Primrose Hill Surgery booklet.pdf



Primrose Hill Surgery booklet.pdf

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Primrose Hill Surgery

Tel: 020 7722 0038Fax: 020 7722 9724

97-99 Regent's Park RoadLondon


NHS 111 SERVICE (OUT-OF-HOURS)For medical help outside normal surgery hours which is not a 999 emergency, please phone the NHS 111 Service, simply by dialling 111. You will get through to highly trained advisers who are supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you questions to assess your symptoms and give you the health care advice you need or direct you to the right local service. The NHS 111 team will, where possible book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak too.

If NHS 111 advisers think you need an ambulance they will immediately arrange for one to be sent to you.

ABOUT OUR PRACTICEFounded in 1937, Primrose Hill Surgery was one of the first NHS practices in Camden and the first to operate an appointment system. Over the years the practice has grown considerably in size and now looks after about 6300 patients. In 2002 we underwent major redevelopment and extension. The end result is a larger, much improved surgery with all the consulting rooms on the ground floor. We offer the full range of services that you would expect in a modern general practice.

We have a practice nurse and a health visitor. Midwives and district nurses work in the community and liaise closely with us. The practice manager and the administrative team can help with any non-medical organisational problems. There is a pharmacy situated next door to the surgery. The pharmacist can treat many minor ailments and give advice on any concerns you may have about your medications. We sometimes teach medical students and are hoping to become a GP training practice in the near future.

CLINICAL TEAMDr Elizabeth Bradley MBBS MRCOG MRCGP (1988 London)Interests - obstetrics, gynaecology, fertility issues

Dr Jane Lim MBBS MRCGP (1987 London)Interests - child health, dermatology, sexual health

Dr Rose MacDonald BSc MBBS MRCGP (2004 London)Interests - child health, mental health, cardiology

Dr Olivia Bayley BSC MBCHB MRCGP (2004 Leicester)Interests - child health, family planning, sexual health

Dr Jay Bowden BMedSci, BMBS, MRCGP, DFSRH, DRCOG (2004 Nottingham)Interests - men’s health, sexual health, alcohol problems

Francesca Patterson - Practice Nurse


Friendly place

REGISTRATIONSWe accept new patients living within our catchments area (see map on the inside back cover). We will need to see the proof of your address and NHS number before we can accept your registration. All new patients are asked to complete a questionnaire about their past medical history and we do a one stop registration health check as part of the registration procedure. This is essential as it may take up to three months for your previous records to reach us. Your children’s immunisation records are required as part of their registration process.


Monday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Thursday 08:30 - 12:30 Closed

Friday 08:30 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Weekends & Bank Holidays Closed Closed


Monday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 19:45

Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30 14:00 - 19:45

Thursday 08:30 - 12:30 Closed

Friday 08:30 - 12:30 14:00 - 18:00

Weekends & Bank Holidays Closed Closed

APPOINTMENTSROuTInE BOOkED APPOInTMEnTSRoutine booked appointments can be made up to a month in advance by calling or coming in person to the practice during reception opening hours. Please telephone after 11:00 in the morning to enable us to deal with emergency calls first. We would encourage you to see your usual doctor whenever possible. Appointment duration with doctors is 10 minutes and 15 minutes with the Practice Nurse.

SAME DAy (uRgEnT) APPOInTMEnTSEvery day, during surgery times, we offer same-day appointments are for urgent medical problems that cannot wait for the next available appointment. Please do not ask the doctor to complete forms or deal with non-urgent matters during these appointments. These appointments will be booked with the first available doctor. You can book a same-day urgent appointment if you telephone between 09:00 - 11:00 in the morning or 14:00 - 16:00 in the afternoon.

LATEnESSIt is the Practice policy that if you are more than15 minutes late you may have to re-book an appointment.

CAnCELLATIOnSIf you cannot attend for your booked appointment please ring the surgery to cancel as early as possible, so that your appointment can be offered to another patient.

RISk OF InFECTIOnIf you think you may be highly infectious e.g. chickenpox, please advise reception and you will be placed in a separate room.

uRInE SPECIMEn POTSSpecimen pots for urinary tract infections are kept at reception; do request them prior to seeing your doctor or nurse.

TELEPHONE ADVICE AND URGENT PROBLEMSIf you need telephone advice and would like to speak to a doctor, you can call the surgery and leave a message with the reception staff. The reception staff will ask for details to give you the best advice. In some cases they may suggest you call an ambulance or go to casualty. Urgent and new problems will be triaged by the on call doctor who will call you back as soon as possible, but will prioritise the calls to deal with emergencies first. It may be more appropriate for ongoing problems to be dealt with by your usual doctor. The doctors try to answer telephone messages within 24 hrs. Please give a landline number. If you use a mobile number, please leave it switched on.

