Procedural Writing Rubric Ql2q8j




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Procedural Writing Rubric

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________

Learning Goal: To write a procedural text, using proper text framework and all stages of the

writing process that describes to someone how to do, make or play something.

Success Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Use of Text Framework (goal, materials, method, evaluation)

Writing is incomplete and missing 2 or more of the specific text features that fit with this framework.

Writing is disorganized and missing 1 of the specific text features that fit with this framework.

Writing is organized and follows the text framework including all text features.

Writing is well organized, detailed and follows the text framework including all text features.

Use of the writing process

Name is still unsure of the purpose of each stage of the writing process and needs guidance in order to follow the sequences and carry a piece of writing from start to finish.

Name is becoming comfortable working through each stage of the writing process and with some prompting is able to carry a piece of writing from start to finish.

Name is comfortable working through each stage of the writing process and is able to carry a piece of writing from start to finish.

Name is confident working through each stage of the writing process and is consistently able to carry a piece of writing from start to finish.

Form and Style (spelling, grammar, punctuation)

Writing includes many spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Little or no evidence of revising or editing.

Writing includes some spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. With prompting name will work through the revising and editing stages.

Writing includes a few spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Evidence of revising and editing is present.

Writing includes no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Strong evidence of revising and editing is present.

Overall Presentation

Published writing is messy and does not include a title page.

Published writing shows some care and includes a tile page.

Published writing is neat and tidy, and includes a title page.

Published writing is very neat and tidy and includes a complete title page
