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Project Management


Development of the automated warehouse system for Asahi Company is the major

aim of this research report. For attaining this aim author has focused on different technical

and construction issues which can affect this project in negative manner. Along with this,

research has also focused on different project management techniques and other technologies

which can help in resolving these issues in appropriate way. Author has used Gantt chart,

PERT and critical path analysis for estimating the time which will be required for completing

this project in effective manner. Further, accomplishment of this project will help in reducing

the cost of the organization as well as also beneficial for optimum utilization of resources.


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 5

Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 5

2. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................................ 8

2.1 Clear and comprehensive problem statement ............................................................................. 8

2.2 Thorough understanding of industry client’s needs ..................................................................... 9

3. Value proposition .............................................................................................................................. 11

3.1 compelling or unique value propositions for stakeholders ........................................................ 11

3.2 Concise description of the products or services offered ............................................................ 15

4. Literature review ............................................................................................................................... 18

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 18

4.2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 18

4.3 Importance of automation .......................................................................................................... 18

4.4 Scope of warehouse automation ................................................................................................ 20

4.5 Issues with warehouse automation ............................................................................................ 21

4.7 Challenges in warehouse automation ........................................................................................ 22

5. Project scope, aim and objectives .................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Project scope ............................................................................................................................... 24

5.2 Aim .............................................................................................................................................. 26

5.3 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 26

6. Project plan ....................................................................................................................................... 26

Project plan ....................................................................................................................................... 26

Methods ............................................................................................................................................ 31

Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 31

Task breakdown ................................................................................................................................ 32

Team work allocation ........................................................................................................................ 35

7. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 36

8. Presentation ...................................................................................................................................... 40

references ............................................................................................................................................. 41


Figure 1 Stakeholder Matrix .................................................................................................... 12

Figure 2 Stakeholder involvement ........................................................................................... 13

Figure 3 Supply chain integration ............................................................................................ 16

Figure 4: Gantt chart for project planning ............................................................................... 30

Figure 5: Network Diagram for project plan ........................................................................... 30

Figure 6: Work Breakdown structure ...................................................................................... 33

Figure 7: Layout of warehouse ................................................................................................ 34


Table 1: Project plan for automated warehouse system for Asahi........................................... 27



Globalisation and modernisation has provided significant scope to the business units

and has developed their markets reach to expand beyond borders. These global entities are

driven across the continents to ensure effective market growth. For keeping the expenses and

the cost of manufacturing process down, the marketers are forced to keep looking for

developing and establishing the production units near to the places where the cost of labour

and materials is low (Chen, Cheng and Huang, 2013). Supply chain management is the

concept which has to be considered as the mechanism which provides an oversight over

materials, information and finances and also their movement process from the chain of

supplier to producer to wholesaler to retailer to the ultimate consumers. The concept is also

concerned with the coordination and integration of the mentioned chain or the flow both

within and among the company. According to Rouse (2017) the ultimate goal of any of the

effective supply chain management system is to bring reduction or minimize the inventory

and with an assumption that the goods will be available whenever they are required. The

SCM is also known as the art of providing the Right products, at Right place, at Right time

and with a Right cost to the consumer. Supply chain strategies are considered to be the

backbone of the business organizations and all the operational activities which are carried out

within the organizational structure of the entity. If a product has been introduced by a

business organization then it is of essential for the entire market in the region and also by all

the sales outlets to make the availability of that product so that the consumer can buy that

product. Any of the conditions due to which the product was not made available in the market

may bring a drop in the interest of the consumer for that product or service (Majid, Zakaria

and Keyvanfar, 2012). Inventory control and inventory visibility are the two most crucial and

significant concept for the concept. The supply chain system is all about storing the goods in

the warehouses so as to bring a deduction in the costs and expenses which were earlier spent

on the transportation and delivery. Warehouses play a significant role in this mechanism and

as the world is stepping ahead towards technology and modernisation the concept of

automated warehouses for the supply chain management system will be the most suitable

option (Windmann, Niggemann and Stichweh, 2013). An Automated warehouse is the

facility where all or some of the operations related to the storing, retrieving and movement of

goods are carried out with the help of the technological mediums and automated systems. The

concept has been proven beneficial for the business organizations in many ways such as

making use of automations minimizes number of expenses to an extent which are associated

with running the warehouse in lo term. One more benefit is that it provides a sense of greater

security to the goods stored in it and also to the workforce working in it (Gökçe and Gökçe,

2013). Automated warehouses are well versed with a number of updated and new features

such as movement of goods is done by the robots along with conveyors and overhead pulley

systems, the goods are tagged so that they will be traced by the computers and inventory is

continuously updated while objects move in and out of the warehouse (Ullrich, 2015).

Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) are used in these warehouses where robots

store the goods on the basis of best location and available space. As the report has been

analysed on Asahi Beverage Company, the use of automated warehousing will be proven

very much beneficial for the business corporation.

About the company

Asahi beverage has a rich and varied history of marketing quality alcohol and non-

alcohol beverages with a very strong portfolio which consists of number of well-established

household brands and innovations which are new-to market (Asahi. 2016). The company is a

member of Asahi group holding, one of Japan’s leading beverage companies, and which also

constitutes of some of the Australia’s and New Zealand’s most successful beverage

businesses. This also includes many other multinational brands such as Schweppes Australia,

Asahi Premium beverage, Independent Liquor and The Better Drinks Co. Asahi beverages

started to form in 2014 when the company also announced the plans for the integration of the

operations and the functionalities of Schweppes Australia and Asahi Premium beverage. And

after that the company further announced the extension plans for the integration for including

Independent Liquor in New Zealand. At the current state the company has provided

employment to over 2400 individuals across New Zealand and Australia with having

manufacturing units in both the nations (Finch and Zhang, 2013). These practices aids in

minimization of the impacts on the environment and also helps in the development and

bringing up the standard of living and livelihoods of both the employees and also of the social

communities around them. The company have a corporate philosophy of satisfying the

customers by providing the best quality and integrity and also side by side promotion of the

thought of healthy living and the enrichment of the society. Making this strategy practically

in the local markets of Australia and New Zealand, the company has started focusing the

efforts on the three specific areas: Environment, Beverages and Health, People and Society.

Significance of technology in food and beverage industry

Food and beverage industry is one of the highest growing economies in the world.