HOME VISITSWe ask patients to come to the surgery if possible, as clinical assessments can be made in better equipped surroundings. We provide home visits for the housebound or if the patient is acutely unwell and unable to attend the surgery. We would be grateful if you could phone before 11.00 in the morning if you feel an urgent home visit is necessary. The receptionist will ask you for a brief description of your problem in order to assist the doctor and a confirmation of your address. The on call doctor will call you and discuss your problems. In some cases telephone advice may be appropriate or the doctor will arrange a suitable time to visit.

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONSREquESTIng A REPEAT PRESCRIPTIOnTo request a repeat prescription of a long-term medication, please use the computerised request slip supplied with your prescription. This avoids errors. If you do not have a request slip, we have medication request slips at reception or put a request in writing, clearly indicating the medication needed and giving a contact telephone number.Requests may be: • Left at reception in the prescription box (you may post requests through our letterbox if the surgery is closed). • Sent by post, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope. Please allow seven days to cover any postal delays. • Faxed using the number: 020 7722 9724

• Requested via our website for collection at the reception desk (if you have registered to use the service). • Prescription requests will not be taken over the telephone by our reception staff as mistakes can occur if requests are misunderstood.New patients will need to see a doctor in a routine appointment where repeat prescriptions can be discussed before the doctor can issue them.PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORkIng DAyS FOR yOuR REquEST TO BE PROCESSED

COLLECTIOn OF REPEAT PRESCRIPTIOnSyou can: • Collect your prescription from the reception desk when the surgery is open. • Have it posted to you or a chemist of your choice if you have provided a stamped, addressed envelope. • Ask for it to be collected from certain local chemists by pre-arrangement.Please respond to messages on your computerised prescription request slip and book an appointment when your medication review date is due.

PRIvATE PRESCRIPTIOnSIf you have been given a private prescription by a consultant you have seen, the doctor will decide if it is clinically appropriate to convert this into an NHS prescription. We will not issue medications without a clear written prescription and a letter from the consultant. The doctor must agree with the treatment as they take clinical responsibility for signing it. With certain medications the consultant needs to be responsible initially, until the patient is stabilised on the medication. In some cases the GP may not feel happy to issue the prescription and the private or hospital prescription will be returned. Please be aware we are an NHS practice and are governed by local prescribing policies which change from time to time. Private prescriptions will be dealt with in the same time scale as normal repeat prescriptions.

CLINICS & SERVICESnuRSE CLInICSPlease book a nurse appointment if you need any of the following services:

• Adult immunisations (including Influenza)

• Blood tests if you are unable to attend the hospital (if you are having a cholesterol or glucose test you need to be fasting- water only from midnight)

• Child immunisations

• Ear syringing and ear care

• Family planning (pill checks, LARC advice, emergency contraception)

• Giving injections (e.g. B12)

• Health promotion (diet, smoking cessation, exercise, weight management)

• Screening (blood pressure checks, blood glucose monitoring)

• Sexual health services

• Travel advice and immunisations (please book at least four weeks before you travel)

• Women’s health (cervical screening, menopause, breast awareness)

• Wound care (dressings, stitches, etc.) and tissue viability including leg ulcer care

AnTEnATAL CAREWe provide a shared antenatal care service with The Royal Free and University College Hospitals. Pregnancy can be confirmed by a simple urine test purchased at the chemist. If you discover you are pregnant, you can self refer to the local antenatal clinics. Please check on the hospital websites or ask reception for self referral forms.

BABy CLInICAfter you have had your baby, the health visitor will contact you. Please book a six week check for mother and baby with reception. A walk-in clinic is run by the health visitor every Friday between 14:00 - 15:30. You will have opportunity to discuss feeding issues and your baby can be weighed. Please do not bring acutely ill babies to this clinic. Children's immunisations are given by the practice nurse. Remember to bring your baby's red book with you at all times.

CHROnIC DISEASEAt present we do not run separate clinics to monitor chronic diseases - e.g. diabetes. Patients with chronic medical problems and those on repeat prescriptions will be asked to book a review appointment with the doctor or nurse in normal surgery time. We may ask you to have a blood test at the hospital before the appointment.

REFERRALSWe are an NHS practice and can refer to NHS hospitals. We are lucky to have excellent teaching hospitals available locally and a wide variety of services. Due to our position most our patients are seen either at Royal Free Hospital or University College Hospital. Your doctor will offer choice of where you want to be referred. At present we refer using Choose-and-Book and all our referrals are seen by the Camden Clinical Assessment Service who will contact you about your referral. We are obliged to follow local best practice guidelines for referrals.

We have a wide range of additional services available locally including audiology, podiatry, physiotherapy, psychology. Some can be accessed directly without the need for a doctor’s referral. Reception can advise you about these or book an appointment to discuss this with the doctor or nurse.

