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The Dynamic Daily Newspaper of

PAGES 12 • PRICE ` 2

Navi Mumbai

VOL. 13 • ISSUE 265March





Citizens hail SBI’sdecision to waive off

minimum balancepenalty

The citizens from variouswalks of life have hailed theState Bank of India’s (SBI)decision to waive off thepenalty for not maintainingthe average minimum bal-ance and for SMS service.Financial Accountability Net-work India (FAN India),while welcoming the movesaid that the bank chargeswere a direct assault on thepoor by the banks to socia-lise losses made by big busi-ness…

(More on page 5)Ashwin Mudgal

takes over as CIDCOJoint MD

The City and Industrial De-velopment Corporation(CIDCO) has finally ap-pointed the Indian Adminis-trative Service (IAS) officerAshwin Mudgal as JointManaging Director of the cityplanning authority with ef-fect from Wednesday,11th March, 2020. The postwas lying vacant since sixmonths…

(More on page 3)Huge response to

DYPU SHTS Women’sMini Marathon

“The most alluring thing awoman can have is confi-dence” this phrase wasproven right by around1500 women of Navi Mum-bai who participated in theMini Marathon organisedon the occasion of ‘Interna-tional Women’s Day’ recent-ly in Nerul…

(More on page 7)

By Crime Reporter

NAVI MUMBAI: Kalam-boli police have arrest-ed a young man for try-ing to break IndusIndBank’s ATM machine inKalamboli with the helpof an iron rod. Policehave seized the tool usedfor breaking the ATMmachine and arrestedthe accused RoshanChandrakant Modak

Man arrested for attemptingto break ATM machine

(20).The accused, who

hails from Satara dis-trict, had come toKalamboli two monthsback in search for a job.However, in the last twomonths, he failed to findany job and thought ofstealing money for theATM machine.

NMMC approves ` 4600 crorebudget during GB meet

Citizens call it ‘Appeasement budget’ ahead of NMMC election

By Abhitash D.Singh

NAVI MUMBAI: TheNavi Mumbai Munici-pal Corporation(NMMC) under thechairmanship of civicbody mayor JaywantSutar approved a bud-get of Rs.4600 crore forthe year 2020-21 aftera prolonged discussionduring the general bodymeeting held onWednesday 11th March,2020 at NMMC head-quarter in Belapur. Thecitizens call it the “Ap-peasement budget’aimed at placating theresidents ahead of theupcoming civic body

election scheduled inApril 2020.

Based on the sug-gestions given by thestanding committeechairman Navin Gavte

on 25th February, 2020,the amount was raisedby Rs.300 crores takingthe budget of 2020-21 toRs. 4,150 crores. Whilediscussing the budget

in the general bodymeeting, NMMC May-or raised the amountfurther by Rs.450crores making itRs.4600 crores.

NMMC Mayor Jay-want Sutar while inter-acting with the mediaduring press conference

Contd. on pg. 2

Contd. on pg. 2

Coronoavirus: NMMC takesprecautionary measures

By Chandrashekhar Hendve

NAVI MUMBAI: Inview of the rising cas-es of coronavirus in thecity, the Navi MumbaiMunicipal Corporation(NMMC) has undertak-en several precaution-ary measures.

A video conferencewas held under thechairmanship of theChief Minister of Ma-harashtra State. As perthe instructions givenin this meeting, thecivic body has set up aCoronavirus InfectionControl Cell. The Rap-id Response Team hasbeen set up at theNMMC level to preventthe spread of the virus.Also, an awarenessdrive has been initiat-ed through various me-

dia.Isolation rooms have

been set up at civic hos-pital, Dr. DY Patil Hos-pital and Mata ChildrenHospital-Belapur. Pri-vate medical practitio-ners have been request-ed to provide hospitalservices on a voluntarybasis. “Necessary carehas been taken to in-crease patient bed size,if required. NMMChealth department hastaken measures at alllevels to prevent thespread of coronavirus,”said NMMC Commis-sioner, Annasaheb Mis-al.

Hospital staff hasbeen provided guidanceand training in this re-gard. Citizens have beenurged to exercise precau-

tion and follow these:1) Avoid close asso-

ciation with someonewith respiratory ill-ness.

2) Wash hands fre-quently and maintainhygiene.

3) Using handker-chief or tissue paperwhile sneezing, cough-ing.

4) Not to eat halfcooked raw meat.

5) Fruits, vegeta-bles should not be cutwithout washing.

The citizens havealso been advised totravel only if necessaryand to avoid possibleoutward travel.

Various tour andtravel agencies in the

Contd. on pg. 11

Friday, 13 March | 2


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Women entrepreneurs felicitatedon International Women’s Day

By Abhitash D. Singh

KHARGHAR: UdyojakCharcha, a groupwhich has been initiat-ed to motivate and pro-mote the Marathi en-trepreneurs, celebrat-ed International Wom-en’s Day on 7th March,2020 at Yuva CentreHall in Kharghar byfelicitating women en-trepreneurs. All thewomen entrepreneurswho had gathered dur-ing the event shredtheir business in detailwith the attendees.

The group had in-vited the chief guestswho were common buttheir achievementsmake them stand tallto motivate all thepresent women andmen entrepreneur. Thechief guest for theevent were RJ Hrish-iraj, Harekrishna Gow-da (Director of MovieRoot Film ProductionCompany), ManishaPaithankar (Actress),

Raj Paithankar (Direc-tor, Music Director),Rohan Bhosale (Actor,Singer), HemlataGowari (Corporator,Kamothe), SantoshKamerkar (Motivation-al Speaker), Alka Bac-chaw (Assistant PoliceInspector), NishantDhanwade (Assistant Police Inspector), Lee-na Garad (Corporator)and Dr. ShrunalJadhav. The core com-mittee of UdyojakCharcha who were atthe forefront to success-fully organise thisevent were Anil Patil,Sandeep More, Archa-na Patil, PoonamKhairnar, Vikas In-gale, Gaurav Jahagir-dar and Anita Kesare.

Speaking withNewsband PoonamKhairnar, Counsellorand also the host of theevent said, “My birth-day falls on women’sday and celebrating itwith the Marathi wom-

en and men entrepre-neur was really a greatbirthday gift for me.Udyojak Charcha is aplatform where we willbe inviting women en-trepreneur on Wednes-day and men entrepre-neur on Saturday totalk about their suc-cess stories with theother aspiring entre-preneur. On 7th March,2020 we felicitated allthe women and menwho are contributingtowards the growth ofthe society.”

Khairnar furtheradded, “It was also anhonour to felicitate San-tosh Kamerkar, a wellknown motivationalspeaker. Meeting himon the stage gave me achance to recollectmany memories.”