The companies have created a significant impact on the national income and overall

development of different countries. Tank, (2015) analysed that needs and demands of the

consumers has been changing and this has resulted in making the stated industry as highly

dynamic. Soft drink industry is prospering highly in the economy. Brewer and Dittman,

(2013) stated that the need of carbonated and fruit drinks are continuously developing within

the economy and has become the basic need of the consumers. Different researches and

surveys have revealed that soft drink market has is continuously developing at a high pace

because the product has become an integral part of eating habits in countries such as USA,

UK, Australia, Russia etc. High demand calls for high supply in the market in order to

effectively meet expectations of the people. Leading soft drink brands such as Pesico and

Coca Cola has adopted highly advanced production and distribution techniques to survive in

this intense rivalry. Technology plays an integral role in the success and growth of the

business. Every aspect of manufacturing in the present era seeks effective technical

substitution to support the development and growth aspect of projects. Asahi Beverages has

developed a significant brand identity in the market. The company has analysed that its

business operations can be effectively optimised though well define technological means

which will help the company in attaining high and significant development aspects. In

addition to this the business development measures of the company will become highly

productive through effective technological operations. This will help the business in creating

a well defined growth measures in the market. Technology has affected the quality of

products and services for the companies as well. Automated production system for example is

the area where production operations are optimised while managing its quality, speed and

effectiveness. Thus technology has contributed in businesses to grow and expand in the

market in an effective and significant manner. Asahi Beverages analysing the same, will be

adopting automated warehouse system to optimise storage, sales and distribution aspects of

the firm.

The Overview of automated warehouse

Modern logistics warehouses and distribution centers are designed on the basis of

dozens of optimization studies (Asahi, 2016). In consequence of that, Warehouse

Management systems (WMS) become significant and more complex and users find it hard to

manage. Automated warehouses use extensive conveyors, sort equipment, automated storage

and retrieval systems and other material handling solutions that move the goods to the

workers i.e. they are ‘goods to man’ warehouses. Loads are stored in the racks and retrieved

either automatically or in a semi-automated fashion. The heights of AS/RS systems can vary,

depending on the application. The highest systems are 100 feet high. But these are few and

far between. Better utilization of storage and retrieval equipment helps businesses in

enhancing the organizational performance in the competitive economies (Rouse, 2017).

Moreover analyzing the cost of labor as one of the highest and major source of organizational

fixed cost, reduction in manpower also leads to significant benefit to the company overall.


2.1 Clear and comprehensive problem statement

Asahi Company is planning to construct an automated warehouse which will help

them to improve their supply chain. This system will eliminate documentation no paper

which will be beneficial for them. The company was having lot of trouble in recording and

analysing inventory on paper. It not only consumes time but it also affects the efficiency of

the worker. Asahi Company decided to opt for automation because they were having

problems in their supply chain. But change from a manual system to automated system can be

very difficult. It will have impact on the entire organisation as well as people associated with

it. So, it is essential for the company that they do not underestimate its impacts. The main

problems and challenges which may occur in the automation of Asahi warehouse is given


Technical challenges: The project managers of Asahi Company have to adopt a new

technology in the warehouse. They cannot use the existing technology because it was

completely designed for the manual process. A fully integrated technology can give

competitive advantage to the company, employees and in supply chain. But it will increase

complexities in project management activities. This aspect of change is not at all flexible and

there are many limitations attached to it. Automation of any service requires steady state and

integrated technology (Turner, 2016). It includes the building as well as equipments used in

the process. All these components put pressure on the timescale of the project which cannot

be extended (Alotaibi and Mafimisebi, 2016). The biggest challenge in the project is

technicalities and other complexities associated with it.

Design, planning and layout requirements: Automation has its own limitations and there

may be situations where it is not functional due to uncertain peaks within the throughput.

Designing and planning phase is another challenge for Asahi Company. The investment scale

of the project is high and it requires long horizon for forecasting changes (Martinelli and

Milosevic, 2016). Designing phase begins before the commencement of the project but some

changes have to be done in it during the project due to any uncertain event (Heagney, 2016).

Resistance from staff and contractors: The automation process of warehouse involves lot

of complexities and integration of different systems. There can be situations where the project

managers have to change the entire process so as to complete the project in time and budget.

The employees and contractors may show resistance towards it because it increases pressure

on them (Steyn, Dekker and Visser, 2016). Change management process should be designed

to achieve maximum support from all the stakeholders (Drouin, Sankaran and Muller, 2016).

Stakeholder management is also essential.

Specification and tender related challenge: If the project manager fails to get the correct

specifications then it will increase the cost of the equipment as well as the entire operation. It

is essential for Asahi Company to select right partners and contractors. They need

experienced and competent people who can increase the performance of the project.

Communication and cooperation problems: The automation project of Asahi Company

will involve many contractors and employees. Project manager ahs to ensure that there is no

communication gap during the project. There has to be integration between all the systems

and activities involved in it (Konstantinou and Müller, 2016).

Time constraints: Limited timescale can be another challenge for Asahi Company and their

project. There will be many incidents where the project manager is forced to remove the

testing programme or replace the original plan with any other secondary method.

Stakeholders will also create pressure on the manager to complete the project in the desired

timescale and schedule (Lientz and Rea, 2016).

2.2 Thorough understanding of industry client’s needs

Asahi Company decided to construct an automated warehouse system because their earlier

system had many issues. It was obsolete which affected their cost, flexibly and service. The

main problems and needs of Asahi Company are as follows:

Technology: Asahi Company wanted new and improved technology which will allow them

to produce standardized products. Their existing process included manual processes which

were in effective as per the standards of the company. The automated warehouse system can

be built with the help of Linux platform. This system can be easily integrated with the DBMS

system such as MS SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2 and Sybase (Kucharska and Kowalczyk, 2016). It

will reduce the ownership cost of the company. Bar codes can be embedded on the product

which will have all the essential details of the products. It can be connected with optical

devices, printers, scanners etc (Faria, Araújo and Tereso, 2016).

Operational efficiency: Asahi Company has operational issues because they find it difficult

to obtain information from their system. There has been increase in non-shipment products.

Apart from this, the client wants to reduce their maintenance and logistics expenses. The

automated system of warehousing will help the company to reduce their cost. It will eliminate

non standard products and expired products which will improve the quality of the services

(Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). They had problems in the logistics which will be

eliminated in the new system. They can optimize their inventory flow, accuracy, improved

space utilization, use of put away strategies and effective monitoring system. The

productivity as well as the efficiency of the workers will increase (Gollenia, 2016).

