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CCFSA Pre-Conference Fund-Raising Forum Saturday, April 14, 2012 • 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. — Lunch Included

Fundraising Essentials: Knowledge and Strategies for Success Presenters: Consultants With Alexander Haas

Saturday, April 14

Pre-Conference Session

“Fundraising Essentials: Knowledge and Strategies

for Success” Presented by

A Conference for Child and Family Services Agencies and Professionals Providing Foster Care, Residential Care,

Adoptions, Counseling and Other Related Human Services.

To Be Held at

THE WESTIN ATLANTA PERIMETER NORTH Seven Concourse Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30328

Description of Each Session Description of all Presenters

Registration Process Hotel Information

Things to do in Atlanta Directions from Airport to Hotel

Information on the CCFSA

20¾ Hours of Professional

Training Available

2012 CCFSA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia — “Refreshing our Vision for Service” Please copy and fill out a separate registration form for each person attending. You may write one check for the

total of all registrants from you organization. For more information, call Doug Mead at 770-452-9995.

Name ___________________________________ Agency _______________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone _________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________

Special Pricing for Local (GA) Attendees

(Non-CCFSA Members)

Saturday’s Pre-conference Rate (Non-CCFSA members). $100

Non-CCFSA Member Special Conference Rate.…... $200

Each Additional Staff Member From Same Agency… $150

(All of the above excludes the Opening and Closing Banquet,

field trip to the Georgia Aquarium and the CARE Luncheon)

One Day Registration – Monday (Sessions only)…….... $50

One Day Registration – Tuesday (Sessions only)……... $100

One Day Registration – Wednesday (Sessions only)..... $50

Student (non-professional) rate for full conference…. $10

Student (non-professional) one day only rate............. $5

Total $ ___________

Make checks payable to:

“Christian Child and Family Services Association”

Mail check and registration(s) to:

Chuck Shepherd Christian Home and Bible School 301 W. 13

th Ave

Mt. Dora, Florida 32757

Registration Form

Don’t Forget! — Make hotel reservations by March 15, 2012

Our Conference Hotel The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North

Atlanta, Georgia

(See inside for information)

1. Charitable Giving: Gender, Income, Race and Generational Differences (1 hour in length) - Have you ever wondered what motivates people to give? Have you ever wondered how to position your requests for maximum effective-ness with donors of different generations? Do men and women give differently? How much of a role does race play in giving de-cisions? What is the single greatest predictor of philanthropic be-havior. Thanks to a burgeoning pool of research into philanthropy and giving, we are now starting to see answers to these, and other, questions arise out of data. In this session we will discuss what the research tells us about giving and how we can deploy this informa-tion, in the real world, to enhance fund raising success.

2. The Essentials of How to do a Capital Campaign (2 hours in length) – This session will provide an introduction to the basics of planning and conducting a capital campaign. Under-stand the campaign calendar from the pre-campaign period through the final collection of pledges and the strategies, mechanics, oppor-tunities and perils that you might encounter along the way. The session will also address how the recession has impacted the strate-gies and tactics of capital campaigns.

3. The Essentials of a Major Gifts Program (1 hour in

length) – Every organization needs a comprehensive fund raising program. For most organizations, the biggest challenge lies in the area of major gifts. Is your donor “pyramid” really more of an hour glass – with a lot of donors at the top and bottom but constrained in the middle. This session we will explore proven strategies for de-

veloping a major giving program – from strategies to identify your major gift prospects to the structures and tactics you will need to effectively secure major gifts.

4. Making the Ask – The Essentials of How to do it Better (1 hour in length). The most fundamental skill for any development officer or nonprofit executive to be successful is the ability to effectively solicit contributions. In this session we will work on the do’s and don’ts of effective face-to-face solicitation and explore how each of us can improve our solicitation skills.

Guided Shopping Excursions Offered

Sign up at registration for selected shopping

excursions with local guides on Saturday and

Tuesday. Fun, Fun!

Host Agency: Georgia AGAPE, Inc.

3094 Mercer University Dr. Suite 200

Atlanta, Georgia 770-452-9995

Doug Mead, Executive Dir.