RJ Hrishiraj whowas one of the chiefguests said, “This isindeed a nice platformfor the entrepreneurs.I appreciate the initia-

tive undertaken byUdyojak Charcha.”

Addressing thegathering Harekrish-na Gowda, Film Direc-tor said, “It was heart-ening to hear each one’ssuccess story. The ini-tiative is praiseworthyas it provides a plat-form for the Maharash-trian entrepreneurswith opportunities tomingle with each oth-er and learn from eachothers’ success as wellas create employmentopportunities.”

Actress ManishaPaithankar while ad-dressing the attendeessaid, “All the Marathiwomen who arepresent here and havebeen successfully run-ning their businessesare the real actress. Iam very proud of Udy-ojak Charcha teamthat they have come upwith a very good initia-tive to promote Mar-athi entrepreneur.”

said, “Navi Mumbaihas been announced asthe 2nd best planned cityin the country and incleanliness too the cityhas got five star ratingand year by year theranking of the city withregards to cleanlinessis improving. To makeNavi Mumbai one of thebest cities in the coun-try, the civic body iscoming up with manyprojects and initiatives.The projects which weare being given moreemphasis are PrimeMinister NarendraModi’s Ayushmaan

Bharat Mediclaim facil-ities. In Navi Mumbaifamilies whose annualincome are in the rangeof Rs.40,000 to 1 lakhare taking advantagesof such facilities. Mem-ber of Legislative As-sembly (MLA) GaneshNaik has brought a res-olution that the fami-lies residing in NMMCjurisdiction with annu-al income in the rangeof Rs. 1 to 4 Lakhshould take the advan-tage of AyushmaanBharat’s mediclaim fa-cilities. A budget ofRs.30 crore for the

same has been set asidefor this purpose. The twoexisting CBSE schools inthe city are getting verygood response and thereason there is more de-mand for such schools inthe city. Keeping inmind about the overalldevelopment of educa-tion in the city, eightmore CBSE schools inall eight wards havebeen proposed and for ita budget of Rs.10 crorehas been kept aside. Alsoto help the studentsfrom financially chal-lenged families get fur-ther education after10th and 12th standard,a provision of Rs. 3 crorehas been made in thebudget.”

NMMC approves ` 4600crore budget...

Contd. from pg. 1

Mayor further added,“Seeing the increasingpopulation of the cityand also to control ris-ing traffic problem, asuspended monorailproject has been includ-ed in NMMC 2020-21budget. For conductinga survey for the same, aprovision of Rs.2 crorehas been kept aside inthe budget.”

Terming it as an “ap-peasement budget”,Shirish Gupta, a resi-dent of Vashi said, “Allthe provisions in thebudget aim at appeasingthe citizens ahead of civ-ic body election. NMMCcomes out with variousproposals, but these re-main only on paper.”

He went to the In-dusind Bank’s ATMmachine located nearVarun Bar in Kalambo-

li in the midnight last Sat-urday. He started smash-ing the ATM machinewith the help of hammerand screwdriver.

The beat marshal ofthe Kalamboli police sta-tion noticed the accused

breaking the ATM ma-chine. They immediate-ly arrested the accusedand seized the hammer,a screwdriver, and oth-er materials used forbreaking the ATM ma-chine.


Contd. from pg. 1


e-paperat :

Friday, 13 March | 3

By Chandrashekhar


NAVI MUMBAI: Citybased Aarine Founda-tion organized aspecial programon the occasion ofInternational Wom-en’s Day in associa-tion with JansanghVidyarthi Sangh andSaavali Foundation

at Marwadi Hall,Ghansoli, NaviMumbai & ShivajiNagar, Govandi.Many women fromTurbhe, Govandi &Mankhurd Slum areawere present in theprogramme.

“Our main aimwas to felicitatewomen, rememberthe sacrifices theymade for us to makeus happy, healthyand successful,” saidone of the organisers.

The women werewelcomed with roses.Free services likeMehendi, Nail Art,Temp Tatoo weregiven to all womenwho attended thisevent. Sweets andchocolates were alsodistributed. On theoccasion, Jansangh

Women’s Day Celebrationby Aarine Foundation

Vidyarthi Sanghperformed street playon the importance ofimparting educationto women. Somedance and singingperformances wereperformed by Saavalifoundation. Musicalbeat and Hindi rapon the atrocitiesagainst women were

performed by AarineFoundation. Mem-bers of different“Bachat Gat’s werepresent during theprogramme. Differ-ent products likecandle, aggarbati,farhal, chocolate,designer diva, madeby women weredisplayed to show-

case their skill.To empower single

mother, applicationsfor free accidentaldeath insurance ofRs. 5 Lakh wereinvited by AarineFoundation fromMumbai, NaviMumbai & Thane.Out them 12 applica-tions were selected by

board of AarineFoundation.

Aarine Foundationwas established threeyears ago and hasbeen supportingchildren and singlemothers. The Foun-dation is supportingeducation of 10children of singlemothers.

Three killed in separate roadaccidents in the last two days

By Crime Reporter

NAVI MUMBAI: Threepersons were killed inthree separate acci-dents in the past twodays in the satellitecity. The police haveregistered cases againstunknown motorist andhave begun further in-vestigation.

In the first incident,a 38-year-old KishoreKrishna Mokal died ina road accident on Mon-day night in Bandh-nawadi on Panvel-Goaroad in Panvel. Mokallived with his wife andtwo children in a vil-lage in Panvel. Mokalwas out of the house onHoli on Mondayevening. During thattime an unknown vehi-cle hit him. He wasrushed to the sub-dis-trict hospital at Panvel

but he passed way. Pan-vel Taluka police haveregistered a caseagainst an unknowndriver.

On the same day,Shrikant Bhiwaji Patil,33, died in an accidenton the JNPT-Panvelbypass road. Shrikant,who lives in Akurli vil-lage in Panvel, workedin Gurukrupa Trans-port in Uran. He usedto go on a motorbike towork. On March 10, ataround 8 pm, when Sri-kant was on his wayhome from Uran toPanvel, an unidentifiedvehicle collided withSrikanth’s motorcycleon the road going fromJNPT to Palaspe. Inthe incident Srikanthsustained serious inju-ries and was rushed toa sub district hospital

at Panvel. But, he suc-cumbed to his injuries.A case has been regis-tered at Panvel city po-lice station.

Santosh SampatMore, 45, was killednear Zakat Gatalgat,near the truck terminalin APMC Market. San-tosh More, who hailsfrom Ambedarwadi inSatara district, hadcome to APMC Marketwith a truck. At 4.30am,an unidentified vehiclehit him while he wasstanding on the roadleading to the outwardgate near the Sari Barin the truck terminalarea. He came underthe wheels of the vehi-cle and was killed onthe spot. APMC policehave registered a caseagainst unidentifieddriver.