Improved supply chain management: Automated warehousing will improve the entire

supply chain of Asahi Company. Automation of various activities such as put away, sorting,

palletizing and retrieval picking will bring improvement in quality control and labour

efficiency. The company can easily save on materials, equipments and other expenses

(Arends, 2014). It will significantly improve the utilization of the available storage space. It

will also benefit Asahi Company because everything will be centralized. They were having

problems with their existing supply chain and the client needed efficiency system which will

enable them to control everything from one location. Automation will ensure that the trucks

are loaded with full capacity which will reduce the cost of transportation by more than 10%

(Burke, 2013). Apart from network benefits, warehouse automation will also help the

company to serve more stores and they can increase their product range. It will bring many

strategic benefits if the project is completed as per the requirements of the client. It will speed

up their queuing, order picking, planning of batches and the entire process of transportation

(Haimes, 2015), (Jones & Jones, 2015). Asahi Company has already reduced complexities in

their operations, supply chain and distribution which will improve their chances of selling the

goods data low cost online. The need of the client is to increase efficiency and improve their

supply chain. But automated warehousing will add value to their products which is very



3.1 compelling or unique value propositions for stakeholders

Attractive services help consumers in attaining high value for money given for

products and services within the market. This helps the business in attaining high growth and

development aspects within the competitive era. Stakeholders are the people who are directly

and indirectly affected by every business decision thus creating a well defined and significant

impact on success of the business (Kamei and, 2012). Asahi Beverages is operating in

food and beverage industry which is vast and dynamic. Stakeholder base for the business is

significant which helps the organization in attaining useful business information thus

ensuring high success prospects.

The organization is currently focusing on developing automated warehouse in

Queensland. This will help the cited company in enhancing its supply chain activities and

will also help in ensuring high sales and demand. Brewer and Dittman, (2013) stated that

demand for soft drink and beverages are high in Australian market. Automated warehouse

will help the business unit in effectively dealing with the rising demand thus ensuring high

sales for the company. Moreover due to intense competition from global brands such as

Pepsico and Coca cola pose significant threat to the stated unit. Thus effectively supply is

critical aspects which will ensure brand identity for the organization.

Figure 1 Stakeholder Matrix

(Source: Stakeholder Analysis. 2017)

The above model portrays the power interest matrix which reflects a well defined

position of different stakeholders and their power and interest within the organization. On the

basis of stated model the organization will adopt the strategies to deliver high value to the

stakeholders (Iwanaga, El Sawah and Jakeman, 2013). It will be framed on the basis of power

and interest in the organization. The given figure clearly represents a list of major

stakeholders and their position in different quadrants which will help in developing effective


Figure 2 Stakeholder involvement

(Source: Stakeholder Analysis. 2017)

Major stakeholder involvement strategies include:

Manage closely: The quadrant which represents a positive association between power

and interest for the stakeholders has a significant impact on business growth. This

quadrant involves the most important stakeholders of the business unit. Ashai

beverage has an effective stakeholder group for the business which has significant

power and interest in the organization (Tank, 2015). These involve investors and

senior management of the business. In order to provide high value and recognition to

them well defined strategies are adopted and involved. Involvement of stakeholders in

business decision making process, developing effective communications on regular

basis, sharing financial benefits with them are few strategies which provide them with

high satisfaction and motivation.

Keep satisfied: The stakeholders who have high power but low interest in business

operations are also significant for organizational growth and development. They have

significant power to affect effective operations of the company (Finch and Zhang,

2013). Government and local authority of Australia falls in this category. The

mentioned stakeholders have high power however their interest in business operations

and profitability is low. In order to manage their satisfaction level within the market

Asahi beverage must develop partnership with them by effectively revealing the

detailed operational aspect and transparency of business activities (Mathrani and

Mathrani, 2013). Moreover adopting legal and ethical framework of operations and

undertaking social development and well being activities helps in enhancing the faith

and trust of the authority upon the business unit. They thus effectively support the

developmental aspects of the cited unit.

Keep informed: There are certain stakeholders who have high interest but their power

in operations is low. This creates an insignificant impact on business development

measures. In order to maintain high level of satisfaction for these stakeholders

strategies of keeping them informed about organizational operations and growth is

critically important. It will help the business to ensure managing brand identity and

high level of success in the market (Battista and, 2014). Developing annual

reports, audit plans and maintaining transparency of company performance which

helps in analysing and understating the needs stakeholders such as employees and

customers. Hence developing success within the economy will be effective and


Monitor: Asahi Beverages is a soft drink manufacturing firm. The suppliers of the

organization are significant however they have low power in business operations due

to a fact that unlimited suppliers are available within the economy for the same.

Interest and power of local public is also low. Hence the overall impact of the stated

stakeholders is very low thus close monitoring is required for the same. This will help

the organization in creating a well defined impact on business development within the

current competitive market (Gökçe and Gökçe, 2013). Strategies adopted for the same

will be market analysis, research, monitoring consumer demands and managing

effective competitive evaluation for attaining significant business results.

Overall evaluation of the model reflects well defined developmental aspects which

helps the business to attain effective business objectives. It will contribute in ensuring

high value for all the stakeholders thus ensuring high support and development. Highly

satisfied and motivated stakeholders will thus result in enhancing business development

aspects within the economy.

Value Preposition for stakeholders:

There are varieties of benefits which are offered and delivered to the stakeholders

Values which will be offered to the stakeholders will be as below:

Financial value: Finance plays a significant role in enhancing motivational level of

people. Financial benefits and rewards always help in attaining a positive result for

different stakeholders such as employees, investors, suppliers etc (Gunasekaran and

Ngai, 2012). This provides an opportunity to grow and enhance in the market while

developing a positive relation. Asahi beverages will provide effective financial result

to the associated stakeholders in the market. It will help the business to develop

significant brand equity in the market.

Functional value: In the current competitive era functional value to the stakeholders

helps them in developing a unique brand image of the organization. This will create

high level of brand loyalty within the economy (Ignaciuk and Bartoszewicz, 2012).

Hence Asahi Beverages has thus taken a significant decision to develop an automated

warehouse. This strategy will help suppliers by developing their overall process;

consumers will also be benefitted by attaining timely product availability. In addition

volume sales will also help in delivering positive results for the business.

