Productions for the Wannon Water Grow it, Water it, ook it ... · Upcoming VCE revision lectures...


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Year 7 / 8 Kitchen Garden – Productions for the Wannon Water “Grow it, Water it, Cook it” Competition

13th September, 2018


Kids matter Week The highlight of our fortnight has been the very successful Kids Matter week which was run from Monday September 3rd through to Friday September 7th. All students were presented with a fantastic program that focused on health, wellbeing, mindfulness and resilience. There were so many activities, special guests and events that resonated with the students across different areas of the school. Our Prep to 2 students undertook some dance and relaxation amongst other things, and really seemed to enjoy the physical activities offered, Grade 3 & 4 mentioned the cooking and healthy eating sessions as being ‘the best’, and speaking with the Year 5 & 6 students, their team building activities at Camp Cooriemungle were both very challenging and a great deal of fun. Our Year 7 students delved into cyber safety with Trudy Moreland and John Keats and were challenged to keep themselves safe online. Year 8 students spent a full day on the Rights of Passage which helped them understand how they can contribute to their future direction and learning. Year 9 students worked on initiative together and created a special lunch which they shared in the staff room whilst Year 9-12 students reacted very positively to a presentation from former Carlton Football Club player Glenn Manton who shared a message about positive mental health. The week was wrapped up with our whole school BBQ lunch and a full school assembly that radiated positivity. Thank you to the community and sponsors who supported such an important learning opportunity for our students and contributed to the success of the week in so many ways. Cafeteria Closure The movement of the Cafeteria from its current location into the new area will begin NEXT WEEK. This will mean that the Cafeteria is unavailable for the last week of term. Students will not have access to school purchased lunch, food, snacks and drinks from September 17th to September 21st included. Asbestos Removal and school site closure Fairbrother Construction Company in conjunction with the Victorian Schools Building Authority will be undertaking the removal of asbestos from the Block B Building from the 22nd September to the 8th October. Due to VSBA regulations, no personnel other than construction workers are permitted to be present on school grounds when asbestos removal is occurring. This regulation applies to all areas within the school grounds including the Senior Building, Library and all other classrooms. The VSBA is very strict on this requirement for the removal of asbestos and there is no flexibility to allow any unauthorised persons on the school grounds during this period. Any persons found to be on the school grounds during the asbestos removal will be asked to leave the school grounds immediately for their own safety. Staffing update: Mr Mark Chapman will be finishing in his role in Student Wellbeing Support at the end of this term. Mark has been a great support to many students during his time at Timboon P-12 School. Mark is relocating with his family to Cairns and we wish him well on his new challenges. A position has been advertised on the Department of Education Recruitment Online system in the area of student support and wellbeing to commence early in term 4. We will announce the successful candidate next term. Ms Sarah Mackieson remains on Long Service Leave for the remainder of the term and will return in term 4. Mr Graham Galbraith has extended his leave for the remainder of the term. We wish those on leave all the best as they undertake recovery or travel.

Holidays: On behalf of all staff I would like to wish you a happy and safe school holiday period. School will conclude at 2.30pm on September 21st and resume on Monday October 8th.



Regional Youth Assembly This year Ciara Fitzpatrick has been attending the Rural Youth Ambassador program in Melbourne. The program is designed to seek the voice of regional and remote students wanting to develop their leadership skills and support the development of young people and their educational experience. We have had a number of students involved in the program. Recently, Ciara attended an exclusive meeting with two other regional students with Education Minister James Merlino and Regional Directors of Education. The focus of the conference was to seek feedback from regional students on the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focused content in curriculum and the discussion of the importance of maths and science to future careers for students. Ciara’s feedback was sought about her perspective on these issues. Recently, Ciara attended the most recent conference in Melbourne at ABC Victoria. Horse Trainer and well known rural identity, Darren Weir spoke about the value of education to country students. Notably, he discussed the fact that he encourages all young people to engage in their education because of the lessons he learnt through leaving school early.

Simon Breakspeare also discussed the importance of creativity, listening and storytelling. Simon is a well-respected researcher in education and regularly presents to teachers and leaders nationally and internationally.

