Presentation 11. The Table of Contents Chapter 1v1-22 Introduction Chapter 2v1-25 Preparing a...


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Presentation 11

The Table of ContentsChapter 1v1-22 IntroductionChapter 2v1-25 Preparing a DelivererChapter 3v1-22 The Call of Moses [1]Chapter 4v1-17 The Call of Moses [2]Chapter 4v18-5v21 Final PreparationsChapter 5v22-6v27 Discouragement and ComfortChapter 6v28-7v24 The Exposure of EvilChapter 8-v1-10v29 Idolatry: A Dangerous RefugeChapter 11v1-10 Corrective to Final JudgmentChapter 12v1-30 Blood on the DoorpostsChapter 12v31-42 God’s FaithfulnessChap.13v1-16 Consecration of The RedeemedChap.13v17-14v18 God’s Dead EndsChap.14v19-31 Power to DeliverChap.15v1-21 The Exultation of God

Presentation 11

God’sFaithfulnessChapter 12v31-42

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God makes himself known to us in a variety of ways; through creation, through conscience, through scripture and supremely though Christ. In history God has chosen to reveal himself through his dealings with one people in particular. The Jews were chosen not because they were better or more important than other nations but to be a kind of portrait gallery through whom the world would learn what God is like.

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IntroductionThe particular picture in the verses before us could be entitled, "The faithfulness of God." When Moses prepared Israel for entry into Promised Land he would remind them in Deut 7.9 of what their deliverance had taught them about God, "know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God”. Interestingly, Ps 89, known as ‘the Psalm of God’s faithfulness’ also uses God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt as its inspiration and the touchstone for our understanding of God’s faithfulness.

FaithfulnessPresentation 11

God’s FaithfulnessWhat do we mean by Faithfulness?

What is faithfulness? It is God being true to his word and fulfilling his promises. God's faithfulness means that once a promise is made the deed is as good as done. Faithfulness is a quality that is essential to the being of God. Without it he would not be God. For God to be unfaithful would be contrary to his nature, which is impossible for him it would be a contradiction of his character a pressing of a self-destruct button! – "If we are faithless he will remain faithful, he cannot deny himself". 1Tim. 2.13

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God’s FaithfulnessWhat do we mean by Faithfulness?

The particular promise in view here is God's word to Abraham found in Gen.15.14...... God had issued a promissory note to Abraham and now in the deliverance of his people he was calling in that note. Thankfully the faithfulness of God is not contingent upon the faithfulness of others. Some in Israel had lost hope of deliverance. Despite that God remained faithful.

Contrast God’s promise with that made by worldleaders. Neville Chamberlin the British prime-ministerreturned from Germany holding in his hand Hitler’s promisethat he would not invade his neighbours. Within weeks Hitler had done just that!

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God’s FaithfulnessWhat do we mean by Faithfulness?

Nor is God’s faithfulness hindered by evil powers. We have seen the obstinacy of evil characterised in Pharaoh’s refusal to submit to God’s will. Pharaoh as good as tried to destroy God's promissory note by holding on to his Hebrew slaves. But when evil had done its worst in the end it is forced to capitulate and God’s promise is fulfilled cf v31. The Israelites are thrust out of Egypt. It is amazing!

Despite intense and settled opposition the published word of God was going to be fulfilled. God cannot deny himself. Do you see why the faithfulness of God is such a glorious truth?

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

As we scan the detail of the early chapters of Exodus we find several examples of God's faithfulness outworked in terms of promise and fulfilment. First, the experience of the Egyptians, who were exposed to a series of plagues. God had promised that if Israel were not set free then these judgments would fall. And God had kept his word! Unlike many parents today who make idle threats.... they end up not being taken seriously by their children. One thing Egypt learned was that God was true to his word, his promises were not empty. A truth we need to recover in our own day.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

If God was faithful in judgement, he was also faithful in salvation. Pharaoh considered his hold on the Israelites so powerful that nothing could make him relinquish it. He did not take Moses seriously in 11.8 when told that the day was coming when his officials would plead with the Israelites to leave Egypt. But that is what happened look at 12.33 for the fulfilment of God's word. When God speaks nothing is allowed To hinder it. Do you find that encouraging? Do you see how secure the children of God are because God is faithful to his word? Jesus said, “no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand” John 10.29.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

God is also faithful in blessing. We see this in the enrichment that he brings to his people’s lives. One minute they are slaves and paupers and the next they are free men laden with riches cf v36. This is not on a par with a handout given to some poor down and out. The Egyptians are giving up their great wealth to this people on the move. Back in 3.22 God promised that material wealth would be theirs and he was faithful to his promise! And it was God v 36 who worked in the hearts of the Egyptians to let go that which was precious. God's faithfulness means his people's blessing.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

The Christian is not promised great material wealth but spiritual blessing. Salvation is essentially spiritual in character. Think of the spiritual blessings which a faithful God has promised. cf Eph 1.3....Rom. 8.17.