Send us your problem at pictures and we will try and ensure

that the authorities take action

Ashwin Mudgal takes overas CIDCO Joint MD

The post was vacant from last six months

By Abhitash D.Singh

NAVI MUMBAI: TheCity and IndustrialDevelopment Corpo-ration (CIDCO)has finallyappointed theIndian Adminis-trative Service(IAS) officerAshwin Mudgalas Joint Manag-ing Director ofthe city plan-ning authoritywith effect fromWednesday, 11th

March, 2020.The post waslying vacantsince sixmonths.

Ashwin Mudgalhas been working atdifferent levels since2004. He has worked

with government ofUttar Pradesh,Delhi, Lakshwadeep.He served as Collec-

tor and DistrictMagistrate in Nag-pur from April, 2018till March, 2020

before the appoint-ment of Joint Manag-ing Director inCIDCO. He was also

MunicipalCommissioner ofNagpur fromApril 2017-April, 2018.Prior to Munici-pal Commission-er he served asCollector andDistrict Magis-trate in Satarafrom August,2014 to April,2017 and Yavat-mal from May,2012 to July,2014. Mudgalalso served as

Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Sangli fromNovember, 2009 toJune, 2012.

Friday, 13 March | 4

Issue : 265 13 March, 2020

Strength never liesin any party, men willcome men will go, seethe fate of the largestparties, they becomeminority, again the mi-nority will become thelargest party. It is allin the game. Break-away is common in In-dian Democracy, maybe in future India mayopt Communism too.

Who should beblamed? Loopholes indemocracy. Eventhese MLAs irre-spective of their par-ties, would get pen-sion and other oldage benefits apartfrom telephone bill,travel expense con-cessions. Thereshould be a law tolimit this on pro-rata basis for theirattendance in RajyaSabha, Lok Sabhaor State Assemblies. Ifsomeone worked 5years with full atten-dance, 5 year basedpension should be giv-en, not life time enti-tlement. This is en-couraging all anti-so-cial elements to joinpolitics and becomeMP or MLA. ElectionCommission and SCshould not be mutespectators.

It is not BJP, it isINC ideology ignoringyoung enthusiastic pol-iticians. Not only BJPany party would likestrong leaders likeScindia. This is notnew in our country ir-respective of any party.But, day by day, thestench is becoming un-bearable. Election Com-mission urges people toexercise their vote as itis their prerogative.But, these dirty politi-cians insult the votersbeyond words.

The happiness

Is Congress diggingits own graveyard?

By C K Subramaniam

about India having ayoung population and amean age of 29 years isdiminishing day byday. Far beyond politi-cal party, the overalllack of maturity andcollective vision andself-less leadership ismissing. Everyday is amissed opportunity forIndia to lead and be thelight house nation forthe world. Fingerscrossed.

Team Congress didit for the most part oftheir tenure whenserving the country asthe ruling party. Con-gress party never leftreforms happen in EC,SC, and remove cor-ruption, bribe from so-ciety, but actively en-

gaged in Quota Poli-tics, Minority Appease-ments, not takingstern and bold decisionon vital issues likeJ&K, bringing Citizen-ship Register, unifyingnational records, freeEducat ion /Hea l thCare, farmer friendlywelfare schemes etc.,but entered in scampolitics.

Kamal Nath, ChiefMinister of MadhyaPradesh (MP), maylike us to overlook factthat internal squabblewithin the Congress

party, which were notconsidered importantby the Congress par-ty’s High command,have led to instabilityin the State. But howcan Kamal Nath dealwith the dissident Con-gress MLAs? It is easyto blame BJP but thatwon’t be good enough tosave his government. It is absolutely clearthat Congress party’sfuture in MP will beadversely affected. Re-gional parties likeRLD, and NCP, withwhom Congress hasalliances in Bihar andMaharashtra respec-tively, are seen to dic-tate terms to the Con-gress party and theCongress’ top leader-

ship simply appears tobe helpless. This is avery sad situation butperhaps a bitter reali-ty. What will happen inMP in coming monthscan be guessed, ques-tion is how long wouldit take for the Con-gress High commandto accept ground reali-ty that the Congresscannot regain its sta-tus without organiza-tional restructuringand revamp? The writer is a freelancer

from Sanpada,Navi Mumbai

Need to expedite worksNMMC has undertaken road repairing works in Navi Mumbai.

While this is not a new experience for the Navi Mumbaiites asroad repairing work appears to be an ongoing process in the satel-lite city, but the manner in which the works are progressing isvery disheartening. The dug up roads are causing inconvenienceand great deal of hardship to the motorists and the pedestriansalike.

The quality and quantity of infrastructural facilities of a city isthe barometer for assessing its development. It is not only indica-tive of economic progress, but also aids it. It helps in starting de-velopment process as well as in sustaining the growth rate. Thepaved roads with good riding quality not only facilitate uninter-rupted movement of vehicles, but also help in saving the vehicleoperational cost. This is all the more significant from the point ofview of energy conservation and saving the already meager andfast depleting irreplenishable petroleum resources. Unfortunate-ly, in Navi Mumbai the picture on this front is not very rosy. Inspite of being a well-planned city, developing the road networkhas been completely ignored by the development authorities forNavi Mumbai. Inspite of repeated requests by the residents in-cluding agitations by the angry commuters, no care is being takenin these past years to improve the riding quality of the roads. Roadswith poor riding quality cause distress in the vehicles besides in-creasing the vehicle operational cost. Although quite a large amountis earmarked every year in the budget for the maintenance of theroads, but going by the quality it is evident that these funds arenot being effectively utilized. One of the major reasons for poorroads is that they are frequently dug up by the service providerslike MTNL, MSEB and other private companies for laying cablesand pipes. As they are not restored afterwards, these portions ini-tiate the deterioration of further stretch.

If Navi Mumbai is to integrate with other cities for economicdevelopment, all out effort is required to be made to develop theroad network as these are the life- lines of an economy. Once roadrepairing work is undertaken, efforts should be made to completethe project as fast as possible. NMMC should employ more staffso that the works could be carried out day and night. Lenient andcasual approach would certainly not pay result.

Two arrested for burningfriend’s genitals

The accused confessed to have

committed crime in drunken stateBy Crime Reporter

NAVI MUMBAI: TheRablae MIDC policehave arrested two menfor allegedly trying toburn a friend’s genitalin an intoxicated state.The incident happenedduring Holi. Two ac-cused and the victimlive in Ganesh Nagararea of Digha. Thepolice said that the ac-

cused also shot the vid-eo of the incident andcirculated it in the socialmedia. The victim iscurrently under treat-ment at NMMC hospi-tal in Vashi.