Out of all of this learning, Ciara has worked with a close knit team on a project. Her project is to help improve the links between schools in the same area to create more access to VCE curriculum, thus creating more choice. Ciara will work on making this a reality with her team and explore how and what VCE subjects students in her local area may want to access and work on helping provide this to Corangamite students. So far Ciara notes that her key learning has been an increased understanding of how the education system works, developed leadership capacity and vision for local students. Ciara is working to present her ideas to local Principals and will attend the next Rural Youth Forum in November where she will focus on embedding her project. Kids Matter Week

Thank you to all of our fantastic students who contributed positively to Kids Matter Week. The week proved to be successful in many ways. Students were challenged to think about healthy choices, their identity, their values and to show initiative. Taking responsibility for their own actions and thinking about choices was central to the week and the approach of a growth mindset.

In all it was a positive week. One which saw us raise $860.40 for the charity Aussie Helpers. Hopefully the money raised goes some way to provide relief for drought affected farmers. A big thank you must go to the team at Timboon Landmark who supplied and were helped to cook by our TSPA helpers, over 500 sausages. We are truly thankful for your time and help. Thanks also to all staff who worked to plan and implement a range of engaging activities to meet the needs of the students they teach.

Swimming Achievements Well done to Robbie Gleeson, Holly McKenzie, Bobby Gristede and former student Mitchell Gristede who all recently swam at the state swimming championships at the Melbourne State Aquatic Centre. Robbie competed in the 100m and 200m breast stroke coming 10th and 8th respectively. Holly drove 3 hours each way to swim 50 meters in the 4x50 freestyle and Bobby and Mitch competed in a range of events remaining highly competitive. Operational Matters Lockers – We have had some lockers damaged and gone through in recent weeks. This can only be occurring during class or recess time. On Tuesday we had a short assembly to ask those who may be responsible to stop and reinforce the values of respect and trust. One of the many great things about our school is the fact that it operates on trust, we have very few issues with this type of behaviour and all students should feel that they can leave their possessions in their lockers knowing that they will be there at the end of the day. I would also encourage all students not be a bystander when they see negative behaviours happening. This includes teasing and bullying, misuse or damage of school property. We have a great school, we need to keep it that way and work to improve it further. High expectations relationships of each other are central to this. Mobile phones, uniform, street passes and chewing gum:

• A reminder that mobile phones are permitted at school,

however if they are seen out they will be asked for. These

can be collected from the front office.

• Uniform – a reminder that black hoodies, black jackets, black

pants and branded hats and beanies are not part of the

uniform. Students seen wearing these items will be asked to

put them in their lockers.

• Students are reminded to remain on school grounds at all

times. If students, other than Year 12, need to access any

shops a note needs to be provided to the front office and the

student signs out. Our policy is that students should only

access the street for appointments. Students found to be off

school grounds without a note or reason will be given a first

warning and if subsequently found off school grounds will be

placed in in-school withdrawal.

Upcoming VCE revision lectures – please see Mrs Nicholson for further details

Tuesday 25 September 2018 8.45–11.30 English – Section C 9.00–11.30 Literature 12.00–2.45 Further Maths 12.15–2.45 Legal Studies 3.15–5.45 Maths Methods 3.15–6.00 Biology

Wednesday 26 September 2018 8.45–11.30 Chemistry 9.00–11.30 Health & Human Development 12.00–2.45 Psychology 12.15–2.45 Physical Education 12.15–3.00 Physics 3.30–6.00 Food Studies

Thursday 27 September 9 – 12pm English revision with Ross Huggard. Camperdown College (enter via Errey Street). $35 per student payable to the front office.

Secondary Buildings Update

• The process of moving and connecting all of the powered

equipment in the new woodwork room will be complete this

week and the room fully operational. Thank you to all

students and families who have been extremely patient. This

has not been an ideal process, however we have gained an

excellent resource out of the process. Curriculum has been

delivered during this time, with design work the focus.

Students will be into their construction phase of the

curriculum as of this week.

• The Year 11 lockers have been ordered with a delivery date

of early Term 4. This will ensure all Year 11 lockers are within

the vicinity of the new building. In the meantime Year 11

lockers will be placed in the corridor at the entrance of the

Secondary Building until the new ones arrive.

