Post-Modernism Essay


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What have you found interesting about the post-modern texts you

have studied in terms of their relationship with the audience?

Post-modernism is a theory of what is real and what is fantasy, when there is not a point drawn between what is real life and what is the media, but the point is impalpable. Nowadays we live in a society where he everything if not the majority is controlled on somehow influenced by the media. For example the daily obsessions of the younger generations being infused by social networking such as

Facebook and Twitter. Also todays society influences the ‘sex appeal’ factor of gorgeous supermodels/models posing on front overs of

magazines and huge billboards that once again influence the younger generations to aspire t something that has been designed

by todays modern media.

This essay will analyse recent information and texts we have interpreted and referring to movies ‘Pulp Fiction’, ‘The Eternal

Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ and the television show ‘The Mighty Boosh’. All of which focus on a post-modern relationship with their


‘The Mighty Boosh’ first aired on BBC in 2003 following the story of Howard Moon (Julian Barrat) and Vince Noir (Noel Fielding) two men living a weird yet fascinating life. The show uses the technique of eclecticism which is influenced by other classic comedy acts such as ‘Laurel and Hardy’, also ‘Morecambe and Wise’. It also uses nostalgia in reference to 90’s hip pop. ‘The Mighty Boosh’ is shown to be very hyper-conscious because it is aware of its audience. for example when both characters are speaking directly to the audience before he show begins. By using this technique the show is breaking the fourth and adds to the comedic factor of knowing the audience is watching them. Noel Fielding plays this part very well by winking and joking to the camera as if he was joking around with the audience. this is very important because it makes the audience more interactive and makes them feel as if they are playing a key part in the show and not just watching it. This also adds to the narcissism of Noel Fielding's character , because he is portrayed as being very self obsessive and vein through always touching and fixing his hair that he is in love and wont let anyone else touch. The episode that we watched in class used the element of parody, this w3as done by mocking Michael Jacksons ‘Thriller’ dance . This would connect with the majority of the audience because once again it is infusing the jokey and parody element to the show. Also the mocking of the song itself is funny if the audience are able to link the connection. These techniques and features are aspects as to why ‘The Mighty Boosh’ is so unique and diverse from the other comedies.

‘Pulp Fiction’ directed by Quentin Tarantino was thought to be the summit of post- modern in the 90’s. The film has a circular narrative and looks at three different stories;

1) Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s Wife2) The Golden Watch3) The Bonnie Situation

The circular narrative follows these three diverse stories and how they all end up intertwining. Nostalgic references are a key element used in the film such as the 50’s themed dinner involving Vincent (John Travolta) and Mia (Uma Thurman) visit, to show the audience how times have transformed or changed. This change or transforming in time is done by creating a vintage setting such as the music, the old fashioned car booth the characters are sat in and the waitresses who are dressed up as iconic Hollywood stars from the fifties such as Marilyn Munroe. Also adding to the nostalgic style is Jules’s 80’s style afro. Pulp Fiction has a active audience which is created by things such as the mystery that lies behind the glowing golden light of the briefcase which is shown throughout the films different narratives making the audience themselves wonder about the mystery it could be. Another way of keeping up this mystery is the way in which the film is ordered, the circular narrative means that the audience has to watch closely and pay attention to all aspects of the movie in order to figure what is happening. The use of an active is particularly important because it keeps the viewers more interested, the narrative makes the audience have to work out what is hap0pening and not always knowing everything. As well as the Mighty Boosh, Pulp Fiction also has the key element

of parody which is used in the scene when both Vincent and Mia are having a dance off. John Travolta who plays the character Vincent was in the famous movie ‘Saturday Night Fever’ where he played a 19 year old who when it came to dance was known as ‘The King of the dance floor’. In contrast to him being a terrible dance in ‘Pulp Fiction’ this brings a jokey element when it comes to the audience watching. The movies uses the techniques of interxuality when the character Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) in his opening scene refers to a quote in the bible. This again is another contrast of Jules being a ‘gangsta’ who live what we call a ‘pimp’ lifestyle to then be quoting such a pure and religious book. The use of the post-modern elements in this movie make the audience come up with their own ideas and use their own imagination

‘Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind’ was the final film we watched which takes you through the journey of the relationship between Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet). After going through a bad break up, both decide to erase the painful memories that have stayed with them. The story uses the technique of an active audience. as it is not your typical beginning, middle and end film, which makes the audience have to join the different puzzle pieces in order to make sense of it

Overall I think that post-modern elements allow the audience to think for themselves and use their imagination. However these elements can make it hard for viewers to understand the film and its storyline, this can be shown both a positive and a negative. I also think that post-modern elements can give profoundness to a movie or TV show. Post-modern elements change the way a person thinks and their views and opinions on different topics.