The 27-year-old vic-tim and the accusedAkash Kale (26) andNilesh Kharkar (35),live in the same area.On Tuesday afternoon,

during Holi, the trioplayed Holi along withother friends. The policesaid that the actual rea-son for crime is still notclear however, the duoconfessed that they werein drunken state.

Senior police inspec-tor Nitin Gite, said thatthe two tried to smoth-er their friend’s genitalsand have been arrested.

Friday, 13 March | 5

Jain Temple at Sector 5, Sanpada is adorning an artisticlook. The entrance has been decorated with Rajasthanisculptures. (Photo courtesy: C.K. Subramaniam)

Citizens hail SBI’s decision towaive off minimum balance penalty

All Bank charges hurting the poor must go, they say

By Jaspal Singh Naol

NAVI MUMBAI: Thecitizens from variouswalks of life have hailedthe State Bank of In-dia’s (SBI) decision towaive off the penalty fornot maintaining theaverage minimum bal-ance and for SMS ser-vice. Financial Ac-countability NetworkIndia (FAN India),while welcoming themove said that the bankcharges were a directassault on the poor bythe banks to socialiselosses made by big busi-ness. The write-off ofbad loans since 2014 isRs. 7.8 lakh crores.Even then the total im-paired assets is at Rs.16.9 lakh crores andthe outstanding nonperforming assets areRs. 9 lakh crore.

People’s move-ments, trade unions,civil society organisa-tions and concerned cit-izens had launched theNo Bank Charges cam-paign in 2018. The cam-paign held a number ofprogrammes - streetcorner meetings, photoexhibitions, publicmeetings, protest ac-tions, online campaignetc. demanding thebanks to withdraw thecharges which hurt thepoor the most.

Shaktiman Ghosh,General Secretary ofthe National HawkersFederation, which wasat the forefront of thecampaign said, “We

fought against variousbank charges levied bythe banks since the poorare the worst affected.Particularly the urbanpoor and unorganizedworkers who are forcedinto the banking sys-tem had to bear theburnt. We are happythat SBI withdrew thepenalty on minimumbalance. We hope otherbanks will do the samesoon.”

Trade unions of thebank employees and of-ficers had demandedwithdrawal of bankcharges. All nine bankunions under the Unit-ed Forum of BankUnions (UFBU), in-cluding the All IndiaBank Officers Confeder-ation (AIBOC), the AllIndia Bank EmployeesAssociation (AIBEA)during their protests inDecember 2019 againstmergers and reformshad also demandedwithdrawal of bankcharges.

Thomas Franco,former General Secre-tary of All India BankOfficers’ Confederationsaid, “Though late, thedecision of SBI is wel-come. Other banksshould follow. Withlarge population of poor,the charges for poor andmiddle class should bewaived off and the samecan be realised from therich. Banking is an es-sential service whichshould be free for thepeople.”

While waiving theminimum balance pen-alty has given some re-spite to the depositors,slashing of interestrates on savings bankdeposits, which was an-nounced along with thewaiver, has its own im-plications. “SBI SB De-posits are around 11lakh crore. Slashing ofinterest by 0.25%amounts to around2,800 cr. This amountmatches with amount,which SBI is infusingin YES Bank to bailout,which offers 6% inter-est on SB Deposits. This amount is morethan what SBI used tocollect by way of mini-mum balance charges”said Devidas Tul-japurkar, Joint Gener-al Secretary of All IndiaBank Employees Asso-ciation.

Banking is a serviceto the citizens and itcannot be run merelyon profit motive, evenputting the depositors,in particular the poor,in distress. Penalty onminimum balance isonly one of the manycharges the banks levyon its depositors. “Wehope SBI will waive oth-

Contd. on pg. 11

CBD Belapur court organisesa short play ‘Bolti Bandh’

The play aimed at raising awareness about laws

protecting women and children from violence

By Staff Reporter

NAVI MUMBAI: Withan aim to make womenaware of laws protectingthem and children fromviolence and as part ofInternational Women’s

Day, the CBD Belapurcourt on Thursday orga-nised a short play ‘BoltiBandh’.

The short play waspresented by the Talu-

ka Vidhi Samithi andNavi Mumbai CourtBar Association. Theplay was the brainchildof Justice of CBD Be-lapur Court and theChairman of the Talu-

ka Vidhi SamithiTrupthi Deshmukh-Naik. The play was di-rected and written byher.

On this occasion, all

the women judges in-cluding Navi MumbaiCourt, Justice Kolpkar,Justice Jadhav as wellas President of NaviMumbai Court Bar As-sociation Advocate Pras-

ad Patil, Vice PresidentAdv Krishna Pawar,Assistant SecretaryVandana Dalvi, seniorcounsel HB Patil werepresent.

Friday, 13 March | 6


By Bhavani Swaminathan

Indians and theirlove for dry fruits isbeyond definition.Right from gravies todesserts, from break-fast to snacks andfrom snacks to dinner,Indian meals are sim-ply incomplete with-out a variety of dryfruits. What makesthis delicious bondeven more strong isthe enormous healthbenefits these dryfruits offer, especiallyfigs are unique in thatthey have and open-ing, called the “osti-ole” or “eye,” which isnot connected to thetree. Figs range dra-matically in colourand subtly in texturedepending upon thevariety

Figs can be eateneither fresh or dry andhas a sweet taste andvariety of health ben-efits that it provides.

The high amount of cal-cium, iron and potas-sium present in italong with the highamount of fibre andlow fat makes it ahealthy food to includein your diet which canbe eaten alone ormixed in yogurt, saladand toppings on cere-als and oatmeal.

Helps in weightmanagement: Moderateamount of figs can helpin controlling weight.They are rich in fiber,and therefore dietitianssuggest that eatingfigs is a good way tokeep junk and friedfoods at bay. When inthe mood for a lightsnack, pick figs andthey will make you feelfull, at the same time,but in a healthy way.

Controls blood pres-sure and ageing: Figsare rich in potassium,which negates the ef-fect of sodium andhelps in controllingblood pressure. Theycan also help in control-ling ageing effects byproviding youenough iron, estrogen,etc. This keeps yourhormones in check andboosts your energy aswell. Figs are alsogreat for skin and hairand nails. Mashed figs

Dried figs : 200 gms • Almonds : 100 gms • Cashews : 50 gms •Pistachios : 50 gms


Soak anjeer in warmwater for 5 minutes.Grind all the dry fruitscoarsely in mixer. Nowdrain and make a pasteof anjeer. Mix all the in-gredients together andplace it inside the modakmould to give a propershape of modak. Removeit from the mould . Re-frigerate it for half anhour and serve. This isa super healthy dessertwhich can be served toall age groups.

“Let’s Make LifeHealthier & Happier !”

applied on the face canprevent acne.

