomes established curriculum standards and learning outcomes in all areas. The curriculum is based on the US National in all areas. The curriculum is based on the US National Standards. In order to maintain high achievement, a Standards. In order to maintain high achievement, a curriculum coordinator is in charge of monitoring and curriculum coordinator is in charge of monitoring and revising the curriculum periodically. The revision, based revising the curriculum periodically. The revision, based on current research, follows a fiveon current research, follows a five--year cycle. Teachers, year cycle. Teachers, administrators, and parents are involved in the decision administrators, and parents are involved in the decision making process. Open forums are conducted to inform making process. Open forums are conducted to inform parents and gain feedback regarding curriculum. To parents and gain feedback regarding curriculum. To prepare students to achieve at their highest levels, the prepare students to achieve at their highest levels, the curriculum is designed to promote integration with curriculum is designed to promote integration with technology and other subject areas. Library, community technology and other subject areas. Library, community resources, and Internet access, as well as hands on and resources, and Internet access, as well as hands on and cooperative activities are planned to encourage positive cooperative activities are planned to encourage positive attitude toward learning. The goal of the American attitude toward learning. The goal of the American International School, Lagos is to ensure a rigorous, International School, Lagos is to ensure a rigorous, updated curriculum that meets the needs of an updated curriculum that meets the needs of an international body.international body.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The student Learning Outcomes/Curriculum for The student Learning Outcomes/Curriculum for Math, Literacy, Social Studies, and Science are Math, Literacy, Social Studies, and Science are on the school web site. Examination of these on the school web site. Examination of these documents along with the published calendar documents along with the published calendar provides parents, students and interested parties provides parents, students and interested parties with a thorough description of a studentwith a thorough description of a student’’s year s year of study.of study.

�� Formal conferences are held biFormal conferences are held bi--annually while annually while parents and teachers schedule informal parents and teachers schedule informal meetings as necessary. Report cards are sent meetings as necessary. Report cards are sent home three times a year in the elementary home three times a year in the elementary grades Pregrades Pre--K to 5. Grades 6 to 10 will follow a K to 5. Grades 6 to 10 will follow a semester grading period and will have two semester grading period and will have two grading periods in the school year.grading periods in the school year.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills [ITBS] and its The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills [ITBS] and its cognitive tests are administered to all students in cognitive tests are administered to all students in first through ninth grade. Test results provide grade first through ninth grade. Test results provide grade level equivalents, national, international, private level equivalents, national, international, private school, and high socioeconomic school percentile school, and high socioeconomic school percentile ranking. Parents are provided with a summary of ranking. Parents are provided with a summary of their childtheir child’’s achievement, and the Child Study Team s achievement, and the Child Study Team reviews individual and grade level scores. Students reviews individual and grade level scores. Students and/or areas of concerns are identified, and plans and/or areas of concerns are identified, and plans are formulated to address deficits.are formulated to address deficits.

�� An integral part of the AISL program is the school An integral part of the AISL program is the school library containing over 25,000 volumes in addition to library containing over 25,000 volumes in addition to computerized technology for use in research. It computerized technology for use in research. It serves as a valuable resource and is staffed by serves as a valuable resource and is staffed by professionals.professionals.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

Closing Remarks/ Closing Remarks/

Food for ThoughtFood for Thought

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Can Can quality educationquality education be achieved within a be achieved within a quantity educationquantity education system?system?