Headquartered in Atlanta,

Georgia, Alexander Haas

is widely recognized as

one of the leading fund-

raising consulting firms in the nation. They have provided fund-

raising counsel and conducted successful campaigns for nearly

1,000 organizations of virtually every type from across the coun-

try. Alexander Haas is large enough to provide comprehensive

services, including a creative staff of writers and graphic design-

ers, on-going and annual giving counsel, Board enhancement

services, specialty services including prospect research and donor

screening and, of course, seasoned consultants. Their philosophy

espouses three elements that are critical to fundraising success:

(a) A strong, well-articulated case for support; (b) A sound, writ-

ten strategy for success; and (c) Volunteer and staff leadership

committed and trained for fundraising success.

Atlanta, Georgia 30305 • 404-524-2992

New...1st Time!

From 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Sunday Afternoon Session


Christian Child and Family Services Association

— —

Presenter & Session Descriptions

Discovering the Soul of Service — How do great service companies meet their toughest challenge to sustain

long-term success? Discover how values-driven leadership connects with strategic focus and excellence in execution

driving customer satisfaction, innovation and effectiveness. Discover the soul that underlies the strategies of great

service companies and what we can take back to our agencies for implementation. This presentation is based on the

book “Discovering the Soul of Service” by Leonard L. Berry.

Tom Burton, MSSW — Tom Burton has been the Executive Director of AGAPE for 29 years. A combat soldier

in Vietnam in 1969 and 1970, Tom developed a compassion for homeless and displaced children. Following combat,

Tom completed graduate work receiving a Master of Science in Social Work that has enabled him to help families

and children separated from each other in a professional career that has lasted more than 40 years. Tom’s career in

helping children and families includes positions both in Lubbock, Texas and in Nashville, Tennessee. Tom’s work

involves administration, management, fund raising, service development, and accountability to a board of directors.

Dr. Harold Shank — Harold Shank serves as President of Ohio Valley University in Vienna, West Virginia.

Previously, he was Professor of Old Testament at Oklahoma Christian University and Reviews Editor of the Chris-

tian Chronicle. Since 1996 he has been the national spokesperson for Christian Child and Family Services Associa-

tion. Harold has authored over 100 journal, magazine and encyclopedia articles and has written several books. His

most recent book is Listening to His Heartbeat–What the Bible says about the Heart of God (College Press, 2009).

He also wrote Loosening Your Grip (1995), Up Close and Personal – Embracing the Poor (2000), Children Mean

the World to God (2001), College Press NIV Commentary of the Minor Prophets (2001), and It’s All About God

(2004). Harold is married to Sally Jane and they have two sons: Daniel and Nathan. Harold is a graduate of Okla-

homa Christian with a B.A. in Bible. He received his M.A. and M.A.R. from Harding University Graduate School of

Religion. His Ph.D. in Theology is from Marquette University.

Saturday’s Preconference See back page for information on Saturday’s 5 hour preconference with Consultants with Alexander Haas on the topic of

Fundraising Essentials: Knowledge and Strategies for Success

Rhonda Sciortino — Abandoned at 6 months of age, raised by a mentally ill man and an alcoholic woman in

what can only be described as a bizarre, emotional roller coaster of an upbringing, Rhonda Sciortino used coping

skills to survive. Rhonda was a ward of the court from age six months until she emancipated at 16. Except for a brief

time with a wonderful foster family, those 16 years were like living behind enemy lines in a combat zone. One of the

prerequisites to emancipation was that Rhonda have a job, so she went to work for the first person who would hire

her. It was then that Rhonda learned that the period of homelessness she experienced as a child, the result of an unin-

sured fire, could have been completely avoided by appropriate insurance coverage. She became the youngest li-

censed insurance agent in California at age 17. When Rhonda learned that she could combine her love for people

who care for abused kids with her understanding of insurance, she discovered her passion and her purpose. At 27,

she opened her first insurance brokerage. She’s the author of the book “Succeed Because of What You’ve Been

Through,” “The Prayer That Covers It All,” and to be released later this year, “8 Characteristics of Successful Survi-

vors.” She has a powerful story to tell!

Succeed Because of What You’ve Been Through — Have you ever wondered if it’s worth it? If you were making a difference in

the lives of the kids in your care? Rhonda Sciortino, a business owner, risk manager, author, child advocate and former foster child tells the

story of her journey from poverty, filth, hunger, abuse and loneliness to affluence, order, fulfillment and healthy relationships. Rhonda tells of

many other former foster kids who have achieved their own measure of success and significance. Conversely, Rhonda tells of kids she grew

up with who had very different outcomes in life. She places the gratitude for her successes with Jesus and those nameless foster parents who

changed her life in one powerful conversation.