Controls blood sugar:The chlorogenic acidpresent in figs helps inreducing blood sugarlevels in diabetics. Po-tassium which isfound in abundance infigs also plays a goodrole in control of bloodsugar levels.

P r e v e n t k i d n e ystones: Boil some figsin water and once cool,this water can be con-sumed for a few daysto prevent kidneystones.

Strengthens BonesIt is often seen thatdespite eating whole-some meals, there areseveral deficienciesthat pop up from timeto time. And the bestway to include the es-sential vitamins andminerals in your dietis by adding figs toyour daily menu. Figsare loaded with calci-um and even smallquantities canstrengthen your im-munity.

How to eat Anjeer?If you are bored

with the usual ways ofeating Anjeer, then youcan try out this amaz-ing option to includeit in your delicacy.

Anjeer Aka Figs

Anjeer Modak

The writer is Nutritionist and Founder of AAKANKSHA : Desire For Wellness.

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City Artist & Team Pay TributeTo Legendary Kishore KumarWith A Musical Extravaganza

By Ashok Dhamija

NAVI MUMBAI: City based LegendEntertainment, a pioneering namein the industry on the occasion ofcompletion of 14 years of service suc-cessfully, organised a musical ex-travaganza based on renowned In-dian playback singer, music direc-tor and lyricist Kishore Kumar atBhuriven Golwala Auditorium,Ghatkopar, Mumbai recently. At-tended by hundreds of musical lov-ers from across Navi Mumbai, Mum-bai and surrounding areas, the mu-sical treat titled ‘Golden memoriesof Kishore Kumar’, a dream childof none other than Vashi basedSujeet Kumar, who is popularlyknown as Junior Kishore. Variousartists of the likes of SimanchalPatra, Atul Sohail, SwatiChaudhari, Sandeep Shah, PranaliRajpoot joined Sujeet Kumar asthey presented many solo and du-ets rendition’s based on ever greennumbers from various golden old-ies and was accompanied by a grandorchestra during the live show . In-terspersed with informative insightand milestones of the life of the ver-satile artist Kishore Kumar, who

Artists regale the audience with one of Kishore Kumar and Madhu Bala’s evergreenduet song

Vashi based Sujeet Kumar, who is popu-larly known as Junior Kishore showcas-es his versatile talent on the stage

was also the lead actor in many ofthe Bollywood movies of the likes ofChalti Ka Naam Gaadi, Half Tick-et, Padosan etc, the event was an-chored by actor Nitin Anand. Theorganiser later donated a portion ofthe revenue proceed from the showfor the treatment of cancer patientsfrom weaker section in the society.

On the occasion of Shiv Jayanti festival, a free health check-up camp and free surgerycamp was organized in Sanpada under Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jana Rogya Yojana onbehalf of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, Sanpada Division (By: ChandrashekharHendve)

Friday, 13 March | 7

The movie which changed my perspective towards lifeis Hichki. The protagonist (Rani Mukherjee) in the moviehas conveyed a very strong message through this mov-ie. The message is that if one is determined, passionate& confident enough, no obstacle- be it social or physio-logical- can deter anyone to achieve their goals. Inspiteof the rejections that the protagonist faced in life, shewas determined to achieve her goal.Karishma Kashid, Modern College, Vashi

FROM THE CAMPUS A movie that has changed your perspective towards life

Like millions of other people around the world, I havebeen obsessed by The Godfather trilogy, which changedthe whole cinematic experience for viewers. I feel it helpedItalianize American culture for me. It introduced me tothe concept of Being a ‘MAN’ and taking care of yourfamily. When you think about the certain issues that themain character handled in the movie you can absolutelyempathise with him on the deepest level. Talking aboutcareer defining movement The Godfather truly changedmy perspective on how films should be actually made and how we, as asociety, only judge the moral grounds of a person rather than his character.Nitant Gaikwad, Pillai College

Joker is a movie that I could relate to a lot. I wouldalways try to keep my friends and family happy andsmiling, but would often not be happy. We are often pres-surised by the duties given to us by our society. We areso focused on earning money that we forget to live. I lovehow in joker, Arthur ends up doing what he thinks isright playing by his own rules.Mammen Jacob, Pillai College

One of the films that changed my perspective towardslife was Hamid. It portrayed a nuanced picture of thehuman experience within power structures where oneman’s glory is another’s sorrow. It dealt with a verysensitive matter without taking away all the emotionsinvolved and gave hope in its portrayal of a child’s inno-cence moving the most stoic of men.Maithili Patil, St. Xavier’s College

By: Ryhea George

Contd. on pg. 8

The movie that inspired me the most was Zingadi NaMilegi Dobara. It made me realise that breaks are nec-essary in our lives. It is really important to have thoseclose bunch of friends whom you can trust wheneveryou are in trouble. Also keep trying new adventures.Sreejit Kumar, Pillai College

Question for next week: How do you plan to bring

sustainable development at individual level?

As the elder son born in the middle class family, I wassubjected to some career stereotypes that I had to choosefrom. When I watched Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani for thefirst time, I don’t know what sparked inside me. I keptwatching it again and again, until I realized that’s exact-ly what I wanted. That freedom and that uncertaintyfrom my life. Although I am still pursuing engineering,this film opened me to what the world has to offer and Iam thankful as it helped me to be the person I am today.Shreyas Patil, Terna Engineering College

Huge Response To DYPU SHTS Women’s Mini MarathonShowcasing Support For Clean Navi Mumbai

Komal, Pratiksha and Amruta bag top honoursBy Ashok Dhamija

NAVI MUMBAI: “Themost alluring thing awoman can have is con-fidence” this phrase wasproven right by around1500 women of NaviMumbai who partici-pated in the Mini Mar-athon organised on theoccasion of ‘Internation-al Women’s Day’ recent-ly in Nerul.

The annual eventwhich was organized byD Y Patil School of Hos-pitality & Tourism Stud-ies (DYPU SHTS), Ner-ul in association withNavi Mumbai Munici-pal Corporation(NMMC), promoted themessage of ‘Run forClean Navi Mumbai’.

The Mini Marathonwhich was graced byGuest of Honour Ms.Kranti Patil DMC(NMMC) saw the enthu-siastic participantsacross all age groupswarm up with Zumbadance early in the morn-ing, before they em-barked on the routealong D Y Patil Stadi- Around 1500 participants took part in the 4th edition of Mini Marathon organised by DYPU SHTS and NMMC

Women Staff of DYPU SHTS including their Director Ms.Vandana Mishra Chaturvedi too participated in the MiniMarathon while promoting various social message in addition to Run for clean Navi Mumbai

um –LP Highway –Ayappa Mandir- Bank ofBaroda Colony- SBI col-ony service Road - D YPatil stadium in questfor glory.

