Practical 3g4g



3g Lab work

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  • Practical 1 Aim :- To study and observe the effect of different types of channel fading as AWGN and Rayleigh fading on the Transmitter channel.

    Program :-

    close all; clear all; clc; fm = 10; fc = 500; m = 1; snr = 0.1; fd = 100; k = 10; ts = 1*10^(-6); t = 0:0.01:10;

    x = cos(2*3.14*fm*t); subplot(6,1,1); plot(x); title('modulating signal');

    y = cos(2*3.14*fc*t); subplot(6,1,2); plot(y); title('carrier signal');

    z = 1 + (m.*x.*y); subplot(6,1,3); plot(z); title('modulated signal');

    s = awgn(z,snr) subplot(6,1,4); plot(s); title('AWGN signal');

    b = rayleighchan(ts,fd) c = filter(b,z); subplot(6,1,5); plot(c); title('Rayleigh signal');

    d = ricianchan(ts,fd,k)

  • e = filter(d,z); subplot(6,1,6); plot(e); title('Rician signal');

    Output :-

    Conclusion :-

  • Practical 2 Aim :- To study and perform modulation and demodulation BPSK signal through AWGN channel.

    Program :-

    close all; clear all; clc; t = 0:0.01:1; snr = 100; f = 5; x = sin(2*3.14*f*t); subplot(6,1,1); plot(x); title('sine wave') y = [1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1]; subplot(6,1,2); plot(y); title('binary signal') l=1; for n = 1:8 for m = 1:100 z(1,l) = x(1,m).*y(1,n); l = l+1; end end subplot(6,1,3); plot(z); title('BPSK signal') p = awgn(z,snr); subplot(6,1,4); plot(p); title('binary signal with noise') k = 1; for n = 1:8 for m = 1:100 q(1,k) = x(1,m).*p(1,k); k = k+1; end end subplot(6,1,5); plot(q); title('samples')

  • k = 1; avg=0; s = 1; for n = 1:8; for m = 1:100; avg = avg + q(1,k); k = k+1; end if((avg/100)>0) fin(1,s) = 1; else fin(1,s) = -1; end s = s+1; end subplot(6,1,6); plot(fin); title('Demodulated BPSK')

  • Output :-

    Conclusion :-

  • Practical 3 Aim :- Estimate the path loss for a medium size city using the given data f1=900MHz, f2=1800MHz & distance d=1 km to 30 km.

    Program :-

    clc; clear all; close all; d=1:1:30 f1=900; f2=1800; hte=30; hre=2; A1=(1.1*log10(f1)-0.7)*hre-(1.56*log10(f1)-0.8); A2=(1.1*log10(f2)-0.7)*hre-(1.56*log10(f2)-0.8); PL1=69.55 +26.16*(log10(f1)) -13.82*(log10(hte)) - A1*hre +(44.9 -6.55*(log10(hte)))*log10(d); PL2=69.55 +26.16*(log10(f2)) -13.82*(log10(hte)) - A2*hre +(44.9 -6.55*(log10(hte)))*log10(d); subplot(2,1,1);plot(PL1);title('Path Loss for 900MHz'); xlabel('Distance(km)'); ylabel('Pathloss(dB)'); subplot(2,1,2);plot(PL2);title('Path Loss for 1800MHz'); xlabel('Distance(km)'); ylabel('Pathloss(dB)');

    Output :-

  • Conclusion :-

  • Practical 4

    To observe the BER performance of BPSK system in AWGN channel

    Practical 5

    To observe the BER performance of a SISO system with noncoherent FSK modulation with Rayleigh fading channel.

    Practical 6

    To observe the BER performance of a SISO system with DPSK modulation with quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel.


    To observe the performance of a 2x2 ZF MIMO (Spatial multiplexing) system in spatially independent Rayleigh fading channel.


    To observe the BER performance of 2X2 MIMO system with MMSE detector in spatially independent Rayleigh fading channel.


    Write a program which outputs the variance of estimation error and compare it with theoretical one for one pilot.


    Write a program which outputs the variance of estimation error and compare it with theoretical one for two pilots.
