Power point essentials


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PowerPoint EssentialsBy: Adriana Fraias #5 8c


Change the presentation´s view color

• You can modify your presentation´s view by changing

its color.

• Provides color, grayscale, and black and white options,

located in the color or grayscale group in the view tab.

• So you can choose an option by based on how you

want to show your presentation.


Choosing a different file format

• PowerPoint can save presentations in several

differents file formats.• You will learn how to save your presentation in a

format that is compatible with earlier versions of powerpont.


Aligning text in a text box

• You use the same alignment options in a text box that

are available for a text placeholder: left, center, right

anjd justify.

• If you align text to a different text to a different position,

such as right, and then add a new paragraph by

pressing enter form that text, the new paragraph keeps

the right- aligned formattiong.


Tuirnig spelling options off.

• Sometimes it is possible you want the powerpoint

spelling or grammar optioned to ignore

misspelings in some text.


Changing theme colors.

• If you don´t like the colors used in the theme you

´ve chosen, you can change them. You can select

the colors from some other theme, or you can

create your own color theme.