• Canteen – A reminder that the canteen will be shut next

week in order to move into the new, purpose built canteen.

The new canteen will be operational for Term 4. Parents are

asked to send students with their lunch and recess.


Kids Matter Week What a fabulous week of celebration and learning around Kids Health and Wellbeing. Look out for the reports in this week’s newsletter. A special thankyou to the many local presenters we had during the week. Mr David Gamble will speak at our assembly on Monday to tell us how much the Lions Club, Coins for Kids fundraiser made. Thank you to all who donated. Kinder Activity New to our transition program this year, is the introduction of three workshops – STEM, Art and PE. Mrs Anne Frazer took an eager group of parents and kinder kids last week and this week we have Mrs Lee McLeod taking Art. Next week, Miss Caroline Costelloe will run a PE/PMP session.

Hats Reminder that all students, P-6, must have a bucket hat (school hat) on at all times when in the yard. Please ensure they are named. Footy Breakfast Next Friday, the annual footy breakfast will take place on the Primary School basketball court. This is a whole school and community event and funds raised will go to the TSPA (Timboon School Parents Association). In this week’s newsletter, you will find an order form, but it is not compulsory for you to pre-order. Purchases can be made on the day. Students are encouraged to come out of uniform, proudly wearing their favourite footy team colours. GILL HAMPSON


Year 3/4 Cooking – Kids Matter

We have been focusing on healthy eating and knowing what’s in

our food. Diana D’Auria, a dietician, spoke to us on Monday and

on Tuesday we went to the school kitchen to make our own

breadsticks. Here are what some students had to say:

The three/fours loved cooking with Gabby and Tam on Tuesday.

We made Oregano Breadsticks and they tasted phenomenal! We

really appreciated the help that Tam and Gabby gave us. We had

an awesome time but had trouble kneading and mixing the

dough. We hope we can cook with you again soon.

By Willow Roberts and Meg Duro.

On Tuesday 4th September, 3/4C went

cooking and made Oregano Breadsticks.

They were really delicious and brown and

crunchy. Thank you to Gabby and Tam

who gave up their time to do cooking

with us. We had lots of fun and we hope

they did too. We kneaded the bread

which was very tiring because we did it

for 5-10 minutes. It was nice that Tam

and Gabby had all the measuring cups and ingredients out ready

for us. By Amber and Ashlinn

Year 10 History Guest Speaker – Vietnam Veteran - Bob Paice 7th September 2018 Last Friday we were fortunate to have Mr Bob Paice speak to our class about his experiences as a National Serviceman during the Vietnam/American War. Bob was in the first national service intake in 1965. He explained the ballot process and had a list of the dates, which our students found most interesting. Bob’s birth date came up, he was required to leave his bank job, and did 2 years training at Puckapunyal and other places where he felt he ‘got the feel for being a soldier’. He reckoned that it was for some, a good opportunity for employment, however it did ruin a lot of careers of young men like himself who were just starting to get ahead in their careers. Bob then went onto explain the domino effect of communism that was seen as a real threat to our country, and also pointed out to the class our SEATO and ANZUS obligations that all meant we were ‘in’ with America. So, Bob arrived on the 12th April at Phuoc Tuy and Nui Dat (where a lot of our class had been to on our Vietnam Trip recently) in the middle of a rubber plantation where the Viet Cong (Minh) had a

stronghold. Bob worked as a quarter master assisting with the day to day provisions required to support such an operation. He survived the Battle of Long Tan. (We had also recently participated in a memorial service at the Cross there on our Vietnam Trip, so we could all understand a little of what it could have been like.) He felt that one of the biggest problems that Aussie soldiers had back then, was not knowing who the enemy was. He could be with his mates in Vung Tau and the people you were sitting next to and sharing a table with, could be the ones shooting at you the next day! He touched on the short term and long term psychological issues that were faced in such a battle. Bob explained the impact of the media who gave an armchair view back home to those watching the war being televised. He spoke about the people back home who protested about our involvement and found that personally confronting. Bob had brought with him lots of artefacts from his time during his service. He had the uniform and the pack. Alanah O’Brien got to try on the kit and we could all see how heavy that would have been to have on your back in the conditions that Bob and his mates were in. He also had some pretty awful booby traps and explained how they worked, and spoke about the impact of the chemical warfare that took place. He had a model of the tunnels that were so important to the Vietnamese, and many of our group had been down the ones at Chu Chi, so once again, we could relate to what Bob was reflecting upon. It was a really valuable couple of hours that our class spent listening to Bob and we all learned the value of listening to and having empathy for different perspectives of historical events and experiences. Thanks to Ms Murray for organizing it. Kayleen Deppeler.

