Proposal Instruction


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  • 7/28/2019 Proposal Instruction




    Instructions for research proposal construction

    The following format will be used for submission of the thesis proposal.


    Title of the proposed research2. Principal Investigator3. Advisors/Co-advisors4. Statement of the problem5. Literature reviews6. References7. Objectives8. Scope of the study9. Research methodology10.Research plan11.Facilities12.Budget13.Expected outputs14.Expected outcomes

    The proposal should be neatly typed, 1.5 spaced throughout, on pages of A4 size

    which at least 2.5 cm margins on all sides (Use Form AHS.1). Please read Instructions for

    research proposal construction carefully for completing each section of the prescribed format.

    All forms (AHS.1, AHS.2, .11(1-1), .11(2-1)) and seven copiesof research proposals

    must be submitted to the graduate committeeat least two weeks before the thesis proposal


    Title of the project

    The title given to the research proposal should describe the scope of work in

    specific, clear and concise manner.

  • 7/28/2019 Proposal Instruction




    Principal Investigator

    The name and address of the principal investigator (PI) should be stated. The

    address should be a mailing/forwarding address where communication to PI can be facilitated.

    Advisors and co-advisors

    In case of the thesis proposal, the names and addresses of thesis advisor(s) and

    co-advisor(s) should be stated here. The names of co-advisor(s) who will participate in the

    project should be also mentioned. In case of the project developed for the qualifying exam, it

    is not necessary to state the name of the thesis advisor. The advisors can be someone else

    whom the applicant requires for consultation regarding the project. The advisors and co-

    researchers are either the staff of Naresuan University or an outsider.

    Statement of the problem

    This denotes the description of the background concerning the research topic

    selected for study which is the essential basis for development of a research proposal. It

    identifies the important specific research, questions that need to be answered by the proposed


    A review of literature

    The details in previous or related work (if present) should be discussed in this

    part. It is essential to specify how the proposed research differs from what has been

    accomplished by the others. If this proposed research is a continuing study of the researcher, it

    may be essential to show the promising results in this section as well as a statement telling

    why the previous work needs to be continued.

    A brief synthesis of literature and other information is required. If detailed

    review is presented, it should be put in and appendix.

  • 7/28/2019 Proposal Instruction





    Clearly and concisely list purposes of the proposed study. The generalobjectives or purposes of the research identify in general terms what is to be accomplished by

    the research project and why. Objectives related to the studied questions which the researchers

    want to answer are needed to be specified.

    Scope of the study

    Simplify the scope of your study including purpose of the study, sample group,

    method and instrument used, and time period of the study.

    Research methodology

    Describe here what will be done (observation work, field trials, laboratory

    experiments, participant observation, surveys etc) and how it will be done, including the

    following points:

    - Methods and activities to be carried out to solve the problems and answer the

    questions stated in the statement of problem Which parameters will be studied and which

    measurements will be taken; which data will be collected and how. Do not simply quote

    references to a publication to substitute for a methodology description unless you are referring

    to a basic technique which is well-known to non-specialists in your field as well as specialist.

    - Criteria for choosing sites and samples, sampling methods and sample sizes.

    - Details on the experimental design. Plot layout and sizes (or equivalent

    information), treatments, replication and statistical methods to be used to analyze data should

    be included.

    - If you will use a questionnaire in your research, you are requested to send a

    draft copy of your questionnaire to the graduate committee with the completed application


  • 7/28/2019 Proposal Instruction




    Research plan

    A research plan should cover a research period of 1-3 years. A time frame of

    each activity in the proposed research should be illustrated in table which the column on the

    left, note the major phases/activities of your research, To the right, mark the boxes that

    indicate during which months you will be engaged in the activity. Month 1 corresponds to the

    first month of your proposed project.



    year (.,.to,)

    Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


    year (.,,.)

    Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


    List here equipment and facilities, etc. necessary for your project which will be

    provided by the institution where the work will be carried out.


    An estimated amount of funding must be categorized into the followings

    groups: Personnel (allowance to be paid), Major equipment, Supplies, Travel, Data analysis

    cost, and Miscellaneous expenditures.

    Items Amount (Baht)

    1. ..


  • 7/28/2019 Proposal Instruction




    Expected outputs

    State output such as publication, patents, and new intervention that you

    expected from this project.

    Expected outcomes

    The outcomes will obtain when the research project finished.