Many of our patients have private medical cover and request a private referral letter to a specialist. You will need to book a routine appointment to discuss the referral with your doctor or you can discuss the problem on the telephone. Please do not book an urgent appointment for a routine private referral. We have a list of local specialists to whom we have referred. The Doctor will make a clinical decision about whether a private referral is appropriate. There is a fee to complete private medical insurance claim forms.

RESULTS OF TESTSIf your doctor or nurse arranges a test they will either ask you to book an appointment or call reception to ask the doctor who arranged the test to call and discuss the results.

Please telephone the surgery between 15:00 - 18:00. You should allow seven days from the date of your blood test for the surgery to receive your results. Other tests, for example X-rays, ultra sounds and ECGs may take between 14 - 21 days to be reported. The reception staff will ask you to confirm the type of test and date it was taken and pass the message on to the doctor who will endeavour to call back within 48 hours.

Receptionists are not able to give clinically sensitive information to patients.

You will be contacted by letter or telephone if the doctor decides your results need further discussion and you have not booked a follow up appointment.

Please note that investigations requested by hospital doctors do not automatically get sent to the surgery and therefore you should request these results from the hospital secretary.

ILL-HEALTH PREVENTIONA wide range of leaflets are available at reception and also do look at the local NHS website for information about local services.

ALCOHOLIf you feel your social life revolves around alcohol, you are drinking alone or in the morning or you are unable to stop once you start, you may have a problem. The safe limits for men are three to four units of alcohol a day and two to three units per day for women. Pregnant women should try to avoid alcohol altogether. Please feel free to discuss things further with your doctor or nurse.

BREAST ExAMInATIOn AnD MAMMOgRAPHyWe advise all women to learn to examine their breasts regularly. Please ask for a leaflet. Contact your doctor immediately if you find a lump. Mammography is available every three years for women between the ages of 50 and 64, and on request after the age of 64 every three years. All breast screening appointments are managed by the Central and East London Breast Screening Service. Their contact number is 020 3465 6631.

CERvICAL SMEARSAll women should have three-yearly cervical smears between the age of 241/2 and 49 years and every five years between the age of 50 and 64. We offer cervical screening at the surgery or you can attend local family planning clinics. Please book a routine appointment with the practice nurse when you are mid-cycle (approximately 14 days from the first day of your last period). Smears cannot be taken if you are menstruating. You will be notified by letter of the result, usually within two weeks. A copy of this result will be sent to the practice, so please contact us if you have not heard.

CHILDHOOD IMMunISATIOnSWe strongly recommend that all children are immunised to prevent severe life threatening illnesses. Please do not hesitate to discuss any queries with your doctor or nurse. At present the following schedule applies:

Age vaccine

2 months DTaP/IPV/Hib (1st dose) + Pneumococcal (1st dose)

3 months DTaP/IPV/Hib (2nd dose) + Meningitis C (1st dose)

4 months DTaP/IPV/Hib (3rd dose) + Pneumococcal (2nd dose) + Meningitis C (2nd dose)

12 months Hib (4th dose)/Meningitis C (3rd dose) MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) + Pneumococcal (3rd dose)

3½ years Booster DTaP/IPV + Booster MMR

12-13 years Cervical cancer HPV vaccine x 3 (given within six months at school)

15-18 years Booster Td/IPV (at school)

FAMILy PLAnnIngYou can discuss this with the nurse, doctor or at local family planning clinics. We can prescribe emergency contraception (the morning after pill), but you must be seen within 72 hours or this can be obtained over the counter from your pharmacist. We can provide details of clinics offering long acting contraceptive services including coil fitting.

HEALTH CHECkSIf you are over 16 and have not had a blood pressure test, or been weighed or had your height measured for over a year please speak to reception, you will be instructed on how to do a check yourself at surgery.

We will also be offering the new NHS health check for patients aged 40-74. Eligible patients will be invited by letter to have a screen including a cholesterol check.

InFLuEnZA IMMunISATIOnDuring the winter, influenza vaccinations are available to patients aged 65 and over and patients with certain chronic medical problems. Please contact the surgery in September for details of our flu vaccination clinics. We are unable to offer influenza vaccination if you do not fall into the at-risk categories.

OBESITyIf you think you are overweight, consider more exercise and ask for information on weight reducing diets. A waist measurement greater than 94cm for men or more than 81cm for women may mean that you are at a higher risk of health problems eg diabetes, heart problems and reduced immunity. Please make an appointment with our nurse for advice about weight management. Alternatively, telephone Weight Watchers on 08457 123000 to find out details of local weight-reducing programmes. Your doctor may also recommend medication to help.