Emotional value: This aspect is also significant for the stakeholders as it will create a

well defined impact on business development. Emotional value in terms of higher

efficiency, higher sales and developing brand identity will be analysed and observed

by the stakeholders which will highly effective and beneficial for the organization

(Ullrich, 2015). Effective business performance results in enhancing the needs of

security for all the associated stakeholders.

3.2 Concise description of the products or services offered

Asahi Beverages is developing significant market growth within the economy. The

company is planning is expand its operations within the market by creating automated

warehouse for the organizational operations. This will enhance the supply chain efficiency

for the business thus creating a well defined impact on business development. The range of

products and services will be offered to its consumer base. The services which will be offered

by the organization will include:

Intelligent logistics: Asahi beverages will ensure effective and speedy supply chain

system within the market. The organization will ensure that the logistic system is

automated. It will develop the supply chain and transportation system of the business.

The suppliers and distributors will be supported effectively by the same creating a

speedy process of material handling and transportation (Majid, Zakaria and

Keyvanfar, 2012).

Supply chain integration: The business process of Asahi analysed that effective and

well defined working measures would demand a significant and integrated business

process. Supply chain integration refers to synchronization of every business element

and business process to achieve a common goal for organizational success and growth

(Ure and, 2015). Asahi will adopt the stated process in order to create a

significant and well defined impact on business development aspects in the present

situation. It will integrate the information system with functional system along with

internal and external working measures. Supply chain will thus be enhanced and

developed in a significant manner.

Figure 3 Supply chain integration

(Source: Steurbaut and, 2012)

Advanced control and transportation: It has been analysed that increasing demand

has created a technological challenge for the organization because high demand and

low supply has affected the brand identity of Asahi. In order to ensure effective

production while managing the speed and quality of the process advanced quality and

transportation will be adopted in the system (Windmann, Niggemann and Stichweh,

2013). The automated warehouse will adopt robotic process for production and

quality measurements. The storing and distribution will be monitored by automated

quality control system which will act as quality gateway for the production process of


Modular control: Asahi is presently focusing on making the overall business system

to be automated and effective. For the same the organization will induce a modular

and control system to minimize errors and manage the standard warehouse system.

This will ensure the firm in saving time and cost in terms of lead time, ordering time

and transportation cost as well. The sales personnel will closely monitor the inventory

of organizational suppliers through software which will minimize the chances of error

and will also help in managing an effective record of business performance within the

economy. Analysis of this data will provide a reliable and accurate market research

analysis data.

Automated warehouse system will be highly effective and successful approach to

manage the business operations and attain effective results for the business development

aspects (Błażewicz and, 2012). Integrated technology will control the electronic

transport system which will eliminate the manual handling aspects for the day to day

operations of the company. In addition to this adopting and automated warehouse system

will use the technological resources in an optimal manner thus generating beneficial

results (Chen, Cheng and Huang, 2013). However it has also been analysed that complete

dependence over technology may be risky as it will demand highly skilled engineers and

trained employees. Asahi must focus on developing the workforce to deal with automated

working system thus carrying out the business activities in an unrestricted manner.


4.1 Introduction

Warehouse automation can significantly improve the supply chain of a company. The

apportionment of logistics, transportation and various other activities related to supply chain

goes beyond 25% of the total cost (Kerzner, 2013). Similarly, it plays a vital role in

improving the satisfaction level of the consumers. The final step of supply chain includes

distribution centres and assembly. New changes will add value to the products which will

improve the loyally of the customers towards the company. Warehouse automation has

become common in large business organisation. They have conveyors, storage, equipments

and advance retrieval system. All of these systems are present in large automated

warehouses. This chapter contains literature which has been gathered from various books,

journals and reports. Even though, warehouse automation has many advantages over manual

warehousing system but there is limited research in this area. The aim of this chapter is to

understand the importance, scope and challenges of automated warehouse project. All the

issues and challenges have to be resolved by Asahi Company to ensure successful

implementation of their project.

4.2 Definitions

Warehouse: According to Schwalbe, 2015, “Warehouse is a building where all the raw

materials and finished goods are stored before they reach to the ultimate consumer”

(Schwalbe, 2015). It includes various processes such as packaging, labelling, removal of

defects, transportation etc.

Automated warehouse: As per Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016), “Automated warehouse

includes technology and computerized systems for all the activities including handling,

movements of goods and storage” (Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). There are many

types of equipment which are used in the process such as storage systems, retrieval systems,

computerized guided vehicles, conveyors etc. But it does not include all those operations and

equipments where an operator is used.

4.3 Importance of automation

According to Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016, “An automated warehouse performs many

functions in a supply chain which makes it effective” (Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). The

main functions are:


Making or breaking of bulks and consolidation

Assembling activities



Controlling and monitoring of quality

Other activities such as removal of defects, outlets etc (Drouin, Sankaran and Muller,


Returning the goods


Alotaibi and Mafimisebi, 2016 explains that “Automated warehouses have been developed by

companies to add value to their goods and services. Similarly, cross dock activities are

carried out to improve the services offered to the customers”(Alotaibi and Mafimisebi, 2016).

Manual system has many problems and new technology has reduced it to great extent. On the

contrary, Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016 believes that “Cross docking and value added

services have not been utilized by business organisations in their automated warehousing

system” (Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). Many companies in UK and Australia have not

used these activities in their entire throughput. Apart from this, it has been found that the

sales of many automated companies have increased after its adoption and implementation.

Their efficient supply chain has helped them to grow their sales. The main reasons for the

growth of sales includes increased capacity, accuracy in order placement, enhanced

productivity, reduction in space and better control on the quality. It has positive impacts on

the customer service. In 2015, the sales in Australia increased by 3.2% annually. According

to Jones & Jones, 2015 “The main factor behind the growth in sales is that storage

equipments, retrieval system and automated processes have shown tremendous

improvements” (Jones & Jones, 2015). The use of conveyor, robotics and AGVs has also

increased at a good rate. Even the international sales have shown improvements with the

inclusion of automated services. The sales of top 20 automated companies have increased by

15 % in 2015 (Drouin, Sankaran and Muller, 2016).

The growth of sales has been excellent but there is also a need of improvements in the supply

chain management. Asahi Company is also facing the similar issue and their operations have

been inefficient. Supply chain should be agile according to the development of the market.

The business environment is changing and companies should adopt effective methods which

provide them edge over other people in the industry. As per Arends, 2014, “ Markets have

become unpredictable and the demand is also volatile. These circumstances have led to the

shift towards services and customer satisfaction. Warehousing designing and layout planning

is also an important factor which contributes to it” (Arends, 2014). New techniques ad

principles have to adopt by the project managers so as to increase the space and ensuring

better utilization of available space. All the equipments have to perform to their fullest and

they should be developed to produce high quality goods.