KINDER TRANSITION – ‘STEAM’ Last Tuesday students from the Kinder came for their first themed transition session based on STEAM. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. The kinder children walked in the door to find they needed to put on their lab coats before exploring STEAM. They began with the warm up topic of magnets (science). After exploring what magnets were attracted to, all the students successfully completed the challenge to float a paper clip using a magnet. Next it was onto artistic engineering (creating a colourful maze) – using maths (the blocks were different shapes and the paths were different lengths) before using technology (Sphero robots) to drive around the maze. Problems were solved as arches had to be lifted for the Sphero to go under and the speed and direction of the Sphero controlled to go up ramps. Thank you to the helpers for the session – Tom Ryan, Meg Duro and Isabelle Meinhold. Anne Frazer

KIDS MATTER WEEK Year 9 Activities

Uniform beanies $13.00, Baseball Hats $15.00, Scarves $15.00, available at the Canteen



WEEK 10 17th – 21st September

Mon 17th

Tues 18th Rebecca McAuliffe

Wed 19th Terri-Anne Stansfield

Thurs 20th Talia Blain

Fri 21st Michelle Gristede

12:30 – 2:30 pm Ann Rosolin


8th – 12th October

Mon 8th

Tues 9th Susan Van Rijthoven

Wed 10th Bryan Ward

Thurs 11th Nicole Uebergang

Fri 12th Michelle Gristede

12:30 – 2:30 pm

WEEK 2 15th – 19th October

Mon 15th

Tues 16th Caitlyn Cook

Wed 17th Melinda Drysdale

Thurs 18th Linda Whiting Sue Trotter

Fri 19th Bronwyn Lenehan

12:30 – 2:30 pm


There will be a short break within this time period


On Friday, 14th September, it will be the last day of trading in our existing Canteen. There will be NO LUNCH ORDERS, SNACKS OR DRINKS available for purchase until next

term, due to shifting into our new Caf. We will notify parents through Compass when the Caf is up and running. Until then, we are sorry for any inconvenience that this causes.

TSPA FUNDRAISER FOR OUR SCHOOL Information and templates will be sent home before end

of term. Here is a snippet for you to look at.

A display is available to view in the library before and after holidays

413 Squadron Australian Airforce Cadets is recruiting If you are 13 years of age and over and want to join the Australian Airforce Cadets come along to our recruitment / Open Day on the 9th of September 11am till 2pm at the Tel Elisa Barracks Pertobe Rd Warrnambool. There will be an information session, tour of our facilities, check out our Blanik restoration, get hands on experience with our drones, flying simulator, fieldcraft activities, and ceremonial drill practice. Come along and talk to our staff and cadets about our terrific organisation, and don’t forget to pick up and enrolment pack, showbag and enjoy a free BBQ too! Further enquiries can be made via Timboon Recreation Reserve Please go on-line and vote…

Changerooms for the 21st Century

Modern, unisex change rooms at the Rec Reserve. Add to shortlist Project details Suggested by: Donna Project partner: Timboon Demons Football Netball Club Region Great South Coast Category Community infrastructure, open space, sport and recreation Spread the word - send this link or Share to Facebook

Keeping our community fit and active is a challenge but without the best facilities it's even harder. Our change rooms at the Timboon Rec Reserve are old and dated. Everyone in our community no matter their gender, ability or age deserves to have the best! So, we've gone back to basics by proposing to upgrade to modern, unisex showers, toilets and change rooms for locals and visitors alike. These new facilities will not only be for our sports teams, but for our community functions like the Relay for Life, Lions Trash and Treasure, Easter Egg Hunt and our visiting campers. We can all name facilities around town that need upgrading or replacing. But we have to start somewhere, so why not start with the change rooms at the Rec Reserve? It'll not only benefit the current users, but attract new ones. Imagine modern facilities to attract new senior, junior, male and female participants to our teams and town. Imagine extra modern accessible toilets for our community functions. Imagine toilets and hot showers for our visiting campers who may just stay longer and enjoy more of what our region has to offer. As they say...from little things big things grow! Please go to and select this project as 1 of your 3 shortlist selections.