Roundtable Discussion ‒ Peerspectives: Our Successes, New Initiatives and the Major Challenges We Face — This session will provide the opportunity to have a more personal discussion with our colleagues about our successes, new ideas and initia-

tives for services we have, things we have tried that may not have worked and how we have dealt with some of our major challenges this past

year. Come with your stories, questions and suggestions. Dr. Harold Shank will be moderating this discussion group.

Creating High Performance Sustainable Teams — For many of us, nothing impacts our job satisfaction

more than the team of people we work with. Sustainable, high performing teams don't happen by accident. Discover

the key levers for team success that you can put in place, and learn how successful teams produce the results they

yearn for, with a spirit of hope and optimism. This will be a research based presentation looking at the four stages of

team development and using the Team Development Model identifying seven attributes necessary for a team to achieve high performance.

Cathy Perry is the Founder and Director of Inwardbound Center for Nonprofit Leadership and Inwardbound

Coaching. Since 2002, she has coached leaders and their teams through Inwardbound Coaching to dramatically im-

prove the way they lead, manage and motivate themselves and others. Her services have targeted leaders in profes-

sional services, sales and marketing. In 2010, she realized her dream to bring fine leadership development to non-

profits that serve the poor through Inwardbound Center for Nonprofit Leadership. She has developed a 6-month

team coaching intensive program for leadership teams. She is a person of vision, passion and energy when it comes

to her coaching, speaking and workshop presentations.

Dr. Benjamin Saunders — Dr. Ben Saunders is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral

Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. There he serves as the Associate Director of

the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center and as Director of the NCVC’s Family and Child Pro-

gram. Dr. Saunders received his Ph.D. in clinical social work from Florida State University in 1982; a master’s de-

gree in marriage and family therapy from Virginia Tech in 1979; and a B.A. in religious studies from the University

of South Florida in 1977. His research, training, and clinical interests include the initial and long term impact of vio-

lence and abuse on children and adolescents; the epidemiology of trauma, violence, and abuse; treatment approaches

for abused children and their families; and effective methods for disseminating and implementing evidence supported

interventions in community service agencies. In addition to his research and teaching activities, Dr. Saunders pro-

vides clinical supervision, consultation, training, and program consultation concerning mental health treatment of

abused children and their families, and is a frequent lecturer and trainer at national and international conferences. He

has directed national, state, and local learning collaboratives implementing evidence supported interventions for

abused and traumatized children and youth.

Evidence Supported Interventions for Traumatized Children — With the large and growing body of research documenting

the relevance of trauma in the lives of children and youth, there is increasing emphasis on the use of evidence-supported trauma-focused inter-

ventions (ESIs) by youth-serving mental health organizations and professionals. Recent reviews of treatments for traumatized children and

youth have found that many interventions have strong support for their efficacy and some treatment models have been identified as clear best

practices. However, adoption, implementation and sustained use of these ESIs in front-line community practice settings remains relatively

low, and implementing them can be a challenging process. This presentation will define and describe evidence supported trauma interven-

tions and present a rationale why they should be considered as first-choice interventions in many treatment situations. Common characteris-

tics of the most well supported interventions for abused and traumatized children and youth will be described. Common difficulties and barri-

ers frequently experienced by practitioners and organizations seeking to use ESIs in community treatment settings will be presented. Solu-

tions to these barriers and difficulties will be discussed.

Preventing Tragedy in Out-of-Home Care — Although it’s difficult to talk about, foster children sometimes get seriously injured, ill, or killed. Join this interactive discussion around the true stories of foster children and what happened to their care givers after a child was injured or worse. We’ll review several case studies and discuss the circumstances surrounding each in the hopes that attendees will be armed with tools to keep all the children (foster, adopted, and bio) within their influence safe AND to know what to do if the worst should happen. This is a must session for all who provide care for children.

Four Evidence Supported Interventions for Traumatized Children and Youth You Should Know — Over 25 years of

clinical outcome research studies have produced many well-supported treatments for abused and traumatized children and youth. This presen-

tation will describe 4 of these trauma intervention models that have strong empirical support for their efficacy and have been effectively im-

plemented by front-line community practitioners. The presentation will describe the theoretical rationale, basic clinical procedures, and sup-

porting research for Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Alternatives for Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive

Processing Therapy, and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Learning resources and challenges to implementation will be described.