Komal Khandekarwho was in prime formoutpaced her opponentsto bag the first prize,while Pratiksha Ku-laye and Amruta Patilput up a strong perfor-mance and came in sec-ond and third respec-tively amidst huge ap-plause from the gather-ing which included theGuest of Honour andFirst Lady of D Y PatilUniversity Mrs. Shi-vani Patil among oth-ers. The First Lady ofD Y Patil University inher motivational speechshared “One should nev-er let your fears preventyou from doing what youknow is right. It’s heart-ening to witness around1500 participants fromvarious walks of life andage groups rubbingshoulders with each oth-

Friday, 13 March | 8

On the occasion of Shiv Jayanti festival, MaharashtraNavnirman Sena, Sanpada Division, food was distribut-ed to needy children by Yogesh Shettye, MNS Sanpada(By: Chandrashekhar Hendve)

Union Bank of India celebratesInternational Women’s Day

MUMBAI: Union Bankof India celebrated Inter-national Women’s Daywith gaiety and fervor ata glittering function heldat Mumbai. On the oc-casion, Shri RajkiranRai G, Managing Direc-tor & CEO, Union Bankof India, extended warmwelcome to Ms. P V

Bharathi, MD & CEOCorporation Bank whowas the Chief Guest forthe function. A feeling ofpride and sense of belong-ingness amongst the em-ployees marked theevent.

On the occasion ofInternational Women’sDay, Union Bank of In-

dia felicitated WomenAchievers who excelledin their professions. Thewomen achievers whowere felicitated are Pad-mashri Dr. Indira Hin-duja-Renowned Gyne-cologist & InfertilitySpecialist, Ms. SwatiMayekar-Chartered Ac-countant & Social

Worker Par Excellenceand Ms. Neeraja - Emi-nent Writer & Poetess.

Union Bank of Indiaalso launched a specialbook, specially dedicatedto women named “UnionAgarsar” a bimonthly inhouse magazine of theBank in the presence ofall the dignitaries.

Mangoes arrivein APMC market

Participants warm up with Zumba dance prior to the start of the event.

er to promote the causeof Run for Clean Mum-bai. This included thecomplete SHTS womenteam comprising of stu-dents and staff who tooparticipated with great

enthusiasm while themale staff and studentscheered them up whichshowed that our institu-tion is in the forefrontof supporting genderequality”

“When there are noceilings, the sky’s thelimit. So let’s keep go-ing — let’s keep goinguntil every one of themillions of women andgirls has the opportuni-

ty she deserves to have,”concluded Ms.VandanaMishra Chaturvedi, Di-rector of D Y PatilSchool of Hospitality &Tourism Studies, Ner-ul.

Huge Response To DYPU SHTS Women’s Mini Marathon... Contd. from pg. 7

Alphonso being sold for

Rs 1,200-1,500 a dozen

By Arun Kr Shrivastav

NAVI MUMBAI: Ripemangoes of the newseason have arrived inthe APMC Market,Vashi. Famous mangovarieties such as Al-phonso are currentlybeing sold between Rs1,200-1,500 a dozen. Abox of 3 or 4 dozens ofAlphonso mangoes ofdifferent sizes is avail-able for Rs 3,600.

Though some deal-ers are busy in pack-

aging these freshstocks of mangoes incardboard and woodenboxes for the retailers,there are not many in-dividual buyers forthese mangoes as yet.

“The price is highand this is the mainreason why the num-ber of buyers is less,”remarked a fruit trad-er from APMC.

(The writer is afreelance journalist

based in Ulwe.)

Shiv Senaiks celebrated the 390th birth anniversary as per the Hindu calendar of the great Maratha ruler ShivajiBhosale popularly known as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj with much fanfare with several processions and torchrallies in several part of the city on Thursday 12th March, while the state government officials celebrate Shivaji Jayantion 19th February, Photo also shows citizens paying homage to the great Maratha king at Shivaji Chowk in Vashi (ByAshok Dhamija)

Celebrating Shivaji Jayanti….

Friday, 13 March | 9

KHARGHAR: On behalf of Navjyot Self Help Mahila Mandal in Kharghar and KhargharJijau Foundation advocate Santoshi Chavan was felicitated with Adarsh Women Award.(By Chandrashekhar Hendve)

Adv. Santoshi Chavan awarded

with Adarsh Women Award

NAVI MUMBAI: Ishan-ya Foundation, theCSR arm of DeepakFertilisers and Petro-chemicals CorporationLimited (DFPCL) con-ducted a ‘Helmet Dis-tribution Camp’ for thePolice personnel atTaloja, to spreadawareness on RoadSafety. The event wit-nessed participationfrom Mr. KashinathChavan, Senior PI,Taloja Police Station aswell as senior profes-sionals from Taloja Po-lice Department, MIDCalong with senior pro-fessionals from DF-PCL.

Speaking on the oc-casion, Mrs. Parul SMehta, Director – DF-PCL & Trustee – Ish-anya Foundation, said,“A responsible societybegins from empower-ing those who dedicatetheir lives to protect it.

Ishanya Foundation partners safetyinitiative with Taloja MIDC Police

Conducts ‘Helmet Distribution Camp’

for the police personnel

Each one of us at Ish-anya Foundation andDFPCL are proud tocontribute towards thecause of road safety forTaloja Police Depart-ment. Most of the offic-ers are traveling onmotorcycles as the pri-mary vehicle of conve-nience. The HelmetDistribution Camp istherefore a small effortto make their journeysa bit safer as well asempowering them to setthe right example forthe commuters as well.I would like to thankthe Taloja Police De-partment for enablingus partner them to-wards this noble initia-tive.”

The occasion wit-nessed distribution of50 helmets and washeld at Taloja PoliceStation.

Started in 2006, un-der the aegis of Deepak

Fertilisers And Petro-chemicals CorporationLtd, Ishanya Founda-tion undertakes sever-al outreach pro-grammes in areas ofwomen empowerment,health, education andlivelihood programmesboth in and aroundPune and around thevillages at Taloja in theRaigad district. Ishan-ya Foundation has con-stantly strived to createa self-sufficient andself-reliant communityand has extensivelyworked with variousNGOs, internationalsocial organizations,and central and stategovernment. The Foun-dation also conducts apopular annual NGOfair in Pune called theYellow Ribbon Fair thatprovides a platform tovarious NGOs to show-case their work andseek support.

