Project meeting 8th to 12th May 2008



ÖREBRO SWEDEN. Project meeting 8th to 12th May 2008. Alimentary swindles: “Business from a billion of €uro”. hundreds of hams with Parma and San Daniele marks which were counterfeit in Naples 6.000 lt of seed oil labeled like extravirgin olive oil, in Bari. In October 2007 has been seized:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Project meeting 8th to 12th Project meeting 8th to 12th May 2008May 2008


Alimentary swindles: “Business from a billion of €uro”

In October 2007 has been seized:

• hundreds of hams with Parma and San Daniele marks which were counterfeit in Naples

• 6.000 lt of seed oil labeled like extravirgin olive oil, in Bari.

Data on the alimentary swindles:

Denominazione d’Origine Protetta

Protected Designation of Origin or DOP, is a brand that is attributed to those products whose qualitative characteristics essentially depend on the territory of production.

When a product is DOP

Stages of production

Transformation manufacture

Delimited Geographic Area

Rigid and established productive rules

Protect Geographic Indication, IGP, is a brand that is attributed to those products for which

one determined quality or an other characteristic, depends on the geographic origin, and whose production, is made in a

determined geographic area.

When a product is IGP?

Stages of production

Transformation Manufacture

Delimited geographic area

Rigid Productive Rules

oror or

Indicazione Geografica Protetta


• The term Traditional Guaranteed Specialty, better famous with acronym STG, is a  brand of origin introduced by the European Community in order to protect those productions that are characterised from traditional methods of production. It is addressed to agricultural and alimentary products that have a “ specificity” tied to the production methods or tied to the tradition of a zone, but that they do not necessarily need to be produced only in such zone.

• Curiosity: Italy currently boasts the European supremacy between products DOP, IGP and STG.

Brand of quality Marches Region

• the Marches produce 148 traditional products

The three fundamental elements that characterise QM Brand:

• QUALITY is guaranteed by respecting the rules of production and with the control of an independent organism;

• TRACEABILITY is guaranteed by the use of a regional information system, Si.Tra.;

• INFORMATION on the origin and the process of one product that, thanks to Si.Tra., is given to the consumer at the moment of the purchase;

The port of Ancona by Pinturicchio


All products must indicate in the label a number of information for the consumer:

denomination of sale list of the ingredients net quantity expiration date the name or business name or

trademark and location of themanufacturer or packer or seller in the EU

headquarters of the establishment of production or packaging

lot of production modality of conservation or use of

the Product instructions for use if necessary place of origin if the omission can

draw in error the purchaser alcoholic content for drinks with

more than to 1,2% alcoholic cont.

The European Commission has started toward Italy the procedure of infraction for the decree

came into force on 17th January 2008.

The decree obliges to indicate on label not only the country of bottling of the oil but also from which the olives come from.Otherwise is possible to sell as Italian an oil bottled in Italy, but produced with olives cultivated elsewhere.

Only Parmigiano Reggiano is the true one “parmesan “

It has been established by the UE Law court  in a

sentence on the use  of the denomination "parmesan"

from the Germany.

Only cheese bearing the protected designation of

origin (DOP) "Parmigiano Reggiano" may be sold under the name


“Indication of the origin of raw materials in the label is for us of great importance to protect and enhance the Made in Italy against the counterfeitings in order

to transmit to the consumers the certainty of a quality product but also the value of the culture of transparency.

Typical Products

According to the way of processing olive oil, in Italy it is distinguished in:

Extra Virgin Olive OilVirgin Olive Oil Olive Oil

among these three categories

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is by far superior.

The extravirgin olive oil of Cartoceto olive is produced from some varieties of olive tree characteristics of the territory of Pesaro - Urbino Province in which it is produced.

Famous since 1500, is a product of great quality, we believe that its origins date back to the defeat of the Carthaginians on the Metauro River in the north of our region and with the founding of the first community of Cerreto.

Olio extravergine di olivadi Cartoceto DOP

Culatello di Zibello

It’s produced in the strip of territory laying along the Po River, where musk

grows on trees, where Fog lives and grows,

like a ghost, surrouding farms and plants…

This fog that people breathes is is the secret

ingredient of The Culatello di Zibello

Swine is fed with grains and natural feed only.

The use of additives and preservatives is banned.

Meats are cured in winter only, from October to March;

Culatello is aged minimum 12 months.

Most important features of Culatello

Swine is fed with grains and natural feed only.

The use of additives and preservatives is banned.

Meats are cured in winter only, from October to March;

Culatello is aged minimum 12 months.

Most important features of Culatello

It is produced in the Montefeltro area,

The thighs, are first trimmed and pressed to remove the blood, then sprinkled with salt and let drain on the boards for about three weeks. Then they are cleaned and washed with white wine, then dried and flavoured with pepper. Maturing lasts one year. The ham should be compact, with a light taste, not very pronounced and with a fragrant aroma.