Barbies and music to say thanks for fire efforts

A FREE barbecue and live music will be provided at events being

held to thank all those involved with the South West Fire efforts.

Mayor Jo Beard invited everyone in the area to come along.

“These will be low-key events where people can get together with other community members and relax. “Everyone has been flat out over the past six months and it’s really important to look after ourselves and not wear ourselves out. “Please come and join us in thanking all those involved with the vital assistance and support during and following the South West Fires. “That includes the emergency services and volunteers who put in so much effort during the emergency, and all of the support agencies, suppliers and businesses who have helped in the recovery, even people in the street who cared enough to stop and ask ‘Are you OK’?”. Flynn Gurry will provide the music at the Cobden and Timboon events and Ian “Bidge” Boyd will perform at Terang and Camperdown. The events, from 11 am – 2 pm, are:

• BBQ in the Park, Sunday 16 September Apex Park, Cobden.

• BBQ on the Lawn, Monday 17 September Terang RSL.

• BBQ on Bailey, Saturday, 22 Sept Timboon Playground

• BBQ on the Green, Sunday, 23 Sept Camperdown Golf Club.

Please RSVP to Sarah Troisi on 0447 093 186 or by 13 September for the 16

and 17 September events and by 20 September for the 22 and

23 September events

Chris Rodda – 03 5593 7111 Communications Officer

CORANGAMITE SHIRE HOLIDAY SHOWS ‘The Greatest Showman’ on Thursday, 27th September ‘Tad the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas’ on Thursday, 4th October. The Bath Street Doors open at 1:00pm for a 1:30pm start. For further information please contact Corangamite Shire on 5593 7100

It was terrific to get the news that the School has been successful in obtaining a considerable grant in order to improve the biodiversity of the School’s grounds, and to be able to participate in community activities outside of the school. The funds will be spent on educational materials, bus fares, purchase of native vegetation, and the reinstatement of the vegetable gardens due to our building works. A variety of groups of students will be involved in these activities this year, and in semester one 2019. Denise Murray, Humanities Coordinator

Footy Breakie Feast Friday 21st September

Serving from 8:00am through to 9:30am Everyone is welcome, so bring along your

relatives and your neighbours.

Below is a pre-order form for tickets. This is to help with catering, so we would appreciate as many returns as possible please. There will still be tickets available on the day.

Wanted: • Do you have an AFL team flag that we could borrow to display in the school grounds for the


• Are you able to help with cooking on the BBQ for 15 minutes between 7:30am and 10:00am, or

prepared to flip some pancakes?

• Are you able to be a parent helper with running footy activities between 9am and 10am with the

Primary students?

Any assistance you can give on the morning would be appreciated. “Many hands, make light work”

Please contact Gill Hampson at the school, phone 5598 3381, if you are prepared to be placed on a

cooking roster. Flags can be dropped off at school, but remember to clearly name it.

All proceeds will go back into the school through the parents association (TSPA).

Don’t forget to come dressed in your footy colours

Ticket includes:

• Bacon and egg roll, and/or pancakes

• A drink – flavoured milk (donated by Warrnambool Cheese and Butter) or a small bottle of water

• Hot beverages can be purchased on the morning (not included in the ticket)



Pre-order ticket: (write the number of tickets in each box please)

Family ticket ($20 – includes maximum of 2 adults), please specify number of

……………….. adults and ……………… children (u/18)

Adult ticket ($8)

Secondary student ticket ($8)

Primary student ticket ($5)

Student name (to give the tickets to): ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Parent Contact Name: ……………………………………………………………… Phone: ……………………………….

** Please return the form with correct money to the office by Wednesday 19th September **
