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PRJ Photography

By: Ryan Stoffield, Parker Schanefelt, Jake Mistele

Angle Shoot

(from left to right and down) Parker at normal level. Jake from below. Parker from above. Parker from below.

Shooting Outside of Comfort ZoneShooting Candidly

(from right to left) 1: Shooting Candidly while Jade was reading. 2,3: Ryan spinning on horizon playground.


(From left to right and then bottom) Parker with straight face. Jake from above. Parker smiling. Ryan on playground smiling.

Breaking the Thirds

(from left to right) Ryan on the right hand side of the down tree. Jake in the corner of the soccer goal.

Adding A prop,Eye Contact

(from left to right) Jake looking away from camera. Jake reading a newspaper.

Experimenting with Backgrounds and Lighting.

(from left to right) Jake in tree with sun behind him. Ryan on tree with woods behind him.



Series of Shots

Body Part

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Broke the Thirds in the middle picture, on the left we experimented with the lighting, and on the right in is in the center