PRECOnCEPTIOnIf you are considering a pregnancy and are uncertain of your rubella status, please contact your doctor and we can arrange a blood test. We advise a blood test for certain groups of women to screen for sickle cell or thallassaemia prior to pregnancy. We recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid prior to conception and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This can be purchased from the chemist in tablet form. We also recommend adequate vitamin D intake during pregnancy. It is important that patients with diabetes, thyroid disease and epilepsy consult their doctor prior to conception.

PROSTATEOne in three men over the age of 50 develops prostate problems. Symptoms include difficulty in starting to pass water, poor stream, dribbling, urgency and frequency. There are treatments available if this is a problem.

SExuAL HEALTH SCREEnIngA Chlamydia pack for routine Chlamydia testing is available for all those aged between 16 years and 24 years. The pack can be requested from the reception and you may do a self check easily with a urine sample. All other sexual health queries are by appointment or reception can provide details of local genitourinary clinics. Routine sexual health screening can be requested during family planning and cervical screening.

SMOkIngIf you would like help to give up smoking please book a smoking cessation appointment with our nurse. She is able to offer advice and support to help you stop smoking. You can also call the NHS Smoking helpline on 0800 169 0169.

TESTICuLAR ExAMInATIOnAll men should examine themselves for testicular lumps regularly. A leaflet is available to show you how this should be done. Any irregularity or lump should be checked by your doctor.

TETAnuS AnD POLIO BOOSTERSThe Department of Health recommends that adults should have a tetanus and polio booster every 10 years. If you have never had a full course of tetanus or polio immunisations please make an appointment with the practice nurse.

TRAvEL vACCInATIOnSIf you intend to travel abroad, especially to developing countries, it is important to see the practice nurse in good time for your vaccination. Travel vaccination appointments should be made at least four weeks before your departure. We may not be able to help you if you do not book your appointment in sufficient time. The nurse will give you advice on immunisations and malaria protection when you attend your appointment.

If your trip involves a complex itinerary it is advisable to contact the Hospital for Tropical Diseases helpline for advice. The practice is not a yellow fever centre and some travel vaccinations such as Japanese encephalitis are not available from us. We will advise you where to go for these.

There is a fee for non-NHS vaccinations and travel prescriptions provided by the surgery. The reception staff will be able to advise you of our current fees. Please note that you will be asked to pay by cash or cheque after each appointment with the nurse.

It is important that you keep an up-to-date record of your immunisations.

MINOR AILMENTSAnIMAL BITESClean the wound immediately with water and apply antiseptic cream. You may need a tetanus booster and a course of antibiotics

BACk PAInMany acute strains will respond to a few limited days of rest and taking paracetamol. Also, many conditions are amenable to treatment by a registered osteopath. If your symptoms persist, please consult your doctor. When sitting, sit upright and support the small of your back.

BuRnSApply large quantities of cold water to the affected area immediately and continue until the pain eases and the skin cools. Any blisters that are present should not be burst and may be covered with a loose dressing. Take paracetamol for the pain. If the skin is broken or a large area is affected, consult your doctor.

COLDSThese are caused by viruses and cannot be cured by antibiotics. Adults should take two paracetamol four times a day to lower the temperature and ease aching muscles. If a sore throat is present, gargling soluble aspirin will help. Children under 12 should take the appropriate dose of paracetamol and should not take aspirin, until over 16. Steam inhalations with menthol may be helpful.

COugHSThese are usually caused by viruses. A dry cough may be helped with a cough linctus. It may be made worse by cigarette smoke. If a cough persists, produces blood or is associated with chest pain or shortness of breath, consult your doctor.


Wash the wound thoroughly. Apply a clean dressing and put pressure on until the bleeding stops. A tetanus booster is needed if your last immunisation was more than 10 years ago. If a wound needs suturing, please go to the accident and emergency department.

CySTITISThis is due to an inflammation of the bladder, causing pain on passing urine and urgency. Simple preparations from the chemist can help make the urine less acid and ease the burning. Take paracetamol; drink plenty of fluids (at least two litres a day) and rest. If your symptoms do not improve or you develop a fever, backache or pass blood, please consult your doctor. Remember to take a urine sample (in a sterilised bottle) when you attend.

DIARRHOEA AnD/OR vOMITIngIt is important for the stomach and bowel to rest completely. Therefore, rest and do not eat, or drink milk, until you have been symptom-free for 12 hours.

Take Dioralyte, water flavoured with cordial or flat coke. If the vomiting is a problem, take small sips every 15 minutes. After 12 hours with no vomiting or diarrhoea, start with lightly toasted bread or biscuits and drink plenty of fluids.

Normal food should not be resumed for another 12 hours. If there is no improvement in two days, or if water is not being tolerated, please consult your doctor. If you have blood in the stools, fever or have travelled recently, please consult your doctor to discuss stool samples. If you work in the food industry, please consult your doctor.

