PromoMap: Promotions on the Map



PromoMap: Promotions on the Map. Xiangye Xiao Oct. 12, 2009. Scenario of Searching Flyers on the Map (from Customers). Buy some food after work on the way home ? => Check the flyers of Carrefour and Walmart. Scenario of Searching Coupons on the Map (from Customers). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PromoMap: Promotions on the Map

Xiangye XiaoOct. 12, 2009

Scenario of Searching Flyers on the Map (from Customers)

Buy some food after work on the way home? => Check the

flyers of Carrefour and Walmart

Scenario of Searching Coupons on the Map (from Customers)

Offer a dinner? => Find a nearby restaurant and

print its coupons

Scenario of Searching Promotions of Competitors (from Salesmen)

What are my nearby competitor ‘s promotions

in this holidays?


• Collect, analyze, and display promotions in a map interface

• By panning and zooming in the map interface, users can retrieve promotions based on geographic regions

• See different promotions depending on the position and zoom level

User Interface

Group promotions based on the business types

When Zoom In on the Map

• Different promotions and more details of promotions are displayed

Promotions of the Same company at multiple branches are displayed


• Collect and extract promotions precisely• Correctly identify the geographic footprint of a

promotion, i.e., geocoding• Cluster promotions based on their services/locations• Storage and operations of promotions– Remove an expired promotion– Search a similar/identical promotion– Insert a new promotion

• User interface issues

Requirements for Participants

• Basic knowledge on information retrieval• Basic knowledge on tree based data structures• Programming with C#, Java, B/S

What can Participants Learn

• Knowledge:– Spatial indexes– Clustering algorithms– Framework of geographic information system (GIS)– Location based services

• Skills– Research skills: paper reading & writing, problem

formulation, solution proposal, experimental evaluation– Developing skill with Google Maps API

Useful Links

••••• Teitler, B. E., Lieberman, M. D., Panozzo, D.,

Sankaranarayanan, J., Samet, H., and Sperling, J. NewsStand: a new view on news. In ACM   GIS '08.