4.4 Scope of warehouse automation

There is high scope of automated warehouse in the industry. It is required in all

industries which some modifications. Equipments such as conveyors, frame dispensers, pick

to light system and product sorting system has been used by many companies. Many large

corporations have already invested huge funds to develop automated warehouse and supply

chain. It has given them competitive advantage in the industry. But Faria, Araújo and Tereso,

2016 opposes this and he is shows concern that “Automation requires huge investment in

technology and techniques. But it may not provide flexibility to the company to tackle

changing business environment and market condition” (Faria, Araújo and Tereso, 2016). This

problem has been identified due to challenges involved in warehouse automation project.

Apart from this, the profile of the product also changes during its life which may create

difficulties in the process. Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016 agrees that , “Automation of

warehouses and supply chain makes process inflexible and it causes problems in dealing with

product demand change” (Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). This has been a concern for

many authors and scholars. Steyn, Dekker and Visser, 2016 highlights that “ Many e-grocery

stores and supermarkets have experienced inflexible capacity issues in their business” (Steyn,

Dekker and Visser, 2016). The biggest problem with the automation process is that it causes

over-investments and the business does not reap equivalent benefits from it. This situation

can be harmful for the organisation. It is detrimental for the interest of the company. But

Jones & Jones, 2015 supports automation “Automation systems are used by the company for

their sorting and supply chain management” (Jones & Jones, 2015). This use is viable for

those companies which can easily predict the demand and understand the pattern of sales.

Snyder, 2014 suggest that “Organisations should ensure the long term demand of the

products and then resort to automation process” (Snyder, 2014). Supply chain management

and marketing can deal with this issue and it will provide details to the company in advance.

Warehouse automation will help Asahi Company and it will provide agility to them. For

instance, the company can use cross dock system for stockless system and distribution. This

principle can be used in postponement of production and improvement in value added

services. As per (Alotaibi and Mafimisebi, 2016) “Companies should install conveyors and

sorting system for their cross docking activities which will guide the products to the

warehouse” (Alotaibi and Mafimisebi, 2016). Other activities such as packaging, labelling,

hanging etc can be done in the warehouse area. Automation can be very useful in places

where there is shortage of manual labour or recruitment of new labours can cause

productivity and congestion issues.

4.5 Issues with warehouse automation

The biggest problem in warehouse automation is the cost. They are considered as cost

effective but many researchers and authors have shown their disagreement to it. According to

Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016, “Automation will only be cost effective if the company

has large volume” (Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). Many researchers have found that

warehouse automation has reduced the efficiency. They believe that the size and the volume

of operations play an important role in deciding the success and worthiness of the

automations process. Some of the reason which was identified is lack of maintenance,

inappropriate system, difficulties in reconfiguration and problems with the flexibility. As per

Faria, Araújo and Tereso, 2016 “Automation of warehouse will be beneficial only if the

company has wider supply chain” (Faria, Araújo and Tereso, 2016). It will centralise the

entire system which will make it possible for the management to control it. They can avoid

complexities in the business. Apart from this, warehouse automation process causes

difficulties to the company in the initial years. Haimes, 2015 believes that “ It causes dip in

the service level and causes snagging issues” (Haimes, 2015).

4.6 Warehouse automation process

Automation projects have project managers and sponsors. Project sponsors are accountable

for the successful completion of the project and they maintain communication with the

seniors of the company. On the other hand, project manager takes care of daily routine

activities involved in the project. The project sponsors decide the objectives and success

criteria. Asahi Company is planning to automate their warehouse so as to improve their

supply chain. According to (Lientz and Rea, 2016) “Project designing and planning is an

important stage in project management” (Lientz and Rea, 2016). The design is projected in

the specification stage of the project. It includes equipments, interfaces, operating cost,

software needed, layout, building etc. It will need experts, contractors and workers. Apart

from this, a tender is used to find out supplier who will provide all the materials need for the

project. As per Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016, “Communication is essential in

automation projects because it is complex in nature and simulation has to be developed for it”

(Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). These simulations help in identifying bottlenecks in

the project. A typical project requires multi disciplinary groups, suppliers and experts who

can design the simulation. The timescale of the project is decided in the planning stage only.

After the commencement of the project, the groups are allotted areas so as to avoid any

disruption in the process.

4.7 Challenges in warehouse automation

Automation of warehouse is not a simple task as it involves various integrated

activities. There are many complexities involved in it due to the development of new process

and technology. According to Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016, “Project managers need

support from experts and technically proficient people to understand each and every process”

(Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). There can be many instances where the managers find that

the technology is not working. It can affect the entire project which will cause unnecessary

delays. The complexity increases due to numerous testing and checking activities. The main

challenges in the automated warehouse project are as follows:

IT systems: Information technology and automation software is the main part of the entire

project. It has a critical part in the project. Project managers have to work in close relation

with the software development team to monitor their progress (Kucharska and Kowalczyk,

2016). All the modification and changes have to be communicated to them at its earliest. The

most difficult task for IT team is integration of software across various platforms and


Construction problems: The building and fixtures have to be constructed according to the

plan. But even minor changes in the original plan will affect the entire process. Apart from

this, failure of any process in the construction will cause problems in the entire system

(Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). This has to be considered by the project manager. He

has to develop good relations with the contractors to avoid such issues. Construction problem

has low probability but its impact o n the success of the project is high. Risk management

process has to include this risk in their mitigation plans.

System failure: The failure of any system can cause delays and it will affect the budget. It

can happen at any point of time. It is a big challenge as it can extend the timescale and

schedules which is not allowed. Manger should take necessary precautions and takes

measures to mitigate the risk (Faria, Araújo and Tereso, 2016). Since, many failures happen

instantly and they cannot be predicted. It all depends on the skills and knowledge f the project

manager that how he handles the situation.

Stakeholder’s expectations: Project managers have to develop good relations with the entire

stakeholder. He has to make sure that all the needs and requirements from the project have

been collect in the initial stages of the project (Jones & Jones, 2015). Stakeholders may

demand a change or modification in the existing plan which can become a challenge for the

project. These incidents have to be avoided by the manager by maintaining good

communication with all the stakeholders and sponsor.