Free pulse reading health consultation campby Ayushakti Ayurved Health Centre on 15th

and 16th March 2020 at its Kharghar CentreNAVI MUMBAI: Ayush-

akti Ayurved HealthCentre, the leading en-tity in Ayurvedic healthcare sector for last threedecades, has organizeda pulse readinghealth consulta-tion camp at itsKharghar Centreon 15 th and16th March 2020between 11amand 7pm. Thecamp will be heldat Ayushakti AyurvedHealth Centre, CrystalPlaza, Office No. 34,2nd Floor, Sector 7,Kharghar, NaviMumbai. The patientssuffering from variousailments can attend thecamp and get a doctorconsultation free of

cost.Dr. Smita Naram,

founder and Director,Ayushakti AyurvedHealth Centre said,“Our centres across the

state have so far helpedtreating more than 5lakh patients sufferingfrom Asthama, jointpain, diabetes, psoria-sis, back pain, obesity,chronic fatigue, highblood pressure, infertil-ity, epilepsy, childrenfrequent allergy, asth-

ma, IBS, acidity, gastri-tis and other chronicdiseases. We also orga-nize lectures and con-sulting camps at theglobal level to help pa-

tients. We havecreated a potentline of over 300medicinal prod-ucts includingherbal food sup-plements andbeauty care prod-ucts using the

wisdom of scripturestwo thousand years oldand passed on via anunbroken lineage ofAyurveda.”

For more informa-tion and registration,patients can contact on022 2774 7681 for reg-istration.

Friday, 13 March | 10

Don’t panic;spread awareness

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the Archbishop ofMumbai, in his letter to all the churches, has askedCatholics in India not to kiss the statue of OurLord Jesus Christ during Lent as per the custom, either by hand or withthe lips and not to receive Holy Communion on the tongue is laudable.

Taking precautions in order to stop the spread of Corona-virus is bet-ter than catching the disease and regretting about it later. Corona-virusis a deadly disease and spreads rapidly. So one has to be careful and takeprecautions so that the virus does not spread to other people.

Jubel D’Cruz, Mumbai

Let us make sports compulsoryThis refers to your thought-provoking editorial “All sports need simi-

lar encouragement” (March 11). Nowadays, sports are very important aseducation itself. Students should compulsorily take part in sports for themto develop the spirit of sportsmanship. A student should study hard to besuccessful in competitive examinations. But, he should also play gamesand sports to enjoy the health and vigor of life.

The students should be made aware that sports helps them cultivateteam spirit, and set new goals, while it shows them the way to succeeddespite odds. Sports play a great in everyone’s busy life especially for stu-dents. Everyone should involve themselves in the sports activity even fora small time all through the day. Sports are necessary because it bringsphysical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular ba-sis. With a healthy body, come with a healthy mind as well. When stu-dents engage in sports actively, they are able to develop a sense of in-creased alertness. Regular exercise not only keeps a person fit but alsoconfident, energetic and fresh for the rest of the day. It keeps the bodyflexible and the heart healthy.

If we have a look on the history, we see that sports are given muchimportance from the ancient time.

It needs a dedication, continuity, patience and most importantly somephysical activities mean physical and mental health of a person for ahealthy survival and success. Sports are the best way to get involved inthe continuous physical activities.

Furthermore, having sports compulsory can increase the possibility ofgetting college sponsorship. It is very difficult for some students who comefrom the lower income families to continue their education due to lowfinancial problem. Without sports, students will become unhealthy, in-trovert, individualistic and so on. In addition, discipline problems willarise among students when there is no focus on sports in school. Nodoubt, studies are very important for children, but Sports and Physicalactivities should also be given equal priorities, if we want to see a strongand healthy nation. History reveals that only supremacy have power torule the nation or person.

Vinod C. Dixit,Ahmedabad

Collapse of CongressThe unceremonious exit of Jyotiraditya Scindia from the Congress has

sent a shudder through India’s political landscape, with many question-ing the Grand Old Party’s lack of support to young leaders. The Congressdoes not allow young talent to flourish and on the other hand give oldguards an extended rope to stay at top. It is clear that the Gandhi familyis wary of the creation of an alternative power structure within the party.On the other hand monopoly still exists and dynasty policy taking anupper hand. A crisis is looming large in Madhya Pradesh with Congressleader Jyotiraditya Scindia, ostensibly with the support of Bharatiya Ja-nata Party, at the head of a coup against the Kamal Nath government.

Even though the Congress party got power after 15 years in MP, theCongress government fail to fulfill its election promises and the fall isnow imminent. Aftermath of MP reactions will see the Congress party onshaky grounds where they are in power so far in States.

C.K. Subramaniam, Millennium Towers, Sector 9, Sanpada

Letters to the Editor.... Baby shower or GodhbharaiBy C.K. Subramaniam

Baby shower or See-mantham or Valaikap-pu called in South In-dia or Godhbharai inNorthern part of India,is a ritual performedwidely throughout thecountry by Hindus,Muslims and Chris-tians in preparation fora woman’s firstdelivery, bless herand ensure a safedelivery and ahealthy baby.

All the marriedladies bless themom-to-be by put-ting a tikka on herforehead, and thenaartis are per-formed to pray forthe health andhappiness of thebaby and themother. Then, thewomen showerher with gifts,fruits and sweets.

Seemanthamis usually ob-served by them o t h e r - t o - b ewhen she com-pletes her 5th, 7thor 9th month of preg-nancy. This celebrationis performed by thepregnant lady’s parentsand her in-laws wouldbring her a new sareealong with sweets andfruits for the mom-to-

be. The valaikappu istypically hosted by thewoman’s parents in ei-ther her 9th or 7thmonth of pregnancy.Valaikappu is the ban-gle ceremony. The preg-nant woman is adornedwith 20 bangles in lefthand and 21 bangles inthe right hand. Thebangles are then given

to other women who at-tend the ceremony.

The baby shower isa family’s first opportu-nity to gather people to-gether to help play apart in their child’s life.People around the fam-

ily, who care for them,want to be involved inthe child’s life and ababy shower presentsan opportunity for themto give gifts and be ofhelp, showing their lovefor the family.

Valaikappu can beconducted in Decem-ber-January wintermonths too, provided it

is the 5th, 7th, 8thor 9th month. Youcan find auspiciousdates in onlinepanchangams andgo ahead with themost suitable andconvenient date.Seemantham is anelaborate process.It is done to blessthe child and momfor easy delivery,chants are sup-posed to be good forbaby.

Wearing asaree for babyshower is consid-ered an auspiciousfor the occasion asthe woman feelcomfortable inthat attire. The

color of life- it symbol-izes prosperity and newbeginnings. Green isalso associated with fer-tility.

The writer is afreelancer from Sanpada,

Navi Mumbai

Police search for the personwho desecrated Dr. Babasaheb

Ambedkar’s nameplate

Tension triggered in Digha village where incident took place

By: Crime Reporter

NAVI MUMBAI: An un-identified person dese-crated the name plateof Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar Marg inDigha on 11th March,2020. This triggeredtension like situationin the area. Soon afterreceiving the informa-tion, the Rabale MIDCPolice personnelrushed to the spot andbrought the situationunder control. Theyhave registered a caseagainst the unidenti-fied person for desecrat-ing the nameplate.