EARACHEThis often occurs with a cold, as a result of catarrh. Paracetamol is usually all that is required. If repeated doses are required, please consult your doctor.

EARWAxThis can sometimes give considerable pain and deafness. It can usually be removed by applying olive oil to each ear for 20 minutes twice a day for five days. If this fails, syringing can be considered.

FEvERChildren under the age of five run the risk of febrile convulsions if they become too hot. They should be given regular paracetamol and if the temperature remains high remove clothes, sponge with lukewarm water and use a fan.

HEAD InJuRIESPlease consult the doctor if there is a loss of consciousness, vomiting, blurred or double vision, drowsiness, difficulty walking, severe headache or if you are worried.

HEAD LICEThese creatures prefer clean hair and are therefore not an indication of poor hygiene. Medicated head lotion can be obtained from the chemist without prescription.

InDIgESTIOnEat regular meals. Avoid smoking and reduce alcohol intake. For mild discomfort, try Gaviscon or Milk of Magnesia. Ranitidine or Omeprazole is useful for recurrent symptoms. Please consult your doctor if the pain is severe or persists, you pass dark motions, you have noticed recent weight loss or you have difficulty swallowing.

InSECT BITES OR STIngSA cold compress is soothing. Calamine or antihistamine cream eases the soreness and itching. Antihistamine tablets can be obtained from the chemist. Bee stings should be scraped, rather than plucked, in order to avoid squeezing the venom sac into the wound.

nOSEBLEEDSSit in a chair, leaning forward with your mouth open and squeeze the soft tissue below the bridge of the nose. If the bleeding has not stopped after 20 minutes, or if you feel faint or unwell, attend the casualty department.

SPRAInSImmediately apply a cold compress, for example a pack of frozen peas or crushed ice wrapped in a towel, for 20 minutes and repeat three times a day. A firm bandage will give support. Rest the affected area and elevate it. Use simple analgesics such as paracetamol or Brufen.

SunBuRnAvoid overexposure, especially in children who are more susceptible. Sunburn can predispose to melanoma, the fastest growing malignancy in the UK. Treat as for other burns with cold water to remove the heat. Calamine lotion will relieve the irritation. Paracetamol will also help.

INFECTIOUS DISEASESTHRuSHThis is a common cause of an itchy, white vaginal discharge in women. It can be triggered by antibiotics, the pill or pregnancy. Treat with Canesten cream or pessaries, available from the chemist without prescription. Avoid nylon underwear. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

CHICkEnPOxOn the first day a rash appears as small red patches approximately 3-4mm across. Within a few hours of developing, small blisters appear in the centre of these patches. During the next three to four days, further patches appear and the earliest ones crust. Cool baths and calamine lotion may be soothing. Children are most infectious from three days before the rash appears until five days after its onset and can return to school as soon as the last crusts have dropped off. Adults or children with severe chickenpox should consult their doctor.

MEASLESThe rash is blotchy and red and appears on the face and body around the fourth day. It is most infectious from two or three days before the rash appears until eight to ten days after the onset of the rash. Immunisation can prevent this potentially serious disease.

MEnIngITISThis presents with fever, headaches, irritability, sensitivity to light, stiffness of the neck, vomiting, red or purple skin rash (with some bacterial strains), confusion, lethargy or unconsciousness. Fits can occur. If worried, please contact your doctor.

MuMPSSymptoms include swelling of one of the glands in front of the ear, followed two or three days later by swelling of the other gland. It is infectious from two or three days before the swelling appears until eight or ten days after the swelling has appeared. Immunisation can prevent this disease.

RuBELLA (gERMAn MEASLES)The rash appears during the first day and usually covers the body, arms and legs in small pink patches about 2-4mm across. It does not itch. No other symptoms are present except occasional aching joints. It is infectious from two days before the rash appears until the rash disappears. The main danger is to unborn babies and therefore it is important that anyone who is pregnant contacts their doctor. Immunisation can prevent this disease.

GENERAL INFORMATIONACCESS TO MEDICAL RECORDSRequests for access to medical records should be made in writing to the practice manager. This can take up to 21 working days to process. The practice complies with the Data Protection Act and Access to Health Records Act.

BEREAvEMEnTIf one of our patients dies please contact reception and we will advise you. If the patient was recently seen by a doctor and death was expected, the doctor can visit and confirm the death and issue a death certificate. The Funeral Director will need to be contacted. If the death occurs out of hours and was expected, our out-of-hours team will confirm the death, notify us and we can arrange the death certificate when we re-open. In the event of an unexpected death, the doctor will need to notify the coroner. You will then be given further instructions.

CHAngE OF ADDRESSIt is important that you/your family keep us up to date of any change in address or telephone numbers as incorrect information causes us problems if we need to contact you or make a referral. You can do this by completing a Patient Update Form available from Reception. The completed form should be returned to Reception team. You may be asked to re-register if you have moved outside the practice area.

