preparation of a transnational cooperation programme



DANUBE. 2014 2020. preparation of a transnational cooperation programme. National Stakeholder Consultation XXX June 2014 Location. Danube 2014 - 2020. 14 participating countries :. Scope of the programme. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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preparation of a transnational cooperation programmeDANUBE 20



National Stakeholder ConsultationXXX June 2014Location

14 participating countries :

Danube 2014 - 2020

The DANUBE transnational programme 2014-2020 will support projects implemented within broad transnational partnerships and focused on improving the policy making processes and institutional cooperation, rather than building hard infrastructure

Scope of the programme

Envisioned management system

Programme Monitoring Committee

Managing Authority – ONEP Budapest, Hu

Joint Secretariat – ONEP Budapest, Hu

Programming methodology

TerritorialAnalysis •A Territorial Analysis of the programme area was performed

identifying the main development challenges

Strategic focus

•Based on these, the Programming Committee selected the relevant Thematic Objectives and investment priorities, as defined in ERDF Regulation

In depth analysis •A team of external experts further refined and detailed the

selected investment priorities

Definition of Programme

Strategy•Based on this, the Programming Committee defined the mission

of the programme and its specific objectives, identifying the specific needs to be addressed by the Programme

Public consultation •“Reality check” of the programme content

•Identification of types of projects the stakeholders would prefer

Programme endorsement •Based on the inputs of stakeholder consultations, finalization of

the OP and submission to the EC

Programming methodology

PA 1 – Innovative and socially responsible Danube region

PA 2 – Environment and Culture responsible Danube region

PA 3 – Better connected Danube region PA 4 – Well

governed Danube region

Improve framework conditions and a balanced access to knowledge (1b)

Increase skills and knowledge for innovation (1b)

Natural and cultural heritage valorisation (6c)

Restoring and managing ecological corridors (6d)

DANUBE cooperation programme 2014-2020 Policy driver and pioneer to tackle common challenges and needs

Draft outline of the cooperation programme (status 30 May 2014)

PA 5 – Techn. Assistance Efficient & smooth implementation of the programme

Transnational water management and flood risk prevention (6d)

Improve the preparedness to manage risks (6d)

Connectivity to TEN-T (7b)

Environmentally-friendly, transport systems (7c)

Coordinate smart energy distribution systems (7e)

Improve regional energy planning and –coordination (7e)

Multilevel- and transnational governance (11)

Governance of the EUSDR (11)

Specific Objecti

ve 2 Increase skills

and knowledge for innova


Development of innovative learning systems

Increased skills of employees in the business sector to better

adapt to technological change

Improved education for innovative entrepreneurship

Develop skills and knowledge to advance social innovation

Specific Objectiv

e 1 Improve framew

ork conditions and

balanced access

to knowled


Development of innovation strategies and smart specialisation


Better access to innovation finance, subsidies and incentives for R&D,

access to venture capital (access to finance)

Joint planning and management of major research infrastructures

Improved coordination of cluster policies across regions and Partner


Development of cross-linkages between enterprises, R&D

institutions, higher education and the public sector (triple helix


Support for innovative public procurement

Priority Axis 1 – Innovative and socially responsible Danube Region

Priority Axis 2 – Environment and culture responsible Danube Region


Objective 3 Natur

al and





Improved transnational coordination of management of

cultural and natural heritage

Raise the awareness on the benefits of cultural diversity in

the Danube Region

Strengthen common orientations of transnational offers in the areas of tourism


Objective 4 Restoring and




Improved interlinking of natural habitats within functional

ecological networks

Priority Axis 2 – Environment and culture responsible Danube Region


Objective 5

Transnational water management

and flood risk


Tackling significant pressures identified in the Danube River Basin


Joint monitoring of ecological and chemical status of waters

Joint development of measures to improve water quality and ecological


Joint management of flood risks

Building awareness for joint environmental action (e.g.

communication to the public and specific target groups)


Objective 6 Improve the

preparedness of

managing risks

Establishment of more effective governance systems for emergency situations

Development of integrated actions for adaptation to the

consequences of climate change

Priority Axis 3 – Better connected Danube Region

Specific Objectiv

e 7 Plannin

g, coordin

ation and

management of regional transpo

rt systems

Coordination and preparation of strategic investments in regional

transport infrastructure

Removal of “non-infrastructural” bottlenecks in regional mobility

Capacity-building and training for management of regional mobility

and connectivity

Specific Objectiv

e 8 Environmentall



and safe



Increasing multimodality, interoperability and promoting the shift to more environment-friendly

modes of transport

Promote sustainable freight transport in the Danube region

Promote sustainable metropolitan transport systems and mobility

Priority Axis 3 – Better connected Danube Region


Objective 9 Coordinate smart energ

y distribution systems

Developing a Danube Region Smart Grid Concept


Objective 10 Improv

e region

al energy planning and coordination

Further develop the Danube region gas supply model

Develop a Danube region biomass action plan

Develop Danube region energy efficiency concepts

Sustainable development of the hydropower generation

potential of the Danube river

Priority Axis 4 – Well governed Danube Region

Specific Objective

11 Strengthen multilevel

and transnatio

nal governance in areas

with major societal


Institutional cooperation in the field of labour market policies and

education&training programmes

Institutional cooperation in the field of demographic changes and

migration challenges

Institutional cooperation in the field of inclusion of marginalized groups,

including Roma

Institutional cooperation in the field of civil society and

development programmes

Institutional cooperation in the field of integration of metropolitan

regions in the Danube area

Institutional cooperation in security issues, crime


Specific Objectiv

e 12 Improve

the governance of EUSDR

and comple

x transnational

project develop


Direct support to EUSDR governance in each of its Priority Areas

Facilitating the development of complex strategic transnational projects by establishing a seed

money/project development fund facility

Establishment of an EUSDR Focal Point to facilitate the information flow between EUSDR key actors

Are the fields of action relevant?

If not, why?

Do you have a project idea that would fit into the DANUBE Transnational


Do you have any general comment related to the

content of the programme?


Result of the public consultation process

1. Comments and project ideas “harvested” (here and in other national events)

2. Collected information analysed (by the experts team)3. Findings discussed (in the framework of the Programme

Committee)4. New draft of cooperation programme prepared (and

submitted to the EC)

Next steps in programming process

• Public consultations

June 2014

• New draft of the OP

July 2014

• Ex-ante Evaluation and SEA

July and August 2014

• Final OP and national approval

September 2014• Submission

to the EC

22nd of September 2014