What does it feel like to be a spiritual millionaire? How can we be sure that we are? God is faithful to his word!

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Mediterranean Sea








Mount Sinai

Trade route to Canaan

Israel’s route

God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in OperationGod's faithfulness can outwork in ways that perplexes his people. Cf v37. God led his people east towards the Red Sea and Sinai Desert. That would have surprised many. The journey to Canaan could have been accomplished in a matter of days if they had they taken the northern route along the Gaza strip. Why take a longer route? The answer is found in 13.17... The Philistines, in the employ of the Egyptians, had well trained mercenary troops to the North. God doesn’t lead his people into danger.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

Elsewhere in the O.T we find other reasons given for the longer route. At this stage Israel was still a loose association of tribes and it would take time to forge them into a nation and give them a sense of identity.

They also needed a period of instruction before entering the land of promise so that they could learn how God expected his redeemed people to behave. The 10 commandments and other legislation were still to be given.

Deut 8.2 tells us God's purpose in leading them into the wilderness was to prove their spiritual calibre.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

Today, we ask why does God choose strange means to fulfil his promises in our lives? Sometimes it is to protect us from situations which we are ill equipped to handle. Sometimes it is to mould us and provide us with an environment that will mature us spiritually.

God has greater ambitions of grace for our lives than we can imagine!

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

God's deliverance must also have seemed strange in the length of time which it took. As Moses went backward and forward to Pharaoh’s court, hopes were raised and dashed, again and again in the Israeli camp. “What is taking God so long?”

God was doing much more than delivering Israel, important as that was. He was exposing the bankruptcy of the Egyptian worship system. He recognised that a comprehensive victory in Egypt would bring glory to his own name among the surrounding nations.

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God’s FaithfulnessGod’s Faithfulness in Operation

News of this comprehensive victory did have a terrifying effect upon the lives of surrounding foreign nations. The fear of the inhabitants of Jericho is communicated to Israeli spies in Josh 2v8-11 by Rahab. Note it was what God did to the Egyptians that terrified them. But those same events produced faith in Rahab’s heart and she went on to be the great- great- grandmother of King David.

When God's promises to us seem unreasonably delayed then ask if he is doing something far bigger than we can imagine? God works on a bigger canvas that our own individual lives.

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God’s FaithfulnessHuman Responses called out by God’s Faithfulness

When artists display their work they to hope to evoke some kind of response from their audience. When God reveals his faithfulness, he too expects to call out a variety of responses.

First, there is the response of faith. Israel was beginning to learn that their God was a God who could be trusted. If he made promises he would keep them. And the more they saw of this pattern of promise and fulfilment, the deeper would grow their conviction that God was faithful.

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God’s FaithfulnessHuman Responses called out by God’s Faithfulness

Secondly, as our faith in God's faithfulness grows, then our obedience to his commands, becomes easier. It is always easier to obey someone with whom we have formed a trust relationship not least when what they ask us to do seems strange cf 12.28,35,37. See also Luke 5.5 “Master we have worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets”.

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God’s FaithfulnessHuman Responses called out by God’s Faithfulness

Thirdly, God's faithfulness creates a certain hope for the future. The Israelites followed an 80 year old shepherd into the desert when he seemed to be heading in the wrong direction! They had confidence in God’s future. Past faithfulness inspires future hope. When Christians sing, "O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come“. What are they doing but rehearsing God's past faithfulness, so they may confidently to face the future.

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God’s FaithfulnessConclusion

It is one thing to accept intellectually what scripture teaches of God’s faithfulness it is quite another to act upon it. God has, "given us his very great and precious promises," But do we actually expect him to do for us all he has said? It is sometimes difficult: when our faith is sorely tried and we are distracted by the world and harassed by Satan, cherished plans are thwarted, we feel let down by other believers, and dark storm clouds seem to hide God from us. For many years this had been Israel's experience in Egypt.

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God’s FaithfulnessConclusionThankfully, Israel’s destiny and redemption were not bound up in their own strength, or in their ability to persevere but in the faithfulness of God. That is why this canvas hangs in God's portrait gallery. It has made a profound impression on many down the centuries and not least on the apostle Paul, who wrote to the Corinthians? "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful." 1Cor.1.8

FaithfulnessPresentation 11