CHAPEROnIngPatients are entitled to ask for a chaperone for any consultation, intimate examination or procedure. Please let the receptionists know at the time of booking, or ask the clinician who you are seeing at the time.

COMPLAInTS/SuggESTIOnSIf you have any queries or worries, please let us know. We are always interested in improving our services to our patients. If you wish to do this informally, please use the suggestion box in reception. For other complaints please telephone or write to the practice manager.If you have any concerns, suggestions, queries or comments about local NHS services whether it be in the practice, community or local hospital, you can contact them Monday to Friday, between 09:00 - 17:00 at:

Patient Advice & Liaison ServicesFreepost RSSE-SHET-UJTL

Patient Advice & Liaison Services PALS & Complaints Service5th Floor, Stephenson House, 67-87 Hampstead Road, London NW1 2PLTel: 020 3317 3003 / Email:

COnFIDEnTIALITyIt is a legal requirement that confidentiality of patient records is maintained at the highest level by all staff. We keep confidential patient information on our computer system and comply with the Data Protection Act. We may occasionally share information with other healthcare professionals. Please advise us if you do not wish such information to be shared.

DATA PROTECTIOnWe are registered with the Data Protection Agency and are bound by the rules governing the collection and storage of personal data. Patients are entitled to see their medical records and to have copies for a small fee. We recommend that if you wish to see your records a time is arranged to do this with your registered GP as there may be medical terminology that requires explanation.

FIT nOTESIf you’re off work sick for seven days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. From April 2010 workers who are off sick for longer than seven days will receive fit notes instead of sick notes. Doctors will still be able to say someone is not fit for work, but they will also be able to detail aspects of jobs workers can still perform. The onus will be on employers to help staff return to work in some capacity.

InTERPRETIng SERvICEOur practice offers Interpreting Service for patients who do not have English as their first language, or for patients that need Sign and Deafblind Language Interpreters. When arranging an appointment please inform the receptionists you require an interpreter and they can arrange this for you. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours.

nOn-nHS SERvICESThe surgery charges for all non-NHS services provided including private certificates, prescriptions, insurance claim forms, reports, passports, and driving licence forms. Payment in advance by cash or cheque is required for all non-NHS services. Our current tariff of fees is clearly displayed in the surgery. Medicals for insurance, employment, fitness to travel etc, are by special appointment only. A fee will be charged for such appointments. We need signed patient consent to release any report and please clearly indicate if you wish to see the report before it is sent.

PARkIng AnD DISABLED ACCESSThere are pay and display areas on Regent's Park Road and the surrounding areas. The surgery has one disabled parking bay which is for the use of disabled patients. We also have a mobile ramp for patients in a wheelchair. Please ask at the Reception desk for help.

ZERO TOLERAnCEWe strongly support the NHS policy on zero tolerance. Anyone that is attending the surgery who abuses the GPs, staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will risk instant removal from the practice list. In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.

THE PRACTICE CHARTERThe provision of medical services depends on a good relationship between doctors, staff and patients. We wish to express this in our practice charter as an agreement between us (the practice) and you (the patient) that we will endeavour to act with tolerance and consideration towards each other to enable the best possible medical care to be delivered fairly to all.

WE unDERTAkE TO: • Provide care of a high medical standard.

• Respect the privacy and personal beliefs of all patients and treat them with courtesy and consideration.

• Keep medical records secure and confidential.

• Deal with requests for information and send referral letters within seven working days.

• See all urgent medical problems the same day.

• Issue repeat prescriptions within two working days.

• Reply to any complaint within 14 working days and aim to put the matter right by discussion with you, and, if necessary, implement changes.

• Do our best to see patients on time.

WE ASk THAT OuR PATIEnTS: • Treat our staff with the same consideration that you would expect to be treated yourself. Violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated.

• Arrive on time for your appointment. If you cannot keep your appointment do let us know as soon as possible so that it can be made available for somebody else.

• Try to come in or contact us during working hours if you need to see a doctor urgently.

• Do not smoke in the building.

• Do not steal or damage practice property.

• Let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number.

• Please keep to one patient and one problem per appointment.

• Book another appointment if you have other family members with separate problems to discuss.

To advertise your business to our patients on low cost, easy payment terms call 0800 0234 196.

Choosing a Nursery SchoolOne of the results of our rapidly changing society is that the need for good quality nursery education has never been greater. As the number of nurseries has increased so has the range of services on offer and it can make choosing quite a daunting prospect.

Opening hours do vary, but they will normally cover regular working hours. So compare facilities available against your requirements. It’s also very useful to get recommendations from friends and family who already have children in a nursery. A child develops very quickly during the early years, so it is important to choose a nursery that will suit your child’s physical, intellectual and emotional needs.