According to Nitin

Gite, Senior Police In-spector, “NMMC hasinstalled the nameplateof Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar Marg inDigha area at NMMCSchool No.27 and 92.The nameplate was ini-tiated in both Englishand Marathi in bluecolour. An unidentifiedperson on Wednesdaymorning desecratedand also removed somewords from the name-plate. Few residents ofDigha area noticed thisand spread the newsabout it. The news wasalso spread on socialmedia. Followers of Dr.

Babasaheb Ambedkarstarted gathering atthe spot and staged pro-test and demanded thepolice to arrest the un-identified person im-mediately. Soon wereached the spot andassured the people thatstrict action will be tak-en against the culpritand they should notinvolve themselves inany untoward inci-dent.”

An offence has beenregistered against un-identified person forspreading hatred andcreating riot like situ-ation.

Friday, 13 March | 11

er charges as well,which hurt the poor themost, and other bankswill follow the suit. Thecampaign will continueuntil these charges arewithdrawn,” said JoeAthialy, Centre for Fi-nancial Accountability.

FAN India demandsthat all charges, whichare a burden to the com-mon people, should bewithdrawn at the ear-liest. The governmentshould desist from bur-dening the banks withadditional non-bankingtasks and interfere inbanking services, rath-er, empower them totake stern actionagainst wilful default-ers and recover theloans. SBI and otherbanks should returnthe depositors the pen-

alty on minimumcharges collected so far.

BackgroundIn 2017, SBI im-

posed penalty on mini-mum balance and oth-er banks followed thesame, resulting inheavy financial burdenfor the students, la-bourers, farmers,MGNREGA workers,pensioners, people de-pendent on social wel-fare schemes, contractlabourers, street ven-dors and others.

The Banks wereforced to levy the pen-alty and pass on the fi-nancial burden to thedepositors due to anumber of policies/stepstaken by the govern-ment. Large number ofJan Dhan accountsthat the present gov-ernment forced banksto open and maintainhas greatly increasedthe operational costs of

banks. The fact thatover half these accountshave little or no balanceand are by and largenon-operational hasnegatively impacted thebank profits.

Demonetisation im-pacted the banks heavi-ly. Delegitimizing over86% of the currency incirculation forced largesections of the people todeposit their unbankedsavings and exchangenew currency for old.Banks and bank em-ployees worked over-time exchanging notes,accepting deposits andrefilling ATMs in effortsto soften the blow onworking people. Theseefforts cost banks dear-ly in operational costs.

Further, the govern-ment has also forced thebanks, especially PSBs,to help in implement-ing a variety of othergovernment schemes.

These include theAadhaar registrationand bank account link-ing process, and thehighly criticised cropinsurance schemeamong others, all ofwhich have increasedthe operational costs ofbanks.

In September 2017,the Managing Directorof SBI said that SBIwas planning to raiseRs 2000 crore as a pen-alty for non-complianceof minimum balance insaving accounts, part ofwhich would be used tocompensate the extracosts incurred to banksdue to linking of 40crore savings accountsto Aadhaar.

Replying to a ques-tion in the Parliamentthe government saidthat banks (21 PSBsand 3 Private Banks)have collected Rs.12,388.56 Crore by pe-

nalising the customersfor not maintainingminimum balance intheir saving accountsfrom April 2014 - Sep-tember 2018.

Just in four banks –SBI, PNB, UCO bankand Bank of Maharash-tra – 33.8 lakh JanDhan accounts are con-verted into savingsbank accounts. A good


hail...Contd. from pg. 5

number of them arecharged for bankingservices.

The penalty collect-ed by SBI for not main-taining minimum bal-ance between April-No-vember 2017 was Rs.1771 crore, which ex-ceeded SBI’s profit forthe quarter of July-Sep-tember 2017, whichwas Rs. 1,581 crores.

Coronoavirus: NMMC takes...Contd. from pg. 1

city have been asked to cancel foreign trips forthe time being. Citizens who have traveled abroad,will be tested at their actual place. Also malls,hotels, train stations, public toilets, public plac-es, crowded places, markets, APMCs have beenurged to maintain cleanliness.

NMMC Commissioner, has also urged the var-ious political parties who are organizing haldi-kum-kum and pithani khel as to reach out to the voters,to avoid holding such events with large gatherings.

NMMC has also set up Helpline number1800222309/310, 022-27567270 / 7060 and citi-zens have been urged to contact this helplinenumber if any need arises.

Friday, 13 March | 12

Young Josephian Bond During Graduation DayBy Ashok Dhamija

PANVEL: St. JosephHigh School-CBSEPanvel celebrated itsGraduation Day atVasudev BalwantPhadke Auditorium inPanvel recently. Thedaylong event whichwas split in to threesessions was based onthe theme ‘TogetherWe Can’.

The programmecommenced withprayer session anddevotional dance. TheMontessori studentswelcomed the Chief

Young artists presented a number of dances performance based on the theme ‘Togeth-er We Can’.

Students were also felicitated for their outstanding academic and extra circular suc-cesses by Chief Guest Sonal Pinto and other dignitaries.

Young Montessori students dressed in graduation robes and capes along with their citation pose for a group photo.

Guest Sonal Pinto,Creative Director ofRyan InternationalGroup of Institutionswith floral bouquetand speeches invarious languages.

The tiny totspresented a plethoraof dances based onunity and nationalintegration. Theenactment of the skit‘Eddie, The PenguinSaves The World’ bythe students left theaudience engrossed.The event depictedthe theme ‘TogetherWe Can’.

The most impor-tant part of the day-Graduation ceremonyshowcased the smalland little ones ofMontessori sectiondressed in graduationrobes and capes whowalked confidently onthe stage amidsthuge applause fromthe gathering toreceive their citations

from the hands of thedignitaries. Thestudents from Mont-essori I to StandardIX were also awardedfor their achieve-ments in variousacademic and extracircular activities bythe Chief Guest.

“Time flies and thelittle ones whowalked into school asMontessori studentswere ready to moveon to Standard I withmore independenceand added skills. Itwas a moment ofimmense gratitude

for all the students,their parents andteachers. Roping thatthese little ones willmove on to a journeyfilled with newdiscoveries andaccomplishments.The acclaimedpresence of our Chief

Guest Sonal Pintomade it an enduringexperience for all ofus. The presence ofjubilant parentswhose support andencouragement for thetiny tots throughoutthe show includingthe feedback form the

guests who praisedthe efforts of manage-ment, staff andstudents in putting upa great show, madethe occasion a specialone for all of us,”shared KalpanaDwivedi, Principal ofthe institute.

Students enact a scene from the skit Eddie, The Penguin Saves The World’.