Pg. 6

Presenter & Session Descriptions

Leslie Pate Mackinnon, LCSW — Leslie Pate Mackinnon has maintained a private psychotherapy practice

for over 37 years. She resides in Atlanta and travels all over the country presenting on issues that impact families

conceived through adoption and third-party reproduction. She was drawn to the field by placing her two firstborn

sons for adoption when she was a teenager. Featured in The Girls Who Went Away, Leslie's passion is to educate

as many therapists as possible; before she drops! She currently serves on the Evan B. Donaldson’s Board of Direc-

tors. For more information about Leslie, please visit

From Secrets and Lies to Truth and Dignity — “I think my greatest strength is having been a birthmother

from the old days & ways of doing adoption, to a professional who has dedicated my life to advancing adoption prac-

tice. It's not just something I studied in a book, it's the story of my life. With that as my focus, I do believe my talk

will encompass adoption workers, foster care workers and those working in residential treatment. I will be talking

about why we moved from an era of secrets and lies to one of connection and truth. Giving the historical basis and

the rationale behind the way the adoption, foster care, and finally treatment in residential care is evolving.”

Pg. 3

Attachment Focused Parenting — is designed to equip caregivers with practical parenting skills and tech-

niques rooted in proven therapeutic principles. The principles will provide a guide for all parents and caregivers

who are searching for ways to effectively love, discipline, and communicate with their children. The parenting prin-

ciples are adapted from the book “Attachment Focused Parenting” by Daniel A. Hughes. Her outline includes: (a)

Introduction of basic Attachment Focused Principles, (b) Introduction to parenting with Playfulness, Acceptance,

Curiosity and Empathy; (c) Building connections that deepen attachments; and (d) Learning how to create emotional safety for our children.

Presenter: Dr. Wendy Hanevold— Wendy is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in working

with families (parents, couples, children and adolescents) who are undergoing major life transitions (foster care

placement, kinship care, adoption, divorce and step-families). Dr. Hanevold maintains a private practice in Atlanta

specializing in children, teens and families struggling with attachment and other disorders. She is also the clinical

consultant to the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services in their Comprehensive Child and Family

Assessment Program (CCFA). Wendy is a parent of two adults who were internationally adopted as infants.

The Impact of Maternal Substance Abuse on Child Development — This training will discuss the

impact that maternal substance abuse has on the physical and social/emotional functioning of a young child. We will

review scientific studies that describe the long-term developmental effects of maternal substance abuse on a child’s

ultimate developmental outcomes. We will also discuss the conditions that maternal substance abuse may be associated with, including dis-

ease, prematurity, sub-optimal caretaking, poverty, exposure to violence, neglect and maternal psychopathology. Finally, interventions and

resources for children impacted by maternal substance abuse will be discussed.

Karen Howell, Ph.D. — Dr. Howell is an Assistant Professor with Emory University School of Medicine’s Ma-

ternal Substance Abuse and Child Development Project. This is part of Emory University’s Department of Psychia-

try and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Howell assesses infants, children, adolescents and adults prenatally exposed to al-

cohol, nicotine and illegal drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine. She conducts psychological assessments of

substance abusing women participating in the MSACD Project. She coordinates prevention efforts regarding the

multiple, negative consequences of maternal substance abuse. Dr. Howell is a sought after speaker, having presented

at over 200 national, regional and state associations and conferences. She has written and been published in many

research articles, book chapters and psychological scales and software.

Presenter & Session Descriptions Presenter & Session Descriptions

Change is Not a Flash in the Pan — This workshop is a strategic planning must! The changes occurring in

child welfare are unprecedented. Fewer children are entering foster care, even fewer are cared for in out of home

care. More families are being supported by home and community based services. This workshop will explore the

decades of public policy developments and researched based practice that have lead to these changes in response to abuse and neglect. This

workshop will be invaluable to those who are considering what services will be supported in the future by the Federal and State governments.

Dr. Normer Adams — Normer Adams has served as the Executive Director of the Georgia Association of

Homes and Services for Children since 1991. Prior to this position, he was a Licensed Family Therapist and the Ad-

ministrator of Christian City Children's Home near Atlanta. A recognized state and national leader in the child wel-

fare industry, Normer is a Past President of the National Organization for State Associations for Children, a past

Board member of Child Welfare League of America and a member of the CWLA Public Policy Advisory Committee.