Consolidation issues: Consolidation can become a challenge for the project and its

completion. There are larger numbers of people who are working on the project and it is

essential for them to communicate with each other (Drouin, Sankaran and Muller, 2016). For

example, the building and equipments team needs to support the team who are responsible for

the installation of sprinklers in the building. Apart from this, software team and sortation

equipments have to be designed according to the bar codes present on the products.

Coordination has to be ensured for successful completion of project.

Problems with new technology: Automation of warehouse requires steady state. Technical

glitches and problems can cause unnecessary delays and increase in budgets. Ineffective

implementation will defeat the main objectives and deliverables (Alotaibi and Mafimisebi,

2016). Technology is a challenge because many activities and processes have to be integrated

tighter. Unsupportive system will result in changes in the technology which will affect the

schedule as well performance of the project.

Non- performing equipments: There are lot of equipments which are required in the entire

process and even after its completion. It is essential for the company to maintain them

properly so as to avoid any uncertain event which causes delay. Nonperforming assets can

also become a challenge for the project and its completion (Huemann, Keegan and Müller,

2016). Project managers have to ensure that they monitor the performance of different

equipments. Employees should be given training so that they understand the working and

maintain the safety in their operation. It will help the company to increase the performance of

the entire project. Apart from this, all the equipments have to be integrated with different

processes of the project.


5.1 Project scope

Clear project scope

Every project focuses in attaining specific aim in order to specify the business issue

and develop well defined and effective business results for the organizational growth and

development (Steyn Dekker and Visser, 2016). Present projects analyses that an Asahi

beverage has a wide growth opportunity in the market. The project plan will help the

company in developing an effective and well defined automated warehouse system for the

organization thus creating a significant impact on business development and competitiveness

in the economy (Sökmen and Çebi, 2017). The detailed overview of the project plan will help

the business unit in creating a well operated and functional warehouse with high technical

efficiency and operational measures. The project scope focuses on enhancing the business

efficiency within the economy. It also aims at achieving the individual project objectives

while minimizing the cost issues for the firm. The success of the project plan will result in

enhancing the competitiveness and efficiency of the business. The cost with regards to labour

and error rectification will highly be controlled. Thus the business performance will be

developed in the market (Konstantinou and Müller, 2016). By resolving the technical

challenges the business will develop into highly functional firm with optimal working


Impact of identified constraints

Every project has to face numerous challenges and issues for successful completion of

the project aims and objectives. The current aim of the project is to overcome the technical

issues by creating well defined automated warehouse for the organization. A list of possible

constraints will be faced by the project manager to initiate and complete it successfully. The

most crucial and significant issue which will be face by the project will be cost factor.

Technological changed and implementation of automated system will demand high

investment for Asahi Beverage. The company will need high financial resources to attain the

technical efficiency and growth within the market. Lack of proper finances may hinder the

project completion directly (Huemann, Keegan and Müller, 2016). Moreover construction

issue is yet another major issue which the project will have to face. In order to develop an

automated system construction of tracts and technological support aspects will be highly

required. To construct an effective facility layout and construct planned changes will be

highly essential for business development. It will also result in creating a well defined

development for the company as well. Moreover issues with respect to labour opposition due

to job insecurities will be another challenge for the business. Operational inefficiency may

also delay project completion thus enhancing the cost of overall project management aspect

within the economy (Schwalbe, 2015). Thus it can be effectively concluded that the

automation of Asahi beverage will be a highly challenging task yet overcoming the stated

issues may effectively resolve the problems and may support the project growth.

Problem translated into clear and specific project goals

Asahi Beverages is focusing on attaining operational efficiency by adopting effective

measures of carrying out business operations within the market. The company will focus on

developing significant results in terms of high quality business performance while ensuring

effective business management measures (Gökçe and Gökçe, 2013). The technical issue of

the company can be effectively resolved by constructing an effective and functional

automated system for the organization. The project goal will thus become to plan and

construct the automated system for business developmental aspects. The issue related to

employee opposition will be resolved by adopting strategic and well defined change

management strategy for the business unit. This will help in minimizing the chances of errors

and restrictions in the business operations (Battista and, 2014). It will also result in

developing clear business goals for successfully implementing the business developmental

aspects within the market. In addition to this development of suitable software and finding

competitive workforce for the project is another major goal of the business (Finch and Zhang,

2013). In conclusion it can be said that the major success of the project depends upon its

timely completion and effective implementation of resources as well.

In-depth investigation

The present project will investigate on different aspects of project management

starting from project stages to project lifecycle (Mathrani and Mathrani, 2013). The current

project is focused on resolving the business issue of Asahi beverages. Thus in-depth

investigation on technical issues and automated warehouse development will be focused and

analysed. In addition to this studies related to construction sites and facility layout for ware

house automation has also been undertaken and studied to attain clear and well defined

results for the business (Iwanaga, Sawah and Jakeman, 2013). Moreover to deal with human

aspects and change management issues, theories of effective change management and its

implementation in the businesses will also be undertaken and successfully analysed to

attained significant business results.

5.2 Aim

The major aim of this research is “to construct a new automated warehouse of Asahi

in Queensland”.

5.3 Objectives

To identify and resolve key business and technical challenges of automated

warehouse project of Asahi.

To determine the most appropriate technology for resolving associated issues of this


To determine challenges relevant to Construction of Warehouse.

To develop project plan and allocation of resources for automated warehouse project

of Asahi.

To recommend appropriate methods for managing technical and construction related

issues of automated warehouse project of Asahi.


Project plan

There are no room for making mistake in today’s economic scenario because it can

affect the financial position in the company in negative manner. So, every organization needs

to develop appropriate plan for implementing any big project. An effective planning helps in

attaining all aim and objectives of the company. As per the given information Asahi company

wants to establish its own automated warehouse so, company needs to implement new

technology as well as should start construction of warehouse also. Therefore, following

planning stages will help in completing this project in effective manner:

Initiation: It is one of the important stages for scope and requirement management of

Asahi for automated warehouse project. For determining appropriate scope and needs

project manager should focus on analysis of the existing and proposed warehouse

system. This analysis will play important role in determining the major problem

associated with the manual system of the company. After analysing the problem of the

organization researcher can define aim and objectives of the automated warehouse

project of Asahi.

Planning: Completing warehouse project is not an easy task for project manager

because he/she needs to develop different plans in this stage. This phase of the project

plan comprises construction plan for a new warehouse building. Along with this,

planning for designing, use of various technologies, coding and development of the

automotive system, etc. Project management methods such as Gantt chart, PERT,

critical path analysis, project management methodologies are some important methods

that can be easily applied by manager at the time of developing and implementing

project plan.