In a good nursery parents normally see their children become more independent and notice a great improvement in speech, eating, and co-ordination skills, as children are exposed to a variety of experiences to encourage creativity, individuality and self confidence. It follows that this makes the transition into school a whole lot smoother.

Security may be a consideration, and all nursery staff should undergo regular police checks. All nurseries are registered and regularly inspected by Ofsted. Great emphasis is normally placed on nutritional and healthy meals, so ask to see a sample menu.

The early years are the most formative of a child’s life, so choosing a nursery carefully will go a long way towards their future development. So check out the facilities offered by your local nursery schools before making this vital decision.


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Mavis Klein BA (Hons) Philosophy and Clinical Psychology

Group, individual and family therapistGuidance counsellingSpecialising in couples and parent-child relationships

Tel: 020 7483 2603Email: Eton Place, Eton College RoadChalk Farm, LONDON NW3 2BU




What is Counselling?The counselling process is one in which you have an opportunity for a private face-to-face discussion with a concerned, highly skilled counsellor for the purpose of resolving your situation.

Your counsellor will be an active participant in this problem-solving process, asking questions, making suggestions, and helping you to perceive the situation in a different light. Counselling is an active process, intended to be short-term, and specifically directed towards resolving the problems that brought you to counselling.

There are times in life when we all experience ‘problems with living’ which we don’t seem able to handle on our own. Whether it is a marital problem or a child having difficulty in school, a troubled adolescent, or a situation of substance abuse, spending a few hours with a professional counsellor can be immensely helpful. The earlier you seek help for a problem, the better chance you have to resolve it.


To advertise your business to our patients on low cost, easy payment terms call 0800 0234 196.

LEVERTON & SONSIndependent Family Funeral Directors Since 1789 Tel: 08000 199 546

6 branches • Home visits on request • Head of ce: 212 Eversholt Street, NW1

Planning ahead for your peace of mind

Golden CharterFuneral Plans

Our family have been London funeral directors for eight generations. We conduct traditional, bespoke and green funerals all over London. We advise anyone concerned about their own funeral costs to consider pre-paid funeral plans. There are many advantages. As well as the nancial bene ts, you can make your wishes clear, saving your loved ones extra worry and expense in the future. Levertons plans are guaranteed by Golden Charter, the UK’s largest independent provider. We believe they offer by far the best and most ethical funeral plans available in the UK. If you’d like to discuss a

’ll gladly go through all the details with you in person or by phone.

08000 199 546

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Specialists in injury prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation of injuries

The client base includesThe very fit; dancers and athletes

Those who are suffering from pain and injuries

The physiotherapists’ areas of expertise arePostural re-education and prevention of injuries

Acute and chronic pain originating in the spine including sciatica

Injuries and pain arising from peripheral joints (such as shoulders and knees)

Sports injuries prevention and rehabilitationRehabilitation following spinal and

peripheral joint surgeries

Pilates and physiotherapy for women during, before and after pregnancy

The clients benefit fromSports massage

Physiotherapy “hands on” treatments and manipulations Private and small groups Pilates sessions,

Tailored for their specific needsLunch time workouts

Dry needling



attract more business by placing your advert here. simply call 0800 0234 196.

Ever wondered about Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy uses hypnotic techniques to bring about beneficial changes. From helping people to overcome a craving for cigarettes, cope with depressions and stress or eating less to managing chronic pain from an illness or accident, trained hypnotherapists work with a wide variety of problems.Whilst in the state of hypnosis the patient’s mind is detached from everyday cares and anxieties. Whilst in this state the therapist will ‘suggest’ actions to be taken or avoided by the patient. Although the heart rate and breathing slow down perceptively, patients remain conscious of their surroundings and in control of their own actions and speech. When the session is completed patients feel refreshed and relaxed.Hypnosis has seen a huge growth in popularity over recent years. Hypnotherapy is quite simply the most powerful device for personal development and positive change, because it utilises the most powerful part of our creative potential - our imagination.So unleash YOUR imagination to bring about the changes you want in life – consult a qualified hypnotherapist.

When you have gone as far as you can go with physiotherapy and want to regain full use of your body, Performers Fitness could be the answer for you. Whether in an individual session or in a group of up to six, Performers Fitness can help you regain or improve your physical fitness.Sessions are led by Michael Rafferty whose range of qualifications include GP Exercise Referral, Advanced Instruction & Personal Training and Nutrition & Weight Management, allowing him to target multiple problem areas in any age group. Michael also specialises in both musculo-skeletal disorders and mild to moderate mental health problems which, he has found, correctly directed exercise can help to improve. So if you are hoping to lose weight, tone up or regain physical fitness lost after an injury or accident, Michael can offer the support and encouragement you need to achieve your goal. His sessions can help to improve the levels of confidence, balance and appearance of overall health and vitality in all clients. Contact Michael for a no-obligation assessment and ‘Be Your Best’ now.