In 2002 he served on the Georgia Governor's Action Group for Safe Children. He is a strong advocate for children at

risk of abuse and neglect and involvement in the juvenile justice and mental health systems. He is a writer and con-

sultant on issues involving children and families.

Refreshing our Role as Leaders as we Adapt to a Changing Environment — How do you accu-

rately assess how your agency is adapting to the changing needs of the environment around you? This session will

explore tips on how to do this. This session will look at the stages of organizational development and the type of organizational leader needed

for each stage. One challenge is to assess a leader’s capabilities compared to the agency’s needs. This session will explore how to cast a vi-

sion to move one’s agency in the right direction. We will explore: (a) working with those in power to begin the process of change; (b) com-

municating those changes effectively to staff, supporters and the public; (c) using the internal and external politics impacting the agency to our

advantage; and (d) identifying and responding to historical considerations in making changes within an agency.

Reid Lehman, MBA — Since 1985, Reid Lehman has served as President/CEO of Miracle Hill Ministries serving

homeless men, women and children in upstate South Carolina. During Reid’s tenure, the ministry has grown from

134 residential beds to over 600. The annual budget has increased from $681,000 per year to $11,000,000 (none from

Medicaid or other federal funds). Reid holds an MBA from Winthrop University. He presents seminars for nonprofit

organizations at local, state and national conferences. Reid has served as Board President of the S.C. Association of

Children's Homes and the Greenville Association of Directors of Social and Health Agencies. He also served as

Chair of the South Carolina Maternal, Infant and Child Health Council. Reid was ordained to the ministry in 1983.

Reid and his wife, Barbara, live in Simpsonville, S.C. and have two grown sons.

Leading Through Tough Times — This session will bring hope, share proven strategies, ideas, tips and sug-

gestions that really work while leading in tough times. Every leader faces tough times and that’s when leaders distin-

guish themselves and show who they really are. Among topics covered are: (a) how leadership style affect outcomes; (b) ten strategies when

leading in tough times; (c) choices to make before and after the crisis; and (d) moving from the comfort zone to the challenge zone. Leaders

get paid to make the tough calls. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is always necessary if a leader wants to maintain integrity and

remain effective. This is a session that will inform and challenge each leader in an organization.

Luis Castro — Luis is the owner and founder of MAXIMIZEBIZ, a Leadership Development Consultant Com-

pany. Luis is also a founding partner and certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker for the John Maxwell’s Team. Luis is

a Military Academy Graduate with a Degree in Military Sciences and Public Administration. He served as an Infan-

try Captain in El Salvador’s Army during the long and violent conflict against communist terrorist groups. Luis has

worked in various human service settings in the last two decades. He worked in the first juvenile boot camp for the

Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice. He also served as a Senior Instructor at Georgia’s Public Safety Training

Center, the Executive Director of the Genesis Academy of Ashburn, as Program Director at the Macon Behavioral

Health System and as the Training Director for Cameron and Associates, Inc.

C.A.R.E. Luncheon with Ann Preston: Innovative Strategies for Search Engine Optimization of Websites. — Ann Preston is a Partner and key executive of Freedom Builders, a company at the forefront of

marketing on the Internet. Specializing in Search Engine Optimization and Website Conversion, Freedom Builders

spearheads the latest research and technologies and most recently has developed a proprietary formula which ranks

their clients on Page 1 of Google within days, something that takes traditional SEO companies months and even years

to achieve. In this powerful “how to” session, discover the keys to maximizing your presence on the web. They are:

(1) The top 5 things you can do right now to get your site more highly ranked on Google; (2) The #1 secret to driving

your site to the top of page 1; (3) How to jump above tour competition and quickly take the #1 position on page 1; (4)

How to DOMINATE page 1; and (5) Control the top 6 out of 10 organic listings. Whether you’re competing with

large, national competitors or just want to be in the #1 position of Page 1 of Google and the other search engines, this

presentation will give you what you need to supercharge your on-line visibility and search engine results.