Implementation and control: After developing a project plan organization needs to

move towards the implementation and controlling. Installation, allocation and

monitoring will be major stages for implementing the whole project plan of automated

warehouse system of Asahi. After getting this information project manager can

proceed towards the debugging stage and manage all necessary changes for resolving

issues. Later, for operating this system organization will make arrangement of training

and development sessions.

Project closure: When each and every stage will complete in effective manner then

project manager can close and execute this project. For completing this report and

lessons for future project, manager needs to develop a report.

Therefore, above discussed plan and stages will play important role in resolving

issues of the project of new automated warehouse system for Asahi.

Table 1: Project plan for automated warehouse system for Asahi


S Task Name










Names Cost




project of
















36 days












the existing


10 days








r 1,Project



system 05-



Analysis of





15 days











r 1,Project






1 day









4 Project

Manager $1,600.00

1.1.4 Defining

aim and


5 days














1.1.5 Project


5 days








5,6 Software

engineer $6,800.00














1.2.1 construction


20 days








6 Construction

manager $24,000.00

1.2.2 Plan for

designing and


25 days













1.2.3 Plan for


15 days








10 $0.00

1.2.4 Coding and

development of


25 days








11,7 System

developer $34,000.00

1.2.5 Resource


10 days








12 Project

Manager $16,000.00






5 days








13,12 Project

Manager $8,000.00

1.2.7 Time and



12 days










r 2,Project





n and control

85 days










1.3.1 Installation

of automated


20 days








11,15,12 Software

engineer $27,200.00



of roles and


to human


5 days













1.3.3 monitoring

and testing

20 days








18 Contractor $24,000.00



15 days








19 System

developer $20,400.00

1.3.5 change


10 days
















development of


15 days














1.4 Project


10 days










Closing and


5 days












n manager,




1.4.2 Report


5 days










r 1,Project



Figure 4: Gantt chart for project planning

Figure 5: Network Diagram for project plan

As per the above discussed project plan Asahi can complete its automated warehouse

project in 238 days with $444,000.00.


Asahi Company can compare their product cost before and after the automation of warehouse

to understand the benefits of automation. The cost of transportation, packaging, labelling and

salary expenses will reduce after the automation process. Automated warehouse will require

less of people and resources. The company has to spent extra money on equipments and

devices but the total amount will be less than the manual warehousing facility used by Asahi


Particulars Cost (manual warehousing) Cost (Automated


Transportation $10000 $ 8500

Packaging and labelling $ 6000 $ 5000

Employees salary $ 45000 $ 30000

Equipments rent and cost $ 35000 $ 50000

Office expenses $ 4500 $ 2000


Automated warehouse project is relevant to construction and information technology.

So, company needs to use appropriate methods for completing this projection in effective

manner. Using these methods project manager can execute the entire project in successful

manner. Project management methods include a set of instruction to manage different

activities of project plan. There are number of interconnected and independent tasks that

require appropriate guide to manage. So, for completing this project, manager will use

different methods such as Lean construction, agile methodology, PERT or Critical Path

Analysis, Gantt chart and Work Breakdown structure.


As per the above discussion automated warehouse project requires information

technology and construction process. So, it will require number of resources for completing

this project in effective manner. Along with this resource allocation is also considered as

complex task in project management. But, there are number of methods and tools of

operation management which can be applied by Project manager of Asahi for accomplishing

this project. In which, project manager will use PERT (Project evaluation and Review

Techniques) that helps in optimum allocation of resources. It is also beneficial for reducing

the wastage of resources that leads the reduction of cost. PERT provides assistance in

deciding schedule for each and every activity of the project plan. Along with this, allocation

of human and material resources on different activities is also one of the important tasks of

this method. Therefore using this method project manager can evaluate the use of resources

in every task. Following resources will be required for success of automated warehouse

project of Asahi:

Human resources: People team is considered as most important resource for project.

Automate warehouse project is one of the complex project in terms of technology,

construction and operation. So, it will require different experts with number of skills

at the time of scheduling, costing and managing other resources. So, project manager

needs to higher different human resources for completing various tasks of this project.

For completing all type of tasks project manager will hire system developer and

software engineer. Afterwards there are number of back office tasks and operations

activities which will require special attention so, for monitoring these kinds of

activities project manager will recruit 2 officers of administration. One coordinator

will also be assigned for making coordination between numbers of activities of the


Technical resources: As per the above discussion project manager will focus on latest

technology for successful completion of this automated ware house project of Asahi.

For instance it will adopt different technologies of Data Base Management System

such as MS SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2 and Sybase. Along with this, for developing a

new automated system project manager will require different resources relevant to

hardware and software also. Further, as per the changes in technologies organization

needs to update its technologies in effective manner.

Operational resources: Construction is a long process and it requires different raw

materials such as labour, material and cost, etc. So, all these are considered as major

operational resources for automated warehouse project of Asahi.

Financial resources: it is one of the big financial projects for Asahi because it will

require huge investment in construction and technological resource. Company needs

to adopt latest technologies which increases the total cost of the organization as well.

These resources can be sued by company for satisfying financial needs to automated

warehouse project.

Task breakdown

Work breakdown structure is one of the best tools for planning every task in more

specific manner. Main objective of WBS is reducing complications at the time of developing

automated warehouse. It is also effective for assigning cost to each and every activity in

effective manner. Further it plays important role in tracking the progress of each and every

activity in effective manner. It can manage scope of the projection in appropriate way so,

overall WBS is one of the important methods for managing different activities of this project.

WBS for automated warehouse system project of Asahi is presented as under:

Figure 6: Work Breakdown structure

Figure 7: Layout of warehouse

Team work allocation

Team Members Team work allocation with justification

Project Manager

Project manager is responsible for managing

different activities of project in effective

manner. It plays important role in managing

time, cost and differ human resources of

project. These are the major responsibilities

of project manager because he/she has

appropriate skills of leadership, motivation,

time and finance management and


Construction manager

Major skills of construction manager is

handing construction related task so, major

responsibilities of thus human resource is

developing plan for construction, monitoring

and reviewing the construction site, etc.

Software engineer

Development of automated warehouse

project is relevant to information technology

and software engineers have skills relevant to

the development of different types of

application, software and systems which are

required for managing this project in

effective manner. So, software engineer is

accountable for managing technical

requirements of this project.