�� In this presentation, the author tried to be In this presentation, the author tried to be intellectually disciplined in kowintellectually disciplined in kow--towing the lines towing the lines of thought of acclaimed International Bodies and of thought of acclaimed International Bodies and their respective Agencies like World Bank, United their respective Agencies like World Bank, United Nations, UNESCO, UNICEF and that of my Nations, UNESCO, UNICEF and that of my Mentors and Education Gurus. Great care was Mentors and Education Gurus. Great care was taken not to taken not to ‘‘rock the boatrock the boat’’. However, exposure . However, exposure to the principles of creativity, innovation and to the principles of creativity, innovation and development wouldndevelopment wouldn’’t just that this presentation t just that this presentation be concluded without sharing some inspirations.be concluded without sharing some inspirations.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� So far, the focus has been on So far, the focus has been on quality education. quality education. But it is But it is necessary to posit that there is also necessary to posit that there is also quantity educationquantity education. . From all indications, Education for All [EFA] is From all indications, Education for All [EFA] is fundamentally fundamentally ‘‘quantity educationquantity education’’, though some want to , though some want to prove otherwise. The question is, is the practice of EFA prove otherwise. The question is, is the practice of EFA [as it is presently stipulated] realistic, especially in poor [as it is presently stipulated] realistic, especially in poor African nations that are barely managing to survive in the African nations that are barely managing to survive in the face of scarce resources. The drive or quest for quality face of scarce resources. The drive or quest for quality education within a system of quantity education and scarce education within a system of quantity education and scarce resources can be likened to a famished/emaciated man resources can be likened to a famished/emaciated man who attempts to climb a mountain by drawing on its lean who attempts to climb a mountain by drawing on its lean fat reserves. Two things are apt to happen: he is not likely fat reserves. Two things are apt to happen: he is not likely to achieve his mission and while trying to, he may drop to achieve his mission and while trying to, he may drop dead. This is the pathetic state of many poor African dead. This is the pathetic state of many poor African nations presently. EFA or Quantity Education, visnations presently. EFA or Quantity Education, vis--àà--vis its vis its attendant compulsory Basic Education for All is rendering attendant compulsory Basic Education for All is rendering impotent the available meagre resources in poor African impotent the available meagre resources in poor African nations. If continued, it is apt to dissipate the meagre nations. If continued, it is apt to dissipate the meagre resources and leave the respective countries poorer, as the resources and leave the respective countries poorer, as the trend is presently. trend is presently.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

�� Wisdom demands that African education agencies Wisdom demands that African education agencies should devote their meagre resources to effect should devote their meagre resources to effect true quality education that would evolve morally true quality education that would evolve morally sound technocrats who could galvanize national sound technocrats who could galvanize national development within a short time. This development within a short time. This achievement is apt to significantly increase achievement is apt to significantly increase national GDP/Income within a shorter period of national GDP/Income within a shorter period of time that could then be used to achieve EFA time that could then be used to achieve EFA [Quantity Education], if so desired. [Quantity Education], if so desired.

�� However, this is not desirable either. Rather, it is However, this is not desirable either. Rather, it is better that such accrued resources be used to better that such accrued resources be used to further Quality education. It is this practice that further Quality education. It is this practice that is more likely to emancipate Africa from poverty is more likely to emancipate Africa from poverty and its attendant problems [including mass and its attendant problems [including mass illiteracy] rather than spreading our thin resources illiteracy] rather than spreading our thin resources in trying to achieve EFA by year 2015. in trying to achieve EFA by year 2015.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com

��Until the United Nations and its Until the United Nations and its Agencies who are advocating Agencies who are advocating Education for All are ready to Education for All are ready to fully fully assistassist Africa in funding Quality and Africa in funding Quality and not Quantity EFA not Quantity EFA without lendingwithout lending[which puts Africa in greater cul[which puts Africa in greater cul--dede--sac], they should allow Africa to take sac], they should allow Africa to take the course of nature, in going at its the course of nature, in going at its own pace. Failure to heed this own pace. Failure to heed this request will simply keep Africa request will simply keep Africa retrogressing instead of developing.retrogressing instead of developing.

Quality of Education in Africa Quality of Education in Africa -- dayoodukoya@gmail.com dayoodukoya@gmail.com


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Team Team -- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizatioUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationn�� UNESCO (2005). UNESCO (2005). Understanding Education QualityUnderstanding Education Quality. Paris: EFA Global Monitoring Report Team . Paris: EFA Global Monitoring Report Team --

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