Prosciutto di Carpegna Carpegna Ham DOP


Ciauscolo is a variety of Italian salame, typical of

the Marche region.

The recipe …• The mixture consists of

shoulder pulp, ham, loin and bacon and it’s minced three times to obtain a dough almost creamy. Then you add salt, black pepper, wine and garlic and put it in a natural gut The aging lasts 3 weeks next to a fire not too high.

Vincisgrassi (Lasagne from Marches)

Good home-made, traditional lasagne

takes time and effort, when you mention

lasagne people automatically think of

“Lasagne alla Bolognese" but this is

not the case. In Italy Lasagne

differs greatly from the north to the


• One of the most famous baked pasta dishes is “Vincisgrassi" which comes from the  Marches region.

• A secret is to make it the day before and keep it in the fridge overnight and then re-heat it the next day.

Lentil from Castelluccio di Norcia IGP

• Its peel is thin, characteristic which gives the product the particularitity not to need being soaked in water before the cooking.

• It is characterised for the unic taste,  the colour that varies from a grain to the other and the great-capacity of resistance to the parasites.

• The Lentil of Castelluccio di Norcia is cultivated on a plateau 1400 mt high, in the middle of the Sibillini mounts chain.

• Castelluccio is, a spectacular territory where sun, air, water and scents of the nature are remained intact like for magic.

Castelluccio, blooming of the lentils in june

The question of acknowledgement of the Sgt brand to the Neapolitan Pizza has been published on the Official

Gazette of the European Community.

The Neapolitan pizza better than any other product, expresses the value, and the tradition of the Italian agriculture.

It is the symbol of the Mediterranean sun, it is a set of colours and flavours that exalts our typical agriculture.

Also it’s the favorite by squirrels

• Now the Neapolitan pizza STG "will feature as well as tomato, mozzarella di bufala, extravirgin olive oil and oregano a diameter not exceeding 35 cm, the edge raised between 1 / 2 cm and a soft, elastic and easily folding consistency.

• At a lower level if compared with DOC and DOCG wines are located Wines with Typical Geographic Indication, the brand IGT indicates quality table wines produced in  generally wide areas. 

• Requirement are less restrictive  than those for the DOC wines.

Verdicchio of Jesi Castles

• Characteristic of the variety verdicchio is that its cultivation is possible only in the territory of the Castles of Jesi. 

• Specifications "Doc“: The area of production concerns mainly the district covering the hills at the centre of the province of Ancona The Grapevine is obtained from the grape Verdicchio. Other white grapes are permitted up to a maximum of 15%.

Organic farming • In recent years organic

farming has had a very strong expansion.

• The trend of areas conducted in Europe is rising

• Italy is the European country with more hectares performed by the biological method

• The reasons are to be found in new agricultural policies, in the prizes given to farmers who practice agriculture eco-compatible and in the market consolidation.

The main points of organic farming are

To safeguard environmental resources and maintaining biodiversity the exclusion of synthetic chemicals and GMOs; The use of resistant plants and predators insects against the parasites;enhancement and preservation of the natural fertility of the land through the use of non-destructive techniques;use of natural fertilizers; Ensure for the animals a life that is in accordance with the specific needs of individual species and  animal welfare improving.

Biological brand

• There are several types Marks of both public and private marks.

• Organic farming is a trademark regulated by Regulation EEC n.2092/91. It can be affixed voluntarily by manufacturers of products subject to control and resulted composed of ingredients of which at least 95% obtained with the biological method.

THE BIRTH:The Cooperative  was born on May 5, 1980 by a group of young people with strong ideal motivations.Its  aim is to promote the development of biological agricolture; to promote production and consumption of high quality food; to encourage the harmony, protection and valorization of the natural assets; promote employment work.

“La Terra e il Cielo”

The Cooperative from the beginning

pursues the biological quality and

ecological of its productions and are committed to spread

organic farming in Italy

L’uomo vitruviano by Leonardo da Vinci

Slow foodFounded in 1986 in Italy, Slow Food became an international non-profit organization in 1989 whose vast network of 80,000

members is the greatest strength of the movement.It has become an active player in agriculture and ecology.

Slow Food links pleasure and food with awareness and responsibility. The association's activities seek to defend

biodiversity in our food supply, spread the education of taste, and link producers of excellent foods to consumers through

events and initiatives.

Slow Food believes the enjoyment of excellent foods and wines should be combined with efforts to save the countless traditional cheeses, grains, vegetables, fruits, and animal breeds that are disappearing due to the prevalence of convenience food and agribusiness.

• We are enslaved by speed and have all succumbed to the same insidious virus: Fast Life, which disrupts our habits, pervades the privacy of our homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods.