System developer

As per the skills and knowledge of system

developer he/she is responsible towards the

different activities of development of

automated warehouse system for Asahi.


Managing coordination between team

members and organization is one of the

major responsibilities of contractor.

Administrator 1 &2

Due to administration skills this resource is

accountable for managing different

operational tasks in effective manner.

Risk Register

Risks Causes Possible course of



Employees resistance Employees can resist

due to new changes

and processes. It is

important for project

managers to make

changes so as to

complete the project in

time and budget.

Resistant employees

can become a

constraint in the

success of the project.

Maintaining good

relations with the

employees. Using



methods to transmit

information to all the


Regular meetings and

team activities can be

used to resolve this


Probability: Medium

Impact: High

Power failure Power failure can

become obstacles

because all the

processes involve

technology and


Regular monitoring

and checking

procedures have to be


Backup devices and

invertors can be


Probability: Low

Impact: Medium

Problems in software Automated warehouse

requires software

which can be

integrated tighter

easily. Software

problems may require

changes in system,

layout, devices and


Developers and

software engineers

should regularly update

software. There should

be an expert in the

premises every time to

handle such issues.

Probability: High

Impact: High

Problems in

equipments and


Devices and

equipments can fail

even after regular


There should be extra

backup equipments

which can be used in

case of emergency.

Employees should be

trained so that they can

work on backup

devices in case of any


Probability: Medium

Impact: High

Difficulties in


Configuration of

systems is very

important for the

completion of the

project on time.

Possible causes could

be software problems,

incapable devices, lack

of knowledge etc.

There should be a

secondary plan in case

of this problem.

Proper communication

between members and

documentation can

avoid this issue.

Probability: low

Impact: High

Expectations of


New changes and

expectations from

shareholders can cause

problems in existing


Sponsors and seniors

should maintain good

relation with the


Planning and design

stage should consider

all the requirements

and needs of all the


Probability: low

Impact: High

Progress and

development of the

project should be

shared with


Measures of success

Quality: The quality of products will improve significantly. Apart from this, there will be

standardised products. The labelling and packaging will be of excellent quality which will

reduce wastage of resources. Automated systems will automatically remove defective

products from the line.

Reduction in cost: The cost and expenses of the products will reduce. Automated warehouse

will have efficiently operations and the productivity will also increase.

Customer satisfaction: High quality and standardized products will help in increasing the

customer satisfaction level. The value can be easily communicated to the customers.

Improved supply chain and transportation: Supply chain will improve significantly which

will benefit the entire company. The trucks will also get loaded to their full capacity because

the system has already the data of the capacities of different transportation vehicles used in

the company.


The current research project is based on automated warehouse project of Asahi. It has

focus on different challenges which can be faced by organization at the time of development

of this system. Use of a fully integrated technology is one of the major issue because it will

require huge investment and skills and expertise. These kinds of issues affect the timescale of

the project which is not easy to extend. Along with this, as per the research project manager

needs to ensure about the design of warehouse and automated system else inappropriate

design and layout can be a reason of the project failure. Including this, changes in the existing

manual system in automated system can create extra work on human resources of the

company so; resistance of the human resources and contractor is also considered as major

challenge for the company. Report has found that time constraints and communication issues

can also affect the project progress in negative manner.

Stakeholders are the people who are directly and indirectly effect the business

decision thus creating a high and significant impact on success of the business. Asahi

Beverages is operating in food and beverage industry which is vast and dynamic. Stakeholder

base for the business is crucial for in attaining useful business information thus ensuring high

success prospects. The overall analysis reflects that proposing well defined value to the

stakeholders is crucial in order to attain effective business results. It helps the companies in

developing high and significant development measures in the market. Value proposition for

the stakeholders reflected that the company need to firstly analyse and identify the key

stakeholders which will affect the business operations in a significant manner. The

application of power interest model revealed the useful information for the same. The

findings reflect that the company has proposed to offer effective value in terms of financial,

functional and emotional aspect. This will help the stakeholders in motivating themselves

thus attaining business objectives effectiveness. The proposed strategy will also minimise the

resistance to change for the organization thus success of the project becomes an effective and

well defined means of growth within the market. It also ensures the success of the project in

the proposed manner.

Researcher has conducted review of literature for collecting secondary data about the

relevant subject. As per the findings of the collected information, there are number of project

management techniques which can help the organization in managing time and other

operational issue. These methods are Gantt chart, project plan, project evaluation and review

techniques, Work break down structure and lean construction and agile methodology, etc. As

per the project plan Asahi will complete this project in 238 days. It is the critical path of this

project which has reflected the minimum duration for completing project. According to the

current investigation project manager should use the latest technology and project

management techniques for managing all these issues in effective manner.

Findings of the research have concluded that automated warehouse project is

beneficial for Asahi in different terms such as it will help in reducing the extra workload of

the organization. Along with this, it will also play important role in improving operational

efficiency of the company. Further, Accomplishment of this project will increase the scope of

the investigation in this subject also. Number of researchers can conduct the similar kind of

research incoming future on different organization. Along with this, it will improve the

knowledge and skills of PhD scholars also. Therefore, findings of this research will be

beneficial in different aspects.

But on the other hand accomplishment of this research was not an easy task for

researcher because there are number of limitations and problems which could affect the

findings of the current investigation. For instance lack of the time and cost is considered as

major limitation of this subject which can affect the investigation process of the research.

Further, lack of the data on the automated warehouse system was also an issue but project

manager has used the advance search system for finding new and fresh data about the subject.

Including this, project manager has used the different project management techniques for

managing the time and cost of the project so, these methods have also played important role

in resolving this limitation in effective manner. Overall, the current research project has

resolved all limitations in effective manner.

The current research has helped in increasing my learning and skills in terms of

project management. Earlier, I did not have any knowledge about the automated warehouse

and project management, but after completing this research now I am capable enough to

manage a project without any guidance. I have learned different technical and construction

issues which can affect the project success. Along with this, my learning and expertise has

increased in terms of resolving these issues in effective manner. Now I have appropriate

knowledge about the various project management methods such as critical path analysis,

Gantt chart, WBS, PERT and lean construction, agile methodology, etc. Along with this, this

project has improved my skills in terms of MS project and MS word also. Therefore,

accomplishment of this project has improved my knowledge in each and every aspect and

these skills can be used by me for further investigations.


Attached power point presentation


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