Putting the Pieces Together: Setting Up Your Class Schedule


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  • Putting the Pieces Together: Setting Up Your Class Schedule
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  • Student Advising Manual Advising Worksheet Time Block Schedule A list of commitments (job, sport schedule, etc.) What Pieces Do I Need To Set Up My Schedule? General Bulletin
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  • Solving the Course Schedule Puzzle Start by going to www.msubillings.eduwww.msubillings.edu 1.Click on the green Schedule of Classes tab on the right hand side 2.Make sure the term is listed as the term you want to search - Example - if you want to look up classes for the fall semester, select Fall 2009 3.Highlight the Subject Area that you want to look up - Example - to look up General Psychology (PSYC 101), highlight Psychology in the subject box 4.Type in the course number that you want to look up - Example - if you are looking up PSYC 101, type 101 in the Course Number Box
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  • Viewing Your Search Results
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  • 1.SECTION 1.800 Sections are online sections 1.Example PSYC 101-800 is an online course 2.TIME 1.M = Monday, T= Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday 2.Courses are listed in military time 1.Example 1800-1930 = 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 3.Crn 1.This is the course reference number that you need to register for that specific course 1.Example the Crn to PSYC 101-001 is 60387 2.Be sure to note the Crn on your Time Block Schedule when setting up your classes 4.Location 1.Sometimes this line is empty, this is because the location has yet to be assigned. Be sure to always print out a new schedule the day before classes start so you have the updated information. 2.If it is an online class it will be noted ONLINE WEB 3.Make sure you are familiar with building abbreviations 1.Example HSCT and COT locations are at the College of Technology Campus
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  • Viewing Your Search Results 5. Cap, Enrl, Avail 1.Cap is the amount of students able to register for the course 2.Enrl is the number of students actually enrolled for the course 3.Avail is the number of seats available in the class 4.If the numbers in these columns are green, the course is open. 5.If the numbers in these columns are red, the course is closed (full). 6. Credits 1.It is important to know how many credits a class is, especially if you are wanting part-time or full-time status. 2.It is also noted here if a course is online 1.Example PSYC 101-800 lists 3.0 Internet/Online under Credits 7. Dates 1. Be sure to pay attention to the dates when the course is offered this is especially important when looking at Summer and Intersession courses. 1. There are three different sessions in the summer for on campus courses and two different sessions for online courses in the summer. 2. Intersession is the time between fall and spring semester when courses are offered. Intersession courses are applied to your spring schedule and bill. If a course is an Intersession class it will be noted under the Dates column. Intersession courses are always listed on the spring schedule.
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  • Pop Quiz 1.What is the Crn for ART 132 online during the spring 2009 semester? 1.Answer 40011 2.When does MATH 106-001 meet in the fall 2009 semester? 1.Answer MWF 11:40-12:40 3.How many people can register for PHIL 115-002 in the fall 2009 semester? 1.Answer 35 4.Is COMT 130-003 open or closed in the spring 2009 semester? 1.Answer Closed 5.How many credits is HHP 186-001 in the spring 2009 semester? 1.Answer 2 6.What are the dates for ENGL 226-060 under the spring 2009 semester? 1.Answer 12/29-1/13 7.Find a course that states Consent of Instructor. 8.What are the dates for HHP 125-001 under the spring 2009 semester? 1.Answer 03/09 04/23
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  • Other Useful Advising Pieces What is an Alternate Pin? This is a registration code that you receive once you visit with your advisor. All majors require mandatory advising before registering for courses. Once a student visits with their advisor about courses for the upcoming semester they are given their alternate pin to register for classes. You are not required to have an alternate pin for summer registration. What does prerequisite mean? A course to be completed successfully or a condition to be met before a student may enroll in a specific course. How do I know if a course has a prerequisite? Course descriptions are located in the MSUB General Bulletin. The course description will inform you if a prerequisite is needed. What are upper division courses? Courses numbered from 300 to 499. Ordinarily juniors and seniors take courses numbered from 300 to 499. Students must earn 36 semester credits of upper division courses to complete graduation requirements.
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  • Other Useful Advising Pieces How many credits do I need to be a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior? Freshman: 0-29 credits Sophomore:30-59 credits Junior:60-89 credits Senior:90 or more credits What does pre-registration mean? During pre-registration students have the opportunity to meet with their advisor and set up the next semester schedule. You do not actually register during pre-registration, but you receive all the information that you need to register so once registration opens up you may logon to your secure area and register on your own. This is a great opportunity for students because you are able to register once registration opens and there are plenty of courses still available.
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  • Whats the Next Piece? Once you are familiar with how to interpret the class schedule and terminology, it is time to plan! 1.Make sure you have your Time Block Schedule and Advising Worksheet ready 2.Select classes to take by referring to your Advising Worksheet 1.If you are a part-time student you will want to select 6-9 credits (typically 2-3 classes) 2.If you are a full-time student you will want to select 12-15 credits (typically 4-5 classes) 3.Write down your course selection(s) at the bottom of the Time Block Sheet 1.You may look up course descriptions in General Bulletin (this is located in paperback format or online at http://www.msubillings.edu/catalogs/).http://www.msubillings.edu/catalogs/ 2.When selecting courses make sure you refer to the course description to see if the course requires a pre-requisite or a co-requisite. 3.Start navigating the course schedule and arrange your schedule piece-by-piece 1.Another helpful tool to use are the instructions Setting Up Your Class Schedule. This is located in your Student Advising Manual
