Primary options in the Waikato Midland PHO. Principles Currently in: Northland, Auckland, BoP,...


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Primary options in the WaikatoMidland PHO

Principles Currently in:

Northland, Auckland, BoP, Hawkes Bay, Christchurch

Managing patients in the community

24-hour access

Using existing services (with extra funding and FTE)

Free (if meet criteria) to the patient

“reducing GP referrals to ED”

Eligibility Usually referred to ED

GP/A&M able to deal with the problem

Patient may be charged if declined by PO

Cost not to exceed $300

Exclusions Other funding – ACC… or maternity

PO services Entry via GP, A&M, ambulance, ED?

Includes Diagnostics – lab & rad Home care & visits Observation Transport Respite care

Anglesea A&M – including overnight

Diversion from ED Condition does not require admission

Patient is stable & condition not time-critical

Transport – includes taxi/ambulance

Conditions DVT




Abdo pain (no F or V)

Sore throat

Mild-mod ‘flu-like illness


Urinary retention

Chronic pain

Numbers Oct12 Nov12 Dec12 Jan13 Feb13 Mar13 Total Q2


Referrals to PO  

167  168  179 137 209 343  6891203

Percentage of clients without admission and referred to ED

  87%  88%  86% 87% 84% 82% 84% 85.6%

And stories COPD patient given O2 & IV abs

Cellulitis patient looking after terminally ill wife

Premature twins needing CXR

Home visits and home care package to elderly patients

Frequent (ED) attender managed at home by practice nurse

Acute abdo pain needing USS