Pg. 4 Pg. 5

Panel Discussion: Dangers and Opportunities: Forging a Future Vision — with Vickie Russell, David Jordan, Normer Adams and Reid Lehman. Moderated by Tom Burton — See previous personal descriptions for

Normer Adams, Tom Burton and Reid Lehman. Vickie Russell, LCSW, is the Vice Presi-

dent of the Children’s Home of Lubbock in Lubbock, Texas where she has served in that

capacity for the past 16 years. David Jordan, LCSW, is the Executive Director of

AGAPE Child and Family Services in Memphis, Tennessee where he has served in that

capacity for almost 17 years now. This session will provide panelists and attendees an op-

portunity to respond to the day’s presentations and explore ways to forge a future vision for

our agencies as we all deal with the changing and challenging times we are in. Panelists

will share their insights on how they have been navigating these waters with their agencies

and there will be a time for robust discussion and Q & A.

Vickie Russell David Jordan

Dr. Scott Ketring — Scott Alan Ketring is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at

Auburn University. His research interests focus on families living in poverty, couple relationships, and program ser-

vices for diverse family types. He has 28 articles published or in press and a book on supervision in therapy. He has

acted as Co-Primary Investigator on the Alabama Community Healthy Marriage Initiative, a DHHS five year and

subsequent three year follow-up grant serving Alabama families. He is the President Elect on the Alabama State

Board of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and as a National Board Member of the Kappa

Omicron Nu Honor Society. He is a frequent speaker on the local, state and national levels in the areas of ethics,

child abuse, training social service workers and therapists, in-home family services, and program evaluation.

Promoting Child Well-Being Through Cultural Competence — Culture is commonly presented in a

laundry list fashion making it difficult to conceptualize. Rather than defining culture based upon race, ethnicity, in-

come or nationality, it is important to see each of our lives in the context of symbolism, behaviors, and interactions. These three aspects make

up an unquestioned script of the view of self and others. Deciding on what is done, good/best, true, and real is a part of people worldwide. To

understand culture and to relate to others requires seeing culture from the “In-side out rather than the Outside in.” This lecture will provide

skills in understanding, relating with, and joining another’s culture and will highlight key differences between generalizations and stereotypes.

The AWARE model of cultural understanding will be presented to provide a framework in relating to people who are different. The presenta-

tion usually provides lively heartfelt discussions.

8:00 a.m. ‒ 2:45 p.m. Fundraising Essentials: Knowledge and Strategies for Success Presenters: Alexander Haas Consultants

(Lunch is included)

10:00 a.m. ‒ 3:00 p.m. Shopping and sight seeing excursions for spouses with local guides (times can vary)

9:00 a.m. ‒ Noon Worship at Area Congregation (Transportation provided)

3:00 p.m. ‒ 4:30 p.m. Discovering the Soul of Service ‒ Presenter: Tom Burton, MSSW

4:00 p.m. ‒ 6:00 p.m. Registration and exhibitor visiting time

6:30 p.m. ‒ 9:00 p.m. Opening Awards Banquet with Dr. Harold Shank: “Refreshed”

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. ‒ 8:30 a.m. Devotional with Dusty Rush, Campus Church of Christ

8:45 a.m. ‒ 9:45 a.m. Plenary 1: Succeed Because of What You’ve Been Through ‒ Presenter: Rhonda Sciortino

9:45 a.m. ‒ 10:15 a.m. BREAK and exhibitor visiting time

Breakout Sessions

10:15 a.m. ‒ 11:45 a.m. Administrative Professional

Preventing Tragedy in The Impact of Maternal Substance Abuse on

Out-of-Home Care Child Development Presenter: Rhonda Sciortino Presenter: Dr. Karen Howell

11:45 a.m. ‒ 1:00 p.m. Lunch on Your Own

1:00 p.m. ‒ 5:00 p.m. Field Trip to Georgia Aquarium/Downtown Atlanta

8:00 p.m. ‒ 9:15 p.m. Roundtable Discussion ‒ “Peerspectives: Our Successes and the Major Challenges we are Facing”

Moderator: Dr. Harold Shank

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. ‒ 8:30 a.m. Devotional with Hank Lawson, Agape Villages

8:45 a.m. ‒ 9:45 a.m. Plenary 2: Change is Not a Flash in the Pan ‒ Presenter: Dr. Normer Adams

9:45 a.m. ‒ 10:00 a.m. BREAK and exhibitor visiting time

Breakout Sessions

10:00 a.m. ‒ 11:30 a.m. Administrative Professional

Refreshing Our Role as Leaders as we Adapt Attachment Focused Parenting: Building Connections

our Agencies to a Changing Environment and Creating Effective Interventions for Families

