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the' following is the full text of the message broadcast by

H.E.H. the Nizaei of Hyderabad on September 23, 1948.

Leaders &no Frionds in Islamic countries, several de1egation

calling themselves Hyderabad D legations sent out by the Laik All

ministry have been carryin on a campaign against Indias so-called

misdeed which in fact has merely restored my freedom to deal with

Hyderabad)s enemies in a manner consistent with the traditions of the

Asafia Dynasty and in the best interests of Hyderabad. I am, therefore,

placing before the world the true facts of the situation. In November

last a small group which had organised itself Into a military

organisatlon hostile to Hyderabad' s best traditions suri'ounded the

house of my Prime Minister, Nawab of Chhatari, in whose wisdom I had

complete confidence and of Sir Walter Monckton, my 6onsitutional

Advise, and thus by duress compelled the Nawab of Chhatari and my other

trusted Ministers to resign and forced the Laik All Minis tr on me.

This roup with Kair±a ia7vi at its head, which had o stake in the

country nor any record of service bohind it, by niethdsreLniscont

of Hitrljte Germany took possession of the Ste, spread terror mean5

efl Olemehts of 'society, Muslim and flon-Mslim, that refused to bend

their knees to them, comrnittin arson and loot on a 1argesa1,

particularly on Hindus and rendered me completely helpless.

For Some time I Was anxious to come to an honourable settlement

with liidia, which Ir di was agreeable to but this group in Its

mebition to found an Islamic State in which the Muslims alone of

Hyderabad should have citizenship rights forced me to reject the offers

mode by the Government of India from time to time.

I am a Muslim and proud to be a Muslim, bu I• .knowtht Hydorabad cannot remain apart from India. My ancestors never made ny difference between the 86 per dent Hindus and the 13 per cent Muslims

in the btate. The relations, political, social and religious, botwn the two communities were the most

cordial ever found anyvvhcre in Ifldjr.



This object was attained as a result of the policy which my

ancestors and I pursued in the past.

During the eight months this group was in power aided by the

azakars, it brought about the most intense communal hatred which

unfortunately in the position that I Was placed in I could not

prevent. When the crisis which they created came about, this grcu

while professing its determination to fight to the last man and lsL

round vanished. When the Indian Army was about 40 miles from Hyderbd

the Ministry resigned leaving me to save the situation as best s I


I have around me my old and trusted Maslia officers who whatavr

the regime have always contributod.thajr best to build up the Stat.

I have no fear from the Indian Union, I know and have always knoun

that the Indian Union is a secular State. In -the very ni.ture of 1

things Hyderabad whose 86 per cent of the people are Hindus cannot

possibly become all Islamic State. In the iear1time theusds o

fatic outsiders brought from abroad lured by money and prospects f

loot, who were let loose in the State, are still out of hand.

The city of Byderabad W LS saved from their hawc because, of th

diS1pl1ne and the exemplary behaviour of the Indian Army. The Il

administration is io; in the hands of a military Governor to whom 1

have asked my people to give the fullest support. He is MajorGen. al

J.N. Chaudhurl of the Indian Army.

T have issued orders dissolving all the doietjcns sent out b > .

the Laik Ali Ministry and I warn the Muslims all over the world AN

be victims of their interested propaganda.