Performers fitness London

tel 07908

• guaranteed rapid fat-loss programmes.• rehabilitation from musculo-skeletal

injuries: sprains, strains, fractures and lower back disorders.

• working with those suffering from minor to moderate mental health conditions: anxiety, stress, depression.

• general fitness and toning.

Michael at Performers Fitness specialises in:






To advertise your business to our patients on low cost, easy payment terms call 0800 0234 196.

Sight - Don’t lose it!The gift of sight is most precious and one we need to take great care of. It is natural for eyesight to change over the years, and these changes are rarely for the better. When you consider the frightening consequences of failing vision, it is amazing how many people do not bother to have their eyes checked regularly. At your local Eye Emporium Opticians, an eye examination will include a check on your vision and appropriate tests to see if you require any vision correction, as well as a check on your ocular health. Early detection and treatment of eye problems in most cases allows you to continue to enjoy good vision. After the eye examination, our highly trained team will help you chose the best frames for you from the wide selection of frames that we carry, and they will be happy to advice you on the most appropriate lenses for your correction, no matter how complex. If you have not had an eye examination for some time, or have any concerns regarding your vision, contact us today. We provide Private Eye Examinations and Contact Lens Consultations, and we welcome patients who are eligible for NHS sight tests.



C J Jung said that symptoms are our friends, because they show us that something needs attention: they lead us to the core of the problem. Treat your symptoms seriously and give them the attention they need by coming to have a chat with me.Sometimes it feels that Life is asking too much from us; that no matter how much we try to stay strong and to cope, we are sinking. Overwhelmed with feelings such as helplessness, frustration, rage or confusion, can mean that even the ordinary business of getting out of bed can be a terrible chore. Struggling on with mounting guilt is only making it worse.I offer professional support for a wide range of issues in a safe, encouraging, non-judgmental environment.Why suffer alone when I can help you make sense of your crisis and turn your suffering into a creative solution? Come and talk to me and let me help you re-write your story.

Ashley Horsley Psychotherapy and Counselling

in North West London

‘The unexamined life is not worth living’- Socrates

Issues I work with include:Anxiety and Stress; Depression;

Low Self-Esteem; Addiction;Bereavement; Anger Problems;Life Decisions; Redundancy;Obsession/Phobia; Trauma

FREE FiRst ConsultationStudio E, Buntie Wills Foundation, 49 The Avenue, London NW6 7NR

tel: 07726 288






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Primrose Hill Surgery


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Blue Area = Inner Boundary Pink Area = Outer Boundary

Let our practice publications promote your business for you!To place an eye-catching advertisingfeature in our vitally importantPractice Booklets, indispensibleAppointment Cards & Website simply phoneJenny Mellenchipnow on 0800 612 1516

Practice Booklets are published by Neighbourhood Direct Ltd. 01253 722142

Useful Contacts & Websites

Alcoholics Anonymous................................................................ 0207 833 0022British Pregnancy Advice Service .............................................. 0845 730 4030 British Red Cross ......................................................................... 0844 871 1111Camden Citizen Advice Bureau ................................................ 0845 120 2965Camden Social Services .............................................................. 0207 974 6666CRUSE Bereavement Care ........................................................ 0208 939 9530Hospital Tropical Diseases Helpline ......................................... 0845 155 5000Marlborough Clinic (Sexual Diseases) ..................................... 0207 830 2047NHS Appointments Line ............................................................. 0845 608 8888NHS Camden ......................................................................www.camden.nhs.ukNHS Camden Primary Care Trust ........................................... 0203 317 3500NHS Choices – Your health your choices ................................... www.nhs.ukNHS Service (Out of Hours) .........................................................................111Patient Support (North Central London) .............................. 0203 317 3003Primrose Pharmacy ...................................................................... 0207 722 0645RELATE (Marriage Guidance – National) ............................... 0300 100 1234Royal Free Hospital ..................................................................... 0207 794 0500Royal Free Travel Clinic ............................................................... 0207 830 2885Samaritans……………………… ............................................. 0207 734 2800University College Hospital .....................................................0845 155 50500Whittington Hospital .................................................................. 0207 272 3070

The practice would like to thank the various advertisers who have helped to produce this booklet. However, it must be pointed out that the accuracy of any statements cannot be warranted, nor any products or services advertised, be guaranteed or endorsed.

PRACTICE BOOKLETS are specially prepared by

Neighbourhood Direct LtdKeenans Mill, Lord Street, St Annes-on-Sea, Lancs FY8 2ER

Tel: 01253 722142 Fax: 01253 714020 Website: Email:

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