Presenter: Reid Lehman, MBA Presenter: Dr. Wendy Hanevold

11:30 a.m. ‒ 1:00 p.m. Lunch on Your Own or CARE Luncheon

CARE Luncheon: Innovative Strategies for Search Engine Optimization of Websites Presenter: Ann Preston

Breakout Sessions

1:00 p.m. ‒ 2:30 p.m. Administrative Professional

Panel Discussion ‒ Dangers and Opportunities: Promoting Child Well-Being Through

Forging a Future Vision Cultural Competence

Moderator: Tom Burton, MSSW Presenter: Dr. Scott Ketring

2:30 p.m. ‒ 2:50 p.m. BREAK and exhibitor visiting time

2:50 p.m. ‒ 4:20 p.m. Administrative Professional

Leading Through Tough Times From Secrets and Lies to Truth and Dignity

Presenter: Luis Castro Presenter: Leslie Mackinnon, LCSW

4:30 p.m. ‒ 5:30 p.m. CCFSA Membership Meeting

7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. ‒ 8:30 a.m. Devotional with Don McLaughlin, North Atlanta Church of Christ

8:45 a.m. ‒ 9:45 a.m. Plenary 3: Evidence Supported Interventions for Traumatized Children ‒ Presenter: Dr. Ben Saunders

9:45 a.m. ‒ 10:15 a.m. BREAK and exhibitor visiting time

10:15 a.m. ‒ 11:45 a.m. Administrative Professional

Creating High Performance Sustainable Teams Four Evidence Supported Interventions for Traumatized

Presenter: Cathy Perry Children and Youth You Should Know

Presenter: Dr. Ben Saunders

11:45 a.m. ‒ 1:15 p.m. Closing Banquet with Dr. Harold Shank: “Ready”

Saturday, April 14 — Pre-Conference — 5 Training Hours Available

Monday, April 16 — 3¾ Training Hours Available

Tuesday, April 17 — 6½ Training Hours Available

Wednesday, April 18 — 3¼ Training Hours Available

Sunday, April 15 — Regular Conference Begins — 2¼ Training Hours Available

Seven Concourse Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30328 T 770.395.3900 • F 770.395.3918 • Toll-Free: 888-627-8407 See the hotel website below for the CCFSA conference:

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Area Attractions There is much to see in Atlanta, including the Coca Cola Museum, Stone

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end of the airport, near baggage claim. MARTA

Directions to the hotel:

1. Take “North Springs” line to the Medical

Center Station (approximately 50 minutes)

2. Exit train at Medical Center Station

3. Call the hotel at 770-395-3900 and inform

hotel dispatch that you have arrived at the

Medical Center Station for complimentary


4. Inform hotel of the number in your party.

About CCFSA The Christian Child and Family

Services Association represents

licensed agencies in 20 different

states who are affiliated with the

Churches of Christ providing pro-

fessional services to children and

families through residential care,

family foster care, adoptions,

counseling and other programs.

Host Agency:

Doug Mead, Exec. Director

(Office) 770-452-9995

(Cell) 404-931-4180



Situated on a private lake, The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North is the premier choice when

searching for hotels near Atlanta. The hotel is conveniently located less than 2 miles from

Perimeter Mall and just 30 minutes from downtown, the Georgia Aquarium, and Atlanta's

retail and entertainment district - Atlantic Station. You are invited, free of charge, to re-

energize at the adjacent Concourse Athletic Club, the fourth largest health facility in the

nation. Each of the rooms offer an inviting night's sleep in their signature Heavenly Bed®

and a bank of other amenities, like spacious work areas and the Heavenly Bath® for ulti-

mate relaxation.

Cost of Hotel — CCFSA Member Discount! Please note that the CCFSA board has arranged for special pricing for CCFSA members

at the Westin Hotel hosting our conference. CCFSA is paying for part of the cost of the

room nights. Because of this, member agencies pay only $99 per night, plus taxes. This

rate will be good for the nights of the conference only: Friday, April 13th through Tues-

day, April 17th. If you plan to come before or stay after those dates and stay at the

Westin, there will be a special rate given of $119 per night (which is under their normal

rate of $159 per night). Rates for Non-CCFSA members is $119 per night, plus taxes.

Please note: everyone must make hotel reservations by March 15, 2012.

Rooms will come with the following:

Complimentary parking

Complimentary daily passes for the Concourse Athletic Club

Complimentary internet (wifi)

Pg. 2 Pg. 7
